xt7x0k26dz9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26dz9k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-08-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 24, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 24, 1983 1983 1983-08-24 2020 true xt7x0k26dz9k section xt7x0k26dz9k M*_-&.
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 12 An independent student newspaper sewing the UltiverSIty oi Keniii. t, c (‘59 15g; . ,. .33 3 . 3 , 33
Mmm—,___ . __,A,.__~._-._. _. ,._ “r“. _

J G; E em tions ma be hard to t
, , .,.. P 3 y 33 3 g
2 4 : . .t Refunds on health fee unlike/3r. Str-l (it/(curls sui-
. 33 .. .3 33333 3_, .
3 33333333 I a 3 3.» $.33 3 ’ 3 __ £3 § ’ B) STEPHANIE “.\I.I..\I':H ttii‘ Student Health \i‘l'tlt'i‘s Mint tiliu liti‘ .ii:\ iii! tlltii'ttt “ital 'tii '. fer.
~ _. ._ Q 3 a; ' ; ‘ Senior Staff Writer students \iho bold llealtti intent siiiiiioii Hi. i .M. .,i
35 " 33" 3: I!" ’ -. 3 \ltitttti'niitlt‘i‘ Ut‘L’dtll/iiliiiii iti.|l|\ i‘iiliiii.il‘.tlili'tutelage
33 . i . \‘h‘ Students covered by other health “Health lure of l.oiiis\illi- and In the use .i lt‘ltlllll .: win-wit .i::
-» 3* l plans and wanting a retund ot the "Ileallht'areiii ltlt‘iilllt'gl‘ass .ii~.- .iiipt'al has to he Ill-Ittl‘ i.. 'ilt‘ sani.
33 333‘- ' 3, . - mandatory health fee must appl) b_\ automatically e\einpt from the tee i'ltlllllllltt‘t' that itl'ltl‘liali'» ’tlllli‘ii th-
1‘ i ' ,. 3? 3 _ Sept H. according to Vivian Smith. Students con-red li\ .i plan lt‘illllti itimii
35" V ‘3 3 3‘33 3 ‘ assistant administrator for comparable to the student Health \i.l\iN‘ appeal m.’ in.- inim'
3i » :3. TR " . V 3\33{ 33 3 3 '- University Health Servwes Sertice plan are eligible tor a ietund uoid Hall said \oii i-.in' .i!.\.i\:
3 3* 3. O 3 3,3 t ‘ 3 3 ' -, 3 “ This Fall. the health fee was made .»\ccorditig to Hall iiinst ilt\tll'.tlli'i' expiess min i .isi- on pain-i Hi sax-t
(3g? ,.:_.3 33 3 _- - ,3 ‘, ‘ mandatory because the l'iiiversit) iitilicies do not t'th't' .iiiibiilaioii ”ll' t'\t'lll||lltill\ i-oiiiniittw \\.:!ifs in
‘ '~~ § 3»; .3 ‘1 25‘ ‘ . budget could no longer financi- a services. including "minor t‘tits and provnte e\er\ oppor'iin‘ti Yv-I
3 ' 3 3 j i ' complete health service bruises and things oi that nature students to pH'V‘lll those to is uni. it
; t \ ' ‘ , 3 "3} Students must nowpa) aS'JShealth and. therefore. are not i'nllsliit‘l'i'ii til.i\ not tvi- llll'ilitit'it ||| tin-
.‘ 3‘ N ' ‘ 33 fee per semester. which \tas optional i'oiiipanible .iiiplii .Illllli y.
i " ’ __ V in previous years The fee is non Student timernnii-nt \.\\lK'l.ttlIIii HAHNI‘Mitili‘niltlt'llUnitijlxil tl'itllt'
“ti \ " 3.3 i 5 being added to tuition costs officials. tllt‘llltilng President “and the i'ittlilillitt‘t‘ mil in lsfsilt‘tl ii.
3:: .~ 3 3e Refunds will be distributed about Bradford. s.i|ti the) tlt‘ill'\l‘ l|‘\\ \triting .it itit‘ 'Illlt 'ill' oiii'iii,.:
§ - 3i 3 ’ .3 as two weeks to one month after the students \\ ill receiu- t'\t‘ltl[)tliitls application is retiisi-d “its is .i in ~t
”t x: ‘;;.3 September deadline when the Health l’liil la} lor. arts and Wit-iii i~\ tiiiie pl'ix'vss tor .ill oi us and '.\t‘ l! ii .
