xt7w9g5gfj07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gfj07/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2002 2002 2002-02-08 2020 true xt7w9g5gfj07 section xt7w9g5gfj07 Men's


page 6



.j-._ .y ..
February 8, 2002


_ Cit

The Urban County
Council voted to
postpone a reading
ol a proposal that
would allow cars to
be towed upon receiv-
ing a fourth parking

mm Sim

_. 30 oldeinpendence


postpones vote
parking ordinance


Wait: DeCamp fears ordinance would not pass, motions to postpone vote

By Steve Ivey


Anyone who parks down-
town has at least one more
month before they may have to
worry about having their car
towed after four unpaid park
ing tickets.

The second reading of an
ordinance that would allow
cars to be towed after receiving
a fourth parking ticket was on
the docket for Wednesday‘s
Fayette Urban County Council

Btit 3rd District council-
man Dick DeCamp. who sup-
ports the ordinance. made a
motion to postpone the second
reading of the ordinance until
the March 7 meeting. thereby


postponing a vote that could
put the law in the books.

The motion to postpone
passed 7-3.

DeCamp said he made the
move to postpone the reading
because several council mem
bers who are in favor of the or-
dinance were absent from the

“The second reading
would need eight votes for the
ordinance to pass." he said.
“With three members present
who were in opposition. we
wouldn‘t have had the votes

DeCamp said Dr. David
Stevens. councilman‘at-large.
would have been the eighth
supporting vote. but Stevens
did not arrive to the meeting in

time for the second reading

Scott (‘rosbie councilman
atlarge and LeXington may
oral candidate. was among
those who voted against posi-
poning the reading He said the
council needs to explore other

"We need to start being
more innovative." he said.
"We've not even considered go-
ing to the state legislature and
asking for legislation that
would prevent people from re~
newing their drivers license if
they had too many outstanding

Crosbie also said the ordi
nance change would not send
the right message about people
coming downtown.

"Think about the possible

expense for people this would
affect." he said. “if your car
has been towed and stored for
10 days. the cost could he sever
til hundred dollars.

” ‘v'e need to find other
ways besides hammering l'K
students and the surrounding
community that make our
downtown thrive."



Morriss expresses optimism
about his first signing class

Help needed: Coach expects immediate contributions
from some; others will exercise "grayshirt" option

By Tom Soper

"We're counting on Chad Ander-


Football Coach Guy Morriss is
happy with his first recruiting class at

“Today is a good day for us at UK
football," he said at a news conference
Thursday. “It's a good culmination of a
long year of hard recruiting, and we
feel very good about the class that we
have signed." ‘

NCAA sanctions cut UK‘s scholar-
ship allotment to 16 for 2002. but 21
players were signed.

Middlesboro linebacker Durrell
White will attend UK on an academic
scholarship, and four others,
“grayshirts.” will enroll in January,
2003. They will begin weightstraining
.but will not be permitted to train or
practice with the team until August
when they'll be placed on scholarship.

Junior-college transfer Kamaal Ah-
mad. a linebacker. will count toward
last year’s scholarship total. which sets
the count for 2002 at 15.

Morriss said a number of players
will need to contribute.

“Obviously Kamaal Ahmad and
(wide receiver) Chris Bernard. coming
out of (junior-college) should be ready."
he said. “We‘re counting on those two
guys. and they were recruited to come
here and play right away.

son to come in and play some. He's a
year older and he’s gotten more ma-
ture. Jared McGowan, the big lineman
out of Mississippi. has a chance to see
some time next fall. and Yancey
Reynolds. the junior-college All-Ameri-
can from Georgia Military, was re-
cruited to be a starter."

Anderson chose UK over big-name
schools like Michigan, Ohio State and
Miami (Fla).

Morriss added that all the signees
would have an opportunity to fight for
a starting job.

Many experts and fans get caught
up in where a school's recruiting class
ranks nationally, but Morriss said he
doesn‘t pay too much attention to that.

Tom Lemming. a recruiting ana-
lyst for ESPNcom. did not include a
UK signee in his list of the top 100 prep
prospects for 2002.

“I don't really believe in ranking
them," Morriss said. “I don't think this
is an exact science. it's kind of a crap
shoot. I think you should judge a class
two or three years down the road."

