xt7w0v89ks6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89ks6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1981 1981 1981-10-19 2020 true xt7w0v89ks6r section xt7w0v89ks6r ‘ 1'i' he .1 ‘ .~ 1‘“ 1‘ihbh'1-’~1-1'K1ili;:»1._‘i;1 )1: ‘11é1’t‘ 71 .1- a 1'“ ' -,"1“1i1 ‘11 '1 i1 «‘51::- .1' 51" .111.2u‘1~- 1" " 1t” L 1 , " . . ‘ “.»“.'l‘r'j1"5»"5 , ,- .'5‘ It ’ I t" n 5», ", an“ k"6?;,"5'-«‘:',L7, brig .- (ftp-5"" WV“. 8 ”7.; ~ -, W,«,L-.-r«i5 . , -. - ;L . v. . .. . , ,
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5 ' 1 1 :1 V015 LXXXIV, No.46 An independent student newspaper since 1971 University 0' Kentucky 3 5
' . ‘ Monday. October 19. 1981 . Lexington, Kentucky ‘ ’ ' 1
I. V
5 ‘ . '3'
. I 3
~ , .. » Commum t I - 5 +~
‘ . Ax - ' ‘ ________ posed. The reports did not say if the leader, the third to head the party if, .
, ' _ _ .9 ‘ p By THOMAS NETTER others abstained or were not present. since 1980. 3%
, . ’1‘. Q Associated Press Writer They said 180 of 184 voting members Jaruzelski, a stern, silent career 43’-
_ .‘ fl .5; “a b‘ _____ _. ____‘ cast their ballots for Jaruzelski to military officer, has been minister of 55-;
h g. ‘, -’ M become the party‘s third leader since defense since 1968 and became 3 rt;
‘1’ , V 3." ”I. \ 1- 3" , WARSAW, Poland _ Poland's 1%0. Politburo member in 1971. . .5",
- -- - c ‘ G ‘ \ . Communist Party yesterday ousted The committee also demanded an “$132275“ h; hgzcaameinwgrgxgl fig.
i 1 23’ I 1‘“ - 1 , moderate leader Stamslaw .Kanla “immediate halt" to strikes, and ask- enerals to h'1 C hp“: t ._ 5.5;: 5
5 my , ,. . a after 14turbu1entmonthsmofficeand ed the Parliament to “temporarily lg ; the 15 a "‘9 (him? Pile 5,5 ~
«3,; . 55 3.. a, W. « called for an “immediate haltf‘to any suspend the right to strike" won by m9“? 't“. f‘t’xer."’:‘eh" d “.3 . 75.1,-
1 tp -" 1 . g 1 ' strikes by Solidarity, the 0mm“ PAP Solidarity, the only independent union 88113211165 the if :h :1 10%“ lhhnlin g 1'}
‘ . 5 5 fl ' newsagency reported. . in the Soviet bloc. It was founded in LOT as 0‘5 “a “‘3 a" “e ,5;
‘ ‘3 ' ‘3; "t . Premier WOlCl°Ch Jaruzelski, 8“ August 1%0 amid a wave of nation It ' t . edi t l . th '3:
5 5 f _ 3’ ‘ ¢ , ’ army general who also is the defense wide strikes. it?“ tho "hm a e y clear lfli e L;
‘1 ‘ N . r \ ‘d minister, was-promptly elected to The resolution calls for drastic SW1? t horecasts . a tougher . he {I
. g . . ‘ . replace Kama as party first steps, if needed, to “defend the most agalns t e9.omillion—member union, ,
- L ' ”5 ~ 4" IN secretary, the news agency said- It vital interests of the state and na- Wh‘Ch ha‘.’ “my challenged “an“ i
. f” . , . . _,J’ ’ h , was believed Jaruzelski would hold tion." Communist authorities for power in
. ififé 111 ‘ 1g “ ' ' all three posts at least until the next the past year.
i t, 3) V .- meeting of the party's Central Com- Mhhy party members had called In Lens, France, a spokesman for
. - . r V - ‘7'". \. 5 ‘5 mittee. for firm action against leaders they Solidanty head Lech Walesa, said, “I V
3 “1.3.3,; \ 5,,“ .:“ g . 9‘11..\ , 5‘ . , ' , W said were “ineffective." The decision would be very surprised if the move
,/ 3 55%;; ‘ . ’ ‘ g «5 V. 3 in _ “"’ Word of. Kania‘s ouster was to replace Kania, 54, with Jaruzelski signals a hardening (of the position of
- ‘ asap of” 13;” g g - ' .. g _ reported Without comment by the apparently represented that feeling the Communist Party) became that
‘ - “1‘“ 1% is t .4 ..... . i ‘5. y k w w“ . a?” 5.153 s : ‘ 7 media in the Sowet Union and other by the party members. However, would have dramatic consequences." .' 5
.5: . 3 fi- “$1111 2“,“ :5 1V - - 5’32 g “high-$33" “ 3 1 w , Warsaw Pact natiors, .wluch have PAP gave no reason for the resigna- Walesa is in France at the invitation j: '
- s; ’ .3“ “‘x «gs .. _- 4, ', ‘. ‘ .5 ‘5“: “ ’ _ been bitter critics of his moderate tion. of labor uniors there and said he saw
r «L3;3W3..5 . . L "‘ , 1 5 '. .5. L»5 . . . , - , :1 , .5 . policies. "Kania had apparently lost much no reason to cut short the trip. .
