xt7x0k26bg5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26bg5g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19270315 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-03-mar15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-03-mar15-ec. 1927 2011 true xt7x0k26bg5g section xt7x0k26bg5g 

     Minutes of the regulpar monthly meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Wednesday,
March 16, 1927.

     The executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met ia regular monthly session in the President's office
at the University, at 11:30 a. m., on WednesdAy, March 16, 1927. The
members nresent were: Judge Stoll, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Rhoads, Mr. Froman
and Mr. McKee.  Meeting with the Committee were President Frank L. McVey
and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published.

     Report of the B3uiness Agent. The report of the Business Agent
was presented by ?T-esid.ent .'.cVey and on motion duly seconded was ordered
received and filed.

     Insurakice on Buildings. The following comimunication from Klair &
Scott was read by President Mevey:

                                 New York

                         KLAIR & SCOTT, Agents
                         Loxington, Kentucky

                                                 March 16, 1927

     Eon. D. H. Peak, Business Agent
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Sir:

          In conpliance with the suggestion of IMr. Robert Gordon,
     Member of the Rrtec'tive Committee of the University  of Kentucky,
     wre beg to herewith submit for consideration the figures pertaining
     to insurance matters of the University and Experiment Station; it
     being possible that the judgnent of the Committee might be that
     they prefer to cancel insurance and re-write for term of five
     years in order to avoid the proposed 2IIP increase which we judge
     will be invoked by the companies within the very near future.



     We have taken the amounts which are now carried by the Univer-
sity on the various buildings and have arrived at our figures from
said amounts and in figuring on the buildings for the University
proper we have figured on the same plan as was heretofore adopted;
that is 90% Co-Insurance Clause on buildings and the 80% Clause on
contents for those which are eligible for co-insurance credit. The
total premiums on the values of buildings for the University proper
for five year  term amount to approximately $34,496.45 as per the
rates now in vogue.  After the 12 % increase takes effect, there will
be an increase in the above premiums of $4,312.06.

     On contents of the same buildings for the same term and the
present co-insurance carried, premiums figure $17,338.48 on the
present rates and after the 12W,5 increase takes effect, there will
be an increase in the above premiums approximately $2,167.31l

     On othe: contents not subject to Co-Insurance credit, -the
premium figured on the present rate is $2,081.80 which will have
an increase of $260.25 after the proposed increase takes place.

     If insurance is taken before the 12X2,16 increase becomes effective,
the total gross saving on the University proper on the five year term
with the present values and cor.insurance clauses will amount to
$6,739.62; however your present insurance has about 13 months yet
to run therefore your saving would be about 47.60 of $6,739.62 or
approximately $5,279.51; a saving which we believe you may consider
aorth while if possible to be considered at this time by you.

     Specific insurance on buildings and contents placed since April
14th, 1923 are included in the above figures and the increase on
buildings for the University proper amount to aporoximately $269,300;
honoteor this does not include insurance on the New.7 Girls' Dormitory
which is carried by the Security Trust Comany nor does it include
any of the small amounts of tornado insurance which are carried
specifically. There has also been placed on contents of the Univer-
sity which are included in the above figures approximately $97,500.

     Mxperiment Station Property. For the Experiment Station property,
figuring on the same identical values as shown on the present schedule
with the exception of the Live Stock Pavilion which burned, having been
covered for $14,000.00, Be beg to state that we are now carrying a
total of $31,000.00, on building and $1000.00 on contents on Noew Live
Stock Pavilion.

     TWe. have endeavored to figure on this in the same manner as the
University, this being based on the co-insurance carried on certain
buildings as under your present insurance and for the five year term.



     We figure the premium on the present values to be $9,496.88
on buildings and on contents $4,785.13. After proposed increase
in rates becomes effective there will be an increase in the first
amount of $1187.11 and the second amount $598.14 making a, total
gross saving of $1785.25; however as this present insurance has
approximately 13 months yet to run your saving would only be 47.60
or approximately $1397.,25.