Morriss said UK‘s membership in
the Southeastern Conference and its
overall package influenced recruits.
but the main reason was simple.

“These kids want to be here," he
said. “They’re excited about coming
and playing for the Blue and White."





”my. ‘


Let them
eat worms:
Have the
Man” at
your next
party | 3

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UK tries to learn
from Yale's plan

Changes: School overcame similar problems
By Kristin Durbln

Slut More

Yale and the l'iiiversity of Kentucky share a common goal

Michael Morland. vice president of Yale l'iiiversity for New
Haven State Atlairs. told l'K faculty and community iiieiiibei‘s
Thursday how Yale University developed a "college town" just as
[TK hopes to do

It wasn't easy. Morland said. and iii the
past. New Haven's image had been out of
sync with reality. "(Thange is hard." he said

Morlaiid said he learned lessons along
Yale's ioiii my to develop a college-town at
iiiospherc. including the importance of pres
idential leadership at a university

”You should have great faith something
is going to happen here.“ Morland said

Dan Rowland. (lames l‘enter director.
said Morland's years ofexpei'ience can help
show [K the way

Morland's discussion. the first in a 5p.
ries of three. shows how a univerSity and
continuum can successfully work together.
Rowland said

Morland said progress should be incre
mental. and persistence is required with an
initiative such as l'K‘s "f‘ollege Town (7on7
ccpt "

Moi‘laiid said iii order to create a stronger New Haven. Yale fo
cused on economic development. strong neighboi'l‘ioods and a vital

l'K's goals are similar The "College-Town Concept" plan re
cently announced by [TR president Lee Todd and IeXiIigton mayor
Pam Miller will be focused on area development and preservation
of eiiisting llf'lghltoi‘hrmtls

l'K trustee and former (iov Edward Hi'eathitt said the plan
will succeed with committed people in the communitj.‘ and at Hi

"The mayor and president have got to put it together,“ he said


Seating tor the
next two seminars
about Ull's "Col-
lege'l'own Con-
cept" is already
full. but anyone
with questions
should call


Alum's parents donate
Soviet military library

A massive collection: Couple collected
books in Russia for more than 40 years

By Melanie Beckwlth

UN'Q Bo' N”; I43 "'9

In No: while stationed in Moscow. a ITnited States Air Fort e
colonel and his wife began collecting books about the Souiet

In the next in years colonel William F Scott and his wife.
Harriet Fast Scott. amassed approxnnately limo volumes during
their frequent trips to Russia.

In December. the Scotts. whose two sons graduated from l'h'.
donated the massive cr'illection to the university

Stuart Kaufn'ian. an associate professor and director of gradu
ate studies in political science who helped bring the collection to
lIK. said the current interest in (‘old War history will bring out
side scholars to UK who wish to utilize this rare research library

“It can help us understand whv there was an arms, race and
help us prevent similar problems in the future." he saltl

The raritv of many of the books in the collection miikes it
unique. he added

“(Many of these bmks werei pul’ilished in the Soviet l'nzon :0
to .lo years ago. when it was hard to get act (‘ss to that iiit’ornia
tion." he explained

This massive library contains such voiiiities as the writings of

See BOOKS on 2

Visitation proposal
must meet deadline

By Sara Cunningham
agr';§.igr‘””"” '

The etiort to change I'K s visitation polirj. tontinues as the
deadline for change draws closer To have any chance it changing
the policy. Resident Student (founcil must create ,i proposal by the
last week in February or first week in March. said Dana Nash. sec~
retars of the RS(‘ Visitation policx committee

"We are really working hard or. meeting the deadline " Nash

The deadline was set because l'K's‘ Housing Department needs
to notify incoming students of am change in Visitation policy be-
fore students select a residence hall for next fall, Nash said

While this current eff-tit may bring the first change to the vis-
itation policy since Nil. ii is not the first push toward a change. In
1997. a similar plan proposed by RS(‘. then known as Resident Hall
Association. failed to meet the deadline

