xt7wst7dvh6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvh6s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1977 1977 1977-12-09 2020 true xt7wst7dvh6s section xt7wst7dvh6s  

Volume LXlX. Number 78
Friday. December 9. 19/7




an independent student newspaper




child's family


from campus . ,,,

Kernel Staff Writer

The family of the child who has
been charged wrth setting at least
two of the recent fires in the
C00perstown housing complex has
been asked to evacuate it: apart-
ment by Dec. 13.

The. child's mother, who asked not
tc be identited, said this eviction
notice is the result of the UK Police
Department‘s charges against the

Jean Lindley. director of
University housing, would only
confirm that the family had been
asked to evacuate the apartment;
s.e declined to comment on the
reason for the eviction notice UK
Law Counsel John Darsie was out of
town, unavailable for comment on
the issue.

The clifid's mother said the letter
from [h Housing Services stated
that they were being asked to leave
the apartment complex on the
recommenoutron of the l K Director
of Public Safety. Thomas Padgett.

Padgett confirmed this, saying.“l
think this was a realistic response."

Ht.- said this is the first. time to his:
kiim'icdge, raid. the pcheii. miter,
director has recommended the
eviction of any University tenant.

The mother charged that the
eviction notice is the result of
pressure from UKPD. “This is what
the police want." she said, referring
to the family’s eviction. She also
said the court continuation
yesterday was a police department
ploy to hide its lack of evidence in
the case.

"If the judge had said, ‘Let‘s drop
the charges,‘ the police would have
had the right to continue to question
my son By continuing the trial. no
one can question him and the truth
can‘t come out '

She said. "i don't think people in
high places at the University are
aware of what‘s going on in the
police department."

The woman stated that her family
would not willingly leave the
Cooperstown apartment “if they
want us out of there, they are going
to have to sue us.“



John Itciiison shows the rigors of the butterfly stroke as be com-
poles in the Jon-meter race during last night’s meet against Western
Keittii. ky i'nivcrsitj. liemsm's efforts were in vain: he came in

Only 80-90 declared
Sociology majors on downswing

Hy DEBBIE hit-0.5.3181.
Kernel Staff Writer

The number of UK sociology
majors has dropped because
students are seeking the greener
pastures of specialized voacational
occupations But there are actually
a variety of jobs are open to
graduates with solid training and
research skills in sociology.

Sociology Director of Un-
dergraduate Students Mike Brooks
said fadishness was the cause of the
1972. influx of 300 sociology majors.
The present number of sociology
majors is between 8090. and
Sociology Department Chairman
Willis Sutton attributed the decline

STATE \l'flllt .‘Ql'jY


to student preference for vocational
degrees because “they want a
degree that will definitely give them
a job.

“in one. sense. job problems are
serious for a sociology major,“
Brooks said, pointing out the con-
trast between the open job market
for graduates in specialized fields.
such as engineering, and the limited
market for students with sociology

“The jobs are out there." he said.
but the hiring practices of many
companies make it easier for job
placement of vocational career
students. “Engineers, for example.
find jobs through the placement
service. but sociology majors must

2] I'mivers'i'ty of Kentucky

lexingmn. Kentucky




.. \ 5
y ,‘ e


—I)a\ in II I‘ll

fifth. So were Kentucky‘s. which lost the- rim-t. lSee sports shorts.

page Til.

seek out the company through
correspondence or actually
knocking on doors “

Sutton said the department has
always helped place graduates with
a masters or doctorate sociology
degree and said the department is
now trying to develop a career
guidance program for un-
dergraduate sociology students.
"Dr Brooks will work wrth our
majors and keep in touch with them
after they graduate," he said.

Brooks said he hopes the depart-
ment will develop a reputation for
successful job placement, but
success depends on the students w ho
can get as much out of their
sociology degree as they put into it.


”j; 5 Wm M" _A‘. c. .. .




