xt7wst7dvj20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvj20/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1982 1982 1982-10-05 2020 true xt7wst7dvj20 section xt7wst7dvj20 KEN I UCKY L.‘ Are you experienced?
h ‘ . ' There are roughly 300 people who could
3 '... have been this year, thanks to the ex-
, periential education office. For stories
- ‘ I I of three people who are learning by
’ doing this semester, and an overview of
I. ‘ the program I'Self, see Centerpiece.
‘ page 4.
W ' ‘ k,L ' tn,Ketuck
Vol. LXXXV, No. 40 Tuesday, October 5, 1982 An Independent student newspaper Universny of Kentuc y exmg o n y
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I e - I I I
. « srae om s yrian MISSI es
% BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Israeli The rightist Christian Voice of teries Syria had moved into the all parties to work together to seek
_' . i. , jets blasted a Syrian missile battery Lebanon radio said two additional Bekaa Valley in 1981, and shot down rapid withdrawal of all foreign
e é '.. , “é. ,l east of Beirut yesterday and Leb- areas were attacked, Em Dara and scores of Syrian MiG fighter jets. forces from Lebanon." Romberg
r [W551 i f _ i . ”(If . anese radio reports said the Israeli Dhour Schweir, and said the strikes State Department deputy spokes- said.
E3} g! f * .3; _ ,3”; warplanes also struck at Palestiman were aimed at Syrian and Palestin- man Alan Romberg said in Washing- Habib. who negotiated the
I 3‘”? .. a3 . s 3 ’b . ‘. POSIhOhS 1" the 93539?" mountains. . 'ah POS'hOhS ton that the United States “de- agreement for getting an estimated
-V ' " 3‘ , as» ”my ' Although Israel did not link the air plored" the attack. and indicated 8.000 Palestinian guerrillas out of
' _ if“ 1’“ strike to an ambush that killed six _ In the early days Of the Lebanese the White House looked upon it as a Beirut last month, headed for Wash-
4 , : .g-' l y Israeli soldiers. Sunday. it was an: invaSion mounted June 6 ‘Israeli retaliationtothe bus ambush. ington afterastopover in Rome.
l S‘ g .3 ,1,” ,«e . :, nounced followmg a speCial Israeli warplanes knocked out missde bat- “It underlines the importance for He met with Italian Foreign Min-
l t ,‘ j 3 _ Calli‘inetthmeeting tolddiscuss the at- ister Emilio Colombo, who told re-
'3 3 ”I » , . a... 33 , tac on eIsraeiso ‘ers. porters that it was difficult to say
i: ‘. , be: ~ » ”If The Israeli air attacks, the first I when the reactivated multinational
= - ,, i bbbeebebbe be Paper reports 260 officers beebbbbeve-
' is . : ~ fig“: ”My speCial envoy Philip C. Habib was Habib met Sunday with Syrian
_, . , . . . if: y headed to Washirégtgn fol:S conisultai . I . President Hafez Assad in Damas—
. . ' 4. 2. 13/? tions after a roun o tal in srae t t d f Sh t t cus, but there was no word on
. . - 7. ago A (I and Syria on getting their occupying pe I Ione or an)" 0 qUI whether progress was made in his
, . ‘. ,..- » i .. “ fornlcles out’afLebanogé t Am‘ Ge new efforts at getting the Israelis
3. . .f e - _" / eanw ie, Presi n. in_ . m- and Syrians to withdraw.
