xt7x0k26f16f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26f16f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1999 1999 1999-02-19 2020 true xt7x0k26f16f section xt7x0k26f16f .-


. -~,-.



Ititerna tionai

Danish for

Beginning Monday in 245






Student Center, the
Cosmopolitan Club
and the International
Hospitality Program
will hold a European
Pastry Cafe’ from

10 am. - 4 pm.

Physms theory

Hot water

Does hot water freeze
faster than cold
water? People have
told me if I fill my ice
trays with hot water.
then I will have ice
cubes faster then if I
use cold tap water.
How can that be?

The concise answer is
that it all depends!
You cannot put one
tray of hot water
next to a tray of cold
water in the freezer
and get a consistent
result. There are too
many variables.

Let's move to something
else then. What about
a bucket of hot water
vs. a bucket of cold
water set outside?
Which would freeze
first? Other factors
besides temperature,
such as motion of the
water. gas content,
etc., effect the
freezing of water.
With these multiple
parameters, any
argument based on
the hot water having
to pass through the
initial state of the
cold water before
reaching the freezing
point will fall apart.
The most important
factor is evaporation.

At sufficiently high
evaporation is more
important. If equal
masses of water are
taken at two starting
temperatures, more
rapid evaporation
from the hotter one
may diminish its
mass enough to
compensate for the
greater temperature
range it must cover
to reach freezing.

The cooling effect of
evaporation is
twofold: First, mass
is carried off so less
needs to be cooled
from then on. Also.
evaporation carries
off the hottest
considerably lowering
the average kinetic
energy of the
molecules remaining.
This is why your soup
cools when you blow
on it. It encourages
evaporation by
removing the water
vapor above the
soup. Thus
experiment and I
theory agree that hot ‘
water freezes faster
than cold for
sufficiently high
temperatures, if the
cooling is by

— Sources: What Einstein
Didn’t Know by Robert




Gotta love that snow.

VOL. m4


ISSUE 8104


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Nolte perfects
sickened soul
in Oscar-
worthy film I 6

Swift to step down after semester

A storied career: Dean says it's 'time to turn the reins
over,’ plans to return to teaching classics at the University

By Richard Cook

Louis Swift. dean of Undergraduate
Studies. will step down from his post as at
the end of the Spring 1999 semester. “I‘ve
been in the job nine years." he said. “It is
time to turn the reins over to someone else.“

Swift cited what he called "cycles of
life" and “cycles in institutions" for his
stepping down.

Elisabeth Zinser. chancellor of the Lex-
ington Campus, said the move comes at the
natural time for administrators to return
to the teaching side of university life. Swift
is 66 years old. one year older than the noit
mal retirement age of University staff.

"We‘d like to keep him from aging."

she said. “but he has expressed the desire
to return to the department and continue
his research."

To honor the dean. Zinser said a coin-
mittee has been appointed to put together
3 Lou Swift Day later in the spring.

“Actually. it will probably be more like
:1 Lou Swift Week.“ she said. "It will proba-
bly be held in April. It will be an opportuni
ty for students and faculty to honor him."

He was asked to stay an extra year af
ter initially announcing the move more
than a year ago. in recognition of his many
accomplishments. Zinser said she sought

special permission to keep Swift on staff

for an additional year.
He has helped pull the campus togeth-

('i‘. she said. and helped give the lliiiversr
ty guidance for the future.

That guidance has come in what has
become Swift’s main focus in the last years
of his tenure.

“Lou Swift has worked very hard to
improve the undergraduate experience.“
she said. The undergraduate experience
has become important to the dean. as he
said he realized the need for diversity in
how undergraduate students learn. It‘or
years. Swift said. the concentration has
been on classroom teaching.

"Diversity in learning is about pro
muting opportunities for students to have
as much contact as possible it llll the out
side world." Swift said.

And while he says he wishes he could
have done more to promote di\ersitv.
Swift‘s other accomplishnients speak vol-
umes. He established the Central Adv isiiig
(lflice to help advice undeclared students.
as well as the (‘eiitral Learning (‘eiitci.