’i $ , » Fee Exemptions (‘ommittee Wt“ senator. said campus veterans mm to be absoltltt'i) lair hi- said
L33 3 3333333 3 meet, ”That takes a \\hll(‘ :is it grinds haw problems ohiaiiiiiip i‘\t'|iipliims lti-tiind .tppitt‘.timti\ .HI‘ .I'» attain.-
m ' ' M... - its way through the system.” said l’reVious retiiiireiiii-nts called ioi- .i at ltillings .iltli t‘ollm-tions .’xT
’ Jean (‘ox. health services letter ii out the \etei .tll\ Student i enter the liean wt student~
administrator. .\(illlltll\tl‘.tlliiii il‘ttll't‘ a l'l'tllllit uniild ”thee to: l'attersiiri iiI\\l‘l Ulll\lii4‘
"f ’ In an interview earlier this be processed lit‘\|.\ltiiis lll.tllt' ii\t‘l oi the (hand Itallrmni and at lilt'
‘ figfid ”3 a; summer. Jack Hall. \‘ice chancellor the siiiiiiiii-i non call for \i'lt‘l.tll\ to trunnion levhnnal Ill\tl'lll4'
..:. ~ 33 " 3-‘ O O
E. ii SGA PreSIdent promises ~ .
-.., ' .. . i . N‘.’ v.» ' ..; ”i "xi-i; ‘Ni
" : V‘ 1' " 'ff . . f w“!
;............ u progress for 83-84 year . .
' ,. i " , Hy SCOTT “1pm,” school issue " Bradford said \\e ‘ r
3 News Editor are of course in favor ot b.i\ ”it! “til _ 3'
' a” 3333 -~ 53333 % ouii dental school “e don l want 33‘ ~33 '
‘5’: h i 5 x __ 3 I ; V 3"; Having won by a wide election our dental school closed ‘33
M M is K» 6; «:51. g " margin last April. l)a\'id Bradford. Hradtol‘tt \illti hi- uoiild .itttm' to L7;
_.-:n~',- :I3 3, 912.3, . ' president at the Student the ”letter of the l'K “(Lilli «It \luflo
. .,.I ' H ‘ Government Assm'nition. said he 'I'I‘Wt'w \\ Hit 1‘1. \ tilt-it‘ll “l 3 by ‘
h ' mm _ y f “I N ‘ 33.3 plans to bring the organization Ifcgi-nts. but he has ill‘s It‘sl't\.il|4ili« ' "
. ,; 33 ‘ i.33;- 33 , 3 "___3333 $3 closer to the student body 3 l don3t innid3a singli- board so liviit‘. "Droll." an original cartoon designed
W . Book 81 . I hope apathy is on a as time I.‘- .i lt‘plt‘\t‘ilt.iti\i ot l l\ s ‘ 3
m! *’ . downswing.“Bradford said “ltliiiik Hoard of Regents but be has his 3nd dazeculed b: bring“? Suite:
A“; ”9%; 7"“ ” .33 x 5333qu ' ” 3,,3 SGA can help students in a much :‘PM‘I‘HI'IIHN ldotil ”will -i \Hlt'li' d3; KtirciZt "3:; Snugglfezt 21;:
.7“; "7 ,_ e " our % ”a to.» , broader sense this year.” Will” w lulu: m ”1"” 'r a . ' ' . . , 1 '
3 3;? "I“ My .1333” . -’<‘:: .12“; . ,, Bradford said his organization has representative of l K s \illtit‘l:t iittli\ Mondjy. Wednesday and Fm,“ S69
M ' WK 1 3 ' if ‘ "’ 4:” spent all summer making plans to sittmt'. on it. bi- said page
. » NW” N"7 ' , , 1.1"; - .’ . . 3 3 V" £63'  _:3‘"”""“"" V v W confront iiiajur issues facing l'K this A 10W MHIH‘ 5‘ --\ >~“H-i"il’~ 'N'llt'H'
_ 53;? ~ ,.~. " “'- ' year. including the possibip merger WI“ cause controvers) in the Hit 84 WI”. 1‘ g HER
JD. vmnoose . Kernel Start of UK's College of Dentistry With the school year is the mandatory health
. University of [ptiisviiiv‘s dvnttii fee. which costs students $34! per
‘ . . , school. 3\ear Hradlord. houcvcr. said he “in”, ,3.“ 3,... wt?» M, 3...“ _.
