xt7vx05x9f12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x9f12/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  18911223 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 23, 1891 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 23, 1891 1891 2015 true xt7vx05x9f12 section xt7vx05x9f12 : ~ ' 'r j 11 : 3:27;, [a
. .1 611
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VOL. 2. LEXXNGFON, KY., DECi-LMBER 23,1891. NO. 4
2 i .1, .1111.-. 1,5,5. - :— l PROF. JOHN SHACKELFORD. literature and theology, without 1—
h 1"" ‘3: 5:3: f-‘flfsi fiawésf- 1:123:11}. fill-{133:7 “(FT-"‘1. ".’"-11.- 1 i' ‘ ‘7" 1 ' 1
. 1: t 5-,: .3:- fé,‘ 3f 6; 1.11-3.15; ‘ . ______1-.-,__.____..___..:._-1 once faliing into sentiiiientalism. ~ .
" :1: v2 - .- 1~. . ~ -" it would he imposible to hear his
1,1,; ’5 at?“ :1 , ”5 g1? €2.15- 2:; ‘ ‘ i , 1 formal deliverance as either teach—
, ,?. 13.; 5.71:,»- u—n ..m. raft 11;:- 1+. :3: *1: .. . 1 . . . . . :
1,1,1..- ,1, :3}: age: gag: ‘1“ {25" sir-3;? '~::1 3:? .1 p 1 _ ‘ '1 1. I er or preacher, or even his iiresnie
e i _1 _ :- '1' ’ _ conversation, and not soon remark ,.
l ,r”5‘~‘ ‘ .' ‘_ the familiar notes, illustrations,
. 11 and 13 W. Main Street, .1 £33? : ‘ ‘51 1 ‘l incidents, which form often the
1 fig “21:.” “1 ., l media of expressing the largest,
l £121.11 .1 :‘ 9, i respect, and richest ideas concern-
1 :.f1‘1;'~"':1.:- :'~.,. 1113!. . ‘ - 1 '
The best lace to bu our 1 1:;11»?~: ."Iti ’ 1 mg 60d and man: .
' p y y l :~,’e ' i It may be eas1ly inferred from
l ‘i”? _ 1 this judgment that Prof. Shackel—
‘ ‘ -_é§",‘i1“:":;’" ford is a man of marked individu-
. l ,»<,.;:":\r?‘ 1 , liarly himself and yet in no sense .
‘ l .fik-J-finw, EJE’Y‘": .-:.::-::.-;~..~‘\~m:1’. ’ . 7 .
4 1 “:tfiy'fi-Q: ' offensively eccentric. l‘he kind
1. l "t ‘ L tones of his voice and his pleasant :
0 i . .n f“ 1:1,:VV51_,,:ng:;;,;,::_1:,,y.,. J" ¥ . . | ‘
1. COLLABS’ CUFFS AND HATS‘ 2, 1/111; . “ 1 1 smile constantly impress you that
, i ,i -’ § 1 ‘ ;, he feels, consciously or uncon-
l 1 : " ‘ ' f. «6 sciously, the sentiment of the old i
. , l ‘ ' " " . . m l
Full [me of Stationery, Boo/(s, etc, etc: : . , _ Roman W11 1 “m a ":31an
‘ 1 . . £5 1'19"": x- nothing that concerns humanity .: 1
i do I judge alien from myself."
i PROF. JOHN SHACKELFORD These more common manners
J. D. P U RCELL. iwas born in Mason County, Ky, lcliaractei'ize him, while again
EOCt- '21 1834- Of him it COUM “161“? may be the sevifl‘e 100k 01‘ ‘
- ihave been pertinently said, as the the sudden absent-minded gesture
‘ l ) Ct K n ‘ t 3,: v. v . “A 7. I ‘ ;
A11 _ W k _ G . . d jol'd luiitan aunt said of iach one “itlrnhich he will enforce some
5 or uarantee ° 10f the little .l‘lll‘lel‘SOllS, that he burning,r convmtion of right, or . ;
“was born to be educated." In a , some trenchent criticism of wrong._ 1
. VXCTOR BOGAERT, regular, healthy course, he \Vciitil’crliaps no one thing so reveals ' "3'
1::\ 1% Watchmaner jthrough the Maysville Seminary,’thc mind and heart of the man, . l
5:- .;3"» ‘ 1-1. 1:,” : - . jand at the age of twenty, washis real mental grain, as his pub- .;
. “"16‘1’ll',1W/ Ml / / 1‘ “X“ And Manufacturmg Jewelel ' 1 graduated from Bethany College. 1 lie prayers, whether as 30611 in his L
“fifth: [V / $1, , Prompt attention id to manufaC. lIn [857 he was married to Miss wholly unconventional, self-for-
131' 9,; 1,35 Elsiflg; " _turing and repairing gwelry. Repair- ilClizabeth Wheatly. and was al- getful manner, or in the lofty rev— . i
,1 1117?. ,‘léfim MIuai’fiiiagae‘. filgl 0f WatChF-‘S a SPECialtY; Medals. l ready in active service as a minis- erence and child-like confidence of ' j
1113-1511.. '1 .3, ,.',’\\ f. it??? “hgesi Bangles and Class Pms 0f any lter of the Gospel. Durinnr the his supplications. Altogrether no ,5
1:337:35!- ’1.{;1u1*\~-1.~..11-.p 1:11:31: design made to order. 0 . . ‘3. . ,
dared-«reg? .1 ,5 . ,,-‘ 1;- E t Sb 1 next ten or tivelve years he Served man more strikingly exhibits than 1
“Vii ’ as' 0" Stream churches of Christ in Mayslick Prof. John Shackeltord the effects
' 1: ‘- .116: ‘\1 .-;—--_1-.;_~.v;.-.-1-:1w-— :1: LEXINGTON,KY. and Paris, Kentucky, and Cincin- of sound culture and religious .
