xt7wdb7vqr2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wdb7vqr2j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2002 2002 2002-10-10 2020 true xt7wdb7vqr2j section xt7wdb7vqr2j UK volleyball team's effort futile against South Carolina Gamecocks I me e


0mm to, 2.0.; '_ 7' fr .. ..



UK arts
Lucille Caudill
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mm mm":

Police investigating Euclid homicide

Fatal: Landlady finds new resident dead in his
apartment; police found no signs of forced entry

By Tracy Kershaw

A 27-yearsold man was
found dead in his apartment
on Euclid Avenue Tuesday

Kenny Jones. of 512 E.
Euclid Ave. experienced trau~
ma to the head. according to
Lexington police. A coroner‘s

UK seeks
next vice
of research

Candidate: Position must
serve researchers and

By Rebecca Neal

Frederick de Beer said it
takes the right person to be
UK‘s next vice-president for

“A position is only as ef-
fective as the person who
holds it." said de Beer, a can-
didate for the vacant vice-
president for research at a
public forum on campus

De Beet. the vice chair-
man of the department of in-
ternal medicine at UK. said
UK must be more competi-
tive in research. “The uni-
versity has done reasonably
well, but we have not beat
our competitors." he said.

The vice-president for
research should help faculty
obtain more outside funding
and promote excellence. de
Beer said.

“The colleges and profes-
sors who can be competing
for national dollars need se-
rious strengthening." he

“The vice-president has
to serve researchers and the
community. not regulate
them," he said.

Accountability should
be key to any administra-
tion, he said. “We cannot
waste and then have nothing
happen." he said.

De Beer said students at
UK are an untapped resource
that could become excellent

“We need to select win-
ners at an early age and nur-
ture and encourage them."
he said.

A faculty member in at-
tendance at the forum. Glenn
Collins, the director of un-
dergraduate studies in agri-
culture and biotechnology,
said recruitment is one of
UK’s weaknesses.

“We do an enormously
pathetic job with recruit-
ment," he said.

He was concerned that
recruiting UK students to be
future faculty members
could limit diversity and cre
ativity of ideas. he said.

report has not been released

“I have no doubt it is a
homicide." said Lt. James
Curless of Lexington Police’s
Robbery and Homicide Unit.

Curless said police found
no signs of forced entry. The
unit is looking into a number
of leads. he said.

Jones was not a UK stu-
dent. according to the UK

Registrar's Office and his
landlady: Karen R. Nixon.
Jones had moved into the
house just 10 days ago, Nixon
said. She said she usually
rents the six furnished rooms
of the house to working men
between 30 and 60 years old.
“I had a sense he was in
transition." Nixon said.
Residents of the house
saw Jones let someone into
his apartment Tuesday after-
noon. Nixon said. They heard
what they thought to be argu-

ing and then heard someone
leave and lock the dead bolt.
The residents assumed Jones
and his guest had left.

Yet when Jones. who
Nixon said often came and
went from the house. didn‘t
return for several hours. his
housemates called for him
and then knocked on his door.

When he didn't answer.
they looked in the bedroom
window on the first floor but





How can they change
in the slow lane?

A 27-year-
oId man
was found
dead In his
at 512 E.
Euclid Ave.
on Tuesday

JOHN warm I


RACHAEL mm | mm surr

Traffic on Rose Street becomes bumper to bumper during rush hours throughout the day.

Transportation: Mayoral candidates discuss ways to improve

“It could be a feasible solu-

Lexington’s traffic situation; stress LexTran, expand New Circle

By Rebecca Neal
Silo were" F F
A Ford Explorer slowly rolls
I toward the bumper of a Dodge
I Neon as the drivers wait for the
‘ traffic light to turn green. The
smell of exhaust and an occa-
sional whiff of burning oil fills
the air. Horns blare and
tempers rage.
Welcome to rush hour in

Dealing with the city's traffic
has been in the forefront of last
few weeks' mayoral debates.

Mayoral candidate Teresa
Isaac said expanding New Circle
Road to six lanes would ease some
of Lexington's traffic congestion.

“It‘s inevitable.“ she said.

