xt7w6m335825 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m335825/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-12-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1988 1988 1988-12-01 2020 true xt7w6m335825 section xt7w6m335825  

Vol. XCll. N0. 76

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Independent since 1971

Thursday, December 1. 1988


SGA wants to bring former President Carter to campus

Assignment Editor

The Student Government Association
wants to bring former U S. President
Jimmy Carter to the first SGA Speaker‘s
Symposium in Feburary.

SGA has allocated $16,000 to offer to t'ar
tor for the speaking engagement.

lf Carter declines the invitation. $11,000
has been allocated as a back up to bring
Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young to the syiii-
posium, scheduled for Feb. 22.

In addition to (‘arter and Young. t\\o

other speakers. Texas businessman ll
Day'id l’erot and David llalberstaind. a
Journalist. are being considered.

"Mayor Young has responded tor an
open date." said SGA President .lames
Rose "There is a request in tor (‘arteix
and he is to respond sometime next week "

The symposium will he held in eonjuiic
tioii with {K Founder's Week and the cam
puswule tormal, said Robyn Walters.
chairperson for the speakers bureau

In other Senate business:

O’l‘he senate unanimously passed a bill
allocating Still) to the Handicapped Student

N'l‘Ylt‘t'S tor the purchase oi two battery
chargers. costing $220 each. and $30 worth
ol retlectors tor l'K students using wheel-

"Handicapped students tillllt‘ to me and
said lllls was needed. said Senator at
Large Si lteane. tlie priniari spoiisoi oi

The two battery chargers, which \\lll in
crease accessibility tor L83 to 30 students
currently using electric wheelchairs on a
daily basis. yyill be placed in a central iirea
oi canipth

\tm eltllcl'

handictppi-it ,slll'lt‘lll‘x





B} ('llll’ EARLES
(‘ontributing Writer

How would you explain to a A year old
that Santa forgot her doll agziin this

Hundreds of mothers and iathers ill
the lexington area face this impossible
task each year.

Fortunately. thanks to a progiaiii
known as Circle of Love. this dilemma
is decreasing each holiday season

(‘irele of Love relies on the many t‘K
faculty members and students who wish
to make the holidays special ior chil
dren by purchasing (‘hristmas presents
for them,

Names of the children and their wish
lists can be selected at one oi the tree
lighting ceremony locations on ('lllllpll\
this week

At the tree lighting ceremonies people
can select a card which contains .‘l
child's name. age and wish list.

The wish list contains three cuts that
the child would like tor (‘hristiiias l)e
pending on their budget. people can tiu_\
one, two or all three of these wishes

The wrapped gitts should be returned
by Dec 12 to the location where the
child's name originally w as obtained

The first tree lighting ceremony took


A large crowd watches as Santa and Mrs Claus along
with the UK cheerleaders light the Christmas tree

A special holiday

part of the


Program helps
give some gifts
to children

place yesterday in the main lobby oi the
Student t‘enter

the second ceremony \Klll ltt' 2n ll'ttlll
oi the mural outside the | K i'iiandler
\lediciil t ‘enter tonight at T p m

This Is the tirst year the little «it
l,o\e program has included the .iilii'e
l'K campus The program preyioush
had been used by people who \H‘l't‘ asso
tinted or employed ill the \ledicai t‘i-ii

the l,e\iiigton (‘oinmunity t'oiicee
.‘llStt is participating. lll the protect tor
the i‘irst time

' It‘s a wonderiul program. said
t‘inth l’eai‘ce. t‘tlvt‘ltitll' tor the [K i'tittlr
pus lt s an opportunity ior children
who might not ti.i\e A holiday to lltl\i‘.

l“l‘.ll(‘llllllt‘.\_ stil‘ttl'lllt‘.\ and resident
halls also are encouraged to adopt .in

’lt s .t unique idea that the kids think
‘hc presents are coining from Santa and

Love, program in the, Student Center yesterday itterrir "i’t


RANDIl Wll l [AMSON M iv

H“F.t’ilil.’"r ”(AVOIO’VWY‘KV‘IY i if rF‘ri

til the siii‘iii‘ttii‘s ciirt (Hump. \ii/Llly‘n
;=t'i'~ltli'tt’ ot thepanhelleiiiccuizncil