, 3W nati, tho, and for ten years of faith in vital union with a sin-
: . ' lthis decade ach as Correspond- cere, strong-keyed manhood which
‘ ing Secretary of the General Chris- never loses itself in any conven-
tian Missionary Society, and also, tional weakness, but expresses it-
iii association with Dr. L .L. Pink- self in undisguised frankness, with
erton, edited “The Independent a true human heart unfailing in
____—_______ Monthly.” In 1870 he was elected sympathy and blessings.
, _—.—____——_—__ to the Chair of English Literature THE POBWEOLATION
3 - , 1 , . , , . . . in the A. d: M. 00116 e of Ken- ’ . . ‘
$i:;:g:()tllli:rtgc:trilgl:e 5:1d4mll aliiy less “:it1110utgiviiigthem Iaway, such as 4-p1y tucky, situated at Lexiggton. Are you acquainted With the
1 ’ - x 16:11 s, -p y men cufis atlo.ceiit:s,511k scarfs at 15, 20 and no He was married the second time above mueh-talked-of work, 01‘
cents, we shall continue to sell at the same price to the end of the chapter. But - 1 . :7 '
. ‘ 1. _ , to Miss Mary W. \\ heatly, Sister are you amend those who haVe
0n eieiyt iing else we have cut another notch. If there is anythiii‘y you want - .. -' . ' ’- 0 '
.- 1 1 . . ’3 Of 1113 fiISt WlfeiDecembGl 10,1890- “not even so much as heard if
now 111 Clothes, Underwear, etc., now is your last chance to get them for very 0f the issues of his l’rst . 0. ,,
little money tl ‘ ‘ ‘ : 1, , :0 1 mdllhloe there be any Poor Man’s C011-
. I I ”00 sons are lvmb'. solation? One might be of the
~ a t t t t The mature and fruitful years of 1 1 , 1 1 d , ,1 1
, E an 1 e as momen Prof. Shackelford’s life have thus attcr C ass Wlt.1OUt cseiViiig to
" (9 been passed in the duties of his be ranked as either a heathen 01‘
college chair, joined with an un- a £001; and, 111 fact, a few “1611 Of
“t . . failing service, also, in the pulpit, some local reputation have even
.. .. y .. puiirlay by .SElllfl‘cbya ClthOl‘ 111 LUX- lived and died here on the Amer-
, '; .:3.;,1‘:1’:. ..jr‘i-gt,‘ 11,1}: 3:1 1 mag‘m‘or V'1021)}ty it .17, 1 ican Continent in exactly this
«at gr}: . 5,3: .'j""'1‘73§1 143.122, 35,7311; 1‘ .19”? ‘mJ' “'0 5‘ 11 ‘mg C “Him" condition,—for example, one Mr.
316-31 ,5; 15-: _ ‘5: 1:1; * :1_-' tcristicsof Prof. Shackclford,which W ‘1. t , t" Tl
3;, f: 7;“ 1’11“}. ‘, ., ‘ j .31; , maybe known and read by all who as 1mg 011’ ‘1 oer dm iOinas
1- - 1 .11, . .. _-. '5: 7, at all observe human nature. He Jefferson, and a man known as
ON E P is a man at once of the strongest A. Lincoln. Then, With the un-
R ICE CLOTHING HOUSE, convictions and the tenderest fecl- dci‘staiidiiig that those of our '
M K ings. To watch hiiiiin the class- readers who happen to he in ig—
- A M A N 6‘; 00-, room or to 11.0"” him 1“, “if _lmlll’ll'» iioraiice on this oucstioi (if such
is .o secarrain ant arrain iisc iar- - . . . ‘... .
