xt7wwp9t297b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t297b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19310417  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1931 1931 2012 true xt7wwp9t297b section xt7wwp9t297b Best Copy Available




Cast of 60 Enlisted to Appear
in New Type of Entertainment on Campus
Group Is Largest Ever Assembled for Parts in Uni-

versity Production

Election of officers of the university Y. W. C. A. will be held
from 9 until 3 o'clock Tuesday,
April 21, in the Administration
building. Those who have been
nominated are: president, Dorothy Root and Eleanor Smith;
Eleanor Dawson
Rnd Alice Mae Durllng; treasurer, Eudenla Hamby and Mary A.
Threlkeld; and secretary, Winston Byron, Martha Carlton, and
Ruth Willis. Only women students are allowed to vote.

Annual Election by Men Students to He Held Thursday, April 23 .



people has been enlisted to appear
In the revue which Is reported to be
the largest cast ever assembled rea university production. The
is new
view type of entertainment
to the campus, and It is the Intention of Strollers to make of it a
permanent institution.
Chorus numbers, specialties, novelties, sketches, music, and comedy
are to be the chief divisions of the
The production staff in charge of
the Stroller Revue embraces: Gay
Loughridge, Chi Omega, dance director; Gene Royse, Phi Sigma
Kappa, musical director;
Thomas Denton, Kappa Delta, cosBurgener,
Lambda Chi Alpha, stage manager;
and W. Brown Dlckerson, Pi Kappa
Alpha, electrician.
Earl Cella, Kappa Sigma, is business manager of the show, and
Russell 8tegner, Sigma Nu, is in
charge of advertising and exploita
tion. U. Jo. CTUicner, ctu oiguia
Kappa, is in charge of properties.
In its present form, the Stroller
Revue is built in lfr scenes ranging
from large musical presentations to
single specialty acts.
the fol
After mrtenaive
lowing have been cast to appearln
one or www o u s
""?. ."
virriniA. Your. Madelyn Shivery,
AMee Jane Howes, Jean Dawson,
Leeta Ford, Virginia Ktaer, Dorothy Kelly, Mary Frances Young,
Mna Mae Kirk. Hasel Turner,
GMn -- Oertzuds Mt
Evans, Dorethy
wtntottt. BUssfaeth Bond. Mary
Elizabeth WtaWwra, Dorothy Kel
son, Joan Jaxman, Manna a wry,
Anne Gorden "Parker, and Lydla
Chorus men: Joseph Mills, H.V.
Banston, Ray Alford, John Parris,
Gene Hinman, James Gatewood,
Sam Allen, Vernon Chandler, and
Harry Dies.
nthfr castiiurs. including
specialty people, musicians, and
ftn hn.vimr sneaking parts in
sketches, will be announced later.





Editor and ManaRing Edi-fo- r
Inducted into Office
With Today's Issue

The new term of office was begun,
and the new editors of The Kernel
were officially inducted into office
with the publication of today's
issue of the paper. The editor and
managing editor were elected at a
meeting of the board of student
publications held March 13. uiner
nf the staff were appoint
ed by the editor or the managing
Miss Virginia Dougherty, editor
of The Kernel, who was appouivcu
to serve out the unexpired term
caused by the resignation of Wilbur
Frye in January, was elected by
the board and will W.serve until
March, 1932. Daniel
having been elected managing
by the board, began his new
duties with this edition of the paper.
William Ardery, former assistant
managing editor, will serve as associate editor for the ensuing year.
Other editors, who were appointed
by the managing editor, and who
began their new duties with this
issue, are:
Assistant managing editor, Miss
Virginia Hatcher; assistant editors,
William A. Shafer and Adrian A.
Daugherty; news editor, Lawrence
Herron; society editors, Miss Emily
Hardin and Miss Eleanor Smith;
and sports editor, Ed Conboy. Mr.
Conboy has selected Ralph E. Johnson as assistant sports editor.
Continuing In the offices of associate suitors and assistant editors
Associate editors: Morton Walker,
Eallne Bonnell, Margaret Cundlff,
and Elwood R. Kruger.
Assistant editors: Miss Virginia
Nevlns, and Miss Louise Thompson.
Miss Thompson will serve as proofreader for the publication.
Other promotions and changes
will be made as soon as the editors
have had an opportunity to learn
more concerning the abilities and
the Interests of some of the other
members of the staff.


