xt7wdb7vqk5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vqk5j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1941 Vol.12 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1941 Vol.12 No.5 1941 2019 true xt7wdb7vqk5j section xt7wdb7vqk5j ,3 . 33333:; “
19‘“ 3:?” 5 -.
33;“ 33‘ i‘
.3 333355371333 Published In the Interest 0 ommunl y 33333 .
3 3 Journallsm - - OF, by, and For “ 33333
Kentucky Newspapers 33.3
3 22132323552 1% 3% 32:33
3 Volume Twelve Number Five 33
3§W§§E® i «333:3 .
, g3; '

 ‘ ,2 11:11 ‘3
* ' 11.11111 1 . '2
1 .1: a 1 -,
‘ M1 9 :
1 1 11151 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1941 1
11 1 1
1 11 i1 1 1- . C - mm. 11211211219313? 1 11
1 21 State Pub icity ampalgn 0
11 1 11111111 O ' ' For one persIoII?TEL COTTAGES 1
1111:111- Outllned BY KPA OfflClals For 1110 persona;.::.::::::::::::::: 12:81,
1111111 as? . 1 1
1111111111- 1111 Plans for statewide publicity on Ken- fifth district, will write an article on the with 211’] modern 00311611118110“ 12118313113112.1121; 1‘ ga
1 1151 111111 lucky historic and scenic spots were com- Butler Memorial State Park, to be re- $313112?fg?ee§:rl;sggrggnflgfi 11113111331233: 33c ad- .. at
1121;;1111‘111fleted at the spring meeting of the ex- leased September 15t, and Harry L om. 1
5:; 1111 ‘1“.1 f ecum-e committee of the Kentucky Press W aterfield, of Chnton, KPA Vice—prest- —_——_~—____ d1
1 11' 1 1 Association in the Brown Hotel at: (lent, will release a story on September Editor Of "In Kentucky” 1 pi
1 1 '1 1 Louisyille, March 15, 15th on the Columbus Belmont Park. Endorses 131(1)]1'1-1'131 Cami/mien V 1 se
' 11111111 :1 1 The publicity plan will cover each Tom \‘Vilson, Cynthiana Log Cabin, _ 0 1 B1
11 11111111 12‘ 1 of the nine congressional districts and eight district, will release a story on the President Russell Dyche and his ex- M
' :1 :111 1 “1111 consist of 14 stories. Each officer Blue Lick Battlefield on October 11st, ecunve committee appear to me to be 1 5‘1
. 1 111111111 1 1 and member of the association’s execu- and Prof. Victor R. Portmann, Lexmg— making a most. auspicmus start. The :a
‘ 11111111 1 tive committee will furnish one of the ton, Will write a story about Fayette public1ty campaign of and lor Kentucky, 11
. 11111 1 stories. County, to be released October lotli. announced in the February issue of The 1‘ 13
111.11" 1 The articles will be released at two— Secretary J. Curtis Alcock, Danyille, will Kentucky Press, is the sort of activity the 1
11 1111131 week intervals to the approximately 200 complete the series of articles with a KPA should engage in and will have a 1 ‘1"
11 1‘ newspapers in the state, and will run Story of the Kentucky sesquicentennial, tremendously helpful effect upon the 11:;
11 1 through November. Costs .of photo to be celebrated in 1942, released No— St.ate,.wlii'le showmg the members of‘our 1 ll‘
11 ‘11 1 11 graphs and newspaper mats Will be furn- vember lst. . organization to be the same geneious 1 b1
: 2 11 11111 ished by the local Citizens and the ar- The committee ClldO-I‘SCd'a safety edu~ and forward looking men and women 1 sc
‘ 11 1111‘ 1. 2‘ ticles sent to the secretary of the Kentuc— cational campaign which. is being con- who for many years have taken the lead 1
1 111 i ' ky Press Association to be mailed. ducted by the State Highway Patrol. in advancmg the interests of the peo- 1 l‘
111‘ 1", 3 The first of the series of articles will The campaign is headed by Col. Jack ple they serve are benefited. Of course, . 1
, 11 111111 be released April 15th by Fred “fachs, Nelson of Paducah. . I am espectally 'interested in selling 11‘
'1 ‘ 111 of the sixth district, who will write a Plans for district meetings of members Kentucky attractions to the outstde ; 1
'- 1 1 ‘11 1 story on the horse industry. Next in the and non-members of the Kentucky Press world and this program is therefore i
1 111111: 1 series \Vlll be an: article on the Moun- Association were .(lISCUSSCd. At these vitally interesting to me. I 2pnfsure .11 ‘1
1 1.111 1‘ min Laurel Festival by Prestdent Rus— meetings, 'Wl‘lICll “‘1“ be attended by K. \\'Ill.l1{1\‘€,g'l”€al ,appeal [(11) a l" omait ._ b1
1111121 :: sell Dyche, of. London, to be released PA. President Russell Dyche of Lnn- looking Ixentuckians .an lseilze as ka P?
