xt7wwp9t4r9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t4r9q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1983 1983 1983-02-03 2020 true xt7wwp9t4r9q section xt7wwp9t4r9q ‘ \ 3
I .
H ‘1 Meetinghumenneede '
’ s . Students in interior design combine
= '.‘ imagination. draftlng and drawing skills
3.‘ with a strong will to create model envi»
. moments tor temiiiee and workers of '—‘__“‘
_..__c.._.. .. a“; . the future. For a closer look at the
motor offered by the College of Home
Economics. see page 3.
_.___ mm
Vol. LXXXV, No. toe Thursday, February 3. l983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky
| k t 'k d' t E t h' t ff'
ruc er s n e lamp 3 as em 5 ipmen 3, state tra ic
(APl-r Food shipments to some routes. “We don't want this to be a ciation that says it represents 30.000 tractor-trailers massed on 165. mov- ' ‘ ‘ ' ' - .
Eastern cities were curtailed yester- bloodbath." of the nation's 100.000 independent ing south at less than to miles an gggngczhfi"figzrmgnzmigfionfé “Emersaégiexwegpiafit :1?"
day by a truckers strike that has A truck driver said two men with truckers who own and operate their hour and reducing the normal con- Tarter Building Supplies. in Somer~ peppers and tomatoes have dropped
erupted into warfare on the high- a shotgun threatened him in West- own rigs. called the strike Monday gestion toa bumper-to-bumper jam. set, He noted that 70 percent to 75 per»
ways with more than 300 trucks ern Kentucky. and a truck-stop to protest scheduled increases in Traffic was backed up for several Two men in a white pickup truck cent of the area's fruit and produce
1‘ damaged. one driver slain and 27 owner in Eastern Kentucky said fuel “taxes in April and highway use miles by the time the trucks went pulled alongside his truck on US. arrives by truck.
i peopleinjured. pickets were making his business feesui1985. off in different directions. Police fol- 31E, six miles south of Glasgow. Som tr ki n' ii (an
i “worse and worse," While the independents represent lowed as many as possible. citing produced a shotgun and warned him da h e uc "8ng 15:. to ma-
“lt looks like war out there.“ said A convoy of slow-moving tractor- abouta fifth of the nation’s truckers. them for deliberately blocking traf- on citizens band radio not to drive U 13%?”an S ipmenti] r e
5 Chief Deputy Edmory Rush in Colle- trailers tied up afternoon rush-hour they haul about 90 percent of the fic.officialssaid. on the Cumberland parkway. Finch l m ‘5 cause 0 e “0‘
w." ton County. SC. who was urging traffic leaving Louisville on lnter- produce. Earlier. Jim B. Finch. 26. of said. ' (”Fe
sheriffs in surrounding counties to state65. The rush-hour tie-up in Louisville Smyrna, Tenn. told state police he 0n the national level. officials at . A load “Powtoes .15 not worth a
step up patrols of major truck Mike Parkhurst. head of the asso- occurred when at least two dozen was threatened while delivering the giant Hunts Point Terminal Mar- “‘9' 52“" (.ary H?”“"“‘ a 90‘3")
k t N ' York Cit . id rod broker in Hartland..\ew Brunswick
.. , . .. , . .. . .. ,. . . .... e "l e“ y 58 P U09
"X ' " " ' .. ”'3‘“ m‘ “h. ' * WW*W m .:5;.; fl,“ 3 shipments slowed to a trickle after Many drivers were clearly fright-
”it... .. - »- W“ hawk .. . 2%? m a?” : " ii” remaining near normal the first two ened by the wolence this week that
. . W 3r N '-‘ I» " ‘ i . *8, .._._ a, days of the strike by independent has seen at least 155 trucks hit by
' " i g" Wig} WNW ' 1* "' " g §&%‘«% truckers. gunfire. 167 damaged by rocks and
N " " . -. _ N . ill Mike Pfluger of the US. Depart- bricks. a few trucks torched. tires
‘ ~' * “if“ .. as: We ., " " ' - " J a - r, merit of Agriculture station at the slashed. nails and glass scattered on
r ' “W" ., ‘t' 8 * market said wholesale prices had highways and other vandalism and
» Ne “ . jumpedasmuch asaopercent. sabotage in atleast 31 states
= « t. , r . .
, , ’r .3 c I I
W / . f we“ Officials said planning
N ’5 . k - ”w "'~ hsfi" . . ...; ..vju‘ “w . . I
~ ... ~“ national relief program -
.z. 3-. ~, %‘ . . “aux N
it - . on. - .
