xt7w0v89m41v_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Clark to Daviess Counties text Clark to Daviess Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_11/Item_wwii_05/Multipage9.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_5 xt7w0v89m41v  





otts,’(Galter Coleman '

' "Bradley, lllorris B.
B1‘0oks,Geo1‘ge Sa‘oage, 111:
b1 own Robert S.

Bush, Harold Olden

Bg rd,‘Bgrum Goodwin
Campbell, GeorgL eEugene
Cole,Llogd1’ obe rt
Danielson ,(Gagne Burke
Davis, Lleo, Jr.

13e‘Garg, 1ag

ELton , Eugene
Epperson,Edward Cecil
E13 person, Harold Glenn
Eppe1‘son,(Gi11ia111 (lllan
Estes,(Gesleg Carlton
Eraleg, lloble Edward
Eragsur, Edward, 111‘.

1‘1‘0dge ,Elogd Stephenson

Gar r ison, Claude 111.
Haggard, Charlie Lgle
Haggard, Leonard (Gade
Hoote11,(Gilliam S.
Horseman, Ora Gihnore
Howard, Charleg Lee
Howar,d Reese
1’11e11neg, Ollie C
1’1ing,John l3.

Lar 1so11, (lustin 11.
Litt1‘ell,Leon Glenn

Logan ,111a1‘sl1all (1bra11am,11r.

lllcCoun, Glenn H.

llchntosh , (1ndrew Eoerett

llch11tosh,’i‘heodore C


lllcllabb,13onald 1’21 ag

111edlin,Sa111ue1 (G.

111e1Le1b1ethel G.

, lllorguson, (Gilliam Hunt

llapier, (111d1‘ew J.
Oldson, 1101111 Snow den
Osborne, B. R. , 111‘.

Pelfreg, Julian C.
Pringle, Joe P.

C ’l o1be1tson,Earl C.

1’ose,Cl1ester Clay

'. l1ow1and,Omer

_ Scott, George (Gilliam

Swope,(Gilliam Lawrence
: :fi-‘ag 101‘, Robert lDudleg, 111‘.

“’1 omas,(Gillia111

; £111,Elihu
:1 7 ;"L1e1‘Pi‘ewitt

, lllorgan,





(lllen , Sam
(lllen,(Gar1‘en G.
Benge, Pitt
Birch , John (Gill
Bishop, (llex

Bowling, Brit
Bundg,Ed G

Bun dg, Joseph
Bur11s,John C.Ee1tner
Campbell, George lllilton
Clark, Jack

Collins , (llbert
Cotto11gi111,Leonard Browning
Crawford , E0 rd

Currg , Gilbert (Ghite
Da‘oidson, llarmous
l3ezar11, Earl

Dezarn , ‘i'hurman
Ealeg, l3e1111is
England , Earri s
Earmer, Charles 1’ .
Eerguson ,(Gilliam S.
T‘ish er, Homer L1.
Gage, Ban 1’ .

Gilbert, Estill

Gilbert, Eugene
Gilbert, Jack

Hacker, Billg Paul
Hacker, Chester
Hacker, Luther
Hensleg , Rog

Henson , Ered
Hibbard, Carleg
Hibbard,Ernest (1.
Hibbard, (Good
Holland , Pearl

Hooker, Charlie
H0pki11s, 13an

H01 nsbg, Henrg Cal ag
Hubbard, Cecil
Hgde11,1’1obert 13e11‘oe1‘
1’1eith, 11a11ois L.
Looins, Chesleg
Lovins , Paul

lllcQueen , Isiah
lllartin, l3a11
lllasseg, Curtis
lllelton, Clar 1ie
lll'itchell , Clarence
111ur1‘ag, Kermit
llapier, Chester
1111pie1‘, Cheste1 Jr.

, 1,11a3e1 1~ie on Z

a1; Ber t H

:2 =1, 1~f .4, l; ,- . -.. . ,
‘1 2' ' »" " ‘\' . 1.
. , .. . .
VA '1: I J 1 ’ I!“ 13.1 '1' L l
.51' l )1. l ,1 ‘1' >1 1, 1 ‘
LNI . . Z1. NY," . Z ,‘ .
,; .7 »17§ . .


1’ L1d (1nd1Lw
l’1eg11olds,Paul lllanning
’1ogers s,l.1i1‘che1
10ss,Hubert 1".
Sandlin, Herbert
L11‘,o1e Bob
Sn 1’1111, (11 L111 C.
S111itl1,Caloin C.


11ith,LawrenL‘e (1.

nith, Robert
Spurlock , Hubert
Ga11ce, (Goodrow (G.
(Gebb, John (llger
(Gesterfield, Claude
(Geste1tie1d, Robert Clgde
(G111te, P 11.
(Gl1ite,(Ga1ter l’ 1agmond

1:111:11"? .1.

