xt7wm32n944t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n944t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1988 1988 1988-01-18 2020 true xt7wm32n944t section xt7wm32n944t  




Intensity gives Cats early 1 9-4 lead and
easy victory over Vols. SEE PAGE 3.




funny than scary.


“Night of Living Dead” more



Today: Chance of rain
Tomorrow: Cloudy 8. windy



'Voi. xci. No. ea

W 1894

Unlvoroltyot Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky



Monday. January 18, 1988


By THOMAS J. Sl'l.l.lVAN
News Editor

Cold drops of rain tell on Lex-
ington yesterday morning at 7:30
as about 500 people gathered out-
side Memorial Coliseum to
march in memory of Martin
Luther King Jr. ‘5 birthday.

They didn’t seem to mind the
damp discomfort —— they didn‘t
seem to notice. Their minds were

There were no dampened spi—
rits as blacks and whites
marched together. singing “We
Shall Overcome" and “Praise
Him." The rain was merely a
minor adversity compared to the
barriers blacks have overcome
since the civil rights marches of
the 1%.

The people that attended were
enthusiastic. Their reasons for
being there were more complex
than just remembering King. the
man. They were there to remem-
ber what that man did.

“i came out because of a stand
that Martin Luther King took, for
not only blacks. but for humani-
ty,“ said Joe L. Price. “And I


Representatives of several organizations are among those who
battle with the rain early yesterday morning to honor Martin Lu-

Rain doesn’t dampen spirits of 500
gathered to revere Martin Luther King

think that we should support his

Richard Franklin said he con-
tinues to support the man and his

“i think Martin Luther King is
the most important American in
history because he stood for love,
peace and humanity. All the
other heros have stood for war
and death," Franklin said.

Even the children marching
alongside Franklin had their own
reasons for participating.

Lataisha Lane. 12. marched be-
cause she was “thanking (King)
for giving (blacks) freedom.
Without him we wouldn‘t be

Lalaisha's 10-yearold sister.
Latora. marched for similar rea-

“i‘m thankful. for he gave us
freedom.“ Latora said. “Because
without him we wouldn't be able
to drink from the same water
fountain (as whitest.“

Tony Oppegard attended the
march for the sake of his chil-

Oppegard said he came “for
three reasons. First. to honor Dr.

ther King Jr.'s birthday with a march around campus. followed by
a ceremony in the Singletary Center for the Arts.



ALAN HAWSE/Komot our

Ariel Osumenya (left) and Cheri Harris attend the rally yester-
day for King at the Singletary Center for the Arts.

King. Second, to show our belief
in racial equality . . . particularly
during the Reagan administra—
tion where it doesn‘t seem to be a
concern. Third, for the children
— so that hopefully they will
grow up with a belief in racial
justice also.”

Racial justice was also a con-

cern of Freddie McNeai. who as
a child marched with King for

“l'm here to carry on the
dream — for all of us to have
equal justice." McNeal said. “it
started when I was 10 years old
with the march in Georgia

See MARCH. Page 8

Hundreds march to honor civil rights leader

Center plans several events
in memory of slain activist

Staff Writer

Three years ago the birth of
civil rights activist Martin Luther
King Jr. was recognized as a na-
tional holiday by Congresss and
President Reagan.

To commemorate the day and
honor the memory of the slain
civil rights leader. who would be
59 this month. the organizers of
the Martin Luther King Jr. (‘ultu-
ral Center have scheduled seve-

“When we look to the life ot
someone like Dr. King we‘re
looking at a person who exempli-
fies the ideals and principles that
American society is based on.“
said Minority Student Affairs Di-
rector Chester Grundy.

The Cultural Center. which will
also be celebrating its first-year
anniversary. has a series of edu-
cational and historical programs
that approach the observance of
the holiday from this point ot

“Martin Luther King Jr: An
Amazing Grace." a film pro-
duced by Gil Nobles. analyzes
and recounts the development of
King as a civil rights movement
leader and organizer in the South
during the 19608. included are

Two King supporters carry a sign

King‘s earliest crusades tor rar
cial equality. such as the
movement to break down Jim
(‘row laws.

