xt7wst7dvj7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvj7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1986 1986 1986-03-05 2020 true xt7wst7dvj7x section xt7wst7dvj7x KKENTUCKY l
'fi‘mttt’fit“‘%‘s‘~% 1' Mime '. 4.. _' I
. .
N Singletary reports w
‘ l5 ’ to BOT committee
. - .. r a . V - . - ~
D '« c '2 1 P
. . _, r s » on basketball probe
“6 hrs:- in“- l ‘ ' ' "“ - .*~ ' x - f. I '-
v“... ‘ r If) Eliztiirrriiciius fully with the \'('.-\.»\. he would have = u "- '.
:9 f luditor~ln~(‘liief to postpone comment until he re f '- ' '.
thin}? ‘. v“"‘ 4 « Th l'n t h l t 1 ceives \wrdtroiitthem ’ ' . .- i' ';
4. , .13”. .- e iversi y as com e e< its Also at the ineeti . V .' - .' '- -
a?“ . g ‘ l 1- r ‘C :\ ‘-.. Investigation into alleged iiiegalitles members passed a nistfl‘giilorhmE-ih ,‘. :J -
pi»?- ‘ . ' « ‘ t’ . . , within the Wildcat basketball pro~ pressing their condolences for the ‘2 if, “
fig, 13'; g -/ ' /,A’ gram and has shared its results with liflllll} of Thomas 1’ "Tommy" .' 5" ;‘ .-"...t ,- "7:
“ i , -' . .A . ~~ , [ e.'(‘AA. Hell. a former board member who T.
.. V - p ‘ ”a ~ . " this A. Singletary's announcement (lit-(l til leukemia Feb 20. The L'K ‘5' ‘- h‘fflh _:-
‘ i ' ' a " 3! yesterday's “189th Of the Board alumnus also had been a member of .‘, .17: .. '
. a A... “(It 0‘ Ttrqstfees‘i executive committee the Athletics Board. the Fellows ' >.i (HIM. :‘L‘:
J ~ ' 3.. a \ ’ “'35 “9 1““ vague BUt It was per- l’rogriini and was known across the . ' '
" ‘ . .‘ ‘, \ haps the first time the [K president state ..\ a booster 01 higher educa~ .1 , 1."
.: .,, “,;K/\ I” had publicly addressed the issue tion ’ " ‘ 1‘ 3}";
1’ >1.ng / ‘ VA s‘hhh an Uctober newspaper 511”} Hoard chairman Robert T. Mctio- ~' ~ ."s i ‘ -
I . - \ recounted 13 years of players ac- wan sillti )(tlnl plans to create a me— f ‘ . ‘ I. .I i'
a ‘ .. .,\V A cepting money. clothing. car “”5 Iiiol‘tal scholarship fund in Bells .5' J‘
. M I 3 M and free meals front bonsters. mine are underwax bv the board . i". I . .I‘ .
. , a.“ , g ; h ‘ The [K investigation began ahttut and the Development ('ouncil '- _ , . i. '
_ 1 7 two weeks before the Lexington Hi" In other action. the board: - ‘ ' i. A 'i I ‘l
« .. - ‘ * . uldLeuder published the Oct. 37 - 1 ‘ I 2..
. i - .\ m ‘. ‘ , story. when l'niverslt} officials ./.-\ppro\'ed i‘ new fund for grad- ' -’ i iv :\
_ . hid-”haw we were interviewed by the reporters uiite fellowships named in honor of . _ '- . ‘> -
J a and learned of the possible Hillilv h'hhh'h‘hh 1h“ Ath‘ehhs Associa- - .
‘ ~ 3‘1? “0m tion has put $23111le into the quasi- f .’ I ‘
a . i “4 Singletary said four t'K einplm "h‘h’h'he'h ‘hhh' Wh'hh '5 expected ‘ ’ . ' '
, ‘ j . ‘ ' ~ _ ees with legal training conducted in I” reach “hm“ '51 hhhh’h as the 35' ' i ' ' ' ‘ 1
3. , ' ' .. “ » . » terviews with 54 people. including 28 ””hh‘h‘mh‘hhh’h 7 - '- .
- mg. . ! xi}.- .—..:‘...g;....,:fli ’v.‘ . i ‘" ‘ ‘< - ~39 new! ‘3“ - former or current members of the ptcr'ripmi L, somrm gift from - . ' ' . ‘4 ’ ‘
.’ W ' A. D... , ~ . ' . basketball team. 18 former or cuiv 31“ John A “Uni-lg in finance a li~ '- i .
. ‘ _ . first hltnimthfioihifi 41?: (“light ht"’>{‘* briii‘y reference room at the Equine ‘ - ‘ . ' h '1
o o .m. a ‘ * ‘i i h ““0““ .‘ Research ('enter The John A Mor- ‘ ' ‘ ‘ '
Blke aCCIdent my“ K '5' " wanted h) talk “hh refused 1“ be ”" ris Library. named in honor of her ‘ I .
Gabriela WieQant, 34, of 205 B Shawnee Drive, is assisted after 510'"? and R059 streets Sunday. The car W05 d'iVe" l'JY Karin tU-Hehedhoadded late hu'h’hhd‘ “I“ hhu‘se books. peri- ' i I
her bicycle was struck by a car at the corner of South Lime- Remington, 22, of3175 Village Drive. . Singletary refused m elaborate. ”‘hwi‘~ "”1"" literature and 3 00"" ' "
saying that in order to cooperate putet‘terniinal g . .
O . . ‘
