xt7w6m333h1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m333h1d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760402 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 2, 1976, no. 122 text The Green Bean, April 2, 1976, no. 122 1976 2014 true xt7w6m333h1d section xt7w6m333h1d   T Ht E
2-3 April - KLA College & Re- j l G R E E N
search Section meets f ~ `
in Berea. Topic: `.‘ _
t "Audiovisuals in the l·l· ’·;. B E A N
· Academic Libraries."
Hermann Zapf" · 7 PM, NEWSLETTER N0.122 4/2/76
Gallery (see note). David Farrell, Editor Ext.82684
7 April - Branch Librarians Area Meeting — 8:30 AM, Tech Services
Conference Room.
9 April - "Gunter Grass and his Double-Pronged Pen." Lecture by
Prof. A. Leslie Wilson, University of Texas · 5 PM,
l2 April - Annual University Recognition Dinner - 5:30 PM, Lafayette
Club (see note).
I am writing to ask for your cooperation in not using the elevator
in King—North as an entrance/exit to the building. A number of
individuals have been using the elevator as an exit, and we are
unable to cope with the security problems which this poses. The
elevator is, of course, free for internal building use.
Thank you.
f P. Willis
` UK Faculty Research Interest Index Available:
The FRII (Faculty Research Interest Index) is available now at
Reference and A.I.D.S. The Index is a massive computer printout
which lists the research interests of 720 faculty members
_ (including several librarians and library school faculty).
It includes a "bibliography" (a numerical listing of faculty
members); and alphabetical listings of major subject fields;
areas of specialization within major subject fields; specific
A research interests; and research interests outside the individual's
_.area of specialization.
Hermann Zapf Film:
‘ A film on Hermann Zapf, a master of printing and graphic design,
will be shown Monday, 5 April, at'7PM in the Gallery of King
Library North. The color film has unusual photographic effects,
according to its producer, and some interesting observations on
the history and the evolution of the written work. It features
Mr. Zapf demonstrating some basic techniques of lettering and
making random observations about his philosophies on calligraphy.

English 102 Instructional Session:
Some 2,000 students (which represents all the second semester
freshman English classes) have been given instruction in the use
of the Library for researching their term papers. The instruction
sequence involved spending two class periods studying the instruc-
tional materials that have been developed in cooperation with the
Freshman Composition Office. The instructional sessions in the
classroom were followed by one formal session in the library,
which took the form of a tour. There were 174 tours given during
a two week period. During the course of the tour, the guide
stressed the resources covered in the instructional limits.
I want to express special thanks to the following librarians:
Trudi Bellardo, Faith Harders, Alice Morgan, Patricia Renfro and
Jane White, who took time out of an already busy schedule to help
us coordinate the tours. Also a special thanks to Jim Sodt,
Assistant Dean in the College of Library Science, for making
available students in his class to assist us with the tour sessions.
The students were Virginia Brady, Beverly Bury, Charlotte Greene,
John Griffin, Mark Kelso, Trina King, Dru Myers and Vicki Thomas.
It was due largely to the combined efforts of all of these people
that the sessions in the Library went as smoothly as they did.
During the next couple of weeks, we will be evaluating the English
instructional program, and I will be happy to make the results _
available to anyone who might be interested.
` Larry Greenwood
Instructional Service
The annual affair to honor those retiring from the University in
B76 will be held at the Lafayette Club on April l2 at 7:30 PM. A
social hour (cash bar) will precede the dinner at 5:30 PM. Charles
Atcher of Special Collections is chairman of the university—wide
affair that will honor l9 retirees, among them from the Libraries
are Kate Irvine, Carolyn Hammer, Jacqueline Bull, Mary Ada Sullivan
and Lucille Keating. Reservations from Celinda Todd, Senate Council
Office, by April 9. _
Susan Edmondson and Pam Sprinkle have resigned from the library staff.
Mary Filiatreau and Pat Joseph have taken their places in the Bindery