.\ HillM: IS l‘le‘l'Lf'TI-ID \lti‘xi).\'r
or. whether i K psyi‘hiatristpsychologist
Dr William (1 Drew should he made to
identify a man suspected of stealing $980
from a UK office in September. Drew
testified last Monday before a Fayette
(‘ounty grand jury. biit l‘i'ilSCd to identify
rte man. known only as "subject-patient
x.“ brew claimed a doctor-patient
relationship in the case since the suspect
was a subpct in a maruuuna research
propct :0ndt1'l2d by llrew


DAY something is going to has to be
done" about railer accidents in Ken-
ticky whichendanger residents became of
polénfial spillage of hazardous materials.
The remark was made by an officer in the
hazardous materials section of the
lx-partment a Natural Resources and
linvrronmental Protection who was or
(lcreo toremain anonymous became of the
sensitivity of the situation. "Even
soneone with a thirdgrade edination can
see that tbecondi tions of railroad track; in
this stab is deplorable." he said.

HUBER! S'l'l‘fl’lll‘AS said yesterday he
will conduct .in (-xtrthft'e investigation
irh allegations of payofis by strip mine
iper'atnry. to state empioycs. “We are
gring topnridi till." he. said. "We will run
do“ never) lead, in. matter how irrelevant
it may seen: it mid be ex'ensive." The
investigation was requested by state
Namra‘ tone-dices Enviromriental
Piotr-coon iizcretnrjr Robert Bell. who
\did he has received information about
possible I rimirinl Violtttlflns and conflict of
ink-rests related to a program ad-
ministered hy the Transportation



\ l!Eth‘()l"l'lr'.H ('.\ltRYl.\'(l 1') "PF-
SIIORF. nil \vurkcls crashed into the Gulf
of Me\:i00yekilts conferences and
planning sessions are available to

("oiitiiiui-d on page 1%


.”_________-._._.. ._--.,__ ._ .j




__._ -.l


Book fair
Stuart, other
Ky. authors

Kernel Reporter

“We almost lost him this surn—
mcr," said Sandy Stuart Stevens.
niece of Kentucky author Jesse
Stuart "He iJessei had his sixrh
major heart attack last spring and
was very ill all summer But with
th- grace of God and some very good
doctors. he pulled through."

Jesse \‘tuait was at the Turfland
Mall McAlpin‘s Monday, lightingthe
Christmas crowds like everyone
else. ltovsrver, the crowds were
waiting ir. line to see him. As part of
the“l\'eritu<.-k} Writers' Book Fair."
heautograplied his books for most of
the afternoon

The fair on» 'osponsored by the
l‘rieritb of the Librar y organisation
and the ! lll‘vt‘l‘Slly Press of Ken-
tucky .tlso appearing at the mall
wercautliurat \' Whitney Thomas
(.‘lark. .1. ii’li.~~t«‘m tioieman, Ellis
Ford Hartford, Arthur Jones Julia
Neal. Holman Hamilton and Harry
t‘audill. Caudill. author of Night
t‘oiot-s to the (‘iiiiilirrlaiids. is also
currently on the faculty of the LK
history departnineh

Mrs Sandy Stuart Stevens is now
a l.cx:ngtoii i esrdent llcr husband is
tht‘ principal at Bryan Station High

“Jesse writes a lot about my
mother." she said. "She has a very
strong will just like Jesse. She gives
strength to this family and he really
loves her."

As the line waiting to see Stuart
shortened Mrs. Jesse Stuart sat on a
mail bench looking fatigued from
the hectic day. “Jesse works very
hard you know," she said. “i can't
remember a time when the. house
was absolutely qmet. The phone is
always ringing. Of course, it‘s
unlisted now for obvious reasons."

“Jesse gets so busy sometimes
that he forgets things," Mrs. Stuart
said. ”Even the family has to make
appointments." Stevens added.
“Jesse has so many friends that it’s
hard to keep up With them He is
always invrting someone to the
house,“ Mrs. Stuart continued.
“Just look at him today. He 5 been at
it all day long, talking to people.
shaking hands He should be
resting—A doctor’s orders you know.“

When the line disappeared. Stuart
said he was too tired to be in-
terviewed. During the past two days,
he has appeared on a television
program. spoken at a luncheon. held
a press conference and Spfill four
and onebalf hours at the fair.


(‘ompiled from staff and Associated
Press dispatches

Fayette County School Board
member .ludy Tipton was found
innocent yesterday of harassment
charges filed against her by a for-
mer Lexington television reporter.

