xt7wpz51kb66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51kb66/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1989 1989 1989-04-18 2020 true xt7wpz51kb66 section xt7wpz51kb66  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll, No. 149

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent stnce 1971

Tuesday. April 18. 1989







Part 1 in a 3-p..irt scrics




Counties wrth
short health care



Health Manpower Shortage

Source: Kentucky t“. min ‘


't"i lltlt'! ,iri llir<.outr:e';



B) .ll'l.ll'2 PISSI'IIJIAN
Special Projects Writer

ast October. Marian Swope. a
fourth year student at the UK
(‘ollege of Medicine. spent one of
her regular four‘w'eek rotations working
in psychiatry in (‘orbin. Ky
While she gained the benefit of hands
on medical exrwrience. she came away
with an itiipressioii that may be far
more significant to the state of
Kentucky that there is a significant
need for health care professionals in
many parts of the state. and that she
now may consider practicing in one of
those areas
”I guess I was sort of surprised by
the need. she said of t‘orbin. a
medically underserved area
While she said she never really hart
thought too much about practicing
medicine iii a rural part of Kentucky.
the experience influenced her decision
to proceed in that direction
“I d feel better about doing it now."
she said
While some pa rLs of Kentucky have
an adequate or e» en overabundance of
health professionals, there is aii
alarmingly high number of cities. like
(‘orbin. and entire counties in Kentucky
that are underseryed With medical

oncerned about the current

situation and future prospects for

these areas. [K is trying to make
medical slUtlQ‘lll,.\ moreawareof the


Medical care unequally
dispersed in Kentucky

problem and encouraging them to serve
these areas as professionals

A recent report compiled by the
Graduate Medical Education National
Adyisory t‘oninii‘dee estimated that a
smtatilephysician to population ratiois
191 tovltltliltttt lloweyer. in Kentucky it
is estimated that the ratio is about H3-

According To Emery Wilson. dean of
the t'ollege of Medicine. about titlot the
lillcouiilies iii Kentucky are
underseryi-d w ith some areas. such as
in southeastern Kentucky , hay iiig ratios
as low as H3 ;,,. toootttl

He said it probably will be ‘well itito
the next century before the optimum
ratioof physicians to population can be
reached tll ttiiistati-

iie way tn which l K is trying to

help “mi t e ‘tie pi oblcni -‘)i

geographical maldisti‘ihution of
health care professionals is the Area
Health Education t ‘eiiter l’rogram
Through this program. fourth-year
medicat students ltkt' .s‘wopc. and other
students Ill the health llt‘ltl. are sent to
work with and obsertc practitioners iii
rural parts of Kentucky

"1 hie of the things we try to

emphasim ;'. thi' \lll‘lt'prograiii is if
you're a student in our health
professional discipline your campus is
thestateol Kentucky lt'sout‘ltobto
respond to the needs of all iif this
commoiiwi-a'thf saidJim Norton.
assistant pt'iigt :itii .‘idftiitiistt‘ator ol

\cc “I‘D“ AI . t’agc ‘



Student Media Board selects
WRFL’s general manager

News Editor

The Student Media Board selected
(‘harles E Moore lll yesterday as Wltlt‘li's
general tiiaiiager for
the 19894990 academ-
ic year

Moore. is. started
in management when
he owned and inan-
aged five comic
bookstores in llH' dif»
t'erent cities during
high school

“I opened ta store)
by selling a box of


that the first month's
rent. \looic, {t business tiiiatice
ti'eshiiiari then I got a person who
wanted to operati- a comic book specialty
shop and sold to them I did that five
times each Iiiiii- iii it different city "

Moore sari his managerial experience
from owning th.- stores not only contrib
uted to financing his education. but also
thl contribute to the iii.iiiageiiieiit of the

"ll st‘t‘llls like .‘i logical step right now."
he said 'f’hc general manager is mainly
concerned with business and you can't get
a better major than this for that lot)

"I will be tiiiitgi-tiiig the station. lulltlr
Sce “RI-L. Page i


t‘tlllllt's paid


Due to a columnist's error. a column
last week incorrectly reported who
spent the least atnount on their cam
paign for the Student Government Asso
ciation Senate Ann Davidson. who was
elected the ('ollege of Library and In-
formation Science senator, spent no
money on her election.

