xt7wm32n949r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wm32n949r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1993 1993 1993-03-02 2020 true xt7wm32n949r section xt7wm32n949r  


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University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky














Student Activities Board visual arts chairwoman Elizabeth Lester straightens ‘Tuska if yes-
terday in preparation for the Oswald Creativity Competition in the Rasdall Gallery.




Independent since 1971

Tuesday, March 2, 1993

Clinton says aid plan
will ‘change America’


By John King
Associated Press


PlS(‘A'l‘A\\'AY. Ni u Presi-
dertt (‘linton pledged yesterday to
revolutionize college aid by allow—
ing students to repay loans through
community woik. lic cast his ambi-
tious itational service plait as a
1900s (il Bill to "change America
forever attd for the better

Starting witlt a modest l.00()
slots this summer and growiitg to
l00.()0() or moie within four years.
the program will make college af-
fordable to all while settirtg off" a

wave of iii-
volvement in
health. safety
iutd euviron~
mental projects.
(‘linton predict-

"A“ itcf‘oss
America we
have piobieins CLlNTON
that dctnand our
common attention." (‘liuton said.
“National service is nothing less
titan the American way to change

The program was a centerpiece


of (Tlinton's cainpiugn. and he
cftose the 32nd anniversary of Presi-
dent Kennedy‘s creation of the
Peace (‘orps to formally propose it
as president (‘oiigiessional approv-
ai would be required.

The event was as much symbol-
ism as substance. (‘iinton‘s lofty
rhetoric aside. aides say many de-
tails are still unclear. frotn how
muclt a student would be able to
borrow to how big a stipend to pay

young people while they work off

their loans
(‘lintoii's plan is designed to dra-

See AID, Page 2

SOAC may be revitalized


By Nicole Heumphreus
Staff Writer

The Student Government Associ-
ation‘s (‘ommiflec on (‘oinmittees
today will consider reinstating sonte
form of the Student Organization
Assistance (‘ommittce to help the
SfiA Senate allocate its ftiitds.


The return of St )A(‘ was suggest-
ed iii response to recent complaints
from botlt students atid senators
about the senate’s spending habits.

At last week's senate meeting.
S(iA President l’ete November
highlighted this problem with an
executive order that demanded the
senate establish criteria for the allo-
cation of funds to student groups.

The executive order was intended

to remind student oi‘gani/ations that
"the senate is not a bank" arid that
there are more important issues
than allocating funds M like budget

November took away the sen-
ate‘s ability to allocate money by
free/ing its funds. He said he will
lift the free/e oiily after the senate
establishes spending guidelines,

“'l he executive order will be lift-
ed by (the) next (senate meeting) if
the criteria are set up and they will
solve the current situation." No—

vember said.

November said resurt'ecting
SfiAf‘ is a viable option because it
would have to follow the same
spending standards as the senate.

Before S()A(‘ was abolished. it
consisted of a hodge podgc of stu-
dents fi‘oin botlt the executi\- and
legislatite branches of S(iA and
representathes from different or-
ganiyattons, it tnct once each month
and allocated sinus of $500 or less
to groups.

S()A(‘ was dissolved after a con—
troversy involving the ('ollege Re—
publicans. the (‘ollege Democrats
:utd the (‘ollcge Conservatives.
St )A(‘ allocated tnorc money to the
(‘ollege Democrats than it did to ei-

See SGA. Page 2

Ky. governor unveils two health-care reform packages


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press


FRANKFURT. Ky. —— (iov.
Brereton Jones unveiled his long-
awaiicd health-care refonn plan
yesterday and revealed there are ac-
tually two plans and botlt include a
payroll tax for employers.

Both versions include a require-
ment that everyone in Kentucky be
covered by health insurance. Btit
there is a fundamental difference
between tltc plans on who would be
responsible for buying the cover-
age. One would place the burden
on employers; the other would re-
quire individuals to pay for their

UK courses
teach men



By Jane Beianger
Contributing Writer


Rape avoidance is itot just an is-
sue for women.

Several programs are available
on campus to teach men how not to
be sexually abusive.

One such program is “Sex Spec-
tations," which allows men to
speak freely about their expecta-
tions on dates or iii intimate situa-

The program is designed to edu-
cate men about rape with the hope
that it will decrease their chances of
becoming overly aggressive.

“Anything where people can be
educated cart help fight rape.“ said
Mary Bolin-Rcece. a part-time em-
ployee at both the UK Counseling
Center and the Lexington Rape Cri-
sis Center.

