xt7w9g5gff4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gff4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-05-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 03, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 03, 1979 1979 1979-05-03 2020 true xt7w9g5gff4x section xt7w9g5gff4x .ao... ,,‘ -y~ ~““" "--4.. ,,. i.-er.< . t
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Vol. LXXI, No. 155 - t'ntVIYSity of Kentucky
Thursday. Ml"; ”7° an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky
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3. ea ' w§§ \ _ p Elnfi‘hhh" ‘Ol N" The Kernel's editors respond to Dr.
~~> 5 §§ , . . . W -. \wswst‘ ~ ‘ “ ’ "' “m Joseph Bryant‘s comments. page 2
.-\\ ‘ 1 s g . Dr. Joseph Bryant, En gllsh Faulkner‘s Light in Augustand Henry
‘ \ g f \ 3w” - _‘ " department chairman, made a “public Miller‘s Black Spring in their classes.
3 \ i 3 3th ‘ ' \ apology"tothe department‘s teaching the story also said Bryant said the
I? 1. y ‘ {\‘t assistants and part time instructors fAs “aren't professronals,“
'.t'“ g 1 -\ _. y ‘\ ‘ west e...» 1'3 during yesterday‘s regular English (The Associated Press and a number
‘ \\ . the ._\.,__F""' .. §§ stall meeting. of radio and televtsron stations ranthe
. ww w . , ’. . ..7 g , hth But members or the English story and used the quotes.)
\ ‘ \ k eh' ““i’ " - Q (iraduate Student ()rganilation. Bryant. stating that the past week‘s
.‘ g t we \\ ‘ \.\, *3 as . , , 3% which met after the departmental events have hurt communication
, » , e ,,._‘ \t ‘ ,i,‘ *' ew‘h" ‘ §§ meetingdccided not [0 take action on between TAS and faculty, said two
' p t 0‘" "w ; ‘ . p h§§ Bryant‘s response. They also decided ways to “WOW this communication
.. h 3" I e «\ 3h not to retract their demand for his are “changing my attitude" and
. ' \t ' e ‘ Vt toms * Eh resignation. . “meeting. With more graduate students
.www > 3 \et - $33 .5 2.5.3 “sighh' g ~ ,_ . . Bryant 5 apology was In response [0 When i m the English graduate
ww. 3 g} ., . g m \ a letter EGSO sent to him asking for a students‘ advisor next fall semester.
* e w ;‘ ee 1,, .. t ‘._ ‘1 \., . public apology forquotes attributed to “l‘m gomgtotake advantage 0t next
“ ~ ‘ ‘ e 3' "1‘ "'h' him in a Kernel story and for his year Whtle 30b Hemenway t5 3W3)-t '
.t 'p ’._... __ w a” “ g~ resignation from the position of will keep my doors open and meet all
g \\ \ O E; .. ,_ a“ a? “$6 English department head' of you (TAs) and we‘ll Visit." he said.
t ~ ..'sh ts \ -: .j “ t?“ \s ‘j At the beginning of the (Dr, RObCTt Hemenway IS currently ‘
y . .9“ t thgih‘ - ._ - ‘ . 3. ..- departmental meeting. Bryant sajd‘ “l the English graduate students‘
e" We, . t :3 " f1; . 5 _ am deeply sorry for any grief my words advisor.)
' h: f " ‘ ‘ ' " ' " ’ " , ' ' ‘ ' " ‘ and actions caused any ofyou overthe Bryant plans to support the Board '
y e \\ h“ we §w 3., ' '. ‘ g past month. I wish in retrospect I had 0t Trustees Executive Committee‘s
, . . . m mm l-\\l)I-’RS Kernel m" talked more with each of you.“ suggestion that the whole English
CIVII speaklng ’ ‘ Bryant dented saying TAs were too department he reviewed ahd new
immature orirresponsibletoteach. He academic 8Utdehhe§ established. It'
According to conventional wisdom. college campuses of the (MI Disobedince yesterday. Moran was one of a series of said he was “grossly misreported“ by needed. along With defining thC role 0f
seventies are supposed to be quiet. passive places. But this is speakers in a May-Day Forum sponsored by the English a” members of the state's news media TAS and Part time instructors. .
l'K and the year is I979 and there was Mike Moran,an English Graduate Students Organization. except the LOUiSVille Courier-Journal. Reaction to Bryant‘s comments
department lecturer. onthe Student Center Patio talking about “l‘m h0t 5U"? I didn‘t 53)’ that none among TAS was mixed.
’ of you are ‘professors‘instead ofnone One TA said. “I‘m a realist, Dr.
oda of you are ‘professionals.‘as has been Bryant hasn‘t made an apology. He
3 reported." said Bryant. has confused the faculty and us (TAs) '
indicted by a Bullitt (‘ounty grand jury for conspiring the oil companies the alleged crude oil oyercharges. (in a copyrighted story April 23, the by disc'atmthg What he 53kt"