Due to a photographer‘s error. a cut
line in yesterday's paper about Kappa
Alpha Theta‘s Adopt A House contained


some incorrect information The house
being painted was located in the [ex

lluc to a mistake in yesterday's (‘amr
pus t'alendar. information for a concert
this Friday was incorrect The informa-
tion should have read. ’l‘huli in concert

Rhythms and Music of South Africa is
$3.50 for students. so for adults at the
Singletary t‘enter for the Arts in the
concert hall at l2 :ttlp m cal1257-1929.


UK more than basketball,
president tells 700 alumni

Editor in (‘hief

LOUISVILLE. Ky Early on. the talk
around at least one table during last
night 's Jefferson
(‘ounty tTK Alumni
Association spring
banquet concerned
the top candidates for
t'K‘s vacant basket»
ball coaching position.

(‘hances are. the
same conversation
was occurring all
around the (ialtllouse
East banquet hall last ROSELLE
night which held about Too l 'K alumni

After all. the news as it has been for
most of the year isl K basketball.

But t'K President David Roselle. Ill his
speech. decided to stress last night wtiat
he has termed “t he of tier university "

After receiving a standing ovation from
the capacity crowd. ltosellc reminded his
audience about some of the positive as
pects about [K

In particular. llttst‘llt‘ 'lt‘tl 'he :2 per
ceiil increase in pi‘:i..iti- .:i-..i:g to the uni
versity last year Ilflllilltltlls irom t-ompa
nies such as ’l‘oyota - t't‘t't'ltl st tlllllltlll gift
to the t'K library and ‘fie iflltflll‘. ot ‘sltl
dents attracted to the ~lll|\t'l'wll\ through
the selectiveadiiiissioii- proves.

“You look for these kiiiiis of igiis 'o see
that things are going xieif llllst‘llt' \aid

ltoselle‘s {ltltll‘f‘sn ‘o ‘t.»- .lt‘llt"‘-«ttll t'oiiiity
Alumni Association tiii 'Itil 'llllt'l' sllltslitll
tially from the *nlllllll‘ilh’t‘ that
the president tlt'll\i‘l‘ ‘o illllt‘l .is
sociations and rot.ii: .‘llttts im-

lt is a titcssagi- tiii' 'lt' ‘lt'l|\t‘l't‘tl
more than too times iltt’“ h» \i \.‘\ profit-
into the basketball {ll'ttL‘lIiIlI iegaii ifioiil .i
\‘t‘ill‘ (tut). stiltl l l\' *[lttlx'tNlllitlt ‘tt'ttiit' \iill

tn Louisville or II V
is there is life
taiilly, besides 'llt‘ in.
[K basketball pi'ogi fllt

To be sure. ftoscitc i- one.
bout tlietiaski-tliall int-s

For instance.






it"-tti llt'\\(lL‘,('

ttot: ll the

tlit'l itii!

t'»';i,’ i


oeioii' 'it- t’ltll‘” o ttic

alumni association the 'tiltl -.-
porters he could not t‘tllllltlt'lit tio i ‘iltti-ltm
story in the tawiiigtoii llt‘l.iltt lituitll‘l
which said lTK conceded ‘iv the
\‘t ‘AA charges

lIK. the story said .\Ill
package sent to the father ,.
year l0“ lhf’ schooll ’i.i\l\i"li.iil illltt
SLthllnSlde. the tit-wspapei ‘o poi 't-it

