xt7x0k26bk54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26bk54/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1988 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, 1988, no. 1 text images Kentucky Alumnus, 1988, no. 1 1988 2012 true xt7x0k26bk54 section xt7x0k26bk54 ri.: ·`. .  
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‘\ _` \\\\\\x\\§ wv A Northern Kentucky Turfway Park May llth
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` \\\\\\\\\` \\\¢\ S Jackson Purchase Mayfield H1gh School MHY 12th ‘
QN ` § *`   ·
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\ § §   Greater Ashland The EL HASA Shrine Temple May 16th
F ·~ . . @ §` §*
' .-~· A T A ® § "  
N   §   jefferson County Fairgrounds Broadbent Arena May 17th ,
l B \`§   I > S J`: /'I'l".’/1
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T   T * s  
§§ § f · Green River Ellis Park, Henderson May 19th ‘
$ I B ` § S II
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°     § · Big Sandy Pamtsville May 23rd  
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\§   5 _ Cumberland Valley Corbin Civic Center May 24th  
§ •· _~ $ ` .
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_ ` _. "   West Kentucky Hopkinsville, Fairgrounds May 26th I =
°» I \ Convention Center
{ l I I
s § Check your local newspaper for ticket outlets! ·
· q. S S Y
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New . .
. . · Ma arct I. Km Llbfdf - North
V'S*°$ Target1ng Alzhe1mer’ s & Stroke '“ _ S Y
` k H Unlvemtyg Kentucky
lIlII"‘ I988 OFFICERS The programs of the Center on Aging are nown nationa y
l_'   for excellence in research and patient·family Care. L€x|ngt°r’K·ntucky 40506
[ Jock Guthrie '63 ,
. ` 'll
  PRES}B;·;j+_;LECT Someone Is Watchmg You ,\ -\
I B'”“’ D°"lS* 7] A erson is never too old to set an example as the adage says
I HOHHOH "|’f? th ld re but how ou are old " ‘
1 Mrs. Joe F. Morris '38  
"   Lexington •
I JGf§$j°§lQ§l.,8 Centenar1ans: A Nat1onal Treasure
Hmyy i  ASSOé,ii;»eOSt{e;et;     2
' L xin ton, KY4 - , OT
yl i I g°l;’?j;Q;;;;Sf;Q;€{;·€ A compendium of Campus news. ·
· Kephtucky Alumnus ure not  
necessarily those ollthe {
University of Isentuc yoro A
. :»*;,?.5.;i;2r":;.y*;5;$.;r;*2:;,d Class N<>t¢S 2
ress rr ti n u t . .
. 8;:8 *8 Tl; i;¤Lf¤# attitude credited with encouraging Mrs. Payson _
‘ at the Munich Academy and eventually Rhodes used California prison popu_ to lend her collection to the museum.
retired to New York where he executed lation data from 194,6 to logo arid re- Mrs. Payson said that she “is very
  a large number of beautiful and evoca— sults from public opinion surveys on impressed with UK. Three of my four
' ¤iv<=*¤¤<*S¤¤i><=S· capital punishment. Opinions in invps children attended UK» Md I cw tsl]
, This exhibition is the first since 1908 of capital punishment could he inter- you, as a graduate of an Ivy League
to survey the full range of Noble’s ac- preted as favoring harsher punishment school, that UK is one of the greatest
coinplishments. A fully illustrated cata— in general, she said universities in this country, My ties
*<>s¤¤ with cme by Jams Bit¢hH<¢l 3 UKJ¤¤mal1Sm pror°SSor and dedicated in connection with the School
I- H member or rho Congress- of_]ournalism’s annual Creason Lecture
Half of the center funds were contrib- in Aprit
uted by Kentucky Post Editor juclith
Clabes, on behalf of the northern
Kentucky daily newspaper. The rc-
mainder came from the Congress,
, which includes representatives of other
l Kentucky news organizations and busi-
t nesses.
  The First Amendment Congress is
l working to promote the amendment’s
3 UK

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Rally for Education T
A E T A F l
. ` \ ·i"2 ' ` ` ‘ # ~.