Maelstrom comes out on top in Kappa
Delta's second Battle of the Bands

By Amber {cit}


The Norm growled. KeltiK
Raged. The other bands an-
swered the call. But in the end.
Maelstrom left its mark.

Last night's Battle of the
Bands did more than entertain.
It drew more than 300 people
and raised more than $4.500 for
the Nest. a Lexington-based
children's home. and the Na-
tional Committee to Prevent
Child Abuse.

Maelstrom will receive
recording time. and each band
member will get a demo tape.
The competing bands won
smaller prizes such as gift cer-
tificates for pizza.

Kappa Delta social sorority
hosted the event. which was its
second Battle of the Bands.
Last year's event raised more
than $1.000. but extra promo-
tions made a big difference this
year. said Lauren Barrett. com
munication sophomore and a



member of the sorority.

“This is what the students
wanted, a big activity that‘s
open to the public." said Eng-
lish junior Kelly Hammons.
vice president of Public Rela-
tions for the sorority. “It's not
a Greek thing. We really didn't
want that stigma attached."

Fans stood on the battlefield
as the bands shouted back and
forth across the Student Center
Ballroom. each respectfully
waiting for its 25-minute turn.
Telecommunications freshman
Chad Perkins said he came for
the music. “i am in a band. I
like listening to live music."

Jocelyn Hyravy came out
to support the cause. “Most
(philanthropies) attract sorori-
ties and fraternities. btit this
brings together everybody with
music and for a good cause."
said Hyravy, a business admin.
istration sophomore.

The Schuers. the featured
band for the last two years.



oo.¢¢a¢m4--DO" ‘


Photos BYJANB CRISP | own sow

Dave Cronin and Ben Clark (top) of Private Blend performed covers of
songs ranging from Tom Petty to Otis Redding, while English senior
Jonathan Wurth (above) and his group, The Norm, belted out originals.

judged the contest. which also
included the groups Private
Blend and Poole's (‘rcek Band.

“The thing I like about
(judging) is we‘re all about ap
preciating all kinds of music."
said Jamie Schuer. vocalist
for the group and an integrat-
ed strategic communications

Fellow band member and
judge Jeff Tipton said. “liven if
it‘s not my type of music. i can
still appreciate it. appreciate
the talent."

“Obviously you want the
most deserving band to get
the recording time. but at the
same time, you hope other
bands learn from it." said
Kevin Schuer. judge and

baiid member.

Sulfur made its debut per
formance last night

“It's basically kind of a
learning experience." said gui
tarist (‘hi‘is Rebhol‘l. :i ll\\
chology senior.

(‘otiipetiiig bands got to
keep the evaluation sheets that
determined the winner. hopc
fully to “use as constructive
criticism." Kevin Schuer said.

Alternative rock station
2 lti‘iB. whose Freaklladdy
did a live broadcast during
the event. donated as did Kap
pa Delta chapters from other
schools. said Andrea \‘alento.
a pre physical therapy sopho»
more The radio station pro
molcd thceyi'nl fora month.


and developed the l'ndergraduatc Re
search Program.

"I am fond of the development of the
undergraduate research program that pro
vides students with funding for semester
and summer research projects.” Swift said,

And he has received many awards for
the educational innovations he has brought
to I'K. lie is especially proud ofthe 1W3 liis
tinguishcd Professor Award for Arts and

"The faculty elects a professor each
year for the award." he said. “I was hon-
orcd to be chosen in 1992."

Swift said he will now turn to his first
love. the study of classics. Although he is
proud of his time as dean. he said he wants
to return to teaching and get closer to his
colleagues in the classics (lt‘plli’tillt‘iii. Swift
plans to take some time over the summer
and fall to concentrate on his research be»
fore returning to the classroom full-time
next spring.


about plan

Some wondering if there
will even be a surplus for
federal government to allot

By David Rowland
{OWE} iiiéwiidi’im

As (‘apiiol Hill returned to the
more familiar business of planning
next year‘s federal budget. college-age
voters are expressing concern over the
new (‘liiiton proposal for saving Social

Under Clinton's plan. 6‘3 percent of
the federal surplus over the next 15 years
would be given to Social Security to keep
the program solvent. In addition. (‘lintoii
wants to invest one-fourth of those funds
into the private sector. Although most
agree that saving Social Security should
be one of the country's top priorities. I'K
students are wary of funds being being
invested into the stock market.

