xt7vt43j1p5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43j1p5f/data/mets.xml Campbell, Alexander, 1788-1866 1873 1865 840 pages, 14 cm. Call Number: BV350 .C36 1873 Donor: Lexington Theological Seminary (Special Collections copy).Provenance: Jack Mccomas (Special Collections copy).Provenance: Eulah Cecil (Special Collections copy) books BV350 .C36 1873 English Bosworth, Chase & Hall Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English Disciples of Christ -- Hymns The Christian Hymn Book: a Compilation of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected, 1873, c1865 text The Christian Hymn Book: a Compilation of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected, 1873, c1865 1873 1873 1865 2024 true xt7vt43j1p5f section xt7vt43j1p5f  








a; ,,















 Enhred according to Act of Congress, in thnyear18r’55, by

R. N. BISHOP. (3 II. Guru‘, W. H. LAW, 0. A.
Bl nuns and J. B. BHWMAN, Tmslrees.
In the Clerk‘s (mm of the District Court of the United
States for the Southern District of Ohio









THIS Hymn Bowl; in tin rwnlt of :m llzl‘vvmr-nt lmtwnel
ALIIXANM’H Q'Am'm‘il ~liw I? l'lll"l‘ )ll‘l-lll’il'llll‘ ml' tln- (.‘hris
liun 113nm Blnrkknlwi thu 1'l.:'i.~ti.|n lxiwll.‘ [in ml :1! large
as rqu’vsvnII-tl in thr .\nl>vi‘n-unl hi Minn .‘I is.~i»vn:u'y Sou"
tur» “mu inmiw lv) Mr, ( :linirln ll. ur' Iln- rum 4 i;_‘ht of ill
(Vill‘lhillull ll} lllll l'umk. lu lvn- hull! hy (‘l'l’llllll hl'vlhx‘t‘n, in

At tho annual nm-lin: (ll lhvSw‘ic-l} in WA. nnowr

t1 us!, sin in .. L'unvhinnsz l. 'l'hut u (‘Ullllllltlt't‘ 1w mutually
ngrw-ll un, ll) hlnw-lt unul tln- .‘Ut'il‘ly, In I‘x-Visc and tn-
lurut- lln- inmii, Fl) :m In inm-t tln- ur-n: ml \iishvs of the
ln‘ntlwilmwl ul’ IMMYIple: :1. That lhn- Ivl'ullln‘ :li'i111:1;:e raise
[11 songs 01' ardent, grateful praise.

All nature slum s th1 l11111111ll1'ss 1111 e,
I1111'111'11ls 11111111 11111111111l1ls11l11111';
But in thy blessed 1111111 1 11':11 e
1110 1i1 her glor 1es 111' thy grace.

There what delightful truths are given '
There lesus sh1111 s the 11:1y to 1112111111;
His 11: 1111c s:1lutes111y listenin;r 1-:11' ,
Re1'i1es my he 11't 11nd cheeks my fear.

There Jesus bids our sorrows ee:1‘se.

A1111 1ri1'es the 1:111111'i111111111s1i1111e hem-e;
lluises our 1'111t1'1ul1e11i1111shigh,

A1111 points to 111 111si1111s in the sky .

For love like this, 0 may our s11111v'
Through endless 111:1 1s 1111 111': Use 111'01111111;
And 111st: 1111 11i111esth1 11: mm 1111111'1',

'1111 time 111111 11: 1tu1'e are no more!

1V1lture and revelation. L- 1“

llli st:11r1' tirmament 1111 high,

Alnd all the 1,;lo1ies 01 the sk1 ,
Yet sl 11111x nut to 1111 praise, 0 lord,
S11 briUhth as: th) 111'itte11 11011].

2The hopes th: 1t holv word supplies, .1-
Its truths 1111111:1111l precepts 111se-

111 each :1 he 11 1'1111 beam 1 see.

And everv be: 1111 1 onduets to thee.

3 AlmiWhtv Lord! the sun shall fail,

Tue 1110011 tom'et her 1111111tl1'1: tale,

And deepest silence hush on high

The radiant chorus 01 the sky —




4 But iixeil t'iir everlasting years,
I'nnmyeii :llllltl the wrei-k ol' splieI‘N,
Thy \VOl'tl shall shine in eluuilless day,
When lie-awn and earth have passer; :1 '3.)