. . . n . .o . 10‘11012111CCbC the result of an un-
' acteristic union of loft 1' ct" .' l b 1 1
5% East Mam St. Lexington: Ky ideals of i'iwlitcmisness {213,} i:ff::,tlfortiiii:itc lack 1f opportunities
Prince {\lbei‘ts a specialty. and warm? humane sympathies and not of obstinate and wilful
Dress Siiits for Rent. ' ' ' ' with all our mortal life. In the iieglect,) may yet he JUSUYCOH'
truest sense, he humanizcs both sidered men of a average intelli- .

 2 The State Gollege (Eadet. , ,1;
genes, we shall undertake to 91'1'ithemselves before the nations“ 1:
. lighten them on the subject in ' now in heathen light. They ex-i E HA I l I N K E R .4
our own inimitable way. It is plain that they are thoroughly], - . p
t 5 pamphlet whose plan “'35 00“" convinced that “the world doi i; _’
ccived last summer by our three move” and that, despite any ef— ' ‘ BARBER _ if
ffifhdsi Capt. HMVCY B “711' forts of theirs, "the earth is go- _ ':
1181115, COL ROhCTEAhEH BIUTOI}, ing‘ to continue revolving round Cor. Short and M111 Streets. 2
and judge John G. MHXC)’, 1161' on its axle-tree once in twenty- D _ . , _ _ ’ E
tlier of whom was ever accused four hours, subject to the Con— “Mfgflhl‘hSU-C Hair-cuttinga 513601313" 7;
0f heinga $111115; 11 Sfllllt 01‘ fl‘stitution of the United Statesl, _ . ..
CfllhtahSh LthPf space, “Pd 11 l, and the Declaration of lndepen-‘ econd N at i
561159 0f regard 101' thC feelings deuce.” They further explain , Iona an q '
and 0f I‘CSPCCF for the 11110111"itliattlieir object in writing isthe
geiicc Of 0111‘ lllddligCllt l'CadFl‘S) readers “191le 01- his 1ife...\vith LEXINGTON, E’EENTUCKY. ,. ‘ :
forbid our entering much into a very deCided preference for the j
dams ‘75 to the colttcnts Of thls former- AS the Pl'efel‘EhCC ‘5 asi A general Banking Business Transacted. Collections Promptliy E
masterpiece, but it the afore- far as the work ever got and asl ~ .4
- mentioned indulgent readers will time, according to its usual habit, i Attended tO- . __ fé
submit to be annoyed for only a “1333505 on,” we will here endi - T 3
' short time, we promise them this briQf notice of The P001“ 5 E E . D E N i S j
faithfully thht we ‘Vlh (lthhly Man’s Consolation, and unless at 9 i
hth‘ the e lll'thd remarks to host of our subscribers specia ll 3, r'K—fv"—--G-O TOW i
a WCh'tthd C1053 The hthl“ request it the article will not obi u a
. . , ‘ ) c ' 1
mac arms or this / “continued in 0“,. nextg, i Watkifrs and @geerieer i
volume were at that particular ._—...*_»._v y ‘ . 5'-
time inhabitants of “The Abode MANUAL TRA'N'NG- , F0]? BflflGA/NS ”ifi ALL K/ADS 0F F00 TWIZAR. nail.
of Angels,” with bank accounts A Pa - hi- i -i -‘
g , _ per Reau by Presrdent ,as. K. Pat ’ _ . A .
by no means enormous, livnig terson Before the Monday Club. ‘ , They keep the best $53-00: $400 and $5.00 Lanes of Substan K . '
on a plentiful lack of good, sub- The following QII‘GSUHIB oi" the? “31.311035 made, and guarantee every P311 GIVE them a call a ' ii
i staiitial {00(1) and wearing aplen- views. held abrozu upon Manual 16 East Main Street, LEXINGTON, KY, i i.’
tiful hle of fine CiOtilCS, taking- ll'ilill‘illlfij) lb" liiitlizillj fl 0111 app??? I “W 3
LL 3 .' , , _ , A) , a . ‘ l‘e'd( )Y 113le CH v 215‘. \. ill at‘ ‘ ,_.