The. jury of four 's omen and two
men deliberated less than to
minutes before returning the verdict
in Fayette Quarterly Court

Lisa Garye. who was fired by
WKYT~TV alter the incident leading
to her charges accused Ms. Tipton
of grabbing her arm and sticking a
hand in his face after a Sept 28
schol board meeting

Ms (larye testified she first ap
proached board member Alvin Seals
about an allegedly illegal secret
school board meeting during con-
tract negotiations with the Fayette
County Education Association

Ms. Tipton then accosted her. Ms.
tlarye said. and accused the press of
spreading scandalous lies about her
and her relationship with the FCEA.

"Naturally, I was relieved to be
found not guilty,“ Ms. Tipton said.
“My main reaction was that having
to go through this whole process was

Ms. Tipton is the wrfe of UK
journalism professor Leonard

‘.. '~

isfizlii'? -. 7' .







“it In Olaf \"K\ A dlim M" pi, .1”... I n“ LCi'ors
30?: Hammer N14111: .\. u. .m ,. . .‘.,
Juc‘W tin-Hun
Manning Elliot \hnmilu min" ‘r ,,. , a,” ,r , m, “a,“
IMGabrli-I Mn. 95's.! 1‘: J, y [ Eds} Purse
l'ii.: Rune“.-
Whlhlw sus'rmm m “up. _
JuKemp whim ii I'auu- .r . ,. r. a


ELUM- RI i. \\ Fiat“:
\t -« lt’llk ‘iu‘t's
\"hsgi I sii't.‘

in: \'- in HILL. “ms or the
~i- :3: n-w u-i today's
stuntelj.’ more
'zis" -* li‘ltcd" . crkiliwis
untied-i, .l’ material
r. Mun-r. the poor majority

,.~-.l‘1;u~ i.


rumour. c' the peoples

. . r“ s Libpdi’lly not only

. s .l .‘l > ill‘flllli‘ Tlq [ml is
m av .51.}


2;; ._'c ' ‘L‘VTw ironical
u." «shun oer-capita
v: . cutsilawountries


m2: 5 , »—indeed.


. t \ tins“



we“; giyoiuding


»,.~' ~ ‘ “1'.ng exports
not only
w ~‘. .z'vr: .i‘ n. _. ignorance and
xi'r. :trunn are tlzre fate of hun-


‘1.:’. - we 1-"

‘..I' . i} "I i‘.’ -,



' 3' his utilfm'ecr‘:


, . . . ' .- i' Pix-r- :‘Lzeit. such as.
‘ll "‘\-il.."Ps L'lilil'atC. back-
::=v: ~ and economic and


l‘. Vi,"[’,i:‘
l: l‘.'.'

. 2,4,. utmvtailecssoi

~.-\ crow: :;‘.':t}‘ remains difficult to
r’f’it‘l‘V. .ii it is the more striking if


'i'u Knolls that in decades
, » uh" ‘91; 2mg before foreign-

i l"'-i_' had been invented,
.z:;_wvw.,v was generally ad-

v 2.: of; rd the world, and in
izr’ ; -~ strainsgif

Jalopy Russia for many

32> arm ixilll had one of the
'~ “ems' inriustrial growth

J' ~._t:rrrg the costs of
'.:.i.;' 2:" inlizaiion. Japan.


.\...‘xmzm » linen \‘v‘ilham

, ~ it iiwi the ixjcression about

.. . "l‘_.l‘.'fil‘!‘n’. of war he had
"irrvi an actiiity whose



» u s an opponent.
'i ‘.‘ , l“‘i>sidt‘nt T‘arter want
. v . : u" inr’sgot :zs enhstcd~—

. . . energy war‘.‘

in; . sessions like

Hm; .,: t‘:;)'.,<-i'l-i’it'l“ you

starting from zero when Com-
modore Matthew C, Perry knocked
on the door with cannons in 1852,
began building factories, railroads
and universities so rapidly and
successfully as to rival European
powers in little over half a century.
Modernizers before World War !
had an advantage their successors
have lacked. Modernization was
painful for Czarist Russia. as for less
developed countries today; but its
leaders wanted their country to be
strong and prosperous, and it was
generally accepted that the way to
strength and prosperity was to
follow the ways of the powerful and
wealthy Western countries.
Moreover, educated Russians.
who wanted to be at least equal to
the best, felt-shame that they lived
under an autocracy while truly
civilized lands were moving toward
evengrcater freedom under
representative government.

it was likewise obvious to the
Japanese that the way for their
country to defend itself and take its
rightful place among nations was to
adopt the ways proved successful in
the progressive states.

