xt7vt43hzm8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzm8k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19731005 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, October 5, 1973, no. 20 text Bulletin, October 5, 1973, no. 20 1973 2014 true xt7vt43hzm8k section xt7vt43hzm8k · Com) Z),.
-*-1- I, T _ ll · ~ J   ,%   _A . R .=1iit':‘:        
CLARlrICATlQ§: in answer to questions raised pmg ég § Lu Q itru
by the article in the §ulletin_last week con- gmj!&¤gLw_gEm§w® Q 5g*g
cerning the Grievance Committee Study Group: ’
We would like to know the staff's feelings re~ _ _ I
garding the need for a Grievance Committee and/ UNIVERSIYY Of KENTUCKY
or Ombudsman. Just send the Study Group an in— LIBRARIES
formal note stating your feelings on the matter, 2
i.e., "yes/nc, we do/ do nctneed a Grievance October 5, l973 No. 20
`Committee and/or Ombudsman because ..... “ These L....L....._..r.w._.._M
_ notes need not be signed. Pteale dei phumpity- ........Lm..“"._L.LL_nm
the Study Gncup can omiq act upon the ueapcnée
06 the éragé. If there is no response, the group will assume the staff as a
whole is satisfied and there is no need to further the study. Send your com—
ments to John Richardson, GPD, King Library by October l2. (JR)
WCC: The Working Conditions Committee (Jessie Adams, Jane Dean, Ebba Jo Segtgg,
nary E. Verrill, Donna Wiley, Margaret Williams)met Thursday, September 27,
with Actingvblrector Paul“Willis. One Ef—our“5bjectives this fall is to make
an itemized list of the staff‘s thoughts about working conditions. We would
like suggestions and conments from everyone on the staff. No idea is consid—
ered too trivial or grandiose for us. Any of the above mentioned people will
be glad to listen to your suggestions or you can mail them to Jessie Adams,
BPD, M.I.King Library, before October 26. (EBS) J
REMINDER: "The Special Collections shelf list in the Cataloging Department
has seas separated from the main shelf list. The file is to the left of the
beginning of the main shelf list. Pickett, Fuson, CB, OCB, *, Graves, Drake
and Wilson holdings are listed in the special shelf list. (EVS)
WITHOUT COMMENT: We received the following as a suggested motto for the li~
brary: "We’re big enough to bend a little."
POSITIQMMOPENINGS: Cataloging, classified IV, open l0/7/73; Interlibrary loan,
classified VI, open now; Circulation, classified VI, open l0/ll/73.
WETWQEES: "The Council of Regions is a new super co—op formed by several ex- .
isting consortia or cooperatives which have in common their use of the Ohio
College Library Center system for materials processing. COR's objectives:
'design and coordination of library network activities'. The move suggests
a strong bid for national acceptance of the OCLC system as a basic element
in future networks——a move which sooner or later is bound to come——it looks
as though the coming year will see dramatic developments in the national
network picture." (LJ/SLJ HOTLINE, 2:2, Sept. 17, 1973)
OOPS: "a leaflet reading list on VD is titled somewhat alarmingly 'You Can
Get It as the Library.' Gordon McSheean of Stanislaus County in California
is the leaflet perpetratm:..." `EE57sl3"1~1ori,xn‘r, 2:3, sept. 17, 1973) '
WATS: "The Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS), which has already proved vital
to beginning library network activities, and could be as vital to many coop-
erative arrangements now developing, may be discontinued by AT&T by l974 if
the telephone company's pr~esent plans hold." (LJ/SLJ HOTLINE, 2:2-3, Sept.
24, l973)
SUBJECT HEADIHGS OF THE WEEK: Reinforced concrete ~ Cracking; Visually handi~
d5ppedW:_Eibliographyfwfibraries ~ Automation ~ Outlines, syllabi, etc; Ll-
braries ~ Special collections — Prints; Library resources on Mexico; Liguers;
Mailing lists; p—adic numbers.

 OCLC: "The Center now has programs that produce accessron lists of hooks
agguired by a participating library over a given period of timer One pro~
gram produces an accession list with entries arranged in call number order—~
essentially a classed listing. The other program lists titles under alpha~
betized subject headings; inly the first subject heading in a record is em-
ployed. -
The Center can make the text for the accession list available on Oftset
Masters or on plain white paper for photo offset printing."
_ (The Ohio College Library Center NEWSLETTER, 6l:2, Sept. l8, 1973)
WOMEN: “The largest unused supply of superior intelligence in the U.S. is
that”of women, a new report of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education
declares. The commission said it based its assertion on the finding that
the percentage of women participants declines at each level of advancement
within the educational system in the United States. _
The report states that women constitute 50.4 percent of high school grad~
uatex, é3.l percent of those who earn bachelor's degrees, 36.5 percent of
those with master's and doctoral degrees, 24 percent of those who are faculty `
members, l3.4 percent of those who hold Ph. D degrees, and 8.6 percent of
V those who are full professors. The commission further estimates that women
faculty members, on the average, receive $1,500 to $2,000 less per year than
men in comparable situations.
The commission's report, Opportunities for Women in Higher Education, was
released at a news conference in Boston Sept. l7 by Clark Kerr, chairman of .
the commission. It is to be published in October by the ME€rEw—Hill Book
Company at 4.50."
(Higher Education and National Affairs, 22:6, Septw 2l, 1973)
Q3: The following bits and pieces are taken from the September l8, l973
9rcsldent‘s Report to the Trustees: The University is 45th on a list of
lQG U.S. universities receiving the largest amounts of federal funds for
research and other purposes. The National Science Foundation reported that
tie ·t—. University was awarded more than 2l million last year. The previous
year, 18.7 million was received and the University ranked 47th .... Dr. Vincent
Qavis, professor and director of the Patterson School of Diplomacy and Inter~ ‘
— national Commerce, has taken the initiative in an effort to collect the largest
possible set of private papers and materials pertaining to U.S. involvement
in Southeast Asia after World War If culminating in the Vietnam War, Url Davis
defines private papers and materials to mean everything not in oftioial governm
ment archives, ranging from letters a sergeant may have mailed home to his
wife from a foxhole in Vietnam to TV tapes of documentary and news broad»
casts from the ABC, CBS and NBC networks ..,. Lexington, which has been called
ine capital of private hand presses, has more private presses per capita
than any city in the world .... Tha acquisition (of the Ravenstree Milton
collection), together with the library's already significant Milton collec—
tion, makes the current collection among the five or six finest in the coanty
.... Mrs. Carolyn hammer, curator of rare hooks in the Department ot Special
collections and co~founoer of LexjngLon‘s first privately operated hatd—
press in l943, will direct the workshops (in the use of hand presses ana
hand binding). _
70 days to the BTG MOVE