Ten nominations for May Queen
were received yesterday by the committee In charge of arrangements
for the May Day festivities. The
candidates arc: Mary Adair, Alice
Bruncr, Kitty Drury, Numla Lee
Fouts, Emily Hardin, Mary Grace
Heavcnridgc, Ramona Illff, Mary
King Montgomery, Ruth Wchle, and
Virginia Young.
Mary Adair, Lexington, Alpha
Delta Thcta, Is a Junior In the College of Arts and Sciences.
Attce Bruner, Louisville, .Delta
Delta Delta, is a sophomore In the
College of Agriculture.
She is a
honorary sophomore member of
Theta Sigma Phi, professional
journalistic fraternity for women, a
member of Fifteen, women's sophomore honorary, a Stroller eligible,,
and was chosen one of the eight
beauties this year.
Kitty Drury, Lexington, Alpha Xi
Delta, is a sophomore in the College
of Arts and Sciences. She is a Pan- Hellenic representative, a member
of the English club, and was sponsor of Company B last year.
Numla Lee Fouts, Russell, Is a
senior In the College of Arts and
Sciences. She was selected recently
by Governor Sampson to represent
Kentucky at the Shenandoah Apple
Blossom festival in May.
Emily Hardin, Lexington, Alpha
Delta Theta, Is a Junior in the Arts
and Sciences College. She is president of Phi Beta, honorary musical
and dramatic fraternity for women,
a member of Theta Sigma Phi and
the Woman's Administrative council, a Stroller eligible, and
editor of The Kernel.
Mary Grace Heavenrldge, Spencer, Indiana, Chi Omega, is a senior
in the Arts and Sciences College.
She lsa member of Phi Beta.