Mayoral candidate Scott
Crosbie said that a north-south
bypass in Lexington could help
traffic patterns.

tion." he said at a debate taped at

Isaac also said public trans--
portation is an important solu-
tion to traffic congestion.

“LexTran is an important re-
source. especially for UK stu-
dents since it's free." she said.

Crosbie said the Fayette
County government should work
with surrounding counties to
help solve the region‘s traffic
problems. He said he has met
with Jessamine County’s Judge
Neal Cassity to discuss regional

See TRAFFIC on 3


section to be loud, imposing for opponents


wage war
over roles

By Sara Cunningham

Sim wnnrn

Members of several student organi-
zations are growing increasingly con-
cerned that Student Government is try-
ing to exert control over them.

Problems began when Student Gov-
ernment President Tim Robinson ap-
proached Student Activities Board I’resi»
dent (‘hris Rogers last year about bring»
ing SAB ‘under the wing' of SC. Rogers
told him she thought it was a bad idea.

“They are two very different types
of organizations." Rogers said. “St,
should be working on student services.
funding for student organizations. lob-
bying for students. representing stu»
dents. They are set Lip like a political
government system and act like one.
SAB is in charge of entertaining and
educating students and set up like a cor-
poration or business."

Robinson said he and SG are con-
cerned because SAB officers are chosen.
not elected.

“I'd be advocating some sort of elec-
tions process." Robinson said. “Maybe
make it like a board of trustees. It's my
job as part of an organization in an
oversight role to question it."

But a different type of oversight or~
ganization might be on the way with the
formation of the Federation of Student
Organizations. Federation organizer
Dave Newton described the Federation
as “a loose coalition of student organi
zations." A meeting will beheld today at
7 pm. in the Student Center for any stu-
dent organizations interested in joining
the Federation.

Newton said 80 representatives dis
couraged formation of a federation.

Robinson said he suggested to New
ton that the Federation become a cabi-
net position under SG.

“There's not a whole lot of need."
Robinson said. ”We have SG. It‘s not a
good use of energy. Newton must just be
interested in being president of some»
thing because he didn't want to share
the student fee money we offered and
you can't do anything without a bud»

But Newton said the point of hav

See BATTLE on 4

“The views and mix of
ideas is not what I'd think is
a good one,” he said.

One candidate. Brenda
Russell, the executive vice
chancellor of research at the
University of Illinois. visited
campus two weeks ago. An-
other candidate. Wendy
Baldwin, the deputy director
for extramural research at
the National Institutes of ‘
Health in Bethesda. Md. vis- I
ited UK last Thursday 1

James Boling is the act-
ing vice-president for re

UK Athletics Association will
move the UK loner arena stu-
dent seating to sections 39 and
40 (the red section) of Rupp
Arena for the 2002-03 season.
Sections 31 and 32 (blue) were
formerly occupied by students
and the UK Pep Band. The end-
aone student section will be
standing room only and was pre-
viously occupied by season tich-
ct holders and Blue-White Fund
members. These displaced sea-
son ticket holders will be moved
to other seats in Rupp Arena.


Johnson said there
will be an increase in low-
er arena student seating
because the new section
will be standing room only
and equipped with risers.

Displaced season
ticket holders numbering
about 400 will be dispersed
around the arena. Sec-
tions 31 and 32. formerly
occupied by students and
the UK Pep Band. will be-
come season-ticket seat-
ing. Former occupants of
sections 39 and 40 will not

See SEATING on 3

By Travis Hubbard


Rupp Arena has been
home to the UK basketball
team for 26 years. but UK
Athletics hopes to make
the arena less homey for
visiting teams.

UK Athletics Associa—
tion will provide room for
700-800 students. including
the UK Pep Band. in sec-
tions 39 and 40 behind the
basket closest to UK's
bench this season. said As-
sociate Athletics Director

I Alvis Johnson.