S . African leader says he may lift state of emergency Friday . , - *
By ANDREW1‘t)RCHlA grouping. the United Democratic when police quelled a riot in Pot- lain the timin of Botha‘s an- he 'niiid m - ' ‘ , 1 i5 rt - ... , ‘
Associated Press Fronlt. tthfdtbthe emergency himtl'd be ghegstroom. southwest of Johannes houncement. The? insisted that the lilrlll‘ltiraLCialtC0ifitlt)?r:;lclliti(:gdrtj t‘IIIi‘I‘gtiht-)\mi::iithrzliifste tfhhnihgh: 2i i i -
, _ supp ane y repressive egisa ion. or . . level of violence had not dropped. heid rou s. said liftin the enter his most ~tin lacable toes. I\ ' . '
CAPE TOWhl. South Africa — Botha also made a new offer of Botha made. his announcements t0 The emergency. imposed July 21 gencvg “'0‘:in be an ‘icknowledgr ”1 i’kh‘humenh Helen Suzmankorfnthei; ' ‘ ' '
PreSIdent PM. Botha announced statehood for Namibia. proposing an a packed parliamentary chamber in on 30 urban and rural districts and ment that the emergency has failed i’t‘oui‘csslve Federal Partv '
that the 195-dayold state of emer- Aug. 1 target date for starting the country‘s legislative capital. subsequently lifted from seven. to suppress the desire of our 0 le Ninndn told “the Associated Press I' I V
,- gency imposed to fight anti-apart- moves toward me terriwr’y'g indc» He claimed the level of violence gives police and troops S‘.\‘t':(.‘p1ng tohc free»: i pe p she was tlt‘llflh't'd .tmlt"iuse "he a'- V ‘ '
: heid turmoil in South Africa proba- pendence. He made it conditional on had drOpped sufficiently to enable powers to use guns against rioters ' sunied it 111(“lnlllht‘ release of detahi» ' '
‘ bly wouldbelifted on Friday. a withdrawal of (‘uban troops from him t0 issue a proclamation. “most and detain suspects indefinitelv Bl" m“ ()rhhh.uhtlh'] expressed nees k l , l
. . . . ‘ neighboring Angola probably this coming Friday.” to lift without trial. - concern at Botha s mention of new ~ . , ,.
His announcement yesterday was . the state of emergency. laws. saying: “The government is she said the emergency had done - .
praised by the United States and 'Police reported ‘two blacks were ' _ ' . Botha also said Parliament would going to broaden the already Draco nothing to calm unrest, and warned ' .
was given a cautious welcome from killed by security officers. They said But critics of the system of ractal be asked [0 review existing laws in nian provisions of the Internal Secui that "unless an attempt is made to . '
some South African liberals. But it police shotgun fire killed a} man in segregatmn that keeps power in the case new ones were needed to help rity Act. The effect of this is that a get to the roots of the unrest. we will , ' ; ' .
provoked expresstons of concern the western Transvaal province and hands of. South Africa's white mi- "protect lives and property “TECH. de facto state of emergency will hate .in ongoing. endemic state of . ‘ _, I '
from the largest anti-apartheid a youth died of injuries suffered nority said they could not readily ex- very}. ‘ exist throughout ourcountry” tioIencein this country " ' . ‘ _
UK falls among top 100 GRANT MONEY DISTRIBUTION Costa Rican to describe ’ ‘ ' * '
in federal research funds t ’ h lth ff t * ' H ' "
Administrator dCSCI'lbeS SUCCESS rate E;g‘“?fi“"9 HyHRH)(ll-ZNII'IINHART lotion. will deliver the keynote ad- .- " ~
. ml Ion Contributin Writer dress ' ‘ I 7 '. ' '- ' ’-
for securing grants as ‘pretty good’ g hr. min .mi withers ap- v -‘ j
— The former president of Costa peili‘ance was made possible by the ' . .
is) DAVID NAYI.()R "We have over 1200 extramurally Rica will participate in a daylong Ashland Visiting Professorship. .' . '7 . i
ContributingWriter Ioutsidel funded handles. mostly , conference to examine the health whit-hwas established at the t'niver- i.- .' ‘i'. ' i