; . _ ' , w ' ayel asked acting Prime Mimster , , .. , Israel has an estimated 75,000
.3 ~ s i 33 XI 3 . .n. Shafik Wazzan to head his govern- TEL'AVIV, Israel — No‘hun- mu 3 domestic foes and foreign troops in Lebanon, stationed south of
. ,- My ‘ . -3 - edi tl dred Sixty Israeli army officers elements" were waging “all-out . ~
. . _ . ment, and Wazzan imm aey si ed a tition c 11‘ f th . ., . Beirut in the western part of the
.. 5‘ 3 g ' ,‘é " .. started negotations ‘0 form a Cab- gri - pe a mg or. e psychological. .war fare against country. Syrian troops, in Iebanon
: .; . e; _. e! . - "518113an 0‘ Defense Mimster the defense mimster. ~
. . W ; si?."..~,;.‘ Q inet. . . ’ Ariel Sharon a newspaper report- Th Y ed‘ th t' l a’ d 260 ff._ under an Arab League peacekeeping
.; g- 153%“ b . .» ' {I A multinational force 0f 3.300 11-3. ed esterda3 _ the latest r v _ e . 1° ar ,‘c e s l . o x mandate since the end of the Wis-76
if . , .- W ‘ .. . iii 5?: French and Italian troops has been latidh of dis: nt 'thi th e e cers With captain 5 rank or higher civil war. number an estimated
l .;: ,{x I , fig”. ' patrolling and clearing land mines “lemme w n e army — roserwstsland men on active «:00
" ~ . ”he” ::- i . in the capital since last Wednesday, ”file m rtffiefigth Ammm my — had Signed. a 99‘1““ call' In addition, various factions of the
. 3'3“}“3§;a£ 1:. I?“ . :3: g” and Beirut was reported calm. said the potition 'ted H . _ f ing for Sharon sresgnation. Palestine Liberation Organization
. of 23- “I he? . 5 ,2 ' North Of the capital, Debanese PO' - pen c1 a “15‘s 0 Although there We been re- have about 10.000 fighters. mostly in
.2 #3“ . ,. 216M ,5. e a? lice reported at least 14 dead and 25 confidence between the army ports almost daily in Israel and the north and east.
5 Z ,2 If so . i -. XI; wounded in battles between rival lugh command and Sharon. who Is abroad about dissent in the army, “Everything is linked to the evolu-
E .23. , 3 millitia {0"9‘5 at Tripoli. ‘31“ ”1?. center; 0: gontrovetzsy over Israeli "1.11"“ y affairs writers say tion of the situation in Lebanon. both
E ’ g 1:; : 5. .2 ’ . es: On Sunday, six Israeli soldiers srae sfcgn gmmfngp 1e mas- censorship has kept some details regarding the question of Beirut and
' I; ' 2 " ‘ were killed and 22 wounded by auto- s??? 0 . u". 0 a estiman secret _ an apparent attempt to the guarantees for the withdrawal of
.. i ' .. . ' . :21 be -' I matic W93P°ns and bazooka fire in cm iansin Beirut refugee camps. protect the army 5 cherished 390' all foreign troops from Lebanon ”
3 3 ..s .. ” an ambush of their bus at Aley. The mill?!” command and the litical image. Colombo said. 3
. ' , .. is; ' ' ._ a3" i about 10 miles southeast of Beirut Dtefense M'ntlstryuhad "Orltmmegh- After a spate of press reports on The Lebanese government asked
3 1mg? 3‘. 3‘ . 2* v. :. 3‘1. 3 ‘3" $5 . 1 andnear Syrian lines. :jeflcommen ont. e repo m e- strife between Sharon and. the for the return of the peacekeeping
‘ 9.3 ., . fl ..j . The Israeli military command in g t,actohzserva iv: paper. ed men he commands, the military forces in mid-September, after then
-. - . k , _ ) _. fig; Tel Aviv blamed Palestinian guerril- t t“ t d "“915 ry :5" : command issued‘ a communique Presidentelect Bashir Gemayel was
. 9 " -' 3'; j" “3W”? . 135. bl“ despite searches and roadb— S a emen enying a ewswee Sunday saying normal working assassinated and Christian Phalang-
.71.- " l , i f 3 . .' ace/j: lOCRS in the area. the attackers were "1883331130133, 3112“ asserted Sha- conditions and mutual trust eXist ists were blamed for the massacre
' 3 . 3.-'j; . ”1’4 so ' h°t captured. ron own e massacre was betweenSharon and his-staff. of hundreds of people in Israeli-
’ . ee .2 = 1 'd . bo bed gomg 00. The Newsweek story But smce the war in Lebanon - ~