Hence they not only imported
nachines and banking practices but
studied liberal philosophy and
adoptd a Western-style Constitution:
it was even proposed at one time to
replace the difficult Japanese
language with English. By the
1920's. Japan had evolved without
major violence from very
authoritarian-oligarcbic rule: to
something like parliamentary

However, World War I largely de-
Wcsternized Russia, and that
country set out on a collectivist path
The Great Depression shook
Japanese faith in Western ways:
and in the 1930's when fascism
seemed to be the wave of the future,
pragmatic Japan went over to a
variety of fascism. But defeat in
World War II proved the rightness of
the Western, or specifically

the enemy in the ener

living, or are some who have paid
their last heating bill also at fault?
The president is as diffuse and
unfocused in his presentation as his
administration has been in for»
mutating that bundle of legislative
proposals somewhat misleadingly
called an energy plan,

Mr. Carter was as forceful and as
full~thmated as we’ve heard him


Nicholas Von Hoffman


;=v:‘ ';,.: u van: tnz-oilindstry,
- 4.: E‘ ".t 'urncsi around and
:‘jvzng to blame all
,gm 'n . mi companies-—
v war.» mils on me, my

- American

,, 'i_' ~ r

. . 1 iii!)
:lw trainer: at us now

since taking office, but his
statements serve less to reassure
and convince than to elicit more
doubts, He calls ena‘gy “the most
important domestic issue that we
will face while I am in office," and
yet a little more. than a year ago,
when he was running for office. he




American, socialeronomic political

Japan accepted the contributions
and reforms thrust upon it (not a
single amendment has been made to
the American imposed Constitution)
and became uconomically and
politically a “Vi’cstcrn” country. The
results of a ii'esternization include
per-capiia income 20 times higher
than that of the ("hinese and in-
dustrial vrriuoritv that is the despair
of European and American com-

But if :1 Perry knocked on the door
of an isoistz'r‘. Japan in this decade
(leaving aside the fact that no
decent person in the West would
propose using gmmcits to force a
country to trade-t, could any such
success story occur"

The hypothetical newly—opened
Japan would not look out onto a
lift-stern world convinced of the
justice and utility of the institutions
that gave rise to modem in-
'ilL~iTlflli1allGn instead, it would see
the indistrialized nations oppressed
by scifdouots. humbled by self-
reprcach. and hesitant to attribute
broader validity to their own

it would leash r"lore them not an
individualistic work ethic but an
ethic of elusive social justice. It
would find ihe critical pragmatic
rnile: (-1th i" filly :i.sci‘edii.cd in the
advanced worm

Seeing Americans question the
viiue of mun s conquest of nature,
lit-4mm in‘ Mgl'inologv and
sniionallsm, Japanese intellectuals
would probably conclude that it was
better to maintain well-tried
traditional forms.

Or they would be gripped not by
liberal-democratic philosophy but
probably hv Socialism and
.\larxlstaz. which tn all its varieties
generator. toutnsion about the
causes remedies of back-
wardncss, raises false hopes, and
deepens hostility toward the powers
from when; :.l1'.~ niouldbc
dustrializmg nation must seek to

\t 'H"!


, i


scarcely lilCliilOHQd it.
international r onnection

Docs Ize Error; anything now that
he didn't know alarm? Why did he
spend so much lime last autumn
talking about honesty in govern
ment, racraa justice, fighting
poverty and right'ng the wrongs of
the income lfl‘i system. if the big
challenge were energy?

The answer is that as president he
has been spending more time with
internationally minded men than he
did before entering the White House.
He said it himself, when he
remarked that, “The biggest single
question in international councils is
the will of the American people."

Preventing further oil import
growth affects our world-wide
geopolitical eceommy. To the extent
the. United States doesn‘t buy foreign

learn the secrets of high produc-

Political leaders would adopt a
statist approach, which would
concentrate control of the economy
in their own hands but in the long
term would promise more
bureaucratization than prosperity.