Bolin-Reece explained that infor-
mation for males on rape and sexu-
al aggression will teach them that
rape is a control issue. not a sexual

“Rape is a cultural issue. When
men are educated to respect a fe-
male who ultimately plays the sub-
missive role. the problem of this
type of violence will be solved."
Bolin-Rcecc said. “Men need to he

See RAPE, Page 2

0.», ......Ysu—usm- ...... ..

The versions also include differ-
ent payroll taxes. The employer
plan would impose a 16 percent tax
for failing to provide coverage
while the individual pitut would im-
pose a 3 percent payroll tax.

t‘abinet Secretary Kevin llable
said the taxes do not break Jones’
pledge that health-care reform
would not mean a broad-based tax
increase because employers could
avoid the taxes by providing health-
care coverage.

"I don't call this a broad-based
tax." llable said.

llable said Jones has no prefer-
ence about who should pay for cov-

“I'm not saying at some time he


Columnist misrepresented Rush
Limbaugh and his show. Guest
Opinion, Page 6.

Student Government Association
President Pete Novenbor had
the right spirit when his froze the
senate's funds, it’s too bad he
didn't pick a more constitutional
way to do it. Editorial, Page 6.
The Christian Coalition should
stay out of government. Column.
Page 6.

Columnist offers a few
suggestions about what some
people should give up for Lent.
Column, Page 6.


Everyone must see ‘Crying
Game.‘ Review, Page 4.

With the sound of the ‘905,
Seattle bands are here. Column.
Page 5.

'Failing Down' is not racist or
pretentious. It is a real view of
the frustrations of middle-class
America. Review, Page 5.


Cloudy today with a 50 percent
chance of rain; high around 50.
Rain continuing tonimt; low
around 40. An 80 percent charm.
of rain tomorrow; MM“.

Sports... .......

S .............






won't push for one (plan) or the oth-
er," llable said.

The alternative that places the
burden on individuals appears to be
in response to widespread criticism
of the mandatory insurance provi
sion by business groups. One small
business group estimated last week
there would be 37.000 jobs lost if
insurance coverage were required of

A study by UK economists for
the Jones administration estimated
that it would cost companies $233.8
million to provide insurance cover-

But cost»shifting by some compa-

See HEALTH. Page 2



By Charles Wolfe
Associated Press


FRANKFURT. Ky. — tiov.
Brereton Jones yesterday floated
a plan for overhauling health care
iii Kentucky. Then he launched
the sales job. which promised to
be (‘linlonesque right down to
the bus tour.

it will include liberal use of

television. including call-in
shows. and a tnotori/ed dash
across Kentucky with Jones


dropping in to visit preselected
small businesses.

Jones also mustered his (‘abinet
officers. wlio have orders to pro-
mote the plan in their special sec—
tors. and he has kept iii touch with
the county contact people front his
l‘)‘)l campaign.

As they say ill the Olympics. let
the games begin." Jones said at a
meeting of his llealth (‘are Reform
Commission. where the wraps
came off his proposals.

The contunmon. tnade up of leg-

Jones’ sales job to include bus tour

islators and top administration
appointees. was asked to take the
plan and mold it into legislation
for a special session of the (icner-
ai .-\sseinbl_v.

The concepts so far include
health~care rate setting and insu-
rance coverage for everyone. re-
gardless of prior conditions.
though there are questions about
whether employers or individuals
—— or both ~ would pay for it.

Jones appointed the commis—

See PLAN, Page 2



Kentucky Theatre offering music series


By Dave Lavender
Arts Editor

You know the Kentucky Theatre
as a place to pile iii friends turd pop-
cont to catch midnight movies like
Monty Python‘s “Holy Grail" or
hard-to-t‘ind releases like “Akira,”
but soon you will see the Kentucky
Theatre iii a different light.

Starting at the end of this month.
The Troubadour Project is trans-
fonning the downtown theater iitto
a music hall. ()ff'icials yesterday an-
nounced a seven-concert “(‘of‘fee-
house Series" that will feature vari-
ous national folk and rock artists
including Ritchie Havens. Lucinda
Williams. John Sebastian and Arlo

The intimate concert series will
begitt March 3] with Lucinda Wil-
liams and will close on Sept. 22
with the (ireat Kentucky Date
Night. which will f'ature an array
of local artists.

in the same vein as Bill (ira-
ham‘s legendary concerts at the
Fillmore liast and West theaters. na-
tionally known folk singer Michael
Johnathon. who is overseeing the
series. is putting the audience first
with this unique series.

