xt7x3f4kmn6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kmn6n/data/mets.xml Crandall, A. R. (Albert Rogers), 1840-1926. 1878  books b96-13-34908974 English Stereotyped for the Survey by Major, Johnston & Barrett, Yeoman Press, : Frankfort, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Geology Kentucky. Coal Kentucky.Moore, Philip North, b. 1849. On the geology of portions of the Upper Cumberland River Valley  : in Bell and Harlan counties / by A.R. Crandall and P.N. Moore. text On the geology of portions of the Upper Cumberland River Valley  : in Bell and Harlan counties / by A.R. Crandall and P.N. Moore. 1878 2002 true xt7x3f4kmn6n section xt7x3f4kmn6n 


          N. S. SHALER, DIRECTOR.

            ON THE GEOLOGY

               OF POKTIONS OF THE






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  During the summer of 1876, sotne time was spent by the
writers in the country drained by the upper Cumberland river,
for the purpose of constructing the geological sections accom-
panying this report, and of which it is chiefly explanatory, in-
asmuch as no detailed discussion of the geology of this valley
can be attempted, until the whole of it shall have been thor-
oughly examined.
  The first and principal section (plate I) is from Cumber-
land Mountain, at Chadwell's Gap, to Straight creek, crossing
Pine Mountain a short distance below the mouth of Browney's
creek. The course of this section line is about N. 40 W.,
and it follows in a general way the direction of Browney's
creek, crossing Brush Mountain and various spurs of the
Black Mountains.
  The measurements upon which it is based are all instru-
mental. The survey of Browney's creek, by which the hori-
zontal measurement of the central portion of the section was
determined, was by Mr. E. Underwood, jr. The vertical sec-
tions of horizontal coal-measure strata in the Black Mountains
were made with an aneroid barometer.
  Time failed for the construction of a complete section across
the valley near Mt. Pleasant, but a section of the Cumberland
Mountain at Crank's Gap was carefully measured, and is given
herewith (plate II), as also a number of sections (plate III)
of the coal-measure rocks in the Black Mountains, near Mt.
Pleasant, Harlan county.
  The section at Crank's Gap is from instrumental meas-
urements by the writers, except the horizontal and vertical



distances from Crank's Gap to the "Poor Valley," on the
Virginia side of the mountain, which were determined by Mr.
C. Schenk.
  The valley of the Cumberland river above Pineville, where
the river cuts through and leaves the Pine Mountain, on its
way to the Ohio, is one of the long, straight, and narrow Ap-
palachian valleys which are so characteristic of the topogra-
phy of East Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia. It owes
its shape to the same cause-the long parallel mountains
which determine the course of the stream. In this case the
mountains which bound and determine the valley are the
Cumberland and the Pine, the last to the northwest of the
Appalachian series of mountains.
  The Cumberland river, from the head of its longest and
main branch, the Poor Fork, flows close to the foot of the
Pine Mountain, never leaving it for any great distance. It
therefore receives no branches of any size from the northwest,
all of its tributaries flowing into it from the area between the
river and the Cumberland Mountain. Its principal tributa-
ries are Clover and Martin's Forks. Yellow, Browney's, and
Puckett's creeks also drain a considerable area of the valley.
Above the mouth of Clover and Martin's Forks the river is
known as the Poor Fork.
  From the section (plate I) it will be seen that the Cumber-
land valley or basin is a synclinal valley, although the moun-
tains which terminate it on either side are of very different
ages of elevation. The evidence of this statement will be
referred to further on. The Cumberland and Pine Mountains,
which constitute the edges of this basin, are formed of up-
turned strata, of age from the Carboniferous to the Silurian,
those on the Cumberland dipping to the northwest, passing
beneath the surface, and reappearing on the Pine Mountain,
where they dip to the southeast.
  The Black Mountains, which is the term applied to the
palmate mountains lying between the Cumberland and the
Pine, are formed of horizontal coal-measure strata, the low-