.. . . 4* Change in budget proposals rumored
’ is» V , ' M "i "“ ' BXDAVID ESPQ was targeted to areas inneed
" t‘ ’. ‘ 3;" " ~. ¥ “’5 Assomated PMS Writer Stockman and Treasury Secretary
, . - ' “" _ ' " M. .. s5 ‘ N Donald T. Regan also indicated the
a! " ,3;?s . -- ~- ‘ ' , _ ——-.—~_—___ administration may be Willing to at
. {if M ‘ ..a‘ M" ‘1‘ _ WASHINGTON — Reagan admin- least entertain proposals to change
.. . , N 1’ N»- ,. N , .. is W istration officials are quietly explor~ the 10 percent income tax cut sched-
‘ 13"” he. W ”0M ~ ' . ing a program 9f emergency {00d uled this year. and to spend less for
. _ 3' .; W‘. ' and shelter for VlctlmS 0f the mats defense than the preSident is propos-
; » N “ s. p at? 9.77%; » » Sion and an accelerated schedule of ing.
. .. _ , e; . ; .fisc; . ‘ federal construction projects to cre- Later in the day. however, Trea-
. ' Hr... ' .1 V3“ .. . ate jobs. Republican sources said sury spokesman Marlin Fitzwater
' J.D.VANHOOSI/Kernel5tall yestergay. . dm' . said. “in case there was any misin-
Charles W. Bradshaw, 601 Lane Allen Rd., has been splitting wood for his fire- .At t e same time, a inistration terpretation. “'9 have "0 intention 0‘
. . aides Signaled to Congress that the com romism on the third year of
Wintry work 8p(|,ace fogover 10 year: and spent much of yesterday doing lust that. Bradshaw, president might be willing to alter the Fax cut Er indexmg The secre-
; , pu ISIOX away a ew years ago and budt a hydraulic wood-splitter to make the tax proposals in his two-day-old tary is not saying that's going to be
,2 the IOb GOSlGF- budget and accept a defense spend- compromised tater.“
ing increase smaller than the $30 bil» Reagan himself seemed to rule out
. lion he proposed. any change in this year s scheduled
I l I I H The GOP SOUI‘CGS said White tax cut. Asked about a compromise.
Wildcat Savmgs Card being Issued this week Horse or J... re rerrrrer rerrrrsrr rr
and other administration aides have his recent remarks "in the last cou»
_ .. _ met recently for preliminary (115- pic of days." when he has said at
Bermx vosmcu, the arrangement will allow for bet- _‘ .. . cussions on a plan for an anti-reces- least twice he will not accept
Reporter ter promotion. and. aS a result. . . _. . sion program 0f the type bOth par- changes in the third installment of
greater use of the card than in years n IverSIty .94 ' I ties are pushing in Congress. his tax cut plan
7 7 . ,7 . , v _ _ . past. "This card is going to be to." In addition. they said. Senate Re- As for relief for the nctims of the
used."he said. "It wasn‘tbefore.“ of N publican Leader Howard Baker of recession. Stockman told the Senate
’ The ['K Student Discount Card. University Services Associates , .. Tennessee and Sen. Paul Laxalt. R- Budget Committee. "if this commit-
which last year offered students paid Student Agencies $1.500 for dis- entucky Nev.. discussed the same possibility tee comes up with something that is
breaks on purchases at several local tribution and promotion ofthecard. in a White House meeting Tuesday reasonable in its cost and is tar»
businesses. is back as the expanded “That money Will be going right Wildcat Savings Card With presidential counselor Edwin geted. I'm sure there is room in the
.-L"K Wildcat Savings (‘ardyr into the hancb of UK students." R8)“ Card mus, be ,pgpptpd hurt to Meese III, budget for it ..
