xt7wpz51j357 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51j357/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 24, January 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 24, January 1, 1919 1919 2015 true xt7wpz51j357 section xt7wpz51j357  A
. l Offncnal News-Letter of the State Council of Defense
To Edntors: The
news in this Bulletin  
ls prepared for the       Entered as Second
¤f‘¢SS and is released ·§   class matter at the
fc"` PUb|YCati0n on y   ._;g·% post office at Lex-
mcipt.   mgmn, Ky.
, ]¤“¤¤*Y L 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol I No 24
'  " " ' ' '_"'“'  ' O .
.—4»- ___ ADJOURNMENT ON AFTER CAPTAIN Q’BR]QEN uga, which may prevent growing. All
As members of the Naval Section To me County Councils Of Defense: ____ ' ‘j" Sl10h Stock should be ygjgC{gd_ Also
of the S. A. Tl C' have jun been muS_ Referring to our Bulletin N0. 51 The University of Kentucky ad_ The 1\9l]t}lCk}' Coiuueil of Defense examine thc roots for wm-L-like
{ered Out, an who twk out GOvGm_ 1_Clati__,€ to the establishment in each joumed classes December 19 for has sgnt Qns bulletm to the County gI'0\\’lh§ or e11lm·gcmems, which indi.
mem Wal_RiSkInSu1,anC€ Should give mum}, of E bureau to and Employ- the Christmas holidays. Classes COUIICIIS ot Dgfeuse; Cute dxsease known as crown gun,
serious consideration to the Dvivilégé ment for returning soldiers and Sai]. will b¤ Pehumed the morning of ,‘“;€ are Informed that CHDmi“ Trees with °l`°“`“ gall are “’0l'th1€Ss·
the Government accords of continuing ors and released way workers, please; J¤¤U¤¥‘Y 6- QBHQIY wm claims to be 2* Cmlw After lookmg the Stock OVE1`, it
3; in peace [in]g_ jg they have not ye; yet us ham the name Of the Bureau   Tmp Et\’1Z1t(}1', has recently been 104;. glwuld be taken at once to a wen
dong s0_ Manager fm. your county as SOO ad lll`lI1§ in {cutueky gud exhibiting rained spot where the soil is mellow
True, the war is Over SO far as he issglgctgdy as the United Sigue; T0   n10vi11‘g·piutu1·4?%:. As the Qritish to UG h€9l€d—i11. This iS th? best and ‘
these men are concerned. The men Employment Service desires to give —· 3llthOl1t1€S desue to have hun up- 1¤0§TL l1i1’L1l1‘2ll Way of keepmg plants
wm insured aL;1t_ime when it Seem- mm Spam instructions as to ms NOW that the armiqtiqg has bw, "“*"?‘“"°“’ "°“ **8 ?`°"“‘”"*" “Z “T`m they my b° p‘“““”" A S‘°*"“g  
gd cgptgjn thgy yvgyg going [0 ggmg (IIIUGQ, and also to send him fralnked signed and tl’€21ti€S of GEICG \   repolti to Els   Wwe lf you hear OL ucnch IS Inade about S to   Inches
in contact with the dangers of the seas €“V€l0P€$· probably be entered mm Svithim gym Cmfam O Bmw. · · dm and as long as necessary to ac-
that imperil men’s lives. There are The Councils of D€f€¤S€ have ¤€V€1` next six mouths the various C0 t ~ Edmd W- Hmgsq Chim;mau' Commodam Phe nursery §tOck' The
thoge who 3;-9, asking themsms, uncicrtaken any work 0: greater im- Comm 0fDefe1;se are dm,bu8SS`Zf2,,Z *°€“‘“"“’“ B‘“"“By’   S“°y‘" Wis fm md ‘“ a S‘“*“"g "°S“‘°“
"What is the use of continuing my I‘01‘fZ111c@ than that of assisting the Cemed with what is to become Of —·————-   ti; 29% l;°gi;l}€‘} “'1th_th€ 1:00§S
payments when the sword is sheath- Umtéd States EmD10Ym€Ht S61`Vi¤€ thi 1 d‘ ‘ ‘ BEST METHOD BHC l WSL mmst $011 IS