from 9 until 1 o'clock, Friday night,
Mav 8. at the Men's gymnasium.
Masques and costumes will be worn
by the more than l.uvu guests expected to attend.
The Carnival ww climax me
set for this year's Engineers'
Day. Earlier In the day tne college
will hold open house for all those
interested tai the processes employed
in the trainine of engineers. Thel
public, and members of other de
partments are iiivucu wj nncnu.
Members of the aance committee
have formulated extensive plans
for the ball, and for anyone wishing to attend tickets are now avail
able from members or tne com- mittte or from the office of Mr.
of snops,
Dicker, superintendent
Each enCollege of Engineering.
will receive only
gineering student
one bid this year, and there will be
no stag bids Issued. The invitations
must be presented at the door.
Music for the affair will be finished bv two local orchestras, play
ing alternately, with one placed at
either end of the floor, and neither
announcements nor ceremonies will
interrupt continuous dancing. There
will be six
Elaborate decorations have been
planned and include a lattice-effec- t,
crepe paper canopy overhanging
The Board of Trustees of the
the center of the floor and radiating
streamers of red, blue, green, llllac, university, met at 10 o'elock Tues
orange, canary, purple, and white. day morning, April 14 ta President
A light will be suspended beneath Mcvey's omce, ana passea tne ou- wun iew
the eanoey while -numerous colored get for the year rau-iss- ?,
be- it E f fl, mm
flood-- Hghta-w- til
Quests will he sttftpUed
The members e "UVboird ares
the fleer.
ent were: Gov. Flem D. Sampson,
with red and black programs.
Officers of the ball committee Judge R. O'. Stoll, Superintendent
specified that everyone , (attending W. C. Bell, Dr. W. W. Wash, Louis
the dance must appear in costume. Hlllenmeyer, E. B. Webb, Capt J.
of the Kuprion R. Rash, Joe B. Andrews, and RobA representative
President McVey
Co., Louisville, costumers, will be ert G. Gordon.
at Dicker hall May 7, and has and Professor Wellington Patrick
agreed to supply students with ap- met with the board.
The following appointments to
propriate attire at reduced prices.
The Engineers' Ball has come to the university faculty for the year
were maae Dy tne ooara;
be an established custom at the 1931-19David Young, instructor in Geuniversity and is accepted by the
College of Engineering as its Mardi ology; T. Bruce Waters, graduate
Ores and the one time of.the year assistant in philosophy; Samuel F.
that the engineers are able to treat Hendricks, graduate assistant in
Earle F. . Routon,
their friends to a particularly gala mathematics:
social occasion. It Is practically craduate assistant in mathematics;
only dance to which students L. A. Pardue, assistant professor in
in the many girls' preparatory physics; Fred Warburton, assistant
schools throughout the country are professor In physics; Eawara Amis,
invited. This year the list of out graduate assistant In chemistry,
of town gusts is expected to be and Thomas C. Williams, assistant
in Department! of university
larger than ever.
In former years the dance was
years ago
Leaves of absence for next year
held in Dicker hall. Five
the building was refurnished with were gven to Merton Oyler, assisrustic tables, and It became neces- tant in rural life studies In .the desary to hold the dance In the gym- partment of farm economics, who
nasium where It has been given ever will take a graduate course at the
University of (Chicago, and Alex
Members of the dance commit J. Zimmerman, chemistry instructee are: J. B. Dicker, chairman; tor.
The resignation of William S.
W. L. Albert, secretary; Ben Crosby, D. L. O'Roark, Carrol Yoder, Finn, assistant In farm manage
ment, was accepted. Mr. Finn will
decoraWylie Wilson, Pete Drury,
tions; Pauline Fitzpatrfpk, R. C. take a position with the. United
Aldrlch. posters; W. L. Albert, R. States Department of Agriculture,
(Continued on Page Eignt)
it Washington.

Financial Budget
Pasted by Board




Brethren! Si stern!
Dr. W. P. Paunce founder of
the Intrafraternlty
was a member of Delta Upsllon.
Harold "Muddy" Ruel catcher
on the St. Louis Cardinal baseball club, Is a member of Phi
Delta Theta from Washington
Christy Mathcwson
pitcher, Is a Phi Qam from
Buckncll University.
Margaret Halncs Sigma Kappa, Is a teacher In a French Government school In Equatorial
Francalse, Africa.
Edith M. Atkinson Judge of
Juvenile court In Miami, Florida, for 18 years, Is a member of
Alpha XI Delta.
Merlin H. Aylesworth President of the National Broadcasting Company, Is a member of
Sigma Chi.
Cliff Edwards "Ukelele Ike,"
well known movie comedian, is
a member of Sigma Nu.
John T. Dorrance president
of the Campbell Soup Company,
Is a member of Sigma Alpha
Margaret Earle chosen grid-Iro- n
queen at the University of
Colorado, Is a Kappa Kappa
Portia Cooper dancer of national prominence, is a member
of Delta Zeta.