By DAVID COOPER /Kernel Staff PAP said Kania submitted his support and had taken a harder line,‘ . The resignation and election came .5:
I raignation during a stormy 585510" a Western diplomatic observer said. Just hours after union and govem- 5:. .
I m A Ruggal', Baby 0‘ the zoomember Central Commit— “It seems, though, that the commit» ment officials signed an agreement :3
l . tee, which ended its meeting yester- tee was absolutely fed up that he freezing most retail prices in if.
i A Lexmgton Blackstone player attempts to tip the ball to a team member in Saturday's ”Black and Blue Classic" day that began Friday. Polish media wasn’tdoing what they wanted.“ response to Solidarity demands for a 3.5
‘ rugby match. Blackstone defeated the UK team 24-0. The women's team was victorious, however. over U of L at said 104 committee members voted to PAP said 184 committee members halt to price hikes until it agreed to a E
' Louisville. Both the men's and women’s teams play at home Saturday. accept the resignation and 79 were op voted for Jaruzelski as the new party government economic reform plan.
A oh' ud Fa '
, r Itecture st ents support school us We Stones. ask for concert L
OMAHA, Neb. (APl —- The Roll Station Manager Jim Carter
Bv DALE (i. MORTON Pence Hall served as an invitation to this school should have a clear direc- “The voice of your work is in your ing Stones Will find hard l0 ignore 531d high SChOOlSv UhlVerSltlfi and
Assistant News Editor the COllege'S administration. tion. because the world we live in is in drawings,“ he said. “I think it’s the a plea from Omaha fans {or 'd 00“" volunteers “00de the station With
7 ,. -...#-_.__s. _7_ “Dean Eardley. Dean Carpenter,“ a constant state of flux): Eardley quality (of your work), not the quanti- cert in Nebraska. Signatures He said the number of ‘
it read, “it has come to the attention said. “We live in interesting times ty that‘s the issue , . . It‘s a question A petition estimated to be three names was n0t known 5,
Architecture students sav they are of the students, who are trying to and that‘s the worst curse the Chinese of building on really solid work." footbiilltegelds In lfngthkhgs bee: Vaigzgltegd 2:130 n:iames lwehed pot
- t ' 0 their r ni n ll-schoolmeeti toda , can put 0“ you —that being ‘May you .. Circua m recen “199 S «‘1 me 1. ‘ hpeohe” a Uh
$323131; agilig durzill; lafst Fri- hhgh ytz): ahails a meeting siiedulgd live in interesting times.‘ ha MOS! 0f us are hereCIbecsiuBe we 533‘th KEZQ'FM 0“ Friday, the hjth Signatures . The name 0f t "if
dayto do something about it. with the dean and several faculty.“ “We ”“181 mutually support each d3: enpgrrioias‘eegos, ‘. am said, giant lhmaho“ was rolled upbox- h‘OheS vocalist M'fk Jagger was
"The reason for today . . . is to get College of Architecture Dean An- other. We "“15! beactive participants h, ng a . re waaia need for ed and sent by air-express. m the .unong [he Signatures 0f rock :15:
«the problems) out in the air," said thony Eardley. and .his assistant in this debate, as Y0“ are by being some energy m our stu 06‘ rork group's tour directors 'h New stars frequently seen on the peti- 55111
fourth—year architecture student dean, Clyde Carpenter, were the in- here FOdElyi" he sald- If there ‘5 a Graves said that “Normally, York. . . . V flog. he ‘
Mike Cranfill. tended recipients of the students‘ leeCllon ll Sh0l11d be universal skep- studios are run three to four hours on The Bm‘Sh rock bahd ‘5 touring , ut t . .name 0f one ”Ck S'hger 5‘
Cranfill and several other students message. thlSm- _ a formal basis. The lights burn all the ham)“ for the hrs‘ hm" m was legitimate. Pat Benatar. Who 1
1 standing nearby said the afternoon "We feel the issues we are concern- “You ShOUld‘ strive to keep your night. This year I think there is not three years. Tickets for the” COh' perfgamhw recently m Omaha' 1
rally held on the front steps of Pence ed about are grave. Your attendance autonomy t00-1 Eardley added. that kind of energy level," certs, held mostly In stadiums 0' “g" 9 99mm“ Carter 531d-
5 Hall was not the result of jmt one in- would be appreciated," the sign con- Tony Roccanova, an architecture . _ . . arenas thh capaCity of from Local rock station. WKQQ—fm
dividual or group. tinued, “If you can't get involved with professor, told the students they were Cranfill 531d another gathering “”11 (’0'000. to 100‘000 people, have 501d recently completed 3 Similar letter 5
' l “The most important thing is that this school, how can the students? 11h0tP°hhmah5~11 bescheduled this week. out Whhm hours. drive _
_ ‘ the whole thing was brought together Please help! " 1
by a whole lot of students," Cranfill Joe Graves, architecture professor
~ 5 , said. and former dean of the college. said d f 0d low cost at L man ’ree
. - Among the problems cited by the “it's not dissidence. (The students) 00 O I e
gathering of students, faculty and are trying to find and solve the pro-
*, staff members were the lack of inter- blems that they see."