—fl 4 “The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucltyeitn—gto_ h “ fl 7 V I

O 1


v n ‘V '


 z | tuugsciivgocictiritio, 2002 i kenructtv kenm


The Low-down

Officials: al-Oaida still dangerous

WASIIINU'I‘UN ’I‘he sitiaIl-scale na
ture of Tuesday's shootottt in Kuwait aitd
last week's boittbing in the Philippines
both suspected of links to ()santa biti
Laden's terrorist network stipport the
idea tltat llI'QilltIIl ltas decentralized. leaving
the plotting of attacks to local operatives.
US ctttinterterrttrisin officials say. Both at-
tacks are still being investigated for cottnec
tioiis to al-tJaitla. oflicials said. Neither was
particularly sophisticated. witlt tlte attack
iit Kuwait aitioiiiititig to a drive-by shootitig
and the Philippines strike using a nail-
packed bomb mounted on a motorcycle. Al
(Qaida‘s calling card is spectacttlar attacks.
tisiitg lots of explosives. often against tnttlti
ple targets simultaneously. Although both
attacks killed US. military personnel.
there's no evidence they are connected. said
a US. ctiunterterrttrism official, speaking on
condition of anonymity:

Court: Census must release count

PORTLAND. ()re. A federal appeals
cottrt ruled that the (‘enstts Bureau must re
lease its statistically adjusted count for
every state county and neighborhood iii the
cotitttry a decision that cotild affect how
billions itt government money is distribr
tited. Democrats. big-city politicians aitd civ
il rights grotips have charged that the 2000
census missed IlL’ million people tttost of
tlietit titinorities and tlte poor attd that
itiany communities are being shortchanged
government funding that is distributed by
population. lit a unanimous decisioti filed
late Tuesday. a three-iudge panel of the 9th
l‘S. (‘irt‘uit (‘otirt of Appeals said the public
is entitled under federal rtpengttvernntent
law to see the ( ei'istis Bureaus adjusted tigr
tires. which show how many people were
probably missed

Dockworkers prepare for cargo

LUS ANGELl-JS West (‘oast dock
workers headed back to work tiitder court
order Wednesday. facing a huge backlog of
cargo that built up over to tlays but could
take more than two months to clear. “Simply
ptit. it's more complicated to fix something
than to break it." said John Pachtner. a
spokesiitait for the Pacific Maritime Assotl
ation. which represents shipping companies
attd terminal operators The limbo members
of the International Iiongshore and Ware-
house l'iiioti were expected to begin report»
tttg to work :it o‘ pm . ending a lockout that
shot down 39 ports front San Diego to Seat
tle and cost the nation's fragile economy tip
to $2 billion a day by holding up exports and

I . A

Author Salman
Rushdie says his
trips through air-
port security lines
are slow again.
At first, the au-
thor said he took
the attention per-
sonally, remem-
bering his years
of hiding after his
novel, "The Sa-
tanic Verses,"
generated death
threats from Mus-
lims who found
the work insulting
to Islam.
But Rushdie said
he asked around
and learned that
he is being sin-
gled out because
he's a book-tour-
ing author with
a perpetual one-
way ticket. ”It's
one of the prob-
lems of book
touring." he said
Wednesday from
Minneapolis, Min-
nesota, a stop on
an American and
Canadian book
tour that brought
him to St. Louis
for an appearance
at Washington
University. And
when he goes
through airport
security checks,
he said, "I metic-
ulously remove
my shoes and in-
form them I do
not have box cut-
ters: I don't plan
on hijacking a
plane any time
soon." The 55-
year-old Rushdie
is currently pro-
moting "Step
Across This Line,"
a book of essays
that includes de-
scriptions of his
nine years of hid-
ing because of a
fatwa death edict.

imports President Bush intervened Tues-
day, obtaining an injunction to etid the shut-

Clues emerge in hunt for sniper

BALTIMORE A tarot card depicting
death With the taunting words “Dear police-
man. I am God" eitterged Wednesday as a
potential clue in the httnt for the sniper ter»
roriziiig Washington's suburbs The card
was found near a shell casing outside a mid-
dle school in Bowie. where a 13-year-old boy
was critically wounded by the gunman Moti-
day. a source familiar with the investigation
said on condition of anonymity. Authorities
said the shell was Bit-caliber. the same kind
of bttllet used to kill six people and wound
another tit Washington and its Maryland
aitd Virginia suburbs iii the last week. The
casing is believed to be the first one recov
ered since the slayings began. Michael
Bouchard. an agent with the Bureau of Al-
cohol. Tobacco and Firearms, would not say
whether authorities had linked the casing to
the attacks.