V. ; -. _ . ., g; Israe sai its planes m a said senior officers who met with . h guarded Palestinian refugee camps.
. . ti ,, _ . SAM-9 anti-aircraft missile battery . started m June 6' I ere has been President Gemayel. elected after
. _, 4e . _‘ at Dahr el-Baidar 20 miles east of Sharon called himafraud. some open army dissent. and de- h' b h . d ~ t t
3 " 3‘ £32533 ’3 ’ f . 3 The Newsweek story was “ba— mobilized reserve soldierg have 15 ‘I‘Ot er S mur er‘ IS 0 mee
, . .. t i (a the capital, to demonstrate Israel sicall a lie" the Defense Min- . . ‘ . Presdent Reagan at the White
4” ' . ":b £4? will not tolerate Syrian missiles in . y . ' led 9‘1”” “mm‘rallons aga‘m‘ House Oct. 19. Gemayel took office
. , . s Lebanon. ‘Stry said. It charged that Sha- the war. Sept 23
, _ W « ., aI orne sus ends la er after arrest
3 ‘ By EVERE'I'I‘J. MITCHELL II ~ .. bexington-Fayette Urban/County dropped on grounds the two were
. "my” "“Mwe'sm" SeniorStaff Writer . :. police. . not publicly intoxicated.
M|n0f damage reported . DoraZio was charged with driving D.H. Elam and HM. Embree, two
. ___—__________ ' under the influence of alcohol. He Lexington police officers present at
About 100 students and faculty members fled Research Facili- was due to appear in Fayette Traffic the arrest. testified on behalf of Fer-
ty No. 2 yesterday during the noon hour as what witnesses Head football coach Jerry Clai- - - « Court yesterday morning. but his enceandGrimsley.
said was ”thick black smoke" poured from air conditioning borne yesterday suspended junior f casewas continued toOct.25. “Those two guys were not intoxi-
vents throughoutthe building. defensive tackle Chris Dorazio for , ' 3 Thomas Bell. the players‘ attor- cated. They had been drinking but
Units of the Lexington-Fayette Urbon/ County Fire Depart- the remainder of the season follow- , ' w . “33a _ ney. entered a "no plea" for Dorazio they were not intoxicated." Elam
ment responded to the call and quickly extinguished a small ing Dorazio's arrest Sunday on a ,5 3 3‘ ' 3 2ft: 1115‘ before 00“" convened. Deborah said.
fire on the roof of the building, said Mai. Denny Sabree, one drunkendriving charge. 1 .f __ . :j,’ Meade, supervisor of traffic and the “They had been drinking but they
of the firefighters on the scene. “Chris Dorazio has been dismiss- \ 31’: 1 ‘ .’ court clerk yesterday morning, said were not legally drunk." Embree
Sabree said Physical Plant Division employees using ace- ed from the squad for this year. We ‘ .» ‘ ‘ , Bell spoke with Winn Turney, assis- said. “The law states one has to be
tylene torches to cut through metals panels of an air condi- will review his situation at the end ‘ '2 ...' 5'” . tant county attorney. before court manifestly under the influence to be
tioning unit on the roof of the building inadverontly started of the year," Claiborne said in a " convened to enter a plea of first of- publicly intoxicated."
an insulation fire. prepared news release. CHRIS DORAZIO fense DUI on Dorazio's behalf. The three were taken to the
Jack Applegate, assistant to Jim Wessels, Physical Plant Starting linebacker John Grimsley But Bell was forced to enter the Fayette County Detention Center
Division director, said last night the division was conducting and defensive guard Chris Ference, squad." Claiborne said. “They were “no plea" because records of per- after their arrests. A breathalyzer
its own investigation into the cause of the fire, a spot starter, will remain on the not publicly intoxicated. They were sons charged with DUI must be test administered to Dorazio there
Heavy smoke from the fire was sucked into the air condi- team. Charges of public intoxication in a team meeting 45 minutes after checked in Frankfort before sen- showed his blood alcohol level to be
tioning system, he said, and quickly spread throughout the against them were dismissed in the incident and were perfectly nor- tencingcanbepassed. .21.The Kentucky legal limit is.10.
building, driving the occupants out to Washington Avenue. Fayette District Court yesterday af- mal." David Franklin. assistant county Ference and Grimsley were not
Batallion Chief Benny J. Zaranka said that the fire was ternoon. The three were arrested at 11:50 attorney. moved to dismiss the required totakeabreathalyzer test.
put out quickly and that water damage to the roof was “The other two (Ference and am. Sunday after a car driven by charges against Ference and All three were released about 90
minor. Grimsley) will remain on the Dorazio was stopped by UK and Grimsley after Bell asked they be minutes after theirarrests.