. 111 1 '11 May lst. don and Secretary Alcock of Danyille, stiong factor. in biinging tie; blentuc.) st
. :11 111111111 ()n May l5th Vance Armentrout, uniform. advertismg rates and other sub- newspapers intonnme flgvmau (3313::- jc
‘ 11111 111 chairman of the KPA executive commit- 1ects W111 be dlSCUSSCd» “/0“ W111? 111011 19mg”; , 11:55:17 teryfield sl
1 11 11111 tee, Louisville. the third district willie; 111/1,117,101,, Cm, Selected 1 3?ch A1 men; emf 1:: ieYe-Cudave mm 1 K
11 1 1’11 1 lease a story on “The Falls Of the Ohm, Tl . ‘ '2 ' ' ' l . l aiil‘tieiirmfglliglcsoii r'itul'ilted n 3011 this 1 11‘
s1 11 111111 followed by a story from the first con- to execumc committee .se ectet 111. 0‘ e g r r l 1 m
111 1311 11 gressional district written by Joe La- Mammoth Cave for the assoc1ation s an- In Ogl am. 1 a
1 1111:1111 11 Core, of the Paducah Sun-Democrat, 1311211 summer mCCFmg, tO‘ be held June GRACEAN M. PEDLEY - i1:
111 111 11.111111 June 1st. 2), 6 and 7. loe‘ Richardson of Glasgow . 1 01
1. 1 111 1111111 loe Richardson, editor of the Glasgow was named chairman of the convention _______._._._.--. 1 W
i 1111 1.11111 Times and member of the Mammoth proeram committee. Other members are Sim/216 Ads Always Best 1 1
i- 1 1111 11111 I Cave commission, fourth district, Will I: l;/I.‘1Gal]I:€S,l-B0W(lfilljg Green]; C1. ,1G' Advertising specialists report that siin- 1 C1
11. e191; 1111‘; prepare an article on Mammoth Cave 13011112111;- 1 \gmvfmiq’lmen’ am a] OS P16 ads are always best in that smart— 1 b1
1 1 1111' 1111 National Park, to be released June 15th. iRm 1.11 1 111; or ‘1 16‘ C 1) f 1 aleck ads are 10511119; favor, eSpecially for 111
1 51111 Next will be a story on Cumberland 31651 at 1 ammoti axe or “6 goods that appeal to the great mass of 11
1 E 11111 F31151 1)“ Harold Browning, editor “711' meeting are appended. Manager VVZ “1’ people. Because the common minds are , e1
11 ‘ .t1 1 11311151311118 Republican, “filth district, re- Thompson suggests that reservations, more interested in the common things M
1’ 1111 1111 leased 111131 lst, followed by a story on - indlicating faccomnriodation (lCSll’led, date of life, the simple, common ad will :11, 1 N
1 11.1 1 111 the steel industry, written by Chauncey anc time 0 aii'ival, etc., should )8 made tract attention and make sales. Sopliis- l B
1 :3‘ 1 111 Forgey, Ashland Independent, released as 500“ as posmble. ticated. “Harpaleck ads only cause 1 cl
1 t; 11 .lUIY 15th HOTEL ROOMS amusement without the necessary sales
1 :1 '11 1 1 An article on Audubon Park, by :oom wi‘gilogttgatfh for one person $1.50. appeal. 1 V1
1 1.1.11 ._ 1 1 _ O ' L..... . -
'11 M ‘1 1
1 :1 11 1‘1 on August 1. This will be followed on Room With bath for tWO persons .1. Warren Cunningham, 70 years old, , P1
11,, tl1 11; 1 ' August 15 by a story on “The Big Room (figiffagidioi twopersons 4'00 long—time publisher and printer, and a A
1 E 11 1 Sandy,” by “Talker Robinson, 0f the .(twin beds) 5.00 resident of Middlesboro, died in a local 1}