If this scenario is realistic, it is
understandable why the third world
in general modernizes its socrety
and political structures slowly or not
at all. The conclusion is

oil it is easier to maintain a strong
dollar in relation to other currencies
and to throw one’s unilateral weight
around. There are considerations of
larger importance to a sitting
president than a candidate, which
would explain why candidate Carter
thought the moral equivalent of war
was football and President Carter
think it‘s crude oil.

When you get out of Washington or
Wall Street and away from the
Trilateral Commission, however,
there aren't many who care what
international councils may think of
the collective American will, should
such an entity exist. It appears that
President Carterhas made an all too
perfect adjustment to life along the
Potomac when he expects the
populace to rally to him after telling
us. “Our proposals would give the oil
companies. the producers them-





S .




inescapable Unless the ‘-‘-'-:-'i nus,
faith in its mm .= a; .~ u ta! my ex-
pect the prcrincustgal r-iin.,':'rs to
adopt patterns :‘.,:t HT»: :mrir-itrnd
rapid economic ' .

Thfis‘t} 1»: "1‘, sf.- ‘9'"
dnly nuttur;
ccormrmc gm .
cases in the ulnar .- -... :

It is not nv- '-\ ..
ihmk and act
Germans to in: initially platinum








fin. 'ic.xu~


selves. the Llamas: : gin-s 1,". ..'.. it".
People il't‘ it if-iili

um”: when they

hear the pre..:”¢»:t .4 .u ‘v ta'
“under 'nz.‘ iilfli’iil~'!'“ wrapaz
revenues will be 5. " g :14 'i 4 =
billlor to? 'l“ iniL-v'. -- lg ’:
find t'fl'fj.’ it}? “3:0,?

streets rim‘la'tz'“: ,. .;
crease ir‘ 'v'»'l~.iv ‘ . am i- '3'.
home and -' ~~


V: 3". A ,I»
’.:‘ .,i-‘. .i \ ”Sui.

The orig-sumo: -
sent his man fuzz/win. -.=
intothc-s‘u: .
to keep pair are. .4 .x .':

”33:111.”: ‘. j~ . ._ . i. .
adenial 1’ .2 x-f‘ -' ‘az‘ ' --t
we know nails; . r51... , . .
George ‘i‘faslunjefiu can t ,
Noi'eril‘ielns~.. i‘ .
irradlr'ahie .rui . >r . .
committed 2':- am" or ‘



'1‘.,rr.:~. “all?! ”u


-'."",)l‘~'"‘§l yr s


sumpticn 3y Ma‘s ,3 r. .
his quarrel will. 1.:r: to. EPA, riff is
who gets it :ru'l‘i. 22w .Ixtr'i ‘rl-u-rv
Texaco or the it ti Tr-“ri~.ii~

For million," .i. “.w-c ‘ . .t <


can‘t star-4.} rt .
helluva Tho: ll 0 ; - ti :1 :u .'
would [.- .ozi'in. or . ”iii-r"
does, atlri: v»: they?



Toe Lexington Etc. . :i-s
Defense (omimi'r-o '7; ~ limiting
this first group of ps'i:"=:.v;~ ,. .1? 3w
signatuicualh'ty t
thestate polio-.9 from tin-Jo: .u
in Stearns, Ky

As you "L'EilWTtix‘ state ;- flux 3.9.
used to escort ncu ll3‘."‘-". par-m»-
intothenimvthrtahlime.v.‘ ~i ,
the striking miners who 3rd! 3
contract. Though some troopers
have been rcmuvnd m- lllltl‘,.|'b».flnd
they are still within sign: of thr-
picket line.

The Stearns Strike Dt'lt‘ns!‘
Committee thinks t'A we of stn'n
troopers. iin..". . a ,


it=l\cii "'
\r .. ,.





the Japanese continue not only to
copy 'm ceremonies and geishas
but in. be deeply different in many
mu.» but modern productivity
mgr; . ishat-268:1?7““.1011! society.

it ,: in :i go“: ’t‘dchfr‘u'lic despises
“Mir. lu‘ ‘23s to teach

“Hunt ‘-


lir-sson is ruralorof the
s l'uropi-un (.ollertion at the
Wail-z lzi~titut§on on War.
at .rhsréuu .mii Peace. and author of
Foreign Valley for a New Age."

