xt7wpz51gw0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51gw0z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19180307  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  7, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  7, 1918 1918 2012 true xt7wpz51gw0z section xt7wpz51gw0z THE KENTUCKY KERNEL
University of Kentucky


Is New Annual
Income of the



With no opposing vote, and one
amendment clause, that an emergency
clause, the Senate, February 28, passed the bill of Arch L. Hamilton, granting permanent support to the University of Kentucky, the Eastern Normal
School and the Western
School, by making a redistribution of
the forty cent State tax and placing
the appropriations of the three institutions under the general tax of forty
cents on the $100. Thru this redistribution the University's income will
Senator Thomas A. Combs, of Fayette county, proposed that the Senate
go into a committee of the whole to
hear Doctor McVey discuss the measure. This suggestion was unanimously adopted and for the second time
Doctor McVey addressed the law- -



Doctor McVey has appointed eleven
people, composed of faculty members
and students, to serve on a University
War Committee, whcih will deal with
questions concerning the University
war work. This committee will prob
ably meet at once as there are a number of matters due its consideration.
Following is the committee appointed by the President:
Doctor Pryor, chairman, Captain H.
N. Royden, Dean F. Paul Anderson,
Professor George Roberts, Professor
Mary E. Sweeney, E. L. Glllis, Welling
ton Patrick.
D. Ellis,
Student Representatives
Tilford L. Wilson, Miss Frieda Lemon,
Miss Louise Mayer.




Shanklin and Wexler in Mixup on Tennessee

No. 20



Once more our victorious Cats have
come home with their brows twined
with the laurels of three victories. The
honey of victory is made sweeter by
the fact that two of these wreaths
were contributed by our old enemy,
On Thursday night the Wildcats met
Cumberland College at Williamsburg,
Ky. They proved an easy victim to
the shooting of Shanklin and Thomas
and the general perfectness of the
team. Only one man failed to get a
field goal and Marsh shot seven. The
final score was 42 to 21.

A single Thrift Stamp will buy a tent
pole or five tent pins, a waist belt or
hat cord, shoe laces or identification
tags; two will buy one trench tool or
a pair of woolen gloves. Four Thrift
Stamps will buy two pairs of canvas
leggins; six will buy five pairs of woolen socks or three suits of summer underwear; twelve will buy a steel helmet.
Stamp will buy one
hundred cartridges or a cartridge belt
or a scabbard for a bayonet, two will
purchase two pairs of woolen breeches
or two flannel shirts; two and a half
will buy a gas mask. Three War Savings Stamps will buy an overcoat or
two woolen service coats; three and a
half will buy three pairs of woolen
blankets; four will buy a rifle.



Simplified Spelling For Univ
Publications is




The adoption of 300 words in sim
plified spelling to be used in Univer
sity publications, the passing of rules
governing the social activities of students, and the adoption of the fifty
minute period schedule were the features of the Senate meeting March 1.
Arrangements were made whereby
an automatic signal, regulated
clocks, will take the place of the siren
whistle, which has long been in use
on the campus. The change will be
made before September.
The rules of special interest to the

OFFICERS TO students
are published below:

From Cumberland the Wildcats went
Recitation Hours.
GET PAY FOR 3 MONTHS Beginning with September, 1918, the
to Knoxville in high hopes of re
"Civilization is Progress peating
daily schedule shall be as follows:
the scores made here earlier
ing," Says Centre
in the season with the same team.
First hour: 8:008:50.
Members of R. O. T. C. Are Second hour: 8:579:47.
The game Friday night proved the
Not Exempt From
a closer score.
Third hour: 9:5440:44.
WAR COMMITTEE MADE more interesting with game
Daddy Boles said the
Fourth hour: 10:5111:41.
was "hot
Doctor McVey explained that the
Fifth hour: 1)1:4812:38.
"This is the hour of challenge, when and furious and the spectators hung
bill provided for the maintenance of bigger tasks challenge a larger ambi breathlessly on the actions of the $5,599.40 FOR UNIVERS'Y
Sixth hour: 1:402:30.
the three educational institutions by tion, and demand even greater tasks," players."
Seventh hour: 2:373:27.
Captain H. N. Royden has Just regiving them continuous support.
It was In the first game that Wexler, ceived from the War Department thru Drill and Chapel shall be held at the
declared Dr. W. A. Ganfield, president
of the bill argued that it took of Centre College, who brought a mes- the Volunteer forward tried his knee the Department Quartermaster, Cen- fifth hour.
money from the common school fund. sage of courage Tuesday morning in stunt again. Shanklin was chosen one
Social Life.
tral Department, Chicago, Illinois, the
"This le impossible," said Doctor Mc- his chapel address, the text of which for this attempt Shank didn't like it following information:
1. All entertainments and social acVey, "as the school fund has never might fittingly be called "Quo Vadis." and he and Wexler endeavored to
every kind shall be on Fri"With reference to your estimate of tivities of
had any of the money which the bill
After being introduced by President straighten out the matter alone. The funds dated February 20, 1918, request day or Saturday afternoons or evenproposes to give to the University and McVey, Doctor Ganfield congratulated referee called them both to the bench
behas this day been made upon the ings, or on the evenings of the day
Normal Schools.
the University on the increase in its where they would be undisturbed by Treasury to have $5,599.40 appropria- fore a legal holiday. In every case perDoctor McVey said there were but income, and delivered the greetings of the players.
tions as indicated below deposited to mission shall be obtained from the
three other states in the Union that the "best college in the South," to the
The Knoxville paper said the Wild your official credit with the Treasurer, Social Committee.
spend as much from the general tax "best and greatest university in the cats played a superior game from the
2. A calendar showing time and
United States, Washington, D. C."
for common schools as Kentucky. South." He was given a cordial wel start, mentioning Thomas, Shanklin
place of all dances and entertainments
This means that after the Treasurer
These states are Pennsylvania, New come by the students, many of whom and Marsh as the men chiefly responshall be kept in the office of the Dean
of the United States announces the
jei-seand New York. While Ken- have had the pleasure of hearing him sible for the victory. Those who know
of Women.
officers of the Re
credit the forty-fiv- e
tucky stands at the top of the list in before
the team say they were in top form, serve Officers' Training Corps will re- - 3. No social organization, except
this respect, she stands at the last The speaker began his address with and a match for any of Tennessee's'
thelr,fir8t three months' pay and as stated below, shall give more than
with her university
and normal one of his characteristic striking para- tactics. The writer in the Knoxville
the Kaufman clothing Company one entertainment or dance during the
paper was evidently favorably im- - win be paid for the unlforma furniahed yeor
rr i..
Emphasizing the fact that the Uni4. All such events shall be properly
"I would rather climb than slide; tiraweu wnu iu.o ixcmuuiuaua, iui uthfl battalion.
Of the total amount,
versity's needs are enormous, he said I would rather scale the Alps than said there was not a weak spot in the A
,a requlred to pay for the 322 chaperoned, the chaperons to be se' that only thru the efficiency of the canoe on the Nile; I would
rather dig team. At the end of the first half the unlforras furnlshed and the balance, lected from an approved list kept in
University, can the State meet the gold nuggets in Alaska than pick ban- - score was 15 to C in favor of the Wild- is for commutation subsist- - the office of the Dean of Women. Not
mighty problems
" and followed cats.
of development anas in the tropics
later than one week nrlor to the af-'
(Continued on Paep FIva
caused ly the war. Several senators, up the story by citing the good results
The officers of the Quartermaster falr' the names of the chaperons shall
agreed with the President, saying that that have come out of the critical
Department are making out the checks ,bo 8lven in wrlting to tho Dean of Wo
the University should be given suffi- times of the past.
a11 organizations
for the officers and immediately upon,men- - (ThIs aPPUea t0
cient funds, no matter from what He said one was often asked, "Which
BY TEAM FROM CINCY receipt of tho credit balance will issue including women giving out of town
source it came.
After the dance or
way are we going? Is the world better
the checks. Captain Royden said
to shoot caused the third medntely
The emergency clause, the amend- or worse? Are the sounds we hear
entertainment the chairman of the
thereafter they will prepare
ment to the original bill, which makes and the movements we feel those of defeat of the Tabbies Friday night, the second payroU Qf the Reserye Qf. committee shall present to the Dean
the funds immediately available was growth or of age? Is civilization a March 1, by Cincinnati, by a score of ficers Training Corp to be submitted of Women a written report of the
approved by the House immediately youngster or a decrepit old man gasp- 19 to 9.
to the Treasury Department not later same.
after it was proposed by the Senate. ing out his last breath?" His answer
5. Beside the chaperons, at least
Tiie KentucKy gins were outciasseu tnan March 31
At 12:30 o'clock Tuesday morning the was that civillation and righteousness by the fair visitors in shooting but
one member of the Social Committee,
Captain Royden has received official
Governor affixed his signature, making are progressing.
held their own in tho passing and re- notice from the War Department that or some one designated by the comanother milestone In the history of the In bidding his hearers be of good ceiving end of tho game. The first men
enrolled In tho Reserve Otflcers mittee as its representative, shall atUniversity. Doctor McVey witnessed cheer in the face of the terrible condi- third was played by the girls' rules,
tend the entertainment and remain un- Corpg arfl not oxempt from
the signing of the bill by the Govern- tions in the world today, Doctor Gan- with lines limiting the space of the draft thru the local boards. This ques- - ttt 11 closes- - The name of the commit-tioguards and forwards.
has puzzled the local board ana ,teeman' or committee representative
or, returning the same afternoon to field spoke of many disasters and activities of the
When these rules were abandoned in recruiting officers since the corps has ,8,,aU be mlnte(l 0,1 the Program as
troublous times in the world's history,
Lexington. It is now assumed that
and said that while such were former- - the last part of the game for boys' been formed. Captain Royden stut03 one of tho chaperons.
the University will have an increase of
rules, the game became more interest0. It is desired and urged that all
$200,000 to its annual income.
ing and better playing was evident.
(Continued on Page. Three)
entertainments given by the students
(Continued on Pare Five.