See VISIT on 2




The Stpdent Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington




2 l riiioliv. rciiitum a. 2002 Tiitciirucitv KERtiEL










ALLIHE NEWS IHAIIIIS Diversity commission to inoot Friday -
m UK’s President's Commission on Diversity
w' meet at 7:30 am, Friday, Feb. 8 in 231 Stu- - -
'I'he Low-down WWW goons Witness.- T
sion about University statistics, issues and ini- twice while traveling, Russian
tiativestgelatetdlto divers1ty. The meeting is Contin df ‘ police confiscated the books in ‘
CAMPUS m open 0 epu ‘c' ue rorn page his wife's possesston. . 9‘
7 ~ Gordon Hogg, the library
GIRL, former USSR leaders, military services director at the King Li-
D e as event cancelled CORRUPTED: Onlino Career Fair set for Feb. “'22 encyclopedias, cookbooks, pro- brary. said it iS the only collec-
You can‘t Y _ . ~ We ”‘9“ “Vet“ During Feb. 11-22, registered students and paganda-typestorybooks, peri- ”on set apart for the purpose or
have t ivil rights leader Morris Dees was unable to Video in ~ alumni can link to the Virtual Career Fair Web odicals, _RuSSian history books resegrchmg the Sov1et military.
speak at UK last night as scheduled because of Hollywood isn't site throu h the Career Center home a e at and military taCthS manuals. h ‘3 a very valuable inter-
. . . . . g D g . \
every- travel tlitficulties. The Student ActivitiesBoard that Oscar wwwukyedu/CareerCenter. From there, stu- The SCOttS 3150 donated maPS- pr etation Of what the. 5012'???”
thing had sponsored the event. Mark Moore. director screener of "The dents and alumni can search for employers al~ charts and poster sets from the thI‘y presented to itse , 08$
' of contemporary affairs for SAB. said there Lord of the phabetically or by industry and enter those Sov1et Union that explain how Sflld- .
where would be an attempt made to reschedule the Rings" _ it's a groups' virtual booths. There they will find a to properly build a bomb shelter ‘ Before being donated to UK.
would event. but nothing has been confirmed as of yet. Salts Fifth Avenue link to the organization's Web site, employ- in the event of an American scholars made private appomt-
you put security tape of ment opportunities and contact information. bomrhhngsmlg' be . t t Egfinggghgoicfgzahglrh$$rfig Wi
' ' ' ' Winona Ryder To register, students and alumni must visit the . 9 '30 1? came 1“ eres ' ‘.
in V'°‘T'li"‘t‘fi§.3!"§if.'fi.SS'EEEE.‘1 u"W of game genggWeb giggwww-ukgedugmer- Eda§?.§?%;?V§§ét?$i§3rii,§¥'15,? nightwear “"6““
, , I.” , * Z. herDec.leust enter. y e,7an outano ine orm. .. ,’ .. . ' y
w l.:i:“.~,a.‘.sait:first.sittingtierssltizi. evict: i251}? sows: Wuz‘cazigaeitsiaaigt
"WM: playing music. at .7 pm. Monday FebLll in the pocketing 54'760 threlgi: ah);1 gtlher goiercrfihgm said. “I'm looking. forward to 31303“
€352.22: Worshani Theatre. The theatre is located in the ":51: $2332?“ W agencies'off-guard even though digging into it myself.” stirr wmrrn
Student L t’iltf’l‘ The show 15 free and open to the Q . , q the Ru551an press had previous. -
public. two Judith Leiber ly announced it “21115313?
handbags and . In 1962, shejoined her hus- To see the com , it's ‘
Tylenol scholarships available 31313 pdhceeiynhsyn F°'$§§,§'§2’§O§E° FdefendEs ”"5th band indMOSCOW‘ Where he was night f2
. ‘ ~ . ‘, .. . ; , — ormer nron e 1e ex- assigne as a senior air attache . -~ - - from a
, Students {IDI'Egdllng forfhealth-related careefis to ewdence ecutive Jeffrey Skilling insisted to skeptical for the United States Air Force. g2e::;;e;v‘:i'lmgtfl§$gi32's, and sip
91.1133: Sigrid gthOIigl‘gh116%Eflhint'hhtizoghfir': 6‘“?wa caught lawmakers Thursday that he knew of nothing The Scotts became well-known about a year. The collection will turns. bi
fund will total $50 000 hincgluding .10 gran ts 0% by securityA improper about the complex web of partner- experts on the Soviet military. most likely be housed in King the kite
$10,000 each. A lications will be available from cameras, ‘ ‘ ships that brought down the-company, drain- The SCOttS b‘hh their 11' Library's special collections. bles 511“
, . , r pp . .. . . 9’05“”‘0’5 ‘00“ mg the savmgs of millions of investors and em- brary as they traveled through- handful
