xt7w0v89j26n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89j26n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19780203 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 3, 1978, no. 211 text The Green Bean, February 3, 1978, no. 211 1978 2014 true xt7w0v89j26n section xt7w0v89j26n UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER ‘
2/5/78 K NO. 211 ‘
3 February — Administrative Council Meeting — Gallery,
` - 8 : 30 AM I ~
0 0 l0 February — Library Faculty Meeting ~ Gallery, 8:30 AM _ i
` l0 February — The Gallery Series — Wind Music by the Faculty
I Woodwind Quintet — Noon in the Gallery, King
Library North
i Current Exhibits: Foyer, Kinq Library North — A Tribute to
Vladimir_Nabokov, Also display of Recent Acquisitions.
V Gallery — Department of Special Collections - l9th Century
Photographs {January 16 — February l5).
Contributors to this number: Pat Boyle, Ruth Brown, Anne
Campbell, Joan Davis, Faith Harders, Claire McCann (Editor), _ A
  Bob Turner, and Paul Willis. A

 . — 2 —
_ Editor's Note ' ’ ‘
i There were no issues of The Green Bean January 20 and 27 due
to weather-related circumstances.
-Clarks of Twinrocker to Conduct Papermaking Lecture and
I Workshop ‘ ‘
» — The University of Kentucky Library, the University of Kentucky
E Art Department, and the Kentucky Arts Commission will sponsor
T · a slide lecture and workshop on papermaking to be given by
Y Kathryn and Howard Clark, co-founders of Twinrocker, Inc., of
T Brookston, Indiana. Free to the public, the lecture will be
T held in the Whitehall Classroom Building, Room 118 from 11:00 AM ·
’ to 1:00 PM on_Friday, February l7. The workshop will be from l
· 2-5 PM in Room l02, the Fine Arts Building. Workshop enroll-
ment is limited to 25; a $6.00 registration fee is required.
Registration closes February 10.
1 Kathryn Clark was a fine art printmaking student at Wayne State
i University in Detroit and studied with Aris Koutroulis, a
Tamorand master printer, who passed along"WmM>important ideas
~ that were to shape Twinrocker: (1) that a sheet of paper is an
aesthetic image as important as any drawn or printed image on
its surface; and (2) that a person should use his schooling to
, . become a professional in his field supporting himself with
skills so deve1oped.‘"
‘ With these ideas, Kathryn's training in printmaking, and
· · Howard's background in mechanical engineering and industrial
T design, Twinrocker began in the basement of their flat in San
_ Francisco. In 1972, they had outgrown the basement and moved
the operation to Howard's family farm outside Brookston.
Twinrocker specializes in custom editions and personal service
and flexibility. The Clarks worked with Claire Van Vliet of
the Janus Press to create a paper for publication of the poem
. "Aura" that would elicitthe "'feeling of light and space of
the evening sun on a Vermont mountain landscape at dusk,'" as
A the poem depicts. Two and one-half weeks culminated in the
production of a rag pulp paper formed from fourteen colors.
In 1977, the Clarks co-published three books, Closed Door and
7 Midi by printer Claire Van Vliet, and Mayan Legends agd Replies
5y_Curtis Rhodes. , ·

 M 3 M
An exhibition featuring Twinrocker paper, watermakrs, art
pieces and a copy of The Qloood Door will be displayed in the
Department of Specialvéollections, King Library North,
February l2—26.
To register for the workshop write David Farrell or Joan Davis,
University of Kentucky, King Library North, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. For int rmation call
Space Neeoo_in King buildings to be Reviewod
John Bryant has been asked to assume the primary responsibility
for a review of the King buildings organization. Specifically,
John has been asked on behalf of the Administrative Committee,
to review the space utilization in the King buildings, to
conduct necessary feasibility studies, and to make recommenda~
tions concerning the possible physical realignment of depart-
ments and services.
This work will build on the l976/77 work of the Library Faculty
Facilities Planning Committee plus other relevant studies and
documentation now available. Our goal is to utilize space in
the main library complex in the most efficient wa; and to locate
and organize public service units to maximize their effective-
ness and convenience to users.
John will solicit the assistance of staff and departments as is
necessary. I am certain that he will welcome relevant informa~
tion from any staff member.
As the tentative timetable below suggests, the Library Faculty
(and the Administrative Council) will be involved in final
January l6 Begin assignment
February 6) 9 Weeks — Review existing documentation, conduct
l3) necessary feasibility studies, prepare recommenda—
20) tions
March 6)
20 Present tentative ideas to Senate Library
27 Committee ·
April 3
7 Present recommendations to Library Faculty
l0 Detailed report to Dr. Cochran on financial
l7) Detailed planning for any moves
May l Begin moves and complete during summer.
~E’a1yl lil ll;is