LK ks th h from the federal government itself." Medical Center care problems in South America. sit} by Ashland Oil in 1980 . . ., ,3 (I i' -;;
' ran wt in t e top 100 uni- said Bill Schweri. director of the ' ' ‘ ~ , , . . . Tht‘ rhi‘eSSOFShi enables 15K t0 ' ‘ ".13, ’ .‘
versities in the nation in securing program development division. “We $10 mIlhon Agr'cPlTUI-e [axlzfiaifilgs (figuhgflfirjfl 2:; bring E)hShnguisheg individuals in i . i‘.’ .1 ~
federal research dollars and is one had 1,100 proposals submitted by the $4 mhhon "Nutrition ah? health SCI‘VICSS in the ilelds of business. the sciences. ~ - ' . 1N." ' h " "'1
of only two universities in the state faculty 135: year. so we keep pretty the Americflh beginning at 9 am the humanities. government and the . .~ ‘ ,j:‘;.._ 3:7,." :f
toreceivethls money. busy. tomorrow in 113 Health SClenCes 91"“‘55'0’15“’(‘iimpus- . ' -. " ». '-. ‘ - i 3
The University‘s status as a land SChWOFi'S department involves re~ Building. ' . "‘5hhmd ”h ‘mends ‘0 Sp‘msor “1 '1' ’ 7:"
grant institution enables it to obtain cruitment of grant money for re- Daniel ()duber. former Costa professors who will benefit both the . - 1‘ .._;‘ 1'."
federal research funding tfrom va- search. . . . . Rican president. will discuss the ”mph“ and the State The ' f " .v‘ -§
rious federal agencies). said Fred . Mosler’said h‘S Office‘s “hh rate" “Costa Rican Experience in Health profeSSWSh'p '5 ”th to all depart- ' V 2 . .“ .
Mosler, contracting and special pro- in securing grants is currently 55 Care and Nutrition.“ "lems , - .r . " ‘j‘t-fl
jects director at UK's Office of percent. --1 talked wtth an R & D "Through this conference we hope itduber served as president of ', _‘ a
Sponsored Projects Administration. (research and development) rep- to inform the general public of the Costa Rica from 1974 to 1978. Subse- ' ' '
Kentucky State University is the resentative from another compet- fundamental causes for health probe quent I" h” presidency. he played -- i -
out" state land grant irstitution lth‘dehunt‘alfzcsj‘tthatathzhnhjtgm? onet. MtCNAILD.CUSNINo KemetG'aDtlt-s lems iii South America.” said Ken a!n atctlve irolle m promoting con- ' ’~ - ' i i t ‘
twill . , 3 es ir raelsa _ V , . . - - sructve (iaoue on recen con- .. ~
research. receive federal funds for 22 percent. so we're looking Pretty money. but 67th m terms 0f federal almost $10 million to the Medical ESilieIEt‘iidieglrhcdfitdfinicinhafinhgh h'hlhm Centralimerica, .' ‘ . h
Maler said sec in fed r'l good.“ money forall programs. . . Center. . . y'ery'sucC¢'SSl'ulinthis field." L ”During his administration. he i i i I»
. ur g e a . According to an OSPA publication. Both Mosler and Schweri said the ' began several innovative health - ' ‘
grants involves both “active search- UK ranks 93rd In terms 0‘ federal about $4 million of the money UK re- lion‘s share of federal grant money VariOUS authorities 0" the SUbjeCt C‘H‘C ro r'ims for his count ' " ' i I 7 ‘
ing" on the project administration‘s obligations for research and devel- ceives in federal grants was goes to engineering and medicine will conduct the dav‘s sessions said theyg tiuir coordinator of rifle I ' '
part and recruitment by government opment [0 those universities receiv- awarded to agriculture in 1985. more Most of that money comes from the Abraham Horwitz. director emeritus Latin American Studies program.
agencws for research. "‘8 the "105‘ amount 0f federal than $3 million to engineering and See H'Vns.Page6 of the Pan American Health ()rgani» \Wlugulrfl‘paggfi ,
Lecturer’s book in ir R ’ ‘ ’ ' ' ' ' m t 'thd f l '
SP , ed cage“ 8 Star Wars mmame , .i W. 0.... o Wt raw mm c ass
gazwséhbbhh‘“ Bgvigherry‘ executive asststant to (13:? Of the Defense Intelligence “hm hm“ YW'hm Staff reports class and drop from full-time. to
His High Frontier strategy for de- He has received several decora- W‘ answers ‘ ou . part-time "hhhs can go ‘0 106 ths