FBI memo: lapses in terror cases

WASHINGTON FBI agents illegally
videotaped suspects. intercepted e-mails
without court permission and recorded the
wrong phone conversations dttring sensitive
terrorism atid espionage investigations, ac-
cording to an internal memorandum detail-
ing serious lapses inside the FBI more than
a year before the Sept. 11 attacks. The blun-
ders roughly 13 over the first three
months of Zittttt were never made public
btit garnered the attention of the “highest
levels of management" inside FBI. said the
ntento written by senior bureau lawyers and
obtaitted by The .~\ssociated Press. Lawmak.
ers reviewing FBI missteps preceding the
terror attacks expressed surprise Wednes-
day at the extent of errors detailed in the
lttciiio. which focused on sensitive cases re~
tjtiiriitg warrants under the Foreign Intelli-
gence Surveillance Act.

Date- ape drug detectors may fail

SAN JOSE. Calif. (‘olleges around the
country are buying millions of coasters that
test for "daterape“ drugs in drinks. Btit
some experts say the coasters are ineffective
attd could lead to more assaults by creating
a false sense of security. The manufactur-
ers who also make fake snow and party
foam say the iticent paper coasters are 95
percent accurate The coasters have test
spots that are supposed to ttirn dark blue in
about 3U seconds if a splash of alcohol con-
tains drugs often used to incapacitate vic-
tttnsln tests at the Michigan State Police
(‘rime Lab. however. the coasters failed to
react clearly to drinks spiked with gamma
hydroxybtttyiate. a major date-rape drug
known as (iilB. said forensic scientist Anne

Compiled from wire reports

Depression screenings
offered today on campus

By Elizabeth Van Kersen
antimony” T '

()ct. EH" is Mental Ill
ness Awaieness Week
across the nation. Today.
Oct. 10. is National iii-pres
sion Screening Day The l'K
Department of Psychiatry.
the UK (‘ounseling and
Testing (‘enter attd a com
munity mental health
group are hosting fret-
screenings for depression.
manic depression disorder
and xiety iii the lobby ot
the Young Library front to
am. to 3 pm.

For the past five years.
free screening Iias been
available to students. facul
ty. and staff of 13K. Last
year 6080 students were
screened at the library.

"The program's pur
pose is to bring inforttta
tion. help educate students
and the public
and answer questions.


Continued from page i

Nixon said.

Later that night. thet
looked again. The glow ol
the TV shone on what the\
thought might be .Iones‘
body lying on the floor.

The residents called
Nixon. who drove over with
a key. She found Jones (lead
in his apartment. she said

The incident surprist d

see anything.


Brochures patiiphlels and
\idcos will be available."
'l'tttltl liec\ct‘, M I).
Ilt‘jtt‘ll'IIllt'llI ot l’stcltiatn
'l‘lie ’tl't’
tree. confidential ’tlltI l.tst
about ltt minutes Psychol-
ozztsts and pstcltiatrtsts
w ill be talking to sliliIl‘llis
"The purpose not to
tliagttosc.” ('Itet-vo-r said.
"The screening is helpful
Iii‘t .itisc :i t’l‘t» outages pco
IIII‘I1)II?II “l't'IIl‘II'
('I‘w i! TINA l'l'lt‘l~
Ill:iti\ students that conic to
I)!‘ \t‘i‘t‘t‘lit‘tl itt tIiIII-r‘l't'lli
types of help
Students are retcrretl
Itl I'Ill\\‘ ‘ IIt'i‘IIt \t'l‘
viccs. I i\. t'otiti-t flit: :illtI
Testing t'eitter and the Itc-
partniettt ot Psychiatry.
I‘ttl‘ itiot'c ttttttrti'atioti tall
.\Ictit:il Ilc'tltlt: l'ititci‘siv
ty IIcaitI: St-i‘vit'es at £23.17
3.711. oi the Hi I otiiiseiit '
and 'i‘c-titt..‘ t ctitt-i .d “.337-




.‘s'txoti not others iii the

‘l malty people who
stay keep to them
sches. titttk. t'ttlltt‘ home.
I We a beer and go to bed."
Nixon said.