But the university to“ .
inconclusive :is to
coach Dwane t‘asex

Roselle also sitltl ll“ iiope- he 13; \er
hearing before the \i \\ .ihii _. ,
mitte this weekend tlt
takes only one dai. after ,ul 4!. 'm
dent says he wants to lil.i\ writ." t


dllt‘t’ tll

igti-t- 'lltl' i
.1i-iriiit f\l

«t'i‘ .Jlt'lltl‘
Allt‘lltt'l ti-~:i,i~ whitit

.iltitt‘if ’i'.t t.ti.’t' llt

‘ll i! 't' ‘I':

But ltosellc silltl Last int-n' ' :1
problem facing the mini
kelball is taciilti


Roselles' budget 'til 'tiiv
included a 7 [K‘l'tt‘lll 'l"
salaries. but paying 'oi
meant taking i’ll‘illt“
sayings program



By .\ll('ll \lill. l., .lU\tt s
Staff Writer

Jed Smock is a man with a message
and yesterday he brought that message
all the way from his church iii t‘olum»

Smock said that he has visited more
than .300 campuses iii the continental
l’nited States during his to year min-

“l recognizi- the iii-ed tor students to
see the ti‘iith.‘ s'iiimk s.l|tl "(‘ampus
lllllllsll‘lt‘s. with the exception of a few.
aren't getting the _|t)l)(l(illt‘ '

Smock admits that once he too was iiti
the road of on and "fornication" when
he was inst .i teen in 'l‘iirrc llaute. liid.
Hut lll 18m» he repented and started his

"ltewntciicc is .‘l choice." Smock
said. “The; ‘hlmlt'llls lime to l‘t'Jt‘Cl
sin and seek the atonement of Jesus
t‘hrist "

Smock's message. which points out
the sins of shorts. cigarette smoking.
premarital sex. communism and rock
tiiusic even has prompted an article in
one of the great newsletters of sin. Roll
trig Stone tttaganftc

“lt ithc tll‘llt'lt“ was basically good
publicity. considering the source.”
Smock said iii the same iioiichalaiit
riianrier that marks his sermons. “I
thought it was a fair article.”

Smock‘s flamboyant manner. his book
Who Will RlM’ Up" ‘Whlt'l’l he sells at
his speeches for $1) and his claim that


Sister Cindy Smock and her husband. Jed. preacher;
asstudents crowded amund them in the tree speech flt‘»: :‘i

Sin in the sun

Jed Smock. ‘Sister Cindy’ remind students of moral transgressions

Jr"'srtft’l51y afternoon The COuple traweis ".i
vino 'ne '.')Ulllr\/ and tells audiences it

at ‘ "I,

he is without siii has drawn trig rowds
everywhere he has puke-n that 's
to say how-\ci that llt iiiiwd always
is on his side tin-ii llt idiiiits that at .d
most never is

some students ill t l\ 'xi-it- 'lllt‘lltlt‘tl
by the way \lllltttlx' vtllil ills \llt' ri-lciri'd
to the women lll tht .iga
t‘ctterslttokitig w lioi t‘ft

“lt's ii farci- t can £.iiigli .it.
French sophomore \haioii l,tt\
can't help taking it st’l ltttis

(‘indy Smock. .lcds 'iAllt‘. .ilso prc
ached and supports her husband‘s tech-
nique She said that they were not going


\lt‘\\tl it.\

but I

”two 5 sauna .. ..

itt'l “ istrs


to come out and ,
everything in ‘llr' ‘vrt
they clearly areii '

”ll they rt‘ not Lfiiittit.
sins. God's not going
she said, ‘It a lK‘lsuti
forgive them

Smock s wife.
as ”sister t'mdy.
bore no lllillltt‘ 'im..i~. it
did not lX‘llt'H‘ ”I t out

“I hope they prim

However. \ttlllt it
said the pi‘cacim... tllf‘ t.