The man regarded as the origi- stroying Soviet nuclear missiles tions. including the Distinguished com °' welcome "hd' Soc Thmhrm“ '5 the 135' day for 5““ hu‘ld‘hg and apply for a refund. MC‘ ’
nator of the “Star wars" defense white in flight has become the basis Service Medal. the Distinguished in NW, P0901 “9““ ‘0 ‘11,”? 1‘ c.1355 "1 “'"hdraw W‘k'ma'd
system. one of the most controver- for the Reagan administration‘s telligence Medal and the Legion of igumndlhe mers‘” and ”he“? a Students wishing to withdraw
sial weapons oposals of the st much debated Strategic Defense lni- Merit. In 1980 he received the Na- m f | ‘ . ‘ ‘ . . ‘ .. . V .
several yearspfyill speak abompiihe tiative. commonly known as Star tional Armed Services Award from w"; ”on rains: 51:; The procedure h" dropping a from [he inwerhh" andreceive a
nation's defense tomorrow. Wars. the Veterans of Foreign Wars. class is relatively Simple. said’Mar- refund "NM 89 10 106 0|th Building
.. , his iob as tho Rodnq Dan- gey McQuilkin. asststant registrar andplck UszWIthdrawalcard.
Retired Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham The" 3!"? “fem"m' b".‘ a '0‘ After retiring from the military in W a W. m 90.. for student records and services.
will speak at 2.00 pm. tomorrow in 0‘ Graham 5 ideas turned "9 "1 Rea- 1976. Graham became a research “First you must go to the dean's The student‘s fees will be reas-
1 Dawssald‘ . . . . story.mm.hgo3. . . . . .
the Student Center Thump 83" 5 WW . professor at the University of Miami office of the particular college and sessed. and if the withdral process is
Graham was born in Oregon and but left in 1973 to become co-chair- then fill out the add/drop slip.“ she carried out by tomorrow. the stu-
The Patterson SChOOl 0‘ Diplo attended college at West Point. He man 0f the Coalition for Peace said. dent may be refunded “P to $3”.
macy and International Commerce served in Germany. Korea and Viet- Through Strength. Students who withdraw from a Students who withdraw after tomor-
is spomoring the lecture as part of nam. __ 7 _ J class will receive a “‘W' on their row willreceivenorefund.
an effort to expose UK students to a ln 1!!“ he founded and became the - - , My c transcripts. But McQuilkin said stu- McQuilkin said the withdral proc-
wide variety of view, on different is- He also attended the Army‘s Com- director of High Frontier. an «game with . w H ‘_. a. A dents should not worry about the 955 is somewhat complicated. it re-
sues. said Vincent Davis. director of mand and General Staff School and zation that promotes a space-based ,u M * d fl. mark because withdrawals are not quires students to visit several of.
the diplomacy school. the U .8. Army War College. defense program. '4'. ll w w dd included in grade point averages. fices from “the dean of your college.
‘ . . . ' . ' . "Students have been dropping to the office of the dean if students
Grahams aSSIgnments have we In addition to High Frontier Gra— m. I" w. h M since the first day but we usually and to the f' ' l 'd off'
Graham is considered the “father marily included work in several dif— ham has written other books on de- in m y. m a. .g see an increase in 1mm in the or ,f the ,ude'nm" " m' "‘53
of Star Wars" because of a book he ferent military and civilian intelli- tense. such as A New Strategy for w“ h h m fice when the 1‘ th' , .s ..h oes not W“ aid,
, _ _ ‘ , . , ”r . ' y rea ize that is is she said. Then they WI" have to go
wrote in 1902 called High Frontier. gence agencies. He has served as the West and Shall America Be De- . - their lastchance todoso “she said to the housing office and let them
a - .“. ' X“ ‘ I
A New National Strategy, said Syl- deputy tothe director of the CIA and fended. * ~ Students who withdraw from a know that they willbemovim out
v I b .