The film starts off the week on
Monday at noon and again at 7
pm in the Old Student (‘enter

A speech given by the Rev
Fred Shuttlesworth is perhaps
the most interesting and enlightn-
ing event of the weeklong tribute
An associate of King. Shuttles
worth was instrumental in the
struggle for desegregation of
schools in Birmingham

"He‘s someone that has first-
hand experience as a close advis
er of Dr King and major actor in
the events ol that era." said

Shuttlesworth's program
also include the hint "Who
Speaks for Birmingham?” and
will begin at 3 p m in 2311 Student


King t‘ultural t'enter organiz-
ers have also planned showings
ot' the award-winning mini—series
“Eyes on The Prize: America's
(Tivil Rights Years” on Wednes-
day and Friday. from ill a m. to ii
p m Previously broadcast on
PBS. the film is an in~depth look
at this nation‘s struggle tor


ALAN HAWSE Kernel Staff

in yesterday's march



Business student spends
his Christmas vacation
giving to others in area

Contributing Writer

Jim Adams ii, a business educa-
tion senior, spent part of his
Christmas holiday in a hospital and
a few nursing homes. But Adams
wasn't there because he was ill.

He just did what he's been doing
for several years — gift-giving.

This year. along with his wife,
Laura. and father. Jimmie, Jim
brought fruit. candy and gift-wrap-
ped clothing to the elderly at Hay-
den Personal Care. a local nursing

of course the charitable spirit fills
many people during the holiday
season. but for the Adams family
it‘s a tradition.

Jim said he grew up in the
atmosphere of giving. “it’s the only
life i’ve ever known.“ he said.

This life was due to the activities
of his father. a decorated World War
it veteran. The elder Adams has
been doim charitable thin: for
other: since Jim was very yomg.

"He‘s so friatdiy with

." Adam: said of his
father. Jimmie‘s practice of gift-
givim became a tradition in the

in ms. Jimmie Adams took some
Ctrietmao gifts to the elderly at
Hayden Pereomt Care and other
Caitrol Raunchy Nil-aim Hana. a

practice that evolved out of donating
clothing that he'd outgrown to the

But that one experience struck the
elder Adams in the heart. “it hurt
me to see those old people."

So Jimmie decided to do
something about it. He walked into a
local finance company and borrowed

With the money. he bought fruit
for the elderly. The practice of his
Christmas gift-giving ”started
snowballing“ after that. Jimmie

Jimmie then founded a local non-
profit corporation in W76 called the
Bluegrass Fund Drive Association.

The association, which was
establir...eo for accepting donations
to help the elderly and needy. began
and continues to accept clothirg and
money donations year round.

Hayden Personal Care, the first
stop for Jimmie in 1975. has
continued to be a regular stop for
the Adams family on their gift
giving tradition.

But Jimmie doesn't need to
borrow money from finance
companies anymore to help the
elderly. Now the clothing gifts the
elderly receive each year from the
Adams are purchased with the
money donated to the Bluegrass
FmdDrive Association.

The year. fou- boxes of used

Jim Adams ll sorts gifts for nursing home patients. Adams spends
his Christmas vacations visiting hospitals and nursing homes.

clothing donated to the fund drive
also went to Hayden, Jimmie said.

Jim ii and his wife. Laura. have
been helping Jim’s father give gifts
since 1981. Laura graduated from
UK in 1937.

The three make the trips together
now. But Hayden isn't the only stop
on the Adams‘ trail.

"if any candy is left over. we take
it over to the (Lexington) VA
Hospital." Jimmie said. The Adams
had enough fmit and candy left over
this year to distribute to the VA
Hospital and to an additional local
nursilg home besides Hayden.

But the gifts to Hayden are the
men with a personal touch. The
Adams family uuelly gets a list of
names of the elderly staying at
Hayden so that each pI-esent will

Then. a comic of (by: before

Christmas. the family visits the
home. Laura calls out the names on
the presents while Jim Adams ii
dresses up as Santa Claus and hands
out the presents, fruit and candy.