ENC} gtthL'Lb to ii“ sorts Of son before the Monday Club, andl klO H N 1‘1 IJTQD 1—] {SON ;
entertainments, mentally, pll‘ys- is here published bv permission: ’ ‘ 9 'i
19111135 and, above all, finanCially Manual 'l‘i'aiuingF has of recent ————DEALER IN———~— $
disabled. I“ order to thC some years received much attention in r,_ 3
occupation for their leisure hours Europe, in Germany and in. France 3
and to improve their pitiable particularly. In Sweden, isolated Z 3 , .
condition, they began this book, hl Eff-“lb ”hum“: “of?“ PM ("anti , " I" .‘,
trusting to providence to obtain neu‘tai systoiirtliflwpuih' iiiltlliri2011“PM“1m “i 4
) e2 ( i, L t 0 ie c1ar1 y ,, , ,1 t1 ‘ rrlt 1““an i,._;. i
. . part, iiillbi mini u ‘ _, . . ,
0f “1011‘ [Finis t01>11rchgsercio- mmi upon it, and this “10m PM 0000’s Prompt/y Delivered ana’ SUi/SfGC'I/Ofl Guaranteed. i
P105 at 33110119 PTlCCS- , 16 different stand points. The. lirst
book was to have a great nuin— point in view is the politieoveim- CORNER MAIN AND MILL STREETS: i
her of inottoes—ahout the only 110mm; and 1"‘.‘~§i““l“ “mm” min" Tele hone No EL >4 ‘
thing that it was to have. T110 ingfroni its raifoetlifipon iyi'oduetiion. p ' ’ LEXINGTON, KY- .‘
s ' ,7 . , . an It sets before it~'-e the .11r‘{ 0 iii- Emmh- L
. . ' ‘ ’ ‘ ’ L _ of force thC PIWhth‘ ”i. the "hhtm‘t’ V Y E ‘7 E; I NV; E
(lition, each , had, 011C 9r more 0ft and the nation. Here then the {)6 m o 4‘1 ® ® )3 ER & @909 1
11“; OWh' “IQ iollownig are 3, aim is not educational but pi'oduo- WHOLE“ ” ‘
{CW CXZtlllplcs' Mottoes for the | tive, mental discfiiline 11]“ng on I ‘ LE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN
entire book: concurrently with manual dexter- P . t m B h P I g l , g , . I
H . , . , o The W r W am i, as, it: is, iiiieii and Artists Materials ii iii Kiri: '
Aliuigiiiy dollar, thy shining lat-e habits Of thought, in the adapta-
Inlillijllifillx'ifi‘ itiiy “iniirtili‘olis pin-(101‘; tion of moimg to ends, in quickness HOUSE PAINTERS. PAPER HANGERS, ETC.
l l‘,' mote , iiiilto iy res rafts, , ‘ ' - , '
l “W1 “W (ivory lion??? 1 i and new”? 0f 1;)e1‘001)tt’10_11, bl“ A full line of the Celebrated Town and Country Ready-mixed
" A, t intr is to rain tie - p
u the pOOI‘ (three of whom we iiifndmiiiig 0:70 otllt’ m]. to give Paints always on hand. Only first-class work done at reasonable
-. , ,vr. '. . .. ‘ a . ' '.ra , fa , .' -
are) you have With you always," flexibility and dexterity and (1611- 1111933 '
bpeCial motto of Williams: “I eacy of touch, and all this that 21 West Short streo—fi-
don’t care a cuss what happens, more work, better work, may re— . __ __ .... ___________ _ _
just so it dou’ happen to me. if SUI? 33 th? 131“th 0" at (111101“ \\ \ L ‘
thy neighbor’s ox is in the ditch, trained active mind, sound by a % B E :
gush in uggw t‘th”Lif:3“§ilf§idorhi?l‘ét I I ,
Bui‘tonz—“Give to him that foiionthe iciidowmont of maiiual We can Show Best Values, Greatest Variety '-
I asketh of thee, and from him training schools rests upon the ‘ and Largest Stock. Come and see }
that would borrow 0f thee, turn multiplication of the powers and . _ ' 1
not thou away.” consequently of the objects of pro- FIne Stationery. Socxety Programs. ..
Maxey.——“Hethatbloweth not duction. It is. not intended to First-class Printing and Binding '
his own horn, the same 511311 not take .llitO eonSideration whether ‘ '
be blown. If anything has to the kind of labor and the method T P C
. drop, 1a her (110,,” g Erlmslrrucfimn,prepay-agony i“ am RANSYLVANIA Rmrms 0.. i
. - _ , u , a )or we 0 a oiarao or pin ueiice . . Y ; - ,
We file told in the pieface th‘lt profitably the education of the. 1013”“ Mm" Stwet’ LEXHWTON’ [‘1'
the writers have 110 {html'UOh 9f scholar. Production is the essen- WW___~. ..
‘ producnig a revolution in sei- tial part, the producer is an inei— E, KUEHNE, B. FOTSCH,
- eiice, learning, politics, or reli- dential ailair. On this hypothesis Phoenix Hotel. Under Fayette Nat. Bank,
. gioii; that they have no thought the producer oxmts in} the, sake of
or desire to reform others or thidh'hdhfit- t1 7. t f . BARBERS,
themselv c . c i H z rmn re o ior poin 0 View .,
. no W’l CCL’C’EUd‘thSIL) :4le manual training IS regarded as an KE I i ENE and FOTSCH. ,
. ‘y '0 9m“ W1.1 en 1g1t' element in education. Does man- ,
‘ 011111;; the 113110115 119W 1h heathen ual training educate? Does it Special attention to Student."
darkness, 1101‘ of iininortaliznig quicken mental activity, cultivate #Em‘ GTON‘. 33%
i .
i A
r - " ' V ., v , i 4 _ ~ , m , W_W_WH__M."_WW_M H 1...; .

