xt7wh708058c_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh708058c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338.dao.xml E. F. Spears & Sons. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes The E.F. Spears & Sons Hemp Records (dated 1886-1925, undated; 1.8 cubic feet, 4 boxes) comprises correspondence, and product and customer account information documenting the production, distribution and development of hemp and hemp seed in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky (centered in Paris, Ky.). archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records Business records--Kentucky. Businessmen--Correspondence. Grasses--Seeds. Hemp Hemp industry--Kentucky--Bourbon County. Hemp industry--Kentucky--History--20th century. Hemp industry. Hemp--Kentucky. Indiana text Indiana 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wh708058c/data/1997ms338/1997ms338_1/1997ms338_1_9/44313/44313.pdf 1904-1906 1906 1904-1906 section false xt7wh708058c_11 xt7wh708058c FLAX T0w UPHOLSTERY STOCK
{ TDEEN T. CASELEY, 1\ACa.1¤.a.ga:.
' , A I S   /ylgi/;/0
%60颒Ld/}’!»%   .—.... T .... gl ....... :2 MJ; LL.r»Vr..    

 WM. H. SMALL, Pans. M. L. JOHNSON, Ss¤·va Tuna. W4 H. SMALL M. L. JOHNSON
J   ,.·..»...; J    __. ...  . ·  ~··L··    ~ ;   
V.     iv J  E   L   Q @ @2
  ~   ...»·J - ALL & CO      .   »
        .H .. l     ` ` "  E El
          JLL`L _           ’‘¥·*   L·-‘ L V  
" L e i   Jé~w §_.,   .‘‘·-     ._._ Nos. 7 and 9 Upper First Street.  
_  *¢e ¤·»;;"5'j§§“:fi  * . “ Yjt W e- —--%   v_  i e . 
  $9 M   .-.- g  
‘%3&£§;!E;;?e;»;e»  .  *“r*Th;t? 1~M/*@@¥·e¤t
  ~¤~~   eee.  .......e   EVANSVILLE. IND-. U·S·A. ' 
· 5/3 1904, SEEDS,PEANUTS L
Messrs . E. F. Spears & Son,
Petri S , Ky .
You have favored us with samples of blue grass lest week, and note
Your several offers to sell ere in order to reoiyroeetc, will sey that we
will teke two errs of Pest export quality testing twenty pounds to the
measured bushel, pure Kentucky grown et 70¢ e lushel delivered here,
our option of culling for it Jurinp Oototer, Novemter or Deeemter. If you
eecept,pleese wire us.
We have considerable Plue press and do not care far ery more et
anything above VOX delivered here, are this is only e shade under what we
bought two cers for a few days ego and thai for deferred slipment.
Very‘,ruly yours,
./P /‘ ·--\ if ,/
=   7%   z

 WM. H. SMALL, Pass. M. L. JOHNSON, Szc·va.Tn:As. W. H. SMALL M. L. JOHNSON
e , ts    Q ?  ....      
"     ,   ·--» · ...H   evi N, -  
      W. H. SMALL & CO.,    ....    r y
..‘. ‘       AG       ‘   
    N:...   =‘H          
, .   O ` ;     ... ‘N . gWY  ¥~`*j i ‘·‘-:’`._. “ Nee. 1 and e Upper First street.  
.  J   JNNL       ‘ · ¤¢ ,
    ` •     _ '  * ~ »·   . ···` =w  c] e-_·*g* 
  .H.. t   4 % w e  
‘*    -.·-H.    r EVANSVILLE, IND., U.$.A. er,gg,,_(,,__;,,,.*¢.;.~;.¢zz»e¤e  
      "*#'»*‘ 'L:‘L:'·J··&t¢».u¢¤f1"5.,».,*,,·
E.F. Spear & Son, 8-1].-1904.
Paris, Ky. l
Gentlemeni -
`Your favor of the 9th received and noted, and lh reply will state
that we regret that we have not been able to pass more business your way,
but unfortunately we do not handle enough Blue Grass to buy some from every
one in the territory, and ther_e have been, at times, conditions governing
offers from the Blue Grass territory, either in the fact that they were
presented when   were in the market, or something else that turned the
order away from you,
We assure you it would have given us pleas ad we been able
to pass more orders your way,   gt.- *,;,,..2   "‘r”*
/ F Mts-s

 » •
Iu%i&wan0l1m, Ini., Aug. 2Z—i9U4.
E. T. Fpeams Q °0n,
Puric, Ky. » &
In your www cf hump in thw lima you NuHUf&?ZUT9,@O www hgve
._;.;1;,r by-j;:’·=<>:E‘u::@, liimfily ‘¤OHd. mn sw:2;! 2‘0F.© *[x?’l'° - g1ui·"1~, LT'€ 33**1 me W   w Vox;.
If you Q0 not have any or thim ¤w0Fr2t, soul? VQu iite vw ie srxe
  Ona who Hin?
N0Din~Ai0 ?@0©i"@ ».% il wzyly ragly.
Vwyva iyvlv,
_ Q. G. Le2wh1ll, _
lO¤ “©. P n; 7?vani¤ PL.
· Irr`j;2;;m:lii·, Inf.

