xt7x0k26dp5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26dp5t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19700127  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1970 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1970 1970 2015 true xt7x0k26dp5t section xt7x0k26dp5t THE KENTUCKY

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1970









University of Kentucky, Lexington

Vol. LXI, No. 76



The Birds


Myriads Of UK Birds Die Mysteriously



Kernel Staff Writer
What happened to the birds?
They're dead today but who
killed them? No one seems to
know who or what is committing this "fowl" deed, but one
thing is certain: the student population is in debt to the killers.
See related pictures on Page 3.
to Joseph



Director of the Safety and Security Department, there is no

order or program in existence
which is designed to kill the
starlings, the specie most seriously depleted.
He asks anyone who has information concerning the unwarranted killing to please relay
it to his office.
Several witnesses to a late-nigshooting at Maxwell Place,
the President's home, said that
three men armed with rifles shot
into seemingly empty trees on
Not So Unusual
This incident, according to
Burch and Dr. Roger Barbour,


head of
zoology department, reason. Again, there was no oris not so unusual. Scaring the der or permit from the security
birds from the heavily-travelle- d
office to allow this, say officials.
Whatever the reason, the funportions of campus has been tried
in the past and met with some eral services will consist of little
success, although, as Dr. Bar- more than the grounds force putbour put it, "they're a pretty ting the birds in burlap bags
and laying them to rest in some
hardy breed, unfortunately."
This could rule out the con- incinerator.
stant freezing temperatures as
The starling, or Sturnus Vula possible cause of death. What garis, is common to the United
about starvation or disease? Dr. States, but not particularly comBarbour of the Zoology Depart- mon in the Bluegrass Country.
ment may carry out an analysis to "It builds its nests about human
determine the probable cause of dwellings, old ruins, etc., and
shows considerable adaptability
He stated that he hadn't to change of environment, being
known the situation existed, and a vigorous bird," says the Funk
declined to speculate on the fac- and Wagnalls.
tors leading to the demise of so
Birds Wreak House
many of one type of bird.
Most of the students passing
The Lexington Health Departby King Library or Botanical
ment knew nothing about the kill- Gardens know all too well the
ings and offered no help, ex- havoc the harbingers of guano
cept to say that two health agents bombs can wreak.
are inspecting eating places near
So what's the worry? It may
the campus.
not bring to mind crazed coveys
Poisons Can Be Used
of feathered flyers zeroing in on
Poisons can be used selectiveyour loved ones, but the stress
ly to deplete or depopulate a is on the fact that no one really
certain specie of bird or animal. seems to know who or what is
Maybe this is a factor or THE eliminating them.

MmJ f






If 111 l U








Three of the four members of "Mara Loves," a musical group enter- taming nightly at the Student Center this week, tune up before a show
Monday night. Members are, from left, Mel Stewart, Heather Spears
Kernel Photo By Mike Walker
and John Stewart.





Kernel Photo by Dick Ware

Rupp's 1,000th

Shots such as this one by UK's
Mike Pratt (22) made Coach
Adolph Rupp's 1000th ballgame
Monday night a successful one.
The Wildcats whipped Alabama
at Memorial Coliseum to
keep their unbeaten string intact.

Low Draft Risks Told

To Remain In College





Kernel Staff Writer
"If you drew a high number
in the draft, stay loose and stay
in school until the whole thing
is shaken down."
These were the words of advice
given by Dr. Harry Marmion,
president of St. Xavier College
at Chicago, Monday afternoon
in the Student Center.
Dr. Marmion, an attorney,
former lobbyist and author of the
recent book "The Selective Service: Conflict and Compromise,"
gave his views on the lottery
and explained how it operates.
Didn't Believe Nixon
"I didn't believe Nixon could
pull it off," said Marmion, "but
he has done more to modify the
draft than in any other modern
day administration."
The great number of men in

volved and the inability of local
draft boards to act fairly pose
the greatest difficulties to be met
by individual draft boards, according to Marmion.
Dr. Marmion said he does
not expect to see further draft
reform before 1971. Southern,
rural legislators are fighting to allow the draft boards to have local discretion as a last hope of
states' rights, he said.
Marmion stated that part of
eventual draft reform would be
the dropping of educational and
occupational deferments.
on President
Nixon's proposed volunteer army, the speaker made it clear
he was firmly against it. He opposed a "white officer core" and
the absence of "democratizing
effects the draftee and the reserve
men have on the army."

heavy Supports, Uses Harshest Of Drugs
EDITOR'S NOTE: In this article, the seventh in a series of
nine, Dr. Timothy Leary, who
claims he has taken LSD over
500 times and who is considered
by some to be the father of the
current drug movement in America, looks at drugs along with
some UK students who usedrugs.