 , -~ ' «My—1.2.": a".
, “i;
The State Gollege @adet. 3
WWW a... .a. ._ ..... .. .... ....- - W ,. ... a ,. ,._, _. . .._. ,_. _—_.. a, u“. l_ own” a“... Em, ,- _. .. ,‘
’ the powers of observation, promote l oi contemplation; teaches him to‘ _
concentration, stimulate flexibili- l observe and ail'ords him an o ) H)l‘- J F h B & a R 3?:
ty, dexterity and delicacy, not oi'l trinity for personal expi’n‘ienele.i It reg “ Pea an ® S f/
the hand only but of the head‘.> if} assiSts the mind in its aesthetic ed-l ———-—GO 170— ll,
so, manual training is an impor-lucatiou, Showing what's beautiful ' 4'
'- taut element in education, other» ‘ in form, developing tone, assistingl MClVl lLLAN & OSBOR E N ’S ‘.
wise not. Whether the objects in o\r'ercoming necessary tasks l _ \_ . .... i.
produced have a higher or lower physically dillieult, and exerting l m @w agaam !ak@£~y i
market value, whether they in- an inllueuce in the foundation of ? .
crease the material wealth of the a steady and energetic will. This CURNER VINE AN“ UPPER S’J‘REE’I‘S. ‘ A ;
household, llW Vlllilgt‘w ll“? (llfit‘rlflt. l may be called the quasi-cduca- For the best Bread, Rolls and Cakes iii the citv. Fresh Bread and Rolls l?
' the nation, matters not. Not the tional point oi view. Herr Von Nady CWT." evening 3155 U’ClOCk» ' l
products of labor, but the physical Schennurdorii may be taken as 'W l”
and mental improvement of the the exponent of the economic the- l‘
laborer is the paramount object of cry of manual training. Says he: ESQ _ -— an l
consideration. Every mental ac- "All ,culture is accomplished 5,211.5." v - E“. ,i [—1 ‘,
tivity is educational,and in every through manual labors. Public J ' i l i: - a l
)roduction there is an element of education must rrivc to the ;t i _ l
iiiental activity directive of hand generation the elements of kriliiliid- Dealers 1“ an Kinds 0‘ i '
an eye to the accomplishment of edge and power already won from l
the result sought for, but the (la-cs- the sphere of work, if that knowl- FTeSh Meat} Base“) Lard. and §aHSage l
“(Hills wthelther time sift/Ulclcllpleil edge ztll§i§§3iv7":;§,§wj§~§3§§;37:§~ 5-:
l""lllll(i"llll.l’- Sllf’ desires llll'Lll’L‘l" ing forms, nor for producing. The lu" V:£‘;*}fif§§¥f*ifiA‘Lfg‘fiig~71ill
more to induce fill them the love eye has been taught indeed to see lil': " 71:11§§§;‘1,~,1;us:f’
”l \V‘H'li’flll‘l‘llll." 110C 0” “10 ””0 the letters of the alphabet, but the lHl‘ , 7 ’irfifigfflp 7*%gl$i%§,i,ulim§ , l
llilll‘l lll'1m ill'll)’ l“, “‘lllcfll" l‘ll“ View is not opened for the things liiiilll , ’3; ; iii." ‘ATVA‘~=”M,.”ZA,E2%;J§§§VSZlii'klj ;
worker, 1“”“‘li‘m‘llll'll." l“) llllil"ill-‘:‘l l oi the world. 'l‘o-day llll‘ pupil lilli : i 1 ”5:35:31“ "lilivlzfvgfiéffilfifuiL5,“??? E
nary he, hut in order to make meow-m1 ”hung: ,1, arm“; Hr manual g "_f “2 *~3 , 4 9:831“ *‘ t‘w‘E, f
iiiiiiisti-ious, economic a slil cont: llli-‘i Work, lilliils :1, lizlinw ,~; that at _ f . iw‘ £4 - .