Ticket prices will hover around
the $10 to $12 range. and the pre-
concert festivities will he unparal-
leled in this region.

“i like Bill Graham's method.
The audience is first always." Joh-
nathon said. “From the price of the
ticket to the way the house sounds


to the comfort of the seats. (‘art they
sec‘.’ (‘an they hear'.’ Are they hap-

Johnathon, who resides iii Lex—
ington, Ky.. cantc upon the idea for
the series while touring tltc States.

“in my mind. the star of every
single show is the audience. not the
artist. Audiences need to be taken
care of." he said. “That means you
don't rape ‘em iii their wallet. You
give thcut a rooin that they don’t
have to be having their cardrutns
blasted by volume to ltear the mu-

Johnathon. who has toured the
world singing cause~oriented folk
songs. said he believes there is
nothing better than one man and his
music on a stage.

“I don’t wattt shows on stage. i
want the artist on stage." Johnathon
said. “There is nothing ntore power-
ful in music than that Dylanesque
image of the one guy on stage fac-
ing and challenging the audience.
(an artist) who doesn‘t need smoke
bombs and lasers and a huge band
to mask the fact that he's a substan-
dard perfonner. (iet his butt alone
on stage and see what he is made
out of."

While most musicians stay as far
away from the business end of mu-
sic as possible. Johnathon said he
enjoys organizing people for a good
cause. lie has headed up countless
benefits for the environment. bat-
tered women and children and
“Mountain." a (‘entrai Kentucky

See CONCERT, Page 5



Guitarist Peter Suarez entertains It a press conference yester-
day It the Kentucky, which announced a new concert series.


_ .... ...... as“-.. «41‘0"wa

. “'11. _»~.,.; .7 .









Continued from Page 1

ther the College Conservatives or
the College Republicans.

The new SOAt‘ would be made
up of seven senators and would be
considered a special committee.
Like the three standing committees.
SOAC would meet every other

2 - Kentucky Kernel. Tueedey. March 2. 1993

Wednesday to hear requests for
funding of $500 or less.

At the beginning of the school
year, the senate would decide what
percentage of the SGA budget
would be allocated to SOAC‘s bud~
get. Once SOAC received its fund-
ing. it could not ask for more mou-
ey from the senate.

The remainder of the senatc‘s
budget would be spent creating new
student services.


Continued from Page 1

matically reshape federal student
aid programs and offer young
Americans opportunities —— and in-
centive —— to perform such commu-
nity service as working lll inner-
city children‘s health and drtrg clin-
ics. tutoring in literacy programs
and walking streets in neighbor-
hood police corps.

The president himself set high
expectations for the initiative. fram-
ing the announcement as "one 1
hope will be a truly historic mo-
ment in our nation's history." He
compared it to the GI Bill‘s offer of
education to servicemen returning
from World War II. a program that
expanded the nauon‘s middle class.

“One of the things that we have
to realize in this country is that an
economic investment is not just
building an airport or a road or iii-
vesting in new technologies." (‘lin-
ton said. "It's also investing in peo-

After a pilot project of l.00() or
so students this summer. paid for
with $15 million in Clinton’s eCo-

nornic stimulus package, the presi-
dent proposes spending $7.4 billion
over the next four years. building
from 25,000 service slots in 1994
to more than 100.000 in 1007.
Funding would then increase in the
following years based on demand
and the program‘s perfomiance.

One year of service would quali-
fy students for two years of college
loans. lili Segal. the (‘linton adviser
drafting the program. said the ad-
ministration had yet to decide on a
borrowing cap.

Students could borrow first and
enter service after graduating. or
enter service after high school and
accrue credits for loans. Segal said
stipends likely would be paid at or
near the minimum wage. but that
no final decision had been made.

Students who chose not to enter
public service could pay back loans
based on a percentage of their iri-
come ~ not the amount borrowed
— which Clinton said would en-
courage graduates to enter lower-
paying but critical professions such
as teaching and working in commu-
nity health clinics.

“National service ctm make
America new again.“ (‘linton said.


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By Alan Fram
Staff Writer

Democrats who control (‘ongress
:u'c debating whether to wrap
President Clinton's health-czu'e
and budget-cutting proposals into
one giant bill. presenting law-
makers the most drtunatic budget
vote in years.