:1 y1 11 1 Paintsville Herald, seventh district. combléloantigétg’ég1‘ggt110‘f’gstmgel 1105mm], March 4, from a paralytic 1 c1
1; i; 111. 1‘ Frank Bell, of the Bedford Democrat, persons 7'00 . stroke. 1 t(
1 1 1 ‘1: 1 1
1 1111i »"

 - J; J. ~
h, 1941 , March, 194l THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three .JJ J J
‘, 'Ji: JJ - L
1 JJ JJ ‘;
J pm; Women. 0] Kentucky Trade In Your Old Metal Kcntuckian-Citizen, Paris, JJ J. J I
8.00 Organize SWIM Chapter Why not clean tip that old metal that Purchase; The Bourbon News JJ J
‘ J Miss Mary Elizabeth Hutton, of Har- is cluttering up your cases and storage Purchase 0f the newspaper plant 05 J5: JJ ‘5
$388 i rodsburg, was elected president of the places and invest the ““th in needed the Bourbon News, one O.f the [.WO senii— JJ J'JJJ: ”I
J Kentucky Press VVoman’s club at an or— new type and material? Last quota- weekly newspapers PUhhShed “1 Paris, JlJJJJJ I:
JI‘Opm cabins i ganization meeting Saturday, March 22, tion prices from the New York market “"35 announced March 5 by the other, JJJJJ J’JJ If
ineds 5% 22d J at the Brown hotel in Louisville. are: the Kentuckian-Citizen. JJ‘JJJ JJJJJ
ame roam. l .. Other Officers chosen were Miss Mil- Small loundery type .. 87.50-37.75 cwt. The price involved in the transaction. JJJJJJJJJ :
J dred Babbage, of ClOV‘Cl‘JXH‘t, first vice~ Monotype .. _ J J _ J J . J . J 6.75- 7.00 cwt. which includes the transfer of all pliysi- JJJJJJJ J
president; Mrs. Jewel Duncan, of Dixon, - LJHOJYPC - . . - ~ - - . - - ~ - - 950' 9-75 (TWJ- cal properties Of _the Bourbon News JJJJ JJJJ
J_ J second vice-president; Mrs. Frank C. Electrotype (free from printing pant and Job shop. along With JJJ JJ .
J Bell, of Bedford, third vice-president; WOOd) 5-50' 5-60 CWt- the goofhhh: 0f the newspaper and Its JJJJ“
nd his ex. Mrs. J. R. \Vallace. \Valton. recording Printer’s lead rules 5.50- 5.60 cwt. Cll‘CUlatlon lists, was not made '])lll)llc, JJJJ‘ .
me [0 be J secretary, and Mrs. J L21 Mai‘r Bradley, Drogs : _ : J J J J J J J J _ J J J _ 4'00_ 425 ch . The Bourbon News Will continue pub- rJJ JJJJ ,
.tart. The : of Providence, treasurer; Miss Urith Iiu- Copper Half-tones 8.75- 9.00 cwr_ lication on. its present schedule, Tues- JJJJJJJJ
Kentucky, , cas, of Maysvillc, corresponding secre- Brass rules J J _ J _ J J J J J J J 4_75_ 5.00 ch day andJFiiday inOinings,_tlie announce- JJJ JJJJJ
sue of The .J tary. ch plate J _ J _ J J . _ _ _ J I 6.00- 525 (:wt. ment 321le The KCH‘tUCklan-CIU-ZCD. is- JJJ JJJJ‘ 5
lCtivitv the ' Miss Jane Hutton. of Harrodsbui-g. Cincinnati quotations, from the Con- sued “’1‘“thth Slhcc 1897’ 15 Pm" :JJJJJ
fill 113ch a J was named regional voice president to solidated Metals, Inc., Spring Grove and hShed 0h “ cdncsdays and Fridays. J JJJJJJJ
upon the J represent the club on the Board of the “KNEW EWING, include: Carl M' Johnson, owner and mehSh- JJJJ IJ':
)ers of our National Federation of Press Women, . Zinc - - - - - - - - - - - - . 558-00 CWJ- 6:: 0f the,NCWS Since 1929’ WI“ be asso- JJJJ JJJJJ *