":1 “Hargre- in HM; lunaruuac M i ill-(emit in the entire circuit of the" i, ._.:~ "a , "
the Min ISLUIv oi Public .l nstrufetiifm: , Mam,“ Hm”, is m, 1,1111%le I riwfi—f.:g:xt 3:2,, ,§,*r:;k ,733
“l“ . ““l'r‘i'mmnur UH” “11-“ “1' a shitting at" an- rim-is in the di-l , a” " i “3"
Sl‘.llllll’wln.51lzlll herealter ll“ fwd)”:t l I'cctiemioi' social aceom plishnieiits l lifl,alfv””*< 15-3"— *‘fifl‘fihilidalfie
oi public instruction, the legisiati'ir l which must create the dancer ol'l lr’lnx”x",”:933‘is'~fi ‘:ta_fi,::!§sm%§¢3§€zvldfpsa I
llllh‘ ‘l‘h‘ll'l‘r‘l l" llilV‘l ll llll‘llfl'Sl"’0‘l an educated prolitarial, Manual} l'lllc‘rggymléfigii;kt~C::r\;‘3§:§£{{‘é23{3gins
1“)"th all, llllll ‘VQl'li “‘“lllllllfé‘ ill l labor is looked upon as degrading“, lili‘a,szfai‘fiigéfiéi‘-at}ijfigfi‘ffwzégfifgfifffhfi’ i
once the suppprt of morality and and yet 1,). it alone ,3 n'ianiablc f0 wfigfisjiflz‘figfii‘lifii‘};ft;M5,“giggiég‘gflfifiggfiaggéfijai “Eli
the suurce qt Impurity. ought m support himself. 'l‘lius i oriq- l‘e‘ammsmfrssgufi
a democratic republic, to he not inated a conllict between 111011115- llfiiféjQL—igmfinzgfaiéiifiA
only rehabilitated. but brought tion and necessity, nourishing so-
into honor. ln {dell’lon the legis- cial discontent. \Ve must learn
lator has prescribed that 9h“ 1”" to value work more according to O F KE NTU C KY
sti‘fuctifon shall commence lVIth the industry, the conscientiousness ' '
lliemliblvye ifilgfcli‘igegggnéiiilgdill: and perseverance with which it is . . . ' . l
‘ ~ ‘ -y Performed 011 these sl'Ounds Agricultural and Mechanrcal Screntrfrc En— l
through the hablt‘ 0f working, and therefore the manual labor school - ‘ ' l .
that, reciprocally the habit of work by the side of the literary school glneerlngs 018531031} Normal $011001 ‘
can only come by implanting the is a necessity for our present edu- and Commercxal Courses.
love of it. In short irom this cation ,,
early acquired taste should be en- ' , , f
gendered a precocious ability, an ,1“ an address deliveredat (rreen- TWENTY PRGFESQGRS
indispcnsible condition for future WlCll some years ago M13 Qrad- U
excellence and consequently a con- stone expressed himself In a 50171.9 ,
dition of economic success in for- what 511ml“ strain. . He .Smd “1 END ENSTBUGTQRSI ,'
eign markets. it is to the Teacher substance that‘thc kind oi eduefa— 3: ,
‘ that the task of forming the {4011- tion giyen in .ltngland to the chil- . f .« ‘ ‘ _ _
, cratives which are to verify these dren oi the masses when carried County Appomtees admitted to Free Inition. Board in Dorml- l
: Vlflwi“; “0t l0“ S‘lCllll than Ililll‘i‘ beyondfthe Ill-91.9% rudlmelltflq ,m‘ tory $2.00; in private ianiilies $3.00 and $4.00 per .
otic, is confided! lie then ought to stead Ol ‘lllilllll’lllg them 10‘, l‘lle ' l
i be responsible to the country, and future 1“” {’l lcaborl, ED 3111011191) per week Fall Term begins on second Wednes- ,
wi 1 2 3,3 ' H, .1 ,k 2 con . are i es lllet , 121 near y ie . f l ,
ll? llldi‘lt): i:1(]l:l(lllllll§:' Lrtls llidlltlil’iztllllll: ”PPM“? tendency. Its effect “7“ day in September. For Catalogues 2111‘l i
' to the heiirht of his mission or to make them discontented With other information, apply up .
fails thereiri,” their lot, tofopcn for them possi- ' '
ln (Vz‘rerniany diverse views are l’llllllC-‘l ‘VlllCll only the lCl" "Ollld P ’
held somewhat similar to those in attain. The masses Of mankind JAMES KI PATTERSQN! Phi Di; [figment
. Sweden, England and America. must 9"“ bcldoomed to ‘l llfo 0f
l Prof. Gotze, of Leipzig, says “In- labor 311d ton, and that Sort of edu- — LEXINGTON, KY, ‘
l (lustrial Education is not given cation should be given them W
l with a View to teaching a trade ‘VlllCll would but fluillll‘)’, them for
l but to help the pupil in a general the sphere 1” “Cllmll “‘9” lOl' was ‘
‘ way to a harmonious education by C‘lSl- ltngland 15 only leeling llCl’ E D H E RN D O N
. means of practical work. Such W“): somewhat tentatively and ' ' ‘ l
i nstru tion assists the physical heSitatingly 1“ the philosophy 01'
l development of the pupil, teaches economy 0f manual training; 5W0“ B [5 E9 BE E%
f him to use his hands deftly and to den leaves ”1 voluntary ”5 (lUQS \ D
f exercise his mind. It assists the Germany, Wlllle France makes 1t:
4 mentallifc of the pupil to develope compulsory “1 all SOllOOlS Of a 001“ N011? COI‘IIOI‘ I‘lul‘kOt £11761 Short;
i while supplying him with objects tam grade. -

 ,.f - - .