* fa



Blinll 1)0 (simple, free from ostentatious
displny mid inexpensive, nml ns far ns
possible, tliey shal Ibe held in the
Gymnasium or Armory. The committee In charge of the entertainment
shall file an expense report with the
Business Agent within one week after
the entertainment.
7. Attendance
at dances shall he
limited to present and former students
of the University. Special guests,
however, may ho Invited with the approval of the Social Committee.
8. The character and the arrangements for social functions shall bo approved by the Social Committee before
makes preparation for

Open from 10:00 A. M. to 11:00 P. M.

Home of Paramount Artcraft Goldwyn Pictures
High-clas- s
that's why they cost more.

Prices 5 Cents and 10 Cents.
Afternoon and Evening.






letter was received this week by

Sometime ago some of the tobacco
wagons In front of the warehouses bordering on the campus were dragged
Into the swamp .which forms part of
the "sunken garden," by a few rollicking souls identified as University of
Kentucky boys.
A little later the wagons were rescued and restored to their places by
another group of University boys, intent on keeping the campus morale
above the level of the "small university." To these constructionists
following letter has been sent by the
"I want to thnnk the men who took
the wagons out of the pond. You were
one of them and to you I extend my
thanks and those of the University. I
find In my work at the Legislature
that members now and then refer to
incidents such as the one I am speaking of. They are put down against
the University.
" 'Rocking the boat,' is a phase that
explains itself, and when students of
the University endanger its good name
they are making it more difficult for
the University to do its works In the
State. So I am glad to extend my own
and the thanks of the University to
the men who took the waeons out of
the pond and put them back on the