Kentucky Team Slams Offerings of Three Michigan Hurlers

Mary King Montgomery, Somer
set. Kappa Kappa Gamma, is a
sophomore In the College of Arts
She is a member
and Sciences.
of Fifteen, the Girls' Glee club, the Military Students Work Over-limCo-e- d
is sponsor of the secband,
McBrayer Goes Into Contest
to Regain Former
ond battalion, and Is
as Relief Pitcher in
High Rating
of the sophomore class.
Sixth Inning
Ruth Wehle, Lexington, Alpha
Gamma Delta, is a sophomore in BOTH CLASS WORK AND
the Arts and Sciences College. She
Slamming the offerings of three
Is a member of Phi Beta and FifWolverine hurlers to all corners of
teen, a Stroller eligible, and apLieut. Colonel E. N. Bowman
Stoll field, the University of Kenpeared in "The Chief Thing," Gulg-ntucky baseball team walloped the
and Major C. A. Bagby
production this year.
University of Michigan nine 10 to 5
Virginia Young, Lexington, KapAre Corps Officers
yesterday afternoon. Presbrey startCollege
pa Delta, Is a Junior in the
ed for Michgan but lasted only six
of Arts and Sciences. She is sponDetermined that the rating of the
Innings. Leon W. McMurray was
sor of Company F,
university Reserve Officers Training
the starting moundsman for Ken(Continued on Page Eight)
Corps unit shall be excellent, the
tucky but the terrific heat forced
members of the military depart
"Mac" out In the sixth with Michigan leading 5 to 3. McBrayer finment and the students are working
ished the game for Kentucky re
with renewed interest in preparing
ceiving credit for the victory.
for the annual inspection by offiThe Wildcats scored in tne nrst
cers from the Fifth Corps Area
on a walk by Kruger, Johnson's
sacrifice, a long fly by Urbanlak,
On Monday and Tuesday, April
an error by Daniels, and a hit batsColonel E. N.
20, 21, Lieutenant
man. Kelly. With the
CHOSEN Carney walked forcingsacks Kruger.
Bowman and Major C. A. Bagby
Fraternity Will Not Compete will inspect
the unit, both In the
side when he
Hbeue retired the
With Others in Use of
class rooms and on the drill field.
struck out with the bases loaded.
Pins and Crepe
They will inspect the equipment,
Michigan scored three runs In the
including arms and uniforms, ana
third: SuDerko hit Dast third base.
The Alpha Tau Omegas, who will determine the effliciency of the
Braenale hit a long drive scoring
give their formal dance Saturday unit in every subject studied. Not Robert Gilmore is
Superko. Tompkins crashed out a
Clarence Moore Sec- triple scoring Braenale. uaptain
night at the Phoenix hotel, are not every company will be inspected,
but It Is probable that two or three
retary, and Fred Hafer is Tompkins tallied on an error.
planning on using as many pins as will receive a thorough questioning.
Worthlngton poled out a home run,
Treasurer of Group
did the Phi Delts last Saturday, nor
regiment by the
A review
driving the ball far down the cinder
many miles of crepe paper as inspecting of the will be held
Robert Stewart, Morehead, senior path in front of the stadium for
did the PI Kaps, but
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock inone of the longest hits ever record
But it Is estimated that, counting stead of the second battalion parade in the College of Arts and Sciences,
ed on Stoll field.
guests, there will
arid Robert Gilmore, Owingsville,
which was previously scheduled.
In the fifth canto, for Micrugan,
be approximately 10 tuxes rented
College of Arts Dlffley tripled
scoring 'lompiuna
indetermin- last year the gain an of the rating, also a senior in the
for the dance, while an
and Sciences, were elected president and Hudson who naa previous
ate number will be borrowed. In Its members have not been permitrespectively of singled. In KentucKys nan,- - rugand
preparation for the dance, some- ted to wear a blue star on the right
