xt7w6m335b6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m335b6m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 2008 2008 2008-11-25 2020 true xt7w6m335b6m section xt7w6m335b6m UK tries to ignore 23-game

Cats hold their tongUes mamas... mm“...








pnoro BY EMiLv coovm l smrr

Sophomore forward Patrick Patterson celebrates wrth teammates during player introductions before UK's 9157 war over Long-
wood Patterson led the Cats With a career-high 28 points and SIX assrsts The sophomore also added 12 rebounds


Patterson leads Cats back to .500
with career-high 28 points in rout

By BobbyVReagan

breaigaifi kykeritTeIEtiin

Hack to square one.

that's where the 1K men's
basketball team lZ-Zl finds itself
with =1s‘)I 57 rout of Longyiooil
41-3: on \londay night in Riipp

With an (i I stait behind them
and a fresh slatc of non-confet-
ence games still harming. the (‘ats
took the floor looking to right
what many considered a sinking
ship after the first two games.
With a little help from sophomore
forward Patrick Patterson. the ('.its
continued to sail for another day.

Patterson. \\ ho struggled in
games against the \ir‘giriia Mili-
tar‘y Institute and No. l North
Carolina. led the (‘zits against the
Lancers with .i careeizhigh 2.9
points. :\dd that to II rebounds

ly (iillispie thinks should be nor—
mal procedure for Patterson.
“Patrick knew he hasn‘t been
playing well.” (iillispie said.
“ Tonight he played very well.
though He played with a lot ol
energy. a lot more confidence and
played the way he should play."
Patterson credits his best
game ol the season thus far to a

talk he had with his coaching stall

and his father. Buster. Patrick I’at-
terson said his father told him to
be more of a leader on the court.
which he said would translate into
a better performance,

While his father's speech
helped. t‘K's ability to finally
feed I’atterson led to the sopho»
niore's career night. Patterson got
his hands on the ball in the post
on four possessions in the first
five minutes of the game. Those
touches translated to I I of the

Gettingr ball to the post
proves to be winning plan

I know what you were thinking. Here we
go again.

Who could blame you ‘ For the second
year in the row. you left an early L’K game
with the lingering question: The Cats lost to
who'.’ After the first season opening loss since
2(Xll and only the third 0-:
start since l92(i. you had to
be thinking here we go

But rest easy. these
Cats are not the 2007-03
Cats reincarnated. There
will undoubtedly be more
bumps along the road
(watch out for the Miami
Hurricanes in a couple of
weeks). and the Virginia
Military Institute probably
won‘t be the last team you
think UK should handle
this season-but inevitably
loses to. But cairn down 7— the tide is turning.

UK scored the first seven points of the



and another career~higli si.\ assists
to equal what l'K head coach Bil

See Basketball on page 3

See Hate on page 3


Businesses hope consumers
buy into Black Friday

By Brooke McCloud


The economy may not be so chei'i'y.
but local businesses are hoping that this
Black Friday will make for a profitable
holiday shopping season. Taking place the
day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday is
the official kickoff to the holiday shop-
ping seasonM'irh stores offerng longer
hours. doorbusters and Iimited~time sales.
Black Friday has become a holiday tradi-
tioti for many consumers.

Stores draw customers in on Black
Friday with onealay—only discounts and
limited-supply items. yet there are predic-
tions for an overall decrease in the holiday
shopping season from last year. said Ken
Troske. a UK economics professor.

"There is an expectation that retailers
are concemed about the perception of the
economy to consumers." Troske said.
“People are feeling more pessimistic."

With the current state of the economy.
local business owners are anxious to see
the outcome of Black Friday.

“We are concemcd but staying posi-
tive. and I am personally staying hopeful
for a pick-up in business." said Pat Bardo.
owner of Outside the Box gift store on
East High Street and president of Wood»
land Triangle Business Association.

Stores have had to use different tactics
this season and increase advertising to ap—
pear] to customers. Bardo said.

Alison Meyer. owner of TWO Chicks
and Company gift store on Southland Drive.
is offering a 10 percent discount to all col—
lege students this season to bring in more
customers. Meyer is relying on her store‘s
specialty gifts and personali7ation to appeal
to customers more than ever this year.