war? ‘

.«_;:.,~'.‘i.:r.g golf balls oil oil rigs in the
' Mexico

' use his performance yet less
vim snag. the {resident conceded
us; im: at ‘his late hour with his
m; "nsiie migrant or package
.. r i-t.‘ he; not termed a fixed

’ Vial: ‘



if .u‘ n é' :si- iii wiehcompany
.3“ a at :t-ziz-vsom of other
. A9,; notably coal and
. , c r.- r trade up his mind


l‘e :l:~,-c'.ivvi'y of an i.-
.m. : ma; cait‘. ;, in hich Gulf Oil
am part. that ran engineered a

> ‘roplzic rise .21 uranium prices

., ."A m there He the free market
.n ' nu‘gv {he l:lr‘esldcnt speaks of if
‘-‘ -~ til ("l'hsr‘l'illlé s run " gthe price of

‘ thout a tree

have price

. and Mr (Brier won't "iglil
"or ‘3li‘l'1.i‘1!l:€l‘

1' . prcw rmfetencc, the
l,”-".li;(‘!ii went ore" the heads of
I To the people. as they hire

.4; ‘ :l; ‘J ash.n"-rin. That's sup
ix s2”. to he inc V/liuc liouse's
tall.?‘..l'.l.‘ in'capv‘in. lsut it‘s hard to
this :nchriaic message
unions telegraph

warn tr raise pri. cs, =aise taxes
.c‘.‘ t. )tf l‘ti teat
(orgasm. toil, ti Kim; Features
ramliczltv {In



it" i liar».

HY" .‘ .-

4 “41"?





6‘!(L~ If.‘

rifle (in? limiting the
:Ji‘lfullly lirrrgme m strike breakers
~ in mil". r ;. text unison by the state
l-o thesiilc of thi Blue Diamond Coal
i ninpan
Diamond and the l'HWA
-| Lia-it .‘dinr lini'lwts of \mcrical
lt‘pi‘~‘.~l ntmg the miners shoud
ltfgotilllt‘ a lair contract that would


bro-uni- heft-‘3. The state in-
tt " .nr; ‘~ “crime maintain the

unionism. s I‘ ruse; negotiate.
W- Uronely ohicci to state tax.
payers more» wading the breaking
listi'vlu-suui.‘ acct-M:-'Ai’hdrawaiof
szezc .pcis l'i't'i ihc state.
Bronson Roller
for the Sta-arm Strike Defense




 {Wu—w— -‘——--—-~'

-_.. '




)I the
t the
hor of


in tlte

uh hb

H and
2 mind
med a
is of if
a free


‘t "ight

ads of
e.\; like
s sup
Ltrd to


e taxes ,.


ng the
reakc rs
he state
nd Coal

l“~IWA l -

t would
tte tn-
am the

tte tax-

I Rozier




Number of sociology
majors drops below 90

('ontinttctl front front page
sociology majors through
Brooks‘ office, and both
Brooks and Sutton warn that
the tlte value of the sociology
degree depends upon the
individual and proper course

According to Sutton. “It
tithe degree) is valuable itt
two ways. It‘irst. as a con
tribtttton to liberal education,
ttt the sense of prov1ding us
and the student with a better
understanding of the, soceity
itt which he lives

"secondly. it provides
some special orientation for
cerium jobs. such as work
with government agencies in
housing. community
development, planning.
health illld education," he

He added that despite these
job opportunities. “i wouldn‘t
want to imply students with a
bachelor degree in sociology
hate on easy time getting a
jolt these days."

Brooks named several
other career options. such as
the government status

bureau; public relations;
management consulting;
personnel management;
investigative reporting for
consulting firms; or the
teach trig-research option.

He said a number of recent
graduates have gone into law
school and are using their
sociology degrees as
background for a degree in
criminal law.

The traditional career
stereotype involves applying
a sociology degree to social
work. Sociology and social
work aretotally separate
enm on campus said Sutton,
who gave the following
analogy as an example:
"Sociology is to social work
what biology is to medicine."

Brooks added that
sociology was an analytical
approach and social work the
applied approach, and that
while students often take
classes from both areas, the
two are as separate as the
departments of sociology and

Sociology department
members are presently

Third train derails

I’lt,\.\'Kl.IN. Ky. [Al'lu About 200 persons were briefly
et :it'llillt’d yesterday after several cars of a derailed Louisville
a \‘ns‘ttttllc lta;lrotttl freight train caught fire about four miles
south of here. It was the third train derailment in Kentucky in
thtec days.

