xt7wst7dvn12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvn12/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 2007 2007 2007-10-23 2020 true xt7wst7dvn12 section xt7wst7dvn12 seoats

After tough three-game stretch, I
UK still in SEC title Chase I




()( TOBER 73, 2007





Lexington explores replacing Rupp Arena

31 Ragga Swgm


The city of Lexington an-
nounced yesterday that it could re—
place Rupp Arena with an upgraded
basketball arena usitig funds gener—
ated from a new proposed down-
town taxing district.

“We need to consider the possi-
bility of a new basketball arena. ex-
panding lexington Center. and there
is a lot of interest in redeveloping
the Manchester Street corridor.“ said
Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry in a
news release. "Tax increment financ—
ing gives us many opportunities to
improve our community. and we
must fully explore them.“

Tax increment financing allows
cities to. redevelop deteriorated ar—
eas of town. The financing tool has
been available to Louisville for sev-
eral years. and a change in state law
this year made the option available
to Lexington. according to the news

"This is an incredible opportuni-
ty between the city and the universi-
tv.“ said UK spokesman Jay Blanton.

The city is looking at redevelop-
ing the district that encompasses
Lexington Center. Rupp Arena and
the Manchester Street area. Lexing-
ton can use the additional tax rev—
enues generated front redeveloping
this vicinity to fund redevelopment
projects within the area. which can-

not exceed three square miles.

“We want to look at facilities
for the institution. downtown revi-
talization and the Lexington econo-
my." Blanton said,

The Lexington Center ap—
proved issuance of a “request for
proposal“ to hire a consultant that
would examine the possibility and
proposed boundaries of the new
taxing district and evaluate oppor-
tunities and costs related to an are-
na that could seat 34.000 to 30.000

Approving the request for pro—
posal was the first step of a long
process. Blanton said.

“Our intent is to continue our
partnership with the civic center and





continue playing basketball in
downtown for a very long time.“
Blanton said.

Rupp Arena has been the home
court of UK basketball since I976
and has seen UK win 90 percent of
its home games. according to the
UK athletics Web site.

“We have a preeminent basket-
ball program in America. and we
want the preeminent facilities."
Blanton said.

No final decisions have been
made. Newberry said in the press
release. and the next steps for the
proposal are review by the Planning
Commission and approval by the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County








Pre-physical therapy freshman Matt Zirretta, left. decorates a foam finger outSIde the White Hall Classroom Budding during Student ACIiVIIleS Board‘s Game Day

event yesterday.

()versizcd foam fingers became
perst inalizcd symbols of school spirit
yesterday afternoon as studean
decorated the novelty fan accessories
as part of] Iomeeoming \Veek's Game
Day event outside \Vhite I lall Classroom
Building. 1 lomecoming; Week continues
today with Student Activities Board‘s
Big,r Blue Impromptu. an improvisational
competition. at 7 pm. in the Student
Center Grand Ballroom. For a full list of
I Iomeeoming \Veek events. visit the
SAB \Vcb site i\vww.uky.cdu/S.~\B ‘i.





Middle school English education sophomore Amy Thompson adds paint to a foam finger
during Game Day an event organized as part of Homecoming Week


Club seeks
design training
outside of class

3 Students don holsters
I to protest weapons policy

would be a good learning environment if
we hid evenone running around with

gy’KnitL Jo Cox

news@kvlternel com

81 Megan Wimpy


After two years of looking for ways to get involved with
the interior design major beyond going to class and doing
projects. junior Megan Drees decided to start a new organi~

lation for students interested in design.

The Interior Design Association. which is open to stu-
dents of all majors. had its first meeting in September to de-
termine how the club should operate and what students

wanted to gain from the organization.

About 20 people have joined the club. and officers are
encouraging more people to take advantage of the opportti»

nity to learn more about design.

”The purpose of this club is to get to know more people
within your major and gain more experience about intenor
said Drees. an interior design ma-

design in the real world.“
jor and the club‘s president.

Members toured the woodshop in Pence Hall earlier this
month to learn about the tools it offers for design students.
and Drees said students are interested in bringing in design
professionals as guest speakers and taking trips to design

firms for future meetings.