1 Strength and peace from the divine word. L- I“
l llll‘ll‘il‘l is a stream whose gentle flow
Supplies the eity 01' our (mil;
Lite. lnye. :uul jey, still “'lltllll;_" through,
And wateringeurL 1111:1111.

‘1 TIIJ u'mr? 1'11 (1 711711;).
1’4" 11111 111:) 105.
110]“ [1111-1i11114 i4 [111- Emok 11111110.
1' i11411'11.1111111 Winn!
111-1111: 11.4 :1 11111111 114 1110001114 41111111,
To 11'11i11011111'401114: to 110‘ 11' CH.

.211 41110111 (110014 our drooping1 1111:1114
111 1111.4(1:111< 1':111* 0110:114'

Li1c, 1111111. :11111jo1,it 41111 i111pm't4,
1nd quells our 1'141111r 11:11.4.

3 This 1: 11111) through :111 the 111di0u4 DEU’EIE
()1 1i1'c,.411:111 guide 0111' 11:11' ,
Till we 110110111 the 1' 10:11'01‘ 1111111

01' an eternal (1:11 .

 .. .-....,~.u»~~....~-~.w- 1m.- ’
‘ . ~ ’ ' ‘3 ‘ W‘ .








Thy testimonies are my delight. 0- :31
Psalm 119: 24.
' ATIIER of Mereies! in thy word
What endless glory shines!
For ever be thine name adored
For these eelestial lines!
Here may the wretehed sons of want:
thaustless riehes Iind;
lliehes. ahm'e what earth ean grant,
And lasting as the mind.
Here the fair tree of knowledge grows,
And yields a rieh repast;
Suhlimer sweets than nature knows
anite the longing taste.
llere springs of eousolation rise
To cheer the fainting.r mind,
And thirsty souls reeeive supplies,
And sweet refreshment Iind.
Here the ’tedeemer's weieome voiee
Spreads heavenly peaee around;
And lite and everlastingjoys,
Attend the hlisst‘ul sound.
0 may these heavenly pages be
My ever dear delight;
And still new beauties may I see,
And still iner easing light.

" Divine Instruetor! wraeious Lord
3‘ )

Be thou for ever near;
Teach me to love thy sacred word, ,.
And View my Sariour them!

A light unto m.’/ path. 0. M
Psalm 111): 105.
"HAT glorv gilds the sacred page,
Majestic like the sun!
It gives a light to ever; age.—
It Hives. but borrows none.




Tho llillltl that “‘ilVC it, still supplies
lli; gruvious light illltl limit;

Ili< truths upon thv nations rise——
'l‘hvy riw, but ncyor Set.


. .

Lot m’m'lnsting thanks be thine
For sut-h :1 bright <1iuo
'l'hw ])'liil< ot‘ truth and 1mm
Till glory hrtuths upon my view
In hrig’htvr worlds uhoyc.
i.) Thy Mm is my «Im’iy/br. U 1‘1.
l’sulm Ht}: 174.
()lII)‘ lhrtw mmlv thy word my choicc‘
My lzi11- 111'1' 1111' 11 he111'1~'
\1111g11111'1’11h1'i1 1111s 11111115111!
'lhy 1101111110 choicest 1'111e'1111p11'1s
To keep the conscience «1121111.
2 ’T' 18 like the sun, 11 11111 enlv light,
Th. 11; amides us 1111 the 1111\',
And 1111011011 the 11111111015 01 the night,
A 1111111) to lead our way





T1113 HOLY F1”1‘.11"1‘1'1"1ES.

31111111'1111111<11111.1111<11'111\ 111:
1 '1‘111' \1‘111'111s1v111'1:1<1i11111'11111;
1111\\ 1111111 1511\1111'1 11:12“.
'111111 11111} 11111111 <11:11114'11'111111111'5'311111,