TUESDAY rious reasons are given for the present ioblessness, but "in ish, Vietnamese, Arabic and Polish to reach Chicago's
_ my own view the cause is one and one only: inflation." Rea- disparate ethnic communities.
From staff, Wireroports gun said his administration has "brought inflation down, Authorities reported no significant progress in the hunt
and interest rates are following , for the random killer who claimed seven victims by placing
. . He did not say why un- . . deadly capsules on several different stores in the Chicago
Judge sentences registration evader employment remains high -~ area lastweek.
3 — it was 9.8 percent in Au- . .. ,_ _ . i Tests were under way yesterday on a few Extra-Strength
SAN DIEGO — Beniamin Sasway, a college political science gust — but has said in the 3 2. 3 Tylenol capsules and some powder recovered from a subur.
major, was sentenced to two and a half years in a federal past that unemployment fig- "- ban motel parking lot. Two sheriff's deputies became dizzy
minimum-security f('Clh'Y yesterday f0" failing to register ures are the last to improve 35 . " wk and nauseous after stumbling across hundreds of discarded
for the draft. when an economy comes 3m w I capsules in the lot the day before the poison was apparent-
U.S. District Judge Gordon Thompson Jr., who ordered out of recession. 3 f ‘ ly placed on shelves.
Sasway to prison when he was convicted Aug. 26 because During his speech, Rea- 2 ~‘ :3 Also, Teresa Janus, widow of cyanide victim Adam
he feared the 2l-year Old might flee '0 CGHOdO. agreed '0 gan also assailed demon- Janus, filed a $15 million Suit against Johnson 8. Johnson,
grant$l0,000bail pending appeal. strators for the nuclear 3 me;- sap I which owns the company that makes Tylenol, and Jewel
50' Thompson said he W°Uld”3’ '9' 5‘35on 00' 0‘ federal freeze movement, saying, ‘» 3 Food Stores, where the fatal capsules were purchased. The
custody until his defense lawyer, Charles Burner, presented "They were demonsfating in f defendants declined immediate comment.
a plan insuring that the convict would remain in the San behalf of a movement that ,
03990 (:00th ("90- has swept across our coun- r. ‘
Before sentencing, Thompson allowed Sasway to give 0 try inspired by not the sin- PRESIDENT REAGAN
20-minute speech about his opposition to draft registration. cere, honest people who want peace, but by some who \ /
Sasway said civil disobedience in needed to "restrain the want a weakening of America, and so are manipulating
tyrannical tendencies of government," and that draft regis- many honest and sincere people." ’
tration ”deprives young men of one of the most important WEATHER
moral decisions they can make —— to take another life." .
Volunteers continue Tylenol search \
. CHICAGO — About 1,300 volunteers fanned out through
R0098": inflation camodmomploymont the city yesterday to warn the lonely and elderly who may
_ not have heard about cyanide in Extra-Strength Tylenol. Today will be partly sunny and continued worm with
COtUMIUS. 0M9 — 9'93'd9'" R9090": 0" the COMPOlQ" Government officials, meanwhile, sought measures to pre- ohlgh around 80.
trail again, declared yesterday that inflation is the cause of vent future tampering with ever-the-counter drugs. Tonlght wlll be partly cloudy with a low In the mid
' "‘, '°d°Y3$ "90" '9C0'd unemployment and —' 0"“ 0905“ _- he The volunteers were distributing leaflets warning resi- and upper 50!.
blamed "0" 0" his Democratic ”$199550"- dents not to use any Tylenol products. In addition to En- Tomorrow will be partly sunny with a hlgh in the
l” "‘9 WOW".d portion 0' h" speech, R9090" said VO‘ glish, Harris said the flyers had been translated into Span- low 00:.