 Z-KmVKERNELWy, “I, m:
Am Editor
Assistant Am Editor
, otte‘s“~‘t\ “\‘t . .- .
Fun hOIISC '
o a ‘ , ' i I a ‘ \
Though better set for small screen, entertaining House good weekend mov1e i /' a s
‘ , \.
‘ B) WESLEY MILLER \ unfold as if they were a part of (the rope slips out of his hand) . . . ‘ I
Staff Writer NBC '5 Sunday Movie of the Week. do. " ‘
» REVIEW “House" is actually a pretty en. "House" tells the story of best ' ii} i
A" unfortunate new trend '5 dew“ — tertaining flick. the perfect movie selling author/guilt-ridden Vietnam m § 1 ~
oping m movie-making, a “End. ”18‘ la ,m q.“ 5 cek‘s well-meanin for taking your date to see, There veteran Roger Cobb (Katt), who , |_ .
can't be help”: the b9" "m“? m "5 l,’ 3,1,55,92- ,33, date in Brian D: are fewer shocks and thrills than in moves into his grandmother's house V
effort [0 reversje a Slide 1“ the face Plzlilma‘s ”(waffle .- similar movies such as “Fright a short time after she hangs herself 7
~ ’ of increasing vi eotaperevenum ' - - Night" or “Silver Bullet " but there in theattic. mum K ,G h
. ~ . t ~ belt . n me, thi.‘ His co-star. to be fair, is not an , . . ' . . ,, ‘ ,1 ms m m
For ,“aln 0‘ a” 1 $7.1! at. - s over-the-hill prime-time star. but a l5 alarger-than-usual measure or 'Normally, the hero 0’ a. horror was heard from again. What follows prominently in Katt s \ietnam flash-
trendntou d be ca 8( si ua ion cm “me-time star who is on the rise imagination in the baSic plotline, de- flick does not have a particularly "C bb' hfor hi‘missin son backs. And all of you “Days Of Our
ema' That '5' the production “t lhe‘ p . d ‘h l i spite its tendency to slip into ex- good reason for staying in the alleg- '5 ° ssearc 5 g - - ~ ‘
. atrical releases as if they were GeorgeI $7721.73 iiil 0V p as 81:33: treme silliness at times. edly haunted house, which generally Lives“ viewers should watch tor‘the
' ‘ , ‘ . being made for a primertimv tele~ Egigegtlmaf id. : $325,103“ ”glam: There are also nice touches of sub- results in fristrating the movie The special effects of the movie cameo appearance of Stephen Nich-
- - 7 “5w" audience ' - .3 . .- . . tle humor woven into the dialogue, viewer to the point he can't enjoy alternate between horrible and im- ols.a.k.a. “Patch.
. , . .. . .. ~. . .1. h' k 1 i cinema features, haiing (o-starred . . .- ,s ,. . . _
* . - ' House ‘5 “a” 3 I at ”“ " m “Dreamsca .. but those are sporadic and too often theaction. presswe, and Cobb s Vietnam Vlai SO if you are looking for a fun pic-
‘ - . 7 ' ' ”‘0‘7‘9 pe' , , overshadowed by the film's clumsy Well, this guy actually has a rea- flashbacks reflect the low—budget ture where a whole lot of thinking
.~ . . ,s . \qu can tell just by looking at the Wait a minute. a misconception attempts at outright humor. For in- son. A few years before, when he feel of the film. isn‘t required for enjoyment. this is
, ». . - , 7 085! “St The 30“" Who ”999““ top "133' be developing her 94 JPS‘ be- stance, when George Wendt is hold and his family were living in the the movie to see, Don‘t be afraid to
, - '_ - billing is William Kati. whose prev cause a film falls within this area ing on to a rope that is attached to house, his son disappeared while Also co-starring in the movie are wait for its videocassette release;