iio Kernel, from "Pug" Longsworth,
Junior last year In the College of Arts
Fraternities to Contest For
and Science, center on the basketball
ture of Student
Loving Cup Gift of
team, member of Alpha Tau Omega
Ho is at present in the
shipyards in Philadelphia.
from his letter follows:
When the news of the passing of the
"I mil doing my bit in a very peaceWhen the fraternities belonging to
appropriation bill granting the Univer- able manner, by working at Hog IsCouncil got their
sity $3.0,000 annually, reached the land, the general topic of newspaper the
baskoteers out on the gym floor in
Death," composed of one hundred
talk at present. This shipyard, when
kneo length uniforms, probably B. V.
to occupy minds of all. This completed, will bo the biggest in the
may be wearing the ones
good fortune necessitated a "nlted States, and probably In the D.'s but some
they put on last November In anticifitting celebration and nothing was so world. It has a two mile frontage on
pation of the cold spell, next SaturII.
ne ueiaware river, ana wnen conv
appropriate as a parade and holiday.
day afternoon, "So Long Letty" is
1. Dances arranged for year are as
The "siren" whistle that is soon to tleted, a ship will slide into the Dela
gto look like that old worn-ou- t
no more, having ben called to ware at the rate of three a week. Fol
there will be
Afternoon dances: freshman dance, its deserved rest, sounded a blast that lowing the tactics of Henry Ford, the "last rose."
sophomore dance, six cadet hops, club summoned the University from north, government is simply assembling, or comedy, but not the
kind, for
at rather fabricating the ships here, and it's an odds bet that there won't bo
east, south and west. The
Evening Dances: Junior prom, sen- Patterson Hall got wind of the parade the steel will come in here from all enough wind in th ewhole bunch after
ior ball, Pan Hellenic, Tau Beta Pi, which was to follow, and with true over the United States and Canada. a minute or two to. pop a paper sack.
Alpha Zeta, annual dance, Military
The prize for the roughest stuff pullThe first keel was laid on Lincoln's
spirit joined the campus-bounBall.
birthday, and all they are waiting on ed in this
The Junior Prom, Pan Hellenic, Tau
tournament will be a splendid silver
With the band in front, followed by now is steel.
Beta Pi and Alpha Zeta may hold their a "color" guard of ten boys recruited
"There are some 20,000 men at work loving cup, whose only doom is to sufdances off the campus, at a place ap- - from prawit0wn, the "Battalion of " the island now, and as soon as the fer a year's sentence In some frat
proved by the Social Committe.
force of shipworkers get here, house. This cup was won last year
Death," composed o fone hundred
2. All dances, with the exception of
iant Patt Hall maids fell in line. The there will be in the neighborhood of by the Kappa Sigs, and, sitting on the
the above named, shall be held on the battalion of the University in full 50,000. There are fifty-twways in top of the old picture book in their
the course of construction, one for parlor for such a long time, looks good
equipment brought up the rear.
All dances are under the supervisIn military order, the paraders "very week in the year, and each way to the bunch,
ion of the committee and the authoriBut they have got to win again, this
marched down Limestone over the' ',u have to turn out over two ships
ties of the University.
East Main street viaduct, turned into o nil the contract, which calls for time before the cup will say "papa"
3. The Senior Ball, Junior Prom,
Main street and halted in front of the some 120 ships of various weights and when they speak to it, for
Pan Hellenic, Tau Beta Pi and Alpha Phoenix Hotel. There yells for the "izes, mostly large ships. The work ruieg governing the cup say
that it
,s belnS carr,ed " by the American;
Zeta shall close not later than 1 senate, the House, the Governor,1
must be kept in the fraternity for two
Dr. Martha Petree, Paris, "Ky., will
o'clock. The four fraternity dances D.noi,in.,t wir,. j..i
Tnteraational Corporation, a cornora-- '
tion of Anierlca" money, originally or-- j succession.
give a lecture on "Osteopathy as a
shall close not later than 12 o'clock. given.
All other dances shall close not later
- ?anlzed with the mirDse of develop - if vJctory (loesn.t conle two years ln Profession for Women" at 6:30 o'clock,
Thence the conquering heroes withthan 11:30.
out the "Battalion of Death" which ,nR South Ameri"i Railways. The
Eacll representative team must be Wednesday evening, March 13, at Pat4. Intermission
motto is, "Speed, regardless of cost
terson Hall.
for refreshments ,..
for dances closing at I o'clock shall betook themselves to the Ada Meade' and men" and so far they have lived,time set for the game. No man will
The lecture is to be held under the
up to their motto, in every respect
be between 1,1 and 12 o'clock,
to complete the celebration.
be permitted to play who has won a allspices of the Philosophian Literary
"I am at present engaged in con- letter on the 'varsity or who appears Society, with the members of the
Afternoon dances shall begin at 3
At 8 o'clock, Friday morning, the
Society and all others who
struction work, and our organization on the list of those who have
o'clock and close at 5:30.