 WM '
KC: 'r'”l)e'"l
IIIIW Andre-W Join-mum- mum llnll.lldoh LEVIN”... New
“War-"0'“ N0" “W Am “In" sum Editor sperm net-m Editor Photo Editor G'ophisl who:
Janos 'MII Norris CIMV ”0' w I. ”It. “HOV MW ICON. MINI” Ion VIII M Chile Ash
Monugmgfditol Editorial Editor Afittzrm.:tu AutstonlSponeldltor swiolrrojecn Assistant Chief Photographer Copy Dosh Chief
IAP is contributing to overcrowded .313 E
Social issues come and go like the seasons, mately 800 percent increase in arrests on ,
with varying degrees of intensity. charges of driving while intoxicated, as com- r NOW THAT’ We VE. GOT \EM OFF THE STREETS , '
Last spring, it was the explosive spread of pared with the same period last year. There i ~ OF 17/ ‘ V—F‘ 0'6"“
herpes and other venereal diseases. In the is no question that Lexingtonians are now HOW RE WE GO'UIA G51. EM F E R,
summer it was the growing fear of nuclear thinking twice before driving drunk. THE WALLS, AND THE CEIHN&.3/
proliferation and the resultant threat of nu- But the program is also aggravating one '
clear war. problem as it solves another.
Articles were written, public meetings DWI arrests mean a brief stay at the Lex- ~ . .
held, letters written and legislation passed in ington/Fayette Urban-County Detention Cen- 9A ‘ J n ’ .
. . . , . . / l‘ \ I .
an effort to correct these social Ills. ter, often extended by prisoners difficulty to /( §4‘*€—“ ,AS/,:‘ . . .
There’s nothing wrong with this process; it raise higher bails required under the pro- ‘ -3. JKR‘J—TR / \. / ’
is intrinsic to the functioning of a democra- gram. As a result, says Ray Sabbatine, dep- lb‘ / ‘
cy. But when an issue is publicized extensi- uty director of the detention center, the jail 7MP .‘ \\
vely and the focus narrowed to the exclusion is suffering a serious overcrowding problem. \ / WLp/A/Gy oéLLS - = g g
of all else — particularly other related prob- That brings up another up-and-coming so- \ ‘ 1,, l ‘ ,.’ . .1 / “
. . . . . . . ~ /‘\/‘-- N -4 ~\
lems — the solutions proposed by pollthians Cial issue that, so far, hasn’t received proper / x ; ,, ,r ,i‘v' ~ / E
concentrating on the desires of their constit- attention — the overcrowding of county and / 1: 0/6“ 4 a. ‘ -\‘_“" ' lg; ,t' r 5 >9 '
uents rather than the wider needs of the na- state jails throughout the country and the re- ,4 :17; ' '2 P m.’ u; a ’j I"? ,
tion are sometimes less than practical. sultant deterioration of conditions in them. ./ _ ' ; hh '9 \ y ‘ 5/ /. ‘7- {10 ‘ “ é
A good example of this is the treatment of As Sabbatine points out, jail administra- , / >3 -“j. - bf \~ ,, ' “ '—/ Q)
a current issue of note — the fight against tors are responsible for the safety and health ‘ 7 ’7 // K ,7, {a ’ _.- ‘
drunk driving. Congress has passed a bill, of prisoners housed in their institutions. But 2 1‘. ’ ., \ f" , :7 ‘5 , I
awaiting only President Reagan’s signature if jam-packed cells limit their ability to keep H . ‘ ‘13. . "' fl/L .4 -— ~\ ‘
before it becomes law, that would set aside proper watch on their charges, their ability 2 \ - . we}. - low; ' _
$125 million for a three-year campaign to carry out their duties is impaired. ‘ ‘ (axis: 5 ' -
against drunk driving. Perhaps the increased numbers of “aver- / 2.9:, 1; “:5 £31 ' ‘0‘
The money would be distributed to the age” citizens spending time in jail as a re- . it. / a ‘—l \ u 1‘ :< a W
states in “seed” grants for programs to suit of drunk driving crackdowns will bring . f. c 7 , {1 [2-5, DJ 1-3:“ 4.5.1.;33,
deter drunk driving, the most visible of to the forefront the issue of overcrowding in 3‘ i “ j. ._. i=~a\_ - __ . “ 1% '
which are enforcement efforts such as the prisons. But, in the meantime, legislation al- {3‘ 7 ‘ r ' {KL
Traffic Alcohol Program here. ready passed in the fervor of public pressure -1..._F:c—— ~ £\,\
TAP, which began in May, has put extra appears ill-considered unless amended to \\: 1
police officers on the streets during night- offer practical alternatives to jailing on DWI
time hours. It has resulted in an approxi- charges.