‘ to murder Bullitt Circuit Court Judge E. \' Sanders. either to customers or to thc tctlcral treasury Kernel quoted Bryant as calling the Michael Tourjee. president of the '
local County Attorney J. Chester Porter and an unnamed \'o criminal charges are intolsed Instcald. th': TAS “100 immature“ to use a number English graduate student organizatin.
'uror o the s'm . ' s ws ‘0 . t com antes arc accused of \lUliillli' fcdcra rice ' , , . - . - - .‘
' MAYOR JAMES AMA") SAYS the local 'DistrictnCourt oiteerr'd'r'i'sti3't'l'i'i'e'ateni'ng' m'md m cont'r'olsoncrudeoil.mainly by mcorrictlyclassthing 0' literary works. including William Continued on page 7 "
- Bogetrhmem'; lqzofhudgct reflects “belt-tightening" . otl into categories that would allow it to he sold at SG seekin lamnesty' , .
an l (I sure: Cal C it'll In ffCL‘l‘il \‘L‘ill'h. _ -._ ' _
' 'Amato's budget proposal calls for spending $56.l nat'on h'glh}: 'fl'lifl'l;ilnl0‘ mwhcd d“, lettaco. “u“ 01L 9 _' ‘ .
m‘“'°" ”‘ the “‘“a'.-‘"‘” been“?! ”'3' ' " a 4 AT LEAST l5 Nt‘CLEAR POWER srarross Standard on of (tritium, Atlantic Richf'ield. . . - : .
, g:l)lf3f)(i."hcriiezi'tlfsaifihh'titthti't'iefi:ftei:dexi):cc'fe'i'ietoi'i'e have problems with coolant water pipes that leak Marathon ()il..\ttindard()i|ofOhioand Standard Oil for parklng VIOIatorS
cmered b} this )‘ear's SI] million surplus small amounts 0' radioactive “8'6" goicrnment "' 'nd"'"" . ' .
Amato said the proposed budget included increases regulators 'a'd yesterday. . _ BV‘ PAUL MANN violations, the fine would be reduced
“to anticrpate inflation.“ 1 here is. however. \irtualli _. The Nuclear Regulatory ( ommission was ""d ”'8' world Staff Writer to $2.50. '- '
no expanded personnel or new service included. ' six plants hate extensnc corrosion. or cracking in . ‘ .
pipes that cart) radmacme water Mneplums haw arunrssti .\lll.l.l()\\OHIRSdccidetodai , , . . Sturgeon emphasized that there
moderate or m'hOt Ctathhg 1“ the PIP“ whether the country still continue along a moderate _ \arious UK "brar'es offerprograms would be only one amnesty day and he . '
State Darrell Eisenhutt. tht‘ VRC'S dt‘PUt.‘ dltt't'tt‘t “t socialist path under the laboritcs of Prime Minister 'h Wh'Ch S'Udhhts possessrng overdue hopes it would be before parking : ’
THE SWEET SMELL 0F St'(‘(‘ESS has not thug"? rea':""".satifhelvh'l'fbkh' "6'3" "hm " “mt" (“hush-m ”t ”it A ‘ht‘ti‘ tum t“ the “Bht bOOkS do?” br'T'Lg, thlem .m “(10:33) stickers go on sale. “Students who are
waited over the decks of the Belle of Louisiille for five ;,:':P:CC:U:::;:::[LZM:C pai'i'ofthi'p'r'i'm'a'fi'Lcli'tilih" under 'hc _ \ ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ reduce d "'5'. 's that: 5:3: books delinquent in paying their parking . .
years. But yesterday. the Derby Clt_\"s‘ sternw‘heeler mm m ‘ra k' und r p _ n th 3) 0 \g tttnttrttttntt 0' 1drt-‘vtttt th‘fltth” . ‘ givestu en 5mm" ' g tickets are not allowed to get parking '
captured the (ireat Steamboat Race for the first time ' . m c c e pressure ' e “ rr 5' e the latest opinion poll indicated a fairly eien split in before the semester ends. permits " Sturgeon said. “This an. it »
since [975 bUtldUP- among tthc country's ~1l million \oters. raising the Student Government senators Brad would give students the incentive to '
"I knew we was gorngto Wlnll ”fore we started."said , . . . . i . . . , . prospect "' " “hung Parliament." “"h neither the Sturgeon and Jeff comPtOh WOUId , ' ' -
borler engineer Dave(‘receltus,“We hadalighter load “’Iigiflfi'Zlyouh‘ARgo" [TOLD '; (finding: [-ithttflltfs nor the (onscrsutitcs winning an loserall like to offer a similar program for :gik'::"g";:::1'ffs'suso'he could gettheir ’
‘ than ever before and that made all the difference." g . au ience '5' n'hh' c m "0' 9"" m“-"""-' "' g'm'n "" ”'un'r' "" 'h' m" 'm' 'c'm' students with parkingttcketsthat need '
_ the late-night television program in 1979. saying. “1 Both ('allaghan and \lrs lhatchcr cautiously ,‘ C h d Stur on '
a love the Shh“ I “‘Wld miss It." claimed their partties will triumph but the polls and '0 be pd'd' - ompton approac e . ge-
A FORMER KLANSMAN TESTIFIED It was Carson‘s first taping since it was reported he election analysis indicated a close result. which could However. Sturgeon and comph’h w"h 'he 'dea after he got a t'Cke' wm'e '