The greatest joy is seeing “the
look on the peoples' faces when they
get the gifts.“ Laura said. “They
don't have families . . (it‘s
encouragim for them to know that)
somebody is out there who actually
thinks about them — about their

But Jim says that what
encouragu him is his father.
Jimmie. Jim says that he has
acquired the practice of givirg from

“I‘ve been doirg it so long i
wouldn‘t know how to celebrate
Christmas without his influence ...
if:d become a port of my life," Jim
so .

Ombudsman the judge

in academic

Staff Writer

Academic Ombudsman Bill
Fortune says he‘s there to help stu-
dents with any academic problems
they might have —- if they‘re willing
to come see him.

“I'm here to make istudents'i life
easier." he said.

Fortune's office handles two types
of cases One involves alleged
wrongdoing on the part of students.
such as plagiarism and cheating,
while the second involves the area of
student academic rights. as when
students think they were treated un-
fairly in academic matters.

According to Fortune. a wide
range of circumstances are heard in
his office.

“But fairness in grading is the
issue dealt with the most." Fortune

For example. Fortune said he is
handling a case in which a student
claimed he turned in a paper but the
professor did not receive it. He said
that in this imtance he was skepti-
cal because the student doos not

With this or any other case.
Fortune first does a little homework
to determine if the student is in the
right and then handles the case from

“i see if the student has talked to
the teacher. if the matter can be re-
solved. and then 1'“ talk to the tea-
cher and sometimes i‘ll talk to the
apertmt.“ Fortmeeeid.



If the student has a jmtifiable
case it will be taken to the Student
Appeals Board and they can require
a change in grade. he said,

He said students should not hesi-
tate to look for help in a class they
are doing bad in. “'hitors and help
from the instructor can help a lot.“

“Students should pin the teachers
down to avoid misunderstandings.“
he said. “They need to keep their
syllabus. exam papers. and copies of

But when it comes down to it. For-
tune said. there‘s no substitute fu-
always being prepared and go“; to


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. January 18 1988

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.



OSoorts Aikicio Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gym Lott 8 300 m Call 266-0102

OSoons Lady Kat Basketball vs Belmont Free with UKlD Memorial Col-
iseum 7 30pm Cain-1818

'Otner Martin Luther King Jr sBirthday

'0ther Basketball Support Group — Members Only Free Student Cert
1w Ballroom 6 3O 9p m

'Concerls James Campbell Faculty PetCuSSIOn Recrtat Free SCFA -
Rec-tat Hall 8 p in Call 7 4900

-Religious Cornerstone Drama Practice no auditions lust bunt:- enihu
siam‘ {Wesley Foundationl Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 308 p m Call
254 3714

OReliglous Worship Service warm A casual gathering time ol singing
prayers 8 messages Free 508 Columbia Ave 8 9 30 p m Call 254
37 14

tReligious Monday Evening Fellowship lUnited Campus Mirrisiryr Fri-e
K House 412 Rose St Sp in Call 254-1881

.ReIlglOUS Free Meditation Group Free Newman Center 6 n n- Call
266 4928

-Sports Judo Club Free Alumni Gym Lott 5-6 300 m Call 8 415m


~0ther Mt King Library Tours. Free. King South. Noon a 2 pm.
Thrdught 20 Call7 8397

clntrainurals Basketball entry deadline 525 00. Worsham Theatre; 5
p m Call 73928

IAcademics Last day to enter an organized class tor the 1988 Spring

UAcademics Last day to offICIally withdraw trom the Unwersrty or reduce
course load a receive an 80% refund

00ther UK Dance Ensemble — Auditions. Free Barker Hall Studio Call

°Concerts Stephen Keys Tuba Recital. Free. SCFA -— RBCttaI Hall. 8
p m Call 7 4900

oReIigious Lunch 8 Last Lecture guest speakers share about topics
from their careers 5 lives 51 50 508 Columbia Ave Noon-t pm, Call

'RBIIglOuS Tuesday Night Together‘ - TNT —- a tlme tor worship 8
tellowship Free 429 Columbia Ave . 7 30 p m .Call 7~3989

tReligious Campus Crusade for Christ — WEEKLY MEETING. Free.
Student Ctr 245 7 30 p "1 Call 73989

'Sports UK Fencrng Club, Free Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 p in Call 272-