“People are price conscious and want-
ing to get more bang for their brick this
season." Meyer said. “I‘m staying positive
because people can find reasonable gifts
here that are personable."

Despite the gloom that has been asso-
ciated with the state of the economy. both
Meyer and Bardo are relying on holiday
spirit to motivate consumers.

"The holidays are all about feeling
good." Bardo said. “They might not want
to spend on big ticket items. but gift giv—
ing will be something people aren‘t will-
ing to gi\e up."

Laura Kinsley. a merchandise. apparel
and textiles senior. said she predicts that
most demographics are spending less this

“I wouldn‘t be surprised if Black Fri—
day sales are down because people have
less faith and sense of security in the
economy." Kinsley said. "People are more
prone to saving this holiday season."

For Andy Szybisty. a history junior.
Black Friday is the retail equivalent to the
Super Bowl.

"On Black Friday. 1 tailgate and wait
for the doors to open." Szybisty said. “1
want to be the first one there."

Szybisty said he regularly visits Web
sites such as slickdealsnet to find and plan
for the best deals on Black Friday.

Even though Szybisty said he will be
spending less money this year on Black
Friday than in recent years. he looks for—
ward to finding the best deals to make up
for his tighter budget.

"I would hope that businesses are try-
ing to put out more holiday spirit." he
said, “I think people are having to tell
their friends and family not to expect as
much this year.“



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mourns loss
of Casper


For four years. Jenni Casper gave everything she had
to the UK volleyball program. Now. two days after
Casper's death. the UK volleyball community is trying to
give everything back to its star.

"Our hearts continue to pour out for
her family and loved ones and soon-to—
be fiance.” L'K head coach Craig Skinr
ner said’. "We‘re really feeling for that
family and her friends and loved ones "

As the team prepares for their regu-
Iar«season finale Friday against Tent
nessee. Skinner said four of Casper‘s for—
mer teammates who are still with the
team are keeping Casper in mind.

"Everyone heals and grieves in differ-
ent ways. and they‘re some pretty upset athletes." Skinner
said, “When you have a teammate. regardless if you played
with them for one game or one year. whatever it is. regardv
less it you‘re best friends. not best friends w I mean. it is a
very. very difficult thing to go with because you spent so
many close hours with each individual turd tough times and
difficult workouts.“

Skinner was not sure how the team would formally
honor Casper in its final game. but gave assurances that
“we will do something."

“The challenge for us is honoring the commitment that
Jenni gave to this program." Skinner said. “The parents
wish that we continue on and finish what we started and
we‘re going to do everything we can and play with a chip
on our shoulder and Jenni in mind,”

Casper died Sunday af'tenitxin at [K Hospital of multiple
blunt force traumas. a Fayette County coroner said ('asper.
2-1. was in a car accident early Saturday morning on (‘liinoe
Road in l/exrngton. according to Lexington police,

Lexington police were quoted in the Letingtori Herald
Leader on Monday as saying that speeding and alcohol
may time been a factor in the accident. but did not return
phone calls to the Kemel as of press time.

Current players were unavailable lor‘ comment. and
Casper‘s former teammates could not be reached at press

Casper. of l outsyillc. is one of the most decorated play
crs in l'K volleyball history. Casper. who was with the fear"
from 2003 to limb. is a former [\Ht’lilltt‘ Southeastern t‘on
ferencc Defensbc I’lay er of the Year and leads 1K in sdl't’t‘l
digs. She graduated from ['K in May -007

“Weae rust got a ton of support this morning from the
volleyball world across the country Skinner said "Icnni
was a tenacious defender and an c\ceptronal play ci‘ ”

Information regarding funeral and service arrange-
rrrents was not available at press trine.



Expert disagrees
with UK’s focus
on diversity

By Laura Edelen

news@kykernel com

LTK recently combined the Commission on Diversity
and Commission on Women to form the new Commission
on Excellence. Diversity and Inclusion.

Vice President for Institutional Diversity J .l Jackson
will head the new commission. which w ill go into effect
July 1.200s).

“My goals for the commission are to continuously
identify as clearly as possible the maior issues that the
campus faces around diversity. and that the e-nnmission
can help to address." Jackson said.