 ; .
_ Ind1;ngpo11s, Ind, Aug. 26th, 1904
. \ ·
Mess,N,F,Spo&rs t Qons.
Maria, Ky,
V Gentlemen;
Your two Bunnies of bomb hY·¥P0il0@ ii H5¤d• W6 °®NN@ N°t
uqg tho qggyge gqoig gt all out tho finer stuff seems to answer our
purgouo so We will ask that you qivo us your boat price per ton
y,¤.¤. Paris in gackq also f.¤.b. Inainnaooliu LN =2ckv.
Than11ng you oni awaiting prompt y~p1y,
106 So, Penn, Qt, ~,

P Indianapolie, Ind., Aug. 27-1904.
E. F. Spears & Sons,
Paris, Ky. ·
since receiving your samples yeeterday and writiny you in
regard to prices, we are in receipt of your favor of the 25th inet.,
wherein you give the price of $2.50 per ton f. o. D. Paris, on either
sample eent us. Ae already written you we could not use the coarse,
or fiberoue sample, which we presume ie the hemp ofial, but the finer
material, which we conclude ie the olue grace weed offal, we will try
i and eee if it will anewer our purpose, and therefore ask you to chip,
ae a sample order, one ton of the finer sample goode, presumably the blue
grass offal, letting same come forward by freight via Cincinnati, and
attach eight draft to bill of lading, drawing same through the Indiana
N&TiOH&l Bank, of this city; the price to he $2.50 per ton as quoted,
and will ask that you put same in eacks,¤ecurely tied or eewed so th~re
will be none loet in transit. The additional charge for sacks would
I be saticfactory to us, which we presume, if we eo desire, we can return
to you, freight paid.
However, make the chipment for the above quantity at once,
and advise us;if the material does the work, we could no doubt ace it in
Youre truly,
S. G. Marshall,
106 S0. Penncylvania °t.

 D .
‘ Indienapolie, Ind., Sept. 7—l9G&.
t Leos. E. F. Speare & Son, L
Peiinz, Ky.
We received your invoice, also bill of lodine, for shipment
made let inet., vie Cihcinnnti, but at this writiny the yoode have not
an yet arrived nor hee the draft been presented, whieh we requested you ·
to mote through the Indiana Netioh·l Bank, ow thin City. We ‘-,‘ Jill eek you I
to kindly hove tracer ment after the goods or we oro in need of some, and .
also advice if you have mode draft which will oe honored promptly upon V
pl"Gf;<3ll*; al.;?;lO1'1. V
- Whankine you.
· Ymmetmdy,
3. G. hermholl,
lO6 fo. Penneylveni; St.

In<1i:‘¤12¤.:‘¤,jJ01i:1, 11151., Rept. 17-15}:;:4
V E. Z?. Spegzzmm; 84 °·m;·z,
P;`Z'1:‘;, KY.
G ¤n t 1 42:1013. ,—
  ship us; at once by f;·ee1r·>·Z1_i 1 Mm of wluaz ·;`$2?;¢_:1::: 1¢r1t:;·L,
a;;;z¤ we 1·;s*:·b ¤;111·_1»;1-:;;·L   tw:*/i1*<§—>:·s< aivem, nw? 1;1e—,7»;·e> @1;·;;iE‘·t; =;11?0u;¢1;   I2·1”i:Li=‘;¢.,
1·1@.ie+i‘0;<·e. .<;¤_z1·;*& ma ii·¤;·sn;—i<2<é¢ ri_._1»·/K  imce s»·
2110 nt .
A5; smgn gs; 1:139 §3..c¤r; gjpg »*¢1‘;g_‘>‘i5,r ·j_]_]_ j·<:‘€:UI‘1'1 `{Z11=’*I='i @0 yvgll, i§f`1’<·21g`§Z1‘€,
j_t»-i.<1, 1"(J3? ¢2;<·<21sa7r in E;·;m0iz‘i21·’· amee.
YOU,?3:{s €;1‘L11j’,
V?. G. Q $:221;.11.

