xt7w0v89h960 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89h960/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19000513 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1900-05-dec13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1900-05-dec13. 1900 2011 true xt7w0v89h960 section xt7w0v89h960 

YINUTT'S OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1900 - page 25

      Judge Hager offered the following:

      The committee on nominations respectfully recommend
the increase of the Board of Control of the Agrtcultural
Experiment Station to four instead of three members, and
that D. F. Frazee be the fourth member.

                     Signed   J. B. M~arcum,
                              John F. Hager

      On motion the recommendation was approved and adopted.

      The Board then adjourned to meet at 10 A. M.
December 13th.

      The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
at 10:20 A. M. Dec. 13th.

      Present:                     D. F. Frazee, Chairman
                                   MaD. Ferguson
                                   J. F. Hager
                                   E. H. Hobson
                                   G. B. Kinkead
                                   J. B. Marcum
                                   J. Ke. Patterson
                                   W. R. Ramsey
                                   R. C. Stoll

      Judge Hager submitted the following:

      To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky.

      In compliance with duty assigned us as special
committee to examine and make report upon the minutes of
the faculty and of the special faculties we respectfully
report: -

      That after such examination we find minutes of proceedings
of the Faculty and of the special have been duly kept, and
regularly entered and authenticated except that the minutes
of meetings of the Academy faculty while preserved in pencil


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. is, 1900 - page 26

      have not been spread on record or fully authenticated.
Prof. J. M. Davis excuses his failure in this behalf and
will make record of minutes in book regularly kept for this

      We report that record of daily grades is kept by  the
various members. The record of Prof. P. Wernicke and J. P.
Brooks have not been submitted to us. Prof. Kastle has such
records upon cards ohly. We suggest that a book is more
appropriate for keeping daily grades as matters of permanent

                        (Signed)   McD. Ferguson
                                    J. F. Hager

      On motion the foregoing report -was approved.

      The committee on President's Report submitted the

      Resolved: that, inasmuch as a considerable amount
was expended in October to meet the expenses of the battalion
in going to Louisville and return in order to participate in
the military exercises held during the latter part of the
month, the regular encampment provided for in the estimates
for this year be postponed, unless such can be advantageously
held for balance of unexpended appropriation.

      On motion the foregoing resolution was approved and

      Report of Committee on Experiment Station.

Your comrnittee on the Experiment Station begs leave to submit
the following:

      It found the Station in a flouring condition, but
cramped for room, especially is this true in the chemical
laboratories and library. The increased work in the chemical
division necissitates additional room, especially will this
be true when the pure food law work is put in full operation.
The library is over crowded. Books are now piled upon the
floors and tables. The Station needs the whole of the


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 13, 1900 - page 27

Experiment Station Building and some arrangements should be
made soon to that end.

      2. A dairy barn should. be constructed on modern
principles as soon as funds will allow, after first providing
for expansion of laboratories and library. The Board has
heretofore appropriated money for such a barn in case the
money was not needed for land, but the purchase of L. M.
Land place took all of the available funds at the time.

      3. The farm recently purchased by the College should
be put in through repair as soon as possible. The fencing
now is worthless. New fencing is needed as soon as we get in
possession and perhaps arrangements can be made to do some
work before we get in possession M.larch 1st. Some tile draining
is necessary. WNe recommend that a co=m1ittee consisting of Mr.
Frazee and the Director be empowered to make all necessary
repairs on the f arm.

      4. We recommend that Executive Committee be and they
are hereby empowered to make such arrangements as they deem
best to provide additional rooms for the station giving it
powver to purchase the present Station building, and out of
these funds and such additional funds belonging to the Station
as may be necessary to erect a new building for the Station;
or to sell the present building to the Station, and out of
the proceeds of this sale and such other funds as may be
available erect a suitable building for Physics and
Chemistry, and shall have power to fix the terms of
the respective sales.

      The Board of Control shall purchase out of the funds
of the Station upon the recommendation of the Director such
furniture as may be needed for the station.

      If the work on the Pertilizers shall demand it we
recommend that the Director be empowered to employ temporarily
a chemist to assist in such work after consultation with
the President, and the salary shall be fixed by the
Director and the President.