Osborts Japan Karate Club — SHOTOKAN' Free Buelf Armory' 7 30-
9 30 p m



OSports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gvrn Lott 8 300 in Call 266-0102

OSports Wildcat Basketball vs Florida ~ Away Florida 8 r‘ m Call 7

aSports UK Adult Fitness Program — organizational rr‘eetrm; SWIM
$60 0t: Coliseum Pool 11 a m Call 7 3695

OSpnrts UK Adult Fitness Program - organizational meeting WALK
JOG $60 00 Seaton Bldg 5 p m Call 7 3695

'Sports UK Adult Fitness Program — organizational meeting AEROBIC
DANCE $60 00 Barker Hall 5 p m Call 73695

'Academics Learning Skills Ptogram Taking National Tests 816 Sn.
dents $25 public 301 Frazee Hall 2-? 500 or Call 7887.3

'Concerts Thomas Cremer 5 John Morrow ‘ Student EiiDhOllrlir’V‘ s
tuba Recrtal Free SCFA —- Rectal Hall 8 p rn Call 7-4900

°MOVIES Beverly Hills Cop ll 51 95 Worsham Theatre 5 :i ‘0 '1 "1
Call 7 8867

OReligious Dinner Casual dinner 8 good company Wesley Fnimziitiorr.
$3 00 508 Columbia Ave 5-79 m Call 254 3714

-Reli<;ious Bible DiscuSSion Group — Great Crimmrsswn Students Fin;-
Student Center 231 7 30 p m Cal1254 3997

OSDorts Judo Club Free Alumni Gym Lott 5 6 30 Call 8 4‘ HE

'SDorts UK Ping Pong Club Free Search Ctr Squash C1 7 ‘0 r: r”
Caii a-Biei

‘MeOtIt’qu lnternational Student Councrl Free Bradley Hall 4 n "1 Cali
7 16155

IMeetings Cosmopolitan Club Meeting Free, Student Ctr 245. 7 p m
Call 71655

'Otner DiscuSsron of Middle East Issues — Dr Rut-i‘rt Olson lUK Dem
Soc 01 Arm Free StudentCenter 205 7 30:: m Call 25: 5225


OMowes Beverly Hills Cop ll. $1 95 Worsham Theatre 8 8 10 p rn

Call 78867

IAcademics Learning Skills Program 0e5igning a Study Plan. $10 Stu~

dents $25 DUDIK‘ 301 Frazee Hall 1 1 45 p m Call 7-8673

OReligious Cornerstone Musrc Practice — enthLiSiasm Is the only re-

quirement Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 308 p m . Call 254-3714

"Religious DeCisron POint — Bible studies tocussmg on ‘Human Sexuali-

ty Living in Am etc Free 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 p m Call 254-

'RellglOUS D a L Grill —— Lunch and Devotion $1 00 429 Columbia

Aye 12150m Call7~3989

'RQIIQIOUS FCA — Fellowship ol Christion Athletes Free 502 Columbia

Ave 9pm Call233-0315

'Sports Japan Karate Club — Free introductory Class Free Alumni

Gyrn Balcony 5 30-6 30 D to Call 7 6832

ISports UK Fencmg Club Free Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 pm Call


'Sports Japan Karate Club — SHOTOKAN Free Alumni Gym Balcony


-Movies — 1/20: Beverly Hills Cop
Worsham Theatre; 8 81 1O p.m.; Call 7-8867
OMovies — 1/21: Beverly Hills Cop
Worsham Theatre; 8 81 10p.m.; Call 78867
OMovies — 1/22: Beverly Hills Cop
Worsham Theatre: 8 & 10 p.m.; Call 7-8867
OMovies — 1/23: Beverly Hills Cop
Worsham Theatre; 8 a to p.m.; Call 7-8867
OMovies — 1/24: Beverly Hills Cop
Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867




OMeetings - 1/20: fntemational Student Council;
Free: Bradley Hall; 4 p.m.; Call 7-1655

OMeetings —- 1/20: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free; Student Ctr. 245; 7 p.m.; Call 7-1655

~Lectures — 1/24: Special Lecture: Soup Tureens Fit
for Kings & Queens; Free; UK Art Museum; 1 p.m.; Call