\It/ken \.ilt'l t'c piiihelleiiic .wiiitcit
Lou-it the idea and almost .‘ill sororities
.ire ltlil'llllltL’ to itlopt a tannin

i‘llhl'tl llt'tttlt‘tt'k president o! the l':
:ziatiy tixiteriiitics

lt‘s .iii e\celleiit opportunity to show

toiiiictl '~.\.is iiiistil‘e l: m

'ci'l‘i‘ .Lt'lll’tt! 2t

‘tiiil the ti;iteiiiilics .uid \ItlttlllttN t.ilt’
:iot otil\ tor the iniiiipiis but also tor the
Hi! I'llllllillL‘ tamilics Hendrick \tltl
the (hide ot loye. \Klllt‘ll \\.is loiiiid-
id in litttli ti) .lcannie t hase. has seen
’reinendous uronth mer the l.l‘~l sen-
.ll \eais, wiltl itoiinie Hardiiick .t.
.‘nau' lot “11' Medical center
the lilt‘ii ironi local shopping «cuter
ruled it ill the medical center



t tlilst‘

tlit' llli‘lt‘ t'l line
-‘Jt\ .iltlt‘ to eiyc presents to ho (llll
tren timing the second war the iiuni
tier increased to Ho t hildrcn ’l‘his \e..i
tii't lent l methipi‘s tot‘uit tilttttt

!n its i'rst yeai

l'he i,st oi t-Ioo names was l'tltlti'tt :\
.~ii-.i mi ml uoikers who work \\illl t ill]
llt‘\ on it reeular basis llesiiles iiiidme
and selecting minutes. the soci ll '.\ot‘l\
i'l‘s t’i‘ttttli Ylii- pl‘cscitt.‘ ltt 'Hi' i


Program designed to help combat stress

B) RENE W.\(i(i(l\l‘3lt
Stai‘i Writer

The Peer Assistant Leaders l’rogrzim.
PALs. now is officially underway in tireek
residence halls

"The program is designed to put stu
dents who want to talk about some oi the
stresses and joys of college life in contact
wtth students who are interested in llslt‘ll'
mg and helping when necessary] said

Lisa Stoier. Substance \buse l’i‘erention
coordinator in the Dean oi Students 1 iitice

“l’eer assistants are there to talk with.
to let students know that tellou students
care. she said. "When a student needs
iiioie expertise. a student assistant can be
seen .is .i knowledgeable resource tot re
terrals ”

lit the tall. interested soiorities and tra
lernities were asked to nominate chapter
members \\ ho best lit the qualifications oi
ii student assistant,

\ll ltt)lll|[i.ilt‘tl students ioiiipieted .4
iiiiitidiitorjy lli lioitrs ot training hid in the

‘Stlttlcttls are not counselors t'\l'll
though the training is similar. \toier
said ' Instead. ’he) ate helpers. or assis
lants. who l‘t'lt'l students to more equipped

“Students are more likely to ask ioi help
lt'otli peers instiniil ot piotessol‘s ol' .itttittli
strators lt the problem is serious. 'lie

\cc \ I R} ss. inn.» i~

go hack to their dorm ‘to re
charge or to llandicaprx-d Student .sery
ices. said .tacoti KHHH" oi Handicapped
\tutlent \i't \ .t w

have to

The I‘i'tlH'ltH‘s. \\lllt‘ll are to promote the
stitety oi handicapped students \\llll,ictl1\
tributerl to handicapped students at the
discretion oi llutttlit .ippi-d \l'l‘lt'iil sit»

Ku'ue» .: if


"'l'his is one ‘Miy to iinpi‘o\- stitcty ioi to

to lo \‘.llt‘t'll‘li.i:l‘ sllltlt'lllfi, he sad l'u

tin. kiwi, o7 i’t~q:i.riio,3 Mt '.

time ll'f'l Tttl tree iini'tn 'tim


ill tit'

o'lhe Senate .iiso allocated Moo tor the

ltlll't'llttM‘ 'tl t‘till [)iitl tll\('s

twitter ii.'is:« It‘\‘t"iil :’ rooi:

lt'fili‘t l)ilt‘l'lttl Ultiii at.
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. t

Jerry Lundergan
indicted on theft,
influence charges

l‘.\ t ll \l{l l‘\\\tt| ll

. cfi‘l'lilll‘;

l.’ a ii,. it”.

UK memorial service

attended by

l\ \lllllllllllllllll

.iitii’ tii~\t'l"i“tl

Ni-itmttt .ltitlt“lilll‘tV‘lilllJ‘l

- ~i.t‘. ».:ii sittitul‘u‘d! l

illlt'lll ,liitttt ruuwt» I' t‘l‘.lithlg \ riiwt.

