xt7w9g5gfh66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gfh66/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1998 1998 1998-12-11 2020 true xt7w9g5gfh66 section xt7w9g5gfh66 liii 0i CENTER

Words in politics

With all of this
hullabaloo about
politicians and what
they do, i thought it
was time to look at a
past politician who
did nothing wrong.
but just couldn't say
anything right. I'm
referring, of course,
to that Jack Handy of
Politics, Dan Quayle.


”What a waste it is to
lose one's mind. Or
not to have a mind is
being very wasteful.
How true that is."

”May our nation
continue to be the
beacon of hope to
the world."

- The Ouayies'
1989 Christmas card

“The Holocaust was an
obscene period in our
nation's history. I
mean in this
century's history, but
we all lived in this
century. i didn't live
in this century."

"I believe we are on an
irreversible trend
toward more freedom
and democracy - but
that could change."

"One word sums up
probably the
responsibility of any
vice president, and
that one word is ‘to
be prepared."'

"Verbosity leads to
unclear. inarticulate

"I have made good
judgments in the
past. I have made
good judgments in
the future."

"The future will be
better tomorrow."

“We’re going to have the
American people in
the world."

"People that are really
weird can get into
sensitive positions


December ii, i998


Amnesty chapter celebrates
signing of rights declaration



The introduction was poignant.

“Fifty years ago today, The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights was signed.
We are walking through Lexington
tonight as a celebration of that." Amy
Shelton. group coordinator for UK's
Amnesty International said at the begin-
ning of the celebration.

About 90 students and other support—
ers gathered last night at 6 at the Stu-
dent Center for the Amnesty Vigil. a
march that ended at the Lexington Civic
Center. where the celebration continued
with a rally.

The marchers carried candles and
signs that represented each article in the
declaration. Students received due atten-
tion by passing cars and other interested
bystanders who saw the 30-minute walk.

The rally included speeches by Lex-
ington Herald-Leader cartoonist Joel
Pett, Kathy Moore. of the UK College of
Law. and Leticia Rouser. a reverend at a
local Evangelical church. all of whom
have been involved with gaining aware-
ness for human rights.

The speakers commended the number
of students and young people that were in
terested in such issues. They stressed that
although human rights activists have
made progress. the road to absolute free
dom and rights is a long journey.

In addition to the speeches. music
was performed by Perfect Circle and a
mural representing each article of hu-
man rights was unveiled. serving as a
permanent reminder of the declaration.

. . -..-.....M~«. .. . g _ _


, M ,.,,wm.w. _. . . ,


makes new
magic I 6



notes It IlCHARbOOOl I ktRNri STA”

Rob Haynes. a political science sophomore, held up a sign during the celebration of the signing
of Amnesty Internetional's Declaration of Human Rights. About so UK students participated in
the march downtown, and the rally, held at the Civic Center.



'Tis the season to find ways
to cope with stress, problems

By Renee Culver

amine visitor?

'Tis the season for Elvis Christmas car-
ols. irritating hell ringers and hours wasted
circling the mall parking lot, but more im-
portantly. ‘tis the season to stress out.

For those faculty and staff members
who are looking for a break. the University
Wellness Center is offering weekly classes
on stress management.

“This time of year is supposed to be
about the inner things." said Stacey What-
ley. a graduate student and class leader,
“but we all put all of our emphasis on the
outside things. which leave us worn out."

The classes. which meet from 12:10 to
12:30 on Wednesdays until Dec. 23 in the
Gallery Room of William T. Young Library.
tiller a mid-day break.

“It‘s a perfect lunch time getaway.“ said
[SK Career Center adviser Sharon Childs.
who has participaterl in the last two classes.
“it s a nice way to break the day up and take
your mind off what is getting you down."

So far. class participants have been
taught how to tie-stress through stretching
exercises, progressive muscle relaxation
and visualization [‘pcoming sessions will
focus on breathing and meditation.

“This time of year everyone could
use some stress management." said Pat
McCahe. an employee of the College of
Dentistry. "The techniques we've been
taught so far really help calm you down.
They teach you how to take a minute for

The key to holding on to your sanity


. .. a. awftielgifivmm.‘

“This vigil is important because we
wanted to celebrate. This isn‘t a protest.
but a celebration of the Declaration."
John Romond. an undeclared sophomore.
“Amnesty‘s motto says ‘it's better to light
a candle than curse the darkness.‘ That's
what we've demonstrated tonight."

