xt7vx05x9f37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x9f37/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1942 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; iv, 43 leaves, 27 cm; Includes Bibliographical references; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81cc/7 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Yancey Association text Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Yancey Association 1942 1942 2015 true xt7vx05x9f37 section xt7vx05x9f37 I I I   E IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
3 . » ,   3 ULIE5 LILIRR5?5 E
Q i y I Inventory of the Church Archives
i II V North ggrolina
I I   southern Baptist Convention .
_   North Carolina Baptist State Convention
I I I North Carolina Historical
Records Survey Project
j Division of Community
A I Service Programs
E Work Projects Administration
I Raleigh, N. C.
I February 1942
I I   I


I   . or _
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\·§ ° »:
*_· 2 » 
U  Prepared by l A I- l I
  The North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project
I];  ” Division of Community,Servicei'Programs
*-Q  Work Projects Administration
4,'  *>1<>a=>s=>»<>•=>+<
`zl  Raleigh, North Carolina
·i   The North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project
 z February 1942

 { ’    
it ri;
Historical Records Survey Projects f
Sargent B. Child, Director q
M. A. Rushton, Ir., Acting State Supervisor g
Research and Records Program w
_ _ =Harvey E. Becknell, Director
” Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor E
A Colbert F. Crutchfield, State Supervisor
, Division of Community Service Programs ?
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
] May E. Campbell, State Director
h Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner W
Roy Schrober, Regional Director {
C. C. McGinnis, State Administrator {
Sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission §
  R. D. iv. ‘c6nnor,"cna1man  
, C. C. Crittenden, Secretary {
{ _ 

rj F O R E W O R D
Q The Historical Records Survey program is one of the many valuable and
§ permanent undertakings of the Work Projects Administration. One division
% of this work is the Church Records Survey. The Federal Government has
recognized that in the field of history churches and their organizations
occupy an important place. Under the program as planned the work will ex-
tend to every religious body of every creed in all the states in the Union.
ti Of particular interest to Baptists is that part of the program which
{ concerns the Baptist associations and churches of North carolina. This
W work is already in progress and will be pressed toward completion. ‘
5 Under the direction of an able supervisory staff, located in Raleigh, one
Y or more workers is assigned to each association. These workers make a l
careful and industrious search for all church records, printed or in
g manuscript, minutes of associations, and any other materials that may
i serve the purpose of the Survey. With this material in hand the editorial
Q staff prepares a short sketch of the association and its constituent
j churches, which is published in a separate volume.
· Those who are interested in church history will find these volumes
l most valuable. For both the association and each local church is given
a complete list of all records that have been discovered and from which
r the sketches have been constructed, with a statement of where they may be
found. For the association, the time and place of its organization
are given with a list of its charter churches. Some account is also
given of the officers, especially the first and those of the present time.
; For each church a like care is exercised in giving essential historical
{ data, such as the time and place of constitution, the constituting
mf officers, the location and character of the houses of worship, and the
;% growth or decrease in number of members.
?Q This work is comprehensive and will be invaluable. It preserves
Q from loss essential facts about our churches. Every one who is
Q interested in our religious history will greatly appreciate it. It will
Y be most helpful also in creating an interest in preserving church
§ records, as emphasis is placed on locating and inventorying the old and
a_ rapidly disappearing records of the churches. No reader of these
QW sketches can fail to recognize the great significance of organized ro-
Y liqious bodies in the life of the nation.
y' Author of History of North Carolina
if Baptists and of History of wake Forest
i‘ College __- _——•-__
i Wake Forest College
`: Woke Forest, N. C.
Q March 29, l9AO —