college communication, increased The plea reached Eardley. who told W— students in the three credit hour in- The restaurant, Paulk said, pro- senior. “It‘s quicker than the drive- ,
hpathy ,.ahd a ”passwehas 'h at— the assembly he understood what the BSyenior StaffWriter stitution foods class and the four vides basic fundamean training through at McDonaltb."
tiiudes. . concerns were about. credit hour institution marketing necessary to understand good Fr nk‘ G . . ta t to
.. Michael Smith, also a. fourth-year “In this school we treasure faculty _____.__._._______ class. paulk prefers that students restaurant management. Students a le arrison, assis h
. ‘ architecture student, said the mam autonomy above everything else," he take both classes at the same time are taught basic skills like planning academic ombudsman. 531d she has
. - .. - , . . ' . . . been eating at the Lemon Tree for the
. , emphaSis of the rally was to get said. In our curriculum we attempt Lemon tree. very pretty, Students are not paid for their work menus, preparing large quantities of l t t d “l 't it t
students to realize the importance of to present all theproblems that con- Ohthelemons are sosweet, in the restaurant. All money from the food, making a restaurant environ- tasbe wo‘tytears an S oxes i .' ough
’ "being an active participant in your front us as architects. Our subject But the fruitofthe lemon restaurant goes directly into the ment pleasing to customers, figuring OThW“ en “Pm“ hut 3‘" LlVg-_ 5‘
education ‘ ‘ ‘ to say something if you matter '5 about as diverse as we can 1‘ immmble t° 9“" ‘ ‘ University General Fund. budgets and dealing with the general f t 9 menu mm 1) con 3:5 a (lace ,1 ’5
. don't accept things." get It. —Peter.Paul and Mary The purpose of the restaurant is to public. 0 W0 entrees 8 0n8 W1 8 53 ad. .~
A sign posted at the entrance to "We will resist forever the idea that give students “directed ex- vegetable, bread, beverage and L.
‘ Contrarytothesong,thefruitofthe peflenm .. Paulk said. “When they Clinical nutrition junior Shelley chowe 9f dessert- Ijlxamples of en-
lemon is not always impossible to eat. get through they'll know how to ban Whitmer said she had never waitress- "$395 ”101““? Cthke" d“ vm, ,
' I - - ' ' 5 5 «5 ‘ fncassee of lamb and beef and .'
VlCtU Rowe Ponmm dead at u. M the Lemon Tree Tea R°°m‘ h 5 1"" tile a variety of situations." ed before taking this class; The first L .
1 ' ' newbie wheat. Lemon Tree Tea Room was opened time I was really scared. 5 she said. Cheese casserole. . .
3 was ' mer “as“ emeritus The Lemon Tree, located on these- to the public five years ago, Paulk “but now “15 gettingalot easner. Nosecond helpings are served. 1
'. m w cond floor. of Erikson H311, offers said. This fall, Paulk is working with Rosie Lawrence restaurant Psychological counselor Steve
campus cuisine at "5 hMt‘ Imagine. a class of 12 students, although the - ' Smith said that although he enjoyed ‘
.‘ . . for example hot chicken pie With . f t t management seruor, agreed the class th food h thinks “the rtions re
Victor Rowe Portmann, a jour- In honor of his many contributions, biscuit topping fresh gelatin salad number varies rom semes er 0 had been helpful. “It gives each stu« e ll ”9 p0 a .