But some disagree with IIK‘s diversity efforts George
Leef. the vice president for research at The John William
Pope Center for Higher Education Policy. said he believes
all these efforts by universities concerning diversity are not
essential to improving education.

“There is complete mania oier diversity. but it has
nothing to do wrth quality education." Leef said. “Long
before there were thoughts over any need for diversity. stu-
dents got a great education."

Leef said he has heard about L'K's attempts to become
a top-20 research institution by year 2020. and he believes
diversity is a foolish project to begin With.

"These efforts conceming diversity are for show. and
they wrll not help to accomplish prestige." Leef said. “It‘s
a divchion."

Jackson. however. said she thinks that focusing on di-
vcrsity will ensure that all constituent groups on campus
receive necessary attention.

“This commission will ensure that everyonc's greatest
needs are met to the best of our ability. and that there is one
standard ‘ excellence ~ applied to all." Jackson said.

By combining the two groups. Jackson said there will
be equality in addressing issues and a greater chance that
no one will be left out.

“With diversity as a strategic goal. an inclusive ap-
proach will best support the university‘s top-20 achieve-
ment." Jackson said.

In a campuswide e-mail. UK President Lee Todd said
he believes this new structure wrll increase focus on the
goal of inclusion as part of UK‘s diversity short.

”As we intensify the depth and pace of our planning
process to achieve our strategic goals for reaching Top 20 sta—
tus by the year 2020. UK's efforts around diversity and inclu-
sion are increasingly more cn'ticalf‘ Todd said in the c-mail.



 PAGLZJ luesday N‘n'vt


‘11 1111s

















By linda C. Black

To get the attia/itagt‘ 3‘11‘1'1 the
day's ratrrrg 1'11 11s t’rt' this/12st
day. 0 the roost 11111111111111.1111

Aries (March 21-Apri119)—
Today 1:» a 5 1 A itrt tit 111.11111 111.1
goes rnto 11 111111111 woe-11.111 1
don't need 111 1111111‘ 11111 11.111
thing t1grrreti out jtrfsl gt“. is: r'
on it For instar 111.1 s1,“ ‘
cantrgurt‘ on
to cost
Taurus (April 20—May 20) -—~
Today s a 6 ‘1‘ 111.1. ‘r.
not a very gtrtrtt ‘ttt‘a "1 1‘1
henpr‘e to do 1111111111": 117‘1' tr‘a‘r
what 1111)»; 11‘1112171'1 1111.1 ..,1'111
trons alt?1t)ilt11"111)1' .‘ t‘xr
Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today is an 11' 'll‘t’ trash 1.111
and you '19 up tr 11 @1111 1‘11 11111
everythrn ng yt‘11111 1111 1‘11 :11
checks not 1111 that 1‘11
but you re. 11111 1.“- .1 111‘
money Besides you ‘1- 111111‘111
gr'eatco‘rnw 1:111111.

Cancer (June 22- —July 22) ——


ot1ay1- 1'1 “ 1:11‘1‘ 1,11s‘1s

w)‘ 1'. the .s z‘

11 11.












letting ut thors trartrttr
1111111 111 the: projer‘t You can still
he 1111‘1r1rrg1‘. but you shouldn't
have to (out the whole hill
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
'ottay 1s 11 7 Home's your
best irritation (or an intrmate
1'nn‘111rrs1ttion lhere are <1 (Itlll'
1111‘ tit 1ss‘1112s‘ vouh want to 111111
1111‘! ir‘ytt rho tlnxrhh‘; you may
l‘t- l1‘1111‘1l‘y t ‘111‘. yrtrl [11)
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —-—
11111.1; 1:; 1’1 '1’ Printing a quiet
111.1111 1.1 stritty 1:1111111 he a 17111111
‘111111111111w Your house appears
111 111- 1111111111111 hut a trantiuil
p‘ 11‘1'1 :‘11ll‘1t‘l’rtfkl .1rr1t'ar1wrth
1..“ ’11?) ,1‘1111111
Libra (Sept. 23- Oct 22) —
‘1111 11 *"t‘utr‘mtrd
1111 make ttri 11111131111;
1‘ 111111 thorrrrs 1111 11tak1:
‘1ttr“1'- 11111111 ‘rr rtt [‘1' rs
11! [11 ((111