     We believe that it will be a good business proposition from
the standpoint of saving to have this insurance re-written if
possible to do so, but in this morning's mail we received the en-
closed notice from the Kentucky Actuarial Bureau from their Louis-
ville Office which rather puts the matter into a doubtful position
as to whethLer it can D* accomplished should you so d.etire to re-
write; however, we hiave our serious doubts as to whether this
notice is mrandatory a.s our Rules specifically state "Insurance may
be cancelled. ore rate and re-written for the same assured on the
same property for not less than the sane amount and for not less
than the unexpired term of policies to be cancelled", and we be-
lieve that a notice like the one which we received, and. which we
are enclosing for your inspection, would not be binding until it
has been filed with the Insurance Dcpartment at Frankfort at least
fifteen days before it is to become effective; however, we know
that your honorable Committee wnhich has among its personal several
gentlemen who thoroughly understand. Law, we feel that you will be
better able to judge than we as to whether. you would have a right
to cancel your presont insurance and re-write in order to effect
the saving, and we beg leave to submit the matter to you for your
final decision.

     The writor would be pleased to answer any further questions
if we have not made ourselves entirely clear and. knowing that your
Honorable Cormmittce is to meet today, vie will be prepared to anocar
before you should you so dosire,

                            Rcspectfully submitted,

(Signed)Klair & Scott



                     KENTUCKY ACTUARIAL BUREAU
                       G. H. Parker, Manager,
                           Speed Building
                       Loui sville, Kentucky

                                                March 1,5 1927


          At the request of many of our Subscribers, we wish to
     advise that cance].lation and rewriting of policies in order
     to avoid the contoennlated 12e  increase on fire insurance
     rates will not be lcermnitted.

          The Fcderal Couart in their informal statement advises
     that conditions gnust remain in statu quo pending the issuance
     of a formal order.

                                       Yours very t rJ.y,

                                       (Signed)  G. H. Parker,

     On invitation of Prosident MocVey, Mr. Scott appoared before the
Comnittee and answered questions regarding the re-writing of insurance.
The matter was discussed at length and a motion was made, seconded, and
carried that the fire insurance now carried by the University be immedi-
aloly cancelled and re-written in accordance with the letter quoted above.

     Soil L^perirneant yield at Bowling Green. Professor Ford of the Teachers'
College at Bowling Green apncared before the Board and answored a number
of questions regarding the request by the Board of Regents of the Teachers'
College at Bo-.ling Green for the astablishmnent of a de.nonstration field
at Bowling Green. The mattor was discussed byr the Committee and it was
recommended that President McVey and Dean Cooper to to Bowling Green in
the near future to discuss the matter and determine whether or not there
is necessity for the establishment of such a project.

    Bond for War De~partrmient Stores. At the request of the Business Agent
and the Military Dejartmnent of the University the following resolution
was offered, seconded and adopted.



     It annearing from the communication that the value of nrocerty
and ecuiement excluding clothing and expendable articles insured in
the R. 0. T. C. Unit of the University of Kenticky has reached $41,303.98
and that the amount of the present bond of the University is not suffi-
cient to compliy with the law; that the amount should be the value of the
property plus twenty-five per cent, therefore, in order to comply with
the law, be it resolved that a new bond for $52,000.00 (amount requested)
be executed by the University of Kentucky; and F. L. McVey, President
of the University is hereby authorized to execute such bond.

     Liability Insurance. The question of Liability Insurance under
the Workmen' s Compensation Act, discussed at a nwuber of previous meet-
ings, was again brought Us? and considered.  A motion was made, seconded
and adopted that the University cancel Liability Insurance at the ex-
piration of the present period for which premiums are paid and that the
Business Agent of the University be instructed to give proper notice to
the insurers in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Work-
men's Compensation Act.

     Plans for Recitation Building. President McVey presented the plans
of the architect for the erection of a recitation building. The plans
were examined by the nembers of the Committee and discussed at length
and a motion was made, seconded and carried that the architect proceed
with the plans essentially on the same floor plan as presented, but
that certain modifications be made in order to make the cornice line
conform to that of the Chemistry Building.