Wutiqihi-t .r’wvel’
that tit-“it‘s- t :i‘niued l-ttsot: \-

‘ciidstimiiiil i" - i.oi'i»-i>iit i, ltt- i.-.

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fintltii tiia-‘wu ot personal \itllit‘rs, he said

lii‘it it tttlllt .i.‘.ii\

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i' 'rieittlslitp.
Illlitlillt'\ xtlllt h .l‘tlt s'ood tot.

‘i-tciiiy arid toiiipassioti.



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Today: Chance of tlurries
Tomorrow: Partly sunny









BB. King returns as King

of the Blues.

Columnist says Cats face
Challenge in Indiana.





See Page 5




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. Oceania: 1, 1900

About 119,000 could be eligible for onetime cash bonus

Associated Press

al Assembly is moving toward en
actment of a war bonus that could
pay Kentucky's Vietnamera veter-
ans twice the cash Gov Wallace
Wilkinson had proposed earmark
ing from a state lottery

It also could mean a back seat
for other lottery beneficiaries until
the money needed for the bonuses
has been taken. legislators said

Under hills drafted for filing in
the state House and Senate. the
one time bOnuses would be equal
lll sum though not in purchasing

power —— to these paid veterans of
the two previous wars,

“I think it would add insult to in-
jury «to Vietnam veterans) to re-
ceive any less than the dollar
amount our World War II and Ko~
rean War veterans received," state
Rep Hank Hancock. main sponsor
of the House bill. said 'htesday.

Maximum bonuses would be $500
or $300. depending on whether the
veteran actually went to Vietnam
or was in service elsewhere during
the Vietnam era.

Hancock. DvFrankfort. and Sen.
Virgil Pearman. D-Radcliff, said it
was believed the bonuses would
cost $46 million to $50 million with
an extra $1.3 million tor adminis-

tration. That wasbased on a logis-
lative staff estimate that 119.000
Kentucky veterans, or their survi—
vors. would qualify.

Wilkinson originally proposed
earmarking a third of first-year
lottery profits for war bonuses The
rest would be split between pro
grams for the elderly and for early
childhood education and devel-

Based on Wilkinson's estimates
a one-year split would total 323 mil.
lion for bonuses. But the legislation
he submitted to the General As~
sembly this week appeared to raise
that a bit.

Wilkinson said he thought the
state could be selling lottery tickets

by April. His bill would let a third
of lottery profits accumulate until
June 30, 1990, with the 1990 General
Assembly appropriating the money
for bonuses

Pearman, sponsor of the Senate
bill. said “it would be totally ridic-
ulous” to offer merely one-third of
a year‘s lottery receipts, however
great or small. The state should
commit itself to specific amounts.
said Pearman. whose district con-
tains Fort Knox and a sizable con-
stituency of military retirees.

True. the value of a dollar has
declined since the state paid $500
and $300 bonuses to World War II
and Korea veterans Pearman

“But it's not the amount of dot.
lars that they‘re concerned about."
Pearman said. “I haven't had any
veteran tell me that they‘re dissat-
isfied with the amount. It's the
thought more than anything else."

If the legislature refuses to ap-
propriate lottery money during its
current special session. as its lead-
ers have suggested, he would make
a “strong argument" in the 1990
regular session for funding a bonus
program first and giving other pro
grams what's left over, Pearman

Hancock‘s bill would allow the
state to sell bonds to fund the bo-
nuses but he said its intent is to
pay the bonuses entirely from lot-

tery prom no matter how
many years it takes.

Also Under Hancock‘s bill, which
was readied for filing Wednesday.
eligibility requirements would be:

OMilitary service in Southeast
Asia. with award of the Vietnam
Service Medal. from Feb. 1. 1955 to

‘Military service anywhere from
Aug. 5. 1964 to May 7,1975.

0A Kentucky home of record
while in the military and no pre-
vious bonus payment.

There would be a one-year period
for applications ending Feb. 28.