titr‘w‘r‘ try

so it 1'111‘ 111

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ——
Vr‘1l1i‘.‘1s.t1'rR By1‘111‘1‘1‘yuri'1'o
11‘1211111‘111 rrr1ttle‘ a t:1rrr1r:1r as to
V1.11‘1111'1111111s1211i1rt:tron Bur
‘11 11111 next tour weeks
to 1‘ '1111‘y trprrorturutres‘ tt1
‘11 111‘ rr‘rrrr1‘.y M 111 that your 1131p

11 1’ 1. 1‘11111111 do an". 1*.‘1rll


' rs triim campus) >77im'72

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)
-— Tl) rltl‘y l5 (l7
trrnt‘ 111115111 on a smaller 11213113
liter 1+ on a (Olllllt‘ til 111
rterrrs in your iii-basket that
deserve your attnrrtrnrr Face,
them They might be easrer to
deal wrth now than you th rught

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)‘

—« Today 11; a 6 w Watch out

(or a group that decides to

spend more. of your money than
you think rs appropriate for
Surnorhnrg you don't even want
Yes this tznuld he your own duly
elected officials:

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ._
Today 1s 1r 7 An opportunity
loath irrito rrrfayrr
asrt tin trks it trrst Goth 1t terms
to wrrt 1111) and watt! out for
trrtzlen 5111113111111“ 1‘111‘ 111) try-
11111 [111111.‘ you 1111111 work tor
tlr 1‘: sanu. p111

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —-
Today rs a 7 You usually
learn run to quick)“ out 111 the
11131 world than trit::|a1'.sr oom sit
111111111 us So 11youroteachrng,
make your classroom he like, the
real world

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Today’ 5
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I‘I‘le DiSI-l

Brandy \orwood hit it
big .is an Rtkll singer .rt l5
\\llll llcl‘ scll llllL‘tl tlc‘hlll (l).
lllcll spent sl\ \t‘astills ‘11s .1
teen icon on the hit sitcom
Moesha. ln l‘Nh‘. she re?
leased a duet with -Monica.
"The Boy Is Mine." that re»
mains on Billboard's Hot ltll)
songs ot' all time. Then. at 22.
she found hersclt' unmarried
and pregnant.

"I was al'raid and didn‘t
know what was going to liap
pen the (iiammv winne.r 2‘).
tells l s, In l‘t‘flhllltll} .1103
tour months beloie daughter
Sy i'ai. now (1. armed she
announced that she and her
boytriend. music producer
Robert Smith, whom she met
in laws. were secretly wed in
July 2111)] . 'l‘he two e\ en acted
as husband and witc tor the
MTV series Brandy: .-\ Spe-
cial Delivery. w hich doctr
mented Sy'i'ai's birth.

Howe\er. the marriage
ne\ er occurred. a tact Smith
e\posed m an explosive radio
intert iew ’dllCl' the couple had
splll. r.>\t the time. Noi'wood
merely responded that the two
had a "spiritual union") Now.
with her film (‘1). llirinaii.
soon to be released. the .\lc~
Comb. \llss1. natire tmally
admits why she taked 11 mar
r'iage and opens tip about
the struggle ot raising her
baby alone and unprepared.

[Inn 1111/ mu run I In the
IIt'll’) _\'(‘ll \‘1’t‘l't‘ l’l't‘g'lltllll.‘

the lust thing was. 1 was
at‘i'aid ol the laboi. l immedr
ately thought. It's going litirt so
bad! But I was e\cited. I just
knew l was bringing a special
somebody into the world. And
l wanted her to be a girl. Boys
want what they want. when
they want it they ha\ e a
dillerent energy than girls.


“I never should
have lied”

Music superstar Brandy

)li‘n‘ \tui ri'ui'i'it‘rl u/urril
your tt/i't‘t‘r‘

Absolutely. th‘uUsc I got
pregnant in the middle of
recording my third album. l‘ull
Moon. To the record company.
that was a big 110-1101 My thum-
ly's mind went to my career.
too. It didn't go to. Oh. my
(iod. this is a git‘t — not at
first. But it was always a gilt
*1 it jtist needed to be reali/ed.