_~ ' i _‘ t'ious claim to fame was being does not mean it isa bad movie; all William Katt‘s ankle. he glibly swimming in the backyard pool. Kay benz, who plays Katt's ex_wi[e‘ this “situation cinema" feature will
, ‘ .' 5395 "Creme-“F Amer'ca" “e” ”"5 Particular 991W. S'gmf'es ‘5 shouts. “Don‘t worry. 1'" hold on to Despite the efforts of the p01ice, and Richard Moll. who plays a psy- be right at home on the small
‘. . ‘. . , his biggest movie role to date was that the characterization and plot this rope if it's the last thing I . . . the CIA and the FBI. his son never chotic American soldier who figures screen.
"" An w to O a t 'v'a b a'nt a how a varied histor
S ers SC l' 1'] l 1' 1, e SBI‘S S y
7, staff reports Answer; "The Quiet Man.“ (1951) was named best actor in 1948 for Answer: “The Broadway Melody" 20. Only seven performers have (1982) and "Krtinicr vs. .Kramor"
.. '7 7 « 7 starring John Wayne and Maureen “Hamlet,"which he directed. in 1928/29. won Oscars in both leading and sup- (1979): Jack Nicholson for “One
“ .' Though you‘ll have to wait until o-Ham porting acting categories during Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest“
7 7 ‘ . . 7 March 24 [0 591’ “'h0 “m5 this year‘s 12. Name the only presenter to 17. Only one woman has ever been their careers. Name them and the (1975) and "Terms Of Endcarmcnt"
. ~ ‘ Academy Awards. the answers to 6_ What was the first film in color awardhimselfan Oscar. nominated for a Best Director filmsforwhich they won. (1983)-
' . . yesterday‘s 0503" ”le questions towin the BestPictureOscar‘.’ Answer: Irving Berlin, when he 05031‘. Name her, the year and the Answer: Jack Lenimon won Best
. 7 are here today. . Answer “Gone With the Wind.“ opened the envelope in 1942 and read film. Actor for “Save the Tiger“ (1973) 21‘ What historical character gar-
_ Just so you won't be searching the winner of best song: his own Answer: Lina Wertmuller. who d'" and Supporting Actor f0' ”MlSter nered the most ()scar nominations
' '_ . through the trash for yesterday's 7, What was the last black and “White Christmas." rected“Seven Beauties"in 1976. Roberts" (1955): Robert De Niro for for theperformerswhoplayedhim‘.’
. ' . Ktntut‘ky Kernel. the questions have white film to win a Best Picture “Raging Bull" “930) and “The Goal Answer: King Henry vm. The ac
~ 7 . . been repeated. Oscar‘.’ 13. Has any film produced all four 18. Only five pairs of co-stars have father, Part II" (1974).- Ingri‘d Berg— tors an, Rob”, Shah,‘ Richard Bur,
. . , Answer “The Apartment"(1960.) actingwinners'.’ ever taken home the Best Actor and man was Best Actress for "Gas ton and Charles Laughton. Laughton
. . , 1. What four actors have won 05- Answer: No. Best Actress Oscars. Name them, light" (1944) and "Anastasia“ (1956) was ”u, only am, to “Tm“, ”u, Best
» 1‘ cars forscreenwriting“ 8. Meryl Streep won a Best Ac— thefilmsandtheyears. and Supporting Actress for “Murder Actor Oscar.
- Answer: Orson Welles. “Citizen tress award in 1982 for "Sophie‘s 14. Which film has won the most Answer' Claudette Colbert and on the Orient Express" (1974):
. , ~ Kane" (1941). John Huston “Two Choice." What other actress won an Oscars? Clark Gable for a“ Happened One Helen Hayes for "The Sin of Made-
