xt7w0v89m41v_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Jefferson County text Jefferson County 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_14/Item_wwii_12/Multipage23.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_12 xt7w0v89m41v    











:1/{LISSTL1’1I310L1 L 15.
.11eeley,1’1icl1ard 111.


' 1



Keeling , John Glbert
1’1'ei1‘ an , Raymond (111111011y
1elle1‘, Ti‘ederick lllickelson
1’ielly, Claude (1.

Kelly , John Joseph
l(elly,(Gilbe'1‘t T .
1’1enda11,Edwin lllyers

her 11 ,1lle1‘oin J.

Kerr, Herbert 111.
lQessler, (Galter (Gesley
Ridd,Herman D.
Qimbrough ,Elmer D.
€ing,Ear1 (G.
l1i11g,“1‘heodorEe 1~.

1i1‘ k, Charles Douglas

T 7 111a1e11’1Mudolph 1~.

11einsteibe1‘ ,(Gilbert
11 linger, l1obe rt (1.
1 111ig11t,1‘1anl J.,Jr.
11nop, John (Gilliam
1’10 ch , (Gilliam Joseph , Jr.
Loan 12:, John (Gilliam
1/(1‘LIUSL7,"1:i‘(ZC1LZI‘1C]’{ C1.
1"1,1‘autl1 (Gilliam (llden
111‘7 elas, Harry (lloysius

(ireutlerfi‘i‘ederick (1111e1‘t,Jr.

Kruer, Edward J.
(ruger, (11‘111ur Star
Kuhn, Bernard George
11 ulp,Louis J
1up1‘i0n,11ennetl1 G.
Laing,(Gilliam B.
Lambert, Kenneth Harold
La111'pe,Edwa1‘d George, Jr.

' Lancaster, James Turner


Lane, George Eerd

1' Lange, Jerome (Gilbur
Langley, Charles E.

‘ .7 Langley
Langnehs, Bonnie Louis
Langsdon, Joseph (llsworth

, Luther Odell

La,Paille Denis 1”.


Laus oher , (Gilliam Charles
Lausman, Carl Clifford

7 Lawson,Sloa11(G.
Lee, Charles Ray
'Lie11tini,(111dr ew (1.,

" tz', Jerome Louis

Hf Lew1s Robert Julian



Lewman , Jacob Peter
Libert, (Garren Donald
Lile, 1’1oy'i‘l1o111pson
Liles, George (llber t , Jr.
Lindsey , James R.,J1‘.
Link , Joseph Henry
Logsdon, John (Galke1
Logsdon,Les1ie Earl
Lokey, George (ll‘oin .
Longabaugh , Raymond D.
Lucas,Leo B.
Lucchees,1Erank John
Lutgring , 11ay (111111ony
Lyons, John Joseph, Jr.
lllcCollu111,Lillard Byron
lllc Crary ,L Edw ard
lllcCubbin, 1’obe1‘11
llchaniel, James C.
llchaniel, Ralph Cyril
llchonner , Da‘oid Pious, Jr.
lllcElliott, John H.
lllcEl‘oaney, D. C.,Jr.
lllL‘Gaughey, Raymond Claude
llchi1111is,(Geb11 (Gheeler
llchriff, (Gilliam (1.

llchuf fey, (111011 Lee
lllCI‘oer, 10’1be1‘t Christie ,Jr.
lllcheen, Dennis lllurray
llchaughlin, Guy lllaurice
lllclllillen, Joseph H.

lllc(Gil liams, Burnham
llladden, Glt‘l‘ed (G.
llladdox, Kenneth G.
llladison, Herbert

lllaguir e, L w1‘e11ce15a11‘ic11
111al1o11ey, BoydT Lego
lllahoney, James” I.
lllahuro11,Lawrence E.
lllalee,E1‘ancis H.

lllallick, Phillip
111alloy,(Gilliam Edward
lllaloney , Erancis 111.


v -lllalo11ey,lllicl1ael Patrick

lllancmann, John 111.
lllannheimer, lllilton H.
lllansfield , Chester 111.
lllantock, lllaurice G.
lllarcus,Herman (Gilliam,Jr.
lllardis,Josepl1 C.
lllarrs,Loyal S., Jr.



. 1111,:1-Tosepl‘1 Raymond


lllar tin ,‘11e1111e111 Ray

lllar 1111 ,Samuel Dillman
lllra1‘tin,(Gillia111 Boyd , Jr.
111a1‘ze11ell,111ei111‘ac1 H.
lllasden, James (111011,J1‘.
lllature ,LouisE

lllauzy, John 1’.

lllaye1, ‘ 1‘ Edward (111thony
lllayes, Peter 15. '
111ays.15au1 J.

llleers, Cll‘oa Lee
llleininger, (Galter (G.
lllellicham p, Horace L.
lllelloan, Barry Emil
lllelton , Robert Hamilton
lllenges, Herbert Hugo
llleredith, Howard T .
lllerritt, Hugh (G.

lllertz, (llbert Joseph
lllessmer, John I.

llleyer, Charles Edward
lllilbur 11, Gerald (G.
llliller, Clarence ’i’.
111iller,Ernest (G111.
llliller, James Edward
llliller, Joseph ‘i‘homas
llliller, Lewis H.