generous Inc, with which the Kentucky unit will Copper edging . - - ~ - 9-50 CWJ- elated WIth _the .new owners and WI“ JJJJ, J1,
Jdk women J be affiliated. The annual convention is EJCCtthPC 5-25 CWJ- continue active In management Of the JJJJ JJ ,
n the lead J scheduled for June 26—28 in Milwaukee. Routines - ~ ~ , - ~ - . - - 4-25 C‘VJ- paper. the announcement said, The .JJJ'JJ J
' the p80- Mrs. John E. Kleinhenz, president of All prices, f.o.l).. 3’01”" ChY- News was founded ”1.1.880” :JJJJJJJ
3f course, J the VVoman’s Press club of Indiana and ————————— The Kentuckian-Citizen has been JJ JJJJJ
in selling ' regional vice-president of Indiana for 00/07”th owned ind JP 1153155th since last July'by JJJJJIJl
3 outside J the national federation, met with the H. R. 3640. introduced by Rep. Keogh E‘ H” iIue 151?; Laurence Shropshire. JJJ’ JJJJ
therefore group to explain the purpose and his— of New York, to amend the Copyright James Shropshire and Coleman Smith, JJ‘J J’JJJJJJJ
m sure it J tory of the organization. Act limiting injunction processes for in— who acquired the property then from JJJ JJJJJJJ
1 forward J Purpose of the club is to secure the fringement. Some of the sections relate A" S' Thompson, who had been ”S J ‘JJJJJ 1
I‘ve as a benefits of organized effort, to make im— to newspaper in the process of publica— owner for 20 years. JJ JJJJ:
Kentuckr provements through association, and to tion 'or distribution and to copyright J . _____.—__ . VJ ‘;JJ
Jble P05; J stand for the highest ideals of American material used in advertising matter to {MIJS' Florence C' Simpson, 76' 7‘”di JJJJJJ:
11 Dyche, journalism. Those eligible to member- protect publishers who have acted in- 0. “' 6' Simpson, Frankfort merchant. JJJJJJJ
Vaterfield ship are women residing in the state of noccntly or in good faith. Referred to dled at her home 0f pneumonia March 8' JJJJ JJJJJ
tive com- ‘ Kentucky who may be newspaper pub- the House Committee on Patents. She was the mother Of “7111mm G' 81”.")- J'JJJ JJJ
_ . - : .‘ . . . . . son. )re51dent of the C. T. Dearin JJJ J
.ipon this lisheis, engaged in the Journalistic or Reading Habits Printiln Com )21117 Lo . .11 d J. g JJJJ
J advertising field, or free lance writers of Evidence that the popularity of radio )res'd it of th gfat 1"st 6: 211)“: gm: JJ JJJ
P _‘ a professional nature. An annual meet— has not dimmed the public’s demand for 1C ‘1 C J F Ckf t-e Jilin“: {Ink/11h“ JJ
EDLEY iiig will be held in the spring and two reading matter is given by the Census Olmpgmlé. rlan if ’ ak aug “61’ 15' ‘.JJJJJJ
J other sessions will be called during the Bureau’s latest: report on the publication Io m_ ' ige OW’ ewar ’ A” J’ and an J JJJ JJJJ
-I vear to transact business. of books am )hlets and ma )s. The a - other son, Robert H' Simpson Of Louis- J JJJJJj
J1 . ’P J ’ . . J. g ville J“. iei
_ J. J Founded in May 6, 1937, the National gregate of these publications increased ' JJ JJJJJJ .