yesterday at the murder conspiracy trial of five Ku wanted to leave the show. The NBC star said nothing lease Britain'\ minority parties holding the balance of may run intoafew' Pmblems before h S 'rhhh'hg an errand at the Complex " '
Klux Klan members that he overheard former that would indicate he intends to complete his power In the nth-member House of (‘Ommom all done with. Commons. _ComPtOh said ‘ m-ost ' -.
Kentucky Grand Dragon Sherman Adams say: contract which expires in the spring of I98l. Sturgeon. chairman of the 50 Students get tickets becausethey retna ‘ ,
“BU“HICOUM) People hawlostthci‘rteatotthe Klan weather public relations board.and Compton. hurry and there is no legal place to .
We need to throw the fear of God into them." , . g . . who is the 50's director of student park. “These tickets began to add up .
Ronnie Jones. a key state witness. was the only _THE (30“ ERNMENT A((lSED W‘t‘h mayor , , . " ervices have devised a plan where and $5 is too much to make students "
person on the witness stand as testimony began in 0|] companies yesterday 0t mercharging the” “A” A MINI Tl" 'h" showers are ‘uhhowd '0 S q .- , “k Id 3 “ Com [on said “Students pay .'
Eltidbtthtown yesterday. A Jun was selected customers nearlySl.7 billion duringafite-and-a-half end In April But there is a chance of light rain this students With overdue tit, CtS C0” 9 Y: hP U .' -_ ', _ . 'M .. _ .
, Tuesday ' ' ' year period and said the money should be refunded. morning loday \Hll be partly cloudy. with a high of come in and pay a reduced fined enough 10! IS‘ ntversrty as It IS_- 05! .
Adams and the ”the, alleged cowhmpiratm “m The Energy Department proposed orders to make 'tt The regular cost of a parking ticket students. cant afford that kthd 0t ‘ ‘
is $5. 0n Sturgeon and Compton‘s money. ,___
' proposed amnesty day for parking Continued on page 7 ‘- f‘
. t .
n‘ . '
Students are among the demzen of Tally-Ho
y [I By JAY FOSSETT effect. rather. it‘s the customers who create the atmosphere : — _
‘ (”W "ht” an atmosphere so unique and different that it can only Y .‘ g. _‘ ’
g: y g be described as "lolly-Ho like.“ ; - ' ' " '1 3 - ‘
'- From the outside. theicd brick buildinglooks more like Customers who frequent Telly-Ho range from blue : ‘ ' . _; , .
," an h‘etttmd matchbox than an all-night restaurant. collar workers eatingtheir breakfaststo hobos looking for ‘y‘ : '7'
7‘ inside. it's not very different. lhe sound of frying food. leftovers to UK students taking care of late-night cases of 5-" £35.“) . f ;' ‘
ringing pinball machines. a blaring juke box. clattering “munchies." ' ' . . Ms... .. '1 .
plates and COhNtaht COmCttattOh make 30“ feel like the And. accordingto Helen“Mama Ho"Hollopctcr one "' “ h'ww'm'“ ' " ,
. ' walls "f the building are ready to collapse 0“ 3'0“ ' thC of Tolly-Ho's two proprietors l'K students form the ) = « m We“ ' s ' t ' ‘
restaurant seem‘ that small. bulk of the restaurant‘s customers. ".zg. -- " s' ' Q : -
“ A ‘lghv hanging “me the water fountain reads; “About 95 percent of our customcrs at night arc ‘ N" '§?§--,._ s C 5: _ 'f
Poms it we "Hort tHFM WHICH CANT students." Hollopcter said. . t ' " " . a ' ' ‘ ‘
READ. (i()()[) Bi. She said most of the students like the “ambiance" of ‘t‘ 'f”9 j ‘ ' " ' é . -
'h" “ "'h-“Hh lolly-HO and wouldn‘t hate it any other way g '3 .5, '.-_ . y t '3 . ’
for 'h" “hum” ‘th‘hth'htt tht‘ atmosphere Of the ”0 “A few years ago. during Spring Break. we rcmodclcd." ' «~ 1. 4‘ t -» .. ‘ ' ' . A at ('"t '5 ‘
, _ ' ' for the first time. that sign and thc other oddities might she said. “Some of the kids didn't like it. some did Somc s ;.' . ' _- i : we 3 _; 2h ' _
i serve as a warning to expect something totally different said it ruined the Ho‘s ‘image.‘ " ' l 14 ' , t‘ f. ' ' '"t - °‘ ' j ' i
. ‘ , and unique And ifthcfirst-timccustomer sticks around Hclcn and her husband. Bob “l‘apa Ho" Hollopctcr. . :_. “‘“t ' "w . ' '3 g i 't t '7 ',
a . ‘ long enough that Ct‘l‘t't‘ttttlt‘h “I” almost Cflta'hl.‘ turn have owned lolly-Ho for scicn scars. lltes started out. ___,” ‘ t. . m _ ' i ' 1" ~ ,
' 'n'" a reality however. with two. ' ' ’ -3 ' W“ '“W ' . i , . '-
‘ .., ' . lol|y~llo. in many ways. is a typical short order type “We had one in Richmond and one in losington." "h _ _E‘ ' _ - .
~ . restaurant located near the corner of South limestone Mama Ho Sflld “We iust couldn't handle both of them “ "‘.".""""" ‘ . ‘4. it '3 ' .