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·f L tt '.. `·   ·i—   `*¤"f*;:’».~  ;  gz T T ; .   T it   ·’ T;
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¤ i "E  i  ·»A» -. `.`’ `Z T   `’A. T;—Z;v5q_¤·?~T'  "    ,    
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' ` _ *_ T . T V L   "   _   _1 `, ‘*¤ `  és. · ., . t ,
Past president Tom Tucker `   '       V¤Vl%l VT?     _»- { V i V _.   V — V
" =` * ·v_ T 1 T 5 ” ,           . ¤
  ,.T ‘ · »   »i—¢.s:T ` e·¤—  ‘ i     ——»- (2 ~ "' r » 2 r
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n   .   l ” ,2 ‘       ·` ·vV’< ‘ T4 Z __   ·
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` · \ . 4, MF ‘ _ ` g. 1
  • "     The biennial Rally for Higher Education in Frankfort g Y ` »»_»  
1 YJ  ,g,   L   this year conveyed an urgency about the need for V V _  
*     ~ immediate su port, "Now is the time" was the oft- S6"- M·l<¤ M¤l¤¤€vT UK P’9$'d€“l D¤V'Cl  Yi `,»‘ `
.. , _ P _ _ 
`,$’   ' ` — ' re eated messa e to the Governor and the Le isla- RO$€ll€t T*'U$l€€ Cl'i¤*Vm¤"* BOb MCCOWGW ", 
.   I . . f   P 9 Q .
  It  X   hw,_..%VVV_: ’·»» ture from the several thousand who gathered to - Vg 
r  ri;   .··   march down Capitol Avenue and then spend the - ’
  Q, T  ji  ''` `   afternoon watching a student showcase of talent. °
       *   Sponsored by the Kentuck Advocates for Educa-  
  T - .—s  » T] Y T
T=j_Q·.   1 T  f r y! tion, all eight state universities and the independent g
   f ‘       colleges ioined together in demonstrating a belief in __ A
A ` the purposes of higher education. . T V V
Mr. Stanley Chauvin V `   7- Q V % I
_   _,VV: V ,V     Vi?   V VV
‘ · llit »»=r .T.T  di  i‘i A ·     i   i T   "   • —
‘ “ __   .;L;>·     ‘   * ‘‘“'   '   T   _ T  
      (1 tial i   “     .../ sl ' ’ l   l4`l r   { -'..i ?  
¤   w'     =   · - T · ·‘ Ts  rr‘l  T . ·‘  
Q ' ` t . ,.       T ·V;~:~ `     ..»' ‘ · J"   ‘ 
=.· W lit   I W} C`: = {gy `   "=/—»·- rl   .  
G` N; Wg-; 2   _ BV     {J r ’ V y          
    »       ‘   1   ` ''.‘                 "‘ ·   V     
» fil-  . -     T-  =   ..,. T .1,   T         -—.. =
A   — Q , A · ~s—r~ 1 · ,   s T eg.   lg   .    [ .  
l if . _· . ,,_ ’ { - gk " Z   __‘r 1. l '
l V TQ`;   4 A T VV"     ll T   T Ti, )   ‘ .
· VQ- g ' _ TW` ` 4   ·   n  ,$,     V   1 _  E
• ’ { ‘ ;., i _  ;_ "     ; i
T ¥ ‘¢ 1. 1 {_` ~ T   i [VV •· V _ {Q I V
UK -1 ‘ Tw. *5;*f   Qi » "~. J!  it ii. l` "  i
`, _ Q * ~. V. 1 x  Q wir`, ` ,
i il  W; `   V     I   y  »  i ·

IIIIIIII|'II. E -r,_rrf
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Cgnief on Aging :
[ There’ s a "we\\-kept’ ’ secret on the UK campus, according to Dr. \Ni\\iam
V . = Nfarkesbery , and that is the Center on Aging. The Center, which
_ _   l V V — . V Nfarkesbery directs, is a designated program of exceiience on
V ‘ V I V   CV   V both the federai and state ieveis.
V .,-VV VV , V‘ (V Qg  V . wk V Vi I · V Research efforts aimed primariiy at finding the
  »»·__·;_f i V`   ` [xi? \ _ li ‘ `,. _ _.  _  ' gl {Y   .  — cause of A\zheimer’ s disease has earned the
    . . e I _ 4_·· ;*? ‘  V , .5. ; ; _ I ~ Center a nationai reputation. Consequentiy, it
 fi     ` \• , ‘. V =’;’   ,   fi has been named one of ten federaiiy
  O    I ,2.. `   YV ‘ designated and funded research centers,
  s  ._  VV j,   "" V] V" V_ piacing UK in the company ofthe
3 3   g   3} ` { l - . University of Southern Caiifornia,
n   ` { Q! V V ’i   I ` . VT Harvard, johns Hopkins, Duke and
' 9 \_ J i l · ` z 3 V   ~ Washington Universities which aiso
V _ .. I _g,\ V _V AV Vi Q V I have been named Aizheimer’s disease
  * · V I —       ., ’j», __ V I research centers.