' sure of Sierra Madrc" 11948); Mel Oscar for playing another famous “Ben-Hur" holds the record for win Night" “934). Jack Nicholson and Ion Claudet" (1931/32) and "Air- 22_ What was the first sequel to
. Brooks. "The Prodiiccrs”41968.l Sophie? ning the most Oscar‘s with a total of Louise Fletcher for “One Flew Over port" (1970): Maggie Smith for win an Oscar as Best Picture?
, , ' Answer: Anne Baxter won Best Sup- 11. the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975): Peter “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" Answer: Mn", Godfathgn Part 1]"
2- Who was the “[75! performer to porting Actress as 501),“? l" “The Finch and Faye Dunaway for “Net- (1969) ("Id “California Stilt?" (1978): whose predecessor was also a Best
. win consecutive Oscars" Razors Edge" (1946‘) 15. Only two motion pictures in the work" (1976), Jon Voight and Jane Meryl Streep for "Sophie's choice" Picture Winn”.
Answcr' Luise Rainer. named Best history Of the Academy Awards Fonda for ”Coming Home" (1978):
‘ Actress of 1936 with "The Great 9‘ What Oscar-winning actor ap~ have had their entire casts nomi- d H Fonda and Katherine
Ziegfeld“ and 1937 with “The Good peared in the best film of 1977 and nated for Oscar contention. Name Zzpburimfio, "On Golden pond“ CHEERLEADER AND MASCOT
‘ . . Earth.“ 1978? the filmsand theperformers. (1981). TRYOUTS 3t , -
. Answer: Christopher Walken in Answer: “Sleuth" with Michael 7 '\ g 7/,
, . , Who was the first black performer ~34"le Hall" and "The Deer Hunt- Caine and Laurence Olivier in 1972. h " , 7 , .‘s
' to win an Oscar? mg" Both were nominated for Best Actor. . 19' Name the acmr w o wasthe , l,
, _ Answer. Ham? McDaniel. ,0, he, 10. Who are the only two actors in “Gm, 'Em He”. Ha")... with James first. to wm an Oscar for a role in 3 Anyone Trying out Must; . . , ,
- supporting performance in ”Gone Academy history [0 have won 05- Whitmorein1975. mu5ical. 1. Attend 2 of 3 clinics which Will be <
‘7 With the “'lnd77l1939J Cars for playing the same CharaC‘ AVISWCT.) {‘ames cagney won Bes‘t‘ held in Memorial Coliseum from 7-9:00 \
' . _ ter? 16. What was the first sound film Ad” "' ‘7“er D°°dle Dandy on March 9, 10, and H. ‘\ k
7 7 4' Of the 57 films named Beg?” Answer: Marlon Brando as Vito Cor- to win an Oscar? (1942). 2. Have earned 12 credit hours from / \
' ture only one was a western. Which (hone in Mn", Godfather“ and Rob» 9." NO U-K- oracommunity college.
1 . . -- : ~25 »~A«——»~~ ,
. one? crt De Niro as the young Vito in 6“.“77‘77‘ W _ 3. Have attaineda2.0G.P.A. .
Answer: “Cimarron.” in 1930/31. "The Godfather Part 11." - .,;'255/ ‘ o 3
- ' 00.5% t. In E 'l‘r l I J
5 n t o. - -ng John r rd H d ted h. /:¢2 “gm“ ”'8 at 0" wuocar CHEERLEADER rnvours $4 3
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 KENTUCKYKEMELW', ms, 19“ - 3
Sports Editor
Asststant Sports Editor
W” ' “‘“‘*”$”%&”3°§” . . ‘ . . «:$»wfim:.aeyaaee
e e e . _ 4’44
Man made Big Blue 544-4444 .5. 5 siosimes
. . *7 _ Staff and AP reports . .
l: " a 5:! -. :‘ .
ending stilted career 5 t - .
..-: . " ’ I”, _ Baseball game canceled because of snow _ -
Douglas runnlng OUt 0f freSh Ideas 73.. I 5-5 : I 7- , (II q UK's baseball game with Kentucky State got a two-day ' 4
' " '- {if 7’ snow delay of sorts \'esterda\ because of showers and we: . 5. 5 .
m _. «.4.; ., . I I. . . . .