nalism professor emeritus who taught the KPA awards eight Portmann cream dressing, buttered green beans semester. . _ . , dent the chance to get experience do- ttig‘sma ‘ ud t ho has I
. for over 39 years, died Friday at the scholarships annually. with mion rings orange-raisin cake Became Ofllmlted-CRWCIW .83”th ing a lot of things,“ she said. ‘or 1: h:tmen w‘I‘r a art‘gbe3 ll:
Veterans Administration Medical He served as the 195nm president crescent rolls and coffee ortea for on: and the fact the restaurant 15 only The students receive a lot of praise pleme1t Fhf’h 1:133),an h If
Center. He was 89. of the Newspaper Managers Associa- ly$2 Open at h°°h 0". Tuesday “a: from their customers. :08“ 0 who} .3 d;l'1 “hfood . ‘
‘ Portmann retired from the jour- tion. lncand was a board mamber of [ma ine tables set with sparkling “MM reservations "105‘ .. _ . _ .. . wever. one enJOYS ‘ 1010“? 4 In
nalismschoolin 1966 afterinstructing the National Newspaper Association hit 3 d. f h u made madvance- _ . . The food is dellcmls. said Hazel moderate helpings With Ion prices
more than 1.500 students. He was a thesame year. w e finnerware, d ":m ye] ow “it fills up really quick,‘ said Keightley, staff member in student this restaurant Will indeed fit the bill
major influence in rehauling Portmann was anactive memberof chrysant emums an s y Siver— Whitmer who explained that the class financial aid. She. added that she of fare. _ .
. 5 , thestructure of the Kentucky Press me masonic order. In addition to his waE’ e. the deco , - easi Modern is only setup tohandle 38 to 40 people especially appreciates the polite The Lemon Tree will be open this
.1 Association in the 19405- membership in the Oleika Shrine ven . [as pl “8‘ h at one tlme- “We V6 had 8 full CPOWd hostesses and efficient seerce. .. semester through December._ Reser-
' His start 1‘" journalism was purely Temple and the Royal Arch Masons, art paintings] at xix-r0881?” “dung every d3Y- We're already booked un- “I‘ve never seen serVice so fast. vations can be made by calling 257-
. coincidental. In 1911, while preparing he was past commander of Oleika :githizhohzsa; 031;: p158"; ar: til around NOV. 17. said Marcia Mjller. public relations 38%,
for a pharmacy exam, he 1‘9“?in 8 Legion of Honor and past impressaio scattered infront ofthewindows ., L, _
, ‘ ' telegram from his father Wthh read, director of Lexington Court 121 of the Sound enticing” ' £9 3 “f 5. e
‘ “i bought the paper. Come home and Royal Order of Jesters, Lemon Tree is 1a project of the Col- 5 «3 mg“ ._ .1-
. 1 ‘. run it." . “When 1 came to the Universityatl lege of Home Economics. n was a ‘ ~‘ '.I -.
5,: , a; When Portmann returned to his years ago, he was already an in- started in an attempt to provide 5,. f,“ :3, ,3
hometown 0f Currie, Minn.,he went to SthhOh and respected very much. students with an interest in 3n.“ S‘13 13.315
1 work at the Currie Independent filling He was very interested in and active mums!“ management, institution 7 ~- ‘ . i§ ' ‘ 3353‘ -
govariety of roles from editor to office in the department.“ said Herbert N. food service administration and i‘, 3 .5 ,3 5' y g
- 1 y. Drennon, dean of the College of Com- « 5 .. t" taste of experience 5...; 5;. ‘ L 1:53; “,_ . ’ .
. , At the onset of World War I in 1917, munications. “There is a sense of real 333:? :13ng learning environ- . ' - ':‘ . ‘ Mg“ hi , ‘ Q. . 's
_ , Portmann entered the Army‘s Second loss that a very real part of the school ment. 1 1“ 11 . , Vi Q . 12’
5' . Officers‘ Training Camp at Fort has passed away. I know it meant a The tea room was the brainchild of 1 11 ~ _ ~ 11‘ -' ' ’ c
. ‘ Snelling, Minn. He was placed in field great deal to many journalists.“ Joe Paulk, 8880(2le Wu“ 0‘ 11 5 5' 1g
. . l artillery service where hesuffered a He is survived by his wife, nutrition andfoodxim. \E a!
l severe fall from a horse that almost Catherine Julyn Portmann. Other Paulk began his first student 3 V. ‘
,'~ paralyzed him. “let recovering, he survivors include two sons, Stanley rataurant while teachim at the . . ‘
.. 1 served two years in the Medical Corps Roy Portmann. fianklin Ky.. and University of North Carolina. It was t‘ ‘ -‘ . ‘ ~
I in France. _ Joslyn Victor Portmann, Stuttgart, sosuccessful thathedecidedtoimple .5 ., 1 w 1. _ ,‘ . - . _- L, y' ,
Portmann cameto UK in 1927 after Germany; andadaughter. Mrs. John ment a similar mm m be .3 . _: 5; f, 3 ..' g . u ., 1“ . .