1931-3- 2,
ger walked, Johnson got a base on
thing like 152 tux shirts will be sleeve signifying their efficiency. In the Y. M. C. A. for the year
at a meeting of the organization balls, uroaniaK was iuu uy
sent to the laundry to be given order to regain this distinction, the
wausea lorcing
the Y. M.
the touch that makes the front like cadets have been working overtime. held Tuesday ClarenceinMoore, Lex bry, and Bill Keiiy
O. A. rooms.
in a run.
Those who have taken part in the ington, freshman in the College of
McBrayer was sent to the mound
There are no figures available as last two parades have not seen
Sciences, was elected sec in place of McMurray in the sixth
to how many new dresses will be excused from class on the following Arts and
retary, and Fred Hafer, Falmouth,
got three men
purchased for the atttfr by the day as has been the custom but junior in the college ox Agriculture, inning. Kentucky
on base due to walks and scatterladles, but perhaps a dozen would have reported at the field for fur- was chosen treasurer of the group.
Murphy scored on a two
ed hits,
be a fair estimate.
Two professors and two business bagger by Hogue. Michigan led 5
instruction and practice.
For the entire evening of dancing, ther inspection will be non-comen were elected to serve on the
including those who are not so petitive, and the highest rating giv advisory board of the organisation. to 4 at this point.
Kentucky gathered five hits and
adept at the art, a distance of 25 en, tnat of exceuent, win not oe re Dr. Jesse Adams, of the College of
miles, 4tt feet and three inches stricted to anv definite number of Education, Dr. W. W. Jennings, of assembled three runs in their half
seventh inning, McKay
should be traveled W the various ,UHvTheorderMJwiti(e,
the Commerce College, A. L. Atch- of the
individuals. Girls, ofcourse, "will; units is excellent, sstisiactory, ana ison and D. C.'CruBe.'bustaeas" men pitching
brought in
pile up the creater mileage, 84aee unsatisfactory.). Last yes, the unit i of. Lexington, are the men chosenJ and Worthlngton were
by Murphy's sizzler through second.
several "squlrreMy' numbers' will be received the rating of MtlftMrtary. uuiers wno wm ivc imuuuw uu
Murphy was brought home by a
played by the orchestra, the "hopThe decision of the inspecting the board are:. Robert Stewart,
pers" will jump upward a total of officers as to the rating of the Robert Gilmore, Fred Hafer. and Texas leaguer. by'MeBrajresL
Kentucky 7, Michigan 5.
168 feet,' 10 and a half inches, and
university unit will be given after William A. Shafer. Clarence Moore
two men
In the eighth inning
of course, will fall an equal distance. the inspection of the entire corps will serve as secretary to the board.
Robert Stewart is a member, of were hit by McBrayer and for base
If their weights were available, area, which includes several states.
Sigma Beta XI fraternity; Clar- on an error filled the bases pinch-hittin- g
this could easily be figured out in
An outline of the unit training the
Douglas who was
ence Moore is a member of Delta Wolverines.
horsepower or something,
inspection follows:
for McKay was out on a fly
Fred Hafer is a
Tau Delta, and
A dust like preparation, probably
i. Inspection of theoretical in
borax, will be spread over the floor struction. Including: first, observa member of the Alpha Gamma Rho to Urbanlak. southpaw, was
Travers, a
to present a smooth .surface for tion of the conduct of the unit fraternity.
on Page Eight)
Other business conducted at the
collegiate hoofs. The three boxes Instructors with a view to reporting
to be used, if spread equally over on the efficiency of the instruction- meeting Tuesday was concerned
cabthe dance floor, would make a film al methods; second, examination of with the planning for the local C. A.