(laron ,Juland (1rchie
(lsberrg Gleason

l’ aeatg , Chester Hamilton
br 0w11,Gar‘oin G.

brown , Herman .
Burchett ,Lambert Erank
Butler, (ll‘L’in (Gilbur
Butler, James Earl ‘
Combest, Jerrg (Gen dell
Cookseg, 1101111 ie 1’ .
Cooper, 1101111 L.

Cope, Johnnie Belmer
Eoster, 111a1‘oi11 (G.

Gri der, 1101111 Paul, Jr.
Guffeg,‘i‘l10111psie Joe
Gutl1rie,C1gde Beatg
Irwin, Hugh Edward
11ea1,Elogd (Gillard
lleatherg , Bobbie Braxton
Penngcuff, Cecil Rag
Perdue,Edwin E.

Pierce, Norman J.

’1ect01‘, Clag Cooper
Simpson, Roscoe L.
S111itl1,(Gendell Ered
‘11111e11t, llathan
‘i’aglor, (Gillie Randle
‘i’uggle, James Roger
(Gright, Phillip (1.
york , lllart’in ”i”.


(1sbridge, 13011 Earl

Belt, (Gillis G.

l’ozeman, Carl 13
”Collins, ”“110111as(Gicl1liffe
E110c11,Clitton, Jr.
rreeman, John (G.


Hahn 111, (ll‘oin H.
Hall, DeGarth
Hatcher, John L.

Hill, James Eldred
Hillgard, 11011111111 1’.
Hodge, Gag Edward
Hodge, 11. 13.
Hoover, Herbert (1.
Hughes, lllaroin (Gilliam
11e111per, Charles Reid
llchonald, ‘Gioian 111.
lllcliinneg, John 11.
lllaroel , Denver L.

llletz, Charles 1",



Ordwag, James
Gr‘,1 ‘Gictor H.

Pace, lllorris 1’ .
Paris , Ha 1‘11 eg
1111s, ‘i‘homas 1’.



1odgers ,”‘11o111as Leland
1’ 1u111bu1‘ g, Jac11 111.

Sigler, Earl J.

Sta1i0n,1llaurice ‘G.
‘ii‘uitt, James Buford

‘Ti‘uitt , Joseph H.
Gaug1111, 11.13.
(Gil born ,

111 111 111 11

(Gi11n,Harold Eugene
(Good , Chester Oscar
(Goodg, Jack Leonard
Handel], James C.



Baker, David I.

Brake, Er‘oin Ered


ViVififlLja “Fill/1 1., EU

Capps, 1117s sie martin
Capshaw, Charlie C.

Carg,Eoer’t (G.

Carg, Ramon LaEagette

l3anie1, Hubert
Daniels, James

Davidson, Paul (lllen

Eeltg,Ered E.

Garmon, James H.
George, (Gilliam L.
Helm, hag
Hume ,LutherGeorge
Janes, 1’ 1ue1 Preston

Johnson, led
Jones, 1101111 (Gill

l’1eeton, Hall

l1er nell, Jesse
llorris, 1’ 1a1ph’0.



Parrish, Bar neg H.
Pruitt, James C rtis‘

Reeder, Jan

1711011 ‘ S011, \W .





(11111101‘ ‘

: 1E1‘atus, 1’u

cott, SL enous B.
mith, Charlie (1. .
pear, lllitchel Odell
etphens, HenruC.
tewart, James 111.
1eel,Cl1arlieE 11‘0g
‘ihomas, Kenneth 11.
Ehrasher, James Douglas
lweedg, 1’ ole13
(Gilliams, Lester E
(Gright, Prentice H.

; .. ”L '7 {1 .31
1 , 1.1 L 11 2'3 12L? 15.1"»

(111e11,Elwood J,

(lllen , I‘oen , 111‘.
Cltherton,Louis Eugene
(lull, Joseph Harrg
Baird, 1’ ober t Owen


' 1’ ar low, George (lllison

Barron , Joseph Phelon
Bell,Edward Hobbs
Bell, Rag (lustin _
be11nett,(111ison Burke
Berrg, 13a‘oidl’ ende1
Berrg , Joseph (Gilliam
Bickett, Paul B.
Blag ,Guinten (1nderson
Boarman, Jameslloble
Bowlds, (luther 1’.
1.11‘1stow, (G1ll1a1111.
Brooks, George C.
Brown, Charles H.
Brown , James L.
Brumleg, George Richard
Cagle, Paul Hagnes
Cambron , (1drien 13uff
Carroll, lllar‘oin (Gilliam
Clar1,Louis Cl.
Colger, l1obertT Lee
Crabtree, ZanerB.
Creamer, C.Be11iamin
C1 owe 11 oscon.
l3ean ,(GalterLouis,Jr.
l3utf, (GillardR aphael
l3urbin, Joseph Gesseg
Edge, James Or‘oel
E1a111,Hiland ‘ii‘owbridge
Elli s, Robert
Est es,13e1bert
‘ es,(Ga1ter Robert
Ewan , (Ivorg L.
Earm er, (Gillis
E1sL her , 1101111 whomas
uess 711 James
E ‘1erson, Charles L *
,1 a d =
Gist, Cal‘oin C.