-Concerts Terry Layman 8 Judi Reynolds — Graduate Master 5 H’JH‘

Recital Free SCFA — Recrtal Hall 8 p rn Call 74900
'Ml/vlt‘fs Beverly Hills Cop || 8‘ 95 Worsham lherit'l- 8 5 ‘ll :7"
Cali 7 8867


'Sports Wildcat Basketball vs LSU — Away. LSU 2 p in Call 71818

ISports Lady Kat Basketball vs Florida. Away 7 30p m ,Call 7-1816

'Sports Kentucky Gymnastics vs Florida Away Call 73838

- Academics Deadline lcr Housing Payment for Spring Semester

'Concerts David Branstrator Senior Piano Rental Free SCFA — ReCital
Hall 8p m Call 74900

IMowes Beverly Hills Cop ll. $1 95 Worsham Theatre 8 5 10 p m,
Call 7 8867

'ReltthUS The Hub Coffeehouse — Christian bands drama groups.
lellowshiri a liin' Free K-House 412 Rose St 7 300 in Call 2775190


OConcerts —- 1/18: James Campbell/Faculty Percus-
sion Recital; Free; SCFA —— Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

OConcerts -— 1/19: Stephen Keys/ Tuba Recital;
Free; SCFA—Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7—4900

OConcerts — 1/20: Thomas Cremer 81 John Morrow
- Student Euphonium 8. Tuba Recital: Free: SCFA -
Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 1/22: Terry Layman 8| Judi Reynolds —
Graduate-Master's Horn Recital; Free; SCFA — Recital
Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

°Concerts — 1/23: David Branstrator/Senior Piano
Recital; Free; SOFA—Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7—4900

0Concerts — 1/24: Center Sundays Series: Gems of
Medieval Illumination at the Univ, of Ky; Free: SCFA —
Recital Hall 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 1/24: Yvette Williams Senior Contralto
Recital; Free; SCFA -— Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

0Exhibits - 1/24: Selections from the Campbell Mu-
seum Collection; Free; UK Art Museum; Noon to 5 p.m.;
Call 7-5716


OSpor‘ts — 1/18: Lady Kat Bakelbd- va. Belmont;
Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-

OSports —- 1/19: UK Fencing Club; Free Alumni Gym;
7:30-9:30pm.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 1x20: Wildcat Basketball vs. Florida —
Away: Florida: 8pm.; Call 7-1818

'Sports — 1’20: UK Adult Fitness Program — organi-
zational meeting: SWIM: $60 00: Coliseum Pool; 11
am; Call 7-3695

OSports — 1/20: UK Adult Fitness Program — organi-
zational meeting: WALK. JOG; $60.00: Sedton Bldg; 5
p.m.; Call 7-3695

OSports — 120: UK Adult Fitness Program — organi-
zational meeting: AEROBIC DANCE: $60.00: Barker
Hall; 5 p.m.; Call 7-3695

OSports — 1/20: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton
Ctr. Squash Ct: 7-10p.m.; Call 8-8161

OSports — 1/21: UK Fencing Club; Free: Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30pm.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 1/‘23: Wildcat Basketball vs. LSU - Away;
LSU; 2 p.m.; Call 7-1818

OSports — 1/23: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Florida;
Away; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-1818

ISports — 1/23: Kentucky Gymnastics vs. Florida;
Away; Call 7-3838

OSports — 1/24: Basketball Ticket Distrubution for
iole Miss and Alabama: Free with UKID; Memorial Col-
iseum. Sam -4 p.m.; Through 1126

Olntramurats — 1/19: Basketball entry deadline;
$25.00; Worsham Theatre: 5 p.m.; Call 7-3928




'Cnncerts Center Sundays Series Gems ol Medici/d llmhon at tho
Univ 01 Ky Free SCFA - Recral Hall 3 p in Call 7 4900

'Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gym Lori lp rrr Call266-0102

OSDorfs Basketball Ticket Distrubiition for Ole Miss and Alabama Free
vvrth UKlD Memorial Coliseum 9a m 4 p m through 1 25

.Elhlblt‘ Selections trom the Campbell Museum Collection Free UK
Ar‘Muaeurn Noonto 50 rn Catt 7 5716