"If they did that. mzuiy mem—
bers could be betting their ca-
reers on this one vote," Stanley

(‘ollender. who monitors budget
legislation for the accounting firrn
Price Waterhouse, said yesterday.

The strategy is being pushed by
Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell tl)-Maine), who says
creaung a huge package attacking
two of the nation's paramount prob-
lerns would give health~care revi-
sion its best chance for approval
this year.

“We could have the hearings.
mark it up in committee and get it
out and get it done sometime during
the summer. perhaps early sum-

mer." Mitchell said Sunday on
CBS' “Face the Nation."

The idea generates less enthu-
siasm in the House. Majority Lead-
er Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) said
Friday that there are too many
questions about the shape and lim-
ing of both complicated measures
to know whether they can be com-

“My hope is we do both health
care and (deficit-reduction) in a
similar time frame. either together
or apart. so by the end of the year
we could accomplish both goals,"

Health, budget bills may be merged

he said.

Health care “clearly is on a
slower track" than deficit-
reduction. House Budget Coni-
mittee Chainnan Martin Olav
Sabo (D-Minn.) said yesterday.
His panel is already writing the
House's version of the tax in-
creases and spending cuts.

A White House team headed
by the president's wife, Hillary
Rodham Clinton, hopes to com-
plete a health-care package by
early May.



Continued from Page 1

nies —-- such as lowering cover-
age to the state's minimum re-
quirements —~ ltlltl state subsidies
would reduce the businesses' net
expense to $36 million. the econ-
omists said.

Both approaches include assis-
tance for people turd companies
that can least afford coverage.

For businesses. the state would


provide subsidies that would vary
in amount depending on payroll
size and companies‘ net incomes.
To qualify for any subsidy. compa-
nies must have annual payrolls of
$200,000 or less and net incomes of
850.000 or less.

For individuals. the subsidies also
are based on income, with house-
holds at 300 percent of the poverty
level and below receiving some as-

But there is also a penalty. For
businesses. it is tax.


Continued from Page 1

sion last year but stopped its work
when employers began assailing
the suggestion that they should be
required by law to provide health
insurance for their employees. Leg-
islators were not enamored of the
idea, anyway.

At breakfast Monday. Jones
played host to a select handful of
legislators and did some lobbying.

“He‘s felt like he couldn‘t de-
velop a plan out there with every-
body shooting at it,“ said Rep.
Marshall Long, chairman of the
House budget committee. “He
asked us not to blow holes in it
before we get all the numbers,
and I think that’s a reasonable re-

Others at the breakfast includ-
ed Sen. Mike Moloncy. chairman
of the Senate budget committee;
and Sen. Benny Ray Bailey and
Rep. Tom Burch, chairmen of the
Health and Welfare committees.


Continued from Page 1

educated to learn that ‘no’ means no
and not take for granted that a worn-
an wants to be sexual with them."

Another program available to UK
students is Rape Awareness through
Adopta-(‘opp and the UK Police

“Some males do things that they
don’t realize are heading toward
rape." UK police officer Tim Mallo-
ry said. “That is where the ignor-
ance comes in. [f males would think
about someone doing these things to
their mother or their girlfriend. they
probably wouldn't do it.

“This program gets the man's out-
look. l'vc even interviewed convict-




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ed rapists to find out what makes
them do these sorts of things."

[Education on rape and sexual ag-
gression is not as widespread for
males as it is for females. Most pro-
grams are geared toward females
because they are the victims in
most cases.

Mallory said more attention to
the male perspective. in the form of
discussion groups and courses, is
an important part of rape preven-
tion. “This is something that defi-
nitely needs work. The benefits of
this would be mostly for the col-
lege-age group. They might look at
this subject and laugh. We want
them to look for something that
will hit them in the head and make
them think.“

Last semester Lamda Chi Alpha
social fraternity and Delta Gamma
social sorority sponsored a program
through the UK Department of
Substance Abuse that offered stu-
dents a chance to interact with the
opposite sex.

“Guys learned the woman’s per-
spective. while the women learned
the guy‘s perspective, while we
were all together," said Brad Dea-
ton, an educator representing Lam-
da Chi. “If people really listen and
get interested. it‘s a good thing."