The Declaration of Human Rights
was ratified on Dec. 10. 1948. in response
to World War ll by the United Nations.
The document. which contains 30 articles.
serves as a standard for human rights and
freedoms. such as the right to life. to liber-
ty and the right to an education.

Luke Boyett. a history and sociology

the Declaration of Human Rights stands
for. to make these sort of ideas manifest
in our world."

The UK chapter of Amnesty Interna-
tional only began last year. and the active
membership in the group has more than
tripled this year. Many of the rally‘s at-
tendants were not members of the organi-
zation. but the group has hopes that the
‘v'igil will spark interest.

Shelton. an English. Spanish and lin-
guistics sophomore. said the group's ac
tivities involve a lot of letter writing. but
has quite an impact internationally.

"I am encouraged by this event. but I

could be as easy as a couple of minutes for
roller tion and solitude.

"Take if: minutes after class or after
you get home from work to relax a little."
Whatley said. ”Dr put on some soothing
music and try it) to 20 minutes of visualiza-
tion or stretching."

Whatley said the difference between
those who \i't m unmffled during the season
and the harrietl nervous wreck is attitude

"At the end of the day, what happens to
you Is it) percent experience and 90 percent
perception.” thitley said. "The holidays
can he a gieat time of year. you just have to

and have a
tremendous impact
on history."


"I stand by all the
misstatements that
I've made."

"We have a firm
commitment to NATO.
We are a part of
NATO. We have a firm
commitment to
Europe. We are a part



of Europe."

“i am not part of the
problem. I am a

"A low voter turnout is
an indication of
fewer people going
to the polls."

"When I have been asked




sophomore. described the event as “a
means of raising awareness. The educa-
tion of people is the primary goal of what

or of individuals."


pray that people will take it to heart."
Shelton said. "i really believe in the pow-




siunriiiéiioriir "

be w tiling to take time for you."
l‘or class registration information. stu-
dents can call EST-WELL.