that “m" . chapter was organized in Chicago, 111., from 518,074,304 in the census taken in *——————— : J 11
1? smart— J by the VVomen’s Press club there. At 1937 to 784,987,969 in 1939, a gain of Final arrangements were made last 1?:
ZlahY f0; present there are nine state belonging to 266,913,665. The job printing trades were WCEk whereby R- M- Hall, former news- JJ Jii
.mass ? the group with Kentucky as the tenth to busy in this two-year period as the out- P3P” publisher 0f Lake Geneva, VVJS‘ J5 Jig-EJ
”hdSJme , enter. States are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, put of pamphlets doubled. Radio thrill— COhSih! acquires an interest in and the ’31} '55
n {11111155 Massachusetts. Missouri, New Jersey, ers did not cut the sale of juvenile books management Of The Ledger 85 Times, .JJJ H '
£21m: J New York, Texas, and IVisconsin. Mrs. as the 1939 total of 34,848,416 repre- according 19 R- R- Meloan: P‘Jhli511e1;;'JJ:Ji‘
P J B. ]. Bless, J11, of the Western Chroni~ sented a substantial advance. It is note- M1. Hall 15 lhh way, coming home J; J? ‘
Y: “his“ J cle, Weston, Mo., is national president. worthy that newspaper circulation in- to Kentucky, being born and raised 1" JJJ J; J
“Y sa es _____________ crease likewise reflected the public’s re- Evansville, Ihd': 0f Kentucky parents JJJ JJ '
J Wanted — Every Kentucky publisher quirements for reading material. and SOUJhCJ‘h lineage from eahYJhJStOI‘Y- J JJJ .J’JJ
a to enter his newspaper in the KPA ex- _________ Mr. Meloan Will continue his interests JJJ J’J J
ears 01d: J. celllence contests. Details of contests, The Press has received an interesting I? The Igedgeé‘ 8" .Times and remain 1" JJJ J :
er, and a lime-s, and rules Will be published in the trade booklet published by the Bards- (313136 0 pro uction. J; J .5
J a local .J - pril PI‘CSS.. Non-members can make town Kentucky Standardifor. a real es- _——__———-— J JJJ .
)aralvtic themselves eligible for the contests by be- late and insurance firm .111 its City. It We find that we enjoy life more if we J1 JJJ JJJ J.
i i coming members of KPA. \Vhy not join was a neat Job and a credit to the print- avoid the company of well - informed J J‘J J‘JJJ J
J Wkly? ers. people. JJ j?
J - J J J: i-
‘ vii Ji'

 . K’
March: 1941 ‘I
1 1111638 I e
. , suC1 11‘ ' I
S , 115[ Of . - . . ‘
NTUCKY PRES 'ntenflnce O.[ at to Pubhc “FPCC I i
E 1e 1113‘ 3 lblcc . f qu Pe‘
- I HE K - [1 ~ 3565 S1 .‘ :ICC 0 3 . I
.-.::' ' I. T )urposes (11- and addlle-S Princllfill CHI ,1 Compllance I S
, . ~ I , IwI— I . . . I 16 C c . H
YIEIIII IIII ‘ (:ipients [01111i11i5tramon [1'0“ at I 11 be deemef this Secuon. I t
- ”VIII ml . _ 21nd 19' . the ac1 ex- . - 31 sh8 cuts 0 Com-
2 4. “a v . s ‘ 11 he 2 (11C m 56 ,
=1 I“I""I :1 Four Pllca111 cted wll CPE to l a 110 l 1.equllc ) the H011 I b
gI:2.1.~ ‘,II= Page 011118 cXC . form - - 11 me 3. (1 t( '
,4, 1: 31H ‘ . [IV C 5 mice, 1 In Wit . . £6116 2 C
I ma 3 I 16C 1 <§ISt uC1 I r6 .I,
II i-III‘I I I f old-age 3”. of any s 1am” The Both blllspatents' I.
I2! II:II v 0 bh'catlon I V State 01156 . C on
'1“ " "‘I 7 e 8 tent P” I required )1 to the H mute __-——— 3 t
VI!‘ I ‘ ‘I r t \3 )e ~3e( I __ 1
I 33.3II *1 l /7 P S - ma. ~ [cll , 118- ~
. , I» on 3 10 I63 I
1‘ ‘I‘IIH I u- hzls bce“ Va ,5 and A 3 r8 PTO/ms“ I C
21:31:21“ ky 1"” nee 0“ ‘ )3 larz'm? Ialin‘: MI MN“! » PW” I
21‘ I ‘Iii 315% e Kentuc Comm“ . -‘ 3’ Leg” ' (190, (C . ‘ _P‘”' «3/3" H" 3 - “a has a
" II“- - 0f the 1 Poll/[(5 nd S" 1] ”7’ z] '-]1 Affl . 1» Ind'a 3 .