General Assembly condemns the denial of visa for Arafat

Associated Press

eral Assembly yesterday oy er
whelmingly' deplored the l‘ S deni
al of a visa for Yasser Arafat. the
first step towards a protest meet-
ing in Geneva to hear the PLO
chairman next month

The vote III the 159~member as-
sembly was 151—2 The United
States and Israel voted against the
resolution Britain abstained. Other
nations were absent

Arab diplomats. who sponsored
the resolution. said later that they
planned to move SWIftly to intro-
duce another resolution shifting the
General Assembly to Geneva in


t ontiiiiicd IIOIII Puget

strong family. and we'll see this
thing out to the end

"I just hope this doesn‘t hap
pen to anybody else who‘s ever
served in the General Assembly
because it's :1 trightening expe

Jerry Lundergan s attorney.
William Ii Johnson of Frank
fort. predicted exoneratioi‘. for
his client

Johnson said be particularly
disagreed with the theft charges
because the Commerce Cabinet

since renamed the ('abinet

for Economic Development
got all of the services it paid

Earlier Wednesday. Johnson
delivered to prosecutors a Video-
tape of the Governor‘s Showcase
event. which featured the Lun-
dy's Catering crew and equ1p—
ment The tape proved the event
"was something that was open
and was known by everyone.
Johnson said

As for the check issued to Per-
fection Catering. Johnson said‘
"I don‘t see that has a thing to
do with it If the state receives
the benefit of the services. what


Lundergan indicted

difference does it make whose
name it was in"“

Johnson also said Lundy's
Catering “paid every nickel" of
the commission it owed Cowan
disagreed but would not elab‘

Lundergan. one of only live
legislators to have backed Wat»
lace Wilkinson's successful gu-
bernatorial bid from the outset.
was made Democratic Party
chairman by Wilkinson in June

But Lundergan resigned in
August after investigations were
launched by the state auditor‘s
oti'ice. a federal grand jury in
Lexington and the attorney gen-
eral 's office

The indictment was presented
to the grand jury on Wednesday
by Scott Wendelsdorf. 21 Louis
yille attorney and former pros-
ecutor whom (‘own appointed
special prosecutor in August

Sen Ed O‘Daniel. chairman of
the legislative Board of Ethics.
said the nine-member board
may proceed with its own inves-
tigation of Lundergan, but that
testimony will probably be
closed to the public to avoid
"the possibility of prejudicing
the criminal proceedings ”



Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Editor
Editorial Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Photo EditOr


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Production Manager

rates are $30 per year

man St.


The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer session
Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511. Mailed subscription

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck~
Shepherdsville. KY 40165.

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room
035 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. Lexmgton. KY
40506-0042 Phone (606) 257-2871.

Jay Blanton
Thomas J. Sullivan
Jim White

CA Duane Boniter
Rob Seng

Tom Spalding
Randal Williamson
Mike Agin

Linda Collins

Jeff Kuerzi

Scott Ward










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mid-December to hear Arafat
speak on the declaration of an inde-
pendent Palestinian state.

The resolution adopted yesterday
requested UN. Secretary-General
Javier Perez de (‘uellar to report
back on the US response on

But Secretary of State George P.
Shultz declared earlier yesterday

that the United States would not re-
verse its decision. that Arafat be
barred because he condones and
encourages terrorism.

US. Ambassador Herbert S,
()kun. the acting UN. representa-
tive. told the assembly that the
US. government “does not agree
with the tone or substance of the
resolution and voted against it , .

"The denial of a visa to Mr. Ar-
afat is fully consistent with the
Headquarters Agreement between
the United States and the United
Nations and this includes our right
to protect our national security."
()kun said

The adopted resolution “deplores
the failure by the host country to

Ford to try again for whip position

Associated Press

Wendell Ford said he would seek
the influential job of majority whip
again in two years,

Now. the senator said. his col
leagues have “two extreme liberals
now heading up the leadership“ ‘a
description he later toned down.

Ford. D‘Ky” was beaten Tuesday
by Alan Cranston. D~Calif.. for the
whip‘s job. the No. 2 position in the
Senate's Democratic leadership.

Ford was optimistic about his
chances in two yea rs

"I‘ve written down the names of
those senators who told me that.
“I'm sorry. I would have liked to
vote for you. but I‘m already com-
mitted. If you run next time. I‘ll be
for you,“ Ford said.

Cranston had 28 of the 55 votes in
the Senate's Democratic caucus
Tuesday. Ford said he had a
“dozen or so" votes when he asked
that balloting be halted and
Cranston declared the winner

“Once he (Cranston! had the 28
votes there was no need to string
out the agony." Ford said shortly
after the vote.

Cranston said later that Ford‘s
decision to run again in 1990 didn't
surprise him

“He has his own desires and am-

bitions. and that is understand-
able," Cranston said.

The two “extreme liberals" Ford
was referring to are Cranston and
Maine‘s George J. Mitchell. yvho
won the post of majority leader.
Mitchell defeated Daniel K. Inouye
of Hawaii and J. Bennett Johnston
Jr. of Louisiana to replace retiring
Majority Leader Robert Byrd of
West Virginia. Later. Ford
changed his characterization if
Cranston and Mitchell to say they
are “fairly liberal."