"He Siiioi K
isl.' said Engiisn
McKinley slii- .iis-i I.
Smock maybe
flashbat ks

"i’l‘hey ~rc
said '.-\iid if

Smock said that tfic MW, 'li
.'it campuses is to rat \ltlilt'tt-‘~ '
about spiritual things. =.ii« r .
tioii his mom es

"He doesn't
about spiritual things amt
freshman .lulic Illat ktiiiiii
does is try to tone \\ll.il tic
upsets me that peopfc tilli an
saying what's right or w l‘ttltL‘.

Many ol the the itilii \ llf .lll‘ iiowil
compared the fs'niocks to ilt'll'tK kcd tcle

\cc NMtK k. ”1|le l'iigc




‘tio ~;ii .. A.

and "ti

silili-i. ti

ltlslt‘l .t.c it.

'llt‘lt' ‘ .t

lit .ll\‘
’iiil ltli>

want pi'iipii ii liitin
\Sltat 'ti
'liilms [1






60“ 765"


Today' Chance of rain
Tomorrow Partly cloudy. cooler








Senior Rawls

impressing UK staff

Love Tractor plays
at Wrocklage tonight




See Page 4



in spring practice






2 ~ Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. Aprll18,1009



Torn Speldlng
Sports Editor
Brlen Jent
Assistant Sports Editor


UK tennis team looking up after win

Staff Writer

The t7th—ranked UK Lad) Kat
tennis team notched one of their
biggest victories of the year as
they ousted 7th-ranked Indiana
University yesterday by the score
of 574.

“This is, by
far, our big-
gest win vet,"


t'K coach
John Dinneen
said “We
heat the num-
ber seven
team in the
country. and
we're ranked

our ranking is deceptive, the team
has been playing really well the
last three weeks."

The team shares Dinneen‘s teel
ings both about yesterday‘s Will,
and the wa) the team has been
playing Ill recent weeks

17th Although


[ST 1979





“We were so close to beating Miami, and it was
kind of hard for us to come back. And now we
come back and beat the number seven team in
the country. It's a real up for us."

Jane Yetee,
UK tennis player

“We were so close to beating
Miami. and it was kind of hard for
us to come back." No 2 seed .lane
Yates said referring to a 5-4 loss to
SIXID ranked University of Miami,
Fla earlier in the season. “And
now we come back and beat the
number seven team in the country
It 's a real up for us "

They were ranked higher, and it
gives us a lot of confidence to beat
them,“ l2ene Holm Larsen said
‘.\lthotigti this is a good wm. every
match is important "

The lady Kats are playing the
best teams ot their season llOVl
-\lter an earh season loss to Kan



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sas, the Kats fell to 56 after being
ranked in the top ten in the pre-
season Volyo/Collegiate Tennis
Rankings. Since then the team has
been on a roll, winning ten of its
last eleven and raising their record
to 15-7

t’K started out well against ln—
diana as No l-seed Chris Karges
defeated Shawn Folz 6-4, 1-6, 6-4. In
No. 2 singles freshman Jane Yates
defeated Stephanie Reece 63, 7—5.
Sonia Hahn, who has moved from
the No 5 spot to No. 3, lost to Kelly
Mulvihill 6-2, 6-0. Senior Caroline
Knudten lost to (‘andy Kopetzki 6—1,



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In No. 5 singles, UK recuperated
as Antoinette Grech beat Brenda
Hacker 7-5, 7-5. larsen closed out
the singles matches with a three.»
set victory over Indiana‘s Amy Al—
cinie 63,64).

Indiana closed the gap to 4-3
when their No. 1 doubles team of
Reece and Mulvihill beat UK‘s tan»
dem of (irech and Karges in
straight sets 6-3, 6—0.

But UK came back to clinch the
victory in No. 2 doubles as Knudten
and Larsen beat Indiana's Kopetzki
and CB. Lee 6—4. 76 The day was
closed out when UK's No. 3 doubles
of Hahn and Helen Fabisiewicz rev
tired to Indiana‘s Folz and Alcinie
in the third set.

