xt7wst7dvc75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvc75/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  18930315 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 7, March 15, 1893 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 7, March 15, 1893 1893 2015 true xt7wst7dvc75 section xt7wst7dvc75 1‘. __.._... _,-...-;~%.m., ,3 .2}; _,;:~__-__ . 77A; - ~ . -- fl~£;u*:—— " ' ' ' ’ ‘-_” Vi- .' , i- 3 i V W " ""33
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Vol. 3. Lexington, Ky, Mar. 15 1893 NQ. 7 .
W————~——.———-~~———- ~~———~--—— ~———~ ——-———~-~-~—~-—————-——v— 3
I A DREAM_ Idowu to a (llHCUSSlOll of the “Palaeo~ if; 2 3 T118 3;":__ 2}; "*3 j“; 3' I
n; IYOUlOWiC'tl” evidence Li: 5 ‘5, T7": 3 75 i: 3 'l 2-" I
._-; , . I 4 n ,( . - n. - -‘ 1 ": 53“.? ‘. 3 . “p r: .
a” ,‘ . . - -, r t I: 2-? 'l"_ . ‘.' 3". '»-, " ,1
:I ; l lhc first thing,r to be. consulered 3:, NLVV 5;, '33. . jg; . 3‘3 3:: ‘33; f
In the ”wee sma” hours when all are was the bearing of the fact. upon cv- ,- -. ~ g; ‘1: pa 3.4.5,;- =a.;._ n.3,“:- § _., r
. . asu’ep’ olution that a ccncral prom-ession I I
Bright thoughts of my sweetheart I ‘7‘, , ._ Ci 71 I :
through my memory creep. Ifiour lower to .hlgllel us 0 menu P \O 1/. B a 1‘0. {:1 i n SI I
- Ilow pleasant it is for these thoughts to keel-”“3r pace “Vlth tune. ( b C ' I
I ' , . . I
‘ recur l‘he great antiquity and sharp de- I
1‘1““!ka "“3 hill-Pr» “01 lonely. Whe" nmrkation from each other of the I
~ - I . . . . II
" thmkmg “he: different annual sub-knigdoms was NEW STYLES! NEW GOODS’ NEW PRICES' I;
K L .I l ' . I1
- She's fair as a lily, sweet as a rose, commented upon. If eyolution be ‘ ) II
. , . - 3 Y ' "x ‘ . ' ' ' ‘,
And 110w I am happy, as I lie in repose. true: GVldelltly our “first gGOIOgICfll At the New bhoe btore ()3 East Main. Dlseount off to I
Yes the thought is refreshing and un- faunas are not really “the first”. I Sillllt‘llls. I
doubtedly true, . I The order of treatment in the pa-i I 5'"
, That; her oweet parting words were, I’m. was zoological and the low” an— I}
‘Vou know I love you." . . ‘ II
3 nual sulrkmgdoms were run over S P E N (3 E R g RASI I "'
All nature is slumbering, and enjoying “HUI.“ I I”
sweet rest, The l’rotozonns7 Sponges and (‘o— __.__————.—.____—__—__—— i »
Wlulle I m” 90 happy, 50 fOflunfltely elenterates were found to yeild no gym“; I I I o o .
)lcst - -- - ‘5?
. certain evuleuec. {fl-7'7 hr?- 1 I I 2 8 1 68 e S I
i _ \Vlth the heart of the one Ilove and . t. . §IIMIIIH1 0 ' ‘
3~ .3 , ._ figmem I \Vitb the ltetlnuoderms the ho- “'-:; ‘le‘ ,'

f-:.*;.1‘f.-’ff{7tit‘w11011x I no“, so pleasantly dream. I mologies between the different class— olfilZE Representing the makes of II