battalion, summoned by the commanbeen
Is constructing
5. Not more than four fraternity dant,
wish to attend invited.
the various barracks, practising with the 'varsity,
"fell in," and marched to the
On Wednesday afternoon, Doctor
dances shall be given during the col- Southern Depot to bid farewell to the and offices, and then we will go into
The frat teams will play In the fol-- i
lege year, exclusive of the Pan Hel- - 200 men of the Blue Grass in Hospital the permanent end of the job, or we
Petree will take early tea with the
lowing order Saturday afternoon: Kap- Society at the
girls of the
lenic dance. These dances shall be Unlt Number 40, who left for train all hope to. There are three K. S. U. pa
Alpha vs. Alpha Tau Omega at
home of Dean Hamilton, at 643 South
distributed between the fraternities as lng at Camp Zachary Taylor, prelim- - men here, besides myself; Hy Barker,
1:30; Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Delta
' Limestone
and the two Reed boys. They are unstreet.
decided upon by the Pan Hellenic lnary to servIce ..over there."
Theta at 2:00; Sigma Alpha Epsilon
and shall be listed as other six former students of the University der the same head as I and we see
vs. Sigma Chi at 2:30; Sigma Nu vs.
are in this unit. Ten were In school each other as often as is possible."
Pi Kappa Alpha at 3:00.
The 300 words of simplified spelling when the call came.
The tournament will be in the naN Naturalize, neighbor, nipt, niter.
Seniors! All class pictures have not
adopted by the Senate for use in UniAfter the return to the campus the
ture of an elimination contest, the
been turned in yet, and we must have
versity publications are given below. holiday began a holiday not recognized O Ocher, odor, offense, omelet,
winers of this series of games conorthopedic.
them. All pictures of societies, fraThe Kernel has been using many for by some authorities, but declared prop.
testing on the following Saturday aftP Paleography, paleolithic, paleonternities and such organizations and
two years.
er by other. It Is true all did not par
must be turned in imtology, paleozoic, paraffin, parlor, ernoon and so on. The team finally vic- their write-up- s
A Abridgment,
accurst, ticipate in the holiday, but the mornpartizan, past, patronize, pedagog, torious will win the honor of possess- mediately, with the money. This latacknowledgment, addrest, adz, af-- ing classes were greatly disorganized
ing the cup for a year.
phenix, phenomenon,
ter is very important, for unless the
nxi, anno, anapest, anomia, anes because of the deplorable lack of stu
pigmy, plow, polyp, possest, pracpicture is paid for it will not go into
thesia, anesthetic, antipyrin, antitox dents. During the afternoon, however
tise, v and n., prefixt, prenomem,
the Annual. Don't expect the memin, apothem, apprize, arbor, archeoBUY A THRIFT STAMP
order was restored and classes were
prest, pretense, preterit, pretermit,
logy, ardor, armor, artizan, assize,
bers of the Kentucklan staff to look
primeval, profest, program, prolog,
you up, but have consideration enuf
propt, pur.
For the return of an A. T. to hunt them up, thereby aiding them
ether, etiology, exorcize, exprest.
B Bans, bark, behavior, blest, blusht,
O. pin lost on campus.
F. S.
F Fagot, fantasm, fantasy, fantom, Q Quartet, questor, quintet.
brazen, brazier, bun, bur.
C Caliber, caliper,
favor, favorite, fervor, fiber, fixt, fla- R Rancor, rapt, raze, recognize,
Business Manager of "Kentucklan."
vor, fulfil, fulness.
rigor, rime, ript, rumor.
catalog, catechize, center, chart,
savior, savor,
check, checker, chimera, civilizo, G Gage, gazel, gelatin, gild, gipsy, S Saber, saltpeter,
scepter, septet, sepulcher, sextet,
gram, grlpt,
gloze, glycerin, good-by- ,
clamor, clangor, clapt, claspt, dipt,
silvan, simitar, sipt, sithe, skilful,
H Harbor, barken, heapt, hematin,
clue, coeval, color, commixt,
skipt, slipt, smolder, snapt, somber,
hiccup, hock, homeopathy, homcomprise, contest, controller,
specter, splendor, stedfast, stept,
onym, honor, humor, husht, hypocoquet, criticize, cropt, crost, crusht,
stopt, strest, strlpt, subpena, succor,
cue, curst, cutlas, cyclopedia.
suffixt, sulfate, Bulfur, sumac,
D Dolor, domicil, draft, dram, drest, I Idolize, imprest, instil.
106 N. UPPER ST.
surprize, synonym.
dript, droopt, dropt, dulness, dactyl, J Jail, judgment.
T Tabor, tapt, teazel, tenor, theater,
dasht, decalog, defense, demagog, K Kist.
Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
tho, thoro, thorofaro, thoroly, thru,
demeanor, deposit, deprest. develop, L Labor, lacrimal, lapt, lasht, leapt,
is the aim of this school to teach dancing as
thruout, tlpt, topt, tost, transgrest,
legalize, license, licorice, liter, lodgdieresis, dike, dript, discust, disall times proper
should be, advocating
trapt, trlpt, tumor.
ment, lookt, lopt, luster.
patch, distil, distrest.
positions and decorations.
materialize, V Valor, vapor, voxt, vigor, vizor.
E Ecumenical, edile, ogis, enamor, en- M Mama,
meager, medieval, meter, mist, mit- W Wagon, washt, whlpt, whisky, wilcyclopedia, endeavor, envelop,
Music Piano, Saxophone, Violin, Trap Drum
ful, winkt, wisht, wo, woful, woolen,
er, mlxt, mold, molder, molding,
eon, epaulet, eponym, era, eso
moldy, molt, mullen.
phagus, esthetic, esthetics, cstivato,