H; 1111 l 117 ft/UI’ (for/111111.111 0111]. (‘1 «‘1

.\ \11’ 111'11111' 111111! “1111111111 “'11 11111111
J 111.1'11:1111 11111111 1111111 111412111:
111'111-1; 111'1111111':1\'111111".< “'11"!
'3 1’.1'11:1:l 111'1111r $11111<. \1'11111'111111 111' 1111111!
(1:11'11‘1111111:111111111:11'1! \\ 1111111111 \1'1'1‘021111
111'1'11:11111.~ 11111111111 11111 51.1.
”1 1’111;11' 111' 111'11 1'111'111'1‘1‘11 111111111115 11:11'1.',
\1'111111\\:1\1~ 111111111\1’1111111111111'11,1.«111g11n1'k,
(1111:1111-11111'11111111111' 51:1}!
1.1 \\'111'1111111.111111111214111:(111111
\\'111111'l1i< ;_"1111‘11111> <01)!
111' 1111:1\'1,111 1511111111, “1111‘:
17 Q211‘1'l‘1111 me according to (711/ WWW]. C- 31
I’.~1111‘11 11‘1: '_‘:'1.
0H1.11111)111_\' 1111111111181 511111.11"
11111111111 1:1\\ 111 <11_1111.
T1'111111_1'11 :111 11111 1.11.1111... 1111111111:1V
'1111'111'111111\ :11111111<1'11_1'11r.

‘2 311111211111111111111111111<1111111111'111a
“ 1111“ ~\\1111111\ 11"1111111111~ 1.1.1:"
My 1111111f_1"111..1\111111<111\1-;
)11111 1111111 :11'1 11111'1111111111111tr11111';11

3 311111-1111111111'111'1111111.11'1-<.<,
\1111'111111,:1n1111< \1111 11:1111'<<;
\11111111151111w111 11\1111_r 1: 11111,


)11111‘11111'11111 11H <1111111111‘,
\11111111 1'11111 <111111'1.<111111111:

21 [1’10]: of grave Q‘“ 7 181' 1
l ()1111' 1113111111,:111111111111<111}_'11'111V"
1;111'1111'1;111l11111111111111! 11111111;


.1 11111111111 111w! 111 11111111< 1111111013
\11111111111: 1111111 <11111 :1.< w 11'

3111) 1111111111< 1.',11111 t1) 1'11111111'

3 11111111111'11111111' 11111 <1111'11 Sio'hing,
A.<111111111<111o 51u111111'1-1'1'1ng—
"1 111111~111111191011193


11111111 11111111! \1111'11 \1'111'e1111s1n0',

111111111\11111111'1'1111115 \1'1-111\1x
" (£111: 11.< 1111 111111110 111 1-11111.<111g,
1.1111, 1111311111119.


T/Ir: wrrd more precinm 011111 1/111'11. P- M
111211013 P111110! “11:11 :1 11'0:1<111'13
All 1\\.11111'111'111'11111'1111:1.<111'c,
1 0011 111111 11111111111111, 51110111111111 5“ 0rd. '






Let the world account me poor,
Having this 1 need no more.

2 Food to 11111111 the 11011115 :1 stranger,
111:1'01111 hungry <1»1111nio_\':;
Of 1*x10<< 111011 14110111111091:—
Thonwh i11i11< it 1111111111115:
()11:1(1V111U'(1111.~11 1 11111 -
111: is mean 111111 drink 111111 1*11! “

3 When n11 faith is 1:1int11nd 310111“,
01: 11111* 11 Sat: 1n 1101111111»: 111} mind
( ordi:11.< to r1*1i11* 1111* Q1111 1-111 .
1101-11111}r 1111*1111'1111-< 111*1'1* l Iin11:
To the promises I 111*1~,
Each :itl'oi'ds :1 111111111.
4 In the hour of 1121111 11*111pn1tion,
Satan 1'1111 110111111110 1111* 111-111;
1901:1110 11'o1'11 of1*1n1.~'1>1:1tion
Is to 1111::1111ighty 511111111:
While 1111* svripturv truth: are sure,
From his 111:1111'1* l '111 51-1-111'o.
5 Vain hi9 throat: to own-111110 1111*,
When 1 111110 1111* Spirit‘s sword;
Thou, with 1*:1.<1*. l 111'i1'1* him from 1111*;
1$111111 tr1*1nhl1*.~' 1111 1111* word :
"l‘ is :1 sword for conquest made,
1111.111 1111* 0111113111111 stronw the blade.