’ The card is the result of an ar- nolds said. “We‘ll be hiring students ordemg iner'ciiahhg}. WVILIN ' The administration and congres- But two other Reagan administra-

. . rangement between Student Govern- to help hand out the cards. and we‘ll Not valid on Specialis‘mgs ‘ sional sources disclosed the dis- tion figures —_ Defense Secretary
ment Assiciation. UK Student Agen- be hiring studems ‘0 DUI UP posters EXPIRES 2-1-84 cussions on the condition that then” Caspar W Weinberger and Martin
c195 and University Services about the cards. names not berevealed. Feldstein. chairman of the Presr

2‘ Associates, a national company. “A lot of the money will be spent and l have already discmsed that. Meanwhile. Emerson had called Baker said earlier this week he dent‘s (‘ounml of Economic Advis-
Available this week. it may be used to advertise weekly specials by the We‘ll handle it ourselves.‘ UKSA and said that he was no long- has asked other Senate GOP leaders ers. seemed far less conciliatory on
at 22 Io:al businesses. ranging from card's merchants.” he said. “We‘ll “if Jim did agree to that sugges- er interested in fulfilling their to assemble a list of poss1ble JObS budget issues
a seafood restaurant to an auto serv- feature a different special by a dif- tion. he was attempting to misexe- agreement.Stoltz said. proposals to combat 10.8 percent un- Weinberger told the House Milt
ice center. ferent merchant each week." cute the bill.“ "I checked with our attorneys and employment. tary Affairs (‘ommittee yesterday

The card is good for one year and Although all involved now seem Dinkle. however. said he and found that the bill that SGA passed Reagan's $848.5 billion budget that defense spending could not be
entitles the bearer to an average 10 enthusiastic about the card. the pro- Emerson had no intention of cutting constituted an implied contract be- makes no mention of food and shelr cut without endangering national ser
percent discount on purchases of se- ject almost died late last month UKSAoutofthe project. tween University Services Asso ter programs. but the existence of cunty. adding that some reductions
lecteditems. when the three organizations be- “Emerson mentioned that his ciates and Student Agencies." Stoltz the discussmns suggests the admin- made last year by Congress already

Jim Dinkle. SGA president. said came involved in a dispute over how company was not happy about pay- said. istration may be ready to yield to have "reduced the secum}. ot the
the card is a valuable service to stu— it was tobe handled. ing a University organization to pro Stoltz said he then called Emerson congresswnal sentiment for antirre- nation in a way that we muth rather
dents. “We‘d originally planned to do our mote and distribute the cards." back and told him that "any attempt cession aSSistance. would not have had "

' “8an has sponsored student dis- own student discount card.“ said Dinklc said. “But he and I never dis- to distribute and promote the card Budget Director David Stockman And l-‘eldstein told the Jhmt Em.
count cards in the past, but i believe Lenny Stoltz. vice president and cussed the prospect of leaving UKSA without Student Agencies would be a seemed to signal a willingness to nomic Committee. "i think it's a sad
that this one is a big improvement treasurer of Student Agencies, “We out of the deal. I told him that we‘d breach of contract, consider such proposals in an ap» commentary when people comm“?
over the others." he said. went to the SGA in early November have to go with whatever was stip- “i told him that we‘d be forced to pearance before the Senate Budget to View defense m short-run budget

"This card will be available to all and asked them to sponsor the card. ulatedin the bill." 5“ DISCOUNT. pageg Committee. as long as the program terms --
UK students. faculty and staff mem- as they'd done in the past." ‘
bers. in the past. cards were avail- But SGA had already been plan»
able only to students." "mg a card of "S 0““ according ‘0 THURSDAY Chinese-us. relations said worsening
The card also has administrative Dinkle.d bee d h
advantages. he said. The last offer “We‘ , n consi ering t rec
that SGA sponsored expired after companies for the project since mid- MAMMMM PEKING — Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian told Secretary of
three years. but the new cards will October." he said. “I‘d already sub- 5,0,9 George P. Shultz yesterday that much needs ,0 be
berenewable every year. he said. mitted a bill to the Senate that . d ' th U S Ch l ’ d i ' f ’
“l consider that to be an advan~ would have given the contract for Hopkins docl'nes to enter race one osmoo . .- inese re 0 ions on e imina e ric ion
tage because it will give SGA a the new card to University Services over 70'W0”
chance to look at how well the card Associates when Student AgenCies Shultz. in China as part of his three-notion ASlon tour
is being handled each year." he askedustosponsortheircard. The two men considered most likely to run as Republican told reporters the differences are based on Chinese mm“;
said. . ‘ “We didn't “'3'“ WV? UK £11590”? candidates for governor in 1983 said yesterday they have jers'anding of US. policies and may he was prepared to "y
r3133; 31:05:!!gsth6nggénrgfigyggit (22¢: {\iiiftidirgxfrgifixbill 2:111:95?“ decided "0' ’0 599k "‘9 P05'- 0 clear up those problemsand fully explain other pOlICIeS
lpt‘eS Associates. has agreed ‘0 ‘10 “P a committee to reach a compro- US Rep. tarry l-iopkms issued. a statement from his China still is unhappy that the United States has not set
nate $300 to SGA for the use Of its misc hetWeen SGA and Student Washington office saying he was bowtng é”, Of the race. a date for completely halting arms sales to Taiwan and has
nameonthecard. Agencws. State Sen. Jim Bunning announced in Frankfort that he been dissatisf‘ d ith R ‘ dl ' d h
I “We‘ve placed that money in the Stoltz. Brent Austin 0t Student had filed for re-election to the Legislature and would not be . . 'e w eagans 'r'en mess OWO' ' e No
a???“ h ()rgznizz'iltgon magic: aginggs'ix‘gt Dizlghggainghie: a candidate in the gubernatorial election. tionalist government.