Malaysian student




l during these last 0 0
weeks who caused , ~ .
. ' ' ’ ' ' ment transcending racial and 1 g 0 e 1
i :Iit'einr‘tloitrsfrldtgey California offrcral suggests new bill that would Mm... bound“... m... i n n In H - -
' " ‘ ' ' sarv to work with the situation. .
answer has been penalize those Who don t report femnles “We have to work together 3 By Amanda Durfee will transfer with them and count
whzcitsatrddblgil‘tzlefbr collectively ' Christian. Jew-Sh I COW'BWM’ WM HMil-Ilt‘iitiihrftltlriiiététgfhiiw'ziiion'il students
l the riots? The rioters Elm was developed If] response to Whltxlrlzgil glnggtlc'lvgijflt i A(1.Ill-\'tlnL' l0 t‘iilll’L’“ lite i5 hill“! will not be as fortunate. Soon said
i are to blame. Who is DMUCAUFORNMN lverson 5 mm d“ “‘5‘ year and ' . e l. j.‘ T" I for many students (letting used to a log: was the last year for ATP.
" to blame for the 1 . Cash 5 subsequent alleged 13"" murder had greatci “gm 1’ j different way of study iiig. learning "it costs too much to grind the
- .. . BERKELEY. Calif. A of action. would make (‘alifor- cance for everyone. I , _ , .. ;, . . -. ‘ : . , y .
' killings? The killers . - . . , .. . . . . ‘ ,. I and sot ializi.ig tan l)t .i shtitk. dean item 1 K to Mdldvgla \hp gald‘
. are to blame ,, state offiCial promoted a hill on ma the seventh state m the . _ Every time a child is yio. i For interstrategit' cominunica Ti . \ l . , i); ii)
i ;S , campus yesterday that might United States to have 1, good timized. it is a crime against it ”0m student Angeline Soon illh . ‘fy'mmFlW. if“): "Ham
; Ml ./, l °"'C°' have punished UC Berkeley samaritaii law. sitltl Darnell humanity." he said i “Doom... l. “\lm‘hMllQT gm}. 1‘ g. "”4 ‘I‘l'filllfgl‘gl‘f fjc al‘.l{,q{"BT?T
i 9' w/ww. ”""Y:°'; sophomore [)avid Cash had it Turner. the Northern (‘allf‘omla If passed. anyone found vio- i {11le,} student ‘3! [K which that ‘t‘fml‘ ‘ 153333“ “ ”“ ha;
i new nomiqtui x; been in place when he failed to political action chair for the NH lating the law would be given a I Ad‘m communication and “hum. h. We” “3‘“ {”11} "fares 1.” ot J
Y guo a '0 report the murder or a 7-year tional A55"“‘““”“ “’1‘ the Ad' misdemeanor charge. TOHHR' hcrlist of'iditistmeiits (ll(l,'llln‘lnf:‘lt‘l(l)ll(}.l.( ‘iiitiethiirllr‘mfiiidmtrtltlttt‘
Horton 01d girl 1215i year. vancementofColored People. 80“ said. ' ’ 7.; . “ ~ . “Mp“ C . ' ‘ ‘ X‘ ‘
Ron In a news conference on “There have been other Other provisions in the bill Aft” hull] I“ h”.“].' M9”, ~I‘I‘ m MM“ 8‘” ”We 5 “0 guarantee that
. . . . . . . . . four semesters .it Metiolmlitan ( oi all ciwlits will transfer.
THE 4“ Sproul Plaza yesterday morn» cases in California. but this is includeaclause indicating that Iege m “11le S‘he completed l g . l ‘ 1)
ing, state assembly member the incident that really hrou ht witnesses need not be aid for W . ‘ . . .‘ ~ . . 1““ "1"“ intemationa stuunts.
v . . ~ .. ,. g . . . . , p . electives and pit-pared for her stud \oon s.Wl her big ,9“ hurdle has been
Tomorrow 5 Tom Torlakson lmmdUCEd a the movement together. lurn- their participation in an inves- ies in America through the Mm.“ ‘ . *‘ . ‘ h ‘ . . ‘*
weather bill that says Witnesses must er said. tigation. min Twinnin t|[’rri trim I language. she spoke lsnglish before
, . contact authorities and report At the news conference. In addition individuals . L L ' Sh“ came to America,‘hut 5h? now
blatant felonies or crimes. Torlakson noted the spvprlty of who believe the 'or their fami- This program connects the Met has to speak to people who only know
~ . , .. . . .- .. - . y . . ropolitaii (ollcge to 1 ix. Students English. She said she finds ittrustrat-
Also known as the Sherrict the lyrrson incident. asserting lies would suffer from immedi- . . . . Tl’ .. y . .. . h» 'h d V . k ., h .
lverson Good Samaritan Law. that (‘ash‘s actions constituted ate physical harm would be ex partimpatinc ”l x .( "n L” t“"."‘f~‘ ”l“ “ "n f 0‘ 0‘ ”T t 7"“? f‘ i‘ rase
Assembly Bill 37 would make it “gross callousncss.” empt from the misdemeanor (oliegc oi iiiiiyei Sit} in Amet l( .i. oi slang words to use everyday.
a crime for anyone failing to re- “The killing and assault of Charge. Australia oi the l tilled \kiiigdom. She also has trouble learning to
"i L0 port a ViOIent felony. a 19Wd 0r Sherricc tlverson) has brought Th C llf , b'll . )t'l Bill [IK \ (tilillt‘f iltill it) . lt‘ti ()ptill- drlve in America. ( ars m Malayslla
l ' ' t 'th ' - ' ~ ' , d e a omia ‘ ‘5 mr ' tan COUPE? makes (‘htIOSlnR this have everything on the oppostte
Sho Sat d ascwious ac Wl aminor un this lack of (ompaSSion an . . . .. . . . _ , , .
wers on ur ay. der the age of14 or any assault concern for fellow human be- 019d after Washington states University benehf'm for "““m” 51d“ in addition. 900919 der‘ on
appearing to cause considers ings to the forefront of our GOOd Samaritan Law, Wh‘Ch tional students. somesay, thp other side of the street. Soon
Kentucky able bodily harm to a child. ac- thoughts. especially as it re- was made after . a 21-yearold Each year. a (193" from ['K £1005 laughs as She tells Of her fir“ expe-
Kernel cording to a statement from lates to some of California‘s {23'} dmafier befl'beateg‘flll to Metropolitan College and devel runners in an American car. .
VOL. glog lSSUE Q15 Torlakson‘s office. youngest citizens." Torlakson 0_ .wnina triage 'c ' ops a curriculum. [’K‘s affiliation “i got the lights. windshield
_____._ _____ __ “I realize that the public is said in a recent statement. . Silly”? laws currently 9)" with the college through thislpro» wiper and signals all wrong!“ she
ESTABLISHEDIH1892 reticent to legislate morality. “David (‘ash was the bad 15km Florida. Massachusetts. gram gives the dean responsibili- recalled
INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 ethics and courage." Torlakson Samaritan." he said at the Ohm Vermont and WISCONSIN ties. such as choosing texts. course After graduating from UK. she ’.
_.____-_____ said. "However, i do believe it press conference. Although the bill currently work and gtiidclines Ior teaching. hopes to stay in America for at least
News tips? is possible to legislate account Minister Najee Ali. direc does not face opposition. oppo- This enables UK to guarantee inter- another year working in the field of
' , ability." tor ofthe Sherrice lverson .Ius nents are likely to surface. Tor- national students that all of their advertising. She then plans to return
5‘": 23491539?“ if approved. the bill. which lice Campaign. said a move lakson said. credits from Metropolitan College to Malaysia to work in advertising.
erne pop.u y. u
‘ ‘ l 1 v
'1 .. ' e . \ ‘ . i I