For more information about edu—
cation for males on sexual aggres-
sion, contact UK campus residence
halls or fraternities, the Rape Cri-
sis Center, the UK Police Depart-
ment or the Counseling and Testing




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Mason announces bid
for SGA presidency


ByJoe Braun
Editorial Editor


Vowing “not to reinvent the
wheel, but rather make it a little
faster and more effective,“ biology
junior Scott Mason yesterday an-
nounced his plans to run for Stu-
dent Government Association pres-

“We need to begin to take the is—
sues to students instead of sitting
back and letting them come to us,"
he said.

Mason. from Madisonville, Ky..
has held several other campus lead-
ership positions, including presi-
dent of Alpha Kappa Psi social fra-
ternity. lnterfratemity Council
representative for Alpha Kappa Psi
and UK Prejudice Reduction Task
Force member.

He said he will strive during his
campaign to reach those students
who traditionally are ignored dur-
ing elections, namely handicapped
and minority students. Mason said
the minority population includes
not just black students, but intema-
tional students and others as well.

His vice presidential running
mate will be Michael Eaves, ajour-
nalism junior from White Plains.
Ky. Eaves is a member of Phi Sig-
ma Kappa social fratemity and vice
president of the National Associa-
tion of Black Journalists. He was
SGAs representative to the UK
Undergraduate Council in the fall.

“We want to let students know
what's going on on campus." he


Eaves said he has worked on sev-
eral presidential campaigns. and
they've never turned out as he
thought they would.

“We will," he said.

“SGA hasn‘t been very accessi-
ble in the past. and we want to en-
courage students to get involved."

Mason said he would like to iii-
crease student lobbying efforts in
Frankfort with another legislative
session coming up next year.

“As the flagship university of the
state. we need to be at the forefront
in the battle against the Council on
Higher Education and the Govcm~
or‘s Office" to try to prevent future
budget cuts or tuition increases.

Mason. the third candidate to an-
nounce his presidential bid to the
Kentucky Kernel, said he intends to
make a fonnal announcement to-
night at the Delta Gamma social so-
rority house.

Mason, along with the other two
candidates for SGA president. is
planning to hold two campus talks
to discuss student concems. Mason
will hold his meetings March 10 at
the Wildcat Lodge and March 24 at
Fannhouse social fraternity house.

SGA presidential candidate Jere-
my Batcs has planned his campus
talks for tonight in the lobby of
chncland Hall at 8 pm. and next
Thursday in the Kirwan-Blanding
Complex Commons. T.A. Jones,
the third candidate for president.
said he also plans to hold forums
but has not set official dates.

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UN C No. 1; Cats drop to fifth


By Jim O'Connel
Associated Press


North Carolina regained the No.
1 ranking Monday, a place no more
special than any of nine others to
coach Dean Smith.

The Tar Heels (24-3) moved
from third to first by beating Ir‘lori—
da State after Indiana and Ken-
tucky. last week's 1-2. each lost a
road game. It is the first time North
Carolina has been No. 1 since early
in the 1987-88 season.

“Polls don't really mean anything
until the final poll at the end of the
year,“ Smith said. “'I‘hen. if you
finish in the Top Ten. that means
you had an excellent season."

Smith‘s teams have been no
strangers to the Top Ten at season‘s
end. Last year‘s No. 18 finish ended
a string of 10 of 11 years with a
Top Ten final ranking. Twice, in
1982 and 1984, the Tar Heels were
No. l in the final poll.

“Our sport‘s champion is deter-
mined by the NCAA tourruunent,
but still it is nice to be in the Top
Ten at the end of the season." he

North Carolina received 4‘) first-
place votes turd 1,600 points from
the nationwide panel of writers zurd
broadcasters to easily outdistance
Indiana (25-3). which had eight


By Teresa M. Walker
Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. —— Concen-
tralion is the word around No. 7
Vanderbilt as the Commodores try
to capture their first piece of a
Southeastem Conference title in 1‘)

"You have to take them really as
two one-grune seasons," senior
Bruce I'Ilder said yesterday about
upcoming games against Tennessee
tonight and South Carolina on Sat-

“All our energy should be fo-
cused on tomorrow night right now.
If we don't take care of business
(against Tennessee). then Saturday
becomes more meaningful."

Vzunlerbilt (2.1-4. 12-2) hasn't
won a share of the SIiC title since
the 1073-1074 season when the
Commodores were co-chzunpions
with Alabama. Vanderbilt‘s only



first-place votes and 1,517 points.

The Hoosiers, who have played
three games without injured for-
ward Alan Ilenderson. had been No.
1 for four weeks until losing at Ohio
State in overtime to snap a 13-game
winning streak.