4 The State Gollege (Eadet. ,
.7 I I I 39‘??? i
. ‘ _-I_ R .
f w m‘fit
1 Grand Opening was English it itchan, in i one . , e
i . ‘ 0 Regular meals 25 cents. _Meals to order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring Chickens a specialty. 0n exhibition
daily 200 Fans, in perpetual motion, and 5,000 gallons of water flowing over a Petrified Nymph. Four latest improved Automatic .
' Phonographs on exhibition and an Art Gallery. Seating capacity of Hall, I 50. GUS LUIGART, Proprietor.
The State Selig e fladfll lcongratulate ourselves upon the refit combinathfl me COUSlgnment
I g __ ' first term’s work and to look , Of Cigars. u ()f Smoking.
:$:_W—‘_nfl——‘ \Vitll Collfidellt 110196 to evell bet- 1' _ _ .Y 4
3:) 'll'l"irtli(.‘ll‘g'- .. . , ,. .4- 'i- ' ,j'r”“‘“"‘1.".r2‘ _
mild:iiiiir(iiillyt,iii{Killian-iiimonthly t61‘ things during the last half azi‘ge‘ ti List 01 Li- ‘E’ At lib l. B U“ LL
Departinunt 01' the State College. Of the year_ VVE hope to see 1‘ ”"1le @3575 ’[E E6 .
W L L . ‘ , '
TERAIS. the day when the State College a
0110 um 750 shall be to Kentucky what Co- WW ‘
. :ilx )lopltlis.l.................... . pgc ltlleia is to New York, what N ETTE NG IN DIAN . .
' "1 t 30 . .
Siii:lb 0:13;: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in; 2““??? 15 to New ”1161563,, what 8 E G S ’
———-—————_—_— 1111 r or is to Mic iioau.
EDITORIAL STAFF- _._c_. .1 _i’ ‘ NO. 101 East Main Street.
I S L PUTTINGER’ Editor. Vvhell TIIP: CADE’E Illakes its WM
‘ . . ________’__._.__——-—————————’—‘————’__—_
PROF. V. ll. MUNCY, Alumnus luditm'. appearance each month our! 3,)
. J. G. MAqu, Secretary. _. p ‘ . _;§;§§ M
D. 1’. SMITH, Treasurer & Business Mug. l {11611C15.al)13103Ch us . 111 CIOWdSI l 13:33)) flag; BUXV X7OUR ‘
MW “mm” HEAR“, entreating us to remind them oil ,2?!“ ‘. 1 1 i
Correspondent Ladies Department. their owing for subscription and Q"; .. 1
Miss 11mm; I'IL‘NT, explaining that it is very diifi- g,_ % t
Correspondent Normal Department. cult for them to remember such .5 \T i i‘ HMS, 511068, Eta, ="
N MISS .LWIE SCO'T'i‘, ‘ ‘ small matters, which they would fi%\ fi CHEAP FOR CASH “T
correspondent irons :laniilton Coilcgo- gladly attend to, were it not that x%%\ AD I ER’S
. _{0nnit’i‘ x . Junrox, , . ‘ _ i¥_,.' 9 .
General Correspondent. their l memory is tieaclierous. E; W; [9 and 2. WEST MAIN STREET.
Mi 1] - t‘ s 1:037 N0W> Whfle we have never yet id?” Special Prices to Students Watch
A (( I‘CSS a (communion ,1011 . ,T. . . . ,7? “:2/ . . i ‘ '
‘ MAX“, State Uollege,Lex1ngt011,by. insisted on liavmg anyone sub— §§\& 600678 marked in plam figures m our
Entered in the Lexington, (Ky.,) Post—011100, as SCI’IbC for the papCl’ unless he \//\.\\17—" // Show Windows: _
. Wmoiflifwfifl; __#__i___ felt inclined to do so, and while ‘
l, EDITORIAL we have strictly avoided every-,——flfl#w——‘
P . . : i211.:'g';2‘ 53-337 :3. L“ :1"? p]: I" I 'f‘? It A. ' l
f —— tliiiig that could be construed! ,» ::.-.;'.j'i;_; ‘53; a: :1; {,5 a]; 5x -.