See Design on page 4


I 6

[K students are donning T~shirts and
empty holsters throughout this week to
peacefully protest state and university po|i~
cies that prohibit the carrying of concealed
lircamis on campus.

More than ”0 other university cam—
puses around the US. are participating in
the protest. which is organized by Students
for Concealed Carry on Campus.

“Basically we‘re just trying to raise
awareness by carrying the holsters and
making sure they‘re empty.“ said business
management junior Dave Burnett. a mem~
ber of SCCC at UK. “We‘re not for civil
disobedience: we‘re just trying to raise

UK‘s concealed weapons policy states
that no person except a police officer can
carry a firearm or any other weapon on
campus property.

“It's been that way forever. and we‘re
not the only ones. It‘s a state law.“ said
Capt. Kevin Franklin of UK police. “It‘s
for safety purposes. I just don't think it


guns on campus

Brit we do respect their right to
protest l ranklin said.

The protest started with e mails in-
forming members of the l K community
of the protest and the meaning belund the
empty holsters.

The empty holsters are a symbolic rep-
resentation that students and faculty on col-
lege campuses are made defenseless by
state laws and school policies that refuse to
allow concealed handgun license holders
the same rights that they are allowed
everywhere else. according to the SCCC
Web site. The holsters also serve a practr
cal point by encouraging conversation be-
tween protesters and individuals who
might not know the facts.

UK President Lee Todd also sent out
an email Sunday aftemoon notifying cam-
pus members of the event and endorsing
the protestors‘ right to freedom of speech
while still affirming that UK is a deadly-

See Protest on page 4

USP proposal
start today

By Jill Lester


The process that could overhaul student re-
quirements for UK‘s university studies program
by 2009 continues with faculty forums today. to—
morrow and Thursday.

"We want this to go quickly as possible. but
we don‘t want it to seem like we‘re moving too
quickly." said Phil Kraemer. chairman of the USP
steering committee and associate provost for un~
dergraduate education. "We want to take this one
step at a time‘

The forums this week will be open to faculty
and students and provide “a very brief overview
of the process and substance of the proposal fol-
lowed by open comments and questions from
participants." Kraemer said.

Today‘s forum is from 10 to 1 1:30 am. in the
Student Center‘s Worsharri Theater.

The new ['SP requirements would require in—
coming freshmen in -009 to complete a set of
general education requirements consisting of 30
credit hours of courses that. with few exceptions.
students will not be able to use pre-major or ma-
jor credits to complete.

Different colleges have already submitted
consensus opinions on the new requirements to

"Initial conversation seemed favorable. but
extended conversation brought more concerns to
light than advantages.“ said Mike Mullen. associ—
ate dean for academic programs in the College of
Agriculture. in a letter to Kraemer.

“Some were favorably inclined towards this
proposal. seeing the potential benefits in stu-
dents learning the process of critical thinking
and reasoning." Mullen said. “Others voiced
concerns as to what evidence we have that the
current system is not working and resource

See USP on page 4

UK to host

health summit
in 2008

Bit-Mien" Father!

l'K announced yesterday that it will host the
3008 Govemor‘s Get Healthy Kentucky Summit
in September to continue addressing the state‘s
growing health problems.

The announcement was made less than a
month after the program‘s first summit at the
l'nrversrty of Louisville brought together state
universities and other regional community
health leaders to address the problem of obesity
in Kentucky. along with other statewide health

The summits are part of Gov. Emie Fletcher‘s
(let Healthy Kentucky initiative. a program
aimed at improving health conditions and quality
of life iii the state.

Kentucky ranks seventh in the nation for the
rate of obesity among adults at 27.5 percent. ac-
cording to a study by Trust for America's Health.
The study also shows that Kentucky ranks third
for the rate of overweight children at 20.6 per

.lody Ensman. program manager for UK
Health and Wellness. said the summit at L' of l.
was successful in forming relationships among
university and state health specialists who can ef-
fectively address statistics such as these.

“The fact that we could bring together all of
these key leaders who have a vested interest in
the health and wellsbcing of Kentuckians was a
huge first step.“ [insnian said.

At the summit. participants listened to speak‘
ers and an expert panel talk on health concems in
the state. including childhood obesity and the
cost of health care.