LOOkS llke raln The Kentucky (‘ouncil on Higher lhlllk.‘ tht‘ l-“lH' ll-‘H “N'” tint”... .,i ,i..,..,,,.,. m,” i, .,...i i . 3. ,.
Education recommended the exaggerated “I'm not sure it the H1‘.,,,3,3.,t3..3 l,,,.‘,,,,;,,., ,, i... ..., 3|.
Computer Science Sophomore Leslie Wright wondered aloud to her friends whether they thought it was 90mg to azqifzofii, tehseaiidiinisftvliii. bbilliKt): 7:33:15?! 3213:;ltl’;l.3l‘“‘m,3ll\ in?“ 3:32:11): ""' t “'W‘ l3'iti-izt't «w :m- = 2.. .. 3
rain, yesterday at the fountain after buying their te¥tbooks. They stopped for a rest. and [HIS gfverning boards Sim lshotild locus on thi- dental ii'i:.li,.h,.,}: 333‘3‘3"333333‘33:"v'i'":.2 ”H ?J
————_______________——__—___—. “We are following the dental ‘w-SGA : up ‘1 mm
,3 at ‘ss‘ .. 3 o o o
.,.. ,. .‘ New editors bring experience to Kernel
We 33, , 3 ' From Kernel Reports Kadaba joined the Kernel staff in He was editor-inchief of the sum- tory junior; Sports Editor Mickey '. ' J
g . -' ‘ h 7 .3- 1980. She was the newspaper's spe- mer Kernel, supervising the produc- Patterson. a journalism senior. As-
' . 3 £ ’, i Lini S. Kadaba, an English and cial projects editor last year, coordi- tion of eight issues and the tran— sistant Sports Editor Dan Metzger. a “- 1" . k‘
,_ .g . 3 joumalisnlijunior, and Johh3n Gm :iattng segeral iéi3-3depth 3i3idews a3;i3d :ition ofbrthedsfiummer publication journalism senior. 4 ‘
t a jouma ism senior, ve ea ure 5 nos. e serv as e mm 3 0a eet news r to 3 ~ - . . . £
w named the Kentucky K39rnel’s exec- newspaper’s associate editor for tabloid. pape wgflfiigectmnédgmaargxgrfir
:fiiifigfio‘mizmmnfigpg'gg °°py dun“ "”1982 summer‘ He served as the K3erne31's arts edi» nior: Assistant Arts Editor Gary 3
, 3 3;-. 84edition. Hadaba also served as a bureau for last year, coordinating a daily Pierce, a communications graduate y ‘
_ Kadaba 21 is the Kernel’s first duct and a copy editor for the Ker- entertainment3 section. He also student; Photo Editor Jack Stivers.
' ' . executive, editor Griffin 20 suc- nel during the 1981432 school year. worked as aSSistant arts editor and a communications graduate student.
\33 * l James El. . H .' 2;; who She was an intern feature writer for asenior staff wnterin 1‘31. Chief Photographer Bryan Baylor. a
“it. , . . ' ' the Detroit Free Press newspaper . . . busmess senior; Graphics Editor
recentlyretiredfrumthestaff. thi Griffin was a summer intern at David Pierce a aphic arts ‘unior
« As second in command, Kadaba is ssummer. The Voice Newspapers in Louisville ’ gr J
: 3 "‘ responsible for the operation and Griffin is the newspaper‘s primary in 1932. Features Assistant Robbie Kaiser.
, management of the newspaper's night editor, working to assemble Section editors appointed for the a journalism junior, and Editorial
”le KADABA ' copy editing system, 3along with theKernelforpublication. 1913-84 edition include News Editor Assistant James Stoll. journalism JOHN GR'FHN
' other admmistrative duties. He joined the Kernel staff in 1980. Scott Wilhoit, in journalism and his- Junior, were also appomted editors
’ o - '3 3
r ‘ r V » a ‘ i ‘
I _- ‘ ~.. ‘
I 1 AL . "
7' V i . 3 v 3 ' ~ I ‘
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Dodging bullets shoots at national prominence :- N i A ,2: ~. ’ , » ,
, t " 3 3 V v ‘3 ~
. . . . . , "V \‘r-* t £47 . ’. : 3 , ..
By JASON WILLIAMS mock combat this past weekend. game are diVided into two teams and . , ~ ' ‘ . « " . .