it ‘
,§ The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1955-36 '
k' as a nation-wide Works Progress Administration project for the "discovery,
preservation and listing of basic materials for research in the history
of the United States."l Under the direction of Dr, Luther H. Evans, the
y Survey undertook an extensive program for the inventory of state and local
'; archives, early American imprints, church archives, and collections of
E manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act
p` passed June 50, 1939, the existence of the Survey as a single nation—wide
i project sponsored by WPA itself was terminated AUQUST 51, 1939; and the
Q work of the Survey was continued within the individual states by locally
A? sponsored projects operating within the national WBA Historical Records
VQ Survey which continued under the direction of Dr. Evans until his resig-
2 nation and the subsequent appointment of Sargent B. Child as National
°i Director on March 1, 1940.
The North Carolina Project of the Federal Historical Records Survey
j was established February 1, 1936, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of
the North Carolina Historical Commission, as State Director. Until Novem-
ber 1936 the Survey operated as an autonomous unit of the Federal Writers!
Project, directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkman. Dr. Crittenden '
· resigned as State Director June 50, 1937, and was succeeded by Dan Lacy,
E] who had previously served as Assistant State Director. The work of the
4 _ North Carolina unit of the Historical Records Survey was continued by the
Y North Carolina Historical#Records Survey Project established September 1,
Q 1939, and sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission. Mr. Lacy
j resigned as State Supervisor April 2, 1940, to accept an appointment as
Q Assistant to the Director of Historical Records Survey Projects in
‘Q Washington, D. C., and was succeeded by Colbert F. Crutchfield. Mr.
 { Crutchfield resigned as State Supervisor December 8, 1941, to accept an
Q appointment as State Supervisor of Research and Records Programs in North
4 Carolina, and was succeeded by the present Acting State Supervisor.
J The Inventory of the Church Archives of_§orth Carolina is one of a
R number of bib1iographies—of historical materials in preparation through-
,i»‘ p out the United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey Imogrann
f  A separate section of the inventory will be devoted to each denomination,
Qi or to each subdivision of a denomination which affords a publishable unit
éi within itself. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the
ii; ——-———-——-———·
‘j 1. works Progress Administration, Operating Procedure No. U—2, Revised
  July 2, 1957.

Q .
 1 1V
Fi recorde of the Yancey Baptist Association, is such a unit of the Southern
Q Baptist Convention, with which denominational body the Yancey Baptist
_q Association is affiliated. Field work for the inventory was done by
; Miss Mary L. Butner, Mr. Joe W. Letterman, and Mr. Clyde Pritchard. The
Z} inventory was prepared under the supervision of Miss Emily Bridgers and
pl was read for the sponsor by Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of the North
L- Carolina Historical Commission.
This volume was prepared in accordance with technical instructions
, from the Washington Office of Historical Records Survey Projects; it was
Q] reviewed before publication by Donald A. Thompson of the central office
;, staff. The Survey is indebted to the North Carolina Baptist State Cone
t vention for supplies used in this publication; to Mr. Maloy A. Huggins,
f General Secretary and Treasurer of that body, for his interest in and"
y support of the work; to Dr. George W. Paschal, of Wake Forest College, who
$ read and criticized the inventory; and to officials and members of the
QQ Yancey Baptist Association, who generously co—operated in the work.
Q .
it The Survey gratefully acknowledges the co-operation and support of
y Mrs. May E. Campbell, State Director of the Division of Community Service ‘
a Programs, and of Mr. Colbert F. Crutchfield, State Supervisor of Research
Q and Records Programs.
; M, A. Rushton, Ir.,
y Acting State Supervisor
Q February l942
I 4
¥ E
tt ,
i §
· §
i i `
[‘ '¤

$2 , . f ° .
{ l. The wake Forest College Library, wake Forest, N, C., has been desig-
E nated as the official depository for non—current records of the
{ associations and churches affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist
W State Convention.
" 2. The full names of persons mentioned in this inventory have been
_ listed when the given names were available.
i 5. Information in this publication was obtained by Survey workers through
4 personal interviews with pastors and church clerks, supplemented by
q data from available printed and manuscript sources. Membership
Q figures were taken from statistical tables in manuscript and printed
Q minutes of the Yancey Baptist Association and other associations to
Q which the respective church has belonged. Dates of constitution,
gé also, were verified, if possible, from the same sources.
ll 4. No particular effort was made to locate Sunday School records as they
i are usually of a temporary character. lf easily available, they have
Q been listed.
t 5. Unless otherwise indicated, associations to which reference is made
y are affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist State Convention.
E 6. A dash (-—) placed after a date indicates an active church or an open
  file at the time the survey was nude.
` ~
2   ,
{ J
‘ i
· (
( (
i p!
. }