Dr. Tim At UK Last Semester


Kernel Staff Writer
One night last semester after
speaking to a capacity crowd in
the Student Center Grand Ballroom, Timothy Leary rode with
friends to a local home. There,
by photographers,
young admirers, and the smoke
of Kentucky blue grass, Leary
talked about drugs.
He said he has taken LSD
over 500 times and that the potent hallucinogen is not for everyone. Eighty-fiv- e
percent of Americans are not "spiritually and
neurologically fit to take it," he
Those who are adequately
equipped to handle the drug
"know in their hearts" whether
they should take LSD. "Don't
let anyone force you to drop
acid," he said.

Leary said LSD is for the

individual who wants to be a
shaman, for the individual who
wants to go far out. "Using
LSD is an
religious trip,"

he said.

Suicide Rate Less
Concerning bad mental reactions to LSD, he said the suicide
rate for those who use LSD is
less than the suicide rate for
those who do not.
Mescaline, LSD.andtheother
hallucinogens are
he said. Of all the drugs,
LSD is the most powerful psychologically, he said.
Marijuana, Leary said, is "abharmless." "I'm bisolutely
ased," he said. "But accepting
my bias, marijuana is the greatest gift Cod ever gave the human

drugs, Leary said the result would
be "a garden of Eden."
Hard core addiction is not a
danger with marijuana and LSD,
he said. "But the danger is
by cops and government
people who want to keep their




With marijuana, he said, time
slows down. You begin to open
up. If you drink booze you don't
care what is around you. With
pot you do. Crass smoking people become more concerned with
their bodies.
When asked what would happen if everyone began to use





Jobs. We create criminals by making laws against them," he said.
All Should Teel Good'
Drugs help some people feel
good, he said. "There is no excuse anynvore to settle for a society in which we don't all feel
good. My motto is, for Cod's
sake feel good. Live and let live.
"For Cod's sake feel good.
it Kraw Turn To l're 5

* 2 --

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1970

Dion's Image Evolves
Bag Dropped



Following in the footsteps of
such illustrious names as Bobby
Darin (last seen digging up
graves, attired in blue denim)
and Hicky "Wet-Lips- "
Dion DiMucci, late of the
Sue," and
"Abraham, Martin, and John,"
has chosen to join the ranks of
the musically reborn.
Oddly enough, he has decided
to retain the name "Dion" (no
last name) throughout his ten-yeevolution from the slick,
flashy crooner of early GO's bemusbop to the
tachioed balladeer of today.
After having admittedly run
the gamut of
perience, Dion has evidently
















Heather Spears (left) and Carla Jensen, the two
girl members of Mara Loves, sing as John and
Mel Stewart (not pictured) accompany them on
guitars. The group got their name from a phrase

out of Hindu mythology meaning peace and love,
They first saw the word in Playboy magazine.
Mara Loves is appearing nightly in the Student
Center Coffee House Series.
Photo by Mike walker

Canadians Appear In Coffee House

ter's first attraction in the Student Center Coffee House Series.
The group consists of four
young Canadians, two girls and
two guys, whose repertoire ranges
from Donovan "to the Beatles
to the Mamas and Papas. They
also vary their sets with an instrumental or two on flute and

Appropriately, in relation to
their vocal blend, their best number of the evening was Ms & Ps
arrangement of "My Girl." Even
though this is someone else's
chart, Mara Loves adds a touch
of their own. They rely more heavily on lead singer and guitarist
John Stewart than would Mama
Cass and Co., plus picking up the

tempo and the volume in the

Almost equalling "My Girl"
of the Beatles
was a
songs, "Eleanor Rigby" and
"Lady Madonna." Toward the
end of 'Eleanor,' Carla Jensen
and Heather Spears begin to
chant "Look at all the lonely
people, where do they all come
from." Then John and brother
Mel Stewart pick up the tempo
and launch into the first lines
of Lady Madonna. The transitions in this number are remarkably smooth and flowing. Other
particularly good numbers were

"Half Past Midnight" and Donovan's "Catch the Wind."