“WWW” Fchruary h’th through March ‘hbt and must be an unusually hard ployees. Four of Skilling‘s former colleagues at out the Soviet Union. visiting MEG
Val-"1°? phshh‘hkeq “0 hm?" thflh Apr 11 .30 2002' Interest- stance toward the the energy-trading conglomerate remained areas that normal American Man H
eh hu‘h’hh cahhhd lhh’nhahOh and appli‘ca- two-time Oscar silent and refused to testify, invoking their . HOE:
huh? Ohfh‘qph‘} 5 m the followmg participating nominee, charging constitutional privilege. Back in August. when sailles. .
$139:th .‘?1h:h§‘)’,}:g “2th SW Eli/11:? Iii-N533: her Feb. 1 with he resigned his post..Skilling_ said, testifying {‘39 Eight
reehn-‘Is‘ st :rtes‘ alnd onlgt’he Tv?en01 Well;l site at four felonies: under tough questioning m h-15 first public ac- worgigns i
57 37 and tvleiiol com Recipients'will be notified bv grand theft’ countmg 0f the collapse. “I-dld not helieve the "1'”
H, to July is. 2002-. . . commercial company was in any finanCIal peril. VISIT “If you wait too long. we just re- 30 sec0i
burglary, vandai- ally can’t do it. We need to be want to
ehn'tifrftaklim ism (apparently 0t up-front with parents and stu» cause n
e s o s l e , , , ' . . "
last weekend. Mortar Board accepting applications Sict‘mtflim 1,300 peo le will sue New York Ci Continued from paqei demfi'l addition to missing the lengggg
__________... UK‘s chapter of the Mortar Board. a senior and possession of NEW Y RK ’ From rescue workers w 0 deadline, Kuder said the feeling eats his
national honor society. is accepting applications a controlled say they have lung problems to busmess own- Planned to take effect in the toward visitation on campus “They
for membership, Those wishing to join must substance. At her ers Vilhg say thelr shops tvlzere damages}; 13.00 fall of 1997. the proposal called was different in 1997 and that Chew ti
——————-——-——— have (it least 90 hours at UK and a 3.0 GPA. For arraignment Feb_ peop e ave €139“ hphce ey may sue e Clty for 24-hour visitation in Bland. might have blocked changes. 30“ (10V
VOL. moo more information about the organization or to 5, Ryder, 30, for a total 0f$’ '18 hhhon over the aftermathof ing II on a trial basis during the “The University really was- .. Hog
ISSUE 3:93 fill out an application. go to their Web site at pleaded not guilty the W91 hi Trade Center attack. The claims 11" fall semester, Ifthe plan worked n't interested in a change at that thie sfp.
_.____ wwwukyedu studentorgsr mortarboard . The to all charges. |f VOIVQ. injuries or damage caused not by the at- well, 24-hour visitation would point.“ Kuder said. ”There is a fins (it (
[suausfifn lN deadline for applications is Tuesday. Feb. 12. convicted, she teclfdltsslf hlfi by the alleges riegligengiof the have been extended to more res- more positive feeling toward tlhe air
i892 mid face nearly “‘3. ”Eng t f9 rechrzegy an C 93‘1“!" the V?“ idence halls in the fall of 1998. changing the policy now-f . mg Th}
SME 1971' WOMEN'S COMMiSSiOII to meet Friday That "Md end the smoldering trade center site. Not all of £7321: Eifiuhgfihergfixrgg 2t: Sgficioufilinfit: aircnlginrggnuti g: ’10
UK's President's Commission on Women will her age Of those who Served notice will sue. Some. for ex- and a specified minimum of students to create a 91090331 :2??ng
- meet at 1 pm. Friday. Feb. 8 in 107 Breckinridge innocence. amplevmay instead 59.9“ money from the feder- credit hours and present it to the administra- dred' of I
“"25““ Hall. The meeting will include a report of the al “0th compensation fund. But the notices The proposal never passed tiOH for approval. in .VOUI
e-mail °f University‘s top~20 initiativeand various sub- preserve their r 1ght to brmgalawsuit. because it did not meet the “There area lot of people butteifl
“(WWW committee reports- The meeting Is Open to the c H d ' rt deadline, said James Kuder. who are all trying to work on _ Hog
' public. More information can be found at "“9 e rom wire "9° 5 Vice chancellor ofstudents. this issue. so its slow." Kuder diet W]
wwwukyedu PCW “Because of the need to no- said. “But I am very interested worms
tify incoming students. there is in ideas for change, and I will and a“
sort of a deadline,“ Kuder said. listen to RSC." weeds ‘
Citing tl

online this week

I" Kernel has a great otter ior Will.
