6 Shall I 1*1111' 1111*11 1111‘1111~'1‘1',
DOfltinLr on 111% 1111111011 How?
81110 I 11111, or should 111*, 11i<1*r;
I am rich— 1 i< 111* i< poor. 1,
Jesus givm 1111‘ in his 1101',d
Food and 11101111? 1111*, shield and s11or1


23 The family 121116. 125 & 11s.

O‘V painfully pleasing the fond recollection
Of youthful 1‘0nn1*1tions 111111 innoc1-1r t ioy,
When 1119551111 with parental 1111\i11*11nd 11m ction.
Surrounded with mercivs—with peace from on high ‘










i-' ‘I\ \s'xiuwhnnwtm) sphrm‘MmHanr.

'l - .t~ :xh 1: wuyv x“ \- . w; ‘; ‘r mull hand;
.-\n 7 HI ! ~7.,' 1., i\~\‘l,‘3."\‘ w MUM)“

I ‘uwaNf! {MUM} “<¥?‘ ~Tu i
'1‘ i1{utmmwiIidvlrflh J , I “:11“th

My Mum) 1L1»? 1x4! 2.“ ,n: « ~tnu

2 1. 4' 113: t3" \uhml ‘ 10w: ‘ mw Minn.





.\' mm H . m Mr" I;
Al‘lf} In): ~11m~41 HI]
1' v ‘\ . E‘Y'M,H)1H‘:)lt;
(‘M ‘ ‘14} Abiding
e. '_ im!.
5!. - - w VvYE‘IIYYJ‘Y'IVH‘J,“ Hm:
1‘ ‘ £1 , [.: I! m) -.~.1 rwv ' - '
'1 :m-‘v .l‘. ,‘,::. 1‘,n*,1.~~'-‘
I ‘w' l» I |(1.I\ ¢r {w ~71“
\ ~ \ i“ x ‘4' Eu \\ :| in],
‘\‘ v ', ‘ _‘ v. 1“!"
I" " , 1 ~ 7“~~l 31‘“ i4! iwipH '\ ‘i.
\. ‘\\W . t H'hwWHIImH Ml‘flwtnril M I:
X I u l .n~twf-o1\:\ ‘11 ~ [-lulvnflwlx,
l‘ *w: ', "~Ir‘mha‘uu'” ’HH +1?
“I " \\ 7r. yum um 1w E\' ) ~x I'w'rwn
\ “ 'L‘»:V‘. 15‘-? «Inuit ~1-:~?:
'H Y) ‘1 UL} :‘u Mm .«wiwl 1:111,


L. ‘un :_\ UH 1~ [nut Ln)’ ~11 ihv Hand.

.) ’ hr'rvaf [IN HIM [MIN]. 1), )1


)1.’ \i‘IC\ Ilw Lulu}: 'I i~ gum] M miw
HUN].}!I~.1!Iv1\'uiw-~ in hi<})l‘1li\“2
Hi~ h x'HI‘l‘ -m {Mix \\'HI‘]\~ invin-
'l‘n ”1'va 111k «hm HIH‘ ‘Io‘lig'nr.

(mm F Wu Lurrlf :Imlgrmtlxi<11132‘}lt,
Ami -1|1 hi~ 21(31‘i".~ iminitv:

IIi<\\i»‘.nm \';1\K.:Hlll]\'IlH\\\ nu lmunnlz

A (it“‘l! \\ hwrc :1” MIL“ [hungnh :u'u {ix'nwm'd

3 HH luww' thu mw‘n. rt‘wm'IL ijnsl,
Ullmhlm‘ lhv \\ ivluwl in iln- :IIIST‘
)I«-if~ :111‘1 \Hénluw‘ Ihv ~Iume'n mu],
Am? makes the hmkvn spirit whole.

~) 17




 “in... way» u... - - ._

. .,__.«...-.-....v...-._muso ““7.-. r...,, . . .. _.. _ ..,



4 llis saints are preeious in his sight;
lie views his children with delight;
He sees their hope, he knows their fear,
Approves and loves his image there.


25 Eternity of God. L. M,

RE mountains reared their forms sublimo,
J Or heaven and earth in order stood--
Bet'ore the birth of ancient time,
From everlasting thou art God.
2 A thousand ages, in their tlight,
With thee are as a fleeting day;
Past, present, future, to thy sight
At once their 'arions seenes display.
3 But our brief life ‘S a shadowy dream,
A passing thought, that soon is o‘er,
That fades with morning‘s, earliest beam,
And fills the musing mind no more.
4 To us, 0 Lord, the wisdom give
Eaeh passing moment so to spend,
That we at length with thee may live,
Where life and bliss shall never end.

l 26 “ 110w unsearchable are thy judgments.” 11. M.
Rom. 11: 33.
0RD, my weak thought in vain would climb
To seareh the starry vault profound:
In vain would wing her tlight sublime,
To find ereation's outmost bound.
But weaker yet that thought must prove
T0 seareh thy great eternal plan,—
I‘hy sovereign counsels, born of love
Long ages ere the world began.
3 When my dim reason would demand
Why that, or this, thou dost ordain,
By some vast deep I seem to stand,
Whose secrets I must ask in vain.