i‘ , —, ‘ . _ . . 3 3:5,...”3. ;
a. _ A.'—: s s z r s z '1' 11( l 1—: . e era-z“ w J- ' .
)f’. 1. 1 3 . 4 3 _ cs 1. h “I; h 1nd t 1 It led ”I x; All American Manufacturers, 3
( , dlt' itt e sweetheart—~50 good, sweet, benrmg of facts of embryology were fi,re,:<§;%fi&\fi At f it Q q 6 ,2 g V
I , ““1 m“ seen to favorevolution. 'lhe niean- Aer-fixaflt‘it-V 3 4 *5 ”5 50 t ‘0 “900 “0 $3 1 Sr
’ No love could be sweeter than my love . , , , m . fifiJ~W£§DIL§§JJL§$L $29 $215 325v $30 and upward. I
t for you. mg of Von lsaers law, that indi- iiicxi’f’sdfilf 0— w
i And 0, how I hope after an lunest ap “dual hwtm‘y ml’eats mm“ history ,7 frigE‘itvéIgrié‘WEWE; ”HILL FRED J HE]: TZ I '.
| u 1 v ‘ 1 - I ' 1 I l x ' i 1. V/fillrfl;¥e:;‘)’p~ gang“; 23h"; ‘ N "
pea , “as hut, bioug it out .uu (.\(.mp 1- H,U¢\$§gaa,s V , ’ ‘
I That those thoughts, now fancies, will ficd "kile‘i‘Zxr'V-rfiéégy’fk MANIIFAC PURING J13“ hLF‘R' .
3 .. ‘ '7 . _ _ jun‘ziiilf Custozn House Square. I

- 500" become “‘1“ \\ orms, on account of their soft \V’f’gflgjf‘f —o— - '

hut “1:15! I awake from that lovely structure were not found to be 1m- 5 . ’ Wllzul Orders Receive our Prompt Attention. :

' drew"; . | portant Palaeontologieally, and were ‘

And how cold and dreary all nature passed over. or the Molluscoul S, I, '
, ‘ doth seem! th‘ 15.. .1 ' 1q 51. H1. - Q} ‘ll"” . . u
I y A , . ‘ _ L, 3 menopott 0 amp i, It b W th L f
‘nduIl-l , r v; M -_ . . r“ I r.
. q“ l“ t”“‘"””‘ Ohm" 1“? pass were found to be nnportzmt and » a r IS I e' “
,‘ ed through, It .11 l. "t 1 l t .1 03 ‘§\/,\ . .
I I wonder, like others if dre'uns‘ ever ‘ 0 ye] L 0111‘ 105 2”“ )L‘H ' CV“ (311(1) (3“; i. Lit/fin ‘ I
, - ~ . . . . / ' v: r; ‘
I come true. of transmutatlon of Specres. 52$ \\\'\‘ IIII'I / V? . X0“ “ mt to dress “ m“ from head tofom ‘ i -
I . . . \\\:-, «III ;;_II///.// Cl enjoy good health, and you want to do it eco-
. \Vritten by B. G. WILLIS, '93 A serles Of fOSSII forms from the wh-w I ‘h /{//// nomieallv ‘
.' '__“_ .___ . , '1 1 v. 1. . , . . :Nio \ff‘I-RMT ./ ,/ - .
I Inlmedldt‘v Handy 0t Lexmgton, gleqjgj 2:35, 3:: $1,517,. “'e meet your wants in both. “'6 carry
I; EVOLUTION AND PA LAE— illustrating Lmnsrtlon, was present- 3;; \ ALE-S ,EEE‘E only the be“ goods in the market and out I
ONTOLOGY “‘1 ‘01‘ Insllectlon- Migration 0f fi/x ”7;? [EE‘ PRICES AS LOW AS ANYWHERE IN rm: Ins.
‘ - - ., ' . , . ' , 73- ~' “‘<\ ‘ . . . , . . . . ‘,'
forms in process of transmutatlou ////Z\;\'_/<\\§\\\ Our contract for CADET UMPORMb IS evidence (

‘ (Abstract of paper read before the Mon- or change, was commented upon as / //¢////,II \\\I'\;\\\\\\ x i of this fact. Our bid was $16.95 as against $19.23 I
I (lay Club by Prof. Mi]1er,) 11.11 0x1.)lauation 0f the comparitive E/YI / I (is ' -of our competitors. “'8 think we undersell oth- "
I Evolution as broadly defined is rarity of such instances as the one. E ‘3‘ ‘ . i ii“ ““0“ the same mtlo- '

that theory of the Universe which offered. Suits and Overcoats from $4 to $25. ‘ -,
' lool's 1 )o ' rs ( z w r ‘ , 5 t‘ i ' '. .‘ . z i
; \ 11 n thing. that m, as the Of the Molluseg it “as found thit Pants from $.50 to $7. 3
- natural outcome of things that were. the (rastcropods afforded good ev1— ' Ii 3 f 1 1 . 1 ; ‘
, - . '. . . . . ' at: I. 0—» a ’ ~ or tie same t 1111 r e sew iere.

