xt7vt43j1c9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43j1c9t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-12-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1989 1989 1989-12-05 2020 true xt7vt43j1c9t section xt7vt43j1c9t  

Vol. XCll, No. 82

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent Since 1971

Tuesday, December 5, 1989

Wilkinson distances himself from Roselle; Forgy to leave BOT


Gov. Wallace Wilkinson speaks at a press conterence at the Capitol Building yesterday. The governor
said that David Roselle's decision to leave or remain at UK does not concern him.

Most University trustees are in support of Roselle, according to newspaper

Associated Press

Most of UK‘s Board of Trustees
appear to he solidly behind Presi—
dent David Roselle, who may be at
the crossroads in his career.

Roselle is a finalist for the presiv
dency of the University of Dela-
ware, and he was interviewed yes-
terday by its search committee.

The announcement that Roselle
was under consideration touched
off pleas across the state for him to
remain at UK, but the trustees are

his most important constituency.

During interviews with The
Louisville Courier-Journal, 13 of
the 20 trustees expressed support
for Roselle, although some ex-
pressed it more lirmly than others.

William “Bud“ Bumett, for ex»
ample, would say only that the
board supports Roselle. “As far as I
know, everybody on the board sup-
ports” him, he said.

Others, such as alumni trustee
Ted Bates, were more forthright in
their support, saying there weren‘t

enough paragraphs on the page to
list what Roselle had done 'or 1h.-

The newspaper was unable to
reach the trustees: former (itt'v
A.B. "Happy" Chandler of Ver-
sailles; Edyth Jones Hayes, wtit- i»
a deputy superintendent of Fayette
County schools; Nicholas J. i)l\£lL'G
no, a Lexington physician; James
Rose of London, chairman of Lfiiit
ed Bancorp of Ktrilucky lite, has-ed
iri Lexington: and Billy Wilcoxmn
of Lexington.

Staff Writer

Wallace Wilkinson said yesterday
that he will not get involved with
UK President
David Roselle‘s
decision to re-
main at UK.
But Wilkinson
pledged to work
with Roselle if
he stays at UK.

“I’m not go-
ing to get into
that about Dr.
Roselle staying
or not staying," FORGY
Wilkinson said at a press confer-
ence. “If he quits, he quits. if he
stays, I’ll be glad to work with
him. Kentuckians don‘t quit. If he
intends to stay. he ought not be

(we .

[1.3. Dlsll'liJ lodge lleiir) Wil—
lioit tit-cliiittl .o speak for the
record. and trustee William Sitirgill
o1 lexington declined to sped. t.»
the newspar‘cr.

"Certainly the l'iiixcrraty i» at a
~.flilL‘Lli juncture 1’. lls iti~ltttx 1.2--
etilty trustee Raymond Belts out
it Roselle stayed at UK, tt “would
\‘li‘sllrt‘ tile lfriixersity rooting tor»
ward lit a set} l‘l‘slll'y'.‘ and upward

Julia '1‘acl-tctl,atrudce who also

l\ .- iayetle District f‘otirl itidge,

running around and looking for
jobs, quite frankly.“

Wilkinson said that when he took
office he faced a budget deficit. and
“I didn't quit and run off to Dela-

Roselle was in Wilmington. Del,
yesterday visiting the liniversity 01
Delaware and could not he reached
for comment.

Wilkinson also announced yes-
terday that UK trustee Larry Forgy
will not be reappointed to the UK
Board of Trustees when his term
expires at the end o1 this month.

Forgy has accused Wilkinson of
stacking the UK board with those
who are sympathetic toward him
and hostile toward iI‘imlit‘rlantl M'.H(‘I‘})I’U()i llt)(|l\ ‘
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Artist Series brings Lynn Harrell, award-Winning cellist

Cellist first
to perform in
Artist Series

Staff Writer

For most musicians, performing
on the road is an essential pan of
the job. Although most musicians
travel a few months out of the year.
few travel as constantly and consis-
tently as cellist Lynn Harrell.

Harrell, whose touring schedule
averages 40 weeks a year and takes
him through the United States and
Europe, will be in Lexington to-
night for a concert at the Otis A.
Singletary Center for the Arts.

This concert marks the first time
a cellist has been featured in the
University Artist Series and it is
also Harrell’s first Lexington ap-

Harrell, a two-time Grammy
Award winner, said from his hotel
in Detroit that due to his busy
schedule “I have a lot less free

“There are times when I'm very
sad that I don't have time to go
fishing, I don't have time to really
have a relaxing aftcmoon, going to
Disneyland with the children." he

“But 1 love my work and I love
what I'm doing," he said. “I can't
really complain."

In addition to touring. Harrell,
45. serves as the music advisor of
the San Diego Symphony and artis-
tic director of the Los Angeles
Philharmonic and teaches at the
University of Southern Califomia
and the Royal Academy of Music
in London.