‘ llliller, 1’1 ussel Lee

1111 Her, (Gilliam Joseph , Jr.
lllinton , Daymon J.
lllitchell, Courtney L.

111i tchell ,(Galter Herschell
lllol11‘,Edward Da‘oid , Jr.
lllo111‘oe,’1‘~i‘ank lllelton
lllo11’1gomery, Charles J.
llloore, Donald (Gest
llloo1‘e,Elwood lll.
llloo1‘e,He1‘bert H. , Jr.
llloore,lie1111etl1 1110111‘0e
llloo1‘e,(Gi11lock Downs

111001111011 , 5865upp/emenfarg115f.

llloppin ,1’1.C.

llloran , Jesse (Gilliam
llloremen , lllart in 1’ .
lllorgan , (Gallace E. , Jr.
ll1o1‘1‘is , Jack Eilmore
lllo1‘1‘is,(Gillie (1.
11101‘1011, llloreland
llloses , James (11‘tl1ur
llloulton , Joseph S .
lllowery , Stuart Jean
lllucld, GordonL E

11111dd,1’1icl1a1‘d Her man
llladd ,(GilliamM 1‘. , Jr.
1 lilueller, Joseph E. R.

llluench , JohnL E

? lllue11Cl1,11o11e1‘t L‘ieoi ge
lllullaney,Jol1n D.


lllullikin,(Gilliam D.
llluntan , George Phillip
lllurphy, Gordon ”1”.
«lllurphy, Robert L.

Hall, 1’ u1ssellEmme1‘son

17appe1, ‘ 1‘ Edward H.

lielson , Dorman Earl
Demes , Stephen J. , Jr.
Deuling, Owen Jame 7s
1?ew1and,T Lonnie 7(G.
liewman , John (G.
17icl101s, Clyde O.
Dichols , ‘i‘homas Prince
17ic11o1s0n,(Goodrow (Gillis
171chte1‘,1’1ay111ond 1E.
liicoulin,M l~r ank (G.,Jr.
Dorman ,Elbert Ray
1?orris,Edwa1‘d 1’.
17agent,Ea1‘1 E.

O’Brien , (11‘tl1u1‘ Joseph
O’ Brien, Claude

O’Brien, James (Gill iam
O’Leary, Charles lllel‘oin
OT L‘eai y, l’ 1obe1‘t Edward
Olges , Be r11a1‘d Joseph
Glges,(lingent Rudy
Gnan, (Gilliam Franklin
Ott, l1e11neth T .

Otter, bethel (leech
Gttersbach, Granville Edward
Gttersbach,(Gallace Leroy
G‘oe1‘by,Fi‘a11kie B.
Owen, (11bert Leon

Owens, Charles Patrick
Owens, Earl J.

Owens, Geo1‘1gellor‘i s
Owens ,17o1‘oe1 Edward

Pace , Sidney Bransford
Page,Samuel Edward
Painter, Jacl‘ Bar 1‘
Pal111,E1‘11es1 Leopold
Palmore, James 1?.

Par 1, James S .

Parker, Ossie Lee
Parker,(Gillia111 Henry
Parsons, James Lithgo
Parso11s,(Gilliam Edwin
Paulley , Herbert, Jr.
Pawlowski, Pete

Payne, (Gilliam 1’1.

; Payton, Dewey D.

Payton,l’1anier P

Pe11lenl1, Carl Sanford

‘ Pendleton, (11‘111111‘ (1.
Penna’, Stanley (Gilliam

Pennington, Robert S.

1 Per kins, Erank H.
j Perron e,(11 ctor Joseph
1, Perry , Edward B.




. LL . _.-. -T_.L.-.-- ..

Perry, James Hagan

Perry , Phinis Jerry
Persell, John C

Peters ‘,(Gill

Petway, (11‘111u1‘(G.

15f affi nqu Edward J:
Ptette‘ Eugene LJ.
Ptette1 , James J. G.

Pfei ffer, Ja ckM E .
Phillips, James (Gilliam
Phillips, Paul Daniel
Philpott , James 111.
Pieper, (Gilliam H.

Piers ,‘i‘homas Gill

Pike , lllartinM E .
15i1son,David P.
Pitt,James 111.
Pluckebaum, (ll‘oin John
Pollard ,Edward Joseph
Pollock, (last in (Ge11dell,J1‘.
Powers, Joseph E.
Prather, lioahfi”.
Preston , Kenneth
Price , George Leo
Priest , Jack H.
Probus , Ereddie (1.
Proffitt , Harry Donald
Radeker, Ernest
1’1aggard,Conard (Galler
1’ 1ains,Carl Raymond
Ransom, Carl C.

1’ 1ay,ElmerN 1e1‘ry

l’a ay, Lester Clifton

R ayhill, Hayden Lee

1’ 1eccius,11en11etl1 lllelton
Rec c1us , lllarion 111.
Redburn,Sydney J.