'l'lu'ir wu released I/It~
\ltllt'lllt'lll wiring _vou luul sc-
( It'll)" ennui iruii'rrml. '

The statement was a mis—
take on my part. because that
w asn't true. I new er married
her dad. That was something
that sliotrld not have ever
beeii said.

i lied because ol‘ the (car
111' what people would think
and the pressure to be a role
model. I didn't want to be seen
as not i'narried and having a
baby. 1111- how I was raised. it
wasn't sortiething that should
have happened. but it did. I
didn't waiit to disappoint peo~
ple. I‘m sorry I misled my
fans. Truly. truly sorry. i was
just trying to protect every
thing that l e\ er worked (or u
my image. 1 was very young
and ltll‘llltl that people would

judge and criticize.

Were you will Sv‘i'ttr's fur
I/u'r' (ll'r'lltllh “(Willi/1'.”

()ui relationship was very
real. but we. just weren't
legally married There was no
actual walking down the
aisie We definitely talked
abotit it. but I didn‘t t'eel like
it was where my lite should
go. He didn't feel it either.
Now he has t’ound a beauti-
l'ul. beautitul wile who is the
mother 111' his children. I think
she was always the one. l
ne\er was and that‘s ()K. It
was just something I had to

acknowledges her marriage
was a fake

i'eali/e in my own lllllL’.
When we split (around the
time Sy'i'ai was I). it was just
something that wasnt meant
to be. It's better this way. But
he's a great. great dad.

Huu‘ tlitl Ilu‘ lirt‘tikup tit

rm Sv‘roi.‘

She‘s completely line. He
and I share her (they both live
in (‘aht'ornia's San Fernando
Valley. less than ll) miles
apart) and go back and forth.
biit it's not a set thing. She
was very young when it hap
pened. so she didn‘t know
what was going on. Now
she's old enough to see that
her dad and l are very close.
and I'm close with his wile
and tamily. She loves the tact
that we all talk. we all hang
out. we all visit each other.
and it's like one t‘amily‘.,She
understands it with such ‘.i
sweet perspective.

Pm'larplit, you took Imu‘
tiff. What was the plan."

I didn‘t know: I'm not a
planner -1 I don't even know
how to use the calendar on
my phone! I just go with the
flow. I wanted to be with my
daughter. When you have a 1
baby. you are just OVcl'
whelmed with what's in t'roiit
til‘ you. She w as 2 when l was
working on my ne\t album.
Ali'odisiac. and l was inspired
by her lite by then.

lint \i‘t‘l‘r' tl/ui ('Ilfltlk’t'd It)
New York Kim/1 Quentin
Ru luti'tlwn til t'lll/(‘tl IN

I really thought it would
work out. but it didn't. Many
people think its going to last
t'orever and it doesn't. No
hard t'eelings.

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly



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Ki t‘ti‘tttltt .' ,li


Page 3



Kteiitiy Ltitfsttiii
Sports tililtit
l" r _‘i' it“;

x' ii in» " nit ii'


Cats try to avoid talk of losing streak

By Kenny Colston
kt distutitikykertiel t,t)lll

litl’ Iltt‘ tie\l lI\c tltt)\ lvl\y ltt‘dtl
toacli Rich lltooks and his pla_\ets expett
to he coitststeiith .Isked .thottt the streak.

Spt'ttikled iii \Nlll he tittestiotts .zliottt
t‘litlltp l‘ttltnet l)tt}. \ttlittlts l'K I‘ltl)k‘ls
that hail ltottt oi neat Kitit\\lllt' and
UK \ houl late llttt the streak. the one
It! \slitcli lettnessee has heateii the (Liis
’I’ letlglti titties. \.\Ill be the tttaitt Ioctts

"l li‘lll iltt'lti \sk"\l ltL‘dt .tl‘iottl lht'
teak." lltooks said "lttit stte.tks end .It
oitic point. and it \tottld he gteai It this
etiiot class cottld eitd that streak ”