The Low-down

Investigator urges Impeachment

WASHINGTON _, The chief Republican in-
vestigator for the House impeachment inquiry
told legislators yesterday that President Clinton
had left them with the “sorrowful duty” of re-
moving him from office. GOP investigative coun-
sel David Schippers said Clinton had “repeatedly
lied“ while Clinton denied his affair with Monica
Lewinsky while under oath. But Schippers' De-
moc r atic counterpart, Abbe Lowell pleaded with
Republicans to give “second thought" to im-
peachment and chided Republicans for going
out of their way ‘to oust Clinton on evidence un-
wmthy of impeachment.

Women sentenced after collision

LOUISVILLE A woman sentenced to 3 l/ 2
years in prison after her car struck and killed a
motorcyclist then freed after serving just 30
days now faces several charges in connection

It’s with another collision.
Early Wednesday, Roberta Brammer was

90mm charged with driving under the influence leav-
IfOtldlt ing the scene of an accident and giving false in-
formation to police. Brammer allegedly struck a

331‘ Since I parked car then left the scene on foot. When po-

was lice found Brammer 5 car. they questioned her at
her home. and authorities said she told them

young, and someone else had been driving.
I’m really Branimer‘s attorney. Bart Adams. entered an
innocent plea on her behalf in Jefferson District
satisfi Court on Thursday.
James Garvin McKinney died June 30. 1992.
‘ Irate after his motorcycle was hit from behind on I 71
m by Brammer who fled the scene. His motorcycle
after 'W' flipped over a guardrail slammed into a rock
court a“ "' wall and burst into flames.
W W Brammer was convicted of reckless homicide
“:0!qu and sentenced to 3 1/2 years. but a judge granted
iis shock probation after 30 days.
whom!!! . . . . .
became famous. Clinton Mideast Visit still on

WASHINGTON — President Clinton said to
day he is determined to go ahead with this week-
end's visit to the Middle East. Clinton acknowl-
edged the difficult circumstances he will en-
counter on the three-day trip that starts Satur-

The trip. which was agreed upon as part of
the Wye negotiations. comes as Israel's peace-
making with the Palestinians is on hold. But to-
day. senior Palestinians voted overwhelmingly
to declare clauses of the PLO charter calling for
Israel's destruction null and void.

The vote was an interim step ahead of Mon-
day 5 session of the Palestine National Council
which is to reaffirm the move in the presence of
President Clinton.



Cohen: Irag situation ‘serious'

WASHINGTON — Iraq’s refusal to allow
UN. inspectors into the ruling Baath Party of-
fices creates a “very serious situation." which
still could prompt a nonotice military attack. De-
fense Secretary William Cohen said today. But
the secretary also indicated that a military strike
did not appear to be imminent. There are some

:rRImER'S 20,000 US. troops in the Persian Gulf region.
SEAT' Asked if Iraq is still subject to US. attack at any
' Nattiiea time without warning. Cohen replied. “The an—
a?!" swer is yes."
con-lid of the
m 1m Norm's genetic code mapped
W“ "I “ WASHINGTON » Scientists for the first
drama ”'5” No time have mapped the entire gene pattern of an
M “I. 9'" animal. a tiny worm that already is providing
I“ Michael clues to human problems such as cancer. aging
MS. III. and Alzheimer’s disease. Experts called the
taped out of achievement an important advance in the ambi-
the tin in July. tious effort to map the human gene structure and
W has someday to use that knowledge to find the causes
been 5. tats and cures of human disease By studying genes
about mm shared by worm and human researchers will
role. which was learn at a molecular level what can go wrong and
rewritten for . how to fix it.
vol-liver actor ,
cit-r nose-s Court OKs execution of Canadian
is soiietiedto I HUNTSVILLE. Texas — A federal appeals
start In mid- court opened the way for the state of Texas to ex-
JIIIl'Y h Malta ecute a killer from Canada today despite protests
“ Rome from the U S and Canadian governments. Joseph