est of which are geologically above the highest of the Cum-
berland and the Pine Mountains.
  Brush Mountain, through which the section (plate 1) passes,
is analogous in its structure to, and is really at one point a
part of, the Cumberland. It was probably formed at the same
time and by the same force which elevated the Cumberland
Mountain to such a height. It is but a few miles in length,
and lies parallel to Cumberland Mountain. It is joined to,
and identical with, it at the head of Martin's Fork and Shil-
laleh creek, which flow in opposite directions, and separate
the two mountains by narrow valleys. The section (plate I)
crosses Martin's Fork near its head.
  The Conglomerate, or rather the members of the Con-
glomerate series at the base of the coal measures, are the
determining rocks, of greatest topographical value, in the
three mountains, the Cumberland, Brush, and Pine.
  The Cumberland Mountain is the wasted edge of what was
once a grand anticlinal arch, reaching nearly to the Holston
river. Since its elevation, therefore, Cumberland Mountain
has, in consequence of erosive action, retreated a distance of
several miles. The evidence of this, and the discussion of the
dynamical geology of this region, will be found in the reports
of the Director of the Survey; so that the mere statement of
the fact is all that is necessary here.
  Brush Mountain, as shown by the section (plate 1), is formed
by the uplift of, and a great fold in, the Conglomerate series,
by which these beds have been raised nearly or quite three
thousand feet above their original level, and still left in a hor-
izontal position. This singular position must have resulted
from a yielding of the strata to a force acting more nearly
vertical than seems to have been usual in the faults and folds
of this portion of the Appalachians, but still acting from the
  Lying horizontally, the beds resist erosion most readily;
and it is owing to this fact that the mountain retains such a
height, and that the valley between it and the Cumberland is
so narrow and shallow.
    VOL. V.-29                                           449




  On the northwest slope of the mountain these same Con-
glomerate beds are dipping very steeply, from 700 to 850, or
almost vertical. This change in dip is due to a fold or bend
in the strata, and not to a fault.
  The actual bend in the lowest member of the Conglom-
erate shown on this mountain was exposed as shown in the
section (plate 1). This stratum is a coarse pebbly sandstone
about Ioo feet thick. In a hollow at the head of a small
drain, a bend of about 850 in this rock was seen. This was
probably very near the axis of the fold, andi in consequence,
the rock had not been shattered as much as higher up on
the arch of the fold. The section shows how much of the
folded rocks has been eroded. It will also be seen that the
higher members of the Conglomerate series have been entire-
ly eroded from the top of Brush Mountain. On the slope of
the mountain a thickness of 1,350 feet of steeply inclined
Conglomerate and inter-conglomerate beds has been meas-
ured, and it is probable, from certain slope indications, that
there is an additional thickness above this of 200 to 400 feet
which is not well exposed, and was not measured.
  Of this great thickness of rock only about 700 feet remain
on the top of the mountain, where the beds are horizontal.
  On the face of Cumberland Mountain a thickness of the
Conglomerate series occurs which approximates 2,000 feet.
The relation which these beds hold to those on Brush Moun-
tain has not yet been satisfactorily determined. If there be
simply another bend or fold along the valley of Martin's Fork,
this series must come below the Brush Mountain rocks, and
we then would have a total thickness of the Conglomerate
series of between three and four thousand feet, a thickness
which is greater than is certainly known to occur at any other
point. For this reason it seems probable that there is a fault
between the two mountains, along the upper Martin's Fork
valley, and it has been so indicated in the section. This fault
has, in fact, probably determined the course of Martin's Fork.
  The section (plate II) of Cumberland Mountain at Crank's
Gap, between fifteen and twenty miles further up the moun-



tain, shows a structure somewhat similar to that just dis-
cussed, only in this case the fold has not been as great, and,
in consequence, erosion has not had so great an effect. The
mountain is, therefore, undivided by any valley, and the rocks
are still intact at the folds.
  The forces of elevation have evidently acted in the same
direction, and we have here the two changes in dip-a steep
dip on the northwest slope, a much more gentle dip on the
main body of the mountain, and a steeper dip again at the
crest. The first change in dip, as on Brush Mountain, is due
to a fold, while it is also uncertain if the upper change be due
to a fold or a fault. If it be a fold, there is here shown a
thickness of about 2,600 feet of the Conglomerate series; if
a fault, about 2,000 feet. There is, however, very slight evi-
dence of a fault.
  Pine Mountain is a simple monoclinal mountain, formed by
an uplift along a fault line which has a course of about N. 300
E. The rocks are the same as on the Cumberland Moun-
tain, except that they do not extend as low down.
  The highest rocks of the Pine Mountain are those of the
Conglomerate series. At the time of its elevation the Car-
boniferous strata, which originally covered all this region, and
which are now found in the Black Mountains, covered the Pine
Mountain, which was therefore of far greater height than at
present; but as these rocks are comparatively soft and friable,
they have been eroded.
  The mountain is of comparatively recent elevation, as is
proved by the fact that the crest has retreated but a short
distance from the fault line. At some few places, one of which
happens to be where the section line (plate I) crosses, the
retreat of the crest has been as much as a half mile; but at
many other places it is only a few hundred feet. Undisturbed
horizontal coal measures are found to the northwest of the
fault line, and but a few hundred feet from it.
  The amount of uplift along this fault has not yet been ac-
curately determined, for the reason that the exact geological
position of the horizontal coal measures on the opposite side