Senior Staff Writer before opening to the public. armed with carbon dioxide pistols ”” ' .v‘fi o ‘ ‘
3 The Cornetts say the game is a that fire paint pellets rgreen for one £7” ”v" ‘ 4% ' - ' ‘ 1
He crouched behind the bushes. spinoff of the National Survival team and red for the other). _\ ' . 3 .o- ‘
sweat dripping off his brow as he Game. which originated 'ri New in the first two games. one team ‘ _ ‘ " I \ , \ ~ . fl
awaited the enemy. Hampshire after some residents of defends a flag at a designated station - b ‘V . \‘ . - t "'\‘3
Suddenly. a stiring motion around a that state argued with New Yorker while the other team attacks with the w ' ' , 1 g , .
tree lsfeet awaycaught his attention. friench that ”country boys" could object of capturing the flag and , . 3- 1' ." ‘
He cocked his pistol. aimed and fired. outlast “city boys“ in rugged outdoor running with it out of shooting , ' . 't' "' "
A shot answered back. and he felt a combat. distance. , , . . ' . f i .
sharp. stinging sensation in his right The game has since grown to The combatants. clothed in J ‘ " ‘ ~ ' ti .v ‘
shoulder. After checking and seeing nationwide popularity. in many areas. camouflage. fire paint pellets at each . ‘ “
that he was all right; he dashed for rivaling other sports. other. and when a player is splattered - b . ’ _ L;
safer cover. “In northern Indiana they have with the opposing team‘s color. that \\ , l - I ' . (\v
Another shot was fired and again he l2-member teams in an Ill-team player is officially out of the game. ' , ‘ 4 - ~
felt the impact. this time in the back league." Robert Cornett.az9-yearold Hit players must take off the q ~ _3 ' 7' p
of his neck. He reached back to touch attorney in Jackson said after colored bandannas that designate ‘ "
his wound and saw that his hand was Saturday‘s battle in ”degree-plus their teams and yell that they are out - -
covered in red. He knew it was all temperatures. “They publish the as they leave the "war zone.“ 5
over. standings in the paper just like After a lunch break. the combined 3 3 ‘ f .
An intense tale. But the red softball. That's the trend attack-anddefend game is played in b a. ' ‘ r" ‘ I s .
covering the victim‘s hand was paint. everywhere." which both teams try to steal each ‘ ’ ‘ i ‘4-
and the battle ended with the soldier Fighting to stay alive in the other‘s flags and bring them back to . h ‘ . a L
walking back to the small interstate wilderness. may be on its way to their own statiom. , ~" 3., f\ ”t r ' /- . \
diner and enjoying a cold beer. becommg a national pasttimc. The attack-anddefend game is the , , W 4- , “ 1 r
The brave warrior had been “It lets me relax for a while.“ said standard for the national tournament l , ' \ 6‘ " 9v
participating intheCentral Kentucky Greg Kunkle. an undecided UK which the Cornetts say is fast ‘\ ‘. 4 '
Survival Game. 3 new project in freshman and veteran of the month— approaching. They hope to field a “0""m Emmc’mt
Midway that the Cornett brothers ~ old Kentucky games “It tends to take Kentucky team for the New England
Robert. Roy, John. James and my mind off everything gomg on event that takes place later this Pm: Bishop (mound G'eq Kunkle an undead” Newman ch80, the” ”300,“ m memmhon WNW“, 0””,ku
Charla - have been developing, during the week. month. T 3, H . 3 “on an! owe,” b (amen (”we reduce” and m; . ”"00 0' ‘0 to“
including a “presuson” series of Theplayersof thecentral Kentucky See GAMES. 0099‘ h” ""9“" ”mo" "'"a ’ma 9"" De" 0 y ' ' ‘
. s a

 2 - THI KINTUCKY KIINIL WoanIYi A0”, 24. ‘m
Dropping a class takes many forms, official says YOU 100 + +
By TRACY WHYTE To be readmitted. a student must receivea{ailinggradeinthecourse at CANF|ND .