_     V V     I   CV} ‘   - ‘ V I On the state ievei, the Center of
V     _- _ C — "" V. ’ Exceiience designation identifies the
    __ V   W ‘. ,§_§_ I V    K V ` VV Center’ s programs as making
FV   ·..V:_ 5 V~iV' _ E Q  ` .     T -_‘ ji; _ V V   V. VV _ V — ` I ` distinguished contributions to higher
f     gyil {  V er   i      V - léij ; 5 . .___     IV   _Iy· I education in the state and wiii enabie
  y       -·fzV,   .   _,· V- ’       _ :· " fV V VV I expansion in research. (continued)
· ,V     A _.'··   J V! z   V , z ,7 { I V. .
E n   `    V ,·" r   °   ¢* J ·   :  · ' . »  
    aaahr   V             i—.V  V   BY Kev 5¤¤¤S¤¤
      I   f if          r      ft    V   K  
s ..j         `F ` VV;·f I ` Vi
5 UK

 t lg
—· diagnostic ability and do a better job of essence of being a human being. It’s ‘
MAJOR GRANT patient care. The ripple effect of that heart rending."
, Last year the Center was awarded a will be to educate our medical students AD usually has a gradual onset.
15400,000 annual grant for a major and faculty and other health care Problems remembering recent events
program of teaching, research and professionals. All sorts of people will and difficulty performing familiar tasks
service efforts in treating stroke. know how to care for stroke and go out are early symptoms. Additionally, the
Markesbery, director of both the into our communities and do a better Alzheimer patients also may experience
Center on Aging and the stroke job," says the doctor. confusion, personality change, behavior
program, says "We have had a good Markesbery, who is a member of change, impairedjudgment, and {
track record over the past seven years." the first class of the UK College of difficulty finding words, finishing I
The program on strokes is one of 16 Medicine (1964), became interested thoughts or following directions.
national Systolic Hypertension in the in diseases of aging, particularly It is not, of itself, fatal. As ,
` Elderly Program (SHEP) centers Alzheimer’s disease, while doing his Markesbery puts it, "You don’t really
charged to determine if older persons residency in New York. die from Alzheimer’s. You die because
treated for isolated systolic hypertension Seeing patients with the disease and you become so incapacitated that you
are at lower risk of stroke and heart being told that there was nothing that can’t walk, you can’t feed yourself, you
disease. As with the Center’s other could be done about it, disturbed him. can’t carry out the daily activities of
programs, this is one of service, "It seemed to me that the thing to do living and eventually you go to bed.
teaching and research. was to take a bedside problem to the When you go to bed you end up with
According to the American Heart laboratory. It’s a logical thought that pneumonia, urinary tract infection, `
Association, stroke is the third leading we ought to be doing something about sepsis . . . you die of those things and
cause of death in the U.S.A. About it. It is a very tragic disease." He left not the disease. Yes, it kills you, but it
500,000 people had strokes in 1984 and Rochester in 1972, returning to UK to does it indirectly."
155,000 of them died. About 15,000 develop a program on Alzheimer’s He says that the average length of
Kentuckians a year have strokes, nearly disease. survival is 8.1 years after onset, but it
twice the national average. Among *— varies. Some die in a year or two and
other things, researchers are working to ALZHEIMERS some live 25 years. The time frame
discover why Kentuckians have more A progressive, age-related brain differs by the age of on-set with the
strokes. disease that impairs thinking and younger person progressing more
Markesbery expects great results behavior, an estimated 2.5 million rapidly, and the older person probably »
. from the stroke program. "The best American adults are affected. AD is the having 3 Sl0W€Y €0UF5€· A
way to treat stroke is to prevent stroke. m0s[ common form of dementing An absolute diagnosis can only be r
.` We need to find what the risk factors illness, which causes declines in made upon examination of brain tissue,
 tunnnunnuunuuunuuuunnuuuuuuuunnun:ununnuuuuuunu uSu_allYatautOpSy‘ADbmu?SShOW ·
1 sen1le plaques and neurofibrillary
( J _ tangles in those areas of the brain
rl/I6 yg   {0       responsible for memory and mtellectual ,
l , function. Alzhe1mer’s patients have  
i and ZM?   and 66 CZ SPOAZSWWN been found to lack the brain chemical,
. . acet lcholine, which is involved in the
jb}-     7ZOt tméz     prociessing of memory by the brain.