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 Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor
Phone. 257- ms I E-:mail kerneiarttayahoo com




That’s where I’ve found my talent. If it crawls, I can

eat it

They taste like dirt if you chew them.


Slimy, dirty and wriggling,
worms bring in the money

By Joe Anderson


Picture a scene: You've just
walked into a campus party,

it's fairly standard Friday
night fare. as hip~hop bumps
from a stereo. people mingle
and sip beer. But the boring
turns bizarre as you walk into
the kitchen. where a man gob
bles slimy. 7-inch worms by the

Meet Mark “The
Man" Hogg.

Hogg. who lives in \‘er-
sailles. holds the world record
for eating worms on the
“Regis Philbin show." he ate 96
worms in 30 seconds

“I'm sure I could eat 140 in
30 seconds." he says. ‘I don't
want to do my best. though. be-
cause no one would ever chal-
lenge me."

After washing them. Hogg
eats his worms alive and whole.
“They taste like dirt if you
chew them. and it just slows
you down." he says,

Hogg calls his favorite trick
“the spaghetti." He places one
end of the worm between his
lips. It dangles for a moment in
the air. squirming and glisten—
ing. Then slurp , the worm
vanishes down his throat.

"You can only feel them
wriggling for a second" he
says “though if you eat a hun-
dred of them you can feel them
in your stomach. It feels like
butterflies down there."

Hogg regards his unusual
diet with pride. saying that
worms are 82 percent protein.
and are low in fat He recom-
mends them to the uninitiated.
citing their nutritional value.

“They‘re pretty good with
scrambled eggs." he says.


Hogg began his worm~eat-
ing career while serving in the
army in Panama. where he ate
them as part of survival train
ing. He also tried cockroaches
and grilled monkey. but found
his niche with night crawlers

"That's where i found my
talent.” he says. "If it crawls. I
can eat it."

Hogg's wife Holly is also
his manager. His eating habits
didn‘t faze her when they first

“i thought it was kind of
cool." she says. "1 used to fish
with worms when I was a kid.
and they didn't bother me." She
has never eaten a worm.
though she once had one in her
mouth when they did the Regis
show together.

Hogg is now a wornreating
professional He has appeared
on TV eight times. on
the “Guinness Book of
World Records" show. “Ripley‘s
Believe It or Not."
"Maury Poyic‘n." "Entertain-
ment Tonight." MTV. Regis and
in Canada. .-prearances on
"The Tonight Show” and "Late
Night with Dave Letterman"
were canceled because of fear of
protests by animal rights ac-

His TV appearances led to
paid trips to England. Spain.
Portugal. Canada and Holly-
wood. He grows dreamy when
he speaks of the fivestar hotels
and the limousine rides.

He leaves in March for a
fiveyear contract doing shows
at The Venetian. a new casino
in Las Vegas.

In the meantime. he wants
to come to parties around PK.
and get paid to eat worms.

He said if you want your
next party to stand out from the
rest. he's an opportunity




Mark “The worm man"
Hogg charges a flat fee of
$200 to appear at a party.
His fees increase for differ-
ent services. His contact
number is (859) 879-6649.

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She’ s a Child,
not a Choice.



Crack up: Students enjoy new SAB event.
and comedians enjoy the UK atmosphere

By Amy Jo Gill

CONTRIBUTING wrote . [”5
Tabben sent some
The vacuum should hit the home with free
carpet of the Cat's Den before
next Tuesday night. There may and a "sordid beverage glass.“
be students rolling on it. The

The SAB-sponsored (“ome- kicked
dy Caravan made its premier
this past Tuesday. and it didn‘t
seem a waste of time to the stu-
dents who came out.