After discussing existing and potential pro-
grams aimed at addressing state health problems
in breakout sessions. regional teams reconvened
and worked together to identify one strategic
wellness initiative that the group would imple-
ment over the next year. said Tammy Akin. a UK
Wellness specialist.

UK‘s Health and Wellness program will work
with community partners. such as the Lexington
Health Department. the YMCA and the Lexing-
ton Heraldlxader. to improve wellness in work-
places during the next year.

The Bluegrass Partnership for a Fit Ken-
tucky had already started creating a worksite
wellness program. and the regional team decided
to work with the organization to “strengthen
what had already been lard as a foundation.“ En-
sman said.

See Sunni! on page 4

m 257-1915; W 257-2872
t t ‘


 PAGE 2] Tuesday (it tiller Hi [i




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2- l9



By Linda c. Black
it} 516 {lit
the most c'ia/ e .1]le

Aries (March 21 —April 19) ' ,
Is a 5 W You‘re criteria a ‘
week phase birth the Pliilil7.iss
planning Nit ten: to i '
several St‘titllléil is liPhl't’} (ll it i
Taurus (Aprth May 20)

'5 ii / Vll' t""iiib

iirtat idea in? ‘yl: t: l:'f>~ 'r
l‘dtw Whu if ii'rist
i’tlu' lES'CWLB, iliu t‘
them itow"
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) l (in.
is a/ You

nlitisi‘ So ion W! Ii'l hi' :il‘ll‘ ': at:

iiipin' t:

l/'_ H: i“!

'e i‘tite'i'w; a wait
stiltyutq‘liid nil/by v ’
tia'elv thought possible Yes it ~ ~
s work i‘y ilveti

dt'id’." Mi i ’i‘is
tlayé'ttifl’t] U ,s' f’ii i’is ls iii. ti

dpuz com

Comskm’ W
Ame-ma. as W

i no Baum Dun {2 mice We W)!”«1Vt2

ask about our UKMEQM m!

Cancer (June 22 July 22)

' ll
\ii i"'tl

bitty _ r

Leo (July 23 Aug 22) t ia, _\ a

‘ i ll ily it iianizlle

. i“ Aisi“ K (W

Yot; rt buy

‘ ti‘i‘ .viirizi

Virgo (Aug. 23 ~ Sept. 22) in m is
it, ”rim ” , is t"

't(‘ K ”.11. .K,


u tit i {lit/tilt?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22— Dec. 21)
l‘tayisah \‘oitii ;tii(iiyi iriiinu
" no at it Trlt' needs mi
attention lit s Will not he at his»
(il‘ii’l‘ Great patience is retiuireti
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) 7 ‘
any is a 7 it takes time to (ltlvt‘l~
on new skills time you may leel we
don't have Dont get nervous anii
make, a m-s‘take that Would inst
irate it take longer Relax
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) in
lay is a l ,, Yi ou liars: tiniitigl' Te,
i'iir the i ii dang out (or a want
n . Mr: Wong that, hotter-1'
'si' ll sly main. P W ;,if

Hi) (i it u'

i'.’ ‘l ty‘, (it
"' l\>

Pisces (Feb 19— March 20) l:
a a

. ,

ul‘ "t" ‘ _s it i?
- t’) v~ ,‘.
t- [is .iitrii s:
’t'ihiitt t‘ .‘ t' " is
"it sot"? tritium s have


‘flle DiSl-l

Mendes talks nudity,
kissing and pregnancy
rumors with Us

No otte can call liia Mendes
a prude. In the new drama We
Own the Night. she steanis it up
as Amada .luarel. the leather
nightclub owner Bobb} (ireen
Lloatitun l’lioeni\i Although the
actress has done nude scenes.
this tilm contains her lirst se\
scene The Miami iiatise. .ll
iw hose htwtriend is producer
(ieorge Augustoi. dishes to Is.

Q: How was filming the
sex scene with Joaquin?