' ' .- ' $311118 a year at the University of Blanchard. Kingsport, Tenn. He is ammun. 1’ ‘ . 1 ‘ at ‘,.,- « -- ;hh 3..“ 1 11 ‘ 1- 11 ~1
3; "383- also survived b two brothers, a ‘ fw “In“ ’13? , ' ~ :",:.‘.L£L‘ , I, ‘ ’1 . “' ‘« 4.5..
In I936. Portmann was appointed to sister, eight grarldchildren and four b “fixturm av: m1 ‘1'; ," _. wgt'i‘ ~33. . «8'. ' :‘5 ':,;“«'.,1":
. V; .. .. ~« . the executive committee of the Ken- great-grandchildren. almost” of plannim. “I took one ‘ 35 3:, 44' .;.;.~.,,'3,:;‘;;,
‘. . , ,‘ , lucky Press Association. When the The funeral will be at 1pm. tomor- idea here and another use than and 1 1 '1' 1" 1 2,17, ~1,;.~f1:‘3.5.
.337.“- KPAwas restructured in i941,het00k row at Hunter Presbyterian Church. then put the best ones maths," “‘1 ROBERTme/KMM' ,1. 113:3;
1 1 over the ”mo" 0‘ secretary- Visitation hours “he from h to 8 pm Paulk said. “l milk all the Itllhm he Lemon Tree Tea Room has become a popular spot to enjoy lunch on campus. Linda (inningham and Joyce Welcb. a”;
“3.1 at 5' manager. a 9°" he held for many today Bl W~R Milward ”WWW- 159 felt yhadapartlnlt." staff personnel at Wanner Gren Research Lab. stopped in for a bite of lunch at the new restaurant where Horne T 1 2133111.“;
iifjgf‘ ‘ ‘ a. 0'98”- ' N Bndel)’. [gm M Tu Room ll rm by the Economics students prepare and serve the food. ‘ " ‘ 1 ,Jle‘ih
5 1 2 ~‘;»;::«7«>=‘=. .
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his ; f“ ‘ v - ; . g , ‘ . 5 . A . ,, : L~ r5- ‘« 5' . .5317»: 3* ,. ‘ . ,, 5-: imsfifi #33133 "x isihhtéw ‘ ‘ ' 1 «
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1 . == on. =i: g“ on it‘d." r y .. . - . ~ . . weighty; 5"“? "i a”? text’s“
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:" 5% ,. {l 3*“ Me“ Chris M Janice lawl- lien-l. Anne curler Una Wallace M. Chandler llelln ‘ ' , p
‘3," :j: .5 . Editor-mood multimeter mam Sportalidllu mm editor mutter ‘ l
t of} . M , . ._____
"1-1:": - . persuaSIon Jacki RI“ u“ Kid.“ N.“ m my” w. W mu m“ _ all" L8“ K ‘
33’5"? .. . 'v i museum equator “lawnmower Wthitertalmtwtu “MMW'W .3 l |
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t. y - ifi I I I I It": a“
Solent c creationism theory detrimental to looming . ..
=.' ' . 7 not:
In a misconcelved attempt toequate dogma Scientific creatiomsm would teach unpres- u , l ow .. o l -» mm
' with scientific theory, the fundamentalist sionable youngsters that science is a set of SClENTlFlC * ' ”sz FOOL. we fl IWSLY W W (AH/Ll f. ’2 and
Christian elements of the Fayette County beliefs rather than a method of systematic CREATIONLSM/ SHOULD me TN' WWLTQFGENET'C Q'NlLlZHl-M‘lfihl . ‘ 1 . I still
School Board will attempt tonisht to require observation and conclusion which knows no [WHAT A N l WW AS . ;_ ;. .- . :. befo
. the teaching of “scientific creationism" in the true affiliation, except to the indisputable WEN TRUE 9519'- M PULMTW 0F ( . .' E]
= public schools. truths of physical law. Students might thus be ’ 3mm ' OF MAN ... W PNMTES BV— WS'JUST A5 ’ t, ‘ ing 1
If they succeed, today will be marked as it led to believe that scientific fact can be re- . w . ._.._. 8” M “ ‘ ' . sion
tragedy for education by the progressive jected on the basis of theology rather than 1’7” ' . EXTMTEWRML . WW,“ 5E1. . 1 ' Sen.