"The stock market is just to risky."
said Jason Blackburn. a classics gradu-
ate student at UK.

The same concern was voiced by
Darryl Estes. a graduate student in the
French department.

“Just look at what happened in the
Asian market last year. We don‘t know
what the economy is going to be like to.
or even five. years from now.“ he said

(‘oniments like these reflect a fiscal
conservatism by voters of all ages.
Michael ()‘llara. a Sflyear old student in
the English department. said. "The suc-
cess of (‘lintoii’s plan depends upon be-
ing able to predict the outcome of a
number of variables. I would opt for a
safer plan to save the program."

In addition to the perceived risk of
investing in private stocks. ll‘iftll\ siu»
dcnts also are concerned about lit" po
teiitial abuse of funds by lawinakcis
who let their political agenda influence
where the money is invested

Although Clinton has said lli’ will
work with (‘ongress to "devise a meclia
iiisiii to cnsurc that the investments are
made independently and without politi
cal interference." many students are
concerned that the abuse of funds is in

"lf lawmakers are given the power
to invest Social Security funds. ill some
point. somebody will abuse this power
in order to further their political ca
reer.” Blackburn said,

()‘llara also pointed out that (‘Iiii
ton's plan to hold back a pcrceniagc of
the projected surplus assumes there
will. in fact. be a surplus.

“The possibility cxtsts that the actu»
:il surplus may be significantly less than
what (‘liiitoii‘s proposal projects."
()‘llara said. “I think it is unwise to rely
so heavily on a prediction that may or
may not come true."

James A. Fl'ililt‘ls. a professor iii the
t lassics department and Honors Pro-
grain. is for the idea of using surplus
funds to help save SoCial Security.

“We sliotild use surplus funds to re-
pair the Social Security program. rather
than giving everyone a big tax cut." he
said. With so much opposition among
Voters to the (‘liiiton proposal to invest
Social Secui ity funds. some say the plan
will likely face some adjustments before
llll' final budget is drafted



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We will
every le-
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we be-
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The Low-down

Clinton visits New Hampshire

DOVER, NH. 74 In his first political foray
since his Senate impeachment acquittal, President
Clinton yesterday went to New Hampshire to lead
a panel on health care. He touted his plan to use
the projected federal budget surplus to shore up
Social Security and Medicare. “1 would very much
like to take these health care issues and sort of
put them beyond partisan politics," Clinton said.

Smith seeks White House

WOLFEBORO, N.H. —4 Sen. Bob Smith of
New Hampshire yesterday announced he is seek-
ing the GOP nomination for president. “It's not
going to be a campaign for the faint of heart,”
Smith said in a speech at Kingswood High
School, where he once taught civics. Smith sup-
ports beefing up defense. curtailing abortion and
strengthening constitutional rights.

U.S. makes Kosovo plans

WASHINGTON —— With a NATO bombing
campaign looming, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright said the United States has begun plan-
ning for the possible evacuation of embassies in
Yugoslavia. Washington wants to force accep-
tance of a peace deal between Serb troops and se-
cessionminded ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, a
province in the dominant Yugoslav state. De-
fense Secretary William Cohen has signed an or-
der for 1,855 Marines to be part of 7,000 proposed
NATO peacekeeping troops in Kosovo if a peace
deal is reached.

Cohen lauds Microsoft

REDMOND. Wash. — America’s information
technology companies owe their prosperity part-
ly to US. military dominance, Defense Secretary
William Cohen said yesterday. “Peace and stabil-
ity are the very cornerstones of prosperity," Co-
hen told about 200 Microsoft employees in a
speech on the software giant‘s suburban Seattle
campus. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, intro-
ducing Cohen, said be welcomed a chance to
"thank what is our biggest customer in the
world." The Defense Department buys $300 mil-
lion a year in computer products from Microsoft.