In addition to the team playing
better, Dinneen sees another rea-
son which has contributed to the
teams recent success.

“The trainers at the Nutter fa-
cility have done a great job piecing
the team together, from Sonia
tHahni on down,“ Dinneen said.



Goals not so modest
for Equestrian team

Staff report

The UK Equestrian Club only
had modest goals when it began
its season a few months ago.

“Actually, when we started
the club we were hoping we‘d
just give people some competi-
tion,” said team member
Christine Comella.

Considering its past, that com-
ment seemed true. The last
equestrian team at UK dis—
banded in 1981. When it reform-
ed two years ago it had only two
members — two short of qual-
ifying as a club sport.

But a combination of talent
and desire have changed UK‘s
ambitions quite a bit. After a
blazing performance Sunday in
a regional tournament in More
head, Ky., the Kentucky team
has earned a trip to the nation-

als in Mt, Holyoke, Mass. —and
a chance at a national title.

“We knew we had the talent,
but I didn't know we'd be so
competitive so soon," Comella
said. “None of us had any idea.
We just kept building on it,
doing better and better."

In 10 events this year, the
Kentucky team won six times,
came in second three times and
finished third once. That was
good enough for first place in
the region, more than 90 points
better than any of the other
teams, “so it wasn't even
close," Comella said.

Then came the regional win,
which came at the expense of
such established squads as Mur-
ray State University.

UK qualified nine members of
its team for the nationals, which
will take place May 6 and 7.














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shines in

Senior Staff Writer

With the end of spring practice
only four days away, a slight smile
is begining to show on the face of
UK football coach Jerry Claiborne
7 especially when he speaks of his
running backs and defensive line.

“We are strongest at the running
back position,“ Claiborne said. “I
thought (All Baker and (Alfred)
Rawls ran the ball extremely well
today and so did tMiket Knox and
(Darren) Bilberry,

“Our defensive line really got in
there and put a lot of pressure on
the quarterback,“ the UK coach
said. “I won‘t know until I see. the
film whether it was missed assign-
ments on the offensive line or just
a good rush.“

The UK running backs were the
stars of yesterday‘s intrasquad
scrimmage at the Shively Sports
Complex and Rawls stood out.

Rawls, a 5-11. 201—pound tailback,
carried the ball for 140 yards on 17
attempts and two touchdowns, This
included a 6&yard gallop to the
endzone on an off-tackle play.

"Rawls should have had 240
yards if he hadn‘t slipped so much
when he tried to make his cuts,"
said UK running back coach Greg

Rawls gained the majority of his
yardage when he was running with
the second-team offense which was
more effective than the first~team
offense against the No. 2 defenswe

"The second-team offense made
better reads tof the defensei than
the first-team and played more in
sync.” said Claiborne, who is in his
eighth year at UK. “The first-team
offense~ especially the line. made
some really bad reads in the pass»
mg game "

Ruggers to end season

St a If report

The [K Rugby team will close
its season Saturday when it hosts
Eastern Kentucky [Tniversity at
the I'K Rugby Field on Alumni
Drive at 1 pm.

Three players will be making
their final appearence in IJK jer-

"I haven‘t really felt the effects
of 1! being my last game but when






Kernel Advertising









Kentucky Kernel, Tueedey,Aprll 18 1989 — 3

Claiborne satisfied with Cats’ spring drills

Claiborne warns team
of talking too much

Senior Staff Wr.ter

“Remember. action speaks loud,»
er than words " t'K football coach
Jerry Claiborne warned his players
that attended yesterday - press

Claiborne III'I 1.111111 :iv~ platen ‘ 1
keep a positiw .tl'llllt’lt’ .1'id proxi-

themselves on the :ielrl .1iid tot .I‘
the media
‘As ‘ai as th- attitude .‘ll'I ’hw

effort of the team in sprint iriiis
the kids have been great ».;1i1i
"We need to keep ’h1s .1tt'tiiile
throughout the wasn't
“Our schedule s

' rie

Marti «tweet



“We have to play
exciting football and
intense football
because we just can't
throw our helmets on
the field and expect to
win . "
Tony Massey.

