xt7x0k26c73z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26c73z/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1941 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XVII, No. 2, Autumn 1941 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XVII, No. 2, Autumn 1941 1941 2014 true xt7x0k26c73z section xt7x0k26c73z “]he Qarlierly €BuZZetm 0f    
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VOL. XVII AUTUMN, 1941 _ NO. 2 X
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Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. ‘
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., I
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright 1941 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

 ? A Fifteenth Century Lyric ·
  From E. K. Chambers and F. Sidgwick, Early English Iryrics (London:
    & Jackson, 1926), as found in the Sloane MS. 2593 in the British
I I sing of a maiden
" That is makeles*,
King of all kinges A; y
.s. To her sone sche ches**.
He cam also stille
There his moder was,
As dew in Aprille
That falleth on the grass.
He cam also stille
To his moderes bour, ‘
As dew in Aprille
That falleth on the flour.
He cam also stille
There his moder lay,
As dew in Aprille
That falleth on the spray.
Moder and maiden _
Was never non but sche;
Well may swich a lady
y Godes moder be.
ii V
? 2   l
— ** o her son she chose
I .

 - [
- . INDEX ·
A Fifteenth Century Lyric Chambers and Sizlgwick 1  ·s
A Knights Prayer (Illustrated) Challenge Book Shop, London 11 1  {
A Secretary Takes to the Saddle Grayce Morgan 3 th  
Beyond the Moimtains ‘ 58   · n
Calendar in Chronic Disorder  
(Illustrated) Elisabeth Achelis 29  
Catteries (M. B.) Illustrations by Barberie Whipple 38-39 1 .
. Diary of a Nurse-Midwife Audrey Dyer 33 g
Field Notes (Illustrated) 63  
Kentucky to Japan 57 > ·
Me and My Horse (Illustrated) Florence Samson 52 Q
Night Call Mary Elizabeth Rogan g 55  
Old Courier News 36  
Old Staff News 2l  
The Patchwork School, I
A Christmas Story Mary E. Wilkins 12
— They Have Grown Up Sasa Stanton Snider 9
Trails, Towns and Trains Mary Brechinridge 40 1
Wendover, A Poem Marion Shouse 51 . `
Wendover Living Room, A Sketch Irene Cullis 50 t
"A Mistake ?" Clarence K. Streit 28
A Thought for Today ‘ Punch · 62 ;
Dear Words. from Friends 56 Q
Greetings 35  
"H3T3ShO’, Michi Kawai 8  
In the Year 1653 20  
Letter from a School 49
Mother and Wallace, Jr. 28 »
"Step Softly Under Snow and Rain" Chesterton 32 ` 
The Germans Complained ` Punch ‘ 62  E
Two Month Ago Herr Hitler Punch 62  
` E

x  A . In 1930 I bid my classmates and teachers good-bye at Sue
  ' » Bennet College to come home and take a position on the secre-
  tarial staff of the Frontier Nursing Service; which Mrs. Breck-
¥ inridge had promised to give me as soon as I had adequate
 ' training. My teacher said, "What a lucky kid to have a job
4 in this depression!" My classmates said, "Yeah! a job; you
I will have plenty of time to write and tell us all about it." On
N  the way up on the train, I began wondering if they were right
Q and just how long my job would last. Perhaps Mrs. Breckin-
l ridge couldn't take me on, because of the depression. Perhaps
l I was to be just another student out of school, only to spend a
l useless life with nothing to do. If my job was a "lucky break",
A how desperately I wanted it to be real and not just lucky!
I wasn’t to be in doubt long. I arrived home Friday morning
and went to have an interview with Mrs. Breckinridge that same
l day. Mrs. Breckinridge told me to report for work the next
s morning, which was Saturday. I was just speechless as I hadn’t
. unpacked. Forgetting that I should be grateful after all of the
l wise cracks the students threw at me when I left Sue Bennett,
` I begged off until Monday.
A Monday found me at my desk at eight o’clock in the morn-
_ ing, and I have never had time to write and "tel1 al1" to my
2 classmates yet. I was put to work in the Post Office doing
1 postal work; also sending out reminders; typing letters, orders
{ and "Round Robins" for all of the nurses at the outpost centers,
  which included anything from formulas for babies to what to
“ do for sick horses with various symptoms. I learned so much
about the F. N. S. and its problems through typing in that Hrst
.  year that I always thought if I should ever visit a center in an
, emergency I would know just what to do. If the house was
 I on fire I could put it out; I could tend to the horses’ colic, stop
v_ the dog from chasing the cat, the roosters from fighting; and
  persuade the cook to stay on just another week until it was all