"It was hilarious." said
Scott Jones. a physics fresh
man. "I laughed my ass off."

Brent Guiliani agreed.

"The show was really
good." the undeclared sopho-
more said, ass."

off by
deal with

land time forgot."
Next up was John Hope.

party that is the


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X pre show surprise done
AB s Dave Bailey and Mike
popcorn. T-
shirts. a pair of concert tickets.

(‘aravan was offiCIally
WI.EX's Iiee
Cruse. Students learned how to
"stupid people' and
the mysteries of Berea. 'the

Hope stepped up to the
plate and struck a homer with
his crude. yet funny act. Hope.
the selfsproclaimed ”dude at the
pain in the
intenwined crowd interac-

tion wiitl liis stiuggl mg gpoii .
and covei -ups. hut kt} )l std
dents laughing Iiluiellieiess

Headliner for the night was
WKQQ's Bob and 'l‘oni i‘i-giiifii
Lord (‘arrett

(‘arrett has appeared on
Showtime. (‘oinetiy central and
even an episode of Tl.(".~- .X
Dating Story."

The combo of his sumo":
transitions. stage presence,
"bitchin’ shoes.‘ ex wife
and "rock-a-liilly hair made it Ir
a roomful of ruckus

"Students had a .ihlul
tude and got all my
Carrett said.

(‘arrett has also peril .; and
in the past at
Broadway and Two lie}. s T
em and prefers the 'cie 11‘ head
ed. non-jaded audienrw- thi‘ i'lx'
students make up

The show put li‘Jt‘lill'l

1‘. ll“.

grititi ‘liI«‘_i’\.

div/4' Q'WJ

t'oniedy HIT

ini I.\ture ofcomedy genres pro-
duc ing all- fr iendly comedy sure
put a giggle in your gaggler.

.»Xs for next week. (‘arrett
said the comedian Spike Davis
a :ll be a treat for students

He‘s high energy and very
~ :‘i‘iy .‘ (Tarrett said.

liay is has been featured on
iii-1F (‘oinedy .lam. He will perv
iorni with "the man. the city in
liliio Cleveland. as a celebra-
".flil of Black History Month.

Future Comedy

Comedy Caravan will continue
to have shows at 8 pm. Tuesday
nights at the Cat's Den. which is lo-
cated in the Student Center. Tick-
ets are free.

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Fitness center

Mimming pool

Sand volleyball

Clubhouse with pool table
Laundry facility

Busline to campus

Most large pets welcome

3‘ Enlov the sweet life at The Hunnington

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9.4.9" «Q V!)

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February 4

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’Math Tutoring »
Distinguished Lecture Dr Carole Crumley
University of North Carolina Chapel- -Hill From
Garden to Globe. Linking Time and Space With
Meaning and Memory . ,


'Gisello. Kentucky Ballet Theatre -

'UK Tao Kwon Do Club -


'Catholic Mass



'UK Men s Club Volleyball vs Western Kentucky
and Kentucky State

'Kempo SellDefensn

'Sam Rivers Saxophone in: Masters Tour 200?
‘Giselle, Kentucky Ballet Thpatvo


'Kaplan Practice, GMAT
'UK Tae Kwon Do Club


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'UK Campus Girl Scams


‘Math Tutoringttoflr 109‘

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'Hiflory TutorinngOU 105/ 107i

'Hiflory Tutoring, ”071108109! -

'English Tutoring. ¥ ' '

amnion: S

'm Shiur can; '— ‘e

’Koyalring Pool Session

'UK JudoClub ’ ’





 lumps: monamom ___
Clay McDaniel, dialogue editor Stacie Meihaus, senior staff writer

’ ; Samieh Shalash. asst. dialogue editor Amanda Hardaway, cartoonist “—“‘
x Josh Sullivan, asst. dialogue editor Jennifer Kasten, at-Iarge member