The truth is. it‘s \er') teehur
cal when jiou shoot it. The
lreal-vout comes w hen )tlllik‘
sitting iii the theater going.
“That‘s my boob. ()h. m) (iod'”

Q: You‘ve also kissed Will
Smith and [)enzel Washington
on screen. Who was the best

.-\ll ot them. though I regret
not l-assing Johnny Depp lor
longer (in 2003's Once l'pon a
Time iii Mexteo]. l was so iii-
titiiidated b) him. lt was the THKI
titne I had worlsed with art actor
who l had crushed on as a little

Q: What role did )ou want
and not get?

i ieall} wanted Mr. 6; Mrs.
Smith. I was ill minutes a\\a_\
trom auditioning \\ hen to} agent
lei't me a message telling rue the
part had beeii ot'l'ered to Angeli»
na .lolie. I got real|_\ ei‘dl). ig—
nored ll and auditioned an) way
I reall} thought I had a chanceE

Q: What about those re-

girltriend ol~


cent pregnanc) rumors?

I had iust liiiished a pasta
meal and m_\ tumm) \\ as hang‘
mg out. Then sudderil} it was all
oier the lnteriiet bah} bump
Lia‘s preguant‘ And the) said I
was coming out ot a prctiatal
_\oga class [don't eien go to
regular )oga'

Nlillllilitt] Telt‘llt‘bpb

Ellen's DJ — His hot

Music to our ears! Ted
Str) ker. 33. the new 1)] on The
lillen DeGeneres Show (check
local listmgsl. tells l's sortie oi
his top must—lime tunes.

"Stronger." Kanpe West

“It‘s inl'eetious and the |_\rics
are good. No matter what is go-
ing on when I put that on. | feel

“Eierlong.” Foo Fighters

"The best l0\C song (ii the
past Ill _\ears_ l wish l thought
of these lyrics: 'Breathe out so
I can breathe _\ou in.”

"The Way i Are." Timha-

"I loie the beat and I am
not eien remotel) tired of listen:
trig to that song A and it gets
pla} ed everywhere?”

"Fix You.“ Coldplap'

“(‘liris Martin is one ot’ a se»
lect lew who can get awa} with
singing “Tears stream down
)our lace I promise ~\'ou I will
learn from in} mistakes”

"You‘re All I Need To (let
By." Method Man

“This song is perfect in
L‘\Ct') w a_\i The Metli mixed
with Mar} .lt Blige is a lethal

Eva’s first sex scene

House's Rx for Cast Exits

It's no tun getting ased lrom
a hit l'\' show. But that‘s what
4“ actors (down to about I: as
ol press time) ha\c leCkl as
their characters coitipete tor a
coieted diagnostics team slot on
House il"o\. litesdasst ti pint
"“CAC ltist .1 it“ people \\L'
were all sa)s lisa
ILdelsteui.~1l l\\ ho p|a_\s hospi—
tal eliiet (‘uddi it "It was a brutal
process. But we would acknowl
edge them tor a moment at the
read~tlirouglr lt\'Cr_\l3ikl_\ would
clap, and on their last shot. all
the producers and writers would
come down to the set and ac
knowledge the person.”

Scrubbing iii So w ho's sta_\-
ing.’ "I can't tell )otif‘ she sa_\s.
"But I‘m \er_\ liapps." Howei er.
Kal l’enni ()Ii\ ta Wilde and l’e~
ter Jacobson are reportedly mak
ing the grade.

(lose to."

Mara Bernstein

What's Your Kid Being for

“M) lavorite costume right
now is the one that my son
[De/i. 5 months] wears. He‘s
bah} Yoda."

7 Jaime Pressl)

"Milo [o] is going to be a
lombie punk rocker"

(‘amryi Manlieini

“Last )ear (Sadie. l7
monthsl was a pickle. so we‘re
going to go from there”

Adam Sandler

“()wen (4] is going to be
Luke Slqwallter. and Auden [3]
is going to maybe be Princess
Leia or ma) be a butterfly"


Noah Wer






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October 2 i, 2007
Page 3



Eric tindsey
Sports Editor

Phone 157719t5
ehnosey©livlieinel corn


UK in the
thick of SEC

race with four
games left

The road through the Southeastern C on-
ference is a tough challenge and is not just a
test of what‘s humming under the hood. btit
what's in the gas tank.

To start the season. both Florida and
Louisiana State had the Georgia Dome on
their minds with hopes
of playing there for the
conference champi-
onship. Now in the
ninth week. it‘s the oth-
er teams that are breath—
ing down their necks,
making the race for the
SEC title as competitive
as it‘s been in years.