In Its narrower sense it is that View dence of tranmtions m the. case of i ‘- 5 you 1) y $0 3

which regards as genetic the relation species. Illustrations of the trans— 5““3 ‘0 ordler mrouh T-:III<\(I)R11N(' DILPARI MM“ 1 for .

. . . . . . t ' t . ’ .

I the (htlercnt geological faunas and formatlons of l’aludlna and Planor- Wha you 1m) 0 mm or em) m e -
‘ Horus bear to ezleh other. his, from the Tertiary fresl‘i water \Ve are Sole Agents for the celebrated Jams l'lYGENlC UNDERWEAR, recom-
’ Organic Evolution itself may be lake beds of Austria and Bavaria, mended by Scientists and I’llysiCi-‘mS- N0 Gold-“.110 rheumatism -'
' viewed in two senses. In this pa- were presented. While you we“ “' ~

per it was taken in its narrowcr— 'l‘hc (,‘ephalopmls —Cuttle Fish ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE ‘


that of a statement of observed and Tribe—were found to present the .

inferred sequence of forum. strongest cvidcnee of any of the , M KAUFMAN & CO-s ‘
. “Palaeontology and Fossil” were luverteln'ates. I54 E, )Iain street, Lexington, Ky.

defined and the subject narrowed In the ease of the Ammrmiies it I A Special Discount to Students. BF?§}"I):-ecsz Suits, f. 2 rm 1.