4 “11111111111111<111~1111111111 1111111111111 1111315111.
”1‘1‘1'.'1~1111<1111111'111‘1\,l 1'1‘\12
111.11 >11 11 5111111111 1111.111 {11 1111111.
111' 1111~111\'i11\' 111:1111x111"11111111
1111111 1|111~t :1“ 111111151111111} “111:
111\ '11\(111‘_'11\\11111111];111111'11
A11111:111111.\.<\\1111A\ 1111~t11111151111.
27 U 1711-11'111111'13 h." (1'.)1{_ I1. .‘Ui
13111113:111'~111111\f 11:11111'11's (11111.
(1111' 111111114 11.1111‘1'111<:11'1-1111111111111111110
A1111 1-1111'_\ 111'1\:111-:11'1i1111>111.
21111111“: 1111 111111'11111;:‘~ ,~\\'11'11-.~1 “1112M
111~111 11111111211111111111111111‘:11'1\111s~1111‘,
111111\111111111:1111 11111111111111! >111‘111g‘<,
“11:1 111'w111111- \1111 111111111 11111111 115' 1111111}.
.1 I11\1E1:1111'1111111.11111111111111\,
1 111.11:111111 111111:11'11111111:111111 111;;111:
11111;;1.11111' 1111111 1111:111—11111'1111jzm1',
‘ ‘111 111111.!‘ ‘ 1'111]\11(\\ 111111 11”!”

. -:11'1 111111111 11111 111:111x,:1111111111111111<11'11y
\111111'1111~!11111111~1 11 '1'1111x111j11_\
“11111 111111411: 111111111'11511:111 1-111c1‘ 111

.21" The 1.11111 171111111171. 1.1. )1

1‘5'11111111'1'. 11!.

JUN >\'.\11 1‘1-ig11<: 1119111111111 i<111g11;
11h 1'11111\ :'111 1111'111 :11111 111111 ~1\

111‘ 111111\ \111111x' \11111 1111111\ >11 111114111
\'11 111111':1111111 $115111” 1111 >11111.
111<11111 1'1 \1 :11.< :1 ~111'11 1111,: 1: 1111:
11151111111 :11111 111111111 11s11;11111ogr:.1'e.




3 Through all his works his Wisdom shines-1,
A1111 11: 111105 S 11:111.: , 1111 p 1111;121:113;
118110110115 5011-1011111 111 11111111
T1101101110511111111101~ 111 hi~' 11111.

4 \1111 11i11 this 1,:1111'111115 1111'11110<1'end
T111101111' 1111111 111111 1111' 11' 101111”
111111111 1111' songs 111111 11111111310111 '
110111011 is 5001110, '11' (1011 110 1111110. "

.29 I'salm100. L 31

1TH 01111 1-1111<0111 101 :111 1110 0111111
(111111111111111011111', 11111111111'11111111111z
Ami $111111 11011110111111 $011115 111' 111'; 1ise:
'3 C0111'1111:011 111111.110 19(11111 21111110.
11‘1'11111 11110111 1111111 110 111111 1111 1111100011;
“‘1', 111111111 110 1'111111.<0.~' 1'111' hi~' 111111,
The 110011 111111. 110 1'11111'11s111'1-s 111 k00p.
3 0, 011101, 111011, his 1011111111 1111111,
'1‘111111010 his111111'1s11111'1111111‘ 1111'“ -
A1111$11111'11111'1-1'111'01111 111111111" 1'11111,11
11 F111'h0's11101111'11 $111111 1111 11' good,
111.1'11111'11'15 1111'01'1'11 ~111'0 '
11151111111,11111111;1111'.11.~'1i1'11111' 810011,
To 011111155 11005 511111101111111'0.