Between numbers, group leader Mel Stewart started a short
rap on the fact that most American audiences have never heard
of Canada's top folk music composer and lyricist, Gordon Light-foo- t.
Backstage after the first

set, Stewart commented, "It's
incredible. In Canada, we can't
play anywhere without someone
demanding to hear some Light-fooHalf the time, here in the
states, people think he is some
local singer they never heard of."
Lightfoot is the composer of
"Early Mornin Rain," "Ribbon
of Darkness" and "Canadian
Railroad Trilogy."

Mara Loves will be singing

in the Student Center Grand
Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. and 8:30
p.m. through Thursday and at
9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 p.m. Friday
and Saturday nights.

Lennon's Prints
To Be Exhibited
The Lee Nordness Galleries
has announced the U.S. debut
exhibition of a suite of lithographs by John Lennon, entitled
"Bag One," and the celebration
for a new book by Yoko Ono,

entitled "Grapefruit."
"Bag One" is a series of fourteen lithographs executed by Lennon and depicting scenes, in
spontaneous figurative drawings,
from the
the artist and his recent bride,


Yoko Ono.

Help show UK to prospective

students and other guests. Join
the University of Kentucky


Lennon actually began his
career as an artist, rather than
as musician-composwith the
for which he has
achieved his wide recognition.
He attended the Art College
in England before the Beatles
began to break attendance records all over the continent and
were on their way to becoming
the top rock group in the world.

Fill out the application below and return it

to Room 203, Student Center.


On Campus



20, 29 and 30
First Floor

Student Center

through the wisdom and gentle
coaxing of his newly acquired
"spiritual adviser," whose name
appears in the list of credits
on the jacket of his latest LP,
"Sit Down Old Friend."
Disregarding the relative sincerity of Dion's intentions, his
performance on this LP is quite
above reproach. Each of the 11
cuts on the album consists of
nothing more than Dion accom-

panying himself on acoustic guiThis fact, surprisingly
enough, in no way detracts from
the quality of the songs, and to
a large extent contributes to their
purity and simplicity.
Dion's voice seems to have


Mara Loves Opens SC Series

Arts Editor
Mara Loves, a vocal quartet
with a harmony and blend reminiscent of the Mamas and Papas,
opened last night as the semes-


lowered an octave or so since the
era of this present generation's
puberty rites, and this change
has rendered it (his voice) much
more controlled and mellow. By
way of comparison, his voice on
this album bears a certain resemblance to that of Tim Buckley on Buckley's latest LP, "Happy Sad."
One of the more outstanding
features of this album is the remarkable range of style which
Dion exhibits on the various cuts.
On "Jammed Up Blues," he
proves himself to be an exceptional blues guitarist. His technique

of employing
through the polyrhythmic interplay of picking and strumming
the guitar on this track is amazsongs,
ing. In the
such as "Little Pink Pony" and
"Just a Little Cirl," we find
that Dion is also a more than
adequate folk guitarist.
Probably the best cut on the
album is "Natural Man," a ballad of a modern-daChrist "with
a message so old it was new,"
who is eventually put through
a 20th century version of the
crucifixion shades of Lennon's
"Ballad of John and Yoko."
It is certainly debatable whether the presence of a spiritual
advisor was the key to Dion's
surprisingly commendable performance on this LP. Either way,
I think we can expect more of the
same in the time to come.


Festival Flick Finished
Woodstock's On Film
College Press Service
Since last summer's Music
and Art Fair burst on an un-

suspecting nation, "Woodstock"

has passed into the growing history book of the young generation.
For those who were there, it
has become both a password and
a symbol. It is also the memory
of taking part in that incredible
mass of music, surrounded by
400,000 of the friendliest, most
peace-lovin- g
people on the face
of the earth. A happy, joyous,
musical, muddy weekend when
the outside world thought we
were having a disaster, and we
knew that we were having no
such thing.
Now it has reached the screen.
Warner Bros, will soon be releasing "Woodstock," a
color feature film directed
by Michael Wadlcigh, a 25 year-ol- d
graduate of Columbia Medical School and N.Y.U., and poscinemato-graphe- r
sibly the
to be tuned in to the
of tospecialized wave-lengt- h
day's rock music and folk scenes.
Wadleigh is a far cry from the
usual product of the Hollywood
assembly line. A gaunt, intense
character with straight shoulder-lengt- h
flaxen hair and an invariable wardrobe of faded levis,
Nabare chest and
vajo hat, he has spent his days
for the last two months in avast,
Kafkaesque working loft above
block off Broadway
in New York, surrounded by thousands of feet of "Woodstock"




The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40306. Second class
postage paid at Lexington,
Mailed five times weekly Kentucky.
school year except holidays during
and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box ao(J.
Begun as the Cadet In 164 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since litis.
Advertising published herein la Intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Lditors.