UK defensive end


'ivie ‘hltIL’ that ('laitioriie wuiilri












without giving 111: Jithtirients 1'11 like to see his team having l'IIl
added 1t\('f‘ntl\‘t‘ 1' H urn-low FAT Fun"
Rand} Helleransairt "No-"st- 1.41! '/1 hate more tun on
The NCAA 1iit'tl ‘I!\i .11,1sriii \ 'liw iii-l7} Wantmrnp said [3111»:
schedule 11s the ‘n1i1;h 1! 't-e 1.11 will to :iie 1s Sun and we rieeri :1.
tion In 198“ t K giii1'.~ ‘111- \Lrthr‘ get 1.11. that trame 111" mind the
schedule t'xt'ep? 'he'. 1,111- iiopiwd tins iren‘t hating :1 ml of :im out
(‘entml \lit-hiilaiii «‘erz' stew .11'i-f ‘liere
SOlltlit‘t‘it iilmos ii tie‘i piartw 7 twin-\e 'fie {IDS 11ro- hazing
'UK added \ui'ih 1111511211 "t‘i‘iftn" ‘un ‘ know ! 1iti‘1,’ Y‘K ietensi‘m
snows: .1111 andt‘1iiciriri11t1 at-kle timer Harri: -tt \flld "The
UK tailback Alfred Ftawls avords detenswe guard at Shively Sports Complex Rawis ’ed all rushers ‘ K M” 11 ” ' ’ "‘1 ' ‘ "“ "W!“ "" ”‘3' mthh‘f “ "it 1
' ‘ ‘ ‘ " r‘-- "" ”I “41' '1.1v\ ‘ ‘11’ nihll‘ ' T l ( ii ‘1; ‘
Joey Couch in yesterday 3 intrasquad scrimmage With 140 yards on t , tart es and 'WG ‘ “‘m ”‘41 ' H ” . “ ”'7“ ,“” ‘ .T‘.’
eastern 1 .itltt't‘t”."~ 1'..11;1ii .. wen "it-'it'lltik‘, airing ~iriootr1 tor h
. . \uhiii'ii tr‘zorirtn "1H 1. ‘ 3t otiir

Baker, a 541. zztopound tailback, passes. Part of the reason for the 11111 1- 1111:1111 1-..1111t-.1~1.111;1 :1. .1 11vmmw, m”: .1~11..~~1..'1
ran for 717 yards and two touch- few attempts was the pressure the he .\11 .111:v'11¢..1_=;1:1:\t i11- ~11-.i.'.1,.111 (m. .h“ . '11’ 1-..1: 1. 111:.11. c1. ~-.;1r11:g 7112311111 1...- 1mm. 1r:
dOWHS on 13 carries. Tailhack/ful. defensive line applied to the quar deft-11111 111 new “mm \K‘HH'WH" - good excen: 2m“ 3m. 111113211” 1h»
lback Bilberry ran for 7t) yards and terback, fer-hark, 11-11111; t1.11.1 1'31111-1- - ”1 11.: :.~.- .1 .1 _,_ .11 t\ "Uh-if? 411d 3“ W “-3“ ”W"

. . . 1. ~ 1 -' . . 1, A “ ' .. d ' 1'; zri-zriazies 'ost )oned bee; the 1l
(meiow hdey ‘ 110m, pass protection was litirt‘ir lit illgltttiii .41 tilt in -.1i1t-itti1itt 1 111. “11.1... .111.111,-; Lg11‘r.1_ t1 r i111 'h'hr’.‘. 1.1-1" in“. 1r\ ‘