I / / v
" a. 1 VA b'II ’ d ' “
, .. W A; l was a venture In
~ (m it
. if“ "a " Iknow where 1W” 59"“1’5 ago..I listened to them in a kind 0t amen Council dinner and told them they cherub-faced maverick with the
\ |_ 2 \ r was on the prairie fairgrounds m mood. “would be appreciably better off black bow tie, and called him “the ‘
’.§1£ ‘.| o )3? ‘ . McCook,. Neb., l°°km3 0“ at the The two made the pledge that pro- today . . . if the Great Society had very perfect gentle knight of Ameri-
l 77;, ' ' *1. I r. F'. t at most brilliant sunset I have ever duced '1'th and America 5 great ad‘ never been inaugurated. can progressive ideals," which
\", ,. , . ‘. 2" ' 1/ ’_ seen. venture 1" 500131151“ (that hated “Perhaps unintentionally,” he sounded flattering and high-toned.
W" ‘ _ :l 3 F ,Atl ’ The hushed ”"5 Of a ”“919 0f wordl). Yes, I remember the date. continued, “many government pro- Andhewas elected, of course. .
~G\ ' X. Li“ ' speakers caught the awesome fee" It was Sept.28, 1932- grams have been designed not to Even while unpacking in the White -
fl . , . {'9 ‘* “‘8 Of the sky. One .Of them was —_—— create social mobility and help the House, FDR sent a note to Norris
_—____ f" " .c" " ' . " FDR (who was running for presl~ needy along their way, but instead, saying that as soon~as the “rish of
'l , Fifi. ‘% ‘ . ; t3 ' . "i, w ‘ dent), and the other, the saintly Sen. at}? to foster-estate of dependency.” emergency legislation is over,” he .
Maia. I E .nvhtifii‘t q _. 690139 Norris, backer 0f the pro- “2‘,“ Ah, well, 50 years ago I heard the hoped to talk about the Tennessee .
“h. 3“} ' ’ t“ posed'l‘ennessee Valley AuthOYltY- .. ,3“ TRB clerk in Congress read the Hoover Basin development. FDR signed the
1!‘ ii . Npms was a Republican but ”’ veto of the latest Miscle Shoals bill, TVA billonMay 18, 1933.
o praised Roosevelt nevertheless. The :éEa; which George Norris had gotten It was the kind of thing to justify .
- ’ i ‘- - ,5 subject was public versus private passed. (An earlier one was vetoed Reagan‘s worst fears. It was, in
"RESPONSE 10 00R EDlTDRlAL SUWOFUNG WE BML SFPIKE M NO!) PRESENT KN initiative and power. . by Coolidge.) Miscle Shoals, you re- short, socialism. It provided an au-
opposme \lle-u " Roosevelt venerated him; They I am reminded of it now and then. call, was pished by Wilson in World tonomom government development --
were taking turns denouncing the The other day Ronald Reagan spoke War I as a project for extracting ni- plan for an area three-fourths the .
“power tI'USt-" AbOUt 15.000 P909“? at the National Black Republican trates andhamessing the rapids. sizeof England. ' .,
l ' . . The Hoover veto of Norris’s pro~ It provided a complex, unprece- 13,3."-
A 1 0 n I posed TVA program on March 3, dented plan to rehabilitate the whole .
u emp oymen ra lng WI 8 p emocra s 1931, in tone and content, anticipates rundown Tennessee Valley under it»:
Ronald Reagan. the auspices of a public corporation. 3‘
You won’t be hearing the strains the number of two-career families the economy, And the 10 percent un- Still. in the 58 congressional dis- Hoover shudders at creeping so- It involved 28 dams. In short, those .9:
0t Ravel’s “3019”" and you won’t has 9'0“?" enormously since the De- employment rate will be a lead- tricts without an incumbent running cialism: “I hate to contemplate the liberals who so perplex and anger f;
be getting a lingering look at Bo pression; since welfare, unemploy- weighted club fortheDemocrats. for reelection, and in the 37 districts future of our institutions, of our Hooverand Reagan took over.. ~ it ‘ a i. /"’| 335.....3. A Hawaiian Night? A Western Wouldn’t you say that their lives Eco . kalehlgch .