 x i
  INTRODUCTION ........................... I
  BI BLI OGILQPHY ........................... 35
4  A

i The Yancey Baptist Association is today composed of churches
Q situated within the bounds of Yancey County. Located in the heart of the
§ Black Mountain spur of the Blue Ridge Mountains on the border between
E North Carolina and Tennessee, this county, comparatively small as to area
§ and population, supports a large Baptist membership. In the area of 298
i square miles, in addition to churches affiliated with the Primitive and
% Free Will Baptists, there are 51 Missionary Baptist churches alone, or
—g approximately one church to every 9% square miles. These churches are for
$ the most part situated in rich valleys devoted to truck farming and the
z, cultivation of corn, wheat, and oats, and along the many water courses,
Q principal of which are the South Toe River to the east and the Cane River
% to the west, both of which are fed by numerous large creeks.
g With the Methodists, the Baptists were among the earliest settlers
$7 of the region now embraced by the county, and as a consequence of uncens-
t ing missionary effort the number of Missionary Baptists has increased
Q steadily. With the increase in population of the county from 9,490 per- 7
*y sons in 1890 to 17,202 in 1940, growth in total membership of the constit-
i uent churches of the‘Yancey Baptist Assoiiation has steadily increased
ir from approximately 1,781 persons in 1888 to a membership of 4,488 rc-
? ported to the North Carolina Baptist State Convention in 1940.“ The latter
nj figure would approximate 26 percent of the total population of the county.
yi Prior to the formation of their own associations, Baptist churches
;§ in the extreme western section of North Carolina, if affiliated, were
,Q members of Baptist associations in neighboring states, notably the Broad
ii River Baptist Association in South Carolina and the Holston Baptist Associ-
ii ation in Tennessee. Early in the nineteenth century, however, Baptist
if churches in western North Carolina undertook the formation of associations.
Q? Churches in what is now Yancey County joined for the most part the French
it Broad Baptist Association which at its formation in 1807 extended from
i Buncombe County to the Tennessee line, embracing roughly the area west and
Q south of the Toe River.
y 1. Minutes of the Tenth Annual Session p£_Ehe_Xapcey county Baptist
l · ‘, AssoEiatiEn,_Eeld”with the Pricc¤s Creek Church, Yancey County, E. Q.,
I September Gth, 7th, and—8th, 1888, p. 15. (Minutes of the various
H ass8Eiations—arE-hereafter-cited, after the neun of the association, as
W Minutes, followed by the year.)
a 2. Annual of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, ope Uundrod
tf Tonth?AnEEal_SEEsiEnT_First Baptist Chnrch, Charlotte, Noyembcr lzjgl,
kl 1940. p. 215.
ti A