n. esai “ iswa. - . - . . ..
tire campus can benefit from that misc calling for a new discount HOPklnSr alexmglon stockbroker,‘said in the. statement
donation." card. The bill gave UKSA responsi- that he had given serious conSIderotion to seeking the of
He said he is also pleased with the bility for the promotion and distribu- fice. but felt his primary obligation was to continue rep-
appearance of the new card. “in the tion of the card and said UniverSity resenting Kentucky's 6th District. .
past. llK's student discount cards Services would reimburse L'KSA for .
had the same format as university its services. WEATHER
discount cards used all over the Reylnolds said Emerson made a
countrv. but the new Wildcat Sav- ”gentemen's agreemen " 0 pay - '
ings (‘ard is blue and white and has Student Agencies $1,500 to promote KEA t0 80L IOng'BLIVO 908'.
the Wildcat emblem on the front." and distribute the card The new bill
The new card's ”Warn“ isn‘t was Sme'tEed to the Senate and LOUISVILLE — The Kentucky Education Association will
g‘SbEihei'rsighg :nd%?:e:sti?ynsgrvizeg Ngfiidprj‘gbidms continued to Plague hammer 00' 20 key '99l5'0’l"e proposals at ° two-day "‘99"
sales representative, the project. Emerson met with ing here tomorrow and Saturday. today will 5' cloudy. windy ”‘d ‘°"‘ “'"h ° 50 P."
The Wildcat Savings (‘ard will be Dinkle and Bradford Jan 13 The major issue will be a recommendofion ,0 inflame cent chance of light snow. ‘l’he temperature will re-
Df0m0t°d and distributed by UK According ‘0 Bradford. Emerson Kentucky teachers’ salaries to the average paid their caun- "'0'" 'l‘ "'0 20'-
Student Agent‘ies. ”(K is the only suggested that SGA and UniverSIty I" arts in “van surroundin states said Joe Williams tonight will be mostly cloudy and sold with a 30
universrty i know of wherea student Services bypass UKSA and handle _ p , g ‘tt ' percent chance of enow the '0" wlll be In the '0"
organization is handling the promo promotion and distribution. -h°"'m°" 0’ "‘0 9"°UP 5 lOQ'S'O'We C°mml 99‘ '
tion and distribution of a student “When I said that i thought the Delegates also will be asked to consider a proposal that teene.
buyingcard.“Emersonsaid. bill said Student Agencies was to :0", to, a ”strong. “obi. collective bargaining statute h. Tomorrow will mostly sunny but continued cold
Rayvon Reynolds. president of handle tromotion and distribution." said. wlth a hlgh in the mid to upper 20:.
7 Student Agencies. said he believes Bradford said “Emerson said. 'Jim
‘ i .