, ' ‘ Street and luclid Aicntie. it has all the makings of a And ifyou were iniistt lolly-Ho on it typical Saturday m .. so 7; ' ‘ '
. regular greasy spoon a cafeteria line, hard wood booths. night and sec how hcctic the place it?” mu could imagine ,, .. a. to; 535;" a; W »_ . are: a: . . ~,
. _ ~ ‘- 3 deep ttfit‘h '4 ‘lhtllc 223‘ 8“” a Hike box. pin hall machines how difficult running one. let alone two'. lo|l\-llos would «.3 c “j .. s. “a; .. . . = "'H»: .‘- ' ' '
. ‘ 7 and two small ctibiclcs‘cu hem sti llv ' ll d ' 7v“ :3 .: '.-"-'"':l3-,§." T-'"::?;---~-§::”"§t st"'°""’tt't\‘ ., ' "‘
, ' u ' h ' ca ' C“ e "W00?“ t”- t‘t“ tettgut\a.‘§§§§%‘$ ~ , .
' . But 'h many “3.“. Nth-”0 It “0t the typical First. you would probably find yourself in .t long line ' fps“ o"tit est > ' ‘ > g ‘ e '
. ., . i restaurant ‘\s it matter of fact. many People compare it extending out the door and into the night air Mtg" ‘ h'e wit . ' . '
' :t‘itr:utri;t:ln to a carnisal sideshow rather than toa regular “slimy-[:32 'Sfofiz'd'mdffi'gl'fr"all: 'E'l'l'r':dl"_"‘u)';""' ., .. .. . . .3 w ”Wt“ _ . _. "W '_ . g . fl
. . ' ' ' c ' a I t cc . . .
‘ .' ‘ It‘s not so much the facilities that produce this sideshow ' g (‘ontinue'd 0: it'll"; TOLLY-HO ly "A“ LANDERS/Kemel 5"" '. . '. '
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. - » s BEST COPY AVAILABLE ‘ » ». \‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
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 'dh- - \-~““""'»" ‘a- 1'. —’* on.-~. -.5 «c. . a. . . avail—Ia" "r
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KENTUCKY Steve Bellingcr Ilsa "mm-“t Thomas (‘lark Walter Tunis Jamie Vaught Tom Moran !
hm“, n, ( [my [ill/until lilrrur Jay home“ .‘i a [5 tun“, Spam Itilmir Dim (or 0] Photography ,
Debbie McDaniel
Meir Massey
' . e I 2 Richard McDonald tum Helds f“::"¥'_'{:" (ary wma John (‘lly Linda (M i
\Iunuxmg Iilnur Jeanne Wehnes (1,,” Iilmm 4mm"), .4 ‘I E “In“, Iriln Richerd Photo Manager t
. liwiiuli' ,(lllll7\ Astiilum Spam billion i
oditorials$comments ' l
Half-price week proposed .
'Amnesty week' idea should have been given chance to work i
. lt’s unfortunate that the proposal to have an until they are in financial good standing, the The administration has a point there. UK after 3 pm. or “stopping" on campus with
amnesty week when campus parking tickets response would probably have been good. safety is much less effective at collectingfines flashing lights for a few minutes.
' could be paid at half price has not received The proposal was turned down for this thantheMetro police. Butfor some peoplewho
enough support to get atryout. The idea is an spring. though. by public safety and have accumulated several tickets. the penalty Student Government and other interested
efficient way of giving people a break on the administration officials.Theyreasonedthatthe burden can be unfairly high. And not all parties ShOUld try again next year for an f
high cost of parking illegally. and serves to University has no urgentneedto collecttickets violations are committed by students. UK amDCStY week- Critics may argue that it gives
recognize how extremethe problem of parking at half price . when most are eventually faculty and staff members often find theirlots lawbreakers an undeserved break, but the
is at this campus. collected. (The situation is not comparable to lull. and are forcedto park inthewronglot orto progressively worse parking situation is the
Suggested by members of Student library “amnesties” that seek the return of walk a great distance. main cause 0f the increase in violations. An
‘ Government, the amnesty week was to have overdue books). Also. it was argued. tickets . ~ g ‘ . amnesty week WOUld “0t take money from ‘
been scheduled for next week. Because would rarely be paid in the future because Often'drtvers commit unknowmgvrolatrons anyone. and it would giveabreakto many UK
- students cannot receive degrees. send parking violators would only wait for another ’ parking in poorly marked service 5P0”; commuters WhO frantically hunt for a parking
transcripts or conduct other official business half-price week. mistakenly believing campus lots are open place “Ch morning.
erne s an s yposr Ian 1 g ~ v t . ‘ - -‘
' l ., ,y , \ 1- - ~ g
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I \H \ ” I, (:3; 1.. ' /4i:;..l_" i ..
es 16 an s remar s - .2 a: t L