, , i ‘\
-» . W 7 Arm; , / 4 .f‘” ~ :7 ‘7

___________———— ;
M—m—fl,‘_vfi.i#flvv,ifi ,7" i I
_. .. ‘ . ,, WWW“, ”A WW 'T’”w_w—_M’i'fl . ‘ , :
was elaimed to he ahsolutel)‘ i111pos-l “Fhe developement ot the loot‘ ,.’ .t t P1 t S j
sihle to draw the line hetween dill-lstrueture" was used to 1llustrate EEEETR'gifis; eet 1 I '0' I a e
erent speeies and genera, the grad—' llnes ot deseent here—notably 111 the .3; =3" _ ‘
nation so small that it is i1npossih‘le ease. of the horse—whleh was traeed E55?» A SPECIALTY
for the most experienced 1,121l11m11to- from its pr1n1at1ve hve toed anees- E‘jl‘: 3.; Z ()ltl tt‘t'tll eapped with ("old and artifieial teeth
' ' I - :7 1 a , , 7h ' ,
10mm 10 dm‘mw “mm and the tm. - l P I ‘3': made without plates. Speakers and smgers w1ll
' i H 1 '1 v n x 1 \ - |-_ , . _ , .
Slfliliw “MOM-C a”! 00111me 1h" dlululmm MM It 1; 10th find these a (treat i111proven1ent over the old wav ot 111se1t-
" 2 2 > ' 1- ' '2." swter. >v11onw. ' b . - . '.
lllL homologushttwttn tlutlirtt e1d<21ns \\1s.1llu t11 . r 1119; teeth on platt’S. 1 ll(‘\' do not affect the speech. ‘
stronglv marked groups at tlns (,‘e— the. ehanges 111 the teeth strueture, « . _
. I '1... ' 1. ‘ . )nrln' those. in the . ., . . .. .
phalopod Llass “tie txtmplrhtd, thtt ol tln ltt _ Fme GOlCl Fllllngs$l up. Fme Silver Fllllng 75 Cents.
and the manner 111 whleh fossil horns. . . . . ‘
l‘ormshridge over gaps between the A reeapitulation of the. ev1denee Vltahzed A” Admmlstered 50 Cents '.
' H ' 2‘ ‘ ‘ 2 i "lose; and while
l1\ 111‘;1r “as h1ought out h) 111t.111s ot ‘ “its first 11 tilt ttlnfl ( t nu Teeth Extracted 25 Cents. ‘
eharts and speeimens. at 1111 mg 121 me were ye. — .
Additional eonlirmation of Von‘ merous gaps to he tilled up, it was N EW YOR K DE NTISTSI I
llaer's law was found here. . teoneluded that it warranted thoeon— It. H. ll()l)(,llCN, l). l). 5., MANAGER. 1'
l’rom the Arthropod suh-king— lelusion that "the annuals now hv— Lexington, Kentucky. 1
dom. the Class t‘rustaeea7 and from . upon the earth, were the deseend— Office 0pm Evenings. Permanently located over Opera House. ,
this. the subclass 'l‘rilohitae, was se-lents of those that had h\'ed. that
leeted to illustrate developement. these were in turn the. deseendents 7 f
The relation ot‘ the modern horse— of others still older, and so on. at L . t PI b. C p y
shoe-erahs to the trilobites wase11—' least as far haek as the geologieal GXI ng on L“ I I Ing OI I I an i
fm‘t't‘tl l)'\' illustrations ttlltl SllOt‘l-l reeord t‘xtt‘lltlfi‘.” H IG H G RAD E PLU M Bl N G. g
' 111ens. and another exemplifieationI ”fi—fl— .
‘ V " " ‘ ' - " " '7r"7’ ' ' .‘E ' "uA’l‘lM‘.
ot how “111(l1v1dual._1'epeats raee l11s—1 Y, M. C A. LOl \\ A 1 LI» Al\l) 51‘] AM HT 1 .
tory" was shown. i Having lately returned from the . _ _ . h' .1