Harrell, son of baritone Mack
Harrell, began playing cello when
he was eight years old. He studied
under cellists Lev Aronson and Le—
onard Rose and also at The Julliard
School and The Curtis Institute.

Harrell said the deep timbre of
the cello attracted him to the instru-


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“My father was a baritone so I
was attracted to the deep. resonant
tone of the cello,” Harrell said.
“But more consciously, when my
parents put on music when I was a
kid, two or three years old, 1 would
cry unless they put on a Cosals
record — Bach suites where it was
just deep and resonant. And when it
came time for me to study, I want-
ed to play a big instrument so I
chose the cello.”

Harrell said his parents were not
a direct influence on his desire to
become a musician.

“They did very, very little to in-
fluence me," Harrell said. “They
didn’t want to prejudice me. They
didn’t want me to have the com—
mon problems of being a famous
musician’s son. They were so cons
cemed about that, they didn't have
any input at all, which I’m very
chagrined about because I could
have learned a great, great deal from
my father particularly, but my
mother as well.”

But Harrell was influenced by
other musicians, including the vio-
linist Jascha Heifetz.

“When I was 15, I discovered Jas-
cha Heifetz records," Harrell said.
“Watching his videos that are now
available and films. and listening
and studying with the score and
music of his recordings, I would
say that I learned more from him as
a string player than anyone else."

Harrell also said he was iii-
fluenced musically by George
Szell, conductor of the Cleveland

Harrell joined the Cleveland Or-
chestra when he was 18 years old
after winning the semifinal award
in the Tchaikovsky competition in
Moscow. Just two years later he
became the orchestra’s principal

“I thought, particularly since 1
had recently been orphaned that I
needed to make money and I had
more insurance joining the Orches-
tra than 1 did starting a (solo) ca-
reer,” Harrell said. “But I left the
Cleveland Orchestra in 1971. I only
had nine concerts my first year so 1
was lucky that I was able to save
some money."

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The Kentucky Kernel

Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Editor
Campus Editor
Editorial Editor
Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Assistant Arts Editor
Photography Editor


Advertising Director

Assistant Advertising Director
Production Manager

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year and
weekly during the erghtweek summer session,
Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511. Mailed subscription rates

are $30 per year

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing, 534 Buckman St .

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Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room 035
Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. Lexington. KY 4050670042

Phone (606) 257 2871


C.A. Duane Bonrier
Brian Jeni
Elizabeth Wade
Tonia Wilt

Michael L. Jones
Barry Reeves

Kip Bowmar

Charlie McCue
Steve Sanders

Mike Agin

Jolt Kuorzi
Judy Furst
Evelyn Ouillen


Harrell has worked extensively
with ltzhak Perlman and Vladimir
Ashkenazy in a chamber trio for
many years. The three musicians
won Grammy awards for a Tchai—
kovsky piano trio and a four com-
pact disc set of Beethoven trios.

“I've played a lot with Itzhak
over the years because the Beethov-
en project itself took about five
years in the planning," Harrell said.
“Then we started playing together
and that took about another eight
years. It’s been a long-standing re-

Harrell said he prefers his work
with chamber music because the
music is fresher and because his
colleagues are some of the best mu-
sicians in the world. Harrell added
however that all his activities “feed
on each other. I get benefit from
doing the different things that I do."

Accompanying Harrell for his
solo performance tonight is pianist
Brooks Smith. Smith also studied
at Iulliard and teaches at USC.

Harrell will perform Igor Stravin—
sky‘s “Suite Italienne," Felix Men-
delsshon‘s “Sonata No. 2 in D ma-
jor,” and Sergei Rachmaninoff's
“Sonata in G minor."

Lynn Harrell will perform tu-
nighr a! the Otis A. Singlerury
Center for the Arts. The perfor-
mance will begin at 8 pm


Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, December 5. 1989 — 3


Km Bowmar
Arts Editor




Lynn Harrell, winner oi two Grammys, spends 40 weeks a year towing when he is not sewing as artistic
director oi the Los Angeles Philharmonic or teaching at the Universny of Southern Cairiornia



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 4 - Kontuoky Komol, Tuuday, December 5, 1939


Student turnout
[g for Roselle rally
'7 signal to leaders

The University community has been criticized in the past for
apathy when it comes to speaking out on important issues. But
last Thursday evening more than 400 students, faculty and
staff showed they aren’t apathetic when it comes to at least one
issue —— the future of this University and the commonwealth of


People from all aspects of the University community came
together in front of the Administration Building to show
support for UK President David Roselle and to send a message
to Gov. Wallace Wilkinson that it is time to take higher

education seriously in this state.

Roselle repeatedly has asked at the least for a verbal
commitment to fund higher education from the governor‘s
office. But Wilkinson is detennined to keep Kentucky mired in
the past, while Roselle looks to the future.

Unfortunately for Kentuckians, it looks like that means we
will stay behind the times while Roselle and the best of higher
education, which he represents. may move to another part of

the country.