The Kernel stands by itsApril 23report ofDr. misrepresented him. he has the alternative of .‘ 1 r l. 6 [I'd ’ }" " #7743 g . ; v. 3‘" Cg ; .
Joseph Bryant‘s comments about teaching takinglegalaction againstthe newspaper. The ' ‘1‘:L\‘:‘ “I“ ”'75:?“ // g ‘ ;!L ,.
assistants. The quotes have been documented Kernel is prepared. if necessary. to document , i‘vc fifikg‘efilbk ‘ [V ‘ 3}“; i [i U ‘. .1
to the editors‘ satisfaction and we are its coverage in court. . l, "91”: niggbg. , .‘_“1‘.\,~‘ a“! 1% ’ Vk , . ‘ . I ..
completely confident oftheir accuracy. None ofthis. however. should take attention I . \ftC/fp!‘ 563/. it»)? 2 ' / S . - t / ‘ / I ,

lf Dr. Bryant has a complaint about our from the real issue in this controversy , ' ‘ 1' ".5 /‘/\‘:j..'\." Z all /%/ ’ ,. . N V“? '

I coverage. he should have made it [0 days ago. academic freedom and responsibility. The UK . g . ‘_ / /.?///Q)/////f/Z:Wi"r; //, 8 .I‘ \Q‘ i‘,‘\\