 ' •
h Imdicme.; 011;:, Indiana., Sept. 21, 1904.
Biessers, E: F. Spears Fc Sous., 1 I _
· Peiris Ky,
Ge1a21.e;iem; - ` _
' In reference to your cemmumieatiou on the reverse side
of this sheet, 1.-Tim. 1llj
;OrJG Dr5T¤l,VCE TELEPP/O/J5. (;lz[\lN &' (jr
/?O5//v'50¢‘·'15 e¤qpr’/N"~_ _,,,.,__   .
, A   K,. jp   W . y//
,r ·‘ ¤ ‘ . I ’ -. .
‘ P   rf?} ; * /////¤Z·   $€}];t,If;,//(Ji}
f   4 1
," fi · P  
IP if- dw 9- ’*(> P :5*. { 5   Q. · ~ ,
$55   ` ll `lU:;> hiv.} V].? · ___,/·' ·
;.2‘1<§V=A7‘1:‘agp¢>1;L:—1, V>.2‘1·i? , V           _ ‘   · .
»:   - »  . a'   ` Q / {Y   W`
‘1‘<.¢J L ·, .L :1 L. —: L . ·-· -         A:· [gfx? V /1** ‘
§ E; . " 3: Y ,,1)
" —‘ Ai—.-·»··‘ ·· if-q {J » w `1 -   A · *. , ~ .,4-'{’. 1 . .. ..7 ·» ;.· ..··..=
    ;‘.·.7¤g 4;- .¤. JBA-, =_JA;·; ?.L4>i‘(1·;: _;.~.L¤?F’;<<: 4e ,£‘Jr; HH TJ1}.»‘ 3*: vw s> ,
1;}, Jil}! _ Q V
a.../ V, I ,   _ _ ` Q` ' »<,`

 ·*. .
` ..1 _ ‘ 'v " » .»
‘ ' ' · :,1 . C ~ -i- _) *4 ‘.· ; ` ·v · » : » ’ . '_· `
·’ _ V ·· . z , ~ ·_ ` " r' _ ' · 5 ' a ~» .
‘ . · 3   , * 4 ' , " ` ` — " J» V · V . , ,
jj ` _ ’ ' '. ·r , V. , . > V 7 ' F ’ ‘ " ’ V ‘ ‘ ··;
w *: » :_\_}

Y \
Y {
uf ,
‘ _
u E

Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 19-1904.
E. F. Spears & Sons,
Paris, Ky.
Have you any other offal of the blue grass product other th&H
the blue grass dust euch es we have been purchasing? We find the letter
a little heard to use ee it belle up in going through our machines end
thought if you hed some other offel of e little heavier body we would
be pleased to have you eubmit ue e email sample by meil, quoting ue price.
You will understand thet we could not use anything that wee not fin? and
free from any large fibrous matter.
Awaiting to hear from you.
i Youre truly,
I S. G. Marshall, ,
106 So. Pennsylvania St.

A _ Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2l—l904
E. F. Spears & SGH,
Paris, Ky.
Your letter of the 20th at hand and we note that you state
you ?ave two grades of blue grass offal, one considerably heavier than
the other. We will therefore ask you to please eend us sample of the
heavier product together with price on same and upon receipt of the sample ,
to see if it will answer our purpose we will advise you further regarding
Yours truly,
S. G. Marshall,
_lO6 So. Pennsylvania St.

 * “    E QWH-@2% — V i*@§"3§H3“éY W C0 NMEC     *> W     EF  
      H .» Hr E   H $} ~E www .’E· mg g§'€§gE°§i*i.a       .~z`a\ ,
  ‘5· CLARENCE H.HmcHHY, PHHHHH. I cmnmcz H. mH<:H.w, MHHHH.  
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1ll.<>1m Mi; iw i{‘:L11Si11{lii11;I‘·»iE]¤·.~; ami if ;I ;m·>>;Ig»— i~ wm be ~`11r·E| <»HE<·· }¤jfnE1~ <·If1hr<1T<»mI>;:1zjv.< 1¤1>·S.—‘*·I1q¤·!‘·1.
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'I`}Ii< i~ my r`<1:m·|;,wI71¤ m»·~~;;;·.· ;I;I¤E ix Il.·}§¤,~~.~»I by I·.·IIII.~—i ·»f` mw s»·u»}»·1·1m.l·_·z* iiI·· ·I¤»11¤1i1i·»1¤s xwxmwi
{\l)<>\`1‘l';l'I'¤¤['\x*;{irl>I·Ig‘11;|1`4Em];Ij;1I;)>’I·;;2_*,`:»_‘, 1‘.·II.·;Ii ing :1 I;;»·~-~.;:;‘.·)¤;_¤} iw I £l\‘><']l1\KIl1I` ·4l:M 1vr1| i<¤I‘ L·¤v1?1I1:·&sic!eni. I
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 • A A
I¤di&Hap0l1u» Ind, Oct, 26th, LWO4
I=.i·—as2 -, V,    , tip-; 37  <·· ’1m‘. ,
”u#¢w» KV.
have not as yet r<~;iv¤@ the unmpls of the hwivxey grade cf
pine Gynww ¤Ny;L winch www Stvted vnu m2€w St 2 diffmrebt ynin+ 'hen
”¥si¤ ami :€*v0uld ;1:0 tc plésw an 0y*~? if in v;L  wn~~¤v che purpcae
vwuld cnusidwr it 2 f&v0? if you would mail & umall vimylw by return A
max; we ww ehn »e¤ ~*¤# ih is like, Thanlinq ynu for 2 p**LH@ *¢·;i¢• V
and price per tcm,
· “,w,M.r»l_1i,
106 $0, Penn, *t,
` O