of the fault line is not known. The uplift is certainly over
three thousand feet, for that thickness of strata is found on
Pine Mountain at the point crossed by the section (plate I).
It was impossible here, as generally on Pine Mountain, to
obtain a complete section, as the lower rocks are mostly cov-
ered by a great thickness of talus from those above.
  The Conglomerate series here is two thousand feet thick.
It is not as well exposed as on Cumberland Mountain. The
lower rocks, the Sub-carboniferous limestone, the Waverly,
and the Devonian, &c., are so imperfectly exposed that no
reliable estimates of their thickness can be given.
  The Black Mountains are irregular ridges and peaks, pre-
senting the familiar topographical features which are formed
by the action of water upon horizontal strata.
  They are the continuation of the Log Mountains to the
northeast, and the geological equivalents of the ", Cumberland
table-land" of Tennessee.
  They frequently reach a height above the valley of about two
thousand feet, equivalent to 3,400 to 3,500 feet above tide.
  The character of their rock structure will be seen from the
sections (plates I and III). The prevailing type of rock is
shaly or thin-bedded sandstone. These are diversified by
occasional harder, massive sandstones, which are more com-
mon toward the upper part of the sections.  Limestones,
except as occasional calcareous concretions, are not found.
The thickness of coal measures in this valley is greater than
in any other part of Kentucky by many hundred feet. The
number of coals is also greater, and they differ widely in po-
sition from any other region. Sufficient work has not been
done to enable us to give a general section which will serve
as a key to the stratification of this whole valley; but a sin-
gle comparison of the general section for Greenup, Carter,
and Boyd counties, by Mr. Crandall, the only one heretofore
constructed for any portion of Eastern Kentucky, with the
sections of this report, widl show the great difference in the
structure of this region. It shows also the impossibility of
making a general section which will hold over a large area.




  The section in the Black Mountains (plate 1) shows I I dif-
ferent coals. The section of Gray's Peak (plate III) shows 9
coals. Neither of these sections are by any means complete.
It is probable that, on more thorough examination, several
other coal beds will be discovered. A section of one of the
Log Mountains, made in i875 by Mr. Crandall, showed no
less than 17 different coals. It will be seen from the sections
of plate III that the covered spaces, where the rocks were
not exposed, aggregate from one third to one half the whole
thickness. There is, therefore, every reason to suppose that
other coals will be found occupying some of these spaces.
There is the more reason for this in the fact that this region
is almost entirely undeveloped. There has been no search
for coal; and in making sections, reliance has been placed
entirely upon natural exposures. The coals vary in thickness
from a few inches to five feet. The most common thickness,
so far as seen, is about two feet; but workable seams of three
feet and upwards are known at four or five different levels.
  The quality of the coals of this valley is most excellent.
The proportion of ash and sulphur is very low in all that have
yet been analyzed, with the exception of one cannel coal, and
the fixed carbon is high.
  The following analyses, by Dr. Peter and Mr. Talbutt, of
two samples from the vicinity of Mt. Pleasant, Harlan county,
show the excellent quality just referred to:

                                               No. 1.  No. 2.