     Annuity Insurance. President MleVey reported to the Committee that
he had rnaLe progress on the question of Annuity Insurance and indicated
that he was still working on the matter with the Teachers' Annuity Associ-

     GYmnasiumControver y. The following communication from Mr. J.
Pelham Johnston regarding the matter of the controversy on the Gymnasiumn
was nresent.d and ordered incorporated in the minutes.



                           JOHNSTON & YANCEY
                     Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
                          Gxviranty Bank Building
                            Lexington, Kentucly

                                            February 11, 1927

     Frark Le 1e(y, President,
          Utnivcrs-ty of IeT.ezntucky
               Lz ilgtO-.,  entuc,'

     Dear Dr. iicVe'y s

          Today I received from Mr. Peak the checks for the purpose
     of settling the claims in the Basketball Building case, in
     accordance with the copy of the order Which I sent you with my
     letter of February 4th.

          The original of the order was entered in tho court today
     and I have d.elivered all of the checks to tho -oroncr partios,
     thus concluding tho matter.

                                 Yours very truly,

                                 (Signod) J. P. Johnston

     Dced of Lifht-of Way Over Property, at QuckSnd, President McVoy
brought to the atiuention of the COcrnirittoe that the Board of Trustees
has recontly authorized a deed, for a right-of-way for a public highway
through the University pro-porty at Quicksand. After thle execution of
the deed it was discoveaed by the State Highvway Deoeartmont that in order
to got the road above te hiVgh water line it was necessary to move it some
distance.  This nocessitated the execution of a new deed and tho cancell-
ing of the former deed. PFr(,,sident McVey indicated that the previous
right-of-way wiould be re-decded to the University and. that a new deed
would be executod.-  On mozior inade, seconded. and carried, the Chairman
of the  Lecutive Committee and the Secretary of the Cemmittee were author-
ized to oexcute the decd.

     Loans rrom Studeont Loan Fund., A communication 3as read from Profossor
We S. Wcbb giving the nams of thirteen studrts -ho have failed to pay
their notes made by therti t"o the Student Loan .3-mi.t Cozmitteeo for various
amounts.Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Student Loan Fund


Committoe be authorized to take such legal stops as in their judgmont
may be noccssar7,r to make collections.

     Tablets to be Placed in Buildixgs. A motion wias mado, seconded
and carried that in all buildings erected on the cameus of tho Univer-
sity suitablo tablots bo placed boaring the narmos .of the mombers of the
Board of Tru.stoos and Prosidont of the University at tho time of the
roection of the building.

     Rotiremont of HEads of Doeartmonts. As a matter of interpreting
a rogulation recontly passed by the Boord of Trustees, a motion wias
mado, seconded and carried that action of the Board requesting the ro-
tiroment of Hoeds of Dopartments as such at the ago of 70 be construed
to mean that such retirement take place at the ond of the fiscal eonr
in -.hich the ego of 70 is reached.

     Purchase of Lots on Grrnehm and Washirnton A'rexnuos. A motion ^ias
made, socondod and carried nuthorizing tho purchase of threo lots on
Graham and Washington Avonues.

     Tablet Given by tho South rn Fociety ot Now York. A motion was
made, socondod and carriod authorizing the acceptanco of a tablot gieon
by the Southern Sociot- ofe No7 York.

*   Roport on Fraternities. Thc following report from the Doan of Mon
on the inspection of fratornity houses :.zas presented and ordered in-
corporatod in the minutes.

                         UNRI'WISITY 03 Si2TU0KY

     Office of the Doan of Men
                                            Febru.ry 3, 1927

     President Frank L. MVoey
          Univcrsity of KEont-acky
               Lexington, Kontuclqr

     My dear President I.cVoy:

          I am enclosing a condensed report of the sanitary inspection
     of tho frptornity houses nidc by Dr. T. D. Phodos at the close of
     last somoster (from Januwry 13 to 20), together 7ith a summary of
     the othor data roquested by you.




     I am glad to report that the condition in general was much
bettor than we expected to find; and our reception, altho unexpected,
was always courteous.   Wo found more to praise that to criticize.