Stanley Faulder is set to die by injection for mur-
dering the matriarch of a wealthy Texas 011 fami-
ly during a robbery at her home in 1975 His
cause had won support from government officials

and death penalty foes in Canada where capital
punishment was banned in 1976. and from Secre-
tary of State Madeleine Albright.

Man found guilty of allowing rape

THE HAGUE. Netherlands , In the first
U.N. case to focus exclusively on rape as a war
crime a Bosnian Croat paramilitary chief was
convicted yesterday of letting a subordinate sex-

“KE THAT. ually assault a Muslim woman. Anto Furundzija
Bruce was sentenced to 10 years in prison after the Yu-
Springsteen won goslav war crimes tribunal found him guilty of
l '09" battle two counts of war crimes for failing to stop the
yesterday to rape.

block a British

fhn from .

m m, Aetna to buy Prudential Healthcare
“9 recorded NEWARK. N. J. — Aetna Inc. is buying the
M0" '19 M healthcare business of Prudential Insurance Co.
farm. The of rica for $1 billion in a deal that Aetna said
shger told wifike it the nation‘s biggest health benefit
reporters outside prov1d r

London's mg. The deal announced today, would add about
Coirt h. was 6.6 million health members to Aetna U 8. Health-
W with care’s membership base.

"n: w °' complied from wire reports.


Continued from page 9 It?


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DOG FOUND: Brown female Pitbuil mix. Corner of
Euclid and Park. Call 268-4878.

Film in "R" lot off sorority circle: a watch. Iden-
tity 323-3923 Found 10-09.

Full): At Journalism Career Fair. Black and gray
jacket with black. gray and white stripes. Call 257-
2871 to identify and claim.

FINRD: 0n Complex Drive, Chrysler car key. Come
to Kernel to identity. 026 Grehan Building. 257-

M W! keys found with sports key chain. Call

LOST KEYS: 1 set of keys and 3 key chains. silver
tab with penny in middle. Call 2694729 or drop off
at 026 Grehan Journalism Building.

LOST RINGS: 2 gold rings lost on 3rd floor women's
bathroom in Whitehall CB. If found call 323-3124.

the tag. Reward-Contact Whitney at 323-4142 or














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The Campus Calendar Is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted In Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on Ilnea imam
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to

appear In the calendar. For more Information call 257-8867.



A Christmas Carol performed by the UK Theatre Department. 8pm. Gulgnoi
Theatre. Tickets S7 students. S9 senior citizens an UK
employees, 511 public. call 257-4929


Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12:10pm

French Student's Performance. 5pm, Blandlng I Basement

SATURDAY 1 2/1 2

A Christmas Carol performed by the UK Theatre Department 2pm and 8pm.
Gulgnol Theatre. Tickets 57 students. 39 senior citizens an UK employees. $1 I
public. call 257-4929

Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 6pm .- ‘
shuns ‘- ’
UK Men’s Basketball vs. Maryland, 8:30pm. Rupp Arena
UK Women's Basketball vs. Liberty. 1pm. Memorial Coliseum

| SUNDAY 11/15

University Praise Service. Christian Student Fellowship. 11am.
502 Columbia Ave.
5%“ Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 9am. 11 30am. 5pm.
- m


UK Buddhist Association meeting. 4pm. Room 124 Kastle Nail
Phi Sigma Pi meeting. BflOpm. Rm. 230 Student Center

UK Alkldo Club meeting 1-3pm.AIumnl Gym Loft. for more info contact Chris
Sweat at 245-5887


A Christmas Carol performed by the UK Theatre Department. 2pm Guignol
nggagefi Tickets 37 students. $9 senior citizens on UK employees. S11 public. call

Spaghetti Dinner. Newman Center. 6pm. $2

UK Men‘s Basketball Ticket Distribution. 8am. Memorial Coliseum. (Tenn State
12/29). (Florida. 1/2). (Term in 2)





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llatt hay, Aaron Sanderford
SportsDaily Editors
Phone: 251-l9l5 1 Email: Wanna. suiderfordOhotmaiixom


a inhuman” l mm

Duke, U of L await

UK will spend its holiday break facing off
against some of the nations top competition



After UK‘s 70—61 win over
Indiana in Louisville Tuesday
night. talk moved away from
the Hoosiers and turned to Sat-
urday‘s game against Maryland.