· · ;; Currentl there is no treatment
but with 506Zal   t00· available toystop or reverse the mental
deterioration characteristic of AD. ·
unuunnuuuuunuuu Besides the Alzheimer’s and stroke
programs, a lot of the work that goes on
are and prevent stroke by treating those lntellcmual ftmctltms and in the abllltY at the Ccmér is teaching health
{,,CtO,.s_ [O perform routine &Ct{Vjti€S_ professionals how to better care for the
. HEY having Well Organized acute ··It·S vm-Y dcm€aning’,7 Says elderly. "We’re trying to understand
stroke units and people totally Markcsbery. "It’s about the most
committed to stroke, we’ll improve our demeaning di$€&$€ that mai'! has- It
V takes away one’s ability to think and to
reason. That’s really what we’re all
about as human beings, and if we can’t
do those things, it takes away the
UK 6

 l e   AV_;A   {Yi? H   , __   
Q     Q      are the normal biochemical changes
A D    ’/ I   M     among these individuals?
‘ ~ “ °   ’’—’     Information gathered from blood and
`“»   Vr__  · f..,g,_       urine samples will be compared to
5 `     1   hél  i   ,,. biochemical values of young adults and
“   V iiln       ./7,   _· of those between 60 and 80 years of
€ x 4           age. The findings will then be used to
ir K x   / ;,` ~?r·~*; _n,, j; establish reference ranges for the
`i i M »>’’’     ,   '   elderly. Reference ranges help the
‘       »     W V V QQ   . physician in the interpretation ofa
`   V V V V   .»   J     Y V patient’s laboratory results by
·~ Q » r   i V V,  VV/;       providing "normal" values seen in
    i  lng 3,      individuals of the same age and sex.
3 »   , ` ,  ” j , ` i"i`*     ‘ All of these programs trace their
.     i .__,     ___'__ “    I  I   [ , _ roots back to 1963 when the Council
u   ’   ’   www iiiii on Aging was formed as a
Dr. Williom Morksbery, of the Center on Aging, testing o p¤’rient’s coordination. multidisciplinary unit designed to
provide improvements in the quality of
the elderly and their problems and be a Program, persons 65 years old or over life for senior citizens through better
spokesman for them. With not only may enroll, tuition free, in academic health care, education and research.
l medical problems, but with social classes on any of the UK campuses. Then, in 1972, 21 nucleus of faculty
I problems, too," the doctor said. Retired persons also find interests resulted in a biomedical
Diseases such as Alzheimer’s affect opportunities to utilize their skills and research program within the UK
the whole family. Many of those taken experience through the Emeritus Corps Chandler Medical Center. That
ill continue to live at home requiring of Volunteers, sponsored by the program was expanded further in 1974
families to devote much of their time Council of Aging. with a federal grant from the
caring for them. _The Center is also one of 17 national Administration on Aging leading to a
‘* Geriatric Education Centers. These University-wide Multidisciplinary
HELPING HANDS centers develop curriculum in Center of Gerontology.
’ The C€m€Yi$ iiH€lPi¤g Hand], gerontology/geriatrics for students and Through a gift from john Y. Brown
program offers a structured daycare faenlty of health professional Seheel$_ Jr., and a matching grant from the
€€m€I`» in addition to Cam §iV€¤ by Then, through Center programs, Commonwealth of Kentucky, the
e, volunteers who go to the home of the physicians, nurses and ether health eare Sanders—Brown building was opened in
i   iTl’1€ pI`O_l€Cll €V€I`1[L1&lly   O1;f€I` professionals are provided [he ]3[es[     [l'1I`€€ y€3I`S all aging
fulltime respite Cafe for ii3mili€$· training in such areas as diagnosis, programs were brought together under
As an additional part of its treatment and rehabilitation and the one strong, excellent, cohesive
21l ` Alzheimer’s disease-related activities, ntiliaatien of eernrnnnity resources in administrative unit.
i the Center on Aging has established the eare of the elderly_ While Dr. Markesbery is proud of
i over 30 family