'l‘ltittytwo cars of a 92-car train were involved in yester-
tleiy': derailment. said William lleffren, an L&N spokesman.
No 't.iut'ics were reported.

i.llt'l(ill Sanford. dispatcher for the Franklin Police
llepat tntcnt. said authorities ordered the evacuation within a
one mile radius of the derailment site because one of the cars
unison-«t i'litJ‘tltl tittuiltls of ltiptid phosphorous~described by
a stati- ltcaltlt otfictat as explosive and hazardous.

'1 lie accident punctured two holes in the car containing the
phosphorous, but they were sealed with hours of the
derailment. which occurred at 7:04 am. CST.

N‘h‘l‘iil cars containing pulpwood caught fire. but the fires
were extinguished quickly. authorities said.

Most of those ittvolyctl iii the evacuation, which lasted about
an hour, were employees of the dozen or so businesses in the
spot scly populated area. officials said.


A special Mass will be celebrated on
December 9 at it pm at the Newman
Center. All who are groping, doubting.
grappling Willi or confused about their
faith and their beliefs are invited.
These struggles are healthy and it is
good to share them if possible and to
sometimes try to move beyond them.
This is the purpose of a Groper’s Mass
Feel Free to bring a friend, there are
no demands.







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evaluating the curriculum
and discussing solutions to
the grade inflation problem.
“In a small way we’re in-
creasing the requirements,
especially in the area of
research methods," said
Sutton. “We’re doing this
partly through the hope that
(with more in-depth classes)
students will be able to find a
job more easily,"

Both Brooks and Sutton
said the academic standards
of UK’s sociology department
compare favorably with other
colleges. “1 think it (UK)
clearly has the strongest
program in the state, and one
of the best compared with the
southeastern schools and in
terms of national standards,”
said Brooks.

Although UK's department
is not on the same level as
those of national stature,
Sutton said, “We feel we rate
fairly well, close behind the
University of North Carolina,
which has one of the top
sociology departments in the

KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. December 9, I977—~3


I‘M le'nlutty Kenn-I. 1H Jumnllt‘m

minim-I. Director
hlldtng. lntwrstty of Krnlm‘hy le ' Anthony (in,
won. [chunky III-Its. l\ nulled fly mom

Jinn Inhly dorm. the ytnr are;
Valli-yo and cum periods. tutu «it.
weehly durln; the \ullinlrr session
mu class posit." plld It lutttnun
Kentucky. will suhstnpttot. rates Ire
fllIkd 82.00 per srruesIt-r SI 0|) per
summer or 85 Ill prl year or fllIl' tent
pr yur "un‘muIIt'rt

\u l'toduclmn Manager
Iltnnr M-rhrudu

1 tr: ttlutlnn Manager
(.ur, tanner






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Eyes the ice

.\ curious Ilee I"u (hen. business tultttinistrution graduate
student. makes a closer inspection of the ice on the sidewalk
outside the classroom building. During yesterday ‘s rainstorm.
gusts of freezing “ind would almost instantly freeze the
moisture on the concrete. causing a slick glaze.

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Sports Editor

At least the Kansas
Jayhawks won't have Adolph
ftupp and a dedication game
with which to contend this

Kentucky. still ranked
number one in this week‘s AP
poll and not quite as sharp as
they were at the start of last
year, will miss that extra
assistance at Allen Field
House when they play
Kansas, undefeated through
five games. at 7:35 (,‘DT
tomorrow night.

Coach Ted Owens‘ team’s
five wms have not come over
any teams that could
challenge for the Top Fifty
before the year is over, but
none of the games have been
closer than 32 points.

A win over SMU, also UK's
first‘game opponent. came by
a margin of “only" 36 points,

Maybe it‘s because they've
been playing slower, quicker
to tire teams, but Kansas is
running wild this year like
they never have before
during Owens' tenure.

In fact, last years 18-10
team averaged only 72.6
points a game while holding
it’s opponent to 68.6 The
spread this year is “HA—65.6.

The UK defense that held
its first real slugging match
tins year with