i  rl;
`Q Ygnccy Baptist Association 2
‘i The history of the Yancey Baptist Association begins properly in 1849
Q when the majority of the Baptist churches in Yancey County, which at that
1 time embraced part of what is now Mitchell County, united to form the Roan
y Mountain Baptist Association. lt is probable that many of the churches
{ which came to the Roan Mountain Baptist Association from the French Rroad
A Baptist Association had been members of the Rig Ivy Baptist Association,}
( since most of the Big Ivy churches were apparently situated in Yancey
E County and 9 of the l2 ministers who came to the Roan Mountain Baptist
V; Association in 18494 had belonged to the Bin Ivy Baptist Association.5 In
? 1861 Mitchell County was formed, and at the meeting of the association in
at 1865 two divisions were set up within the Roan Mountain body, the first
i embracing the churches in Yancey County, and the secogd, those which lay ‘
% in Mitchell County and to the east of the Blue Rides. Seven years later,
p in September 1870, the association voted to divide, the line of division
g to be the turnnike leading from Marion in UcDowe1l .»‘. County through Nitchell
jf County to the top of Iron Mountain on the North Caro1ina—Tennessee line.
{ Churches to the north of this line were to constitute the Roan Fountain
PQ Baptist Association. Churches to the south were to meet on the Friday
? before the third Sabbath in October at Zion Church in Yancey County to
ig organize the Black Mountain Baptist Association.7 It was tkis slack
( Nountain Baptist Association which about 1887 changed its name to the
{ Yancey County Baptist Association, whicg in turn, in 1915, changed the
Q name to the Yancey Baptist Association.
Ei Although no actual record was found of the change of name from Black
i Mountain Baptist Association to Yancey County Baptist Association, older
{ residents of Yancey County recall that the Yancey County Baptist Associ-
, ation was once called the Black Mountain Baptist Association. Evidence
Q is afforded by the minutes of the Western North Carolina Baptist Convention,
$4 5. The Big Ivy Baptist Association, under the leadership of Garret Deweese,
EQ separated from the French Broad Baptist Association in 1829 (William L.
~% Saunders, ed., The Colonial Records of North Carolina, V, 1191, cited here-
¥, after as Coloni:leRecords}, returninETtETit~in lb49_Eust prior to the forma-
ij tion of the Roan Fountain Baptist Association. The separation ’.1· zas due to
& a disagreement over the question of election as opposed to the sclf—ieter—
éi mining power of the individual will. (John Ammons,‘Qpt1ines pf Eiitpry pf
t the French pppad_Associatipn and Fprs Pill Cplgjip) Froniipnignfimiigtion
j§ of the Association in 1807 to 1907, bein; a Rpripd of l00_Ypprs, p. ll.j`
( treaties in the Bigflvy Baptist Azsociationlsupiinmgl the latter idea and
if the association was consequently sometimes called "a Free Will Raotist
Qi institutc.* (Colonial Records, V, 1191.)
i` 4. Roan NountZE3Y?E§tist Association, NS. Yinutcs, (in Wake Forest Co1lw~c
ig Library, Wake Forest, N. C.).
j; 5. Ammons, op. cit., p. 12.
ji 6. Roan Tountairféiptist Association, IS. Vjnutos, Vaho Forest Coll;i~
ji Library, Wake Forest, U. C.
Eg 7. Roan Mountain Baptist Association, EQ. Vinutos.
fi 8. Yancey Yaptist Association, Minutes, 1915, p. 21.
g  i

Ily i
  Yancey Baptist Association 5
i t
[2 of which the Black Mountain Baptist Association was a member. In these
Ԥ minutes the Yancey County Baptist Association appeared for the first time
ii in l€89 when the Black Mountain Baptist Association was omitted.? In the
1; minutes of the preceding year the list of ministers of the Black Mountain
”; Baptist Association had been the same as that in the minutes of the Yancey
’g County Baptist Association for the same year.
Y? Published minutes of the Yancey Baptist Association are available
g} from 1888 to date but no minutes of the Black Mountain Baptist Association
fi were located by the Survey. It is not known, therefore, whether the
gf scheduled meeting took place in 1870 but the Black Mountain Baptist Associ-
lg ation was listed gn the minutes of the North Carolina Baptist gtate Con-
? vention for 187ll and appeared regularly in the minutes of the Western
it North Carolina Baptist Convention. The decision to change the none of the
,f association to the Yancey County Baptist Association was evidently taken
Yi at the meeting in 1887 since the association met in 1888 for the first
  time as the Yancey County Baptist Association, and although the proceed-
y‘ ings of that year were published as minutes of the "Tenth Annual Session
V of the Yancey County Baptist Association," those of 1889 showed the
{ "Second Annual Session" and thereafter through 1955 were numbered con-
t secutive1y.ll ID 1956, referring evidently to the "Tenth Annual Session"
in shown on the minutes of 1888, the clerk of the Yancei County Baptist
l Association numbered the session as the fifty-ninth. 2
g It is not known which churches were present at the constituent meet-
$1 ing of the Black Mountain Baptist Association. Originally, with the
i_ exception of a small section of Yancey County which was then within the
ig sphere of the French Broad Baptist Association, the whole of Yancey
gf County, the western half of Mitchell County, and a small section of
%; McDowell County lay within the assigned scope of the Black Mountain Bap-
t tist Association. or the 17 churches which were members of the Roan
xt Mountain Baptist Association in 1870 and which were not listed in the
? minutes of that association in 1872, two, Paddyls Creek and Rain Bill,
Q* were again listed in the minutes of the Roan Mountain Baptist Association
ji in 1874 and 1877, respectively. The remaining 15 churches may have
it united in forming the Black Mountain Baptist Arsociation in accordance
?y with the decision taken in 1870. Whether or not any newly organized
*1 churches or churches from.adjoining associations united in the formation
éj is not known. The possible 15 constituent churches were distributed as
,; 9. The Block Mountain Baptist Association was not spain listed.
o i 10.   67.
ii 11. No evidence was found to corroborate the indication that the Black
px Mountain Baptist Association held only nine sessions between 1871 and 1887.
it  :-'  12. In reality, if the session of 1888 was the tenth, that of 1956
QT would have been the fifty—eighth.
n f;