                                Very truly yours,

                                (Signed) C. R. Melcher
C T-W y K                                 Dean of Men

     Report of Fraternity House Insuection.

Office of Donr of Men

First Semester, 1926-27

Alpha Gamma psilon      373 S. Limestone            Phone 5805
  Grade B3        Capacity approved 22; residents 19.
                   Inspected January 13 in the afternoon. Base-
                   ment not accessible, had no stairs. Building
                   not arranged for fraternity home, but fairly

Alpha Gamma Rho          185 E. Maxwell Street       Phone 4126
  Graae A -        Capacity approved    ; residents 14.  In-
                   spected January 13 in the afternoon. Old rosi-
                   donce, not well suited for fraternity home;
                   however, with the exception of tho basement, the
                   house is well-kept. Service good.

AlpIha Sigma Phi         433 E. Maxwell Strect       Phone 752
  Grade A -        Capacity approved 18; residents 12.  Inspected
                   January 13 in the afternoon. Residence recently
                   purchased and converted into fraternity home.
                   House is in good repair and well-kept. Servants
                   could improve kithon conditions.

Alpha Tau Omega           239 S. Limestone Street    Phone 2691
  Grade B          Capacity approved 20; residents 17. This house
                   was purchased five or six years ago and is not
                   large enough or well arranged for a fraternity
                   home.  The fratornity is contemplating disposing
                   of it and building within a short time. Under
                   present condition the house is fairly well-kept.

Delta Chi                 211 S. Moxwell Street       Phone 4348
  Grade A -        Canacity apnroved 20; residents 19.
                   Insnected January 17 in the afternoon. House
                   recently purchased, was formerly residence of
                   Mr. Samuel Walton.  Is roomy and well-built.
                   With little improvement in kitchen and appoar-
                   ance of srvannts, no objection could be offered.


Delta Tan Delta
  Grade 3 -

Kappa Alpha
  Grade B -

Kappa Sigma
  Grade A -

Phi Delta Theta
  Grade A -

Phi Kappa Tau
  Grade A -

Phi Sigma Kappa
  Grade A -

    266 Lexington Avenue        Phone 4651
Capacity approved 35; residents 23. The
house is a large old house that has just
been put in good repair. It is roomy but
not well arranged, and is hard to keep in
proper condition. Improvement in condition
of kitchen and basement are suggested.

    320 Linden Walk              Phone 3945
Capacity approved 25; residents 11. Inspected
January 20 in the afternoon. This is a large
and roomy house which the "Alumni Corporationt
has recently purchased for the Chapter.. It
can be made a splendid fraternity home. More
attention should be given to the care of living
and sleeping rooms, and to disposal of garbage,
Servants were out when inspection was made.

    463 East Maxwell Street     Phone 4247
Capacity approved 20; residents 15. Inspected
January 20 in the afternoon As far as the
house could be seen it was well-kept.  The cook
was out and kitchen locked.

    281 S. Limestone Street     Phone 4234
Capacity approved 20; residents 21. Inspected
January 13 in the afternoon. This is a large,
well constructed house, well-kept. Baths however,
are not adequate. The rooms were clean and in
good order.

    277 S. Limestone Street      Phone 4110
Capacity approved 20; residents 25. Inspected
January 13 in the afternoon. This is a large
residence, but the arrangement is inconvenient
and the house is rather crowded. Bathrooms are
inadequate. Neatness is fair. The cleanliness
of kitchen was very satisfactory. Basement in
good condition.

     211 B. Maxwell Street        Phone 2724
Capacity approved 25; residents 21. Inspected
January 20 in the afternoon, The arrangement
of this house is fairly good. The house was
clean, but could be improved -in neatness. Care
of the kitchen and basement -,as fair.



Pi iap-a Alpba
  Grade A -

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
  Grade A -

Sigma 3eta Xi
Grade A.-

Sigma Chi
  Grade C

Sigma IN
Grade A -

  Grade A -

      Rose and Maxwell Streets         Phone 4624
 Capacity approved 50; residents 38.   Inspected
 January 17 in the afternoon. The fraternity has
 recently purchased this house, which was formerl.'r
 an apartment house. It is comparatively new and
 is in good condition. The order and cleanliness
 of tihe living quarters was good.