Chirac arrives for summit

WASHINGTON 1.. Wench President Jacques
Chirac is making a two-day visit to the United
States. He arrived yesterday for talks tomorrow
with President Clinton. The White House said
they would discuss Kosovo, NATO's 50th an-
niversary summit in Washington in April, Iraq,
Russia and global financial issues. Chirac also
will see the heads of the International Monetary

.. '

»: ':\‘~

\: i'

\\ .


The New York
Yankees yester-
day obtained
Roger Clemens
and sent David
Wells to Toron-
to in the trade
for ace pitch-
ers. Clemens,
the five-time Cy
Young Award
winner, was
dealt to the
World Series
champions for
Wells, reliever
Graeme Lloyd
and infielder
Homer Bush.



Al Pacino is
poised to star
in a film. based
on a true story.
about a cop
whose lather
was a
killer and
whose son is a
murder suspect
.Pacino and
director Michael
are in serious
talks to come
aboard the
police drama,
titled ley by
the Sea, for
Warner Bros.

Fund, the World Bank and the Inter-American
Development Bank.

Vaccine-cancer link disputed

WASHINGTON _ A Baylor College of Medi-
cine scientist says a London newspaper misin-
terpreted her study about a possible link be
tween an early polio vaccine and cancer, a uni-
versity spokesman said. Dr. Janet Butel has not
proved that a monkey virus that contaminated
an early form of polio vaccine is responsible for
cancers in humans, said Baylor spokesman B.J.
Almond. The London Sunday Telegraph said the
monkey virus in pre1963 polio vaccinations was

Wholesale prices jump

WASHINGTON «— Flukey price hikes in Jan-
uary for gasoline at refineries, pork at meat pack-
ing plants and oranges at fruit growers temporar-
ily pushed up wholesale costs at the fastest rate
in more than two years. Prices paid by whole-
salers to producers jumped 0.5 percent, the most
since October 1996, the Labor Department said
today. Economists saw it as a onetime hike and
said little will get passed on to consumers.

Dow ends high

NEW YORK ~ Stock indexes moved higher
yesterday, supported by consumer shares and fi-
nancial services. The Dow Jones industrial aver-
age ended up 103.16 at 9,298.63. On the NYSE,
gainers led losers 1,767-1,217. The Nasdaq com-
posite was up 11.60 at 2,260.51.

Braves' Galarraga has cancer

ATLANTA — First baseman Andres Galarra-
ga, 37, of the Atlanta Braves has a lymphoma in
his back and will miss the 1999 season, the team
announced yesterday. Dr. Lee Kelley said the po
tential for recovery is good. Galarraga will under-
go six months of treatment, which will include
chemotherapy followed by radiation, Kelley said.

Director exits ‘Supernova'

HOLLYWOOD — Director Walter Hill and
United Artists have come to a sudden parting of
the ways on the studio’s big‘budget sci-fi film Su-
pernova, Daily Variety said yesterday. Big direc-
tors have walked away from enough projects
lately to make it a fairly common occurrence; the
difference here is that Hill completed principal

Venture opponent heads to Harvard

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Hubert H. Humphrey
III, who lost a bid for Minnesota governor last
year to former wrestler Jesse Ventura, will bury
himself in his books at Harvard. He was among
the political figures named as visiting fellows
Tuesday at the university’s John F. Kennedy
School of Government.

Compiled from wire reports.



‘Food, flowers'
a huge success

Students seize chance to get hands dirty at
conference held by college. federal agency

By Susie Cetchen
communes warm

The place to learn the lat-
est in health, gardening and
cooking was “Food, Flowers
and Fun," a conference put on
yesterday by the Fayette
County Cooperative Exten-
sion Service.

The College of Agriculture
and the US. Department of
Agriculture, both members of
the service, held the fourth an-
nual conference to educate
consumers and offer advice on
everything from fruit sorbets
to bonsai trees.

Diana Dogget, extension
agent for family and con-
sumers, coordinated one of
the day's seminars. This
year’s conference has been the
most successful yet, she said.