'Other Gems of Medieval lllur'iination at UK

0Concerts Yvette Williams Senior Contrallo ReCital Fret- SCFA A Rec-
tal Hall 8p in Call 7 4900

0M0yies Beverly Hills Cop II 51 95 Worsham Theatre 7 p m Call 7

-Religious Celebration of Worship (Christian Student Fellowshipi Free
502 Coliirr‘bia Ave 7 p m Call 3330313

ILectures SpeCial Lecture Sioup Tureens W ‘01 Kings A Queens Free
UK ArlMuseurn 1 3 in Call 7 5 '16



'Ballgious Cornerstone Drama Practice no auditions. iust bring cum
alarnl (Wesley Foundation) Free. 508 Columbia Ave. 8 30-8 pm. Cut
254 3714

'Religious Worship Servtce warm 8 casual gathering time of among.
prayers 3 messages Free 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 p m. Call 254-
3 7 1 4

“Religious Monday Evening Fellowship tUnited Campus Ministry). Free
K-Houae 412Rose$t Go rn Call 2541581

OReligious Free Meditation Group Flee Newman Ctr 6 pm Call
266 4918

Osborts Judo Club Free AlumniGym Lo" 5 6 30 p m Call 84156

'Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gym Lott 8 30 p m Cut 2680102

'Acadernics Learning Skills Program —- identity Vour Learning Style,
510 semester 301Frazzel-lall 1 1 50 Call 78673



OAcademics — 1/19: Last day-to enter an organized
class for the 1988 Spring Semester

OAcademics — 1/ 19: Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load a. receive an
80% relund

'Academics — 1/202 Learning Skills Ptogram: Taking
National Tests; $10 Students/$25 public: 301 Frazee
Hal; 2-2250 p.m.; Call 7-8673

OAcademics — 1/21: Learning Skills Program: De-
signing a Study Plan; $10 Students/$25 public; 301
Frazee Hut; 1-1 :45 pm: Call 7-8673

OAcademics — 1/23: Deadline for Housing Payment
tor Spring Semester

0Academica — 1/25: Learning Skills Program — iden-
tity Your Learning Style; Stolsemester: 301 Frazze Hdl:
1-1:50;Call 7-8673

OOther ——1/18:M8tln Luther King. Jr.'s Birthday

oOther - 1/18: Basketball Support Group - Mem-
bers Only; Free; Student Center Ballroom; 6:30-9 pm.

tOther — 1/19: Ml King Library Tours; Free; King
South; Noon 5. 2 p.m.; Through 1/20; Cdl 7-8397

00ther - 1/19: UK Dance Ensemble — Auditiona:
Free; Mar HUI Studio;Cd1 7-4287

OOthar — 1/20: Discussion of Mdde East laauea -
Dr. Robert Olson (UK Dam Soc 01 Am); Free; Student
Center 205; 7:30pm.; Cd 252-5225



A "’1

01/27 — Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Vanderbilt;
Away; 7pm.; Call 7-1818

01/27 — Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Vanderbilt —
Home; Free with full-time UKID; Rupp Arena; 8:30 p.m.;
Call 7-1818

01/26 — Academics: Last day for payment of regis-
tration tees a/or housing 8 dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration a/or meal card.

01/27 — Concerts: UK Opera Theatre - The Mu-
riage of Fraud; 86. $4; CFA Concert Hal; 8 pm; Out

01/26 — Concerts: Opera Open Rehersal; Free;
SOFA—Concert Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

01/26 — Academics: Learning Skills Progrun —
Speed Reading; $10/aemester; 301 Frazee Hit; 11-
11:503.m.; Call 7-8673


 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, January 19 1998 — 3





Sutton’s slap
makes Cats
see Orange

The record sparkled but didn't
reveal what the last two ball-
games did. The Kentucky
Wildcats were stuck wading
through a season as stagnant as a
mosquito-infested swamp.

Unfortunately for Tennessee,
that changed Saturday. UK rose
from the lagoon like any good
creature would and strangled the
Volunteers, 83-65.

The blowout was a breath of
fresh air for a Kentucky team
that has survived virtually
unscathed from a season-long
mine field.