thinkers of the Lexington community. superior reasoning. f' f_ :3 ( , , g ,5 3‘
‘ A victory for the creationists would It is the perogative of all individuals in a 3‘ .. , 3” \ 7 " 2/ . _-r = ‘31 "i :5"
legitimize the view of a small minority ele- democratic society to decide to what forces 5 i‘ ' ' . x - f / \\\ "w - - mg.
ment of the Christian majority, assurln' g that they attribute the mysteries of existence { ' , "b ‘V/f o ’y 3‘ l = ' cam
the literal interpretation of the biblical which science can never fully explain. The ,- E 5,. 4). i. \1” JG ‘ ' . l Be
Genesis would be presented alongside the scientific creationists apparently believe that ' , \ y/ :70- » .1 ”542%! . 7 l ._ i1);
_ _ evolution theory. scientific thought presents an organized // % .4 a 54/ ’5 l / Nu. m”, A (P //« . L _ he:
‘ To any clear thinker, this proposal is unac- aetheistic alternative to that choice —— a I W / . "w. ,/// ’x,“ 'l 4/} KI ’5" _....,,n,,‘ s >1 . 3 am
, ceptable. Even if the creation stories of all “movement” they refer to most often as _ ' , ’ .. 1- . Th
major religions were to be presented along “secular humanism.” It does not. W E Mm wI Dflw , PUTV MN'KEN‘SM M ‘ othei
with evolution, the net effect would be to place Tonight, the members of the school board , ‘ .a—u , 4 [firm
theory — “a formulation of underlying prin- should realize that the arguments they hear Vl . ALL-TH ' 001;” ”'3 JUSTA f' ‘ 2"
ciples of certain observed phenomena which from either side have nothing to do with First HON/m“ . o l gove‘
* has been verified to some degree“ (according Amendment freedoms or the broadening of 6° ' I W 0F ' a $1:
to Webster‘s), and doctrine — a system of educational horizons. Scientific creationism is if ’M ' 'ME, I ' . * ; enlis
beliefs generally accompanied by a set of merely a matter of self-serving semantics, *5 k “"45 e 0t 3/7,,1 .
. . . . , 1
rules or laws for llvmg — on the same plane. and apples and oranges do not mlx. . r u = , = ' - '6’ 29t\ I . 'L‘ .. . N
. ’ km% ’. fi“ ’1 «1‘ .. ; L ‘ . ' ‘j’ e' . . 5‘: "
‘ a 4 ’ «7r
- - - Mom KE. ”° " h" '3‘“
,. Leamlngrally'ethuetteneweampusolaze .. - y. We ’. .- =====
‘ ‘54.- 1/ ‘7 . 9 e, w» _ ,5. = , . ‘l _, . fear!
“e, ‘7 ' at l . .2) ‘ . ‘, Fol)"
Gee. it looks so big! My first big ral- _______ I didn’t want to be here in the first a“; I; at Nazca £23. 7, , ‘ _., , _ . » A“
ly as a freshman. So this is college place. lwouldn’t havecomeatallifl ”’5. ‘l ""1 Wu“ ” ’~-- f) . y ,. ‘_ ll( ‘5 «5% .2 ~;;
life. I wonder if this will be like the hadn't had chemistry at this hour. ,, c \. I ‘ fl 4 ,1 l g.- ” ‘ . J, l l5 . \ . - l
rallies we used to have in high school? 5'.” They‘ll never miss me anyway, it’s so ’ ’ 4] z ’7’ > I , ’ fl ,: = =[. Q. * t .