“Preparation for the con-
ference is an ongoing, year-
round project,” she said.

“We invite speakers with
outstanding credentials to ed-
ucate the participants. We
have greater numbers this
year probably due to the large
amounts of publicity in the

The days events included
two keynote speakers along
with food demonstrations,
horticulture presentations
and even a floral design.

Dr. James B. LaValle, a
pharmacologist and clinical
nutritionist, gave a presenta—

tion titled “Herbal Medicine
for Everyday Health.”

LaValle discussed medici-
nal herbs such as Kava Kava.
St. John’s Wort and Red Went.
The goal was to promote the
education of herbal medicine
so that consumers can under-
stand their benefits. he said.

“I have studied herbal
medicine for 15 years and
each month, I train about
70,000 people, so people are re-
ceiving the education to be
more aware of natural medi-
cine," he said.

Valerie Taylor, a neuro-
muscular therapist who at—
tended LaValle‘s lecture, said
she found it to be beneficial.

“I now realize that it is
important to understand how
to use herbal medicines,” she
said. “We need to be educated
to avoid misuse and we should
encourage our own doctors to
learn more as well.”

Other sessions included
“The Health Benefits of Soy
Foods," “Establishing Mead-
ow/Wildflower Areas" and
“Tricks for Easy, Delicious

Each session featured an
individual with experience on
the topic. “I attended the class
on herbal medicine and I was
very impressed by the instruc-
tor and the very informative
topics." said Maureen Halsey
Wright, of Frankfort.



An article in yesterday’s Kernel should have said
Jimmy Glenn and Whitney Speaker have not yet filed to run
for president and vice president of the Student Government


To report an error call the Kernel at 25 7-1915.




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Matt May
Sportsoaily Editor
Hm: 2514915 I E-rnail: miniayOOpop.uly.edu




Welcome to Hog Heaven

The Cats hit the road again this weekend,
traveling to Arkansas for a conference war

By Matt May

Forty minutes of hell.

It‘s the moniker fans and
players alike have associated
with Arkansas Razorback bas-
ketball. especially in the specta-
cle that is Bud Walton Arena.

For visitors. it’s usually a
prophecy of what is to come, a
r e l e n t 1 e s s

on the dangerous Hog backcourt
of Pat Bradley and Kareem
Reid. Bradley has destroyed the
Cats in the past with his long-
range bombing. dropping 26 and
16 points on UK in last season‘s
two contests. Reid nearly won
last year's regular season game
in Rupp Arena with a shot at the
buzzer. before UK held on in
overtime for a 8077 win.

Bradley is the


wave of bodies.



all with sights

leading scorer at


firmly set on
running you


13.2 points a
game. but has

out of the gym. P" led Arkansas in

But. as one ”"13?" \” scoring only
of the few mam") three times in 13
schools that SEC games. He
have handled “WWW" is still a dead-
~ and beaten _ eye shooter
.— the beast #6 ”"M' (2") though. hitting
that 15 Bud MSW m m 38] percent of
Walton. UK 6 Wayne Turner iO.I 28 his threes this
has the luxury c Desmond Allison 4.1 1.9 year and has
ofwonderingjf F HeshimuEvans 12.0 5.4 had a 32-point
it will be the F 59°“Pad9e.” H; :3 performance.
giver 0r receiV- c M'“””’"'“ ' ‘ Reid is averag-
er of thehell. ing 9.3 points.

Thef stalge MOB-8) but has 118 as-
is set or t e P I II ' . sists on the year.
annual South- 6 Kareem Resid 2'36 .21? While the
easternConfer- 6 Pat Bradley 13.2 2.4 Arkansas back-
ence bltter 1'1- 6 Serqerio Brown 8.2 2.1 court is the 99“-
valry game. as r ChrisJetieries 7.4 3.9 ter of attention,
UK travels to r Derek Hood 12.0 9.5 senior forward

Fayetteville for

a 1 pm. nation-

ally‘televised tilt with the Hogs.
The game is the preeminent
spectacle in SEC basketball
every year. UK and Arkansas
are the two most exciting, suc-
cessful and tradition-filled pro-
grams in the conference, and
they go at it like Cats and Hogs.