Arizona (21-2), which has the na-
tion‘s longest current winning
streak at 1‘) games. and Michigan
(224) each moved up one spot to
third and fourth.

The Wildcats. working on a per-
fect I’ac-IO season. were No. 1 on
five ballots, while the Wolverines,
who have lost half their games this
season to Indiana. received three
first-place votes. Kentucky (21-3).
which lost at Tennessee the day af-
ter Indiana lost, dropped three plac—
es lo fifth.

Duke jumped from ninth to sixth
ruid was followed by Vanderbilt.
Kansas, Utah and Seton l lall.

North Carolina becomes the sixth
learn to hold the No. 1 ranking this
season, joining Michigan. Duke,
UK, Kansas and Indiana. matching
the number that did it in 1989-90.
Since 1980. the most learns to hold
the top spot in one season were the
seven that did it in 1982—83.

I‘Iorida State led the Second Ten
and was followed by Cincinnati. Ar-
kansas. Wake Forest. Iowa. UNLV.
New ()rleans. Xavier. ()hio. new-

comer ()klahoma State and Tulane.

Brighzun Young started the last
five followed by Louisville, Massa-
chusetts. l’urdue zuid St. John‘s.

Marquette turd Virginia, which
each lost two games last week. and
Pittsburgh. which split a pair,
dropped from the rrutkings. They
were replaced by ()klahorna State
(18-5). which jumps into the poll
for the first time this season at No.
18; Louisville (lo-8), back in at No.
22; and St. John‘s (Io-X), back in at
No. 25.

Marquette (19-(1) lost a couple of
key Great Midwest Conference
grunes to Cincinnati and Memphis
State last week.

Virginia (Io-8) lost its two games
to (ieorgia Tech and Wake Forest,
both in the Atlantic Coast Confer-

Pittsburgh (lo-8) dropped into
the second division of the Big Iiast
last week despite a win over
Georgetown after losing to Provi-

Oklahoma State was ranked all
last season, reaching as high as No.
2 before finishing 11111 in the final

The Cowboys lost four starters
from last season and weren't ex-
pected to challenge in the Big
Iiight. but were alone in second
place. one game behind Kansas.

focused on SEC title

other SEC championship came in

The Commodores need only to
beat Tennessee (12-14, 4-10) to-
night to clinch a share of the title.
The Vols gave Vandy the one-
garne lead it holds over Kentucky
by upsetting the Wildcats last

A victory over Tennessee and
another over South Carolina on the
road Saturday would give the
Commodores its first outright title
in 27 years.

Vanderbilt coach Eddie Fogler
said the Commodores don’t dare
look as far ahead as next week‘s
SIiC toumament.

“livery game‘s imponrml." he
said. “We wouldn‘t be where we
are today if the other games wer-
en't just as important."

Tennessee has had the touch this
season against highly ranked

teams. The Vols beat Kentucky

when the Wildcats were ranked No
2 and itching for the top spot. The
Vols also beat Memphis State when
it was No. 8 and whipped Arkansas
there when the Razorbacks were

“They‘re certainly capable. Any-
one who beats Arkansas and Ken-
lucky are certainly capable of heat-
ing anybody." Fogler said. “I'm not
surprised at anything in college

Co-captains Elder and Kevin An-
glin said the team knows what it
has to do to accomplish its goals.

“We're on line to accomplish
everything we wtuited to.“ Anglin
said. “It all comes down to this last
week. If we do accomplish those
things. the one thing to be careful
of is not to stop and say ‘Wow.
what a great year we had.‘ We have
to go on to the next set of goals zutd
when the season‘s over. enjoy
meeting those goals."




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The Wildcats in the polls


Kentucky Kernel

The TopZOteams in the Kentucky
Kernel I college basketball poll. with
tint-place votes are in parenthese-
md records through Feb. 28.

Team Rec. Pts. W5.
1. North Carolina (7)243 153 3
2.Arizona(1) 21.2 143 5
3.lndiana 25.3 142 1
4. UK . 21-3 139 2
5.Mlchlgan(1) 22.4 136 4
6. Vanderbilt 23-4 116 6
7. Duke 226 113 9
8. Kansas 225 95 1o
9. Florida State 21.5 94
10.Utah 2.3 92 t12
11.Seton Hall 22-6 91 11
12.Cincinnati 21.4 78 8
13. Arkansas 18-6 66 19
14.lowa 19-6 46 14