qn ·,. .· , ju fin   I , S Sp an ld Orgaulzatlon through- S   placed Over the 1`O0[S until [IIB t]`€I](}h
I ed_ It 1, llgrft hem that the Gov- t ` ( 'E §¤1D 0Ym€¤T3· f01‘ 0111 F9- out Kentucky, built upon the idemg SAVE SPARERIBS is filled It is imp0rt*111t that s 'I
$2-:;;;€;;g€;:e€;a;nita?g Jgaréiliggssoné tFE;Ugha5;>1;;)¤t¤¤ky, Weather is S0 val" ;;:tedxi1(?§111S;f2g umllglfgmgg lf pm-
surrendered. Slwh 1113-Hagqr w1ll be sworn into the the State Divisions and local units iable that A few days Of hjghgy ten]. he planted il; tht;   sib? 'fhomd
why Should War Risk Insurance be Fede1·al·serv1ce as a spemal agent of nf the Womayys C0m]]]jttg€ of the P€mtu"‘°` may Occur at any time d“1" buds burst into leaflp 1 g 9 me Q
Continued? {Q2 Umted States Employment Sar- Council Of National Defense be QOH mg the winter, and even though spare- `Wlmu trees are {MED to the Held
One Of the best and most timely “f$€ Of th€_D6D¤I`tm€¤t of L¥}b01`, Htufl tiriuad in the national interest tar ribs and backbcnes have been well for planting utmost care must Be
reasons may be memiomdy the epi wil U6 Gfliltléd to the frankmg prxvx- the purpose 05 cO.OD€mtmg yvjth and Sane? th€Y ¤€G¤?1`€ 3 bad HB·V0l`· UH- when to mgtect the roots from the
demic of Spanish influenza which $*5 of that q°partm?nt and be Su]? Supplémélltillg Fedéral agencies in 1635 used m`°mDt1y‘ wind and sun. An old blanket or bur-
was more deadly in its effect in the {ect to the mstmctmns of the D1` meeting th€ exigencies and €m€1`E€¤· ,Th€ temperate winter climate Of lap Sack is useful to wrap around
mmmry_ camps Of the United States giiigge (igiéeri? BEE gh? EIUDIOYMBIQK cies incident to post-war raadjust- kentucky has hB1`°t°f°"€ Occasioned them. A very satisfactory way is to`
than an th"lf°“s Of Steel md D°iS°“‘ 1-ecm of sush SG;-Qicg ;€>rF;§dg;l1}C1l2;- nliftgl t State llegiimmms Wm be    a;;€`;F:2€’ als? put the mes in 2* b“""1 *"’°“t ****1*
OHS gases t t h 1 d ‘ . _ _ · as 6 0 pass egis at' t t f. ~ — S 1 use 0 ,
our men on tie ;;/ft-ISE f3;-His   hAl%l0€p0rtu.¤1t1g§ for gmplgynfguig fectuate this rgsolutjogig ac S 0 B f1`@Sh mean For S?V€l`?l1 weeks ?Ift»€I`  
· . . ` . » te to the bureau so hog killing countr 00 1 t f h -
IS an recurrence of tms Luggage this Q mu et MDM _ .;...j.. Y P P0 98 PGS gd and a Sho 1 f H E ·
, that all 1nf0rmat10u about positions purl: three tin d ‘ · ve u 0 moist Garth
month 21 d th nu fd h . . · ws a ay m °1d"1` *0 · -
mg. sciznngsss arhooéuéxzguéiixogig   be z"'*“?f“"° *° my "*"““““g DELIVER%§Er%V§;}§R1g%&VNTS me the Supply hmm it S"°"S‘ The gggvglggggdthg mts to protect mm
investigating predict an even Worse S0 121* or sa10r or released war Fwd Adm1u1strati0n now requires a '
Y ·ke1· at one central office. l_— conservation of meat. 21 d th f 11 -
recurrence next Mar h. Th b t - “ 01 . , R 6 0 OW
thomies of the magical xvgrldasstgiz The Board of Management should The Conservation Division of the mg l`@€1D€i$ offered as a means of ex- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE V
that inuuenza rgcurs every Eve years hfmg t0 the attention of every possi- War Industries Board has disctm. tending the family supply Of Spargribg SETS SPEEDING
. ' ble employer in the community that tinued its r · { Y · and backbones thro ` 1 t th ~ UP EXAMPLE
Thg average age of men m the COL _ _ _ _ _ _ · D Ogliilll or economy m ug 10u e yezu.