Moisture..... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..    1.70     5.20
Volatile combustible matter ................. .   35 70    31.26
Fixed carbon......... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..   .   59.60    6o.o8
Ash. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300         3.46
Total..... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . loo . ool  oo.o

Coke...                          ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..   62.6o    654
Sulphur...... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..   0.750    o.6i8
Specificgravity..... .. .. .. .. .. ..  . .. ..    1 289   1.356

  No. I is from Howard's bank, Clover Fork.
  No. 2 is from Skidmore's bank, Martin's Fork.
                                                       4S3 A 454


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Appendix .....................
Area of Menifee county ..............
Barium and strontium chlorides in Glen Font brine
Barium and strontium chlorides in Goose Creek brine
Baryta sulphate, Owen county ..  
Barren county marl and nitre earth .........
Bath county iron ores and pig irons .........
Bath Furnace ...................
Beaver Furnace, Menifee county ..........
Bell county coals, soils, and subsoils ........
Bellefonte Furnace pig iron ............
Bessemer process; can phosphorus be removed by it 
Big Stone Gap ..................
Bittern water, Glen Font Salt-works ........

.             .......        159

.           ......117,       1t8
       . . ....    . . . .   . 52
.' .....                      34
.             ......22,       23
.       .....             8 to 22
.             .......        207
.             . .. .. . . 207
.           ......23 t035
       . . .... .  .   . . . . 37
       . . ..... .    . .   . . 17
.           ......229,       230
.             .. . . . . . 117

Bittern water, composition and uses of, Goose Creek Salt-wrks. ........52, 53
Bituminous silicious Vetrifaction, Lawrence county. ...............103
Bituminous shale. ..................84, 85, 114, 115, 126, 146, 175
Black band iron ores, Lawrence county ..t oo, 1ot
Black Mountains. ..........................233, 448, 452
Block iron ore of Carter county. .......................42
Boone county clay. ............................35, 36
Breathitt county coals ..........................38 to 42
Breckinridge Cannel Coal district, report on, by C. J. Norwood. ......341 to 364
Breckinridge cannel coal, characters of, and yield of oil, &c. ......349, 350, 351
Breckinridge coal hank. ...........................411t
Breckinridge Coal and Oil Company's mines ...................356
Brierfields' Gap. ..............................227
Britton's Gap. ................................227
Brush Mountain. ............................225, 449
Caney creek coals. ..............................412
Cannel coals, 39, 40, So, 83, 84, 85, 92 10 95, l1t, 112, its5, i i6, 135, 148, 264, 273 to 275,
                                                             278, 281, 303, 341 tO 364
Carter county block iron ore and pig irons...................42 to 4
Chemical report of the soils, coals, ores, &c., &c., &c., of Kentucky, by Robert Peter,
  M. D., assisted by John H. Talbutt, S. B. ................i to 166
Chester Group ............... .................433
Chester Group in Hancock county ........... ............393
Christian county coals, mineral waters, and soils. ..............44 to 51
Clay county; Goose creek salt waters, &c. .................51 to 53
Clay, German glaaa-pot.16............                                        2 to 164


12                                  INDEX.

Clay iron-stone, Estill county...............           .....     ....     .   63
Clay, Rockcastle county ........................... . 141
Clays.........        ..  ..  ..  ...   ..   . 35, 59, 62, 63, 70 to 75, 107, io8, tog
Clinch Mountain . ................ ............... . 232
Clinton county marls, clay, and coal.........     ..  ..  ..  ...   ..   . 53, 54
Clinton iron ore of Cumberland Gap .... .      .  .  .   . 17, i8, 159, 160, 223, 244 to 254

Clinton iron ore of Red River regi
Cloverport Coal and Oil Company,
Coals of Bell county .
Coals in Black Mountain and Log
Coal B...   ... .. ...
Coal, 9 feet thick, near Big Stone i
Coal, the Cheste.         
Coals of Christian county    
Coal, Cumberland mines, Clinton
Coals of Daviess county.
Coal D.      .........
Coal field, western, erosion in . .
Coals, Floyd county.  ......
Coals of Greenup county ....
Coal, Grayson county ......
Coals of Hancock county ....
Coals, Harlan county ......
Coal, Main Hawesville .....
Coals of Hopkins county ....
Coal H .    .   .   ......
Coals of Jackson county.....
Coals, Johnson county .....
Coal J .............
Coal K ..
Coals, Lawrence county.....
Coals, Lee county .......
Coals in Log Mountain, number ol
Coal L ........... . .