 .- ig  
Use of Research Ccllecticns
In a paper presented at the 90th Association ef Research
Libraries meeting, May 1977, Richard De Gennaro, University
of Pennsylvania, stated that academic libraries ostensibly
build research collections for those who use the library
least. He advocated concentrating more resources on serving
those who use the collection most——graduates and undergraduates.
A percentage comparison of active users at the University of
Pennsylvania and the University of Kentucky is as follows:
University of University of
Pennsylvania_ Kentucky
1 Undergraduates @0% 43%
Graduates 35 33 V
Faculty 10 12 ·
1 Others 15 12
1 The University of Kentucky rigures are rough percentages based
on 1976/77 general circulation statlstics from King Library
and three branch libraries.
c· c _·~ =rnr"q ~ 4 ·¤
FQl=KL.¤-Rial ARQHIE ·¤Plj_H\& lllali., £AF?F’l5r>
_ The Appalachian Center welcomes Archie Green, well~knewn fo1k~
I . 1 . .. ·
lorist, who will nresent two lectures and a non~credit course
in early February. The course will meet February 1 ·v~~ 15 for
seven sessions and will explore folk art, music, coal mining,
politics and values of Appalachia. To register please call
258—4852 or contact the Apnalachian Center Office, Patterson
I l . .L V · ` '
Office Tower, Room 65lr The lecturesxvilrbe devoted to music:
February 7 — "Folk Music Depicted in American Art," `
slide~talk, Student Center, Ream 206. 8 PM
February 14 — "Country Music Looks Outside," tape—ta1k,
Classrocm Building, Rocm 110, 8 PM
» QQl’lLRl&Hr@N,E.EBEllCf.
The American Library Association will sponsor a program designed
to help educaters and librarians understand ·i`. their cbligations
and rights under the new ccbvright law. The program is
scheduled for February 7 and will be produced at the Maryland
Center for Public Broadcasting and distributed by satellrte to
several public broadcasting stations in the south and southwest-

 The panel will include Barbara Ringer, Register of Copyrights,
_ and four copyright attorneys. A special telephone hook-up
will enable audiences in several prearranged locations to
question the panelists. In Kentucky, the broadcast is
sponsored jointly by the Kentucky Department of Library and
Archives and the Office for Continuing Education, College of
Library Science, University of Kentucky. For additional
information about participating in the prograr, please contact
Timothy W. Sineath, Dean, College of Library Science, University
of Kentucky (606~258—8876) or Rebecca T. Bingham, Director,
Media Services, Jefferson County Public Schools (502—58l—5640).
MANAGE? M L5 K I LL9 Sflildlilii
A Staff Training and Development Seminar will be held February
22—24 in Washington, D.C. The seminar is designed to help
library supervisors and managers develop managerial skills and
a managerial style. Speakers are Jeff Gardner and Deanna Marcum
from Association of Research Libraries. The registration fee is
$l75.00. For further information, see Faith Harders.
While Jane White is on sabbatical this semester, Ernie Ping will
be in charge of the Education Library.
Patricia Renfro will be leaving February 3. Alexander Gilchrist
has agreed to serve as Acting Head of Reference until the
arrival of a new department head.
LT ll Circulation. lf interested, please see Faith Harders.
LT I Bindery. If interested, please see Faith Harders.
Reference Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens.
Available: July l, l978. Salary: Librarian I, $l2,000—$l5,000.
Director, Graduate School of Library Science, University of
Illinois, Urbana. Salary open. Available: August 2l, l978.
Application Deadline; March l, l978.
V Head Reference Librarian, Indiana UniversitY: South Bend.
Available: July l, l978. Salary: $l4,0GO minimum. Application
Deadline: March l, 1978.
Assistant Law Librarian, University of Missouri Columbia,
Columbia. Available: April l, l978. Salary; $ll,OOO minimum.
~ Application Deadline: April l, l%78.

 Medical Cataloger, University of Missouri~Co1umbia. Available:
April 1, 1978. Salary: $12,000 minimum. Application Deadline:
April 1, 1978.
Bibliographer/Reference Librarian, New York University, New York.
Salary: $13,000 minimum. Application Deadline: February 5,
University Librarian, Princeton University. .AJai1able: July 1
or September 1, 1978. Salary open. Application Deadline:
February 15, 1978.
Serials Cataloqer, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Available: Immediately. Salary competitive. Application
Deadline; February 15, 1978.
Assistant Director for Technical Services, Stanford University,
Conn. Available: As soon as possible after deadline.
Salary: $27,000 minimum. Application Deadline: March 1, 1978.
Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University.
Salary $l3,300—$1S,000. ·Available: As soon as possible after
deadline. Application Deadline: February 3, 1978.
Head, Library of Conqress Processing Unit, Stanford University.
Salary: $13,000—$l5,000 range. Application Deadline: March 3,
Serials Division Head, University of Washington Libraries,
Seattle. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Application Deadline:
March 1, 1978.