1’ edfer 11, Doyle Glo‘oer
1’1edic11,El‘Oin O.

Reed ,Howa1dE .

1’1 1egenauer, (11‘oi11 John

R ehm, Edward‘ Joseph
a111pl1’ Edward
1’1e1111,(1rthur P.

Rhea, Clinton (llexander
Rhoades, Hilary Herman
Rhodes, James (1.
Richardson, Dolph D.



, Richardson, Donnelly Ray

(ichardson , I‘oan Holdman

Richardson , Jessie Plato

iichardson , John P.

{ich ardson ,‘i‘l10111asEa1‘l,Jr.
, Richeson,

Edwin Eulton
.iichey , Kenneth Lee

‘ Ricketts, Charles lllichael


Riggle, Charles John
’iags, Herman Lee
1L1ht01 1usselllllichael


Riley, (ll‘oin (Goodrow
Ringo, Durwood (Gilmot
1’1 ingswald, (111111onyE
Rixman, James Jop hes
Roberts, Bruce '
Roberts, James Gllen
Robertson, Clitton lll.
Robertson, John Phillips
Robertson, (Gilliam P.

1’ obin, Samuel
Robinson, CL.

10 11111 son, James Ru
’10des,Dona1d 111.
Rodge 11,Euge11eL T L.
Rodgers ,lle‘oel
Roemele, Clarence (11f1‘ed
1’10emele,‘T‘l1eodore J.

sse 711

Rogers, Carl El‘oin
1oge1‘s , Dewey Leon
R 1ogers s,Julia11 J.

Roney, Joseph H. , Jr.
l’ono‘os11y, Otto, Jr.
1’ ose, (Garner (Gilliam
Rosenberg, Charles
l’osenberg, Gilbert
1’ 1osko, (1111011 Joseph
R oss,(Ga11er Emory
Ross ,(Gillia111M1~redericl1
l1owe, (11be1‘1 Owen .
Rowe ,(Gilliam lleil
1’ 1,ow1a11d John (lllen
l’1ue111111e1e,(11thu1 Charles
l’1uf,Geo1‘geM1‘rancis ,Jr.
Russell, Gabriel C.
Russell, James Edward
’ya11,1”“ho111as Edwin
Ryan, (Gayne Gllen
Sada1,Sta11leyS .
Sager, George H. , Jr.
Sa 1111e1‘, Clifford Douglas, Jr.
Sauer, Robert Sher man
Saunders ‘ ,Byron O Bannon

,Earl 111.
ales, Dallas S.

an 1011 , John ()incent
1‘1anz, (lllen Charles
cl1eible,‘Ha1 1‘11C.,Jr.


er zinger, ’1udie ,Jr.

1ege1,Je1 01111 7 Charles

loe111er, T31 ederick John
chmidt,(11bert George
‘l1111idt,Edward (1.
chmitt, Jerome L
‘l1mitt, J0h11(Gilliam
‘hmitt, Paul Jerome
‘l1oen,Edgar (1
‘,1100 1’ 1obe1 1L.











c11o11,(‘1eo1‘qe 111 -
l1ra de1, John lllar shall
chreck, Joseph L.
chultheis, Charles E.
chultz, Raymond E
chutz, (llbert T‘i‘ancis
chutz,Edwa1‘d Herman
cott, Paul John
cott, (Gilliam L., Jr.
eiler, Jerome Ernest
eiller, (lllen J.
eipp, Charles Hen1‘y,Jr.
el‘oage, Eugene Burton
enning, Charles E , Jr.
Sepel ,(Gilliam P.
ermersheim, Joseph John
e1ssme‘ ,Oscar Leo
e111es,(Garner Joseph
hacklett, Brooks 1’ .
hadburne, Clifton lllaxwell
hake, Oscar (G.
haw, Joseph (G.
11eetz,(Gilliam E.
hephard ,Latney (ldl‘ian
her man, 1’ 10be1‘t Bruce
l1 errard , henneth (1.
hields, (Gillie
11inkle, George O.
hofner, Jesse (G. , Jr.
hofner,Stanley H.
11 ryocl‘, (Gilbert L.
ibley, Harry E.,Jr.
il1 1ing, George Stanley
ilk, Raymond (llbert
i111011, llorman D.
kaggs , Omer
kaggs,‘Gi1‘gil Darwin
kees , James Harold
later, (Gilliam E‘anklin
leadd 1,511ilip110be1‘tson,J1‘.
lee, (Gilliam
lipkowski , Julius
maliwood ,Leonard Eranklin
mit'1 , Charles Erancis
1111111, Chester (1.
mi t’1, T‘i‘ed J.
mit‘1, Harold Louis
mit‘1 ,' Howard
mit’1, James (llbert
mi 111 , James Parker
mith, Johnny Ham monds
mith, Robert Lloyd
mith, (Gilliam Ca‘oanaugh






11111111 Ha1old

par 11s,111111es (Giiham
11a111s,1111cl1ey bortner
pe Lcl1ne1‘, 1‘ Edward Paul
pLer ,L T Lles 117 1111111115

now dLn ,Lo11nieLaw1‘e11ce,J ‘.