.on . . . ........ .... .... 201 to 203
their property, &c .o......  . 80, 83, 84, 343, 344
....................                      23 to 28
Mountain .234
    ............ 292, 295, 321, 322, 324
Gap .236
................. ..... . 436
........... .......... . 44, 45
county. ................                        54
. 59to6i
.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308, 309, 323, 324
. .......... .  ..... ...... 290
.  ................... . 68 to 70
...  . .   . .   . . . .. I   .. .75, 76
.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . .  70
. ...... 80to 84, 395, 399, 419
.... . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84, 85, 235, 236
.. .................. . 408 to 422
..... ..... ........... . 86to89
. ...... .                                    442
.... . . . . : ... . . ... . . . . .  ..92, 93
      . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ..... 94, 95
.  ..................... . 331
....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...   442
.101. .................... . O., 102
... . .                                 103 to 105
F beds, quality of..........       ..  ..   .  453
.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332, 439to 441

Coals, lowest on Kentucky river near mouth of South Fork . ........ . . . 266
Coals, Menifee county.   . .. ... . ..  120, 121, 173, 175, 176, 177
Coal measures, thickness of in Cumberland Mountains, &c .......... . 236, 452
Coals of McLean co-nty . ..... . . . . . . .............. 114, 115
Coals, Madison county... ...................     og, too
Coals, Magoffin county.. ..................     110 to 112
Coals, Martin county.. ..................       112 to 114
Coals, Morgan county.   .................... 115, i6
Coals, Muhlenburg county .. . ..................... 122, 123
Coal No. I.         . ..................                                 268, 269
Coals Nos. 2 and 3 . . ..................       269 to 273
Coal No. 4 ...... ............................ . 439
Coal No. 7....... .. . .. . . ......... . .. . .. .. . . . 439
Coals, Ohio county.. ..................      125 to 132, 405
Coal mines near Owensboro. ...................      308
Coals, Owsley county..  . ................. 135, 136
Coals, Perry county .....................       136 to 138
Coal, Pulaski county .............. ............ . 138, 139


                                      INDEX.                                     I3

Coals, sub-conglomerate, on Red river, Slate and Beaver creeks ... .      .  .  .   . 258, 266
Coals, relation of ash proportion to specific gravity .... .     .  .  .   . 12, 13, 27, 28, 42
Coals, Rockcastle county ....  . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  .  . 140, 141
Coals, extremes of composition of, sulphur in... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12
Coal from Winter's Gap, Tennessee ...................... . 16!
Coals, Wolfe county ....   . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .   .  147 to 149
Conglomerate, thickness of on Cumberland Mountain ... .   . . . . . . .   .  .   450
Cottage Furnace ...................... .....                                ..... 207
Crab Orchard salts.....    . ..  . . . .  .. .  . . . ..  . . . .  .. .   . 107, io8
Crandall and Moore, geology of upper part of Cumberland river valley . . . 447 to 454
Crandall, A. R., report on the geology of Menifee county.1... . . . .    . i67 to 240
Crank's Gap ...................... ........                                  .... 227
Cumberland Gap, height of ......................                                 225
Cumberland Gap, iron ores in vicinity of ................ . 241 to 254
Cumberland Mountains, geology of, &c .          ................. . 220, 449
Cumberland river valley, geology of upper part, by Crandall and Moore . . . 447 to 454
DIaviess county mineral       -aters, soils, clay, and coals..... . . . . . . .   . 54 to 61
DeFriese, on the timbers of the North Cumberland-Bell and Harlan counties, 365 to 388
Drainage of Menifee county .....   . . . . . .  . . .. .  . . . . . .   .   .    169
Dyestone ore of Tennessee.. ................ .. 159, i6o
Edmonso.n county iron ores and clays.  ...........        ..    .  ....      61 to 63
Estill county iron ores and pig irons.....  ..   .    ........... 63 to 65
Estill Furnace             .................. 207
Fayette county phosphatic limestone and soils..............            .  .  65 to 68
Fertilizers, mineral and atmospheric elements..................                       9
Fire-clay, German glass-pot.1......................                        i62 to 164
Fire-clay in Menifee county........................                              173
Flemitg coal mine, section at... . . . .  .   ........         ...  .            321
Floyd county coals.......      ..  ..   ..  ..  ..  ...   ..   ..  ..  .  . 68 to 70
Galena from Owen county .........            . . ............ . 133, 134
Geology of portions of upper Cumberland river valley, by Crandall and Moore, 447 to 454
Geology of Hancock county .... .     ........ ....              ........ 393
Geology of Menifee county, by A. R. Crandall .1.. . . . .  .  ......       t67 to 240
Geological reconnoissance of the region adjacent to the Kentucky and Virginia State
  line, &c., by P. N. Moore......    ..  . .  ..  . . ..  . . ..  .  .  . 217 to 240
Geology of the Red River iron region .. ..   ............                . . 86, 187
Geology of the country between the Red and Kentucky rivers ... .  . .   . 260 to 263
Geology of a section from near Campton, Wolfe county, to the mouth of Trouble-
  some creek, Breathitt county, by P. N. Moore............ . . 255 to 284
Geology of the region adjacent to the eastern border of the western coal field, &c.,
  by P. N. Moore ........................... . 423 to 444
German glass-pot fire-clay.1.... . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  ..  .  .  t62 to 164
Glen Font Salt-works, Meade county ....   . . . . . . . . . . . . .    .   116 to 120
Goose Creek Salt-works, Clay county .... . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  . .  .  51 to 53
Grayson county coal, clays, and iron ore.... .  . ..  . . . . . . . .  .  . 70 to 75
Greenup county coals, pig irons, iron furnace slag, and soils..... . . .   . 75 to 80
Haddock's coal mines ................. ....                     ....... . 275
Hancock county coals ..o...................... . 80 to 84, 410
Hancock county, geology of, by P. N. Moore .... .   . . . . . . . . .   . 389 to 422
Hancock county, topography of ....       ................ . . . 391
Harlan county coals...............                                            84, 85
Hecla coal mines.             .  . ............                                  322