Obviously one of
those teams is UK, who
originally had the goal
of “being a factor“ in
the race. as head coach
Rich Brooks said earlier in the season. After a
5-0 start. the goals inside of Commonwealth
Stadium quickly changed from just being a
bump in the road for other teams to winning
the SEC.

However. it was a loss on the road to that
coach who I will not name that opened the
hydrant. and the Gators came in two weeks
later to officially hose the Cats down.

It‘s true. The Cats are down. but they're
not out.

Florida‘s win over UK simply meant that
the Gators now control their own destiny of
representing the SEC Eastern Division in At—
lanta. The team from The Swamp is in a
three-way tie with Georgia and South Caroli-
na for the lead in the division. Florida will
play Georgia on Saturday and will travel to
Columbia, SC. on Nov. It) to battle the

What hurts the Cats‘ hopes of winning
their division is that they‘ve already lost to
two of the three teams ahead of them. To be
the best you have to beat the best. which is
something UK didn't do.

However. there is something called grace.
and the football gods must be shinning down
on the Cats. They still have to play Georgia
on the Bulldogs' home turf. a game either
team can win. There is no predictable win in
college football this season. and the SEC is
certainly not an exception. Vanderbilt beat
South Carolina last weekend. and Mississippi
State. who the Cats will host Saturday. got a
road win against Auburn early this season.

"We‘re talking about a team that went in
and beat Auburn at Auburn." Brooks said
about Mississippi State. one of many teams to
go into a game as an unranked underdog and
knock off a ranked opponent.

In order for UK to crawl back into being
a real contender for the division. the Cats
will have to become a two-headed monster
cheering with pom-poms in one hand. and a
devil‘s advocate with a fork in the other
hand. all while playing stellar on the field.
They have to hope a team or two can step up
and get big wins against Florida and South
Carolina. If that happens. then all the Cats
have to do is run the table with the remain—
ing games on the schedule. That‘s a feat that
would have been followed by a chuckle and
a “yeah right“ a few years back. but there's
something about these new-age Cats.

Last season‘s 34—3l win over MSU
sparked a 5—l run to end the season. Can
lighting strike twice in one spot‘.’

We‘ll see.

Things are topsy—turvy in college football.
and there‘s a surprise every weekend. so I
wouldn‘t be shocked if the Gators and Game-
cocks let the Cats back in. But then again. if
they didn‘t. I wouldn‘t be shocked either.

At any rate. we‘ll see if the Cats have any
light left in the tank to get to the finish line
stretching across the entrance of the dome in

JD. Williams is «journalism .\t’HIiH‘.
(“j-mail jvi'i'lliumsGl‘kylternel ,i'mii.




I<‘()o'i‘t;.\i.t. .\'o'i‘i<:rioot\'

Cats hope to avoid sli

elindsay®ltylternel com

Before battling top-25 opponents South Caroli-
na. Louisiana State and Florida. college football
analysts and experts around the nation questioned
if UK could contend for a Southeastem Confer-
ence championship.

While the No. l4 (‘ats went just l—Z dtiriirg the
brutal thrce~ganre stretch. UK at least proved that
it‘s a legitimate SEC contender after going toevto
toe with some of the pow erhoUses of the SliC.

If the Cats want to remain in the SEC race.
they‘ll have to avoid a slip-up against a weaker op-
ponent in Mississippi State on Saturday.

The Bulldogs are just two games away from
reaching bowl eligibility with four games left. a sit-
uation reminiscent to the Cats in 2006 when they
reeled off four victories in their last five games to
beconre bowl eligible.

"They really are in the same situation we were
in last year." said sophomore defensive tackle
Corey Peters. “Now that I know how that feels. I
think that‘s going to give us a little more motiva-
tion to work harder this week.“

After getting off to a quick 3-1 start. the Bull-
dogs have faded of late. losing three of their last
four games to South Carolina. Tennessee and West
Virginia. Despite their recent struggles. head coach
Rich Brooks pointed to the Bulldogs huge win at
Aubum earlier in the year as to why the Cats can‘t
afford to overlook the Bulldogs this week,

“They‘re an improved team. there isn‘t any
question about it.“ Brooks said at his weekly news
conference yesterday. “I‘m sure nvuch like we were
(last yearl. they‘re looking for consistency w cek-to-

Much of the Bulldogs' inconsistency has been
a struggling offense. MSll ranks dead last in the
SEC with 290 yards per game while averaging lust
2| points per game. Three quarterbacks have seen
significant time under center for the Bulldogs.
combining to throw more interceptions ( ll ) than
touchdowns (5).