StaffWriter submit'a notice of retmtement to ttieeridufthemester. WHAT YOU -1
_ the registrar tromthecolle‘e. A proposal by the Student - SlN
DTOPPth a class can take many Students who miss the "mt two Government Association would ARE 4 3
(OMS. said George Dexter, aSSOClale "flames of a class “than notifying require faculty to drop students who HiANG 4
registrar. the department may or may not'be miss the first two days of a class, LOOKING ,. t
Some students withdraw from the dropped from the 0901'“, depending Dexter said. He said it has not passed . r—‘Q
University by unintentionally 0“ departmean P0110)“ because students may have a valid FOR IN \ ‘E‘
Checking the ""0‘ returning" box 0" “About two percent 0" the students excuse for missing the classes such by!
their registration cards. Others miss who miss thehlfzr;::t::asg;5 fl: as having the wrong classroom on THE 1/
the first two days of a class. Dexter r0999 93° . . their schedule.
Siiidwould havebeenbesttorstudents professor." said Linda‘Hensley, '
to have dropped classes through records department supeerSiOlr.‘ It lS hat: ggflsfom'aillull‘esrll‘lgttg 33:32:; KENTUCKY SOP ODRITOSOOCENMTdERht
Centralized Add Drop in Memorial 3‘” thetpgofefior; regliai‘esgsynhty to rollit‘he missesthe firsttwo sessions Kernel * pen on y . am - l nig
‘ 3 r . - . ' ‘ en r0 8 . ' .
(4:112:31?‘ysest‘zrdgg. students each rlggo‘lesssuors have the option to keep Nonetheless, “instructors are more STUDENT SEMESTER SPECIAL
St muster check the wrong box on or drop students 0" the '0“- If the hkel);ézgggdswigfieggfddass 151"
tl.eii registration cards, Dexter said. student IS left on the 1‘0". he may grea ' $85 for the ‘SemeSlel buys \.__
your choice of Karate, Nautilus,
KENTUCKY . . . . .
n .
Kernel “w Learn... and earn more Tnmnastugs, Fgeealvegltlm' 9
*. BTU IC an
. Classifieds have s . .;.: FEW ”til than $900 a month E
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900‘" deals " . ' ' ‘- * The A . g 3 _ All memberships include unlimited use of
for everyone! ‘3 ‘ i .. .9‘ it. gineer Program is open to s .u f ’I't' d 00'
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¥ “*5.” . ‘ "i i / UPI y! q - - Last chance to ex erience the inland
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\ / Ire/$151.)» IV / l .‘ l I . H — .
. ”if”: ' x 1' \ El / pay and allowances while you 2‘9?" b W;V:P°‘:l: 1090;? 2.17:; lslug'USILS:
\1433 _ , / V l? i?’ , complete your final year. If 5ep em er , ep em er 0 ep e
i ’ 7' Vi." '2 } 2 \yv _ i you're an engineering iunior, se- - .
.. ‘ / . g, v __ .
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CALL 257.2311 7 ' @fi' 1. . Lexrngton
A great way 0‘ "le ‘
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39%«3‘5‘ "3“ ,: 4‘ - ,1 '
g [.3 ._ :7? 4-Pack Terry ..- 353‘ :3 ¥eloulr Kitchen
, zli ‘fi-fi ‘ Washcloths ”"7 a 3” 3.x 0W3 5
‘3; .F-w r _* 100% cotton. Choice ‘31"; ”:7 ..‘4‘5‘; w 310“ C‘Ot;(lnlla§‘:l
:3 f sew. 3 otdesrfiner colors. 5:: ”33%... . ~ 13,133.: (5‘3; (",5- '
L7 *3 ¢ ._ Us - xx:
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r" m K
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X. 33‘): l(l(l"ncotton, .
' ‘. . ”' I, _‘ _ 2. 2 reversible. Colorful
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"'58 .“X3: “l 187 Garfield© Novelty Printed Sheet Sets
~; 1 ’“r '. kg. t3
(3» “ p 0 Sheet set Prints. tlorals. geometries and
1 flat. 1 fitted, l pillowcasc. Twin colors. Polyesterécigtton. II
‘ - ,“‘“""’“‘i“"""~"fi-“~éi”fi . 7 'i size. Polyester/cotton. Twin . . . . . . ..9 lt'lat. l titted, 1 pi ()WL‘JSC
\mfilll EMF l.” lW 4" : . ', 1/ Full. . . . . . . 9.77 lilat. l fittil.2pil|o\~'ca5cs
iliililltl‘ "lfli t: :3- ,ll W3. $12; 3..~ 1387 Queen . . . . 12.97 lilat. i iiii£d2piiinivtasus w, 33
Wis"; i‘ “it” ’ fen? .M-“f- 1;: ‘ i - ~33. . “My
3.120312% “an! ..q. .. . \i‘ s W Wt . I , y, 3 fit - 3:21;?