1‘ ‘IIEII 1 Publicatlonociation “P1121201“ 9I989 H haVc bCC Lte I] IN “C Gillie () 1 \I l‘hC Sillnc I 1
:"1‘. - ASS , 1-2‘ "15 ' ' 13‘ ) 2 . -
I IIIII v: Omcia Press Publisher "1“") 11.) 'cal cammlgI hy Sen~ Glllent Represcmat mother ("169262) thh I I
1‘ 2.1 :I‘II : .3 - Editor - )0 I“ Hate ndme ’ 3211 to ‘ R. ~ ' , 1‘ S
I 321 III! A T “[11 I . 19 SC qme - . - 161115“ - 1 (H- 1 gt \63 3
.I 3‘ 2 ma. , x [1 .2111: . 1t . 1( , 11 I a- ,2 I ,
1I35 III!3 II victor R‘ Port press Lexmgton ImdllCed 19“ng calls [(11 Act maklng 0 1% [roduced ‘l bagged [116110111qu public? I I
IVILII‘ 3: —T “33. r‘ Hatcl 2 .- mimC ‘ m 711iCh P " irCS 11a . .0. ! 1‘
‘qu 11‘ The Ke of 1” 110d “‘1” - r110“ “ 3 1 1‘0"“ ' 3 01‘ “m
I :1 2 _ n . (yCa . . 3)67 am 1113 . 1C 1 115 - 3
I‘ I3‘IIIIl I.P1'mted O {on Officels find-130113 t0 the :1 to Prml’ lt-StIhOO‘IQPh’ Ph use (The blll’ W11] ugh lhe ma rce Conlam I
1:: MI I; WSW“ gaze r ‘ law 11 h 1 2‘3 -§e ca 3 t [W0 3 Omme I ce :
.3‘1' , m ress . t L0“ Clmt" ssenge ‘11“ moral) ’ thCl‘W“ 1's— 3 119 SC“ - mam C 1 thC 1”
33-11: “HI I I ,1 P Presldfiln '_PreS-’ ville Me I “111 2 b I or 0 . t6 (12 [10 ‘ . 11][CL .I 1. a]‘](
2:12 I 3 18, we ., Dan .3 ) 1. \e - ~1bu : 33 mm 15116 the
«III I pusseuLmfiétgrfigg‘ésv.rrreagommmeemfll-Jourgfil g1: meme”; 5r to ‘1‘“ irclllated’ (Wed 6 of the "“1? en referred mmd
‘z'2' 3‘ I‘ II ‘" ry. ' 00 v . live Cour rad“? at?! 2 ~ ’ he be C , lam )C 2 ffiCC ‘
II EIIEI I Hal' rtlS AIC . t Exec“ - ville Ore, P Unlofl ‘ ublls SC to book. the 1 _- I] has ()St 0 . I
I “>2 I I 10’ Distl‘lc Lows 0e L3G ford: ich- bf? P ige caU- - any blicallo ’ th<‘3 P ‘ 1 thls 3
, I: EIYII 2 ‘ entrOUt' First: J r Mu“ Joe RV-n— t0 2 thE‘TW‘ 1erW156’ ~ ch' of P“ ‘II‘CC 0“ in“ 0‘ I I
21 my I Arm. an; Tyle ourth’ 11 3131223 I 01 0 1- 0H r b10 , mm! heal h use 2
5e 333»!3 : rance chalrm econd2 ~ 1d: F. k B8 ' 133ch 31103 . 116 0 dodge ’ . _ we (20 2 1 the . H0 ' v
‘ ii ,F‘fiII I I . \ bird), at; S rganflef h F1an B. ‘ bin' I ‘ f0] 5‘ aTd’ ' 1C9)“ H—Ol ‘ ‘thl I ’ [he I
‘ I? ‘IL‘II I t (T Democi‘ ate: M0 s ' F1.“ ’ Fred, W. R” g ,hcthel - A 113T; C (31" C0] - RoZldS' 1 1d 3’ - Com' I
=; ‘-=::I:I I sun't AdvOc '13an ’. SlXfl" m, \1- ..1 on, L3.” 1‘ 1: c1] C1 . 1‘ pap . Cn— pas! ”re 1“- : 1ar1V6
I ;I3 . II ny ngW (110er , seven WLS “21]— hIC , I111 0 ,, )1?l - WC 3 L6015 - 0 1 21
. 51 II I I :2 C0u n GlflI I Be def. T_ T. mmg, R 31111) 11d) 2 . to I .31 “on 717A h 13111 S ,
:3 11119-2 ;3 ards" ’ 001a, d-Lea. Eivhth' Bro“ - tol‘ ‘ P 1‘. ha 1 C110“ 1 W“ 19915 a 16 h ‘ d the