Kelli Sittttli. who was
visiting trtctids ‘t It'\‘. hotts
es tlowtt Il'Wl", Iittcltd
Ave 'l'ticsdai it came
outside it'- had
brought police tats and a
cot‘oit r's in to the wet

“This i-
said. ”It't-s
over here lit


‘st‘t‘ ‘.‘ L




Information for tickets to the Nilmn Roots concert
was incorrect in Wednesday‘s Kilt; sappy Roots tickets
on sale 10 am Friday at the Student center lici-‘iet Office.

To report an error call The Kt'llll/t‘hl' lt'ct‘tic/ {If 25?-




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Continued from page I



“Jessamine County‘s
part has been limited so far
and does not benefit (from
federal money)." he said at a
debate Tuesday night.

Students said part of Lex-
ington's traffic problems are
caused by the people on the

“People in Lexington
can‘t drive. Some cars just
dart in and out of traffic and
it’s dangerous.“ said Steven
Hamm. a computer science

Another student said
bad drivers, such as those
who do not use turn signals.
are a road hazard.

“You have to pay atten-
tion to other drivers more
than to your own driving,"
said Chad Gilpin, an unde~
clared sophomore.

Slow drivers can be just
as dangerous as drivers who
are speeding, said Justin
Kerr, a finance senior.

“If you‘re going to drive
under 20 mph. well. then they
should have a special lane for
those people," Kerr said.

Others said that it was
not the quality of the drivers
but the quantity on the roads
that was the main problem.

“The only time you can
drive on Nicholasville Road
is like 2 am. AA that‘s the
only time there's no traffic.“
said Michelle Mendelsberg. a
political science junior.

Mendelsberg. a Louisville
native. said traffic is worse in
Lexington than Louisville be.
cause traffic is concentrated
mainly on Nicholasville Road.

“There needs to be some
way to even out traffic to
Tates Creek from
Nicholasville," she said.

The timing of traffic
lights was an issue many stu-
dents said needed to be ad-

“The light in front of


you will turn green then the
light fifty feet away will turn
red, so it takes forever to get
anywhere." said Jason Bark-
er, an accounting sophomore.

Barker also said traffic is
bad after 4:30 pm. on week
days when only one lane goes
into downtown and UK.

“It just gets really
backed up." he said.

Another student said the
extra lanes for outbound traf.
fic in the evening work well.

“It‘s a good thing they re
verse them for rush hour."
said Andrea Lawrence. an
undeclared freshman.

She said that traffic
around UK is the worst dur-
ing a football game. when po-
lice block streets for traffic
control and pedestrian ac

“They block streets and I
can‘t get anywhere." said An-
drea Lawrence. an undeclared

Jerry Rose. a civil engi-
neering professor, said Lex-
ington's traffic problems are
complex. For example. many

people say that the north
loop of New Circle, which
has multiple stoplights and
intersections, is inefficient.

"One of the problems is
that there is no expressway.
and that decision was made
years ago," Rose said.

Rose said controlled de-
velopment could have helped
to manage traffic more effi-

“They let more develop-
ment on Nicholasville Road
when it was already over
taxed." Rose said.

He said the South Side
near the Fayette Mall is a
congested area. but building
new roads is difficult due to
existing infrastructure.

“The train tracks on
South Side concentrate traf-
fic." he said.

Rose said that Man O'
War Boulevard helped to al-
leviate some of the traffic
from N icholasville Road.

“If we didn't have Man
O' War. I don‘t know what
we‘d do." he said.

The only time you can drive on Nicholasville Road is like 2
am. — that’s the only time there’s no traffic.”






Continued from page 1

necessarily move to 31 and 32.
Johnson said. Those two sec-
tions combined contain ap-
proximately 400 seats though.

“We are excited to see the
students closer to the floor
and are anxious to see the re-
sults,” Johnson said. “We are
always in favor of getting stu-
dents more involved.

“With 700 or 800 rabid
students that are closer, it
will truly make it a home-
court advantage."