j Yancey Baptist Asscciaticn 4
i? f0ll0WS: Hiné, Zi0H, D0ubl@ Island, Laurel Branch, Crabtree, Bald cr¤@k,l3
J; Jackvs Creek, Pleasant Grove, South Toe River; an@ Bethel, were located in
Q Yancey Countyg four, Beaver Crsgk, Mina Greek, Lily Branch, and Liberty
Q Hill, were in Mitchell Ccuntyg one, Turkey Cove, was in Ncpowell County;
in and cna, Upper Egypt, could not be located.
tj The passa3© cf churches into and out of the Blick Mountain Qaptist
{E Association between the years 1871 and l€87 cannot of course We tric¤C.
gy It is known that after the session of 1885, when the Rogn Mountain ¤1ptist
ij Association changed its name to the Mitchell County B¤jtist A¤s0ei;ti©n,l4
iQ churches in that section 0f Mitchell County which had been in the territory
xg mssiyncd in 1870 t0 the Black M0unt;in Baptist Awsncimtimn bcran t0 ty ns—
> § fer membership tc the Mitchell County Baptist gssqaeigtien. In 18154 Fizic  
,g Creek was admitted t0 the Mitchell County Baptist Association from the
Qé Black Mountain Baptist Ass0ciati0n.l5 In lB75 Bi; Rock Greek church left
FQ the ROan Mouigain Baptist Association to join the Qlgck Fountain Ewptist
Aw A5SOCi&TiOH, and in 1884 it was admitted t0 the Kitchell County Bzwtist
KQ Association from the Black Hmuntiin Baptist As;0cimti0m.l7 In ISGS B12
g Crabtree, Black Mountain, Lily Branch, Silver Chapel, and GheStnut Cxove
ij were received fr0m.the Yaucié Gounty Eaptist AJSOCi&€iOD into the Mitchell
Q Ccunty Baptist Association. In the same year Turkey Cove in Ucnowali
gf County was rigeivad “fy0m.Black Mountain A$s0ci;ti0n¤ into the Gramm River
`J Atscciaticn; With the exception mf Big Crqbtrec, which shows as not
{ represented, none 0f these churches were listed in the 1888 minutes of
? the Yancey Ccunty Baptist Association. It would apjcar, therefore, that
g; they had been members 0f the Black Mountain Baptiat Association 1nQ had
t transferred membership directly t0 other associations when the formwt
it association iientified itself with Yancey County.
is .
Q By l888, 0f the possible constituent churches Of the Black Fountain
Q Baptist Association, in addition to Uuwer Etypt, the South Toe River,
g? Beaver Crack, and Liberty Hill Baptist churches had diSa¤paar©d. South
t Toe River had probably disbanded simc@, after considerable missionary
ji effort, apwarently, On the part 0f the Yatccy G¤gntyn§¤pggst A2e¤ci;ti0n;
i 2 church by the same name was newly constituted in lou?. Weaver Cr ck,
gt 13. In early minutes swelled *3ull Cr©2k."
F2 14. Roan Nbuntzin §¤ptist Association, VS. Ninutas.
Fi l5. Mitchell Cvunty Baptist Association, NS. Uinutcs, (in the same volvme
¥] with the mcnuscrint minutes Of the ROQU Fountain ?@ptiSt Association).
3 lé. Roan Mountain Bgptist Associttion, VS. Viuutcs.
é` l7. Mitchell County Baptist Aescciqticn, VS. Finutas.
  1-8. ibid.
  ]_<),   River Baptist Asr>0ci?ti0n,   lggg, p. 4.
,f 20. $@2 entry no. 23.
r `

