xt7vq814px74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814px74/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 4, December 1, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 4, December 1, 1920 1920 2015 true xt7vq814px74 section xt7vq814px74 · To Editors: The
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is prepared for the _____,__:  _ ,_ ___, class matter at the
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ror publication on       instcn. Ky.
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December 1, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. IV. N0. 4
Department of Hygiene Honorary Fraternity Questicxmaire Seeks To Phi Cappa Tau Frat Work To Be Started On .
Undertakes Helpful Work Pledges Are Announced Find Students’ Expense Is Formally Installed New Men’s Dormitory
A Dépmmlem Oi Hygiene and Pulp l”’letlges to the three. lionoraryitra-   questionnaire, the pnrpose of linppa Chalptcr of l‘l1i Kappa l·`1‘a· plans Of the new m€u·S d0l.mitm.i9s
uc Hwlth has been Organized under teinities of the University oi men- winch will be to enable me Depart- ternity was torinully installed at the to ha erected at me U,m,€].Sity of
the direction Of LT- P. K. Holmgs and 1;.:}.* have been announced. ment of Economics and Sociology to University of Kentucky, Ssturday, No- Kentucky huY€ INCH Submitted and
with the md Of the IUm1_dBDul_m1Bum1 Tziu Beta Phi, honorary engineering nnderntlae a study of the most of liv- veinber 6. After the initiation exer- thc Executive Committee Of the Board
S( tial P _._;€_m Board for me bcupm fraiternity, announces the pledging of ing to students of the University of cises a banquet was held at the of Tmsteas Of the mstmluou has uu_
Ofmthe gsliieilts of Lge Um\_9l_Sm, Of J. W. Crenshaw, junior honor man; Kentucky has been prepared by the Phoenix hotel. The guests of honor t]10l·iZ€(lt]1€1)1·&Sid€nt to u_d`,€1.tiS€ for
K t _kv Besides Doctor Hdmes llinmett Schultz, Henderson; Eli department and distributed among the were: Dr. E. E. Brandon, vice-pres- bids fm. the ,.0nSu.uCU0u Of the first
en ue y` _ A , Zuekermenn, Russia; Fred Luker, students to be Hlled out, ident of Miami University; R. K. ,— · - ,,l
head ot the departinent the personnel _ _ _ or UIQ blllldllles.
. . _ , Louisville; H. L. Thomson, Provi— The investigation of living expenses Bowers; M. M. Ainerine; National of- .. . . p _
of the department consists ot D1. A. _ _ lhe building, the plan for which
, . . . dence; \V. D. Thompson, Falmouth. will be conducted bv the class iu Sta- ncers, John Y. Brown, Delta Chapter .
(;_ ireland, resident physician tor men, _ _ _ ‘ _ _ _ ’ was drawn by Coolidge and Coolidge,
. _ . . Alpha Zetta, honorary agriculture tistical methods. lt is hoped that by Centre College, and members oi Theta .
Dr; Eva M, Locke, resident DhyS1Cl€ill f1_ut81_nit R E Davi _ d D Y D` u_ ' M U t t_ t f _l_ t _ E T_ 1 _' C H Q_ BUSKOII, 1S Ilwdeled Lifter the old Shak-
fm women, and Miss runs creat- yr · · _ Sm · · i‘““· “S_‘“?"}‘S ei “°““"*e eS_““?e ° °"“’_‘”_° ‘““Sy ““““ " eee ermwniim,near-nm·i~0ospm·g,mms-
_ Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary your- the individual cost ot education in the Phi kappa Tau frateriiity has chap- . _ _ , . ,
house, resident nurse. . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ lteetulel Style. Phe dormitory will
_ _ _ _ I _] 112111Sm frate1·n1ty, Fred Augsburg, University or kentucky may be pro- ters at Ohio State University at Col- have accommodation for one hl ud_ d
Thls ST¤¤e1ll·Ys·€*{e1B]°~**** 11% iii; Lexington, member of the Kernel and cured. The information is to be tak- uuibus; Ohio University at Athens, Students and wm be thug Ltmxiis