, ‘ {I , . A. .V 3,». I" l. o .w'. I y . . 3:» ....» ,(t ...." .
‘V- M ““0 V - .1” l Room lze ll #3 A!" ' \l ’ \ 1%: r\ ~\ Flat or fitted.
\ \ .- ‘. 9‘93“ ’ ’ ‘ Rugs ' . j t . f» 417”"; Polyester/cotton.
”-5: a. ‘ i l . . . l l 3. ~ i“, , egg/<5 Prints of solid
. ‘ ‘ UV . 10mipolyprtpylcnc. ‘ \ I \ Q 0 l . M”, .9 .
x «i ‘ ’ ‘ ’ l l finishedon4 sides. I 1 3 ‘ l/i \fl 1. - ll}. _ . -- ; slalom. 6 97
.\ m . ' Brown.blue.grccnor rcd. #. . .‘l \l ’ , or” :3“ ‘4. .1 ”h F '1'“ ' ' . ‘ O I 8.97
)i gt - l W? . 1"” 8" 1°“ . 9A. 3". i "33») “ 1&2. \. .. . Qt... :11: 1197
"l. < . ‘ t " '7 “a" . I. 1.3:.“ ‘ “"33? 'Wiifikfi ) gifi'chv.» ~> , v' ”I '1 {esp-... :1”; ‘ ’3,“ fi‘i-WJ"
3H ” 2'23 val/fl [1/ -:;.;_~7" "Mi-3%". " , ’ [w l I ' . J l " a R White Sheets
{£62. 7/6- ‘.‘_§ lg;‘~?\\ (ifs-2'11: m ”flaw/i‘ mi“? N /”’~\ .3. s 43 I \ ll “h ”,3, .‘ Flat or fitted
‘ € . (3M ;' ‘4”.{5 fiz‘g'zy :fi‘ ¢.§//L§‘§’ « ’ ”W”! .. a, . .2 - \ .. . .. . H . “N (I: 3 No-iron polycslcr/ -
h 3 i; , : ,,.~'\._-.».r..ng [r- “(gas-....mfifi i/ll/ liq/zifiuu w _ , (,5. t/ o \ 4 \/” 2.3.1 -- cotton. 2 77
' ’4 ti ‘ 3 < ““7 15'3"“ '3 in.‘ Itc'fl'l'lg ‘. ' Q ..3 , " ‘ ” ...... 1‘ , Twin. . . . . .
‘ Eli ... ’9' Wkly, 33%" ‘krif‘fi'; ' “ix-\zsu ' l l . [fr-N Full . . . . . . .377 .
I ' ‘ l - . /. . ”ll/\eiv'k ’i/I " ”“ ”:z's: \._ Ill/raw j 1 - I \ ‘ iii: ' Qu -cn . . .6.77
2" ' 392.379,, . ’T'f”:"{...a~"rw“ ..i/ \‘" .- flI/fi/flifi:‘5=’ii~"3‘3"‘lllll l I ’ ‘\ I i' Pilhiix'cascs . .277
w «raw . _(% . « / ~39 III/I .. o . k .on
d . \ a} ////\ . -.: "fit... _ I (. :mw. ‘ ‘g‘ p g
/ ' ”I” wit. 53‘. m1? ~:\ MM” ‘i'i-‘u‘ii‘i’vJ’llt ”‘“ ® 1 . h “mt .