A lege N 1 S t. . _ _ — It xg .1us patriotic duty to re>g1ster all l":‘Cf111 delivery service, and hold; that USB as 1€¤`g€ 21 1‘0HSti11g pun as will - ’*‘ _
Again ;vZu€Si?O;?niI1Sa§]9 ;gui;?,i$;1S' ¤0S1t10HS Which he has ODGVD. With the the future of this program is lem to Ht the 0V€¤ and HH it with spareribs h $$16 Id;1 of S?ttmg an. example of
Should I bother “;ithinSu1_anCB;10w,§; b¤Y€¤¤· the discretion 05 each State Councik and backbOn€S_ Sa]; and Dapper to C20 Gworf tgasclial @116 mllld Qf Dean
There are many forceful answers ko The Board of Management should It holds that if thy; prog;-am is m` bg *23516 and add 21 little water, busting Of tg rg . Q . 0 egg of Agmcultum
this query. sgcuye the co-operation of all bodies (`Ohtilllléd, it should be continued 01;- frequently and €V€¤`·Y until th9Y are hg ed Euvlmslty of Kentucky when
First they are just at the age when ;x;th11;tth$ commulriity and bring to ly by the voluntary agreement of the thoroughly done and ¤iC€1Y b1`0W1‘1€d Shogggir $12 {tg; 5;;:1; tge Erm gaggr
_ _ · _ e a en ion of t e public through xuemhamts of each ccommunitv unless as if f01‘ immediate use. Remove ` prmg 0 °
it is 1¤0St GDDOYWHG F0 haw 1¤S¤Y· the newspapers, churches, and in ev- the Community Labor Board of me from °V€¤ and Cut meat from the present yam" _ _
ance under the am‘¤CUV€ '¤€I`mS that cry other possible way. c0mmu.n.ity desires `its contiuumw; bones into Small Di€C€S and lace if A Study of the Sltuamm brought
the Government offers · ·· ' · · D the c 1 ' h ·
· Where there IS a, Commumty La- The War Industries Board expresses m quart glass Jars that have 198911 Om usmnt atfhe §0hm0n Of the
Scicond, it usually is not long after bor Board, it will, under instructions appracizmtion of the assistance yen- P*“€Vi0US1Y sterilized- Fm all SDMZGS problem rested pmmamly with um
lez1v1{1g college that za. man enters the from the? State DiI‘Gct01‘, p1‘0C6€d at dared by the State Councils of Du- and tv the brim Of thé Dall With farmers themselvém The fact Could
marmage state. No greater obli ation once to mvite the co-operation of the fans in h ‘ ‘ · 501116 of the li uid of the ‘ mt be escaped that f¤1‘m€1‘S must
_ S ez andlmg dehvery servwe, q Toasting
dgvolves upon hun than to secure his Community Council of Defense in vita which thousands of merchants Pam PIQCE the ¤`¤bb€1` Ping, lid and take up th° Slack? must °*`g&¤iZ€ U1€i1‘
WlfB· and children against possible calling a- meeting of all organizations have 1oya11y complied, _ Clamp in P0Siti0¤» but d0 Hot close Work more C“€f“uY· and must Wvfk
contmgency in nies uncertainties. which are interested in co-opérating __.. Spring 0f Clamp or screw Mason lid h‘“`d"" and mom efféctivelyif the can
Third, suppose something happgus il 'fhé H10V€¤1611t· Such meeting tight- Place jars in oven, either DD of the G0V91`11m6¤f for increased food
to the insured t0day_ tomolwow, a yea, Shvllld be presided over by the chair- NEXT BIG JOB T0 FIGHT the Tack placed one or two inches PFOGUCUOH was to be met SUCCESS-
from HOW HB may be physically diS_ man gi. the (jqrflmunity Labor Bggrdy THE INF LUENZA EPIDEMIC fl`(?1`ll·bOfT.OI`1'1 of oven 0;- glgg ju a WHY- The farm labor program of the
ablgd and think Of insurance when it who w11l explam the purpose of the ·—i dripping Dall with fst Cloth laid on the College Of Course illcllldéd, in addi-
is too late_ organization. At such meeting a. 1‘€D· The Kentucky Council of Deferwe bottom and add two inches of W’=’·t€1`· mm to this id°a* the Pmmisa that 6]]