“The inconsistency is what gets under your
skin as a coach." Brooks said. "I just hope they
wait another week to find that consistency."

Injury update

With one more game left until l'K enters its


Sophomore ilelensiue mode for». llt‘l'mb flit k

he Gators at Conrirriinmvilth Start an l'w Lats firm:

bye week. the Cats are hoping to avoid any more
injuries to an already banged rip-tcairi.

The Cats could be w itlroiit scmoi w idc i‘cccivcr'
Keenan Burton [strained kiicci and junior tailback
Tony l)i\on (sprained anklci tor Saturday 's game
Both are listed as questionable

"We‘ll have to scc iii the nut couplc of days
how they come along." Brooks said.

The (‘ats \\tll also be without sophoriiorc lli'lt"
backer Micah Johnson and freshman quarterback
Will Fltllt‘l‘.

Johnson had surgery yesterday to repair cartr
lagc dairragc in his knee and could lie available for
the Nov Ill Vanderbilt gariic. Brooks said l-idlcr' is
scheduled to have surgery on lhiirsday on .i toi'u
liibrunr in his shoulder l idlci will miss the icmarir


‘3 i' via 1; iii'tr‘eilrai K in Telrivv .I-iqu the [1&13'45-37 lOSSlO
‘i't M ssissinn Stair: films Saturday at 12 30 p in

dci‘ of the season btit is c\pcctcd to be available by
spring practice. according to Brooks.

Saturday sellout sets record

Saturday ‘s homeconrrng game against the Bull-
dogs has already bccri sold out. according to UK
.\thlctics. The fourth sellout of the season marks
ilrc most scllouis m (‘oiiiirionwcalth Stadium since
its c\pairsron in NW.

l'K officials added that public tickets for the
last home game of the year against Tennessee have
also been sold out

"(The tansl hay c becoirre a factor for the op-
posing tcariis coming in here.“ Brooks said.
"They rc giving us .i lioiirclicld advantage. and
that's so important in this conference "

Men's tennis duo falls in semifinals of tournament



"You have to be at trill-strength.

we did irot have the

chance to w in today

After upsetting the top—seeded

l'K‘s wine was bi'okc foiri‘

doubles team on Sunday iii the
quarterfinals. freshman Brad Cox
and junior Bnino Agostinelli fell iii
the semifinals of the Wilson ITA
Southeast Indoor Regional yestcrs

The duo of Agostinelli and
Cox were defeated X-Z by Miami‘s
(FL) Daniel Vallverdu and Carl
Sundberg at the Hilary J. Boone
Tennis Complex. falling just one
match short of last night‘s final.

Despite reaching the semifinals.
the Cats were at a disadvantage
when Agostrnelli came down wrtlr
food poisoning early yesterday
moming. He was rushed to the hos-
pital and treated. btrt the junior had
little time to recuperate bcforc fac~
ing the Hurricanes‘ duo at 3:30 pm.

“Miami could pick up on the
fact that we were not till) percent."
said head coach DCIIIIls limery.
"They did a good job staying on
top and closing the match. .\Ionnaf
ly. when a team knows that their
opponents are not at full strength.
they back off. Miami did not do

The Cats lacked their normal
enthusiasm that helped carry the
duo through the first four rounds of
play. Emery said.

“It is hard to come out of the
emergency room arid try to L'Omr
pcte at this level.“ liiireiy said.

times during the match. and they
had trouble on the return scrv cs.

“In match doubles. you need to
hold your serve.“ (‘ov \lltl.

Despite suffering from latrguc.
Agostinellr did show signs of life
during the match.