‘ THE near approach .of the into a “dun,” being by no means it???" _ 2.2.} _ :3? |
: longCd for Christmas holiday va- anxious to be classed with liglit- 3.; 27$ 2: FE}; Lilia-i: '
; cation reminds us that the first ning-rod agents. still we think - ‘m are .-..: 2: an»,- ., w- mar-B
l five months term Will soon be that a word just here would not STATEN ERY .
. gone and leads us to reflecton the be out of place, and we proceed f? .3; 3.24:: 5 ‘
' 111110h_g00d accomplished and to explain the situation and fur- ELANK l K Aw. RN EN
the lllgh degree ‘01— successflat— nish the desired reminder for the ' i! " i," 5
. taiiied during this term. the benefit of all concerned. It is a
number of students enrolled has fact best known to us alone, that PfiPER 3.VEREE N'VEi-SI '
been 1311‘s? than eveubefore and about nine hundred out of every 0 i is.
the quantity and quality Of: the” thousand of our subscribers still N. 48 E.MA|N 5T, lEXE H BT.N, KY.
work has been VEIy glatlfylng' OWC 115 the 51115111 but by 110 m p
. Never 3135 9161? been so tlarge a means insignificant sum of sev- W. E. MCCANN C. II. BOWYER
‘ class 0' seniors or so grea a per- ent “fl .. 1 - . ‘ ' J .,
_ _ } Ve cents, anc it is none _. “g \ _ g, !
ceiitage oi students 111 the 001- the less true that even a firm We; E. AfilJ @ANN fig ag.
le e no )er while the Academy . ,7 , ' V
‘ I g‘ 11 llitgifull share of earnest Izzma’na’ (gallant would make a Importers and Dealers in
‘ HTS 12“ ‘ _ ‘ ’ very apptemable dlffereiice iii the .
Wide-awake workers. Again, the condition of THE CADET treas— I d
lgormal pfpgrlmelltl and btltlle ury. Almost half the year is Ina, a 5, an UBEUS ape,
ominereia c 100 lave o i . . y .
‘ en'o ed a high degree of pros- already gone, and 1f 51011 are at ‘1.
' J_y 5, ‘ d.' all troubled for fear that all the . < > I I ‘ I ‘ I ,ER Y ‘
. - 0“ . . . I I I I I I
perity, léflegunfi. ”mat cple 1? money in the country is gonig '
upon, the“. 3C“ “165 as W1; as to accumulate in thehands omie Plated Wares and Housekeeping. Wares,
the institution at arge. ore- favored few you may now have . ~ . .
over the conduct of the students ’ . NOS- 50 and 52 E395 Mam Sheen
, ‘1‘ bl 1 . a most excellent opportunity of f s. ./. ‘ 7 —, D [/77 _\_ , , ,, ,
has been reinai a y. gooc, giv- avertin this dire calamit b lMlWI/Aiflmih‘flltflllfis MlflfljQMlllmglm;-f;f.'2.f‘;i"2:31;“
from his rest; Grecran s way a long while ago. ‘;‘,.-'f'~';;2~‘?' ' 90 T O 2
He sighs a blessing on that horn, Anecreon’s Love songs are qmte ;4;;’j:'._?,;}: ,1 " i 1
And prepares (30 leave his cozy equal to those of to-day,) IL)!“ FRED J! ”Em-[Z 3;:
“0% J P NELSON =~ ' - ‘
When breakfasts o’er, again the _ 53% ~yzgrjmanf’g Jeweler!
' biwle sounds, , , , , ,‘ figs, “ 12s; 2-“ ‘
And liothe wandering cadet calls, 1‘0 L0‘ L' g@ igfstEOAEflEess‘EiEET' ' r,
TO 1110 1115“ t0 1‘15 weary studies’ Once when midnight’s ghostly ‘l‘gfl —-——--——— '
I‘OUDCS . . hour “.2, . ”/1 Best Faflllllles ~ 1 5
Ailililsigek Wisdom in the college 0,61. the Earth had spread its §%%% _____._= at“; . f
' power. . , ‘ ::22-:':..:r::,:::::—e~ lDWBSI PI. 2 .
But sweetest music to the eadet’s And the Wain wheeled in the 25’ 4 ‘
heart, ‘ ' Heaven 3} A“ , 1
IS Elle bugle’s note when (lt‘lll IS By BOOtES, finn hand driven; a WATCHES, . M'fi'gtfifi?‘ l ‘
0 61" , 1 a f 'er ' 1
And helays his gun and sword W legeelfinqmce 0 men W e ‘HAMONDS, a. 3
apart . ._ i" . ‘ y “—7‘
And vainly hopes he’ll drill no T011 then powers 1“ duiance - CLOC