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i / a-iféi, a“ 3§\ M; ‘11?” :- - ., c // it ’ pa 4 , v. ~ . . . - Printed
\‘ ' "kg? . l» - 2/ N/ l‘: . ‘ .533, .0?!“ . ‘ ‘” .1 : 3"?" ‘. '_ 5 - 1W+ .3 Sheets
‘ \\ x b 1" éN i J; \ .2, / ‘%§ [#533 '1 . "5 ' " "' ” . i :17 " . l ' 3'"...': No-iron mulli~
3 \ , it; 3 . ' ‘\ 3'2 tog. . 3V, in ' an ~' 1:" 75:1] . . colored florals. Flat
‘\ \ ‘\ . , ‘\ lg; . "\lfm‘w“ ~ ‘t ,3...“ f, g , ‘\ My: 3'" {23335; 4i ‘1 or fitted. l’olycstcr/
\ \ \ \ \ l . I ’1 ‘1‘? ‘5' I . “'”'”""l‘ i“ ‘, , I. I 3. _ , $3" ., L — cotton. '
\ \ \ :92 . " V‘ ‘X «\v ”if l ”l . it ‘i , - I, ‘ "ii-2‘ .. I: i3. Twm. . . . . . .2.87
‘\ \\\3 . . , ,. Q . . ., E W,» ‘ f :i. . ‘ .. .- - . . _. " may Full . . . . . . .427
‘ ‘ ,” v ""’ H ~ : .-' ' ‘ - i. it”... * ” ” ‘ ( -- ......6.97
\\ \x \\ J. .3. i l l l . ii ‘i W ,"fl' ,. ‘ gurus.” ..3.67
\\ \\ \‘\\ . l , X; l \ / , . . , I llll()\fL23L
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“w ~~ d it:- «w»... __/ .7, .- ..
3‘ \\ ‘\ l I‘ N K. ’r: ~ ' v W"
\ 3 _ is, , ~ .
\‘,\ ‘\ \ C. i 2 .3. x ‘ \1‘ \“--:i~;1i. ” - - g 3 g , ; :53 Electric Blankets
' L\ \ \ ‘3“ \ x ‘”ih\ I *‘\- >/ s ":3 ‘_ L £ Bath Towels sfifli\ "“ . \ ~ Choiccof colors.
.\ -;\\ _ 1“”. ’V“ x \ . \ \ \\ \ \ 2 . /./ “'2‘“ . _ ti“: Colors and prints. . \4 \ 3.. , '_ . .. Polyester/acrylic.
‘~ ”‘ fit. 3" ~~ \ \ ‘ \ \ . &//’ “$3 3 _~ « . ' ' Reversible. ")0 3 ‘ " _‘ Zyear warranty.
\ ._ . . \ \ \ \ ~,, w- 3 :1. .3 .. .. .. fl. vii” . f .. . . ’ . -,
\A‘\ \ \ . . . ,... ._ . . M . .. . . ‘99
\ 7 \\ \ ' x \\” ‘. ”X \ .. 8» ,..~~*" “3% x - 53 . . .— tottonfacc. E «a M» [NHL . . . . .239;
\\ \\ _ ‘\ ” I _ .... _u
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\ k". a“ \fi \‘ 5° - {ht-ti ‘ 177 “y /) $31129)?" .3197
‘xwfi "'j”"/7 9 .‘e .“ l ‘i; ’ ‘~ ', ~ 1’ double control
,/.// ‘WX‘ 3.3-x; . ~"’ Queen. . . . .3997
“I 3.. We ... King. . . . . .5997
.. . a we“? aft... -_ , . -.3
i , I t \ Solid Color My]: i‘§\‘m Ribbed 33y? , .3- . . l Bath Towel
‘ _ .” . ‘ , Blankets \ .!§\3\\\\\\ Bedspreads (. 1“ .. ' §?“mble
‘ . i l . .. l V \ ”iiéfix ' ‘ :. A rted | _ f« 1"” a. ~ .g‘ 'e our reverses to
' ’ folly": "V (liomhlpolrygstxeghhts \S.‘ . ‘J ' ‘ 188$. polycegtglrfl’its - 3318‘, i3: loop terry. Choice of
{J V ' 3 b333, le‘lglon bind- -. xx” ‘ /’jr" 0 twin bed. ' ""3 ff: - . colors. 100% cotton
“ fl . : ingpopularcolors. gag/fl 7/ . éfl’g 1297 " «Q 3555. . . . . . .194
~ ' ~ ,3 397 L 3 .‘7‘,,‘,‘_f'r ff» . Hand .....1.34
. . M....;’?ii‘~ ; - '12‘1'1”;7/W" ,\ Wash. . . . . . 97.
. ' hi."z-‘-.‘y‘;,’;%w" . - i . .- {3 5"}? , . , a. ‘ a
No need to wait for a sale. Ever. ...-.3. V“ - - nil/iii .. f 3
may: North Park — Russell Cave Pk. & New Circle Rd.
. uth Park — Nicholasvilte Rd. & New Circle Rd.