“Bruno serv cd iriucli better than
was anticipated Emery said. “The
best thing that he did was that he
was able to hold his senc tw icc "

The pairing of Agostinclli and
('o\ was only the fifth match in
which thc two hayc played togeth
er. Before this \vcckcnd‘s tournar
merit. the two had never competed
with each other in a tourrraiircrrt.
brit it might not be the last time.
limcry said he was cvtrcrrrcly
pleased with the duo‘s pcrtor'
nraricc ov er the weekend. and they
will likely be paired again iii the

('ox said he would enjoy play
ing with .-\gostinellr again ll he had
the opportunity.

“Bruno is helping me a lot on
the back L‘lltl.“ ltc \illtl

The Miami duo went on to vvm
the doubles final an hour later. beat
mg Mississippi‘s team ot Bram ten
Bergc and Matthias \\cllcrirr.inri \.(.

Following a day olf today. the
(‘ats will begin practice for the .\l
abama Invitational in lttst'dloirsa.
Ala. on Oct. Do to :H


Junior Bruno
Agostinelli gets
ready to back-
hand the ball
on March 28 at
the Hilary J
Boone Tennis
Agustinelii and
freshman Brad
Cox lost 872 in
the semifinals
of the

Wilson 'lTA
lntloor Regional





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. Italian Conversation
Practice, 5:00 PM,
Coffea Island

0 The Exorcist, 10:00
PM, Center Theater

0 They Live, 8:00 PM,
Center Theater

?- UK vs. Miss St.,12;30€
. PM, Commonwealth ‘

0 Madden
Tournament, 7:00 PM,
Cats Den

0 CCO Board Meeting,
5:00 PM, CCO

0 The Thing, 10:00
PM, Center Theater

0 CCO Board of
Directors Meeting,
5:00 PM, Student

0 CunninLynguists,
7:00 PM, Student

0 Interviews, Site
Visits, and Salary
Negotiations, 3:30
PM, James W. Stuckert
Career Center

0 They Live, 8:00 PM,
Center Theatre

0 Volunteering at
the Hope Lodge,
6:00 PM, The Hope

0 9 Ball
Tournament, 7:00
PM, Cats Den

0 STAG, 5:00 PM,

0 Salary
101, 3:00 PM,
Oliver H.

0 Comedy
Caravan, 8:00
PM, Cats Den














 PAGE! | Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Continued from page 1


Some of the colleges expressed concem
over the number of courses the new USP
cuniculum would require.

The current proposal splits require-
ments into two IS-credit-hour halves:
Community of Learners. freshman courses
focused on the liberal arts and the transition
into college. and Community of Citizens.
courses to take anytime before graduation
that emphasize ethics and critical thinking.

“Probably the greatest concern across
the College of Engineering is the fact that
engineering students will see the largest tn-
crease iii credit hours." the letter submitted

by the College of Engineering said. "Itngi-
neering students are already at the upper
end of total credit requtrement ”

The forums are the next step in getting
faculty feedback before official debate in
the University Senate next month. Kraemer

”We will meet and we will look at all
the feedback and we will discuss it." he
said. "We want the Senate to know we've
really got broad-based support here."

The Senate could vote on the proposed
requirements as early as December.

Tomorrow‘s forum will be from 3:30 to
5 pm. iii the Worsham Theater. and Thurs-
day‘s will be from 3:30 to 5 pin. iit room
20] of the College of Nursing Btiilding.

Student Government will host a student
forum on the proposed changes on ()ct. 30
from 4 to 5 pm. in the Student Center.

Proposed USP courses

may of learners (freshman year)

I Orientation course based on UK 101
(two hours)

I Fiveweek, one~hour courses on
humanities, social science and natural
science topics (six hours total)

I Statistical reasoning (three hours)

I Writing (four hours)

Calamity of Citizens (anytime):
I Fiveweek, onehour courses on ethics
(three hours total)
I Capstone project (three hours)
I US. and world culture courses (three
hours each)
I Advanced writing (three hours)

393 Waller Ave. Waller Center ' 131-0057



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Continued frompzfge f


Continued from page 1

IIIHLW Md w .) (1 full service beauty shop

Continued from page 1 23,-) Rosciiioiit (Lirdcii 0 (559) 2 75—5" Btu-t

Interior design senior Brittany (iordon said the club is
beneficial because it gives students the chance