“(The Terrapins) will be a
lot like Indiana. fast-paced, in~
tense." senior forward Heshimu
Evans said. “I can’t wait."

Well. the wait is almost
over and UK will get its shot at
the Terrapins and several other
top-notch teams during its win-
ter “break."

The undefeated Terps are
led in just about every statisti-
cal category by superstar for-
ward Terence Morris. Morris
leads the team in points per
game (16.6). field-goal percent-
age (68 percent). three-point
shooting (.615 percent). re-
bounds (6.4 per game) and shot
blocks (1.9 a game).

Steve Francis, a junior
guard. is not far behind. He av-
erages 16.1 points a game and
4.2 assists.

The duo helps make Mary-
land (10-0) one of those teams

UK (81) Coach Tubby Smith
dreads: a fast-paced. three-
guard offense.

But the games don't get
much easier from there. Here's
a run-down of some of the top
teams the Cats will play until
classes start again on Jan. 13.

First. there‘s Duke (8-1) at 9
pm. on Dec. 22 in the Jimmy V
Classic. The Blue Devils are on
a roll. Coach Mike Krzyzewski
is sporting a team that never
fails to impress him. Against
Florida Wednesday night. guard
William Avery sank a school-
record eight three-pointers and
finished with 26 points and nine
assists as the No. 3-ranked Blue
Devils routed the previously un-
beaten Gators 116-86.

“Of all the kids on the court
for both teams. Avery was just a
level above everyone,"
Krzyzewski said Avery. “What a
magnificent performance. not
just in shooting but in every as-
pect of his game. That was one
of the better performances here
since I've coached."

Trajan Langdon leads all
Duke scorers with 19.6 points
per game. Elton Brand is at 16.6

points a game. The Blue Devils
also light it up at 44 percent
from beyond the arc.

Then there‘s Louisville (2-1)
at 1 pm. on Dec. 26 in
Louisville. The Cardinals. who
haven‘t been tested much yet
this year, will get to show their
true colors Dec. 17 when they
face North Carolina.

But there’s no need to wor-
ry about how U of L or UK is do
ing. It never much matters
when these rivals go at it. Much
like the Indiana-UK series, it‘s
an all-out war with a half-blue.
half-red arena and a million
coaches in the stand.

Louisville‘s only loss came
to Mississippi. Its most recent
win came against Towson to the
tune of 106-73. Marques Maybin
led five players in double figures
with 17 points Monday night.
The Cardinals led Towson (1-4)
by as many as 38 late in the sec-
ond half.

Forward Nate Johnson re-
turned to the lineup after a two-
game suspension to add 15 first-
half points before being taken
to an area hospital at halftime
for treatment of an infection in
his right foot.

Cameron Murray finished
with 16 points. Tobiah Hopper
had 12 and Dion Edward added
11 as Louisville scored more

than 100 points for the first time
in nearly two seasons.

UK‘s third game is against
Tennessee (6-2) on Jan. 12 at
noon. Tennessee, highly lauded
at the beginning of the season
by coaches and polls for retum-
ing five starters, has been in-

But the Vols' biggest win
this season so far was against a
team that gave UK fits in the
Puerto Rico Shootout last
month. Pittsburgh.

Tennessee wasn‘t at its best
offensively. so the Vols turned
to defense to beat No. 20ranked
Pittsburgh Sunday.

Tony Harris led Tennessee
with 17 points. Tennessee hit
seven of eight free throws in
the final four minutes, and the
Vols held the Panthers to three
points in the same span.

Isiah Victor sparked Ten-
nessee early. scoring six points
in the first seven minutes. Tony
Harris scored six of Ten-
nessee‘s last 13 points to carry
the Vols to a 32-28 halftime lead.

The other inconsistency in
Tennessee‘s game has been the
lack of a true go-to guy. Victor
is trying to be that guy. but he
is only averaging 13.9 points a
game. Harris is the only other
player with a double-digit scor-
ing average with 12.9.


noott mm [ KERNELSTAFF

UK's Michael Bradley and lmliana's Lynn Washington fought for a loose
ball during UK's 70-61vrin on Tuesday. UK faces Maryland tomorrow.



Cats want to
gain respect

Nasty Cats head