~ u III II , Dem {era} .la, = A. VIC :10 105m r e e . , c0 - H CH . .- 13 I C
. AI ‘2. I ‘2 ble . [on I. I—Iela' - In H" large’. n a Ire. I ' {6 f0 dent . )Illee’ to a)“ ] "([101 ‘2
i: 3n». I; Lexmg intsvlue a. Nm étate'at' Lexmg‘o 3 1 dlda Pres] ”- 11:6 Com“ , red 3 11b lc‘
, .3. I _ , . an ~ m 111C 721‘“ r to P 1 a
I: 2"”:31» I - son,,PaCynthlanblicanv Press: endel‘lt- '1’12 21 C flg-(C £10 13 IO 3 A endC _ qypl‘, Iut t1€
' II ”II I ' Cflbm’ ~ Rep“ tucky d Indep - l ‘ V 0 I _ ‘ n f€n(l t 0] n]l”c(‘ I 1 not c] ' 11V, ) . C
£3 ‘:;' ; :u _ Sbulg Ken Ashlan meg “rm-(uh 11V an 111cm“) _ _ 19 56C . WOU ( 1- s9 ena 1 I] 11 1t
II “a I ILamtmann’ <0rgey’ - e Comm atev Ch‘ hom8L5 (a h P“ ) 36119101' ' ite hat 1t Iid'c a“ ded t 1‘
2‘ m -‘ v lor cey F ,ismuv AdVOC fie; T ~ rd: 1 511C 11V 1 3 “1‘0 111C 1 SCCO 1cm ,‘th-
I1 »,a i 011““ Les anfiel.‘i Gaze my “3 “vhel 'nst a , .” 01” - ” in“ 21 ~ 6 C01 . ' nS “1 I
3 .323” 13-! MOrg Clmton.1d’ He lin Jr” d 8“?“ Ira“3 . not- ha“ 3“ mime 111C?!tlo 2 0
25 1:3" I I £01”? feld' H61a ’ . J0” er" H‘C ‘“ - am ~ 01 C01] >11) 1
II iI I Tylery “£161; \EateLrelXingttqnGeOI‘lgeivillPiams’ 50m ha d 01‘ agamsf gsagsinatlonv . ted fl‘lat' r—TOUSCI DDIV 10 an I It]. . f
I Iii 3 ’ Harl‘ del‘WOO ’ emocra 3. Cecl Cree . la a. ' _ - Pym _ k a 1601 ‘
3 ,3 9- Un -D 1m. . . u( 3 11115 n .1011 . . at, h I
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1, 1941 March, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five ii I I _1
1 ,Ip I -
a :iIi! a!
uch names I editorial entitled “Gunning for Radio,” ready on the jobber, which had been class of printing. Through what other IIII iIII
>lic inspec. I written by Don Robinson and appear- improperly washed after the last time medium can a publisher boost two- or I1 II I;
>f such pe- I ing in the March issue of The American the set~up was used. Some of the letter- three-color printing than by using it I I '-
:ompliance Press. Agreeing that FM stations will heads showed letters such as 6’3 and 0’s himself on all his important office forms? I III i
5 section," ‘ strike to the heart of newspaper adver- as mere black dots. This might be a wedge toward prevent- ill III ‘
ouse Com- i rising,” Mr. Robinson says, ”the solution Other specimens—and these particular ing printing going [0 outside firms With III II ‘ ii
I shouldn’t be to pass a law banning FM, publishers in their own opinion are perfected machinery for two- and three- III IIIi‘II >
,1 or taxing FM—bht newspapers ShOUld, superior in the conduct of their busi- C010". “"{l‘k- . . IIIIIII .