The battle once again has
high stakes involved. UK is back
on a two-game roll after trip-
ping over two road games sever-
al weeks ago and are preparing
to make a deep run in March.
Arkansas is trying to hold onto
its NCAA Tournament spot, sit-
ting at 18-8 overall. but only 7-6
in the SEC. with games at home
against UK and Auburn on tap.
Two losses and a short SEC
Tournament run could leave the
Hogs out in the cold.

As if any extra incentive
was necessary. Arkansas will
be looking to avenge a 99-74 loss
to the Cats at last year’s SEC
Tournament semifinals, when
UK sliced the Hogs' vaunted
pressure en route to a 58-33
halftime lead.

The game could hinge on
UK‘s ability to put the clamps

Derek Hood has

quietly become
one of the best players in the
conference. Hood is averaging
12 points a game. and 9.5 re-
bounds. and has led the Hogs in
rebounding in all but two
games this season. including
the last 20. He had a career-high
15 rebounds against Wake For-
est in December.

UK Head Coach Tubby
Smith said it’s important the
Cats play with confidence in
what will be a hostile environ-

“When you’re winning and
playing with confidence, guys
have more fun.“ Smith said.
“When you go into Bud Walton
Arena. which is one of the tough-
est places to play, you don’t want
to go there with any doubt."

After a 92-71 drubbing of
Georgia on Wednesday, UK
should have erased all the bad
memories of Florida and Alaba-
ma. Plus. the Cats can take
heart in knowing they have
beaten Arkansas six straight
times. including two years ago
in Bud Walton.

But beware: UK could also
fall victim to Hog Hell.



GymKats in action

The UK gymnastics team
will try to get back on track to-
morrow at Memorial Coliseum
in a dual meet against Brigham
Young University and Ball
State University.

The GymKats are coming
off a disappointing home meet
loss last weekend to Michigan.

The meet is the last before
UK heads into Southeastern
Conference action against
Georgia and Alabama in the
next couple of weeks.

SECs conthue at Lancaster

The Southeastern Confer-
ence swimming and diving
championships roll into their
third day of competition at
UK's Lancaster Aquatics Cen-
ter starting tonight at 6:30.

In the pool, the men and
women will compete in the 400-
yard individual medley. the
100-yard butterfly. the ZOO-yard
freestyle, the 100-yard back-
stroke. the 100-yard breast-
stroke and the BOO-yard
freestyle relay.

On the boards, the men will
dive off the three-meter spring-

Numerous records have al-
ready been set and broken as
the SEC represents some of the
top swimming schools in the

Tomorrow night marks the
last day of competition with the
most events on tap.








Guard Wayne Turner and the rest of the Cats are turning up their games
as March Madness and defending the national title gets closer.

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The Campus Calendar Is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. lniormatlon can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student (enter or by
completing a request form on line at W.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday Information Is to
appear In the calendar. For more information call 257—8866

m'Vlsual Arts Workshop, 6:3me, MLK Cultural Center

DCannes and the South—eastern Region of France. Spin. Blanding I


'Kentucky Jazz Repertory Orchestra: Duke Ellington - The Early

Years. 8pm. SIngIetary (enter, call 257—4929 for tickets

tLexlngton Gallery Mop: UK Art Museum and Singletary Center. 5—8 pm. call 7-1706tor inlo.
elegends oi Jazz. 6—9 pm. Rasdail Gallery

sPeal Gallery Series presents chamber music concert. moon, Peal Gallery of King Library


OUK Women's Tennis @ UNC. 2 pm
OUK Sonbali @ East (arolina. loam
OUK Softball @ Temple. 2 pm

OUK Baseball @ The Citadel. Spm

OMaster Student Program. 335 cost. call 7—6959 for sign up Inlo and times.

oiabie Tennis tournament. Seaton Center

0Cavin' Trip to Carter (ayes. meet at Newman Center at 8:30 am. lor more Info (all Beth at