Student Government, un-
der the leadership of former
President Jimmy Glenn pro
posed the idea three years ago.

The standing-room sec-
tion will not have assigned
seats but students will be giv-
en armbands to gain access

to the section, said Assistant
Dean of Students Jake
Karnes. Students will claim
spots on a first-come first-
serve basis.

“We keep calling it a seat-
ing area, but I guess we
should call it a standing
area." Karnes said. “When
they get there, they‘ll go to
the area and pick where they
want to stand."

Karnes said security will
be present to make sure
aisles are clear and students
behave properly. But he does
not see UK students going
over the line of raucousness.

Karnes and Johnson cit-
ed similar seating arrange—
ments at other schools where
problems have not occurred.
Johnson said UKAA re-
searched standing-room seat-
ing at the University of
North Carolina and Duke.

“1 don't see any problem
there." he said. “I‘m not

aware that any other school
has had problems. There will
be avid fans. but I think they
will be well-mannered.“

The last thing UKAA
wants is a comatose student
section, though. Johnson said
he hopes the students are
loud and responsible.

He wants the section to
have an imposing reputation.
which includes a nickname
named through a student con-
test. The winner would be
awarded $300~400 in cash and

“Florida has ‘The
Swamp.‘ in Cleveland there is
‘The Dawg Pound‘ and Duke
has the ‘Cameron Crazies.“v
Johnson said. “We are going
to have a contest for the stu»
dents to name this new area
v something clean. nothing
not well-represented of the

Johnson said UKAA is
also considering creating bas-

ketball season tickets for stu-
dents much like those avail-
able for football. He said in-
creased attendance at ticket
lotteries has created discus-
sions within UKAA in how to
accommodate students.

The lotteries will remain
the same but high-attendance
games like last year‘s
Louisville game _ when some
students went home without a
ticket ~ could be moved to
single-game lotteries.

In the end. Johnson said
UKAA has recognized an in-
crease in student participa-
tion and wants to accommo-
date the student body

But Johnson said the
group with the most to gain
from the student migration to
the floor is UK Coach Tubby
Smith and his team.

“We want to create a situ-
ation where it‘s truly a home
advantage for our basketball
team." he said.


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-Campus or Community Service. Social.
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Government i

-Joumalism. Speech. and the Mass Media
-(,‘,reative and l’erfomiing Arts.

Applications are available in
209 Student (‘enter
and are due no later than 4:00pm Friday.

October 18. 2002.

Week of Oct. 7 » Oct. 13, 2002

The Campus Calendar Is produced by the Office 0‘ Student ACilViilt’b
Registered Student Orgs. and UK Depts can Stlb‘llll l'lionlldlion tot
FREE online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information l5 to appear
at: http://www.uky.edu/Campus Calendar. Call 257—8867 for more

Thurs 1 O







'Instituta oi Religion: History of The Church oi
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ‘. vllt '. {.lltw in
Marin al Boililmtt 3‘“ Flam

‘Davotions 8. Lunch 12 00pm -.‘1- l tr .v: .i In». S‘ v.
’Frsshman Focus, 730nm Rams! ‘;':1lit“" Um.“
'Convarsational English Class film“ Hutu
Student Union

'SVI'IOPUV. 8 00pm CSF Building
'Amnasty International Maoting, . . .
'Pra-Pityaiclan Assistant Studies Student Association, >~ 4'" .. m. i 'l in.
Learning Center, Rm 50“?

'UK Lambda Meeting, ’ 30pm ilk $1.th t nrn' u... 34'


'Rasums Writing Workshop, 3 31) A int. y-l .....

'Baoinnlng and intermediate Japanese Tutoring, -- ' n w - »

< .,,, t .. .
Hint i tiliniv ,t l' i

check the mum-ation desk luv thr- mum

'Franch Tutoring, 3 on 4 down K.-.-- .w, tun-l ,h
'Math Tutoring, 12 no r. 000:" Mm» ill-s .. . .- m

'UK ShaollnADo Karate Club B ., 3mm A
‘Womon's Rugby Practice. A 4‘: ' 00w l' . it \ " w

'Alpha Kappa Psi Bowling. 9 not w . .. ..
'IGPA Crook Foflival


'UK Lab Band. Raleigh Dailey, i; wit L nu



'MVII I“. M, 7 000m, Student (enter Rm 21': PPM Fr.
mu: l
-m WM. 1:005'009m, Math Resonrre Center 063
Classroom Building

"OM Omsk Festival
'Npfia Kappa Psi at Jason‘s Noun!