Passingover the 'l‘unieates [absent 1 btnte (opvention. We feel a new 2111? WI n d M I I IS, _:_ Gas h ’I ac I n es’ '1
1 '7 " " "set vwor 111 our var1ous e—
from the (wologieal Reeord on ae- 111t1ea., o . _
eount of their total lack of hard ll’l'tfi- “‘0 were glad ‘0 have F0 Sewer and Draln Tlle', K t
hartflthe Vertehr-iteswere next tak— 131‘s?“ ‘4 delegation attend the. 0011— 19 East Short Street, Lex1ngton, y. .
( l l ( i. ‘ i . I ' \5 ' Y I ‘A l I ‘ ‘1‘_
e11 up and the method of treatment vent10n the‘ 5"“: “‘ fill. ”5 " ‘
i . . '7‘, ..,.X‘v 1 Q . 1‘ '2S- -——_——"—'—'—_—————'—' _
adopted rather that ot"'e\.'olut1on ot l“t‘15“‘1.‘ onen1u.t “ If) 1‘ 1311‘? . ‘
struettn-(m than «evolution of l'ormsja l out at the annualneonuntt1ot1}1. 1L P H E A STI N 9 lltffllt‘l lll (ll/ll“ ’
- . . 2 '..:111 exee enee 0 ‘1e 11'o- . .
Some. of the sulqeets d1seussedlllq‘tum I . . l 7. Y 'l \t 13.) [4‘- "l \l‘llll street ,
- 'n A. - [Urannne the spn'it that pervades ()lhee and a“ 1‘). ,__4 1,15. - 2. ,_ . , . .5».
were “Evolutmn of la1l Etrueturelt’ ’ . 1_ 1.. 5 1 _ v ’ .12.;
. l“ 1 .. “quk 111d Tooth ‘ltrue every 111eet111g, the 111a11111t13s am L(‘Xlll<_{'t‘oll. l\ \._ ‘ _
4 s' is 1 '2 \2 . . - . . , . . ,
111 1. .1( 1:. 1 ‘1. 1‘6 nintr of th( lgodhness ot the young men of the ‘5.
', * s 12 ‘ 2 - . . , . ‘
ttm: H: ] \mlution )ot' “I; {areas convention are exaltnrg' 111 the1r- ef- —————————-—-—————————‘ ,
ae. up 111 e 'o , >5)..- . . .
. . . . teet on all. ‘
ion ”f “reptlhan eharaeterlstles” hyl \Ylloll one looks 11111111 the vounU i i S I U De N I S E l
' * “ " : 11nals.am-j ‘ .I L ' b
All .tllL “111‘ :‘l llnlk 1.“ 111 ’ l men assembled. from all the Colleges GO To
plnluans and fishes. lot" the state in the lre‘tutv of their
It was stated that here we were ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ . . ) —\ J .
. . . . Youth and strength and m the 7 . N \: S , / t
nearing; the p1'1n11t1ve. pomt 0f de-llnme of the trentle Shepherd when / / a :1 1/1 b C K 111 1 ,
yarture for all-these forms and it ‘ . ‘3‘ _ .’ . . . ‘ ' . 2"
l ' 1:1 t 1 1111221111 “mull” 00mm“ the” """“l““‘“l“l”“‘5 FDR BARGMNS IN ALL KINDS th- FUUT WEAR. .
tr ‘*X('t‘t‘( z "' . . . ;.-—- , . . .2
“IL—1 Ill ( ”ll ; 1 '1 (a . laud llos’qllnmmi he ls awakened 'l‘hev keep the hest $3 $4 and lino l1nes ot Suhstanttal bhots
possess mue 1 111 eo 11 n1 _ 1‘ _‘ 2. , . m an i is forced _ , . . 1- . . .. . '
'l‘he "l’ineal lee sum-um". 1n_es_!t1<11111111s1 llulnfilfluln? 1 l . 1 . made and guarantee every pan. (11w them .1 (all at l6 E.
. ‘ . ' 'to as: muse w 121 10 1s tonifr . , .
ent 111:1.1nore or less rudnnentaryl 'it‘i the life that God I)“ "lV'Cl: Mam St, Lexmgton, Ky‘
eondition in- all living representa-i“_ I n i b 11‘
V tires of these elasses. was taken as1 111111. .1 1”) contrast bit? eenf I 11.5 2 7 7 7
an indieation- of eom-tnon descent. ‘ l’Od." Ol You‘ll-,5 men 2'11“ t1at (f “'4' U l / X ~ iivf “I l l