inets of the Y. M. and Y. W.
of .0005 inch in thicness.
at least one section of each class to hold their annual spring retreat
And just imagine this: if all the for a period of at least 45 minutes,
May 0.
air blasted through saxophones, covering theoretical subjects of the at CamD Daniel Boone.president of
Morton Walker, retiring
trumpets and other Instruments of program of instruction.
the Y. M. C. A., presided at tne Orchestra Will Make
torture in the orchestra should be
b. Inspection of the practical inmeeting Tuesday night.
Public Appearance of
loose behind a forest fire, struction, covering: drill and comturned
there would be a heck of a confla- mand, practical exercises in comMEET
gration. Perspiration shed at the bat principles and tactics of 'the HIGH SCHOOL TRACK
The Philharmonic 6.chestra of
dance, while not in sufficient arms, technique of weapons and
Eligibility blanks for the state
university, under the direcquantities, could be used to partialequipment, and inspection of arms, high school track meet, to be con of the Prof. C. A. Lampert, will
tion of
ly extinguish such a blaze.
weapons and equipment.
ducted at the university May
present a program of music at the
And then, too if this space and
The cadets will be required to
are being mailed out this week to vesper service to be held at 4 o'clock
other columns had been used for
on all subjects taken In the the high schools that are expected Sunday afternoon In Memorial hall.
something more useful, the Kernel past year and will be expected to to send teams to the meet. The
Frances Arnold outh, soprano, will
would be a much better paper.
be able to answer questions on any track meet, according to Professor make her last appearance before
Louis Clifton of the extension de- university music circles with solo
partment, will be conducted in co numbers at the vespers service. Mrs.
Dr. Otto Koppius, of the physics operation with the department of
will be absent from LexingTo
department, spoke to the members physical education. Bernle Shlvely, South
ton next year while continuing her
of PI Mu Epsilon, honorary matheteam, will studies at the University of Michiof varsity
Toclay matics fraternity, at their meeting coach charge of thetrack The
at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
blanks are to be returned
The program is as follows:
Miss Virginia Dougherty, William In room 109, McVey hall.
by May 1, it was further announced.
Overture "Der Frelschutz"
Ardery, Thomas L. Riley, and Cole
man smith will attend a convention
2. "Pace Pace Mio Dio" La Fo-z- a
of the National Press Association at
del Destino Verdi.
Cincinnati, today and Saturday,
3. "Andante"
April 17 and 18.
Symphony" Haydn.
Miss Dougherty, editor cf The
4. "Nocturne" from "Midsummer
Kernel; and Coleman Smith, busi .
Night's Drean" Mendelssohn.
ness manager of The Kernel, will
Horn Solo by Ernestine Delcamp.
represent this paper.
5. Selection
the strong conservative group of Gounod.
William Ardery, president of the
Water colors, blending the palKentucky Intercollegiate Press As
water color painters in America,"
Descriptions of the compositions
sociation, will represent the asso ette's hues with vernal showers in said Professor Runnels, head of the to be played appear In the printed
this most luminous and joyous art department.
ciation at the meetings.
An attempt will be made to for medium of the artist's mastery, exSandzen's "Windwhlpped Pines"
The Philharmonic orchestra of
mulate a program of cooperation hibiting April 14 to May 3 at the is probably the most individual and this year is considered the best that
between college publications and Art Center, vitalize the
compelling note in the show. Here the university has ever had. It will