"Battalion of Death" is Fea-



go-I- n












Forty-Counci- l,



com-pres- t,

Member of A. N. A, M. of D.











Hazard High School Secures
McVey's Services
For May 23



President McVey, unusunlly busy
with his duties an head of tho University, his connection with tho Government ns State head of tho Trndo
Hoard, and scheduled for addresses in
all parts of the State, recently felt
constrained to refuso tho Invitation of
the Hazard High School, to niako the
commencement address there In May.
But, no sooner had he regretfully
refused the Invitation than there came
a letter from the principal, J. W.
O'Dell, a graduate of the University,
Baying that he, representing the University of Kentucky Club of Hazard,
Ky., was instructed to make a further request that President McVey accept the invitation, remarking that
Hazard, with a population of 6,000 to
7,000, has for its citizens college-bremen and women with a large school
of promising graduates.
Since there are twenty-sevestudents of the University in Hazard,
who are proud of the University and
its new President, he feels that Doctor
McVey's visit will redound not only
to the good of their own schools and
city, but will further the interest of
their Alma Mater.
Accompanying the invitation were
the following resolutions adopted by
the University of Kentucky Club, Feb

Following is an announcement received this week by tho English Department, which should ho noted by
all students Interested In tho woman's
suffrage movement. Thoso desiring to
take part In tho proposed contest
should notify Prof. L. L. Dantzlcr,
head of tho English Department.
"Tho Kernel Equal Bights' Association, in order to stimulate an intelligent Interest in the subject of Woman Suffrage among the coming generation of citizens, offers prizes until
Juno 1, 1918, in contests arranged by
pupils or authorities
in any high
school or college in the State for tho
best essay or declamation in favor
of the enfranchisement of women. The
prizes will bo to colleges, $10 in gold;
to high schools, 5.00 in gold.
"Tho rules nnd conditions of the


test follow:
The contest shall be held at an
open meeting in the school building
or other convenient auditorium, after
public notice has been given, and the
public shall be Invited to attend.