“We’ve had too many close
games,“ UK guard Ed Davender
said. “I'm tired of playing games
like that."

Kentucky coach Eddie Sutton
was just tired of the way his Cats
were playing. No fire on defense.
The enemy dictating the tempo.
Rushed outside shots that drew
more iron than Pittsburgh. An
11-1 record was no satisfaction
for such sins.

Sutton had hoped the shocking
upset to Auburn would wake UK
out of its daze. They did respond
with a victory over Alabama. But
repeated errors dampened the
victory and gnawed away at
Sutton. A change was needed.

After pleading and begging in
vain, Sutton decided his Cats
needed to be dragged across the
hot coals. He uncharacteristically
cricitized individuals in public.

Sutton singled out Rex
Chapman for a slight slap on the
wrist. Too quick with the trigger.
Chapman said ouch. those are
“my shots." Sutton said no they
a'r‘"en't, boy-"wonder.

Sutton got just the reaction he
wanted. Chapman was irked. The
rest of the team wasn't exactly
jolly. But imtead of mutiny, the
Cats united their anger toward
one common foe — Tennessee.

“We wanted to kick their ass,"
forward Richard Madison said.

“Everybody was ready to
play," Davender said. “Before
the game, there was no laughing
or joking around. We were se-
rious business today."

The Wildcats took the floor
with the eyes of an assassin. UK
was determined not to dance to
another opponents‘ song. This
was the Cats’ party. The Volun-
teers were uninvited guests.

“Today. we wanted Tennessee
to play in our hands and make
them play our tempo from the
opening tip,“ Davender said.
“We did."

Kentucky did it with defense —
not offense. The Wildcats am-
bushed the Volunteers with suffo-
cating pressure. Tennessee reac-
ted by handling the ball like it
was radioactive.

“They were swarming all over
us and there wasn't much we
could do,“ Volunteer forward
Dyron Nix said.

In the first seven minutes, six
UT passes sailed out of bounds.
Another Volunteer threw the ball
to Winston Bennett. Nix forgot to
dribble the ball and walked.

The eight Tennessee turnovers
enabled UK to rip off 13 consec-
utive points. Kentucky led 19-4
and 26-8.

“That was the basketball
game," Tennessee coach Don
Devoe said.

That was the game the way
Sutton wants to see it played.

“It was a good performance.“
he said. "That doesn‘t mean we
can‘t get any better. but we at
least looked like the basketball
team that I believe we can be-
come. I like the game a lot better
than what I‘ve been seeing.“

Most of the Wildcats promised
Sutton will see more of the same.
That’s fine with him. January is
melting into February. Touma-
ment time is ticking down.

“We don‘t have time to be mes-
sing around at this stage of the
season," Sutton said.

“We‘re 12-1 but we’re still not
at the point where I'd hoped we‘d
be. We’re so darn inconsistent in
some areas. But we are 12-1, so
we‘ve got to be thankful for

The UK players should be
thankful for Sutton’s recent kick
in the rump. It may have raised
them from their dormancy jut in
time. It at least got them out of

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.







‘1 ‘Ul .. L‘\\‘r’


Jlrn Whlte
Assistant Sports Editor

UK pressure chokes Tennessee,- 83-65

Staff Writer

All it took was a little orange —
Tennessee orange — to wake up the
Kentucky basketball team.

Fresh off sub-par play against
Southeastern Conference opponents
Alabama and Auburn, UK thumped
the Voiunteers, 83-65, Saturday at
Rupp Arena.

Kentucky improved to 12-1 overall,
while Tennessee dropped to 9—3, 3-2
in the SEC.

UK‘s swarming man-to-man de-
fense helped produce 23 Volunteer
turnovers. A string of six UT turn-
overs within 4r30 early in the first
half set the tone for the day.

UK coach Eddie Sutton was
pleased with the effort put forth by
his players.

“We certainly played hard and
when you do that. the way we play
the game, it normally shows up on
defense," Sutton said. “Our de-
fensive pressure forced them into so

many turnovers and took them out
of their offense early."

With the Cats holding a 8-4 lead
three minutes into the game,
Tennessee committed four consec-
utive miscues. UK answered by in-
creasing its lead to 134, thanks to a
12-foot bank shot and a three-pointer
by Rex Chapman.