the various regional associations galleries with brightness and gaythe artist has attained rhythmic make its last public appearance at
throughout the United States. The ety. Subjects ranging from storms disposition of brilliant color which the vesper service Sunday. The
In the North Atlantic, by Stanley makes his work tremendously effecconvention will be held in conjuncpublic Is Invited to attend.
tion with the annual meeting of Pi Woodward, to the deserts of Ari- tive In a decorative way. His other
The personnel of the orchestra Is
zona, by Emil Blstran; from the presentations,
Epsilon, national honorary Journal"Breakers"
and as follows:
dramatic illustrations of Eugene "Birches by the Sea" maintain the
istic fraternity.
Violins: Leroy Smith. Prof. D. E.
Higgins to the quiet morning in the same vital and urgent quality of
South. David Young, Bruce Farqu-ha- r,
barnyard, by John F. Carlson, fur line and color.
Louis Friedman, Gayle Tudor,
nish what Is by far the most colorAlthough Sandzen and several of
ful show seen In Lexington since the others achieve colorful effects, Lela Cullls Imogene Young. Edward
Lurton, Lee Crook, David Welsh,
years nothing
the Russlon exhibition eight
modern or wild Is set forth. Jane Bland, Mary R. Price. W. H.
are of a conservative
Chi chapter, Theta Sigma Phi,
Presenting 34 works by recognized They as one might suppose, group, Nicholls, Mrs. J. R. Nunnelly. Eva
In every May Nunnelly, Mrs. Allyne Clark,
national honorary Journalistic
leaders In the American field, the and,
Interest In the appearance Leonora Howe.
fraternity, is conducting a camdisplay, sponsored by the American case thesubject
matter takes precepaign of ticket selling for "The
Violas: Al Smith, F. Bagshow, E.
of Arts, is open to the of the
or less neurotic Saunders. J. E. Marx
Front Page," which Is to be
public, from 8 until 5 o'clock, every dence over the moremany
Intrpretatlons of
shown at the Kentucky theatre
Cellos: Marcla Lampert, Lois
Is the fourth
week day. This
Is no preoccupation with ugliMonday and Tuesday, April 20
Robinson, Robert Palmore
of museum quality which There nothing
sordid, only the Joy21. Tickets may be obtained
Basses: Charles Crels, C. L.
the department of art has brought ous
and gay lightness of a water-col- Walker
from any member of the frato the campus this year.
ternity. The president of the
Flutes: Charles Dlckerson, U. G.
Whllo these water colors have
Ennls' "The Mill on Pennama-quan- " Rothbotham
chapter stated yesterday that it
been brought together by the
Is comparable to Sandzen's
was her desire that all students
Clarinets: E. G. Sulzer, Mary
American Federation of Arts In
they "Windwhlpped Pines" for Its direct- Latham Howard Matson
and friends of the university
would cooperate in this drive.
draw upon artists from" all parts of ness and compelling note. In all of
Oboe: Mrs. E. W. Delcamp
the country, Among the leaders his work Ennls has skillfully exBassoon: Earl Michel
"The Front Pago" was directrepresented are: Emil J. Bertram, ploited the luminous possibilities of
ed by Lewis Mllespone, director
Horns: Ernestine Delcamp, Car
John F Carlsfcn. Julius Delbos, white paper shining through and son Moore
of "All Quletr on the Western
George Pearse Eimls. Eugene Hig- accentuating the transparent, airy
Trumpets: Norman Halnsey, EdFront."
It Is starring Adolph gins, Chauncey
F. Ryder, Blrger charm of the water color medium.
gar Ba'gshaw
Menjou, Mary Brian, Edward
Sandzen, William
"Haunted Hovels" nnd "Morning
Trombones: Henry Baker, William
Everett Harton, and Slim
Charles H. Woodbury, and Stanley In the Barnyard" carry the familiar Hatcher
greens and blues of John F.
W. Woodward.
Tympanl: Eugene Grlbbln, Benon Page Eight)
jamin Stark
"These men represent very well