when the story appeared. On the contrary. community needsto decide what roleteaching ,";' _ «4 [,f’n/Z//’0;/;/ éyz’ pl. (8". ;‘ V
Bryant told areporter for Thel.exingion Leader assistants will play in the educational process :\'\ ., V}: ' %///5/¢/////Z/z 1 l gfl/ l ’ “ I '
that the Kernel’s story only“took some quotes on this campus. Further. the TAs rights and 4 v ‘ T l; %er//V§;// .‘ 7/? ///l s ,' ‘ .._;.‘ :v'i
out of context.“ andthen repeated his opinions responsibilities need to be clearly and fig Rigs) \ 4/0 fi/ l / 2 ‘3 «I, \ \‘Q" . ’1.
about the powers and responsibilities of concretely defined. . / / 't. i ' ' '1'...» 1 lg (j, l ‘ ' I’ll .;

. teaching assistants. None ofthis can be accomplished. however. “38“ ) ,1? ,,/:‘//~ ~ l 5,3,...

if Dr. Bryant feels the Kernel has seriously by making belated claims of being misquoted. ”fig . ,z W %///w// . .../ ' g ' 1 .;:;~ .1 1"”
\ I
Washington co-sponsors SG bill for H..,_____LW___WWLW WWWMW .
l I
first interethnic relations club a UK L eflerS‘ 1‘0 the E d/ W ‘
1‘ WM

Steve Washington has been praised of all campus organizations. greek organizations and minority smOke screen ironicthat of all placesforbooksto passed 30-3:
and thanked by just about everyone “particularly the greek community." students get a look at each other." K e n n et h Kin g‘s len gth y be banned.it must be bya college‘s This group rejects recent
for the outstanding job he did as The segregated nature of the greek Among the club‘s goals will be. commentary onthe book~banning English department. Few realize statements by J. A. Bryant that
chairman ofthe elections board which community was discussed at both of ultimately. to purchase or lease a co- controversy in the May 2 Kernel that the greatest regrets must be seriously undermine the credibilty
administered this year‘s SG elections. thecandidates‘forums held duringthe op house. interracial and shows serious misunderstandings Dr. Bryants‘. He has enlightened and morale of graduate and
but little has been said about his most SG election. it was suggested that coeducational in nature. which would on several counts. The bulk ofwhat many minds as a teacher and a professional students andteachers
recent —and. by far. most significant UK‘s greek community was serve as a base of operations for the he writes deals with the English critic. He could not have wanted to and urges the entire University
—- contribution to the University consciously. if not actively. racist. (to club and its programs. Those department chairman‘s remarks make the decision he had to.l administration to take a more
community. which Mark Metcalf offered “I don‘t programs. in addition to sponsorship about TAs. What King apparently commend him for his resolution. responsible and professional.

At the April 23 50 meeting Steve think any black man would want to ofdances.parties.and sporting events. does not see is howtheissue ofso- Until all minds are as enlightened attitude toward this portion of the
and former SG president Gene belong toawhitefraternity“)andthat will eventually include a tutoring called bad-mouthing of TAs has as his.letuslookto his exampleas student body. Furthermore. we
Tichenor introducedabill to establish the greek community was in part program. been put up as a smoke screen for a model for our own struggleto do support the English Graduate
and fund UK‘s first lnterethnic responsible for the poor relations “Anything you can think of that‘s the more crucialissueofacademic right in a difficult situation. Time Student Organization and we are
Relations Club. The text of the bill. between blacks and whites here. social in nature.“ Washington said. freedom. another term for free will pass and we will all get a organizingto makethisacampus-
which passed unanimously. listed the Washingtton said this was partly “and that will bring people together. speech. in the Univ ersity. To tie chance to be tested. wide effort.
goals and objectives of the club. and responsible for that item‘s inclusion in we'll consider.“ into Dr. Bryant‘s (or the Kernel's) ‘ i
asked for $300 in SC money to help the bill. Washington has said the racial confusion of these two issues is to John Weninger Susan Ruh
establish and promote the club. _ _._ atmosphere at UK is “like sometthing misunderstnad what is really at A & S senior English TA

(The text of the bill is reprinted , you read about. or see ina movie. It‘s stake. - .

‘ 5°10er char/98 ma,” cramped my style . he been so busy It is hardly clear why King Dancers praised Anita who?

The problem of poor race relations trying to prove myself as a human complains that the controversy This past weekendthe UKDance .'
on th|S campus emerged as an issue in W‘——‘“‘ being to get any real work done. And had its beginnings earlier in the Company gave two impressive Dear RCV- Bryant. ’
the SG presidentialcampaignafterthe “That goes back to the general changes aren‘t going to be fast in semester. It remains that Bryant‘s performances at the Fine Arts One question: Are you any relation
football dorm incident. and objectives of the club.“ Washington coming.“ ad hoc review ofthe materialused Theater. Once again. the Kemp, to Anita? l
Washington said discussions of it in, said. “To bring about awareness. We it is precisely because of this in TA—supervised English sections has failed to give this talented
that context led him eventually to hope to work with the officers of the atmosphere of racism that Steve came after the complaint came organization deserved supportand MlehaelJ. Harmon
SUBS?“ the club to Gene. greek organizations and try to Washington may not be heretorealire froma student‘s parentlnorderto backing. Isn‘t it time UK had a Terry Lee Yessln