\exet tittiid the tact that It‘ttt-ti oi
l K's pla}et's neteii t e\ett both the last
mm the (‘ats heat the \‘tiliiittceis. tit that
u hat \\.ts once .I gteat hotdet
tale and Southeastern ('oiilei’ence |l\ tl
._\ has tinned into nothing mote :iitit
lope tor titan) l K platets

"'l‘he streak is tttote so U‘-t‘tl‘lti\\t‘i "
Itiltlttl' tlL‘lc’ihHC lttL lxlt' little) l’c’lt‘ls
Mt'ttl ”\\e don‘t locus on Ii too Ii‘itt. h "

\L'k‘ll as

that ma) he Wlt) other angles
l‘llltttk‘l 's last game as lettnessee's head
coach and l’K's cyentttal howl t'ate
seem to cart) more weight heading into
.\.tllll'tld) s game itt Kttosulle.

“lI‘s olntotts the) haten‘t packed it
I“ ‘ liiooks said. “l:\ei')thttig l‘t'e seen
and heard Is that lllls gi'otip ol pla) ers haw
.t line and dllL‘LllUll tor l‘llllitt't‘. The) ‘II
with to send him out on .t postttie note."

\\ lit-it l’ttlttik‘l announced lits resig-
nation .tttei' l 7 tears as head coach three
Weeks ago. lenitessee announced Phillip
l‘tilliik’l Ha) .I t:\t dats alter. planning
to send \tltat has been the lace ot tts
piogittitt lot the last two decades out on
a good note. l'hat much was endent
\\heii leiittessee heat iii-state rt\al \Ltiir
dtrttilt 34;, iii oti Sattti'da} tlI Natslixtlle.
said iitntoi t'ttnnttig hack Altonso Smith.

" l he) ‘i'e pl;t_\tng tot pride right
lltt‘.\ Snitth stiltl. “'l‘he} don‘t “ant to
\aitd} and Kettltlt‘k} "

Pittt that high emotion cotild hackltre
oit tht Volunteers oi at least that‘s

l l\s hope

ltisc [ti


”they“ hate liits ot emotion." Smith
stttd. “Rt-all} It works lot tis aitd distracts
them. But It could \\Iil‘l\' the othet My too

While this _\e.ii‘s l‘etiitessee squad
looks a lot ditlet'ent than )ean past. \ttth
a 4-7 metall record and a
Wyiintng. the \olttnteers aren't cont
pleteh changed Brooks said 'I'eitnessee
still has a lot ot .tthleies tn the hacktteltl
and at \tide littt Tennessee‘s
biggest tiadeittai'k Ihttge otletisixe llliCr
meni hasn't changed one hit

"its a ter} pli_\stcal letiiiessee otr
tensne line.“ Peters said "\'er_\ htg.
\et') pli)sic.tl and very \\e|ircoaehed.
“e k‘nett that going In.”

\\ htle tltat \olttitteei tt'adeittat’k
ttL‘\Cl‘ changed. others did and that's
what led to l-ttltnet' L‘\L'ltltl.lll) heing
liit'c‘t‘tl Ittll tts head coach

"l’ni sure the) “mild he \\.I) inped
tip tor this gatite." Petets said "Playing
tor a git} \\lto has been there so long.
it's sttd to see him go. But thats the ll'dr
ttti'e ol college toothall lite} oiii) re
ittettihet )Iitt tot st\ long ‘

loss to




l liittntti‘tl ‘tttitt p tittrrl

(Kits~ first if poii ls
"We did a hettci‘ ”'li it
him." (hlhspie said, “and he ttftl,
'.‘t' toh posting and I‘ecen ttig ”
()ne l‘l.t_\Ct lltt -.ttstt‘ii\tttetl the l‘l'h’
o Pattetsott damn luv li'..'s§lllt..l‘.
)aiitis Miller. \Rlli.) made his tits: t'olli
‘lttlL start. \ltllet xtas .1l\lc‘ it‘
'etsoti rolling teedtttg littl-