~._-:. .5‘1i‘ f M7) 2'”? 1 —— .; Roundup? A New Wave party? No, and deaths should be held in some nomies res an
- ~ -: -- ‘ V ' ,2 7 the members med some 5 isi sort of r ard? Or, at least, not rele-
' . " . J (‘0) . <9 I é ,._. P94: ffiiffiz. ' originality in choosing theii'nirheriig gated ":8 being an excuse to play L P0,.
o -—_.' - I. ~34: when they titled the party “The Me- dress-up? otters Icy
° -‘ A -' -' " " Q 9" 4 ': kong Delta." Cute, really cute. Certainly, the girls need an oppor- People "“th! letters to the
am ' lee- we incorrectly owed on. he man, said even though $2233.22: 5::°.:::;i..:.":;“3i'»: Lamar: a? antral; m... ......... ......... m .......
We wish to apologize OUT cdhge president was that he likes not our Fault he handicapped accessibility there are members serve Charlie Coolers and 3“?" :m‘“ '3" m”m°$:
i‘or arecem. error in as saying he was a "pecan pie'? Weapolo- mumbles. a number of people on campus in Saigon Shots? Did everyone play a mums.ux'm2_
new r. "Russi n s " ize For emba - a 2 A“ g “each”?- And Perhaps they mu” 39”” °‘ ””99“ Gunman“ Writers must include their
OUT Spape a W A 8 an? I ,1: ' i} haven’t noticed some of these people and My Pool? n eddr tel
; /\ N1 moment. ”‘5“! W; .. g are wearing authentic Army-Navy- What‘s next week’s theme? Holo- ”rim" and alarm} ”rm“:
,, ~ \ . have caused him, °‘ ‘* a. Marineissueclothing. causl Night? Ho Chi Omega Trail? "' ”'1 °""
2w \ 7 ":2, \\‘J) M I “K 1% Where do the Delta Tau Deltas Hiroshima Happy Hour? 9:33;. gumfimflm U!"
”Q g at : ‘ _____"“J .. think these people lost the me of Members of Delta Tau Delta, he lame] mm‘; the ‘I‘llht
q! ——= their legs? Behind the sofa? No, in Emi y Post would not approve and
'. _W ‘1 0W9 an . CW (L A ‘ mg the Mekong Delta and places like it. neither do I. Laughing at the misfor- "has": mafmhafl‘gefl
‘8 . <3 ‘ :1: I “ ‘ - Dothey havenomemory? tune of others is not polite. No mat- material
I "5 t' , ~ - a 1+4 O Oneofmy most vivid memories is ter how hard you laugh, or how '

 ' : ms KENTUCKYKERNEL, -Tm¢hy, Octobor5, ran-3
I . .
Resume content confidence h
I., :3... .- ,.¢‘.»,,‘5 Aw _.. . . N . Aw? . noon Mia-mow; A.“ g; .a so»: a,» . .. .- ..
sa'd ital in job interviewing ”’ h .. a“
—_—....— terest in the job and then support The key to a successful interview ,2;
By GUNTHER KRAELING that interest with the skills nec- is preparation. she said. This re- 3 y .
, Reporter essary to hold the position. quires that the students knows about ' '
"I “Ninety-five to 99 percent of all interviewers’ corporations, clients, Ix,’ "i; in .
hflAu resumes," Howard said, “are products and services and about it; . _ - »
. . thrown intothegarbageean." themselves — why they are best for 5 a, "
While some students seeking em- Often the writers of resumes un- the job. j i ,
' ployment find llttle except dlSCOUP- derestimate the number and types Howard emphasized the impor- , it a I}
agement, a WOTkShOP Friday PFO- of skills they have acquired through tance of having a professional atti- ”or; 4.1% f .; I
Vlded journalism students With past employment. “All jobs are rele- tude. The student should arrive if; : '1 i ‘
strategies for side-stepping the usual vant." she said. “All jobs are honor- early, give a firm handshake and :3: IL. am .5
employement problems. able. You learn from everything you wait until the interviewer asks the «t ~ a -. ..
. . do. “ interviewee to sit down. :3; 'v-c
50°"th t0 Drema Howard, 33’ One student attending the The student should exhibit a sense I" m
sociate director 0‘ the UK Place- workshop said