organizer as at Silecla )l'3.IlCl 0 · In t _;-, _ A \ Y. __ _ r __ I _ Y. · . _ A _ U ,I 1 L _. _ = ·
United Shams Health Service to en ucl ian 'Statfs, · Fmmett Quiss en bylcollese, class and ses, vs ith the Ohio, `V[O.Ll1.t 1110 -1 Lollege, Alliance, high, not including the basement. The
d t _ _1 rf th I Of hféllll, Louisville, major in the depart- aim oi finding out total and apportion- Ohio; llunois University at Cham- first building will be Ererted at \VdSh
exten e CWI le G WON mont of journalism and feature writer ate expenses paign lll · Coe College at Cedar Rap- C l `
D . . · V 4 __ " ‘ ' · ’ " “ — ' crt · r · (1 . ,
eembetmg disease as d0uB__`m the of note; Dillard Turner. lfrunklin, N0 questionnaire is to be signed and ids, 10Wa; Centre College, Danville, :151Zgcgxglfgglganilgvefssga Sheet and
e·*`mY· Under the "_eq“"‘;‘“i;‘YS editor of the Law Journal; Gerald all individual information is strictly Ky.,l\luh1e1;berg College, at Allen- ' T1 __ _ ` _
ef the Beerdy the dutilee 0 deli Griffin, Somerset, sport editor of the conddential. Each student is asked to town, Penn. _ ie leelslatejfe at es lest eesewnr
department [WSI tb; tt ei ge   Kernel, and H, B. Lloyd, business {ill out his questionnaire with the The men initlnted into Kappa chap- epmopfrmtgd $**000 e tyigr mr me
S¤P€*'ViSi°H O e S “ ee S O- B I ` manager of the Kernel. greatest possible accuracy in order ter are: Fred W. Luker Louisville· years or 19 purpose 0- 8 erectien
versity, This includes the makine of that Statistics ma . _ _ .- ’_   of these buildings. The $150 000 thus
. . . . _ & ——- y be compiled foi C. J. LG1ll0ll, Pl0V1(l€!1€€, O- BGM) . ‘. . ’
medical exemmemms _tW1cB e wah Miss Swccne Goes catalog purposes and for general in- A1ld€l`S0ll, H0Dki1lS\'iU€; Pal-ll M· dvmleblg “1u be used mr the met
Seeing that ¤*·>‘Si¤¤l demcts are wwe W- h Isl. . C formation. Jones, Earlington; Glenn B. Tinsley, d0rm1t°l`y’_ and es Som] es funds ere
died, and t3€bCZ].I`€ O? tilat S1;k·         _____ By1·O1] VV/illianlsl Iiartford; M3_1·S]la‘1l ililadg   ETOHI   L€giS1a·tul'cs
students wi e requireo o eve 1n— _ "_ C, , J_ Mcwhortcq YDS -t€, D S S .th ree a 110113 cormi ories will be
struction in hygfgng and fhg ]']_ll€S of IVIISS Mary E· Sweeney, head Of the       I P€n1])I_O1b¤1‘l¤ Tyisley, Central Diversity Omcleis here the build-
° ’ ’ ’ ¤‘ ,· . . ` ' °]_[ ·
Southern Ag. Workers To Miss Sweeney, in addition to the Dresidellti Robert Reible, Louisville, ;'1ti’FByI{(;]D CuUy’ Merganhelm A1`   W1;dsisggglpgjleeiyillfybJanudmg
Meet In February administrative duties of her new posi- Permanent Secretary? Gertrude vVe1' LET unc? 0ElSi1,C·PI0v1d€ncG, Ralph on hy the Board of Trustegs pgssi
tion, will be in charge of nutritional ¤¤gr¤¤~¤» CY¤thie“e· term secretary; laws?}   ra ity, and Robert B11- meeting in December 1 S
L   mn has been chosen as the research and other research work. D- Y. Dunn. Dexter, treasurer; George · 6m* m" m‘ __ _ '
- I c,,y€§,;];g,h,, annual cO,,ve,,nO,;. of the —“——··“ G”eg°"’· H“““”Sb“"g· h*S'°°“e“* D"' FRESH M MT Q;Q—“ Sh H P t N Ph ie ·
' 1dT ,F kft~t;Atl.1 I1 US CW 888
l southern Agl'lCl,lll'.l1I‘&1 ive.-new Asso- Scabbard and Blade gr “’“"; Tent ‘”·‘;;" er _" 1* Wm A., SOCCER O B ,
tim., to be an February 15,16,and Latest Manny ··1=m·· e§§‘°”§‘,§0,,,‘§§;"g §;W§0,f*"§;0p§§tf __ " °*°‘“°°l P*°bl°m
` 17. Agricultural workers from thir- —— Mildred Portal] Lexm ’ ' The first Soccer amg Of the sgaso
_ _ _ , gton poet- J. g Il _
teen southern states, numbering about The Military Department of the W. Milam, Gutherier grumbier; Hérry at the University Of Kentucky, played Bolggn CIEYIFS 1*% ehullatprofessor oi!