I for ROdney Dangerfleld Of maSCOtS ., WI; ' 7% i I ,5 . i . ground.the sportsintormationottice said. . 'I ' .

‘ BNJASON WILLIAMS "One time, there was a children‘s I. / "7,131 " .1 . Originally scheduled for L'K’s Shinely Field. the game . .; I-I4. .-

- Staffwriter benefit at the Radisson Hotel that l ‘ ‘ 9 will be played tomorrow at 3 p.ni. at lsentucky State \sli:lc . . -I I 4 . 'I

r 1 UK f’ l h ba k tball was asked 10 appear at. and (UK'S 3 Q, 9%}. work on L‘K‘s fences is completed. - - _.

e h .5 ma 0m? S e__ athletics administration) wouldn‘t Ib- 4 1.55. ' .. .. - .. . . . ' 'I I, 4

. gamIe last Saturday against boutISIa- even let me go across the street for a?“ II III . The VtIildcats ate IIiow 0:3IaIttcr loung tlitcc gain iItIrI .II . -. II 4. , II :',4I‘5
na State. the threeIWildcat seniors that. It was for charity, no personal I If...“ I §.;-..1.154 Honda trip last “cckcnd. LlsI ost two games to 555 t . II I.I I.II.I, .4", .’

. 0" the team werent theIonly ones gain. I 4' ida. 5-4 and 10-9 In H innings. and one game to \iiiivi l I, .I . I.'I, V5",

' who made their final offICIal appear- "What I get out of it Is the satis- ,5 *5 Alabama 6-2. 4'. “ 4. , .

E ‘1th before the home fans. faction of performing and seeing the ; 4I is .- . . . 4: '-4I-_"I’.- :1 4,"

O l lsennyI Wilkeh, Seoger Hardetn and games for free, which I could do l . " 53:” ‘ ‘ I Ii, ., If.-

. .eroy yr “h gone nex sea- an a since I‘m a student. People . 5' , _. , ” " , I . . - i ‘ . 4, '4‘

i .son.butsowilIlDarrellIDouglas. .. mm] yi've got a great seat over l 5% , , UK rugby team Increases record to D-I III,III

l I .1” Douglas name Isnt familiar, there in the corner on that ladder. I ”W . .. _ . III If'4‘i,t_4.44
ll 5 because he .has spent .h'S career but it's really pretty hard 10 599 the 7 ‘ The L'ls' rugby team increased its spring record to Si { 4.4: 4I.I‘ II4’I;.I-:.‘I.I4T,,(~’I
m ltuppIArenaIIn anonymity/1‘0 UK gamethrough that head. . 45” , last weekend by downing Eastern Kentuck. 224“ iii R..:4: l . ‘ ’_. 4.4.)",3,’ .4.”
basketball fans he lb known orIIly as “l hate to sound like I‘m com- 5‘. WW 1 I mond The B-s‘ide also won 14-8 i .4‘ ifi'u’.‘ :iv' =. .
“'3 Blue. the “00% blue “'ldcal plaining. because I wouldn‘t do this 1 - 5 ‘ . 7h d F K. M ”h ,, III i 4'4‘I.'I‘. “RES-’3'
that roatns the floor during timeouts if I didn‘t want to. “.5 just that I've I .5 1 ”I. . I . _ 5 I.. . Both teams crus e on Inox on . arc -... \\li . l [I I .'"' .I It .III-
and before the game. gotten tired of itall.“ I a. £5? . fir . A-side winning 46—4 and the B~side 20—3. 5 . .«j; ”5-..." t:

7 _ Douglas Iactually , standsI about Big Blue was the Idea Of Dr. I 5 I 9‘ 1' , -‘ This weekend. L'ls' plays Miami of Ohio, .1 team rankeu l ,. 4.
"'10' but With the and 0t 5“].ts' an Thomas Cooper. a professor in the 7 5 ”4957 ' . No. 7 in the Midwest Region. A win could land l’ls' .i iia l .3‘ 3744755
extra long warm-up suit. SIZE 15 College 0‘ Dentistry. He said the f fi 7 ’ I 744 2377 tional rankin aid Bob Lion the 4lub’ss okesmin l 47 ff- i' .‘1
Shoes originally wornI hy former idea was born over dinner with for- I 5 --55. i - *‘4 g. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ p ‘ ‘ . - , . I, f : 3; I
Wildcat starII Mike Phillips and a mer UK coach Joe H. Hall shortly 5 I- . 45;. . . I,II l -I.;5 .4 54 .4‘4’.‘
furry blue Wildcat head and paws, before Rupp Arena was opened In 5 I If 4 as _ é 5, 4 - 4 5 . I . . l .4 .II I5 . I:

4 he becomes a lowermg symb‘” °f 19764 - ' " f 42:: ' 5- int-Q Gymnastics team meets LbL this weekend i ., i

KehlUCkl'hOOPS- "we wanted to come up with a " 5 F, 4' , ’43" . ,4 5' .

B'RIBIUQ Iroams about the court, way to entertain the crowd in a new ‘U I _ L‘ls" . , t“ t4 m t t 41 II Baton ROLIL“ l I , I.