Knox and Rodney Shepard, both ble -~ Claiborne said 11W“ ,m, cer tine :1- 1 :1;11111-.111:1-~- 11111-1111 11 11.1.1 ‘h»- .11.\1111 11‘ =1l1»:,.1~ W1- .1l1 .1. 1 1111 l o r. 1 ,V 1;
. » 1 ' " 11 ~ - .‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1-1.1 1.-..... 1 . 1 . . "‘Iii‘~i-"‘urles

fullbatks. rushed for 18 yards and tainly gomg m have m ”11pm“. AHK, . 11 ,1..1..151 ,.,.;,. ”mfg, ,,,; .,,. 1.1,“. .14..
ht) yards respectively Knox rushed that .. 1.1.111.” ; <5 .111 11.11,,11. \11 .. H“ ““"Hl‘ 't‘ittti intuit? '~'
for the second longest play of the . .,.,,.1 q... gm. 1-1-1111t;1.1 11-1211”. - 111:1 "1 .iutn .t-her- wptervher
davona‘H-v'ir‘dcarrv In last week s scrimmage. «iiiar 7 , ,. 1 11 111 1 .i 1111‘ -1 ‘ ,1

'1 ' A ' - terb ck Freddie \I'I’l'il‘tl coin “it ”I \'i' \11'st1s- 1 211-..11 1 1,111.. " L " ‘

(lalhnrm) said he was dlsmrbed a - - - l. (”5‘ .. ttt1li 'lll'”! 1i.t\t'.”- 21.1? 111- '1 ”I“ \" 1““ ‘” "my”
about the tackling of his defensive pleted "m" ”I his ‘3 935595 tor "" , _> ‘_"_ 1,, p ' 111- 4' ”K mfw” 11.1. . . t. 1 11.1. . ' 1 1 -1 1 .1 1 e
“mi yards and ran for so yards on i! ‘“ ‘lc' "‘ ‘ " ‘ "‘ 11- a . . 1 11 ,

. _ 1 _ mutt-'15:“ 1 1 ' 1‘tilil . \ 1 '

"\‘le had some missed tackles in tarries ~11: " ‘-l
the secondary and you can't have What a d”“’”’""" «‘ ""“"k ""“l ‘1 . i .H .. , _ H. .1 ,
[hm-n “9 53“- “When that hap- make 11111 ‘1’ 1 11 t 1. ‘t-- 1.12. 1:1: ~11:1\~..1",:.. ._ 1.1-1 .n.-i. . rnen .,i t11rt1-1i TL'hHi.‘
pens. a touchdown Will result he The 6-2. 225-pound Maggard dirt M111; 1-1:: .1 '11 1.1» tt‘ 11.: ,1; l1 1 1M .;1...1- (,m 11,11, 1,11».i;1;.;_1
cause there s nobody behind the not even come close to last week \ «tn' :‘tlv'ti 1 :- 11' ..- 1 1‘ .1 11,1. 1,,111 ,1..; main. autism, .1,“ 3.1.
secondary,” performance. Yesterday. he car Kelli. .m an: 1- :1 11-011-1111.- 11,1; ‘11. 1 111 \ 1mm; - .1 1.11 --

I'K quarterbacks threw the hall ried the ball 15 times lor only live Etlltt'itti“ ' '5‘ 1.1 :11,1 1'\ \tiglii't); 111- . 1-11: 11.11 ..1 ».iwri:11~.: 11-.1
only 16 times, completing nine yards it: 1.11:1'111 ti->~.1»1' :1. 1»