“Tich and l were in my apartment persuade them ~ not to go out and his dream ofadynamic.integrated UK believe that the chairman‘s actions newspaper that‘s aware of .n Robin Bridges
l°°kllifi 0"“ somelnterracialClubsof draft some tokens. but toat least open social organization. Iowa State did not result from this pressure school-associated events. If the Horticulture seniors
America stufflhad.and wedecided it their doors." University offersaprogram of Public from outside the University. one Kernel staff would show the
was needed'here. especially after the Washington said he knows of Service Administration in Agriculture also has to believe that it is normal dedication in good journalism as Jeanette Shearon
football meident. I want to see this several instances where blacks at UK that UK does not. and in which and prudent to ban books in mid- the Company shows; they wduld Education senior
campus get awayfrom ‘separate but went through rush but weredeniedthe Washington very much wants to semester that are already on the have seen them at rehearsal till 5
equal social actrvrtres.“ opportunity to pledge because they enroll. He has not made his final reading list. And for me. that is a m. the night preceding the first Susie Morton

According tothe objectiveslisted in were black. Washington himself decision yet. but he said the easy. impossible. pierformance_ Many of the Horticulturejunior
the MHZ"? club is charged with three pledged Farmhouse last year. then nonracist atmosphere of that campus For any meaningful discussion members were atrehearsalfor well

- rather difficult tasks: Encouragcsocial depledged when he found fraternity makes it very attractive to him. of free speech. the issue must be over twelve hours. This dedication s '“ u d

interaction between students of all activities interfered with his academic l. for one. will hate to see him go. seen in and for itself. carefully kept was prevalent throughout the year. t' appa a
racialand ethnic backgroundsaid the life. “I found out greek lifejust wasn‘t _ _ _ . apart from extraneous procedural For the naive. that was hours of Okay. okay.l‘m stillappallcd.but

University wherever possible in for me.“ he said. Charles Mil“ '5 I Journalism questions within the English work. sweat. and pain. Ms. Milutin. (Editor‘s note: Ms.

$233713; :hcgiirizgle‘ihitifieems and Washington . “8895139. holding i“"l°'- This is his "5‘ column of fl" department. ljoin Others in calling Congratulations. Kernel. for 'Milutln‘s name was mlspelled in

. . gration Workshops during rush to let the .scmester. for Dr. Bryant to step doWn from missing a spectacular perfor- yesterday‘s letter. The Kernel -
, “a his ChairmaMhlP ”0‘ because 0f mance and bein a arently regrets the error.) as a native
“Whereesthereisen obviouslaclt background. Vll. To become ' dynamic. I; what he 5335 1mm" TASt bUt unaware ofthe rise End spupccess of Texan. could you throw in Roger
racial interaction on campus. II. To do away with racial biases autonomous student organization 1 because h“ “mom mum as . t l nt d or aniration ".5 Staubach and aim the longhorn .
and whereas there is a need to and ilnorances by tearing down and an instrumenttorsocialchange l Mum... mime ”(1‘0er OMS. 3. very ac e '8 ‘ ' o
. I . J - timeitgotttsdeservedrecognition. stampede toward east Texas.
promote communication between barriers separating ethnic and at the l'niversity of Kentucky. ! ”1mm and complaints Al ‘ l ‘a to me Have a Rose'
allstudents.r¢gardlcsaolnce.and racial groups. i H 50h congrra iha l0first Dance V- i ..
apeclally on a social level. and in. Planning social activities that Let it befurther enacted that 80 i 3 - - Ph'll' [Hem lets, 0 e , Incidentally. Ml Edwards. “ 5
Whereas tear 'f'l'm'“ ' '95 (ompany for your work and MISS Blackmon. notMr. (Now do .
. prejudice and will encourage the interaction of allocate $300 to begin and promote l Philosophy graduate student . . .
l‘ridiflerence have hindered the students of different races and this club. l i success. you he?!“ SOIi‘t-Pmlsfyiinhavdti
evelopmcnt of this communlea- ethnic backgrounds. Let itbeiurther enacted that the l . ‘0‘ ° _“cn 5 mm at an “l
. ~ tlon. is well u prevented the lV.Encouragethelntcgntionofall so presidentshall appoint with the l Shades Of Milton amt: 3“"? even like _Knox county- I Just
integration of several student campus organlutlons.partlcularly advice and consent of the senate a l Those of us acquainted with the M sin" or disagree With the hayseed “‘0
. _ organizations. therefore let it be thcgreelt community. steering committee of no less than 1 body of English history and R I ed' ”‘5'“5 0" the banning 0‘ books
meted that SC sponsor the V. Work with the University five students to begin organizing. ‘ litcrhturc can point to a number of .80 V - that hehas not read yet. Also. the
' ' “mm “ -“ lnterethnic WV" Mb“ to “d in n" 9'0"”th "'4 administering this l incidents when basic freedoms the article concerning the P‘BSW'" Harlan (ountythatl was
. ' Rm ‘3‘ m objective. I'm 0‘ minority students Club. 1 and choices were ontrial. Probably newly-formed graduate student referringto wasMr.E. Goss brain.
Mlle afolowa: and faculty. l the most poignant defense is John organization in the May 2 Kernel With all due respect.
. VI- “'1' the Vi“ President 0' Gene “CNN" ‘1 Milton‘s “Areopagitica.” So it is was in error. The voteto form the
, i; ‘ . l° 1° WW9" better relations Student Alllt" t0 '0'!“ I St!" Washington 1 nothing new that great thought organization passed unanimously.
_ between all students on campus commission to study the problem John Stock! 1 must sullerrcpression atthe hands not 30-3 as stated in the Kernel. D. eDom" J. Blackmon
. ~ "I'm 0' fl“ 0' ethnic 0“"! relations on campus. Sponsors. | of the few It is unfortunate and The following resolution was A& S sophomore t i
“win“ . . ’ X’ ' ""“"*."+-Mf . 37.757"? if," 7“”;"T’u7 "M ' . fl ‘ i ’ " ‘5‘ ‘3‘“;“2-«5 "."r 'L‘-"-‘""’7 .2...»~..---:~»:u. ‘ ‘ ".""".””-"""‘““'..' J?" ‘ ' ” "i"t'~'"~‘-‘ ' “”" 21“ "‘ " " "“‘
k”ii;- .' ‘ ~ ‘ .l". -l,“ . ...-'.-':““' i \ ; ‘ . i . . r... "d "w l.‘ .Tr".e " , .7 ' ’. ‘ ‘ i l . . "‘ ‘ ' ’ ' ' . h I. .
1?;f‘"\' _‘ . - .' z. '1‘ "I “I'd-1.“ ,.' -' v' '.. - '.-f ."_.. .' Tat... - -. .
a A _ . . . . . .v - v -- .. * - . . l BEST copv At
2”». .» ‘ .. '4. it; .'. ' 5:935:51: :v. ‘_."f j 'g ‘ _g ' - ' V ' . 3.. . . ’ . ' ’1 ,'