Sore Hours: 10-10 Monday-Saturday/1-6 Sunday
. ’ t . ‘

IN! KINIUCKV Kllfllt Wodnouloy, August 24. 19.3 - J
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 l-Tfll KllllUCKY KIM“ Wodnoodly. Ann" 24. ‘m ' disgruntled students. “We can, of freshmen.
investor at nearly $7,000, they bought sophomore playing for the second . E ee course. bea forum for the students," “i am glad that we at least have
the supplies and set up the game on time. he said. Bradford also said, the role weekday visitation for the
. Games the family's 65 acre woodland Charles Cornett says bOth 0‘ the Senate will be to serve as an freshmen." he said.
_ . _ . amegilyedflad’cfiundedmpleand Conunuedhmnpageoae , . outsidoporsuas'wetoree Bradford said he will be taking a
PTOPeft‘tyb “hem." mifellet't tilt the reserved. defense-oriented people can school issue. Another issue that the Senate is wait-and-see approach about Blan~
Continued from page one 32:? en urg ex" from nters e M m Intothecompetition. At the close of last year's SGA sure to take a stand on concerns dingl. the 24-hour visitation dorm. “It
. .. “There's room for every session. questions were raised about freshman dorms and visitation for will be interesting to see how this
For now plans are being made to Their ”'55th for the game grew OUt personality trait out there," he said. a health fee exemptions committee, upperclass students. works out.” he said.
open to the public, perhaps by Labor of childhood army games. None. WiththeCornetts shelling out $100a which was created earlier in the “I think you’llbehearing more on “We fought very hard for these
Day weekend. Robert saysa day 5 however, have had milItary day forthegamos plans for charging year to aid students in applying fora the freshmen dorm situation,” changes,” Bradford said. He
rent. 9‘ .3 gun. ammunition an: experience or even enjoy hunting. admission are underway. but for now refund. Bradford believes students Bradford said. predicts a stronger and more
particnpation m anthtat ee 33’1““ M A sixth brother, Hugh. who is in the interested people are welcome on a Will diSCOVt’T that getting exempted He applauded the Dean of successful SGA this year. “Last
Shost about $20. but Clo 't 0W" as navy, has yet to participate. “He first -come. first-served basis. from the fee will be hard to do. Students Office for the changes year we were in the midst of
e game grows in POD“ an 3'- thinks we’re nuts n Robert said. “He “There won‘t be many exemptions." implemented last year such as the reorgamzation. There is no question
The originators of the game, who says ‘I have to do'this fora living and Future plans include setting up he said. introduction of a 24-hour visitation about it. we are a lot more
manufacture kits with the necessary it ain't fun at all.’ He'll be home for league play and getting college The Senate. Bradford said. will dorm for upperclass students and experienced than we have been in ‘
supplies, are trying t9 get It 50 Thanksgiving and we’ll get him out students to play in intramural-type serve as a platform for the adding weekday visitation for the past." ‘
mutually pegglelbuybthltleir mgr: Suns there and see if we can change his competition. The Cornetts say they 4
l e ey uy W "‘3 a 5 an enms ~ ,. ' will be offerin rou discounts to ' ' - -
racketsmowmid, mind. fraternities, sgrgrmgs and other Assnstant basketball coach Hatfield returns to posmon at UK .
He estimates the game would then Those playing see the games as campus organizations.
cost $6 to $10 per person. good, clean fun, even milder than Jim Hatfield. athletics director and coach under Joe. B. Hall (1972-1974) Hatfield then filled the head coach
The Cornetts said they got the idea many sports. Those interested can call James head basketball coach at Hardin- before becoming head coach at position at Mississippi State. where
for the game from media attention “I think football's more violent than Cornett at 846M946 or write PO. Box Simmons University in Texas. has Southwestern University in Louisiana the Bulldogs compiled a 40-42 record
given to the New Hampshire games. this stuff by far." said Robin 71, Midway. Ky., 40347 for more been named an assistant basketball for three seasons (1975—1978). While in Hatfield‘s three years_ This
‘ With Robert being the principal Baldridge. a UK telecommunications details. coach at UK. there, he led the Cajuns to a 4735 thlUded a 19-9 record and a National
record and a Southland Conference Invitational Tournament ap rance
Hatfield served as an assistant championship ‘ 1979 V pea
. ‘ In .
BLNM COUNTY by Berke Breathed . .
fl .. , 7...; . Droll By Davnd Pierce
wam’ve my 1/," 3:}, Hey. ‘?‘\“.\ you mag 55 Russ ow I’VE BEEN Dow_N A