‘ 1‘1: «1111112f11i‘striitsii‘113'irii‘
“121‘111‘1‘1-1' 11' Emil"
I get otit on the field I'm sure l 1.. . -=‘1l1v . ., l , .
WIN.” senior Rob Shelton said, “I'll ‘ “ 1’ .1..1tl ‘\ '1‘] H ‘ in“ ”I
miss more of the camaraderie on ' ‘ 1 12 t‘ ‘ Iiil’, >1 : 1"1‘~1".l‘.1"t I‘V )
this te.’ m than 1'lll\' other as *et of --
‘ 1 “ p‘ DAY SHIFTS 0 NIGHT bHIFT‘: 1 . 1 .1 .- 1 ,-
tht‘ flame However. this WI” not be ’ 1‘~ ‘ t" t - it :t "1' ! til H 1” 211
”121' last 141111111 ” ' WEEKLY PAYCHECKS - ‘ , .
The other two seniors are (‘hi‘is FULL-TIME ' '
(lrantzand’l‘ens Steei‘e PART‘TIME T" “‘ ‘ “‘ " ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘

IvK \thiih 11 lo?) this season is . 1 H V, , ‘1 . t' '. H 1111‘ , g! .i _(
Il}ll‘lgl()lf’l)tlllll(l iltergoing‘Z-iat 'NEVERAFEE ' i ‘ ' ‘ '2 ’1 “‘(‘ “ h I" ‘D \ '11
Western Kentuc'ki Innersih s ' s \ ' " t ‘ t 1'. ‘19 ii ‘ i \'
B'inshee'l‘oiirri'inient A, OFFICE/CLERICAL i I h . H ‘ A H I -

r . ( v ; .. 1 I"

FACTORY ; V‘ ‘ ' ii I it ‘.II 1 ll} l
_ .1
~ 1 v‘ 'x rw ' .1
we megn business LANDSCAPINt: ; I‘UWIURR. W .1 i l ~ - . 1.:11 ) .111
V CALLORSTOPSY g i it 1'Ii l ’tl1t
PERSONNEL E ' 1111 1 3
l 5 '
. . ‘ t I ‘1 1111 ‘k '
Ladle-S Shampoo. SERV ICES ’ , ‘ “ ” 1
1 , .1—1, f‘ i . ‘ “_ ' "1 ‘ ‘
l1311_,uth“1d QIyie ()08 PI“ RINII: will l’l ltl ,, i l t ( I ll I111II.I} f
W'SPEC'AL 5" 266- 5000 ‘ g :
—_—.__._.___. 5 m 1
, '1 ' . . .11. t
rvlens Shampoo. I it! t ' ‘ ‘ -’ Qmfifi .5
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reg. 312- SPEClAL $9 ,_. w; .\ 3
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4 - Kentucky Kernel. Tucsday.Aprll18,1989



Rob Song
Arts Editor


Love Tractor’

s use of vocals

contrast to Athens’ band’s
early instrumental albums

Staff Writer

Love Tractor has come a long
way since its beginnings in Athens
Ga. Now. it is no longer an instru

"When we started playing. “0
hadn‘t planned on being an instru
mental band." said guitarist Mark
Cline in a recent phone intervieu
“We just didn‘t have a PA
tem "

Since they added vocals on their
second record. Around Thu Henri.
the band's musical style changed

“When you're strictly an instru
mental band. you have to approach
songs differently." said (‘lme "But
having singing on tracks l\ some
thing that we had anticipated from
the start "


On its newest record. Phi-mu»
From Venus. the hand continues
pop experimentation (‘line said the
hand has been drawing recent tll
fluence from early Tits art rock

Lately. l've been listening to _‘|
lot of (Brian) Eno and the tirst
couple of Roxy Music albums,‘
(‘linc said.

"There is just so much garbage
out today and no matter how much
new stuff I hear. l keep going back
to the old stuff You just can‘t heat
it We‘ve even thought about cover
mg Eno‘s entire first album. Hen
Come The Warm Jets he \‘Jiltl

The band's affection for odd cm
ers is apparent. especially when
they become Wheel oi ('hcese



Love Tractor‘s alter ego cover
band This band plays versions of
everything from Kraftwerk's
"Neon Ligh