The Wildcats ran off 13 un-
answered points to go up 19-4 with 13
minutes still to play in the first half.

“In the first 10 or 12 minutes, we
played excellent basketball," Sutton
said. “Then they were in a position
where they had to play catch-up the
rest of the afternoon."

UK led 39-24 at the half. The big-
gest margin in favor of Kentucky
came just after intermission when
the Cats scored the first eight points
of the second half to lead by 24
points, 49-25.

UK’s backcourt of Chapman and
Ed Davender combined for 41
points, with Chapman leading the
way with 23.

Inside help for the Cats came
from Rob Lock and Winston Ben-
nett, who combined for 22. Bennett
led the way for UK with nine re-

Tennessee‘s Dyron Nix was the
game‘s top scorer and rebounder
with 28 points and 12 boards. Fresh-
man Greg Bell chipped in 15 points,
nine on three-point baskets.

For the first time in three games,
Sutton was pleased with his players'
shot selection, especially that of

“1 had talked to Rex yesterday,“
Sutton said. “I told him that in order
for him to be the type of player that
I believe he can be, and will be one
day. he has to program himself to
drive the seams of the defense, put
the ball on the floor and drive to the

“Not that I don't want him shoot-
ing three-point shots. But we want
him to give the offense the opportu-
nity to get the ball inside and force
the defense to react. then when the
ball comes back out. take the three-
point shot.“

On Saturday. Chapman refrained
from gunning it up from three-point

In the previous two games. Chap-
man hit a miserable 20 percent (3 of
15) of his three-point attempts. But
he attempted only two against Ten-
nessee and hit one.

The three-pointer happened just as
Sutton had hoped.

After passing the ball inside to
Dock. Chapman stepped back be-
yond the three-point arc. As the Ten-
nessee defense converged inside.
hock tossed the ball back to Chap-
man. Wide-open. Chapman swished

“I talked to him. talked to him
and talked to him and it didn't real-
ly hit home," Sutton said. “I think it
has hit home now as to what he
must do."

Most of Chapman‘s points came
off short jumpers and drives to the
Mop. But he denied that Sutton's

"' talk was the reason he took more

high-percentage shots in Saturday‘s
“I wasn‘t thinking about it."

'- Chapman said. "I just went out and


After the game. Sutton cleared the
air about rumors that a rift was de-
veloping between UK coaches and

A Chapman.

UK senior guard Ed Davender passes the ball off during the Cats’
83-65 drubbing of Tennessee at Rupp Arena this weekend.

Lady Kats still searching for elusive cure

Staff Writer

After this weekend, Lady Kat
coach Sharon Fanning has to be
wondering if anything else can go
wrong for her basketball team.

UK had repeated chances to over-
come Illinois State in Normal. 11].,
Saturday, but the Lady Kats fell,
84—78. The loss dropped UK to 845.

Trying to put that loss behind
them, Kentucky comes back to Lex-
ington for a rare home game tonight
against Belmont College of Tennes-
see. Game time is 7:30 p.m. at Me
morial Coliseum.

UK has played four of its last five
games on the road. After tonight‘s
game against the Rebelettes, Ken-
tucky will pack its bags again for
three consecutive away games.


But the future may be easier for
the Lady Kats to swallow consid~
ering their dim present. After bal-
looning to an 8-1 start. UK has lost
five in a row.

In just one month, Fanning has
had players quit. starters get
banged up and veterans sidelined
with injuries. Kentucky is now

“When things get like this, they
kind of snowball," Fanning said.
“Maybe if we get (the problems) out
of the way this year we won‘t have
to deal with them next year. "

Belmont College would appear to
be just what the doctor ordered for
ailing Kentucky. But look again.

Belmont is off and running to a
No. 8 NAIA ranking and an unbeat-
en t13-0) start.

“This is the biggest game of the

team happy

with first meet results

Contributing Writer

The UK women‘s gymnastics
team had an impressive season
opener in its tri-meet against de-
fending National Champion Georgia
and 8th-ranked Ohio State.

In front of an enthusiastic crowd,
the Kats proved they could keep up