fi Yancey Baptist Association 5
if too, in all probability had disbanded,2l and Liberty Hill may have dis—
§U banded since e Liberty Fill Church was admitted to the Mitchell county
is Baptist Association in 1884 as a newly constituted church.22
&§ Twenty—two churches were rgpresented at the meeting of the Yancey
ip County Baptist Association in 18o8. Eight of them had, of course, come
V, · from the old Boan hountain Baptist Association to the Black Mountain
Eh Baptist ASSOCl&T1OD.23 Eight, Priceis Creek, Elk Shoal, Concord, Byrdvs
yy Chapel, Skelton Face, Ebenezer, Clear Creek, and Fairview, had evidently
Th been members of the Black Mountain Baptist Association since they were
QQ listed without explanation of admission to the meeting. Two .~·- newly con-
,N stituted churches, Green Mountain and Blue Rock, were admitted, end four
tg churches, Cane River, Mount Pleasant, Ivy Gap, and Burnsville, were re- s
it ceived by letter from the French Broad Baptist Association. These churches
JQ were in Yancey county, with the exception of Clear Creek, which was in
jh Mcpowell County, and possibly Skelton Face, which was not again listed and i
di ,·  about which no information was available to the Survey. In addition to ·
WT Big Crabtree, two churches, Little Bell Creek ind Armstrong, were listed
A as not represented. Armstrong did not again appear and no information
,f was available to the Survey with reference to it. Little Bell Creek Church
ly was not aqain listed, thorgh it is possible that it was the Little Creek
Q Church on which the committee on newly constituted churches reported to
  the association in 1925.24
§ Since 1888 the number of member churches has remained in any one
fg year nearly constant between 25 and the present 31. Due to the difficult
{ mountainous terrain, a comparatively large number of newly constituted
Q churches have proved inaccessible to a sufficient membership to keep them
é alive or have been located in the neishborhood of an already well es-
1 tablished Missionary Baptist or other church to which the membership has
I? transferred. In 1889 one church, Indian Creek, was received into the
{ association by a certificate of dismission from the French Broad Bawtist
E Aesociation.2§ Five churches have been lost to other associations, ggé
{= follows: to the Green River Baptist Association, Clear Creek in 1888,
= -
if 21. Beaver Creek Baptist Church which is now a member of the Kitchell
QV County Baptist Association was newly constituted in 1919.
QQ Mitchell County Baptist Association, Kinutes, 1919, p. 1}.
_t 22. Ibid., FB. Minutes.
>§, 25. Namely, Zion, Double Island, Laurel Branch, Crabtree, Bald Creek,
ICQ Jackie Creek, Pleasant Grove, and Bethel Baptist churches.
{ 24. See entry no. 45. `
{1 25. Yancey County Baptist Association, Vinutes, 1889, p. 5.
j* 26. ‘Ibid., 1888, p. 5; Green River Baptist Association, Ninutes
;Q 1888, p. 4. ·
w i
U 1
` E

{ Yancey Baptist Association 6
it and in 1904 Jessieis Grove27 which had Been received into the association
‘ in 1902 as a newly constituted church;2 and to the Rolstgg Baptist Associ-
E ation in Tennessee, the Falls Sap Baptist Church in 1894, the Coffee
tl Ridge Baptist Church in 1920,5 and probably Higgins Chapel around 1926.
hi Falls Gap Baptist Church had come into the Yancey County eiptist Associ-
ll  5 ation from the French Broad Baptist Association in 1889.5I The Coffee
ta Ridge Baptist Church was first represented in the Yancey County Baptist
gi Association in 1892;32 was dismissed to unite with the Holston Baptist
t? Association in 1895;33 again left Yancey to join Holston in 1906; 4 re-
F, turned to Yancey with its letter and was received in 19Og;’5 and finally
ig in 1920 secured a letter of dismission to join Ho1ston.5 Higgins Chapel
j§ at Flag Pond, Tennessee, was received into the Yancey County Baptist
U* Association in 1901 as a newly constituted church.57 subsequent to 1920
. F? it withdrew to join the Holston Baptist Association.
QE The organization of the Yancey Baptist Association corresponds to
M? that of other associations affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention
Q? and the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, to which the Yancey
L County Baptist Association transferred its membership in 1395 from the
k* Western North Carolina Baptist Convention.58 No copy of a constitution
iii as adopted by the Black Mountain Baptist Association is available but
C in 1892 a constitution as revised by the committee on revision was
ji adopted by the Yancey County Baptist Association and published in the
Y1 minutes of the association for that year.
lt In 1892 the working body consisted of all ministers and of two
i delegates for every 50 members of each constituent church and one for each
;f additional 50 members or fractional part thereof, provided each church
g was entitled to two delegates.}? In 1900 and subsequent years the con-
,” stitution as printed in the minutes has provided for seats for all
Q ministers, two delegates for every 50 members of a constituent crnrch and
g "for each additional fifty or the fractional part thereof, provided each
1E* 27. Yancey County Baptist Association, Minutes, 1905, p. 9.
lfi 28. Ibid., 1902, p. 4. '_
AY` 29. Ibid., 1894, p. 10.
gy 50. Ibid., 1920, p. 17. ‘
dtd 51. French Broad Baptist Association,‘Minutes,‘1889, p. 7.
Q$‘ 52. Yancey County Baptist Association, Minutes, lS92, p. 10.
I? 55. Ibid., 1895, p. 10. ‘ ”
~i 54. Yancey County Baptist Association, Minutes, 1906, D. 4.
iQ 55. Ibid., 1907, p. 5.
Q1 56. Ibid., 1920, p. 17.
¥» 57. Ibid., 1901, p. 5.
y  #_`‘ 58. Ibid., 1895, p. 7. ‘
Q, 59. Ibid., 1392, Constitution, art. IV.
Q ·I