I if necessary, see to it that they own the ness, for I know them personally—showed It 15 hlgh tune that more attent1on be illIiIIi 3
best FM station in town. Meanwhile, the preposterous press work. Some of them Pfhd by the publisher [0' hlS 0W“ 5“" III ItIl '
‘1 best insurance that newspapers can take were reminiscent of the work of a six uonery. Even If some thlhk the” hld‘ II II ' ,
_ I out for their future is to publish such month’s novice. Letterheads showing “th letterheead 15 instantly recognlzed III I1
Kim” has a good newspaper that it is admired, some ingenuity were spoiled by too much by those “’lth whom he $1065 busineses, I’III ‘
i, the same I respected and carefully read by every impression, 01. in cases of two-color work and 1s used as a symbol of old-time asso- IIIII'I
)2), which I person in their community.” Mr. Rob- had poor registry. In other cases, bald elation, the chances are that if a new, (illill
3 15‘“ V5313 son attacks in particular Proposals that mistakes. up~to-datc letterhead greets whomsoever III ilIII
t Dublica- I publishers support legislation aimed at It is 0an natural that disgust ex- he wrrtes 10’ the reap-lent w111Iread11y III lili
01” ihh‘O- l restricting the sale of commercial time presses itsellj at the manner in which so ‘ recogmze that and 1n'h1s own mind will I, Iii
:e contain I 011 radio and imposing heavy taxes on many publishers neglect their own sta- reason that his old—tune frrend or cus- ll II1
the place broadcasting stations.” tionery, when with equipment and timet tom-er 1s showmg Inew actwity by mod- ill 1lIi
red to the —New York Press Bulletin at their command they might easily ernlllng his statlohery—and, perhaps, III: 1
Office and I ————————— prove that their own personal printing may even wrlte 'hnn .21 letter to that iIl ii"
ES 0" this I Demonstrate Better Printing can point the way to quality, and CHCCE’ congratulatmg hlm‘ , III III
16 House I By Using It Yourself through that, quietly—yet i111pressiyely All Of tlus 15 an Important matter from II ii ii
*ive Com- l When will the avenue publisher —urge their fellow business men to any angle. Pubhshers mu“ get .1)“le and III iiIil
he bill SO { awaken to the fact that b: using hitrlr want more and better printing than “8.6 the argument [or better prmtlng by Ii II.
blications I class printing for his own busifiess the they have been using and this without using 1t themselves. It 5‘ hi“ a case Of IIII‘II>1
but the ,i automatically shows the way to possible “WCh additional CXPC‘HSC t0 the Phh‘ the PUthhhl doing lm hlmsell as he iIlIIii
that it : customers for this class of work? lisher. w1shes othe1s would do. He should lead III III1
ons with- Not so 1011' . vl tl Ntwl l On 11 llSl n 1a re hed . thi‘ the way here, as 111 other endeavors. lilIIll?‘
I 1 g ago it 1CD 1e “11 e1 121C .6 co c 1 o u 5 ac in s —New York Press III I III
I occasion to go through correspondence partlcular survey that stands out more YIIII: '
at legiti- i from approximately 300 publishers in , than anything else. Publishers,‘ most of Barry Blllgl;;;I:U—l;:he—1 of the Louis- III III!
fically do I the Rocky Mountam region, he noted whom are also in the commerc1al print- ville Courier—Journal, was honored in ,i IIII
wd or m- that 111 perhaps fifty per cent ol the ing business, should study and adopt the his appointment “is Vicech'tirm'm to the l1l1i‘i
r , . ‘ lett 3t} “d' ‘1 O‘uilt wa‘ to b method of )rintin )lants that are i i (l 'i ( f'II‘Itfll;
measure I e15 C\ 1101 maiy b 5 .C . 1 . g 1 Southern Electoral Reform League, I: III
:a nubh- placed on the writers because the1r strlctly commerc1al, Few of these stop Richmond Va The League seeksithe ‘l I III
inted on , letterheads showed a vital lack of at~ at ordinary printing. Two colors, three abolition 8f the )0“ la: in southern III II
d address tention to their own personal stationery. colors, modern typography, colored states which diselifranchises those who II it II
place of Some of them were atrocious. Remem- paper stock with envelopes to match, (1;) not meet thei'tnnual )a 'inent‘ ;f ”it
the edi- brances of 1890. They were of the “gay all showing good presswork~these are . ‘ ‘ l ‘i ' . III
manager, nineties." But such do not appeal to essential. If there is no one in their plant Rf’IY R' P1tchlord, J11, has taken 111s I III
1d if such I any discerning person today, let alone capable of reproducing or approachng pos