Ashley York, editor in chief Wes Blevins, at-large member POE


Lift —————“ AA—— ~ -~ - —-








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In the crazy world of ' , , '. i . mm, com“
today, everyone is ‘ w. ‘ ~ m
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easy way out. the ‘ — - . ‘_ 14-45 7 ' FIXTURE
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But that's bullshit. . -- . . . ‘ ' " land Hill Su
Everyone knows . , _ ' ' . . _ _ ' 2" , ). .~ L“: sanbdik'e"
you have to work - g ' ‘~ . ’ [v .v ,. . . ‘ .. .‘ games. dis}
hard and fight for ' ' a,
everything in life. . 1 . . ‘ . . _ ‘ .. ._ m
It s thls very fact . v ', ‘ ‘ _ . \ ~ 1 \ -_ i , _ a? _ ”“383 a
that had me down ‘3‘ - . ; . . _, _ 7 ‘ , m
the other dayl ‘ , , -3 ~. .2 _ Retailstlfig
pondered how nice " - .. ,, ' ‘ . . . . SPECII
u would be to live In connection With the Citizen Kentucky pro- Lroml $40.
. - ' IS a CBS
Inaworld where . ject and the upcoming race for mayor, some 29,2, V
3:13;?“ I ask 7- . . -» ~ , ~ » ~ ~~ students were asked to list five of their chal-
vou."Canvoutell lenges for Lex1ngton and UK in the near fu- Pg}
me how to get, , ~ , , ture.
how to get to my “mus
Sesame SETS: mountain I(
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go and live there. M. the said“ 2177'90‘3‘
A t t
Why would lwant to h Afi "2:; T5,?“
live with Muppets? agra ams location. t
Well I'm glad ‘ Lease now
88“ 3308
Youasied- - - - - ' ' Maor: A ricuIturaI communications d'sc. t.
Israeli-Palestinian Situation poorly represented by YOSSI Olmert “cinema“: Paducah Ky_ Wm
Have you ever seen ' nished. _$_3_£
"it“ (my than On Feb. 4. the Patterson School of Diplomacy hosted a lecture by Yossi Olmert. an attache 0f the Israeli five Chill ngnt‘m:
around Oscar 5 government. The title of the lecture was “The Impact of Terrorism on the Middle East.“ but attendants were . Lack of putlic transportation s400/mo.(
5?”) “mm? the soon to discover that another issue was on the table. . . Lack of student activities rm
5'0“ °f Sesame Once introduced. Olmert. though stating that his opinions were his own. proceeded to prove that his agen- . Poor student housin 2:35:35";
Street? da only included supporting the Israeli stance against occupied Palestine and its people. . ~ . City is too S read 0“ ’ j
His discourse was a well thought out concoction of curved facts. demeaning gestures and incomplete in- . It's too bar to get around Loaded' ml
There are new any formation. Throughout his speech. those who sat in the audience were attentive and respectful. But. at. the end .
potholesln the of his lecture. the moment of audience questioning. he disrespected every questioner by interrupting con- Who can help? W
road. Wh'c" stems stantly. making light jokes and sometimes avoiding answering the questions altogether. As an experienced _or- Lee Todd governor sports teams microwave
fr°m the fad that ator. Dr. Olmert should have realized that there would be opposing views set against his own biased opinion ' ' elect“; 6;
there are no towards the Palestinian issue. _ 176655. Fl
traffic problems. What worried many of the students was the lack of an impartial view that would take into account the oth- “mam":
Im 5‘"? Ive never er facts of the issue at hand. In order to make a fair assessment of a situation as complex as the Israeli-Pales- .. _ 4923965
seen 8'9 3"" tinian issue. college students must hear both sides. not just the inflammatory remarks of one man. Therefore. _ . _ , rm
waddle down the to all of those UK students who read this op-ed piece. please do not rely on the intentions of one government Major: Agrlcultural communications 430. CaIlZ
street "WWW figure. Dig deeper. probe facts and learn both sides of any story before making a judgment. ’ Hometown: Stanford. KY. 254SBoR/mizf
3““ be“? p'd‘ed As for the School of Diplomacy. I think that if an international topic is going to be discussed. then anin- . m
°fl ”V a ternational view should be taken. If not with one impartial view. than with a series of lectures corresponding Five Challenges _ mes, walk
L" "a“ bus. to the subject-matter. o Pfllche |blasI agalndst stutd‘ents b M.
. O A C0 0 $3 es en mg a a.m. UI lno.
9'“ ”“9”“ 9° W“ U0“ 0 University parking 87%;;31
gag: stggn‘dlgzs POLITICAL SCIENCE FRESHMAN . Dry campus nished ba:
' ' ' Halsted Ct
some time with 0 Student representation ln City 389-909a