[repopplnv an .IQ it seemed likelvlrmm bands 1s enohhng and 111sp1r— Ql ( L ,1 ,3 _
J. ‘ ‘ l ( l A r v V ‘ I . V J ' I ‘ _ .'
from Palaeontology that early1'e.p-i“_lg:‘ul‘l‘1t the :3?“ ml" l’l‘l‘lutc ' . . . . TIGN DRUGGIST
tiles. amphibians and fish possessed g tIV'O 0t SOI‘IU“. ‘ 0 “0t mean 0 PRESCRIP - _ ‘
this-orgal‘i “5 functional. l say that all the young men Who me Corner Main and Mill St. Lexmgton, Ky.
‘ _1 ' 3 1 1 ,.. 1 -. H ( _
In passingr to a. eonsideration ohm“, y' M' (1' .A: munhus, ”‘ lelephmc zoo
Mammalian l’alaeontologV" its di5_i(ll'1111ltal'(ls; hut It IS deploral'de that
- V ‘ v '1, .-' ' ' Hr ent of our . , - r - . . .
tmetness as a. separate department;‘mlu‘ “mt“ {“0 1’0 ,C- -. Great COmblniltHHl 01 lgalS,
“f the seienee was ingistod “1,011,33'01111g men are endeavormg to l1\e . . f S k“
' . . . a w -. . , . ‘ A 1
and some ot the prmelples 2111(ll(v"lnjlsthll‘°1' t t tl t' l. F1110 LOIlSlgnant 0 mo 11 g.
- -' - - . ( ur (e ega es o 10 eonven 1011
methods ol 111vest1 .. . . . . i
.. h‘hhhh the 10h th" I rofessor hh'I osophians felt that it was best that| S assett & song I
nouneed “16‘”th 0f the mmtlhgathey should use the one that once; 0 ‘ ’ I
and. declared the house ready 101': was their own. The room the." I ) . . I
business. {now occupy in the basement is tool ‘0 Ehht M‘hh‘ If
, r _ _ _—_—————_————————_———- z
The instant the last word fell ' small for a public entertainment. I - i
from the Professor’s lips a member-I Through the courtesy of the P. LI ' I
of section first arose and nominated I S. a piano has been rented for thei F res h B [‘38 d a n d R 0| '3’ r
VI'Ion. l). S. Roberts for temporary occaSion, so muSic will CO-(iIiQJfltGI fl » I
chairman, had it confirmed, put theI with literature to render the pro-I OSBORNES "
- question before the house, declared gram attractive and agreeable. I I
Roberts elected and conducted him The young ladies always nianagei ' 4 ' . I
I‘rga to the chair ci'e the members of the to make their open sessions the} ' I I -’
@ other faction could (‘()ll(‘.( t their wits. inost ei’ijoyable of all occasions ofI COR VINF AND I'PPER QTRFETQ
«~ _/ H I) ,.. . 1", x‘. I _ 13"» . ’l‘4. ,i ‘ y ‘4 a.
ll]( intinbeis that put ltobuts in . the kind, and. the one foi l‘ iida) I Best Bread, Rolls and Cakes in the city. Fresh Bread and R0115 ready every even ‘
the chair had as well declared: "Mis- evening promises to be. the clnnax‘ ing at 5 o‘clock.
cheil'7 thou art afloat, take thou of all that they have hitherto given. . __________________________.
. . . . ' I
what course thou \vilt.7 tor no sooii-‘ —w—~~o——-——— 3.
er had the members of the other; 'Ii‘rance maintains an army at. an‘The N eW G rocery’
section realized what was being done. expense (,1‘ g;,151fi0()07()()07 and “11%| . '