ATOt Will Rent

Approximately 10
Tuxes for Formal




Art Center Water Color Exhibit

Marked by Brightness and Gayety

like," came the reply and with it
another smile. "1 nave been In
Lexington Just once. That was last
summer when I motored through on
a pleasure trip."
"Then you have not been to a
(should we say "darby" or "derby"?
We said "derby"; It was more In
keeping with the smile to a
"No, I haven't, as yet, though I
hope to, now that I am living so
near Louisville. But I don't know
very much about horses you see,
I've never been thrown I"
"Which sort of business do you
prefer, a professorship such as your
have held formerly, or your present
work in the business world?" was
our next query.
"I like all kinds of work, and
I've thoroughly enjoyed every business I've been in," was the prompt
"What do you think of college
life, speaking from your personal
"Well, I think it's pretty much
the same as It has always been.
More rushed, of course; more
at least,
broadening, perhaps
broader hi its scope; and with better-trained
professors, I hope, than
In years past. Perhaps on the surface the students seem more concerned with Incidentals certainly
there are a great many more
on Page Sight)


C. A.

LOCAL R. 0. T. C.


Members of Kernel
Attend National

often?" the first question, of course.
"Not nearly as often as I would
old truth that a smile Is

one of the easiest and simplest actions known. Clarence A. Dykstra,
citv manacer of Cincinnati, who
will deliver the commencement address at the university In June,
might attribute his successful career
as business man and college professor to this bit of oconomy, for
he practices It often and to good
One encounters it as one meets
him, and its disarming charm, combined with a sincere and friendly
handclasp, serve to win the confidence of mighty business magnates,
or put at ease trembling young
reDorters. But it Is when he
speaks that one knows the man.
Soft, melodious, gentle yet firm, his
voice tells one Instantly that nere
Is a man who has traveled much
and has selected the admirable
qualities of all accents to blend into
a harmony that will please any ear.
Apparently, too, he has comuinea
other choice traits of many peoples,
for he has the courtesy of a southerner, the friendliness without effusion of the northerner, the business strategy of the easterner, and
the optimistic idealism of the
westerner. Yet despite the many
claims on his time in directing the
Blanding and Mrs. life of a city of over 400,000 people,
Dean Sarah
P. K. Holmes are attending the Mr. Dykstra found time to pause
sessions of the Kentucky Educa- and discuss his reactions to his
tional Association in Louisville this invitation to Lexington in June.
week-en"Have you been in Kentucky very

Ramona Illff, Bellcvuc, Zeta Tau
Alpha, is a sophomore In the College of Arts and Sciences.
She is
manager of tennis on the W. A. A.
of the Y. W.
council, and ft member



Philharmonic Group
Play at Vespers

City Manager of Cincinnati Is
Interviewed by Kernel Writer
It is an

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931

Committee in Charge of Arrangements
Receives 10 May Queen Nominations

Y.W.C.A. Election

The Stroller Revue of 1931
will be presented Monday
night, May 11, in the Woodto
land Auditorium, according to More Than 1,000 Expected
Attend Carnival Program
an announcement by Thomas
Climaxing Annual UniverL. Riley, production manager
sity Event
of the show. Rehearsals on
the chorus numbers will begin
The twelfth annual Engineers'
sponsored by the
campus Carnival of Ball,
A cast of more than 60
Engineering, will be held

New Officers,









Tickets for



* jppf Best


18 MWF

eleanor smith


What delightful hosts arc they.
Life and Love!
Llngcrlngly I turn away
This late hour, yet glad enough
They have not withheld from me
Their high hospitality.
So, with face lit with delight
And all gratitude I stay
Yet to press their hands and say,
"Thanks-s- o
fine a time I Goodnight.1

Friday, April 17
Art Exhibit continued In the Art
Saturday, April 18
Track Meet on Stoll field.
Cadet Hop, 3 to 6 o'clock In the
Mens gymnasium.
Alpha Tau Omega formal dance
at the Phoenix hotel, 9 to 12 o'ciock,
Sigma Chi dance at the Lafayette
hotel from 9 to 12 o clock.
Eta Sigma Phi. national honorary
classical fraternity banquet at the
Phoenix hotel.
Sunday, April 19
Vespers at 4 o'clock in Memorial
Faculty club tea In the club rooms
from 5 to 7 o clock.
Friday, April 24
Law fraternity (banquet at the
Phoenix hotel.
Mr. Roderick Edgar Keeney, Ft.
Thomas, a student In the College
of Law at the university, and Miss
Hunter Adams, Smlthland,
were married at 9 o'clock Wednes



ft it


honorary and professional women's
Journalistic fraternity entertained
Tuesday evening at the Lafayette
hotel with a Founders Day banquet
celebrating the 22nd anniversary of
the fraternity.
The decorations were vases of
spring flowers nnd lighted candles,
and a delicious menu was served.
Miss Frances Holliday, president,
presided, and the program was presented In the form of an edition of
a newspaper. Parts of the paper were presented by Misses Lois
Purcell, Ellen Mlnlhan, and Mary
Virginia Hallcy, and Miss Marguerite McLaughlin "criticized" the finished paper.
Those present were Misses Marguerite McLaughlin, Frances Holliday, Mary Virginia Halley. Edythc
Reynolds, Virginia Boyd, Margaret
Trcacy, Martha Mlnlhan, Jessie
Sim, Virginia Dougherty, Edna
Smith, Fannie Curie Woodhcad,
Virginia Nevis. Dorothy Carr, Emily Hardin, Eleanor Smith, Ellen
Mlnlhan, Lois Purcell, and Virginia

day ccnlnq; at Christ Church Cathedral. The