over! Then sit down and calmly wait for the nurse to come _
home! Now let me tell you a true incident. T
It was a bitter cold day in January on a Friday in 1931 ;
and I was trying to finish up some work because it was my _1 ,
afternoon off. I had my mind on a cozy room and a new novel K
by my favorite author. The telephone rang and Rosalie (who (V  ¤`*
handled medical Social Service then) reached for her notebook  °
to take a telegram. When she had finished she said, "Well, I Q
don’t know what I am going to do with all of the couriers out
and nobody to make a trip to Coon Creek. The Shriners’ Hos- E
pital for Crippled Children has just wired from Lexington that
they must have permission tonight to operate on Nora Napier’s i
back in the morning. Floyd lives on Coon Creek and it’s about .
seven and a half miles over there, making fifteen, and what ,
weather!" I piped up and asked Rosalie what she was making  
a speech about. It dawned on me that she had really made one, *
and that it was the Shriners’ Hospital asking for permission  
for an operation. I gave one more sigh for my book and cozy  
room, for quickly I figured that if a hospital like the Shriners’  
was willing to give time for a patient of the F. N. S., a mere ,
secretary could give up one afternoon and get that permission  
· slip in. I turned my face away from the window so I wouldn’t E
see snow and ice and the trees swaying from the wind, and said  
in a wee voice, "I will go." _  
I Rosalie was so grateful that she just fairly beamed. We  
went into a conference and decided that we would wire the  
Shriners’ as soon as I came back with the signed permission  
slip, and that we would send the permit down next day by {
registered mail for the hospital records. Also, I was to stop  
by the stable and tell Kermit to saddle a horse, while I went  
to my home across the river and put on my riding habit. i
When I stopped by the stable and asked Kermit if there  .
was a good horse that could make about fifteen miles, he replied, I
"There’s only one horse left and he could make forty miles in ` 
half a day! I asked him to have the horse ready by the time  p
I went home and got dressed. When I got home I dressed in  I
all of the warm clothes I had: woollen undies, hose, riding _
breeches, sweater, knit gloves and a cap. I decided my short {

 1¤1zoN·1·1mR NURSING smnvicm · 5
leather coat wouldn’t be warm enough so I wore my heavy polo
1 coat and my brother’s leather gloves over my knit ones. By the
Q time I had finished dressing lunch was ready. When I slipped
¤ into my chair Dad gave me a rather stern look and asked,
;  "Where in the world do you think you are going on a bad day
i like this ?" I tried to sound as urgent and impressive as I could
it  T" as I told him that the Shriners’ in Lexington must have an
 I operation permit for a child on Coon Creek that night, and
Q that there was no one to go but me. Dad wanted to send our
hired man instead, but I wou1dn’t agree, because I was afraid
, the man would get some "moonshine" and not come back at
all that night! There was no one else at home who could go.
I So with much persuading Dad agreed to let me go, but it was
. with regret in his voice.
3 When I got back to Wendover, Rosalie examined me to see
I if I had on enough warm clothes and decided that I should have
, a wool scarf instead of a thin silk one and lent me hers. She
  had the permission forms ready. I refilled my fountain pen
Q and buttoned them all in my pocket, and then went out to the
i stable where Kermit had a big dark bay horse waiting. The
i horse was pawing the ground and chewing at his bit and as
  he seemed to be so anxious to get going neither Kermit nor I
  said anything. Kermit unhitched him and led him up to the rock
  in front of Aunt J ane’s Barn and I mounted and was off like a
  flash. By the time·I had reached the river road I realized that
Q I had never seen the horse, much less ridden him, and I couldn’t
  find his name on either the bridle or saddle. So I christened him
  "Buddy". One thing he did have all of his own and that was
{ a swell gait. I let him have his way until we started up Camp
§ Creek where the road was quite steep; then I pulled him in and
  rode more slowly. The going had to be slow, with no motion
j except when "Buddy" would break through the ice. By the
{ time we got to the top of the Camp Creek mountain I was so
 ·“ cold my teeth were chattering and my feet no longer had any
_ feeling in them. I had difliculty in keeping my hands on the
· reins, and that I had to do because I didn’t intend to let "Buddy"
 5 get a start with me. I wasn’t sure what he might do and I
 { couldn’t make up my mind which horse he was. I knew that
3 there were a few dangerous horses, like Royal Bill, and that