      230 S. Limestone Street          Phone 4085
 Capacity approved 30; residents 28. Inspected
 January 13 in the afternoon. The house is an old
 resi-..e nce, which is capable of being converted
 into a good fraternity home. It is roomy. Bath-
 r-icms, inadequate in numiber, were in fair condition.
 Kitchen was clean and cooks neat.

      276 S. Limestone Street          Phone 3489
 Capacity approved 25; residents 23. Inspected
 January 13 in the afternoon. The fraternity pur-
 chased this home last crear and had it put in good
 repair. The house is well furnished and well-kept.
 The only improvement suggested is in the sleeping

      416 Linden Walk                  Phone 5185
 Capacity approved 10; residents 10. Inspected
 January 20 in the afternoon. The present quarters
 are only temporary as the fraternity has a fnew
 house under construction and ex-oect to occupy
 their new home before the close of the present

     176 Euclid Avenue                 Phone 4494
 Capacity approved 32;  residents 26.  Inspectod
 January 17 in the afternoon.   This is the only~
 house at the University built for a fraternity
 house. It is modern. The up-keep of the house is
 aplendid. A little better care of the sleeping
 rocms and bath is suggested.

     Forrest Park                       Phone 5677
Capacity approved 30; residents 22. Inspected
Jaanuary 20 in the afternoon.  The home of this
group is a roomy, old residence which has been con-
verted into a fraternity home. The house is well-
kept. Greater care, however, should be taken of
the kitchen



                     SUHLARY of DATA on. YRTE3MTITM.' EOUI.S

Nffame      jIoxvniec.  JT c.  ne : i Ii o. Ao. |oard RntServ- i~ath Lav., Linens
               or   ;rms.1 r '. inine.- j   vk.  ants
             rented           e |Fbers!                     I
        ____            L....~j,rs.: !     .,
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-S                I--:--1-         -- -.1
Alpha S.. S. RE..          r 10 3pi218$5.001 $2.501 b,75 (S)5 K.-:1, Pr.
Alpha S. R~hoR. $'50  11i2 A 1 2 j. 1$6.00 $2.50,     2    4  Indiv.
Alpha Sig.Phiiiort.* i11 5 t-. 2  20  %8.75           1.$3, ,1    1  .TiClr. Pr.
            I i200I
Alnha T. Onega.ort..* 11 A. . I 621  1 $7,00$2.50; M,      3 '     Pr.
             -  I6~7(42i IDorm. i- 2a.        . .     K           .
delta Chi    iMort. *i  I 2 P.17&ll 21 i *6.00 $1.00 2 WI 2 2 2 Indiv.
             $21000 j   jDorm           I
 Delta T. Delta R. $,~O0l[oi'2 7       $6.00           5    83t15 2Pr
                       Do j3ri i   t  
Xappa Alpha  i.ort. *  14  7 j2 to  16 |57.002$2.50 !1, W212   7 l.Pr.
             $204060    1      3.,11  $70I $  o0 ;      I   2  
Xa-na Sipma  Mort.*    10lDormnl j 16       2$7.00.0          3  'kly. Pr.
             $11200                  t i n 1   0I         '1
Ph~i :D. Theta.tort. * 12! 6 jtol 22  $7.00.;2.50 2.   1    2 !kly. Pr.
             $16000                4
Phi IKappa TauR. $200  10 3   All 30   $6.00C$2O50 !.,w. 2  2  vk. Da.
                          2PD!, Dorn  
Phi. Sig. Kap.R. $175  12  8  2 - 19   $7.30.$3.00 M  !3    4  Indiv.