Fourth, msu!-ance I-wks high as 1`€$€“tatiV€ B°*“`d_ of Ma¤&$€1`§» 001* has received the following Wil-9 from Heat the 0V€¤_ to 21b0Ht 300 degrees P°SSibl€’ IHGHHS 0f supplementing the
c0um€ml_ Any bank will lend money stxtuted as herembefore 1ndxcated, Mp Grosvenor B_ Clarkson, Acting F- OY ¤b¤ut as lf ${10Uld be for baking farmers DI`€$€¤¥S labor supply would
to insured men because insurance sh§>\;1;d b€t}(fh0S€?l. C It L Director, Council of National De- mimi Leave Jars in f°I`ty‘f“’€ gm calmed mm 1`€quiSm0¤· H¤Vi11g
carries \ .th .t b . V wm are IS no ommum y z1· {Engg; 1{11¤¤ €S;· remove from Oven and 01‘111l1 ated za. farm labor program the _
Fifth `;0u];g€;~1€§rIg(;;`;nt§1;0`v€(§~. bw B°·”d· the Cmmty OY Community "Reappeam¤cB of epidemic mgm Ughten lids G0mD1€i<-HY. Invert jars to College 0f Agriculture proceeded to
’ "` 8 HOW Council of Defense will perform for G - mst Scale and DI`0i€0t th f giV€ it 0 tt ~ ·
t. _ _ _ nza now threatened m many ts Gm mm il “ 0 the falmers. Tins 3,
1;;:;-l;;?S1aii§gI;i t°frgm{h°0d_t0 The these purposes the functions of the Of cmmt,·y_ Surgeon Genemliarof Fold draught- L€€ 0001 gradually. It done with assurance and ·Wj;];:,ui
War Risk Insus; 0 ¤?u· p=_ue}11;5_ Community Labor Board- A U_ S. Public Health Service has iS_ 1S_H€C€SSary tovuse 2. rubber ring that 3D010gY for the reason that the mem-
newable term I ance IS annual re- I{ENT`U`CI{Y COUN.CIL OF DEFENSE sued warning- Original epidemic WIU Sf21I1d this heat. The "G00d b€I‘S Of the College Stag were already
continued in i;1Sl;1;2g;ta?d may be Edward W· Hm€S· Chairman persists widely Everywhere epi. Luck), OP (ICOM Packsn M9 1‘€·00m· doing what they were asking the
_ ` ` Orm OY 3 Pendleton Beckley Ex. Sec’y d · d °. · m€¤d€d· farmers t d
pgrlod of {ive yam. ft , th t ._ ’ ' _€m1¢ 811 0£h€1 abnormal condi- _ _ O 0- LOUE h0u1‘s and hard
nation Of the `var isa dgigrnlingilrrggy   · tjons created   \V3.[‘ ]`|3,V€ lei'; fgi].         (;1an];1€d·\vIth` Xvork   b€COH'lB 3, 11113 thruout the
presidential proclamation. Meantime BOQT AND SHOE PROGRAM hons of people pgcu1ia;·1y Suscgpt- 1_ _f t ‘y 3 B1_ U C €1‘1¤g, QM'- C0l{€ge deparunguts, every one of
I 3 Plan Will be worked out \Vh_€I•€by FINALLY DECLARED OFF iblte du;) diseisii RiS1<$ KYB uggrn- 1€;V£€n€;;g§I;t?;€u;; i?§gt€t:`;€;$;§£ gglch ‘VT·S 0V€1‘1‘u11 with emergency
men may comm their insurance to ——· Ya " Y. ?‘? t at medml md Sm · th ·· ’ . ” “’°"‘·
20-year €ndQ\VmGnt’     Ol,           Of                            
other \v€l1 known forms of insurance war Industl-IGS Board Sends out m_ to Queeg war needs and eannm bg Gd rice or mashed potato HIBSBTVB W&S formed as 3, rggult of
H S · · ' t { · FCS Ore to normal f ‘ · . G &ctiv`t' f
older of thm Insurance. have mg S ruc IPHS that there? is no logger my my Without C t0? Sign? E11118 Sausage may be Saved by using the Offic   1ۤ 0 the College Labor
GOVBTUIUBHCS pledge that It wlll bg mcesslty [O" ca"Ymg out uw Shoe . V Omar BL G Om In above method after the cake 1‘ k G` Dmctlcally every member of
g1<>;¤03;?1 to 4-0 ger Cem cheaper than ¤Y¤gr?¤q   wat zecgyrg <;¤t1¤;¤<1 M =» EQ? éftifgu§;§§§;y0Q”§t;§;°(‘.;)‘§§§g have been med. S or In S ;*;;f;;2g;g; QM {E§p°’“m€‘“ Station
€I‘ SlI'l11Z1l' insurance ff d I‘€C€H G Gl`, an zx IB istribu- ‘ _ _ _ - 9 D 9 ge to go out d
them, 0 Gm tion or pledge fdrms and window °T}‘d SF"·“’ D“"S“’“ of The W°m““`S stm  I§;¤E`¤\Y9%CO;T' mp mmm °f uw 10***** té“i:>1;Y
If one haslyt the ready cash to cards to tha shoe dealers in vm-{ous Egmigléttgi be t$`0W}l1} bad? aff pub- ` ___11°n gent Save their crops when the need
t Y. _ _ Counties need not now be d _ fl 311 OI`1 IGS. 11 Qusive ` &I`0SG.