1h“) ”“1" ””h‘h I"”""”hl h) the “’3' I ports her schools with $2l,000,000-I .. J u A. W I L L I S & C OI, '
trum and du-lari (I did hoI citshad I The United States expcnds 3115“ DEALERS IN . '3
“0t been elected chairman. I000’000 {01' hUinC 50110015 While the I Staple and FanOY Groceries, Countl'Y PI‘O- I
A great. tumult followed7 the Chair-I‘ll'm.Y “WI “‘WY ”“1." “Wt 334-000?! 1 ‘ f 11 k. d ‘ . I.
-« m'm tried in vain to preserve order, I 0“” i ( 1100 0 a 1n 5' ‘1
the members of the second and thirdI - ______ _ i Prompt attention given to all orders. No. 7 W. Main. Phone 303.
V . . . v . . . M i
‘ sections nominated and claimed to! \\ hite w1ll soon be married. He] .
have. elected Mrs. Baker as the tcin— ‘ EMS he 11115 1110 0-350 halilwon now— H AM I LTO N FE MALE COLLEGE
porai‘y chairman of the meeting. I 110 1133 his 0W1] consent- Lexington. Ky.
The lady was conducted to the ros—I ——-————-—~ The Largest 1531,1313 Boarding Schooi in the suite. Accommodations first class
truni, and the two presiding olIicei'sI M(.]’)OWQI fell asleep the other day I Heated by Steam and Lighted 3y Gag. uHot and cold water.
.7 . ... . .' '. . . . - . . " Art :3 erv.
phaded Lainestlv in then cloquant but (lulu t inuire hum-(.11. ; I‘dth Rooms a“ . _
. - . . . . .. ‘ . i’ L 4 . K '.
“,1”, With the roaring limb to I""I * __ [Send for catalogue. J. B. SKIV\I‘R, l exington _\ 9"
come silent. and take the vote for: “\l 1 1, . , f f .I (I!
”WW“ “5' WW- 1“i“=1“.\' “WI . 1‘” W ". “T"‘.’f‘.“..."?.“ '“ SHELBY KINKEAD & BRO.
. . . idavs. and lull oI \\llli~l\l is. *- I
chairman prevailed and the noise. * ’ T \' l) I '
. . I 1 0151.1; or.”
subsided. Alter the vote was taken I ' 'I -
. . - . ole H ants Y C AL & COKE CO. ;
. Mrs. Baker was dcclaired elected. I ——‘_‘_—‘——‘ S g GLEN MAR O
Fection lirst had only twelve niei'n~I \Vealthy Chinese merchants areI 51 N. BROADWAY, :
bers present, but polled thirty cighti sending their sons to England and: PATTEBSON & MERINO STS. Q
thlvl‘S l‘Ul' RUIIOI'IJS. SOIIH‘ lll’il,l(l lil‘()lll)-i AlllCl'lCfl to be educated. Lil/Sl- year i M "" ‘
lc was also experienced in getting: aI America had more (‘hincse students . ”‘x .
sm'retarv. as every one. that was than England had. The correctI NI ' N ° BASb I
. nominated \vonld decline or resign length of time for a thorough educa-I HAN ING
after being elected. Finally, Mr. T. tion is et‘iiisidered to lie about fiveI HOUSE PAINTING’ PAPER G 2
.I. lt‘lipen came to the rescue and years. lfpossible, the father goes, AND GLAZING. i
business went. on more or less after his son and brings him home . . .
. . . .' . . ' . . . It ' ’. ."‘S .S C I S * IS .‘ -. SS ETt'. 1
. smoothly. Nothing more ofinipor- when his period ol education isI DEALFI 11“ I Alhl ’ 0H ‘ \ AR\IKIIB ’ (TI A '
taiice rtl't‘lll't'll during: the evening: Icoianeh-d. I I-\“- h N‘II'Ih Broadway. . g
. i . ‘
. I
. ‘ . I
A 4 7 ' ' /—‘ I , A ~