OCathoilc Mass 6 pm. Newman Center


OUK Sonbaii @ Maryland. 9 am
IUK Softball (9 Ohio. I pm

OUK Men's Tennis vs. Alabama. Hillary Boone Tennis Center. tickets avail. at Memorial

OUK Baseball @ Did Dominion. l0am

OUK Indoor Track @ SEC Championships. Gainesviile. n

IUK Men‘s Basketball @ Arkansas. l pm



uMaster Student Program. S35 cost. (all 745959 tor sign up Into and times

ecathoik Mass 9 am. ”:30 am. 5 pm. 830 pm. Newman Center
OSunday Morning Worship. l lam. Christian Student Fellowship

Phi Sigma Pi meeting. Tom. 230 Stud (ir

“moo Classes/ ux Ailildo (mo. l — 3 pm. Alumni Gym toil. caii Chris (:3 245—5037 for into
olable lennls Tournament. Seaton (enter

IUK lilgh School honors Wind Ensemble. 29m. Slngletary (enter
oSenlor Recital: Dan (rho. tenor. com. Slngletary (enter




-UK Women's tennis 6 S. Carolina. 2pm

OUR Soitball @UNC Tournament — Triangle (Iassir

IUK Baseball 9 Richmond. 100m

oul Women's Basketball vs S. Carolina. 2 nm. ~‘
Memorial Coilseum

cult indoor Track 6 SEC Championships.

Gainesvllle. Pl










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More news





COVINGTON - A drunken
driver killed Jeff
Taylor's brother in
1985. Now,
prosecutors say
Taylor met the same

There are eerie
similarities between
the wrecks that killed
Taylor, 51, of
Covinqton. on Friday
and his brother Del
Ray “Buster" Cooper,
33, of Independence.

Both were killed during
the day while on the
job on Interstate

Both were musicians,
and both were
engaged to be
married shortly.

Now. family members
are left grieving for
the two men.

Neither rain


The morning after a
tornado devastated
downtown Clarksville
and demolished the
newsroom of the
city’s only daily
newspaper, residents
awoke to newspapers
on their doorsteps.

The twister that touched
down just before
dawn on Jan. 22 hit
The Leaf-Chronicle’s
office head-on. But
the staff never
skipped a beat,
publishing the next
day's paper and
every day since.

They have moved their
offices three times -
from the publisher's
house to a hotel
lobby to an
supermarket, where
a neon “Fresh!" sign
shines next to The
banner and the city
editor sits in the
“nuts" aisle.

The paper still gets
letters thanking the
staff for its
Herculean effort.

Compiled from wire

Bk; :3}. 2:5: : ow


The documentary film
Ethnic Notions: Black
People in White Minds
will be shown at the
Unitarian Universal
Church on
Wednesday. Feb. 24.
This documentary,
produced by Marion
Riggs, traces the
development of
ethnic stereotypes in
America over the last
170 years. The film
starts at 7 pm. For
more information,
call Mary Crone at


Readers are
encouraged to submit
letters to the editor and
guest opinions to the
Dialogue page.
Address comments to:

”Letters to the


Kentucky Kernel

Editorial Editor

35 Enoch J. Grehan

Journalism Building

Lexington, Ky.


Send electronic mail to


Letters should be
about 200 words; guest
opinions should be no
longer than 600 words.

All material should be
type-written and double-

lnclude your name
and major classification
(for publication), as well
as your address and
telephone number for

The Kernel reserves
the right to edit all
material received.

Courtesy of Ihe USBiC Educational Foundation (WWW-2267





Don't kill the ref

Incident proves officials need protection

Here‘s a quick sports quiz: If your favorite bas-
ketball team works hard to come from behind in the
final minutes of game only to be thwarted in the clos-
ing moments by a referee‘s controversial call, what

would you do?

Would you: Boo the referee and quietly pity your
team for the misfortune; verbally dismember the ref-
eree in the midst of swirling Obscenities; or actually
storm the court and punch the referee in the head.

If your name is Garry Sears. you woul