Indieneoolix, Ind.; Oct. 29-1904.
Mece. E. P. Speare & Son,
Perie, Ky.
Rncloeed herevith rind invoice for 25 empty cache returned
to you today by freight prepeid por encloeed bill of ludiny, Meme having
cone rorrcrd ·.·. vie Wig Your i Kentucky Central ut Gincinu ii, ;mount of
invoice oeiny $3.75, havina charmed you ihe came price for the empty  é&és
HH you charged un. Vc will therefore ack you bo give um credit for this
‘ amount on the next shipment and will ack you elec to chip ut once by ‘
frciyrht, one Lon or the *·1<>e1vje=I£ clue rci·ac·s·; oiiaiel es; per mu‘.13>l11·t·e<   Gm? thm `
};g_;y_3,; Bur Gi·¢r2.·1#; c·x`r`al ‘*¥'T.3i&*3 ae: karat ·:?·,i;;:*.·__e;xt,, ·‘=·> 11%, wzaixb the- ;;iL ¤·h.Ln>t;r ·
s—;m1;`1" mat. #*1-·s: =:E·;1.;;<——»i   :*1 ·-·~ ct. bw r;.;1.x»:s¤¤ k·n:.tr ··’=`12t ima h•a=*evy -;-22.1;
2*; lest ‘<>?c· °1·a¢zvi+:;· if ;r»·;¤1i>3..·¢, ·*l<.2a—:e= s..v_L~;¤a ;1;~‘:\;     _;;.;;·—.r.’ ~·‘2~*·.;=4 ~·¤·· V
···*·· i‘i¢. i‘r:z· the · ¤<=·< `f‘*;* ·; ;1i€;:12·e ·aTtr:»»‘=·17;h ·
che I11·i·*;:L>a=’1:; E? ·.€·T1¥;1§;I. ;*;;1;~;»  _>.»` t‘·i·a etityr, icuii 1;w:¤1<:e Gini E3//L,
Y Q71i·‘ 1 " ,
  . as , LE 1:- 31:; all ,
ICM} =¥0, wmivz, ft,
. `

3 (M .;;·..   ..L1
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The New Year Season, when there is a natural slackening of
trade activity, is the time when the busy man pauses to review
the past year and make plans for the new.
Have you not been thinking that you would this year make the
necessary improvements in your mill, installing new and improved
machines to take the place of the old style, heavy running, cumber-
some machines?
" In these days of sharp competition in flour and cereal mills,
you need the best up to date machines to be had. We wish to aid
you. Our interests are mutual. We keep a force of competent
Milling Experts and Draftsman employed for the specific purpose
of planning and programming such work.
. Full information and advice, regarding contemplated improve-
ments in your mill, will he furnished on application at any time. We
can arrange to have a representative call upon yet, if you request it.
We have demonstrated that our system and plan of separations
are scientific, in either spring or winter wheat milling.
Our catalogue and descriptive matter of milling machines
will be mailei to you free on application.
We are the sole manufacturers of
The Nays Roller Mills, The Geo. T. Smith Purifier,
The_Noye Six—Roll Feed Mill, The Geo._T. Smith Centrifugal Reels,
The Peerless Sieve Sifter, The Noye Round Reel Flour Dressers.
We are the only mill furnishers in the country, who can give
you the genuine John Stevens Corrugations for breaks, for either
spring or winter wheat, which is the best dress ever used on a roll,
· for it makes more middlings, not chips, by reason of having more
clearance in the corrugations, and makes cleaner bran because the
‘ corruwations are non—cutting. So there are less bran clippings
to contend with in the purifiers, consequently more high grade flour.
Yours, with best wishes for a prosperous New Year.

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