Y$ZZ€d°’%$5]1pZ¥'2€E§T-v?f§“h‘;‘“§€0§{i; ._.———    G ·   ‘°°*‘“y Wm i“‘“V“"“"S   CARE ?§¤1¥g§¥§%YB$TgE§EY These ”‘“g“S   me good A
. ·   V ' 11y called for to ¤um·d 0 U- yof ·
borrow It or have relatives make such · mgm ¤ D D . it D ESS"` Of Um College 0f Agric It
. `c· (1 th · 1¤r (1 · · · - u um
payments mm] Such time as he can ;r;;?l?n?Snfa11agu;s the day when the (ioilfilizilSufgigiusglnssgécfgzmgzuuggi The care Of nursery stock from the   HIS first shock that was Set up
:'€;mb¤1'S€ thfml, and take care of fu- Thg mm] Humber Og man in the structed to bring together: lunder time it arrives from the nursery until fgfnl grlhmamgefs of the volunteer
u e;{ayme11ts, Navy applying for Government in- Gemma Working armnggnmmi my Dlimtéd 1S 0f g1‘aati111po1·tan¤g, More lead i ti; 016%** 1*1611 t00k the
Untlllsuch time as the Bm-eau or summe was 426,112, or 90 per cgnt_ resentatives of all local agencies twgs-and plants my to grow because and iunmgg Xvhm and -1my harvest
  RISK I¤Sl11‘¤1}G€ definitely de- Of the entire Naval personnel, The {<*¤¤hi¤g1wa1t1¤ and to Dui Rt ih¤i1‘ ?l§,lgu?{rO1)€1` handllgg at this time Shoulder mwS;i;f1(;I1r€Sh1Pg’ `”°"ki“g
’ as W Gm pmmmms Shan be Paid ‘€€1`=1¤d f<>t&l of insurance taken out Willi disposal facilities for I-mc;} ‘ mm any Gum! CQHSG Says A. J. d __ Bi`, With farmers
by men out   the service, the pre.   Navy men                 Comnlunity U O1n9Y»         HO]‘ti-   thell regular help   Xvith  
miums must be sent to the Insurance gwcmgc amount pm. mm; ap'pHG}1 for __ ____ C¤1t¤¤`€ at U18 University of Kg;]- hands and b¤Si11€SS men who qgmposs
Dapartn1e11t, Bureau of War`Risk In- was $8,972. CONSTRUCT ‘ t“°ky‘ ed the volunteer force`
sura’nCG’ Vvashingtorh D- Cu A. WIIOIB B/[B1] in d()ubfl on any point YG/1at_ Count C       OF]-. _AS $0011 as the nursery Stock HI" A nuluber Of thé College faculty
xBm.·S· premiums may bg paid at (mc ing to Continuation of wal` Risk In- _u t b y j0u11Q1 s 0 Defense have {was, 1F should be opened and exam. gaw UP mei? FOUTUI Of July holiday `
hmé if zm mm so desires NO H · . J S Gen notified by uw N°“·Wm` 1HGd.F11‘st see that the Ord ·1 b and spent the (1 · =
· ·¤ . Ou. SumuCG_ Ol. who desire more com Construction Seem) f th W ‘ I _ l · Gl ms eau _ ZY 111 helpmg farmers
“°a**¤¤$ WIN be Sent to men as to plete information on the Subjéct are dusmes Board ml; Ou G Um. UQ H_u€d· mtmg °““SS1°“S OY Substitu- u“"’Sh their Wheah The Registrar or
’WhG“_ premiums fall due. This is urged to address their iuqumés to upon Constr t. a E? ms uCt1°u” mms- Sécvnd, HMG UIQ Ch?l1`HCt8l`2111d W6 University, E_ L_ (;mis_ sacked
left to the man himself, as he knows the District Insurance Officer Great kind have sec mn prmegts gf QYQIY grade Of §t°°k° The bark Should be fifteen hundred bushels of Wheat
exactly the day Of his entry into the Lakes, m_ ' in B 1 sn .r€m°VG ‘ “*’h°“Y clean, bl`*ght» EYGBH imd free from W01`kiHg from seven 0·c]OCk in thé
ac 1 coun Y IS requested. scale or czmkers of any kind, A brown 1H01‘HiHg, until dark,