 M   ¤
Mrs. Breckinridge had forbidden anyone but the couriers and
the men to ride them. A .
I was anxious to get across the mountain so I could put  
"Buddy" back into that fast running walk. But right on the i
gap of the mountain, where one should turn down the other side, ,  {
there lay a huge up-rooted tree across the road. When I saw
that I stopped "Buddy". When I realized there was no way f 4
to get around my heart went down to keep my cold feet com- ` ; 
pany. I considered going back to try to iind a path around,  
but I hadn’t seen one on the way and to do so would only mean  
loss of precious time. The trunk of the tree didn’t look too  _
high for a horse like "Buddy" to jump, so I decided to do just i
that. I was too cold to get down and let "Buddy" jump alone. ,
Besides there was the possibility of his getting away from me! - ·
So I did ride back several yards and then turned around and {
started "Buddy" in a gallop towards that tree. I had never §
had a lesson in jumping on a horse in my life but that was my  
idea of the way it should be done. When I got up close to the {
tree and could reallysee where we were going, I saw the road  
on theother side suddenly turn right down a steep mountain, ·
covered solid with ice! It was too late to stop "Buddy", so I ,
swiftly breathed a prayer, "Let us safely over and I’ll never  
do it again." When we hit the other side "Buddy" hit the ice X
on all fours and I was still intact in the saddle. j
. After that we made fair time. When we reached what I I
  thought must be Coon Creek, while I was making up my mind  
  which way to go and of whom to ask for directions, I saw a I
man come in view. I rode up to him to ask him the way to i
the Napier home. He told me how to get there, and then he I
asked me if I had come from Wendover. I told him I had and 1
he advised me to stop somewhere and get warm or else I might y
I get a bad frost bite. I thanked him but kept going. It wasn’t V,
  so long until I saw the Napier home away up in a branch near ,
E the top of the mountain. "Buddy" and I followed a narrow foot ,
. path along the edge of the cliff and made it safely. w
, Floyd met us at the gate and took "Buddy" to the stable, ·
Q where he said it wouldn’t be so cold, and I went to the house. i
j It may be that I was seeing things, but I never saw such a huge .
  fire in an open fireplace in my life! Liza Jane was sewing. !