      On motion the foregoinc report was approved and

     Messrs. Ainkead, Ferguson, and Frazee, Committee on
finance reported as -follows:

     Your Committee on Finance would respectfully report
that on the 13th day of Dec. 1900, they made a full and com-
plete examination of the accounts of the Treasurer and find
his accounts correct.

      They would further report that on the 1st-. day of
December 1900 the College was over drawn in the sum of

      On the lst. day of December 1900 the Experimriental
Station had to its credit the sumi of $18377.67.

      Statement of receipts and expenditures from July 1st,
to Dec. 1, 1900.

        -  -  College exclusive of Experiment Station.

Received from State Taxes since Ju
          it  U. S. Fund of 1862
   ,,    It   it   It "  "  1890
   It     "   Students fees
          i  Rents



Other sources

Balance on hand July 1st, 1900
Total amount in Treasury since Jul
Business Agent's balance Dec. 1.
Business Agent has on hand note in

Checks out
Bank balance on Dec. 1.

ly 1st, 1900 $2846.86
"    "i   "  251375.00
"    "    "   2100.35
i f       "     300.00
"t   I'   "     103.71
   "  "  "   ~~~~2 6 7 2 5.7,M

y Ist.        35209.55
 bank           592.35

(in red)

(in red)

(in red)


IMINITES OF TH-TE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1900 - page 29

                  Experim.ient Station.

Received from U. S. Fund of 188'7             $7500.00
  it      it Fertilizers "                    14841.25
          '  Farm                             1021.25
          I Interest Acct.                   68.91
  if      "s All sources                      23431.41
Balance on hand July 1st, 1900                 9709.96
Total amnount in Treasury since July 1st,     33141.37
      Expended                                13509.97
Balance in Treasury on Dec. lst, 1900         19631.40

      On motion the report of the co1mittee on Finance was
approved and adopted.

      Mr. Ramsey read the following:

      Your committee on Military Instruction and college
discipline would respectfully report that all the members of
the committee not being present and there not being sufficient
time at this meeting to make the investigation requireds it
was decided that a meeting of this committee be held some-
time in the month of April next on such day as may be fixed
by the chairman and the result of said investigation and
further report will be made at the next meeting of
the Board of Trustees.

                        Signed     E. H. Hobson
                                   W. R. Ramsey

      On motion the report was received and approved.

      Ordered that the subjects set forth in the published
schedules for each year of the college course and for each
hour in the daily recitations be taughit as therein set forth,
each in its appropriate place and order; that all classes
be made up of homogeneous material as determined by
actual examination at the beginning of each year
and term; that classification be made along the lines of
Freshman and Sophomore, Junior and Senior, that no disjointed
fragm-ents of classes of equal or different degrees of


MINUTES OF THE 3OARD OF TRTUSTEESDec. 13, 1900 - page 30

advancement shall be taught by the samte person within the
same hour, and that each hour s recitation shall embrace but
one subject and one class. The same rule shall apply to
Greek and Latin in the Academy by whomsoever taught. The
committee on Internal Expansion is hereby directed to report
specially on the observance of this requirement to the end
that waste of time and energy be eliminated from

      Ordered on motion of Mr. 'Stoll that Prof. Anderson be
instructed ta submit an estimate to the Board at its next
meeting, of the cost per light, for lightin the building
and grounds by electricity.

      Ordered - First That the Dean of each course of study
in the college be drected and enjoined to admit no one to the
Freshman class in their respective courses until he or she
present a certificate of proficiency determined by actual
and thorough examination in all the subjects required for
admission to said class as set forth in the curriculum of
the Academy or a certificate from an accredited school
covering the work done in the Academy or the equivalent

      Second. That the faculty be directed to revise the
conditToof admission to the Freshman class in English,
Mathematics, Latin and Greek and to adopt and publish a
standard of admission as high as the existing conditions in
Kentucky will allow to the end that this College may be
placed in advance of the other colleges of the Commonwealth
and may be brought into line with the best colleges
organized under the Act of 1862.


     MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRLUSTEESDec. 13, 1900 - page 31

     On motion of Mr. Stoll ordered that the question
of an increase in Thos. Aubreyts salary was referred to
the committee on salaries with instruction to report
thereon in June.

      Adj ourned.

         V. i. M1uncy