'ta am. trancaisa. 5 6pm, Keennlnnd Hall


' 'A W to tire Moon: Lecture by Dr. Harrison Schmitt" 700w" Qutglmaq
Cantor. Frost




m m, B;0041'00pr‘h,ThellI.xmgton Opera House Call 2' 7 1929 tnr rmtrets
W tho past: Theatrical meant-tion M im KY Shaker Woman.
12:00 Noon, Little Fine Arts Library, Rm John Jacob Nil-la Gallery ‘ reel


“UK M" am '0. Tobdo, Midnight laxmgton la: Canter $5 00 at the rim)“
"ha Karon Do practice, 5 30 7 00pm Alumm Gym [nth


'7“ Kwon Do practice, n onam w mw A ,. ,. W, .1 ..

'3'". 'flsMDo-th Penalty Smakor. - ,\.,..r i. , , ,

(Faculty Cumv lme‘

'BPA Omit Festival


'M m Fl m TmDm Student Center Rm 703

W sou-sun an. away. 6 300m. Baptist 5mm Sun


‘Npha m Psi lam loan! looting. locum Student

Cantar, Mum


M m 8001000901 Commons Rm 307

M Marina. smiompm Holmes Hall lohhv

m m IV‘R‘S. 7009 000m. Commons 307
m issuer. Hide-mom Holmes Hall Lobbv

'Ioh'v M 1”“. 700-9009m Holmes Han lobby



'Otraat Iaarua. zoom. The LOIlflfilon Opera Housa Call 257 4929 for rum




Continued from page I

ing this Federation is to pre-
vent political agendas from
affecting student organiza-

“1 could see where they

(student organizations)
would be afraid of losing
funding and

tion 80 could
take away a
lot ot‘ inde

it o t h
Robinson and
Rogers have
talked to Vice
President of
Student .»\t‘
fairs Patricia
’l‘errell about
the possiliili
ty of putting
SAB under
8(1. She said a
change like
that is not be
ing actively discussed.

“The only way the ad-
ministration would consider
this type of move is if SAB
'tnd 8(i would agree that it
would he best for students."
Terrell said ".\s of now. the
students hate not ap-
proached me with am type
of proposal for more study
on the issue."

Robinson said he goes-
tioned Rogers because he Mt
St; should not he the only or
ganixation sulneet to an elec
t1o1' process.

“St-\R‘s doing a pretty
good _iolI right now but lam
concerned that so much
money is spent by people be
ing appointed l»). out-going
Iii‘i‘it'et‘s instead of elected.”
litil‘illMIH said "if I got to
t'lititist' the next St} presi-



4 I THURSDAY-bum10127662? WWW m


dent. the campus would be in
an uproar But another orga-
nization that spends a half
million dollars gets to."
Rogers said the selection
process is actually more de
tailed than what Robinson
thinks. While it's true that,
unlike most 80 positions.
any UK or LCC student may
apply for a SAB position. a
formal interview process is
used and includes input from

There are major
problems with tying

SAB to SG. It’s not
fair representation.”


students outside of SAB.

“There are certain skills
required to manage these
types of funds." Rogers said.
“We do give everyone a fair
chance regardless of specific
SAB experience. though. and
it's not just us picking who-
ever we want."

Rogers said SAB wants
any student interested in
helping to be able to have a
chance regardless of prior
experience. SAB officers are
not paid and work as volun-
teers. she said. Many SG offi‘
i-ers are required to have ex~
perienre in SC and are paid
some sort of salary.

8(‘1 and SAB are funda-
mentally different. Rogers
said. and should remain

“The organizations are
separate for good reason,"
Rogers said. “There are ma-
jor problems with tying SAB
to SG. It's not fair represen-
tation. Instead of using
funds wisely and to the maxi-
mum for all students, it be-
comes political."