“I think what's come out of this
caucus indicates that we (Demo.
crate.) are still making the same
mistakes we made in the presi-
dential campaign," Ford said.

Told of Ford's remarks. Cranston
said the “Senate leadership rep-
resents the will of the Senate.
which has people of all different
philosophies. I have some support
from some very conservative
members as well as from some
senators with more moderate

Cranston has been Democratic
whip since 1977. but Ford had been
optimistic that he could unseat the

"I was on the verge of making
it " Ford said “I touched it with
my fingernails.”

Ford conceded he may have

waited too late to announce his bid
for the whip‘s post.

"If I had gotten in earlier. I don‘t
know if the outcome would have
been any different. but I think the
race would have been somewhat
different. I wouldn‘t have had the
struggle I had." Ford said.

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approve granting of the requested
entry visa." and urges the United
States to reconsider and reverse its

Undersecretary-General Joseph
Verner Reed said the UN. Secre-
tariat was making plans to move to
Geneva in mid-December to hear
Arafat explain the Nov. 15 declara-
tion of an independent Palestinian
state and PLO plans for a Middle
East peace settlement.




with guest artists
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 Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. December 1, 1988 —- 3




Staff Writer

King Arthur would be glad to
know that the Middle Ages are
alive and well today as the UK
School of Music celebrates the
Christmas season with its tradi-
tional medieval feast.

The 11th Annual Christmas
Madrigal Dinners, sponsored by
the University of Kentucky Spe-
cial Programs and the School of
Music, will be presented tonight
through Sunday at 6:15 pm.
each night in the Grand Ball.
room of the Student Center. The
highlight of the festivities is a
concert given by the UK
Chorale. directed by Roger

“Most of the revenue will be

used for the dinner but any ex-
cess revenue will go to the Sara
Holroyd Development Fund
which benefits the UK Chorale
School of Music," said Donna
Hall, director of Special Pro—

The program will start out
with a procession accompanied
by different fanfares (flourish of
trumpets) announcing the arri—
val of the food and the Royal
Court. The third fanfare will
herald the arrival of the wassail
bowl. Wassail is the traditional
Christmas drink consisting of
spices, apples and hot wine.

After dinner is served, the
Chorale, accompanied by harps
and trumpeteers will sing
selections in a variety of Ian

Yuletide medieval dinners are recreated
to benefit UK Chorale School of Music

guages including French, Span-
ish and Latin. Also included is a
selection by Johann Sebastian

The dinner will feature Was-
sail Bull, Cornish Hen and
Flaming Plum Pudding, which
is a traditional medieval feast.
The dinner will be prepared by
Student Center Catering.

Tickets are $21 per person and
there are still tickets available
for the Sunday event. Special
prices are available for groups
of 20 or more. Reservations and
prepayment are required. For
additional information or to
make reservations, call UK Spe-
cial Programs at 257-3929.

Rob Sena
Arts Editor

B.B. King reclaims his throne
as supreme blues guitar wiz

Staff (‘ritic






recording ill lllt' not} us
With his guitui mun-:1
King has t'ic-iitt-li .i
that thll tu‘ trimaran-w: my

Kitty U} Uti' Ht ,i-t‘

i/itit'\ 1“:

MW hint .

way ot telling thi- ilt".\ ,t-iwufl. ti.

til blues .ll‘li>’> Yliiil ll" ~ Ml" til
the King Antone .ttit/ an m. .
his tlth'l tiith l:

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‘ti'st \lllL"lt' '
taunt iilllit'

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.tltlillL’. afillliltgu

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.\ killing it”:

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KING: OF THE lilil'l‘IS: lttxtt
B.B. King
MFA Records

Hum \A'ill knou that ‘
hack in tip top shiipl
The production il" Ii w:
duties \iei‘e \[illl film:
".H‘t'll .lt'l'l') \\.il..m
'l‘rzitle \liii‘!:ii
Knight All of
\(‘HM' tint tit '
the man (to u hilt lH
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L't'l inf.
'toii'ro' the w,’ .'\




FEEL/A6 ”ti/”V5

by Berke Breather!

M/M, #6 WK? fl.
/IV F/Kf I 7H/A/K \
150% f7 R/W/

, mm 045 ,
B/TL/KF/i @WN/ 'v' '
WWW ‘( "


. "s.