ldon‘tseeany cheerleaders. . .wow. big and overcrowded. Wow, what % , J N W. :7 I ~ -- ‘ 1 . . {H ,
I can" believe all these People are clever sigm. These upperclaaslnen ‘ U -, 1-, g {,4 L l ll ’9‘ 9 «A; " ;_ _
. here. just standing around. There surearemwitg.yagir_ F . =//’ / v, _ f _ 1:7,. ; ‘ /““-" _~ ~ 3:5.» \‘A;: : f HyJC
~ mustbeakegsomewhere. Pinion Why is the governor yelling at II? “A“ \J "/ All ‘3- ‘, ‘ ' ’ “ ‘ u v _' '=,;/ . ’ Senim
Whatare we supposed todo ata ral- Okay, I know sane people booed at b '3. = g _
. ‘ ly, anyway? Is there “rally eti- —'_'—-_— him, but that's no reason to yell . . . . . :
. - qw= o. rv one. n, always on. he we stared own a... w Advocates of AWACS ado exploltllg Sadat's death F van
. chant and sing. Should I start a guessallthaemenintheblueblaw's who asked him a question. I guess " directt
chorus of Bob Dylan? “Abraham. are security-type people, ready for that's one way to avoldpan am. The immediate uses to which the his Arab brothers and to take in his ' and H
‘ Martin and John?" Quick. who knows any emergency. Probably nothing Wait a second. Why is the crowd clap- assassination of Anwar Sadat is being outcast friend, the shah of lran. have l
any Simon and Garfunkel? l WiSh l'd will get past them. I don't feel pins? Only minutes 880. they were put Stagest that a true memorial to a I I g 0 I Bestof all,heforeboretotellushow ‘ travel
= brought my love beads. reassured, though. It’s hard to feel booing. I must have missed some daring and beloved world statesman brave he was. He carried off his ac- Count),
I be! this t111115 into a 811“ control safearoundapolyester blend. crucial 90in! in my Idle CMtemm' maybedeferred. complishments with flair and humor. " l-‘ayctt
rally. Or a statement about Wetnam. What’s going on? Why are they all tion. 1 might- . .oh. Isee. Thls must He deserved better than being creosote?- Hatch M“ be SIWacted 'l'heworld, much of it in tears. watch? ' Larry
Whoever heard about a rally for booing? The govemor’s here? I be what they call a “fickle” crowd. made a salesman for the AWACS °f °°va8 a change °f heart that ed the arrival of his plane in . Rob
‘ money? thougithe backed out. . .He changed Dowe like him now, orwhat? deal. Politics is, of course, the art of could 9433“! have been hm?“ “be“ Jerusalem and his incredible pro- ; tiled ;
This looks like an my crowd. his mind? Oh, how lucky we are! The I'm sure glad we ended on well an taking advantage of circumstances, by S’f‘t‘m WWW?“ srecent gross down the receiving line. His head 0
What if they get Vicious? I've heardof governor’s here! And they're booing optimistic note. lguess there’s really and Sadat was a trilliant politician, decision Mt tom) Hatch 5 home state burnished, expressive face. his long . pod.
96091688!th trampled at thesefuno at him? Gosh. These peollle know no not much of a problem at all. Maybel Still. the declaration at the White ‘0' “PMXMHC- Egyptian eyes were alive with excite- The
tiom. Should I have dressed different- fear. Good thing Phyllis isn‘t here. can still catch Chemistry. It may be Home by Sen. om“ Hatch, R-Utah _ It is true that Sadat supported the ment. -' charge
, ly'.’ Am I mmmate? Maybe 1'“ [can't see. Maybe we should throw overcrowded, but it's all I’ve got. before Sadat's death had been of- sale 0‘ the planes. He W8? In enough ‘ = Boston
tuck in my add—a-bead. I don't want to rocks at that girl sitting on that guy’s ficially confirmed — that he had been trouble “nth the Saudis without balk " reassil
Stand Wt. shoulders until she gets the hint and Janet Farrar is a journalism shmked into supporting the president 1M them (I) a?“ heartf’ dc?!” ln . ‘ while ;
‘ I‘m 00‘ really worried, W- 1 gets down. HOW inconsiderate. freshman. on the planes had about it a certain “‘99”! Buthlswholellfe, 5‘9“ he . , ble c1
took it in hls hands by gomg to - - _ . , made.
i ’ 1W Jermalem in 1W7, was to futher = 'i { liobt
\ . ‘llemtt-T:Ietteratothlbm.me.mmmmmtypdudmudumdwm peace in the Middle East, and the c: A ,- 1 .
a m III-lla- . M. ~ won] ~ , ““J '- a
i l - W.Mmhye:mumemmMIm.m.m-mm eVidencethattheAWACS l' dbrlng V C/ b J, - .. ~l
: l I e — oux euthelrmpre.eleullleetleuereeneetteuwllb “.mmuu-lteduuowu. harmonylsless than compel “13- . ,.5 ~, ~
i l MMguoe-tflb‘etotheephheeehumputony-eucanp-erhtheceI-ulty.Moe-emoti- 'l‘hesecretaryofstatcwoktheop- - - “ ,
t | Ari-oralllsteldentuuiubelereubnlm-uerlel. portunity at a press conference the \ a ’ .
E i TheKermlreeerveetheflflttoodnferfle-mrmhfltyndlenl‘h-mammalian-material. mmflwmmgwytosay that ‘» .v , line, ' '
l W delaying the controversial sale ' _ 751;? w“ ,- _.
l m lnaddition,iwouldlilretocall your As a junior from Paducall Coin- lacking facilitiee is an insult to ‘W‘d make a ”defy,“ 8“ “‘8‘ ,g-f 7" [’53 3%“);
attentim to the laminae ad by munity Collegecornirgtourinaton studenta who expect to face an “gldecfiflsgttsfifm t tam «9; k , 21351;”?!