{ Yancey Baptist Association 7
if church is entitled to two de1egates."4O Delegates and ministers meet in
te annual session on the Friday before the first Sunday in September. Origi-
Q? nally both time and place were appointed at the previous meeting,Al but'
L, today the place of meeting alone is set by the committee on time, place,
· and preacher.42 Visitors, including ministers of all faiths, members of
, other Baptist associations, and persons prominent in religious and educa-
1, tional work, are recognized but are not allowed to vote.
( Prior to 1952 officers of the association were elected at the open-
E; ing of igsession, each to remain in office until his successor was
t? chosen. Since 1952, by order of the association, officers are elected
Y) at the close of a session to serve through the next session.44 In 1@92 ‘
Q the elected officers were a moderator, a clerk, and an historian.' In 1901, I
Qi provision was made for the electiog of a treasurer,45 and in 1952, for’
EE the election of a vice—moderator.4 One person may, and usually does,
Qi serve as both clerk and treasurer. It is the duty of the moderator to
(Q preside at all meetings, appoint committees and perform such other duties ,
IQ as are required of presiding officers. In the absence of the moderator,
111 it is the duty of the vice-moderator to preside. The clerk, who receives
dg remuneration for his services, records proceedings of the body, conducts
`TQ the correspondence thereof, and superintends the printing rnd distribution
Fi of the minutes of the association. The historian is charged with keeping
QQ a complete file of the minutes of the association and a record, to be
E) approved by the association annually, of all historical, biographical, and
ji incidental facts and other data likely to be of use to future historians.
QE The treasurer has custody of all funds of the association. These funds
f§ are to be used to further the objects of the association, which are Mthe
E} sustentation of Home, Conventional, and Foreign Missions; the education
fi of poor young men called of Cod to the gospel ministry; the fostering of
fi institutions of learning in our bounds; Sabbath Schools and temperance."47
{Q Funds for these objects are to be kept distinct from each other and
Z, applied according to the desire of the contributor.48
I i ·  
rj} 40. No amendment is found in the minutes to cover this change in wordinp,
yi Since the basis of representation has not changed in practice, the change
H in wording would appear to have originated in a‘typographica1 error.
XE 41. Yancey County Baptist Association, Minutes, 1892, constitution, art. I.
if 42. In 1915 meetings were set for the Wednesday before the first Sunday
QM in September. (Yancey County Baptist Association, Minutes, 1915, p. 21.)
 dY In 1940 the present time of meeting was set. (Ibid., 1940, n. 15. This
Wy change has not yet been incorporated into the constitution as printed in
hm the minutes of the association.) ‘
fd 45. Yancey County Baptist Association, Minutes, 1992, Constitution, art. V.
ig 44. Ibid., 1952, Thursday Morning Session, p. unnumbered. This change has
IQ not bEen_incorporated into the constitution as printed in the minutes.
it 45. Ibid., 1901, p. 4.
?? 46. Ibid., 1952, report of Committee on Constitutional Changes. since 1952