 __ __ ,__ ,_________‘ ”mm—fl;—
. Regular Meals Only 25 Cents.
Meals to Order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring Chickens a Spec-
. I ialty. Seating capacity of hall 151).
Gus Luigart, Proprietor.
' V ‘ W ‘ ‘ n
v 4 4 ed, answered, that he thought at
[ML STATL LOLLEGE CADET’ any event, it should be, for since
Published Monthly during‘the Collegi— we belong to the tom“ ball and b'ase
- ate Year only, in the interest of every ball leagues, we should not Witll- ‘
i MBEEEEEZW hold from entering the oratorical
TERMS. l league. Colleges are supposed to be
One\'ear...........................75C .w- -' x, >1 :1 1.‘ ”ll as ’
Six Months.........................5oc pm“? for lilttllutul 15 ‘H l I
Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3OC physwal Cllltm'c- l
SingleCopy........................Ioc l . . . . . . .
. _______._______ ‘Agricultural, Biological, C1v1l Engineering, Mechan—
EDITORIAL STAFF Many of the students have enjoy- ical Engineering, Scientific, Classical, Veter-
H M G Ed' ed the benefit- 0f hearing 50W“ inary, Normal School and Commercial Courses.
' ' unn’ ItOI'. very fine lectures from the eminent
1“ C. I’LKIE‘ 1;\‘1“"”l“5 E‘htor‘ Dr. Mayo, who has been in our city
4. RAND, _‘ A ‘ . . ., ..‘ V .. ..._ " . . ~ - . .
. Associate Editor and Business Manager. ml thb 1)“ti “‘0 “ 061““ “1' “MO TWENTY EIGHT PROFESSGRS
; W. T. DRURY, travels through the. south dehver- AND INSTRUCTORS
Correspondent Patterson Society. ing lectures on educational topics, ' ' - ‘ .
. WM. PATTERSON, r tl e aus )ice: of a )hilanthro )- 7. . . . - - ~ ‘
. Corregpgdm “do“ Sade“. imile 0 .1t 3t “3,0“ I It is to 11x bounty Appointees admitted to tree Tuition. Board in Dor-
’ ‘ —‘ ‘2 i‘ new: > s . if A '. ., _ . . . .. M ,
‘ MISS LIZZIE SCOTT, in 51:} l t1 “Qt 1 m {m 'ed '13 nntory $2.00; in private families in} and $4 per
CorreSponaeut from Hamilton Conege. 101““ 1‘1 1" L m H ” ( .‘ f ‘ l week. Fall Term begins on second Vl'ednes-
’1‘ R DEAN nmch benefit— as pleasure from 115- . - ~. 1 . F , , , 1 _ ‘ _ 1
\ - - 7 tenin '0’» these excellent lectures on (la) in bepteni )01. pi cata ogues am
”mammal“ X' 1" L C' A' g 2 ‘ ‘ ” other mfornmtion apply to
H. H. HILL. very important subjects. Dr. Mayo
C0rre5p01‘degt Athletlc ASSOC‘E‘UO‘I- was the guest of Prof. Roark duringl JAMES K PATTERSON, PH D ’ PRES
C. .COUR’I‘NEY,' .fi ‘ , . ' ) x i ’ . ' ' '
Correspondent of Normal Department. hlb hm) litrt. i Lexungton, Ky'
R. A. BURTON, ———-———.————- ‘_______.__—-————————-————--——'—_—
G.1C‘lt. .
enem orrebpom en An instltutlon which the CADET l‘ l'l’l‘HVl‘ l‘ ”)1.qu aw .
‘ ”——*"——-‘**—-—r~-V—Wr~— l( ‘ neal‘ct'lto give no or )romi- l" ‘ ’ l‘ ‘ ‘1‘ v n ’- ‘ ' ‘7 v, _ 2'11;
4 . . 1% D t. U. I p l _ l’hoenlx Hotel. l nder ravettc Nat. Bank. - ’ _
Address all Connnunlcations to the nence to in its columns, has grown B ARBERS ‘ .
. State College Cadet. A. & M. College, u - . ”Ills 1111.111" the HQ 3
, Lexington, Ky. p in cm we . I b . 1... . ‘ ‘ “7‘ i r‘ N
‘ #_,_‘____ year; viz: the Glee Club- lI/CE I’ l HN 13 AN D 1* O 1 5C H
l ’ Nothinv can do more in a certain ' . _ , ' 7
W l l t ' l f' ium to iiciuotc a wood, wholesome. i LEXINGTON’ KY'
4- 0., ‘ {I172 _ 7"”, ‘ it ' is ‘ . . . ‘ ‘
e are U M 0 set? L 10‘“ l .0 I.“ " I . . D , MismSpceial attention paid to Students.
terest on the part ot students in lit— college Spll'lt than 11 glee club. “ e
. , _ ___——_-__—_—_-_—_———-——_
erary matters. Since the Open 393- Iwould like to suggest——not by way ,
g sion of the U. L. S on the 22nd of; of Criticism—that a few more voices _
: February, there seems to be a con- be added, and we think a little N Ottn ag Ie & B r0.
tinually increasing enthusiasm man- 11101‘0 volnmn thus afi'orded, would PROI’RIF’l‘ORs 01:
ifested in the society work in all of add quite a decided effect. We are .
the societies. sincerely glad to see that notwith— ‘ ’1
A committee hasbeen appointed standing the jeers 0f some 0f the S /1 a! l 0 81 1 S
p from the Patterson and Union Lit- fun—loving students, the glee club - '
crary societies to petition the facul- is constantly improving under the MANI'FACTI‘RERS AND DEALERS IN
toy t” permit the State College to excellent management 0f me' TOF- Fancy Family Flour. Corn, Meal, Mill Feed, etc. Paragon Patent. Sterling. Choice
send mpresenmtives t0 the Inter‘COI' rell' _ \ Family. Silver Leaf, Roller Patent. XXX Fam‘ly, Superfine.
legiate contests in the future. . l _____._._.._ l 66 Walnut 5," Lexington, Ky
I - " l ’» V , i J, i ' ‘1 ' 'i v '
It lb too in“ t” be 5m“ to be rep 1 The Centre Lollege (lento comph- ————-—“———_—_‘_"_' ""“ _ "
ilesented this 3e2n, but we should i ment-S us by saying that “The CADET . '
>_\ all means, entel in tune to “mlisa great success financially.” S lg / 1.1 ht and Me 61.8
next year. [here are many stu- “7 , ll'0 1 t tl (" t f r 3

‘1 ’l- ts fthe (-olletrc who would (lei 0 inc 0 ) 1b“ 0 18 [en 0 -0 I ‘ w '

. ““1““: tl ‘ “‘0’ . » , t' ftheirj compliment, but would 11ke|| DEALluhS l1\
mu 1. o 10. co ege in a. compe ,1- to ask in what res met the (‘ADET is ‘ 7 . ‘7 , u

. tion ot'this kind; and, moreover, to not ”L «11000:: '1 lFl 08h MGflt, B21001}, Lald (llld Sausage.
hold aloof wOuld be an aeknowl-, ' l 14 “7. Short Street.

. viii-Cement of weakness. . . . . . i

We have every reason, however, D. D. Rayborn, who has been con-'

. to believe. that this matter will be fined to his room for several weeksi I EXI N C I O N 9 I