. aomeofyou'writa'slntbeo'aycraft toatudy minimJamva'yamaud aheadyovcpopulatedjobmarhet. , ou . o“ .. 3m "33!“: '31; ,a" ‘
‘ After reading your W for article it is clearly evidult that the and “mm to find the state Since “We.“ is the pick any ordinary citizen at random 553%}: I”; ‘;,."..= . -.t . .-
thelastmonthlcannolongerremain write- is W to hias the readers’ doesn’t have an acacdlted mm field (1 human and broad- and get a more eloquent version of +4, ’31 :3. ,v" ,1;
silent. Each day that your paper opinion. Imteed d stickirg to the department. Kmulcky b one of the mm is . solace d m_ glistfotnwar Sadat stood for — and -_. :2, s ‘ g3}.
facts,thewritu'dealswlthlnsultaim- mtion's top coal poem states. . = . . . "" .21. =» 23'
$65,313 ”3’" I I‘m, Imm‘ ed towart‘h megovernor. Raidents of Kentucky have to do out 533% “‘33.“: use“: in: V$awfitm$$§$° t: ’ ’ ’ ” m w "m“ l
curacies, libel toward various in- Talkabalthisoelebrity tun-.hia “'“wwm'wm wyhmmm ante - _ofwhjchhefinan admitted He recognized generals who had I;
m rorlsm y .
divi and . . wife's forms mm Fabian. llll ' «Kentucky. thereviewing stand slaughter wasnot bested him in war. leaders who had i
“dam im 9°35 m M met“ former- comection as the millionaire Iamgoingtollclla,uo.,dliaqlring an example. m the best informa- excoriated him in print. He greeted g '
wmme P‘F“ .Ymmcy chelrenlring,ldehellctpter.andetate tofin'uh mydegree.Aftu-Idofinleh Cornrnunlcetlonwmcertetnly only “-0., available, it was the work of them in his rich voice, chortling and 5 ~»
mm" hmabelnguedtoprotecthim,“ mydegreelamgoingtoworkoutof increaaeinlmpa'tancelnthehltm-e. Islamic ftmdamentalistsofthekind exclaiming as each old enemy 3
So'nedmmummmyw notaddraethetpatiouoftheluocee- state. Noonehel botha'ed todo Ithacbametonaliaethatevul Sadatroundedupshortlybeforehis claspedhis hand. It wasoneofthe 5 I
overlook if one memben an! the sled amendment «- hlghc education anytlnng about them, and try- W the University of may to death. most reviving moments of recent ;
7 W W m- a. w— “W“- etwmramm'm rm‘m‘mm‘i “wags: m... We") ”’3‘”. . .y d
2i? . . . . my on . assure the ' ha of our faith in t's aways ric an lifetime l
g 9"” °f tralnmg W W' I donot call the” mm ‘° W of education. naive-cities have batta- nqllud and their stability and continuity. But the tuous tospeak for the dead. Maybe, as = I
it? But 1'11“"me ‘ attainmbecalIeleupportalltlree more Hecanmunlcatl -' ~' ' Ha‘ ‘ndicated Sadalcareddeepl 3 -
.15; - M became moectod “1 composition of the offlmal delegation 18 l . y ;
:1 WW “I" 3 New 5‘“ memmm‘hm ““th tbsp-p8 Haw. Rhona mm. to the final] my contradicts about our president‘s ability to “-con
it down m’ mus-mm the - t. The ident did not o. ducts coherontforeitln policy" as it '
m. m “w "my *0 m‘ M m“ l' n“ W M ‘u u” m °‘ n” M W “nightmmmtontgat wouldbereflectedintheAWACSsale. :
mmmymlw= alantedin undirecflal. Netting is univerrttyehouldreelaetlntdieree mm . - -
. Tm. M u u n scorehaspu'hlp onlytostudythe BUtIfmydmmgmm‘. 1
For enmple,atewweelna.othe earned by mime earn-l Mach II M Wm» com-Id Menu" Mince” insofagenujnemrizonfinergeflm. . t
magnum.” andclmdlngthemwithlflele- ltec-talnlyevldenttlntadupert- m = . . . mnem- l
" ? um um tertal Wetheetudenteottheuiiivenltyot mtwbichernployr‘ anew “W‘WWWE‘WMW‘ 'y “"3 ”mum" '" l =
.. gmwithnaety and vantnn . W m in M. hopefultmflflchlllhe maltr-iblltetoSadat outsidethe mind,alookatthe.toasthegaveat 2;.
comma-tween- nae-yea mlllcattelI,fiedltleamd0ll h-dottliedepertrnentllrcertelnly mum“ . . . mm¢.,'m‘i‘fl"ém dun"’3'“; l a.
’t ”Wmmmmmwt- mun-dent t