30 0f him are all 1111111”. L hi
1111111. 11: 315
SOI‘RCE 11111110, 111111 1111' 111' 1111, "

The 1111111101 11111111"< 11'1111111'1‘111< $011!
’111 1' 11011111 11011111 01 1' 1' 1 1101111 111111111,
That 511w not 101 0 <11111'01110 111 11100
2 1V0 shrink 1101010 th_1'1'11.1111i111111'1'1111111111
.\11111111'1111;I111111'1'1:1.~'1"11'.~'< 1111. 111112101)
'Il1_1 1111511111111111111111; 1111111111115 11111!

31 In 111m 11'1' 11‘1'/'11111/711111'0. 14- Bi
.111-117; '38.
1‘ 1~~11111111111 \ 11111111111111'11 $011.
'11 11:11 1111‘ :11111 1111111' 111'1< 111' 1111 11";0111
11 1111'~'.:111111111111~.:11111is11'111111111'1'!
1‘ 11: 111'1'1' 1111' :11111. 111‘ ‘1' :l. ()1 \11'1.
()1~111111<.111'111111< 1111 \1'21'1111111'1111r1111111'1111.
1‘ '.1]11~. 111'~11'11.1~. 1111- ~. fi11:11,1.:1-',_11)
1h 1111'1'\1':1~11>1'\'1,~11'111“"1-111211114111.


111111 i<111_'1 1111\1'111:111111'1' :111111g111:
‘.\11:111'111111\111111111'1'1~1 1111111':
'1 11 \11~1111111.111111111'<<:1111111.111111
:111111'11111111111'11111111I11 1111111111.
1~111:1111:1111111:111111111111) 511.1111:
“11:11 11111-111'<111:1:‘11'111'~',< 1':1il< 1111111'1',
511111113 1'11':11'1.1' us 1111' 111111'11111g 11;:111.

1.111'1' 1'1'1"1 1111'111<:11111_1' 11511111131111.
1.111111'111i< 1'1;_1111 1111.: 111'21' 1111, 11'1' owe;
1\1111:111111'11'11'1' :11111:11111"1 111-
1‘111111 111111'. (1:11:11 5011110 01 11111! 110111 130w.

32 The 11714001711] C111. 1‘1 )7-

011D 111111111: 1<1 >11: 111' 11111 1:1111181111111111'1111‘0‘;
1111111'1-1'1'111111111:11111~' 1111111111'111111r1'i1'1v
)11'1'1~"1111::1‘11111111' 1'1'~[1111-111»111.~,
1111' 1112111 111111 111->11 111111 1111 11 11111 powers.



. —. u _ .
I "Mm—.nn.MW1M-r’v'7 ‘

2 My thoughts, before they are my own,
Are to my God distinctly known;
He, knows the words I mean to speak,
Ere from my opening lips they break.


3 Within thy eireling power I stand;
On every side I find thy hand:
Awake, asleep, at home. abroad,

I am surrounded still with Goo. '

4 Amazing knowledge, vast and great?
\Vhat large extent I what loftykhight .
My soul, with all the powers I boast,
Is in the boundless prospect lost.

33 Psalm 139. L I”

0RD, thou hast formed mine every part,
Mine inmost thought is known to thee;
Each word, eaeh feeling of my heart,
Thine ear doth hear, thine eye doth see.

2 Though I should seek the shades of night,
And hide myself in guilty tear,
To thee the darkness seems as light,
The midnight as the noonday clear.

3 The heavens, the earth, the sea, the sky,
All own thee ever present there;
Where‘er I turn. thou still art nigh,
Thy Spirit, dwelling everywhere.
4 0 may that Spirit, ever hlest,
Upon my soul in 'adiance shine,
Till welcomed to eternal rest, "
I taste thy presence, Lord, divine!

34 God praised in all his works. L. 31-6 “"95
THOU art, 0 Lord, the boundless source,
Whenee all our thousand blessings flow;
And nature, through her endless course,
Proclaims thy love to all below;



“'1111111111 :111111'11 111111 111 11111 $111111]
01' 111111:11111.<.< 111'11i:11,< 111 1111' 11111110.

1'1111 S11111111111111111111111111'11111'11111:'.
“111]1111:111.1111::‘ 11'11111 111:1111211111115:11111118,
A1111 1'1'1111:'1111,< 1'1'1111111111111111:'111'111;
'1111: :111111g111 1111111111111111111::11111111'111
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