ttt..» , .-

\_‘t‘l. “til

(nice it. the

‘st totir titisst‘\sltill\ tot l.I\ttp .tt

(itlhspie said \lillt't got the start
net itintoi Rantott ll.tiits dite to

\ltllt‘l .\ rebounding eltoits through the
'ri'st three litmt \et against
'1 titiguood. Millet onl) i'etoided one
'c‘lttitilitl iii llttt‘t’t‘s' etgl‘i
'tl lltms m) n lll‘. l in 3’ the ”it. :
'II- thc stait met Itcoidtd st is.
etoi'e halt and t\ltiieti
"iii s Nth) i ‘L‘t‘l the start." ltzl'w it‘
tttl 'l’itit l).ttttts: plant .t‘il
going to he d \«it a s'..tt
”t superstar."
(itllispic \s. is happ} lt‘ see the m,
i\ etneiits not onl} ll. \lillet and
ieshmatt i)e:\ndre l iggitis. httt tllsti iii
'ic‘ areas the Cats hate
'itl'lll)’, the't llllL't \‘ktltic‘s
’li'i‘ttt\c’t\ and Pt‘it‘il's tl’. the paint l'ls'
instored l oitg\\ot\d i 17 l’\ 1;] the path?
=td it'intnted its turnouts ;I‘ W
“l thought w: v ere e\tieitiel_\ littit-
‘l'\.. especialh to start lit L‘dltlt‘
vitigitt." (itllisptc ‘~th:l ‘ihe\
tie one ol the teams l'tt:
rig. l‘m \ei) ptottd «It the
ne're also starting to pi.t_\ sttiattei'



liotl i‘i‘ic .‘itl

s .t _\ottitg


struggled I:-



. ,
Itst‘tl {it ‘- t‘.tt li

t‘ll\‘il .itizl

F00 SPECIFIC .1035

9'"""‘ 'f"_"" ‘2" '53“2""7”1'W‘~6' "if? _,



.tl it Hi t‘ littlli 'tl l‘.lt‘l

gattie Honda} and ttsed .t l i it run to
ittinp out to .I H
the (‘ats led h) as man} as 4i points
tit the g and held tlieii second

\llvtl'._lll opponent to under 3i percent

lion: the field


lhrott 'll the lust thtce gantes oi
the _\otii g season one could e.istl_\
take 1 l\' tot a team \‘.'tllt iio plan, lts
tic-st plat-e1 had missing In action
to! long sptti‘ts in each ol the two l()\\r
es and the iti’st \ittot) o.’ the season
'l‘he siippttsed strong detense had stir
teittleied ill points Iii the opening

But don‘t tret. :\s ol \londa} night
thei tits ll.t\ e .1 plan‘ get Patrick Patter
~ti'I tiie lull


“\\c did gt hettei ioh looking tor
lilitl. l‘ls' head coach Btlh (itihspie
--.t: i. "and he «lit d hettei (oh posting
and tecei\ iitg ..

l'he t'ats did a hetiet' iol‘ ol teediitg
the post petitid. l'K outscored Long-
ttood it to In the paint \lontla) night

l‘l'c‘sllllttilt l).trttts \ltlter set tht
totit' tor the Cats t.‘;tt‘l\ by feeding Pat
tet'soit the hall on ‘t'K‘s llt’sl posses
sitttt ,‘sliliei also recorded the assist on
i is s ltIst hasket. another post pla}
tittzn l‘;ttt.‘t'son

Patterson recorded l'K‘s t‘tt‘st thtee
field goats. and men chipped In with a
i and a". assist oil .I Lottgwootl in
humid til.i\

.ittst like that. ("K itad a plan. [he
t'.tis had .t deitioitstratne si/e athair


tage l,ottg\\ood otil} started one pla)er

$20,000 BONUS

" lead In the MN halt.

taller than (i toot».i aiid titil} plated
three pltoets all night taller than that
height. the dtttttntitnc Lattcers‘ lineup
and l'ls's all eter_\thtiig potter loitt aid
scented like .t match made tit heaVett
tor l'K

"tl’attersoiii txas plastttg teal liatd "
Miller said ",\ll \te
him the hall."