 .. ‘ ' ‘ ‘
II“ Motion Andrew W John cum" boom '- lomhor Uni It lad-b- J.D. Von“... Don ("Hood
Editor on (but New; Educ! Am Editol Spam Edito' Spec-oi Protects Edlio: Photo Editor Graphics Editor
. P E RSUAS ION J" IMn Noni. '0'er 'rlco “"00 CHI I. WM Jr. “.7 M00!” [00”. Mull“ .00 V00 “0* Chill Ash 7
Monogmgkdnoi triivoiioimnoi AniuunlAnIEdIior AuinioniSporisEditai swiatrro.«quuoni cmgiPhotogmphcv t‘opyouxstr rl
Reagan's surprlsmg move-
abolition of corporate taxes ~ “’0" ”“3" WM" llllll ill 2 l ‘
1. ' 2i. ll
4 .Hl‘2tly-,‘ili.llli ii.“ -. . - ' M Ill, )l “m '
2 outwit: ’l22‘2“. 2:2:“ll‘ 'l lliiiliillhn : ' L ‘."l‘i'l'i'!l|'ll|l ll Willi “W .i ll
. . . . . . . “22 ir=222llllllll lll!lltllllllllll2i . Il’llllllllllillllllll'lllllllll'll l‘ l W! llll’l’l“
Ronald Reagan 5 proposed abolition of the should be distributed to stock holders in the ‘ ..:i2,2: lilll“. )2 hill” 21 itIll’li.“.lilllhiilizlwill‘ll’li‘ \:': ilklliiiill!illilliilllihlIt'lll‘jlii‘lll : I liil lillll'l'llllw:
corporate income tax died a quick and right- form of diVidends. The stockholders would .2 2 ‘-‘/,/[12’il‘lfili‘iuj‘iml‘Wllflii. W whirl}. L.:;:.li3lll‘iiss2‘i l iii, in .2 Tl“ 2i “Hr l. .{h i’mlmmlm
. . .3 ‘:‘:i2.' " fl 'il vl‘.l‘.: l :=;2 H: :2 ‘
iul death. ' then pay tax on that income. . _ :25: this M w ml‘illlll'llllllll'illll‘il.llill.l2‘lliillllllll'E all“ .' I y I ll u ’ 'l I ’lllllllllllll W
Reagan suggested the tax was unfair to The asmine part of this proposal is that'it ‘7‘;llllthllllll‘ qilllllllllm Elli'Illllllllllllllliililiilllll'llF gal” “will! i] .. l l l h, ll
American busmess and said “there really comes at a time when the president is dis- it2!;:i‘lylllgii‘l‘ilvsl“ , WI“hilllitI!lill‘llhllhtfiill“ :gg ilg:l‘lrilli.’1‘§lliiiii . IN ,|l -,—. _
isn't any Justification for it: cussmg a new tax on consumption, which 2~ ‘i3llllilllllllllil. l lllllllli llllliilillllllllllll 5?: it. may,“ 2 .i - “G, i. 2
~~i realize that there will probably be a “would mainly be on low- and middle-"‘- 3. . " llllllil'l’illlllllllllllllll'llll‘lll'5—2;;l ll mew“ l M- ‘ 2 ’ \2" ‘
great stirring. and I‘ll probably kick myself come people — a tax on unemployment com- V52. 1: V 2 [I l i!riml';iuli-i.n“I” gag; iv “an _ ~ -- 4‘ _.- : .
for having said this. but when are we going pensation. a tax on health insurance. said W. 2 a}. l (WW WEE; f4; 1“ \c
to have the courage to point outthat. in our Sen. Howard M. Metzenbaum. D-Ohio. . ill 3 7 l I" i! M ”Hgfal my; % .
tax structure. lht‘ corporate tax '5 very hard How can the president justify elimination 3.3g .2 ‘ ii I l illilrillllll jig/3.2:? ill: ‘ B, / fl ll“! 2
toyustii‘yits existence." he said. of corporate income tax. while the average 12,1 ‘ 3 H, l il‘lilllllillllll r’” a 5% M/ kw” ‘ ,l
tin that point there is agreement. Reagan American taxpayer —- suffering from the 3‘23“ H M iii i Mi } 2 . I: I - - . . . . if.“ .
should kick himself —2 this proposal should problems of high unemployment and infla- it)“ n I ll 4: Be: .'. l )1 v . I
have never been mentioned in the first tion _pay538percent of each tax dollar? ”will“.2‘..::l:.-:l.2‘jl. . l I ‘lll' i ll . f 3 7 \ ‘ U ,2 _,l ' ‘ 1
place . . . . The president‘s proposal might be well in- lllllmil‘H‘i‘ / 1 ”WI . 227 1 I \~ ~ . c g, , . '1 (/41 .