But the University community let it be known last week that
we will not accept such a future. Roselle has received hundreds
of phone calls, letters and other messages pleading with him to
stay at UK, and he has received strong shows of support from
key legislators on the Interim Joint Appropriations and
Revenue Committee. But UK spokesman Bernie Vonderheide
said that “the thing that touched (Roselle) most deeply was the

rally held by the students."

It’s easy for state leaders to get by with decisions that hurt
the people of the commonwealth when no one stands tip to
speak out. But the strong showing of support for Roselle over
the past week has caused some people to wake up and take
notice. Unfortunately one of them apparently is not Wilkinson.

Roselle said he will leave this institution if higher education
is not better funded so he can run the programs needed at a
place of learning. But Wilkinson essentially has said about
Roselle. “Take him or leave him." We'll take him. thank you.

If the demonstration. the resolutions and all the other verbal
support given to Roselle and the demands for more educational
support do not prompt Wilkinson to seriously make a
commitment to seek the best way to raise the needed funds.
then he obviously needs to see and hear more from his


Last week’s campus demonstration was a step in the right
direction, but now we have to tum that participation into true
activism. The stakes are too high to let the enthusiasm die


If each of the persons who attended last week's
demonstration also would write or call their legislators and the
govemor’s office. or even visit them personally. and
encourage all their colleagues and friends to do the same. the
University may have a chance to remain on the forward path it
has followed since Roselle became president.

And if it turns out that Wilkinson in effect has caused such a
valued leader to leave this state. then we hope we could tell him
about student activism. "You haven‘t seen anything yet."



Views should be

Childbirth, more accurately fetus-
birth is especially more dangerous
for teenage women. Thus. if you
subscribe to the philosphy that a
woman has the right to an abortion
whenever her life is endangered,
then since anytime a woman at»
tempts to carry a fetus to term or
delivery of such her life is endan-
gered, you must believe that a
woman has the right to an abortion
at anytime during pregnancy.

When does a human embryo or
fetus become a human being? First
we must define “human being."
How about this ”human being: a
carbon-based life form possessing a
higher intellect than all other pres—
ently known life forms."

Human beings are just one
among many life forms on the
Earth. Human beings rationalize the
killing of other life forms, of “ani-
mals,“ by telling themselves that
animals are dumber than people.
Animals may not be as “aware" or
"conscious” as people, but they can
feel pain. How is it that (some of)
you can eat a hamburger without
feeling guilty? For those of you
who have even given it thought, it

is probably because you believe
cows are relatively dumb animals.
Arc cows dumber than human em—
bryos? I doubt it.

If i were to order a few lives in
terms of their particular intellectual
capabilities, the result would be
something like this: amoebas. dol<
phins, brain-dead humans, fish, hu<
man embryos, cows, human fetus—
es, dolphins, human infants.
chimpanzees (possess language cap—
ability of two-year-old humans),
human children and retarded adults.
human adults. Obviously, this
spectrum is subjective and there is
a margin of error. For instance. fish
may be intellectually superior to
human embryos, and cows may be
intellectually superior to human fe-

My point is if onc‘s beliefs are
to have validin they must be con—
sistent. All thcological delinitioiis
of “human beings" aside. human
embryos are no more human beings
than are cows. If you believe kill-
ing a human embryo is wrong and
you are a vegetarian. i might listen
to your beliefs. Otherwise, anti»
abortionists, take your inconsis—
tent/illogical beliefs elsewhere.

Kathleen Bur/var i.\ u twill/Illtlilt ii-
lions graduate student



on all submitted material.


Writers should address their comments to: Editorial
Editor, Kentucky Kernel, 035 Journalism Building,
Lexington, Ky. 405060042.

Letters should be 350 words or less, while guest
opinions should be 850 words or less.

We prefer all material to be type written and
double-spaced, but others are welcome if they are legible.
Writers must include their name, address, telephone
number and major classification or connection with UK


CA. Duane Bonlter

Editor in Chiet
Michael L. Jones

Editorial Editor

It: may noi: be. enough
to keep Roselle. , But.
it was the. right idea.






Brhn Jent
Executive Editor

Elizabeth Wade
Associate Editor

Tonia WIlt
Campus Editor

Jerry Volgt
Editorial Cartoonist

Julle Esselman
Special Projects Writer


Shepherding not forgotten occupation

The life of a part-time shepherd
has its ups and downs. Mainly,
though, it’s the kind of work I en-

joy as much as l do writing about

it. Come to think of it, there’s
nothing for a shepherd to be
ashamed of, if he keeps a journal.
There's a nice clean feeling that
goes along with the whole thing.

At the end of November. I started
putting the flock up each evening.
The procedure is simple. Simplici-
ty and sheep just naturally travel
the same paths. With all the non-
shepherding world becoming more
complex, more tense, more psycho
pathic, actu