gng hundred and fifty delegates, be- U¤iV€I`Si£Y of Kentucky 'is supervising Farmer Stanford class I.€pI.6SGm8__ on Stoll field resulted in a victory for t k y. I; B mversl Y Of_ Kem
gidgg n number of additional visitors, the establishment of "Sca.bbard and tiv9_ ’ ’ the Freshmen over the Sophomore tac {kgs t iauthor of an artlcla on
nre expected to `attendthe convention. Bledef h01101‘a1‘y military society for C _ , girls with a score of 1-0. n at; i Sorpémg oft Igoiiure by GEL
. . _ n a ··
The Selection Of Lexington as the the cadets of the Umversity. The so- Ommunlty prama This was the first appearance of which appcmeadug? sha O;;1;;ph:rG’
meeting place came only after a long clety is designed to increase the Expcflmellt S\1CC€SSfl.1l the year of the teams, which have . T Bmw
_ _ _ HBS Tit de cor ,, 1 . _ _ _ _ of the American Journal of Botany,
iight; for the honor with such cities as _ D __ Pee _m°w 6 and 1¤i€F€¤t . _ _ been 111 training under Miss Sarah the Omcial publicatidh of the Bot
Memphis, Tammy and Dallas, T€xaS_ 111 military affairs among cadets. The University of Kentuekv hes Blanding, gymnasium instructor. The ical Societ of Ameri an-
Thé program is in the hands of a_ com. Membership 111 the society is open to FBCBHUY completed an experiment In captains are: Sophomore, Miss _y _ ca"
mmee appointed at the mst annual any advanced course men or cadet of- C0¤1m¤¤itY D¥`em¤» which, to quote Florence Starr, Louisville, and Fresh- hTh8'a‘rt}°l° IS of euch interest in
convention at Au,mm_ Entertainment ficers who have attained a certain PT0f€S0l` E~ E· F¤jI`QuhaI'· of the. De" man, Miss Mary Norman, Fulton. it 8 botamcal Weed lu there It Shows
, ot the visitors win be planned by a scholastic and military standing partment of English at the ·Un1ver- ....—._... thsfiheeme ef the Premises ueen
committee composed or members or ——— xy sf I§;¤*¤<=lf 111¤¤¤¤¤» Fmch Oi. This news was received ri-om H. e_ a Rascaiy ·"rretion,*· ··Neignpors;· ot Kentucky from Ballard county re- FRESHIES ELEcT 01=r=|cERs.
Purdue end D· V· Terrell ef Ke“tuekY· Wright, national president oi the De]. "The Land of Hearts Desire/’ "The oently have organized themselves in- ——-——
F- K- f*“de*`S°“· _Dee“ ef the Ceuege te Sigma Pi, recently. Open Doo1·," "Suppressed Desires," to a club, the purpose of which is to At n recent Freshman class meeting
0fEng1110e1‘S, del1ve1·edatoeste1id GX- The members or Pi Chi,w·h0 are ni] "Embers," and an operetta, "Feast D1'01'n0€€ fl SDi1`il5 of €00D€l`¤iti0l'i be held M°“de·Y» the feuemng OHJCBTS
tended best Wlehee te the new fm' majors in the Department ot Econo- of the Little Lanterns," closed the tween the University and the High were elected: president, Arthur Bent.
A t6¤'¤itY· mics, ere: Robt J. Raible, Fred season with an open air performance Schools of Ballard county. The fol- ley, Hewesville; vice-president, Min-
` The new chapter, whose petition to Augsburg, James E. Wilhelm, Otis on the campus. lowing oilicers were el_ected: B. M. nie May Robinson, Lancaster; secre-
Triangie was granted last May, con- Jones, James Pepper, Raymond Rong- The current session nnds the Lit- Stewart, president; W. H. Peal, vioe— tary, Margaret Short, Owensboro;
` sists of twelve active members and ers, H.   Lloyd, John F, Cagner, tie Theatre enthusiastic with an am-l president; Bishop Hines, secretary- treasurer, Immanuel Van Meter, Win-
one honorary member. Glenn Tinsley and Paul P. Cooper. bitious program to be carried out. treasurer. chester.
i· 4 `
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