The White House Office 0‘ M'anfigement tended. but it might be approaching the fillli.‘:3il;.i:ij3":;iill?j,' ’ Mi ll' ' .l ill “:3: i2 6' :‘Q fill '
and Budget ““m‘i‘e“ W.- Jul" -t 93520“ ”0““ “m“ the “MS angle — from the llllll W3“ Illl ill llllllllllll lllllllilllll Ill . 2' ‘ * . - 2. "'i ; %
porate income tithes would “81913383 1 10h rear. Obviously. Reagan hopes the money .‘l.;;ii.; i131 :.113l;3l‘ Mllflllllhl willillllllllh: mm " 2m“, . . 1i 2- .53. ,, . W l e
‘h the current “5“.“ 5 ear ending Sept. 30‘ the corporations would not have to pay if.2l‘..:3i§‘f 3:3:12‘ ”in\lll’lllWWIHI'll’lliW’li ' ‘W'nlmlwmll/ j , 1. W 3" i mt .!
ahd would account for 9 percent of all ieder- would be given to stockholders through the ::;:.;j‘il!mhilt 3:5 liliiilllllilllilil" 3 in lliii'i .‘ lllih" Wll M o I” i ”it . ‘
a tax revenue payment of dividends eventually getting the 22 2. cl 2 .. ‘;-.i.23“‘l;~ » r' ’ . , , l”
- . . - v 2.22 2m: ‘2l 2ll ,.l'li:;lrlli Il‘3.1 ill. till ll'.w .7 u ¢ ”7,1. 2
The president gave no indication it": he profits the people. I. 1h." :‘ilii: lill‘liillmlllllllllliyi'llll’lllil‘lll.‘fril'wlllwlllllii .. Elll‘.23llllltlmlllllllll"' % :{ hilt t—EW ’ '
would make a formal ro sal to abo is t e . . l ii‘Ii i2i2 2 inii . ,- m 3%?" 3 who :25;
nor orate income taxpwhlbh would require in these days Of soc1ai and domestic .lllil‘iii. Willi? lllllllllllllit'll'lii."... . 2. El litl'l‘l ”ill I E l, ll
‘ p - . ‘ ‘ - . . - spending cuts. however. why does the presn- lyiilllil .l'ill illilllillllllll'lllilllmbag? g ‘ l l =:{»—‘ a -;
the approval ht tongress. L‘mn‘ Speakes. a dent support the elimination of incoming tax ‘2 it'lllllih‘wt‘ l..Jillfllfmll‘ljl..‘l' 2 — "11' n ”l ‘ ” 7:7—7‘534 3
' ' . . 2 . " .‘.1:,i2l‘i ,i 2 , W' .i
. “ hite House spokesman. ”ald‘ It ain t dollars to the federal government? 1.. yi 2 22 ilillllh: . l “i 'l :lllllll” . 3
gomg to be looked at. , . . -- _. 2 wlv . ~ 2 . ill 3
Why would the president consider making Do we need to exempt corporations from """".‘-_—.’=‘ ‘. V -._ Et’?“ “I; _ .. fin“ - , ‘__ i
such a statement to the public With little or payingincome tax. ©mmezif-mr:jfl -fl n _. 3 __ , , 3 ,, ' >_ . > 4,» ’. - .
no consideration? Lastly. what will be done about a nation's
Reagan‘s plan is simple: corporate profits leader who opens his mouth before thinking?
I I I l l l .3
Reflections upon [1‘ er 8 rise to power, war atrocrtles t-
tince a week. i sit down and at- I know. being 19 years old. World When i told him I wanted to learn The first photograph showed piles began to fill with water. He contin- Never before had i imagined the l
tempt to write a satirical column War II and the Holocaust are only more about the Holocaust. he went of mangled human flesh stacked like ued.though.neveromittingadetail. wave of death and suffering ll
about events related to Hi Admit- things I know about through war to his bedroom. In a few moments lumber in. the camp's compound. As his voice began to crack. he launched by a single man. Never be- ‘
tedly. it is fun to make light of the movies history books and stories he retumed clutching an old card~ Another picture showed the Ma told me how even some of the most fore had I really known what the Ho- 3
Classroom Buildings doors. the lack my grandfather has told me. board box held together with Scotch mous showers where cobalt and cy~ war-trodden soldiers openly wept locaust meant in human terms, -
of pencil sharpeners. and adminis- tape and string. amde pOIsonous gases. laid waste to after witnessing the camp. This past Sunday marked the bee
trative policy decisions Soon. we were Sitting in the living thousands ofhuman beings. After my grandfather finished ginning of the Third Reich Today. 5
Today . however. I am not seeking ‘ ~ room. the wornout box in front of us. AS he showed me the pictures. my going through the Ph°t05~ he once many people say it CW“ “9"" hap-
to amuse Rather. I am writing on ‘ Scott My grandfather began by slowly grandfather gave a graphic narra- again took the tattered string and penagain. ’
an event that occurred last Sunday _ unwrapping the container. I noticed tion He told me his feelings upon carefully retied the container. ironically. many people said the
This p351 weekend marked the 30th ‘ WILHOIT thathe became very solemn seeing the living skeletal frames of Quietly. he turned to me and said. same thing in 1933
anniversary of the rise of Adolf Hit— My grandfather first reached for a children too weak to cry. How viv- “Never forget." Dachau. Auschwitz. Treblinka
ler stack of photos. now turned to a yel» idly he described the stench hanging . "Never forget "
Half a century ago. a madman lowish hue. The pictures were of Da- in the air from the ovens that cre- For a few moments we both Just i.
