xt7wm32n7c4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n7c4n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770729 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 29, 1977, no. 188 text The Green Bean, July 29, 1977, no. 188 1977 2014 true xt7wm32n7c4n section xt7wm32n7c4n M ((THE GREEN  
26 August — Fall Faculty Meeting U I
Current Exhibits:_ Foyer, King Library North—The Kikkuli
Text: a new publication from the King Library Press.
Also: Recent Acquisitions. Gallery, Department of Special
Collections—Books and Manuscripts given by W. Hugh Peal,
graduate of *22 to the University Libraries (through 5
August), Lobby, King Library South—"Nine Illustrations for
Bambi": drawings by Bill Crouch (through August). A
Contributors to this number: David Farrell (Editor), Rhoda
Channing, Faith Harders, Jeanne Stevens, Bob Turner.

 F ·2·
i Professional Meetin Au ust 26:
L The all-day professional staff meeting has been set for
August 26. Because of our tight budget, we will not be
- able to have lunch catered unless individuals are willing ‘
I to pay for it themselves. Therefore, I am taking a poll
$ and will do what the majority wants: please let me know
r by Wednesday whether you prefer l) a catered lunch (approx.
I $3.15 per person), 2) brown bag lunch or 3) a long lunch
hour to go away from the Carnahan House to nearby resturants.
f Thank you.
V Faith Harders
` Facult Procedures Document:
According to our Procedures Document, notice of revisions
must be circulated among the Library faculty ten days before
» the meeting at which the voting will take place. The pro-
, ' posed amendments are to be given to the Director of Libraries a
- who will present them to the Library Faculty. To date, three
suggestions have been submitted for consideration. Please
give copies of your proposals to the Faculty Secretary in
‘ the next week or two so that sufficient time may be allowed
. to consider the revisions before our August 26th meeting.
Anyone for Purdue?
Are there any librarians who would welcome the chance to visit
the Purdue University Libraries, and observe the operations
and collections of their counterparts? Rhoda Channing would
like to visit their Business in the Fall and hopes other
librarians at UK will consider going, sharing expenses and
driving. Call Rhoda if interested.
Assistant Director for Public Services:
Because we could not find an acceptable candidate within our
salary range, it has been decided to close out the position
for this fiscal year. The job will be re—advertised in early
Fall. We will use ALA midwinter to do some initial screening,
` then bring in candidates again in Spring 1978.
Job Openings: . ‘
LT I — Bindery
LT I - Circulation
LT I - Cataloging (part-time)
If interested, please see Faith Harders.

 I -5-
Gregg International College of Languages, Japan, English Con-
versation Instructor for Japanese Businessmen and College
· Students, Length of emp1oyment—September 1977-September 1978.
Traveling Humanist Grant, Kentucky Humanities Council. Salary:
up to $20,000, depending on qualifications. Deadline for pre-
liminary application: September 15, 1977
University of Missouri-Co1umbia.- Head of Ellis Reference Services,
Librarian IV. Minimum Salary: $18,000. Application deadline:
October 15, 1977.
I Syracuse University Libraries. Catalog Librarian (Librarian III).
. Available: October 1, 1977. Application deadline: September
1, 1977. Salary: $11,828+ depending on qualifications.

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