The affirmative side only of
question of Woman Suffrage shall
presented, and the prize shall
awarded by Judges appointed by
institution holding the contest.


Content shall count fifty per cen
tum, and shall be Judged according to
accuracy and logical argument. Form
shall count flfty per centum, and
shall be graded by rules adopted by
the Judges.


"Football May Be Banished
As Result of Betting
Says Speaker.



Dr. A. W. Fortune gave tho fourth
of his series of talks to University students Tuesday evening on the subject
"Making and Using Money."
Three methods of mnklng money
wero discussed: that which is legitiCO
mate and safe; that which is legitimate, but unsafe; and that which is
3 o'
both illegitimate and unsafe.
Under the latter method, gambling
is tho most prominent form. With us
the greatest occasion for gambling are
the races and athletic games, foot;
ball in particular. Various reasons are
responsible for betting but the chief
one is for the money that one hopes to
get from it.
Some bet to test their powers of
Judgment. Others bet for the excitement that comes from it.' Students bet
from a false sense of loyalty to the
team. Doctor Fortune stated that the
leading authority on football in Kentucky had stated that the game would
be banished from the colleges of Ken25c
Hair Cut
tucky unless the betting habit is
Geo. T. Martin Barber Shop
Bnsemrnt Opp. Phoenix Hotel
Gambling is essentially wrong bePLAIN. SHOWER AND
cause it is economically unsound. It
Bent of Servlrr
is immoral because it is socially false.
It is wrong because it leads large numbers of men to go wrong.
Money is power and the value of its Por any kind of dental service call on
power depends on its proper use. The
selfish use of money makes it a course.
One should feel a sense of stewardship
ORIre hours, 8 a. m. to C p. m. I'lione
and use money for the good it can do.
There is no dividing line between the
sacred and the secular. All men have Patronize Our Advertisers
the same call. College men above all
other men should have right ideals
and should pray to be kept true to








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of Soda whose efficiency is
A bushel of corn or wheat
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4. Information
may be secured
from parents, teachers, suffrage organizations, etc. Suitable literature will
be furnished free to contestants on apResolved:
plication to the president of the Ken(1) That, whereas the city of Haz
tucky Equal Rights' Association, Mrs.
ard has a "University of Kentucky John G. South, Frankfort, Ky.
members, who
Club" of twenty-seve6. Any school intending
to hold
entertain a deep loyalty for the Uni
contest must notify Mrs. South
an ar such a
versity of Kentucky and have
not later than May 1, 1918; and give
dent desire for its influence to further
the name, address and grade, whether
elevate the mountain sections of the
high school or college, of the instituState; and
tion applying."
(2) Whereas,
the Hazard High
The committee on prizes: Miss
Scohol'8 faculty is entirely composed
Laura Clay, chairman; Mrs. W. T.
of the University of Kentucky alumni
At the recent meeting of the sophoMiss Mary DeWItt Snyder, Miss
who, together with the other alumni,
more class it was unanimously agreed
unanimously feel that not only will the Sarah McGarvey, Miss Caroline Berry,
that the class dues should be $1.00 a
schools and city be elevated ad edified all of Lexington, Ky.
member. The money collected will
but that the interests of the Univer
be used to pay for the 1918 "Kentuck-ian- "
sity of Kentucky will be furthered by MESSAGE OF COURAGE
space and also to defray the exthe best talent and constructive
(Continued from Page One)
penses of the annual class dance
McVey's constructive and able
which will take place Saturday, March
address at the commencement of our ly believed to be sent as scourges
or 16.
High School; and,
as schools for virtue, it was now
To facilitate the collecting the mem(3) Whereas we, as teachers and
known that out of each of the past dis- bers are asked to pay their dues to the
to the educational uplift asters of history
there came some- following members of the several colof the earnest people of the moun thing bigger, better, and finer
for the leges; Agriculture, Jesse Tapp; Law,
tains, feel that we are due the aid of human race. He
said wars were the W. H. Thomp