The production office rarely
had to spell out the address
the sounds could be heard five
blocks away and the finished
feature film came together under
the critical eye and enthusiastic
of a constant
stream of visitors ranging from
The Who and festival promoter
Mike Lang to Joe Cocker and
the Fish.
Wadleigh 's associate and the

film's producer is Bob Maurice,
a gangling C.C.N.Y. graduate
who is undoubtedly the first producer in major motion picture
hairranks with an electric-shoc- k
do that could outshine Tiny Tim.
Maurice put together the preparations, equipment and immense under-3technical crew
that covered the Music and Art
Fair. The achievement was not a
minor one. By the time the first
children of the love generation
appeared on the horizon above
Bethel, N.Y., the "Woodstock"
film crew was already in place
on the actual site, Wadleigh supervising a team of 20 cameramen and backed by a virtual
army that included
eight camera assistants, six documentary sound men, fourteen
performance sound engineers and
synchronization specialists, six
still men and 30 production as.


film-maker- 's





Warner Bros.'
two hours of

good vibrations and incredible
sounds, the essence of that memorable weekend without the discomfort of weather or unscheduled sleeping arrangements.
The performers include such
folk singers as Arlo Guthrie, Joan
Baez, and Richie Havens. Then
Janis Joplin, The Who, Sly 6c
the FamilyStone, Johnny Winter,
and Jimi Hendrix give forth
with the most improbable version of the Star Spangled Banner ever heard.
Among the rock groups are
Canned Heat, the Credence
Clearwater Revival, Santana,



27, 1970

-- 3

College Publications Fighting Censorship

The editorial board of Argus,
feature magazine at the University of Maryland, filed suit Jan.
13 in Baltimore Federal District
Court charging three university
administrators with infringement

stattention that the
ute is unconstitutional.
'Statute Too Broad'
"The statute is too broad,"
Borden said. "It forbids casting
contempt on the flag, but the
definition of
is vague.
of rights in refusing to permit There seems contempt hole
to be a
of a burning flag on
excepts printed matter."
the magazine's cover.
Since the suit is
The suit seeks an injunction state officials, the against GenAttorney
against university president Wil- eral's office will be responsible
son H. Elkins, Vice President for the defense. Burch indicated
for Administrative Affairs Walter he
may take the case himself
B. Waetjen and Director of Purdeclaring, "I'll relish the opporchasing Clayton Plummer, re- tunity."
fraining them from unconstituKom said he decided to bring
tionally interfering in the future suit "to prevent further interferpublication of Argus.
ence by the
In addition, the suit asks to recover Administration,"
$1,290 in extra printing
$1,200 in compensatory damages
costs incurred because of the
and $50,000 in punitive damages. alleged interference.
The Baltimore chapter of the
A spokesman for Argus'
American Civil Liberties Union er said the next issue of printArgus
has agreed to represent the four
may present more problems than
Argus editors.
censorship because of an unoffi-

Neal D. Borden, Baltimore

attorney assigned to the case,
said the ACLU Legal Panel selects cases which seem to be the
most blatant violations of rights
or have the best basis in law.
Violation Of Rights
Borden added the suit will
allege infringement of rights under the Civil Rights Act of 19W
and violation of freedom of the
press under the federal constitution.
The case stems from the University's refusal to pay the Argus
printer if he prints a picture of
a red and black burning flag on
the magazine cover.
Acting on advice from State
Attorney Ceneral Francis B.
Burch's office, Plummer contacted the printer, which had
been contracted after the first

printer, Cuthrie Lithograph,


fused to run the cover.
According to a spokesman for
the second printer, the administration warned that the flag was
a violation of state law and that
the University would not pay if
the flag were printed.
The University controls funds
allotted to Argus by the Student
Covemment Association.
The suit brought by editor
Robert Kom, managing editor
Larry Becker, associate editor
Bob Hall and staff member Rick
Muirhead, is based on the con

flag-burnin- g

The yearbook Terrapin added
its name to the growing list of



A spokesman for American,
Virgil Spencer, told Rhudy it was
"against the company's moral
conscience to print the picture."
In the statement delivered to
Elkins, the Terrapin editorial




board maintained "the censorship of editorial matter by a
printing company is in no way
included in its responsibilities."
The SGA endorsed Rhudy's
statement and voted, in a special
legislature meeting, to urge Elkins to act immediately to "insure freedom of the press."
As yet there has been no

The picture was taken on campus during the October Moratorium Rally and was to be featured in a
section on the
October and November Morator-ia- .