Glass, James (G.
Goodwin , Ered llewton
Goug11,Ernest Eugene
Grag, Clarence E.
Gr egorg ,Ha1 oldT Lee
Gregor 11, John (Gilliam
Hagan, Erancis 111.
Hagerman , Erancis Lee
Hale,Le1a11cl Stanford
Harbourt, Carson 13.
Hardest g, Charles 100
Hardestg , Joseph Isadore
Harris, RogL E.
Harrison, Russell 1’.
Hatelg l1obe1‘ t 1’.
Henderson, Ear l J.
Hight, Clg de B. , Jr.
Hines,Stephen (1.
Hodge,George Ganett
Hol brook , Gilbert Stuart
Holbrook , (Goodrow
Howard, (Gilliam (lugustine
Hus11,Stewart 1’ 1ag1110nd
Johnson,EdwinT L.
Johnson, Henrg Ceci 1
Jones, James E
1’1endall,(Gilliam Graham
1e1111ed g , (lbe Henrg, Jr.
11irbg, James (Gilliam
1’1irk, Ira ”i”.
11ittinger,(Gillian1 Cecil
1111 ott, Charles Ignatius
Lee, George ”1”.
Lemons , Charles lllel‘cin
Li kens, George (11011zo
Lindseg, James E.
Logan , Samuel llloore
1 ong,Edward (Gilliam, 111‘.
Long, Owen Gardner
Lgtle, Julius Eran klin
lllcCarthg , Ezra
lllcCormick, lllason Lewis
lllcliinleg, Babe 1’.

marsh ,Earl

lllason, 1101111 Cog
lllattinglg,Sgl‘oester (l.
lllag,(Gillard Daniel
lllagfi eld, Jam es lllaple

lllerimee,Edward ”Thomas.
llletzner, Hem , 1uis

111 illau ,Samu : L ’ \
lllille1‘,JohnL uis 1,
1111115 .10 01511 1'"
11101‘11s,S1 ,

1110s e1 1111 1


””1 =~ 9Lsume
, .. g,Ea1‘l 11 "

lllu . 1g, lllai‘tin Belledict

lllahaneg, (Gilliam Jefferson, Jr.


' G011111a11,Ca1‘l11a17Z

llewbolt, Elisha J.
llorris, Othniel '
Oberst , Herman Jacob
Gost, Charles Gridus
Gost,111e1‘oin 11.
Grmes, Joseph E.
Par ‘s, 11ero11

Pe11neba11 er, 'i'homas(G.
Peters ,(Gilliam Howard
Ptohl , Joseph (G.
Poiles, George J.
Poole, ’1ic11ard11roin
Powell, Clifford (Geldon
Powell, Edwin 11.
Powers s,Henrg Culver
Purcell ,Ear nest lllarion
Purcell, (GalterLewis
Rag, Joseph (1.

l’ 10bi11so11,San1ue1 (lllen
1’ ock, Shelton Le‘oi

1ogers s1,1ames P.
Rogers ’(G,eslegT
1umage, 11011111 L.

Schartung, James (110nzo
hweil1arth, lllaxeg (G
cott, Sherman

t,t1e (Gilliam Humphrey
e‘oers ,1-i‘ancisllapoleon
11adwicl1 ,Otl1o1‘l’1a11dolpl1



Sims, Rog (Gilliam
Smileg, (lutr eg 11.

Smith, Joseph E.
Snead, Jack ‘1‘.
Soper,J11111es (lllen
Stevens, Char lesE

511 es, Clial les11.1

St rehl, James Elree
Sutton,1 Elogd Ra ag
1a11~eg,Her man '

'i'aglor, Harold T .
Thomas, Hilarg Sgl‘oester
'il111111as, Jesse Joseph, Jr.
Thom as, Patrick G.
‘i‘ichenor, (Gilliam ‘iL711is
’i’ierneg , James Bernard
”finnell, Joseph (Gilliam
"T’ucker, Thomas
Ga11ooe1‘, l1oble J.
(’an(Gi11111e, (lrthur (llexande

‘ O

81 11011
(Gade, Harlan Clgd ’-

’ (Gatson, Charles 1» ' ,
‘ (Geaoer, George (Gillil,

(Gest, C‘i'CG.

(Gesterhef: _,(Gi11ieE.





haw, Howard 11011 11s0n,J1‘.