came to power and caused the death itver the weekend. I visited my chau. He said he took these pictures mated the living and the dead. sat in silence. Never before had I re- Scott Wilhoii, a journalism and tell» i
of ii million Jews and countless grandfather and asked him again to when his battalion liberated the con As my grandfather continued re« alized the horrors that occurred just communications junior. is o Kernel
scores of others relive his days asasoldier in 1945. centration camp. telling the horror. I notice his eyes 50years ago. senior staff writer . ]
W i
| nally. it was a letter complaining question in the abortion issue is Let me ask Annalies:1 Griffin: repfirt algout. surely the fact that .
about the low quality of coverage “whether the unborn baby is a WHEN were you last at t e Lexmg» .Ios is t e most widely traveled of {.2
B Clan? comments the Lexmgton muSic scene was re- human being or the property of a ton Humane Society? We have ob- JOSh coverage any L'nivcrsity lecturer today is nio— :
: ceiving in reference to last week- woman.“ I will not try to scientifi. viously viSited different places The livation enough to warrant coverage ‘
l “mu” ”k" ”’ “mm“ some end‘s “New Wave Festival." I say cally prove which one is correct. But place that l have Visited twice in the by a responsible student publication
mm”: m *9" ‘h m" dhh'hhhrh‘m ed" originally because the letter ran I would like for you to look back a past month was very clean. the ani— Last Sunday and Monday nights. As a student. i feel cheated by a
itoriaithitappearMJan 3" under the title “Quality Coverage" hundred years when the Supreme mals were not crowded. they were almost 2.000 [K students had the op» paper that fails to cover a topic of l
I-Aquatvng the choice of aborting it and the last line of the original let- Court made a mistake r~ the biggest sheltered. and the personnel were portunity to hear Josh McDowell such direct relevance to my life.
“h“ “”h "h‘m‘hg th" length "l ter. which suggested the possibility in American history. helpful. speak on campus. Josh's messages “hydidn'tthe Kernelcover Josh'.’ ;
"he 2‘ “hr ”"hh’hsmhm “the" a of trying for quality coverage. was That law said all blacks are sub— And the only reason we neuter am- on “Proof-of Christs Resurrection Was It the issue of (‘hristianity n. :
gm“ ”9“” "‘ ‘hmscmhon "r ‘hs‘h‘l. left out human beings and they are the prop» mals is to “cow" them so they won‘t and “MaXImum Sex" demonstrated 59m [f that‘s the case. then why the i
mm H.) the NW and disregards 0‘ That‘s fair, right” Take two words erty of the owner The owner has the have “those nasty drives?" Why in his professmnal speaking, style and fron[.pago coverage 0,2 other. more i
human “’9 out of the last sentence. make them right to sell or destroy as he wishes. the ""3 do you think we HAVE a his compassmnate. objective and in- “direct"(‘hristianlecturers" i
”he do“ hm heed ‘0 he religious the title of the letter and throw the People in that time didn't have any Humane Society" PreCisely because tellectual presentation of the Chris Was it the size of the crowd” l
”r r12h"““h2‘l"~"“’Ht’lm52‘“pp°r“’r restofthesentenceaway scientific proof that blacks were people don‘t neuter their animals tianDoctrine. (‘ome on. m.” 2.000 students at-
“) ”ppm" “hhrhhh ‘1‘“ because re- Barbara Sallee. you are the edito- sub-human beings. But they realized and then let them run. I am. however. disturbed. For al- tended—~manv both nights.