Terrapin editor Dick Rhudy
asked Elkins to "take whatever
action necessary to force the year

cial blacklist among Washington,
D. C. printers.
He added that publicity of the
incident in the Washington daily
pipers had further convinced the
city's printers to steer clear of
the magazine.
The University's Student Publications Board received only one
written complaint about Argus.
The complaint, filed by Assistant to the President for University Relations Robert Beach,

statement from the campus chief
The only major publication
untouched in this chain of events
is the Diamondback, the university's student daily.
The Diamondback has printed
Argus' burning flag cover, the
printed on the back of the magazine and the Terrapin photo.
The paper did not print the
course guide material.
"We could print the other
material as news photos and get
away with it," said editor Ste- phen Petranek, "but there was
clearly a chance of libel in the
course guide material."



American Yearbook Company refused to print a picture of a
young man wearing a
bearing the phrase, "Nixon Pull
Out-Li- ke
Your Father Should















Jr., detailed the Administration's
unofficial objections to the magazine. Beach himself demanded
that Kom be removed from the

Depressing sights such as these were common on campus"
Monday as the huge population of birds which inhabited
the area around the King Library began to die. Officials
are unsure just what is causing the widespread death of the
birds but are investigating the matter.

position of editor.
The Board, however, voted
against Beach, terming the
charges "inaccurate and unwar-


Two Face Censorship
While the Argus controversy
simmered, two more university
student publications faced censorship or delivery delays.
The first, Course Guide, was
notified by its printer, Pert
that two photographs and
a cartoon were "objectionable"
and would not be printed. The
art work was part of a nine-pag- e
feature spoofing college courses.
In order to meet his
semester deadline, Editor Rick
Muirhead deleted the objection-

Kernel Photos by Dave Herman







able material.



Jury Selected Today
In Alleged Arson Trial
A Jury was selected today to
hear charges against four former
UK students who allegedly attempted to bum the Commerce
Building and the Geology Annex
last May.
A jury panel in Fayette Circuit Court yesterday was depleted
before a jury could be set.
The defendants are Polk Smith
O'Neill Jr., Michael Alan Bernard, James Cilbert Embry and
Bennie Joseph Bond Jr.
Attorneys for the defendants,
Herman Dayton and James Elam,
took 21 of their permitted jury
strikes and the Commonwealth
took three before the selection

book's printer to fulfill its

of the Jury was completed around
10:30 a.m. today.
UK professor J. E. Reeves was
struck from the jury panel yesterday when he told the court
that he had been involved with
one of the defendants in a political effort before the incident
Nine jurors were selected yesterday afternoon before the panel
was exhausted of prospective




Conviction on charges of attempted arson carries a maximum penalty of $1,000 fine and
two years in prison on each count.








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* The Kentucky


University of Kentucky




Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
James W. Miller,
Bob Brown, Editorial rage Editor
George II. Jepson, Managing Editor
Robert Duncan, Advertising Manager
Frank Coots, Associate Editof
Dan Gossctt, Arts Editor
Chip Hutcheson, Sports Editor
Gwen Ranney, Women's Tage Editor
Don Rosa, Cartoonlit
Fatrick Mathes, Mike Herndon, Jeannie Leedom, Bill Matthews, Jean Renakcr
Assistant Managing Editors

A Precedent For SG
The action taken by the Student Government Assembly Sunday
night may be an indication of better
things to come. It is seldom that
Student Government pleasantly
surprises anyone, but most of the
students who have expressed an
opinion have wholeheartedly endorsed the final action taken on the
bill "That All Might Participate."
For many members of the Assembly it was not an easy decision
to turn from the machine that
elected them in order to vote for a
bill which would broaden the student vote in this spring's election.
Their decision to do so might indicate that a majority of the Assembly does still have the best interests of the student body in mind.
The election bill was not the
only measure of importance decided by the Assembly. In later
action they endorsed a set of legislative recommendations made by
the UK chapter of the American
Association of University Professors. There was little opposition to
the AAUP proposals, and for good
reason. It would require an incredibly narrow mind to oppose the

proposals for eliminating the University's Board of Trustees from
its position as a political football.
There are those who seriously
contend the Board should be regulated and appointed entirely by
the Governor. This is a carry-ove- r
of the political spoils system which
serves to weaken the effectiveness
of the Board and the efficiency of
the University. Those students who
oppose the recommended changes
can only do so on the illogical
grounds that Kentuckians elect a
governor not only to administer the
state government, but also to exercise strangling control over the
state's colleges and Universities.
This is not an isolated argument. There are students who even
contend the SG president has no
right to request a vote on the
Board of Trustees. We are thankful that for once the SG Assembly was not that far off base.





r: i








Trm Mr





The remarks made last week by
SG President Futrell which pointed
out the need for unity in regard
to matters of obvious student benefit were not wasted.