 E Fnourimn Nunsmc; smnvicn 7
{ She took my coat and gloves off and put me in a chair by the
Q } iire. In a few minutes Floyd returned and they asked me about
  Nora; and Nora’s little brother (about three years old) wanted
p s to know when he could go to the hospital! Everyone laughed
and his mother explained that a hospital was where sick people
a i went, so nurses and doctors could take care of them until they
 j were well. He showed me his toe, which was neatly bandaged,
l for his excuse to go to the hospital. I told him I thought his
§ motherwas a good nurse, and he went back to play with some
 v sticks he was using to make a house. I gave the permission
; slip to Floyd and Liza Jane. Liza Jane read it out loud to
{ Floyd and they both signed it and Liza Jane wept a few mo-
.?  ments and Floyd said he was glad I had brought my pen as
{ they didn’t have any ink or pen. In a few minutes all was gay
Q again. Floyd put another stick on the fire and Liza Jane showed
f me the shirts and dresses she was making for the children, and
l there was a red print for Nora when she came home.
  _ I could have stayed on indefinitely but decided that I should
» be getting back to Wendover. Floyd asked me about the road
I and I told him about the tree and he described a path that I
  could take back and not have to do any more jumping. That
5 was good because in my prayer I had promised not to; and
  "Buddy" couldn’t have jumped the tree up-hill. On the return
trip the ice had frozen hard enough to hold "Buddy" up and
  so we didn’t lose time breaking through the ice and pulling out
I of deep mud holes. "Buddy" seemed to have hay and oats on
1 his mind! A
JI When we rode up "Pig Alley" at Wendover I saw Jahugh
. at the big gate standing in a frightened pose, but I couldn’t
make up my mind whether he was really scarred or just cold.
"Buddy" was prancing along as if he were on parade. Jahugh
said, "Who let you ride Royal Bill?" I was sort of stunned
Q myself, because I had heard Mrs. Breckinridge’s orders about
 · Royal Bill and had heard some of the men say he was too
, dangerous to ride. It was a bad slip-up, but I didn’t doubt my
ability to stick on him to the barn! i
  Jahugh opened the big gate for us and "Buddy"—alias
‘ Royal Bill-made a bee line for Aunt J ane’s Barn while J ahugh
L yelled,——"Take him easy"! By that time a courier had returned. ‘

 a¥ °
lz; I
As she heard us come in she stuck her head around the corner
of the barn. Just as I was taking my foot from the stirrip I 3
A heard her say, and that in a faint voice, "Royal Bill"! She took  
charge of the horse and I went to the Big House where Rosalie  
was waiting to send the telegram, and I knew there would be ` l
a nice warm fire and hot tea. Eventually someone asked me
which horse I had ridden, and when I said, "Royal Bill" was it  
a notion or did I hear a number of teacups rattle? {
Royal Bill has gone where all good horses go-—to haunt E
the memory of those that loved them. I hope his "god" will  _
. forgive him for those he kicked, bit and threw but in my memory ,
he has taken on another alias—Loyal Bill. j
.   1
~ One day Mr. Ishii-took us to a Russian Protestant gathering in a  
private home. What with the low ceiling, the double windows hermetically _
sealed, the stale air and the heat from the stove, we Japanese felt almost f
suffocated; but the Russians seemed oblivious of mundane matters, as they {
knelt on the floor, all praying aloud at the same time. The hum of voices, t
the serious faces, the shabby garments and the dim light made me think · g
of the early Christians worshipping in the catacombs. Never have I wit- 5,
nessed a religious gathering of such solemn intensity. {
Among the worshippers was a stout woman who afterwards invited  
us to tea. Mr. Ishii accompanied us and acted as interpreter. She kept :
‘ a confectionery shop on the main street and lived in the rooms at the I
` rear. The room to which she took us was dark and stuffed full of old
broken bric-a-brac, more like a storehouse than a dwelling. On a table, 5
spread with her best linen, were several cups and saucers, suggesting that n
more guests were expected; but it was all for us. Our hostess served us  
first tea, then coffee, then cocoa, meanwhile bringing sandwiches, biscuits  
and cheese, and some of every kind of cake from her shop .... Our hostess ;·
began to grow emotional, pointing up to the sky, beating her breast, and !
looking at me intently. I told Mr. Ishii to explain to the woman that I  
understood what she wanted to say,—that here on earth we belong to ' 1
nations, with language barriers, wars and strife; but up in heaven there
will be no more war, because our heart language is the same celestial
’ language spoken by all. On hearing the interpretation, she started up from
her chair, with tears rolling down her cheeks; she put her arms around {
me and kissed me on both cheeks, hugging me so tight I could hardly Q.
breathe. "Hamslw! Hamsho!" she cried again and again—"You’ve got my 1
~ meaning!" Since then the sight of a Russian woman tugs at my heart ,
strings, and I wonder if my hostess in Vladivostok is now in that other Z
world, speaking in the celestial language. g
I —.My Lantern by Michi Kawai, Formerly General Secretary E
; ofthe YWCA of Japan. pp. 146-147. ;
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