Pi Kap. Alphaliort. *, 28 22  2-  1 41 $5.00!63.00 4 IT4    4   mdiv.
             $19000             t ,        $,             I    I
Sig. Alpha Ep.itort. * 18 12  1 t 24 |7.W00   9 O , Z  2    4 |rlyr. Pr.
             $11000   12                                        ky    r
Sig. Beta Xi Mort. *   12 A. !A1  2    ;$5.501$2.50 SOMV w2  z  Mcly. Pr.
             $20250      Dor nm in I    i
Sigma Chi     R. $75    8 3  1    25 !47.0062.50 12 M  )    1   jk1.v Pr,
      Sigma ~~~R. ~~35~~1DormifDr 6             I4  
Sigma Nu     R. 03 500 241 9   4  20  .36.75 Z3.002M,7 3    4  T-.. Da.

Triangle     iMort. *          lP Al 12 71            i     2 1flciv. Pr.

        .~~~      ~.              .7.0$00z
           ___1l0, 000   iOrM J in4                              I

 E, Scplanation in fuller renort
 R, sent
 P, Porch
 Pr, Personal
 A, At tic



     New Poultry Plant, The construction of the new poultry plant was
authorized and Dean cooper instructed to proceed with its construction.

     Appointments and Matters Affecting Personnel. The following recom-
mendations were presented by President LicVey and on motion duly made
and seconded were approved:

     Leave of Absence, with pay, for Professor L. J. Borlacher from
March 28 to August 31, 1927, for the pur-ose of study.

     Appointment of R. W. Jennings as reader in the College of Commerce
at a salarv of 530 a month.

     Increase in com-ensation of Mr. Philip Glenn as reader in the
College of Comerce from $20 to $30 a month.

     The appointment of John Devereux as coach of the varsity baseball
team for the season of 1927 at a salary of $1,000 to be paid by the
Athletic Association.

     The appointment of James Brady as coach of the varsity track
team for 1927 at a salary of $100 a month for the months of M.-rch,
April and Mvayr to be paid by the Athletic Association.

     The apnointmpnt of B. L. Dribble as assistant foot ball coach
at a salar- of tl,O00 for a period of three months.

     The apoointment of Bernard Shively as instructior in Physical
Education, as assistant coach of the varsity foot ball team and coach
of the varsity' track team at a salary of $3,000 to be paid br the
Athletic Association. The appointment is to become effective September

     The appointment of Fred Major as instructor in Physical Education
at a salary of $2200 a year to be paid byr the Athletic Association.
He is to assist in coaching foot ball.

     The appointment of John Mauer as instructor in Physical Education
at a salary of $750 a year to be paid by the Athletic Association. He
is to coach the freshmen foot ball team.

     The appointment of Mriss Margaret Allen as clerk in the Department
of Farm Economics at a salary of $75 a r-onth, effective March 1, 1927.



     The appointment of Harry G. Gamage as professor of Physical
Education at a salary of $5,000 a year; $2400 to be paid by the
University and $2600 to be paid by the Athletic Association, effect-
ive February 1, 1927. Mr. Gamage is to coach the varsity foot ball
team and to remain at the University throughout the college session.

     The Following CountyT Agents Were Appointed:

          Ralph W7. Woodfill, Laurel County
          Charles L. Goff, Caldwell County
          W'illis Abr.er, Pike County
          Harry B. Laine, Henderson County
          Fred Lawson, Floyd County
          Donald b. Martin, Henderson Cbunty
          Earl Mayhew, Knox County
          W. B. Powell, Trimble County
          H. R. Forkner, Boone County
          Bruce Eloise Kirkman, Home Demonstration Agent, Fayette County
          Ruby Miller Barlow, Home Demonstration Agent, Christian County

     The Following Resignations were Presented and Accented:

          Miss Mattie Hodges, Home Demonstration Agent, Christian County
          T. L. Britton, County Agent, Leslie County
          Donald W. Martin, County Agent, Henderson County
          Christine Owens, Clerk, Department of Home Economics
          Miss Marie Jackson was advanced to the position made vacant
by Miss Hathawayrs resignation and her salary was increased from $1116
to $1200 a year.
          Miss Jessie Terry was designated to take Miss Jackson's place
at a salary of $1156 a year.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

Wellington Patrick, Secretary
       Board of Trustees


Missing report(s)