.\ltilet' \\ tstt't the otth (at \\ho got
iiiitioi‘ ls’atiton llai‘t’ts. .tltti
\‘..ts \lC'lllUl'xkl lit lltt‘ l‘t‘llcli iI'I \ldtl 'tllt
game ted the h Iil to l’iittison on ihi.

titsi tilt --nst\t posstssioit

had to do \\ds get

the itiLssttL't'

\ ltitittt ttsc'tl
point gtiatd l\e \ iti (iallouat t \ett got in
on the .Icttoti h} assisting Patterson on d
hasket In llls l‘llt'l first halt .ippcatante

lt‘s eai'lj. and the (‘ats ptoh.tl\l_\
kthm a little niote ahttttt theniseites
than the} did i\\o \Ieeks ago alter the
shocking loss to \ .\ll. httt
one night the} looked like
a plan.

"lt’s dit e\tteitit~l} long season.”
(iillispte \ttltl "it's itist a “tutti. in
piogt‘ess .‘Hi t‘\c‘i) teatn tit \iitei'ica'

llllC t‘\c‘ttlti.tl sltc‘Lt‘ss til l'K's sea
son hinges on tis :thtitt) tt‘ e\ploti titl'

\ tnt tL‘L‘\ ltkt the height dttttttttct ii
hoastetl .\loiida\ night (lite tiitght ts
stiiiit l l\ \'stlll te itttte .t sitnil ti pl in tot
(lit. lk'\l Ill ll‘tt stdstit‘t l‘ltL( its ate
clearh .1 better team \\hett tlieti hest
pin} et‘s ha\ e th.‘ h .ll

(itlltspit' is right It is .I long sea

suit. lhe'tt \\: il “e hititips along the

at least lot
a teani \\ tilt

toad. llie L ats sttddcit .Ihtlttjt to teed
the hall itiio the. post t-ra‘ht \. itistt .ts
tiiitck‘l} as tl aimed

llttl Ittt tillk' t‘t_,tti :.\ll. “it 11“»!
east "he (Itts ltaxe .t m' t.

.i/III Htit't I\ it wiiI/umtti.‘ wit t. /

iittii/ limit "'1 ktia itu i . rm













Malice Your Own fett'ell'}?

o HOltC-lay titltt'


(ti ‘




‘ i

















WWW.§.§E‘SI §2§5t£§ : $4 ‘

”eta/"tantaveniim ’K it! 1 ”at "I " . t'. - '


Bluegrass Sportsman
Lea ue
°So ar Car Team

°Rober. ., May
.Endowment Lecture
Series, 12: 00 PM, UK


0Alternative 5 ring
Break A plica ions,
106 Stu ent Center
CLUB 7:15 PM,
0Honors Program
Student Council
Studen Center 231

°Robert C. May
Endowment Lecture
Series, 12:00 PM, UK
Art Museum

ia'v wtmu’it» '.

7: 30 PM


4 pn;....n4.-a

CLUB 7:15 PM
~Robert C. May

Lecture Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art

8:00 PM, Room
211 of the Student


CLUB, 7:15 PM,
0Robert C. May
Lecture Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art

OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM, Bluegrass
Sportsman League
OCampus Cruasde
for Christ, 7:30
PM, Center
Theatre in the
Student Center

a-.--_-. ._,r..~... -


'UK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM,
Robert C. May
Lecture Series,

12:00 PM, UK Art




OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,
Bluegrass Sportsman

~Ro ert C. May
Endowment Lecture
Series, 12:00 PM, UK
Art Museum

0Robert C. May

Endowment Lecture
Series, 12: 00 PM, UK
Art Museum

OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7. 00 PM, ;
Bluegrass Sportsman!»

______ l





































































































































































































ltlt Ml't
\tiyi iii'ii i 7‘ i

Page 4


Brld Ltmflll, etiitiii iii ctiiut
Eric Lindsey, iiiaiiagiiig tfdllul
Blair Thomas. 'lldlidqulq editor
and Bowling, .ipiii ii's editor
Wesley Robinson. lllltil‘illi‘i

Kilian Eononuii Bouio

Melisa Vault. asst opinions editor
Kinny Colston. sports etlllLll
Whitney WIN". lf’dldlt': t‘ltlllk‘l
Emily Foam". tiilaiiiiisi

ii pi l"\ l‘ 1.in probate ilii'aii viii the t‘ltlaqlltjt‘ it air-as Llllll‘i‘ news stories the kernels
1‘ Vi} I'll l‘ l til\ "‘l‘ll