3 llll klNlltlfl kHt‘Hl. Ihursduy.\1u\ l.l979—}
t - (”we
The smell of burgers, .
. , VV . _' \
l the light of pinball machines, _ ___ , _, . ..
l - - II 7 . /
the never-ending conversation are a _ . _
l Th h 'II fth 'th H . . . w. . . . . .
t 2...?- V ~. ‘- ' "’ ‘ V
i e t n o e e o ., 3 . . . s ,
l V . t t V 3 . 5‘ g; a. .3 at.
. (ontlnucd rom P389 watchlul eye oier the shop. is recalled oeciiiied one night . 5 g‘ ‘ .. ,. " . 2. '- I 31"“: t:
{ up with the steady stream ol Bob "Papa Ho“ llollopetei when a giotip ol trateiiiity 3.. " - 1 ' 5V? '5?" V’ V _. ='- ~ . ° 53
customers. Papa H0 is the loremaii ol the brothers came in and stole all . 1 ‘V 3 . .. s; i g; *b. , - V S .V V
Behind the counter stands group and triesto keepthe Ho‘s the salt and pepper shakers and 395’ -' .. is a ‘ . , i ‘ - - g“
Mama Ho. taking orders and daily operations as steady as napkin holderslioiiithetables ’.- 3%} - “Te p _3 ' e .‘v3 33%." “V t s .
l posting them lor Charles. the possible. She said l’apa Ho got ihestolen V \ ' V . _ . '5' - ‘ VVVV 'V ‘ -V-' “V 'V ‘ =
l, cook. to see. Mama Ho said the crowds items back altei he called the I: f; 7’ u , V . i ’. > . 1 ~ . ..
Meanwhile. Charles. who which squeele into the little lraternity and threatened to 3'3 VV f s—- A" V \
has worked at lolly—Ho sinceit restaurant late at night are banish them from the Ho ‘3'" V . .' 0.» V i; V 3
opened. labors over the grill usually "happy crowds that permanently 33.. ' a _ _ ’V a? ' ’3
preparing the orders with such very seldom cause any trouble. Mania Ho said that the crew .. .. , .3 _ ‘ .V _ ‘
speed and elliCiechy that his “The majority ol the kids at tbelloolten doesn‘t learn ol ' VV . ' V V V“ g V Vat, «V . V WV. ' ‘
derornLed arm '5 barely watch over the Ho." she said. some ”l the” “1““er ’ 5"” ' w .V V 4;:
noticea le.V V “They wouldn‘t let anything shenanigans until its time to ; '- ' I .
And behi