“Emu“ lead?” haw ‘phheh 0‘" rial editor Do you mind if I ask you how financially profitable it would How many animals have you seen though Josh‘s appearances were at- . . ' . . . . ‘
against abortion does hm create a a few questions + or wtll you edit be to continue slavery. they come wandering the streets or dead on the tended by more students than any _ ()r was It‘ maybe. d: hl‘m” 0f
“Ohm“ mmwh churchand state these out. too” Why did you bother niently concluded that blacks do not Side of the road" i'm afraid that the other speaker in recent L'K history some personal ideologies conflicting _
Th" ”u“ ”'5‘“th the ahh‘ahhr to take my phone number“ You said have the full rights of a human Humane Society may be a necessary tabout 8 percent of the student “"h those 0f J05“-
hhhm“ ‘5 hm 1” delineate what a you needed it Just in case you being evil. as long as there are non-think- body) and his message dealt with is» The answer really eludes me As a ' '
“"mah "h" and cannot d" “hh h” needed to edit the letter Hell. I even The Supreme Court made a simi— ing pet owners. sues very real in any l'niversity stu- student publication. the Kernel has.
body but what eff“! her “Chm“ offered to give you my number at lar mistake in the abortion issue. i'm sorry if the only “insecure dent‘s life. it was never reported by for the most part. covered the myri- '
have “9“” 3mm" ’hdmdual‘ h” work so you would be sure to catch Many scientists disagree about what unstable" dogs you know came from the Kernel. ad of student concerns diligently and
“"us meifneedbe p0int in time the unborn baby can be the Humane Society. Perhaps it‘s Given it was a “religious" issue. objectively But why notJosh'? .
Mh‘d‘ ‘5 “hmplmeh he" I” ‘hw So why was the last sentence called a human being But it costs a the bad home life they had before nevertheless the spiritual aspect is
”r “V95 as we please concerning omitted‘.’ According to the posted lot of money and time to bring a coming tothe HumaneSomety. no less real or thought provoking
the treatment or "hr h‘Xhe“. ‘f’ g letters policy. the Kernel reserves baby into the world and raise him/h- And it's not a pleasant thing for than any other facet of life. Even if Byron Jay i’cters
drlvmfl under the influence 0’ 3““ the right to condense the letter and er anyone to be locked up or thrown in the issue itself was too sensitive to Busmess administration senior .
hm. ’5 illegal M?” ”l the “at" you. the editor. reserve the nght to Also. some unwed pregnant with a bad element But it‘s also not
”I h “mm "h ”l h h‘Xhh‘ may at "edit for spelling. grammar. clanty women are ashamed to have a baby. pleasant to be on the street in winter :
feel 'hhhcehl 99091“ and to eliminate libelous material." The Supreme Court reflected the at- weather, dodging cars and search- .
Reproductive "99mm 1" hm tinder which of these does the call titude that the convenience of abort- ing for food. The Humane Somety Letters OllC .
hem“ ahaCk‘h h-" ’h" dhhhmrl'hh pleadt for quality news coverage ing babies justifies declanng them certainlydidn‘t cause the-situation P Y
15"“ Th" ”ad ”0'“ "‘ [hat the” a") fall” to be non-humans. merely the prop- I agree with your views on mutila-
humemus "hhdles’ mum“ “h” If you needed to shorten the letter erty of the woman, It is permissible tion And so does the Humane Socie~ Readers of the Kentucky Kernel are welcome to
“hum 2"“ the world "’ h" ‘h the po for space. you could have taken out for her to choose to destroy the fetus ty They discourage declawing or express their opinions on the editorial page.
“Thwhaveacmm’ the introduction to the letter rather if shewishes. "debarking." Did Evans ask them Letters should be brought by in person or sent
my ‘latemeh' declaring lh‘i 9"" than the concluding sentence Should we let the conSiderations of to assist her. or were they even noti- mailed to the editorial editor at 1 14 Journalism
den“ aga‘h‘qt ahh‘ammhh'SL‘ to" Removing the concluSion wouldn't convenience affect our deciSions and fied'.’ What exactly do you think they Building — UK, Lexington. Ky. 40506-0042.
strong m “5mm argument '5 made appear to fall under the scope of edi- possibly lead us to violently kill should have done? ‘l’o be considered for publlcgflon, loner: must be
“(how addressing the rha'h pom" ting for spelling. grammar. or cape» thousanth of human beings each My conclusion is that (inffin or gypgd and double spaced. Writers must also include
l5 a fetus a human hem“ (ertainly eially. clanty So what was it. libei- year'.’ Sure. neither group can con- others quick to condemn vshould chglr names, addresses, iolophono numbers, and
the edhhr‘al staff hf th" Kernel does ous material“ vince