There is a popular belief that
good things always come back. The
19605. helllmttoms and Yes are
good examples. Now you can add
Riley B. King to the list

L'ntler the name BB King. he
has influenced everyone from Eric
(‘lapton to l'2 \lt’lfl‘ ht' first \leirti-tl


[tit-ii. nu; ‘

U‘. t’.’ [limit i"

#5“ 5554/ >

7 same

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. .. the start qfa new tradition


 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Thundaymwenibert. toes



Burch’s ideology
right approach to
athletics position

Appointing Joe Burch to the position of athletics direc-
tor earlier this month shows that the University is serious
about making athletics an important part of the total Uni-
versity. not just a department concerned with winning.

Burch. a longtime UK employee and administrator. was
appointed acting athletics director two weeks ago following
Cliff Hagan‘s resignation in the midst of allegations of
wrongdoing against the men‘s basketball program.

One of the changes UK President David Roselle wanted
in the UK athletics department was a different manage-
ment philosophy.

During Hagan's 13syear tenure as athletics director. his
management philosophy was anything but hands-on.
Handson is precisely the type of management. though.
that is needed in the athletics department

It is precisely the type of management that Joe Burch

Throughout his more than 20 years at the University.
Burch has been placed in a number of crisis situations,
which he has handled with distinction.

In particular. Burch was in charge of the public safety
office during the late 19605 when student unrest was com~
ing to a head. In the mid-1970s. Burch was associate direc-
tor of the Tobacco Institute at a time when public percep-
tion of the institute was less than positive.

In both instances. Burch restored order to departments
facing public scrutiny and administrative unrest.

In addition. Burch was perhaps one of the finest dean of
students at the University in years. serving in that
capacity for several years until 1987. He was known for
being tough but fair in that position. handling tough stu-
dent issues such as an alcohol policy.

Now. though. Burch faces what is probably his toughest
assignment at the University. In the next several months,
Burch must work to restore respect to a department. be—
leaguered by allegations of wrongdoing

But an even bigger challenge will be to incorporate the
department into the University by showing that athletics
can be more than just winning football and basketball
games. Athletics can be as much about academics. pride
and integrity as any other facet of the University,

Accomplishing that objective would be tough for even
the most able of administrators.

But if it can be done. someone like Joe Burch. whose
knowledge and respect for UK is unmatched. is the person
for the job.

The secret conspiracy
against UK professors

Well. sometimes money-saving
measures can go just too far. and
our beloved University here is no

I mean. tripling rooms rather
than building more housing and
keeping pay below the national
standards are just the surface. It



Uur committed faculty. like that
of any univerSity. receives pay on

C.A. Duane Ionlter
Editorial Editor

Jay Ianton
Editor in Chief

Jill m
Associate Editor

Michael Irennan
Editorial Cartooniet

Thomas J. Sullivan
Executive Editor

Julie Eeeeiinan
Specld Projects Writer






1/”; ”"

It It

ill" ll],

l "




goes even deeper. and smells even
worse. The results of a beauracra~
cy grind down to. as a friend of
mine once noted. ”The combined
meanness and petty friction of a
whole bunch of dudes who hate
their jobs. "

Sadly. it seems that these words
come all too close to the truth
Whilst in a state of mind produci-
ble only by an utter lack of respon
sible sleeping habits. I fear I acci-
dentally stumbled upon an
administration plot whose evilness
is almost incomprehensible

Seriously. this one goes way far
out into right field. Read on. and
warn those around you

I'll assume that you've discov-
cred those nice buffeting winds
about Patterson Office Tower. and
now that winter digs in. noticed
that these tend to be a might bit

Now. for the average L'K stu
dent. who might only have to pass
by this artificial maelstrom a few
times a day. this might result in
anything from a minor cold every
other week. to. ob. say pneumo

.lust the l'niversity's way of jus»
tifying all that funding for the new
Medical t‘enter additions. l siir~
niise But there lies a further and
more dastardly reason‘

the basis of experience. tenure. and
such; a teacher who has served the
University for a longer period of
time receives pay at a much higher

These poor souls must continual»
ly travel to and from the Tower for
virtually every class they teach 4
much more often than we students
It can only be deduced that the
winds around the tiffice Tower
were specifically and purposefully
engineered to kill off the majority
of our faculty every winter via

Then. III a fit of cost reduction.
they are replaced by new. unsus-
pecting professors. hired at begin
ning pay rates Just another budget
trimming measure. eh. comrades“

But such a \icious met