Uneasy Rider

Kernel Soaobox
In the beginning of this school year
a new student board was fonned. The
Intramural Advisory Board was created
in order for the student to have more
voice in the intramural program by giving the board the power to make suggestions regarding the improvement of the
program, to solve mutual problems, to
rule upon all official protests, and to set
the policies for the conduct of
This board showed great potential for student representation in an
area which concerns only the student.
Unfortunately this potential never beintra-mural-


came reality.
The board consists of the fraternity
representative, Steve Graves; dormitory
representative, Dave May; independent
representative, Wayne T. Dees; and Jim
Kennedy, the Student Director of Men's
Intramurals which is a salaried job, who
presides as chairman. The manner in
which the three student reps were chosen
is unknown, but one can presume that
any member can probably be dismissed
as simply as he was appointed in the
event that fault is found with his performance.
Now the purpose of this article is to
offer an explanation for the statement
that the IM Board is nothing more than
a figurehead and anotherfacadeof student
voice. It is also written in order to give a
critique of the IM Board this past semester, and to do tins through the Kernel
because it is the only way to communicate
with those interested and concerned persons which evidently means the Greek
system and all IM team managers.
The first meeting was held in September with an attempt made to keep a
dignified atmosphere. It ended with some
unruly youngsters yelling out their "suggestions" which they had been doing
continuously throughout the meeting as
the board tried to conduct the order of
business. At this time the board had no
constitution, rules of order, voting procedure, set quorum, recording of minutes,
etc. Four months later the situation is
exactly the same and becauseof this many
mistakes have been made and will oon- -

tinue to be made that will affect the

rep questional further it was discovered
that this plan would be utilized next year
At the beginning of the fall semester
regardless of what the board decided.
a sort of informal rule was made concernThe independent rep then suggested that
ing the voting by .the members of the a sort of referendum be held and permit
all the IM managers to have a say. The
board. It was stated by the chairman
that votes would be taken only when all chairman seemed to agree but since no
four members were present. Tins has been word of it has yet been mentioned this
true when the independent member was can only indicate that the student will
present, but at both meetings which were have to accept what is given him. At
missed by the independent representative any rate it was an attempt to have stuand which the chairman was notified dents, represented by the board, make a
about prior to the meeting, votes were decision which was already made.
taken on various matters. Of course this
There have been many other occurrences of absurdity too numerous to go
was probably just an oversight. The greatest move which shows the importance of into detail. There have been reversed
the entire board occurred when the chair- decisions, attempts to rule on protests
man voted on a protest because there was based on nothing more than the stories
"insufficient time to call an IM Board of two people, and unusual and elastic
meeting." This situation is second only interpretations of the rules. One particular
to the fact that the Director of Campus instance in w hich this writer was involved
Recreation (faculty advisor to the board) will show how ludicrous it can become
can overrule any decision made by the sometimes. A protest was registered be


Since the Student Director has voting
power this presents another problem. How
can a person vote on student matters
when he receives a salary for his job; a
job which he depends upon the faculty
advisor to keep? There seems to be an
obvious conflict of interests. Usually it
has left the chairman constantly trying
to straddle the fence. It seems logical
that a solution to the problem would be
chairman and to
to have a
double the number of student representatives.
So far the IM Board's decisions have
been quite menial, insignificant, and a
parroting of the chairman's ideas who
apparently receives his directives from the
faculty advisor. In order to illustrate what
is meant by "parroting" examine the situation that arose last November. Some of
you will be surprised to hear that the
1970-7- 1
intramural program will be conducted without officials, and that there
is the possibility that the idea will be
experimented with softball this spring.
The chairman wanted the board to vote
on this matter which he presented with
his own strong opinion that the idea
should be af finned. When the independent

cause of an ineligible player and it was
upheld because the refs of the game had
not been notified about the player. One
day after the protest was upheld an
"affadavit" appeared from the supervisor
of the gym in which the game was NOT
played, who claimed that he had been
notified about the player. The pr