Henderson's process for purification of iron............... .                 6, i7
Henry county metallic lead and limestone................. .                   85, 86
Hopkins county coals and soils ...................... . 86 to 92
Hunnewell Furnace pig iron........................ . 76 to 78
Indianaite of E. T. Cox.1.........       ...   ..   ..  ...   ..  ...     . i64, i65
Iron furnace slag, Raccoon Furnace .......     .  ..  ..  . ..  . ..  .  ..   .   78
Iron ores, black band, Lawrence county . .. .. .  . . . . . . . . . . .   . 100, 101
Iron ores of Boyd county.........        ...    ...   ..  ...   ..   ...    . 36, 37
Iron ores, carbonates .................. .......... . 36, 37
Iron Hill, Carter county .......................... . 43, 44
Iron ore, Clinton, of Cumberland Gap .... .  . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .   . 17, I8
Iron ores south of Cloverport.....   . . . . . .  ..  . . . . . . . . . .  .   . 444
Iron ores near Cumberland Gap, P. N. Moore's report .... .  . . . . .   . 241 to 254
Iron ores of Edmonson county .6 . . . . . . .1. . . . . . 6i, 62
Iron ores of Estill county.....  . . . . . . .  ..  . . . . . . . . .  ..   . 63, 64
Iron ore of Grayson county ...... .    . . . . .  ..  ..  . . . . . . . .  .   .  74
Iron, Henderson's process for purification of .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. 15, i6, 17
Iron ores of Kentucky, extremes of proportions of iron and phosphorus in .. .     .  13
Iron ore, limestone ore, Menifee county.. .. . . . .  . . . . . .   . 174, 176, 177
Iron ores, limonite. of Bath county .................... . 18 to 20
Irons, pig.8.....   . . . .  . . ..  . . . . . .  .  . is, 20 to 22, 37 to 38, 76 to 78
Iron, pig, of Bath county.......     ..  .  .. .  ..  . ..  . .  ..  . .  . 20 to 22
Iron, pig, extremes of composition of.S.................... .                     18
Iron, pig, of Greenup county ......    ..  . . .  . ..  . . . ..  . .  .   . 76 to 78
Iron furnaces in Red River region, dimensions of.... .  . . . . . . . .  ..    . 208
Iron manufacture of the Red River region .....   .  . . . . . . . . .   . 204 to 215
Iron ores of the Red River region.8....  . . . . . . .  . . . . . . .   . iS6 to 204
Iron, production of in Red River region.....   .  . . . . . . . . . . .  . .   . 206
Iron of Red River region, quality of......   . .  . . . ..  . . . . . .  . .   . 215
Jackson county coals........       ..  ..   ...   . ...   ..  ..   ..  ..   . 92, 93
Jessamine county mineral water ......    . ..  . .  . ..  . . . ..  . .  .   . 93, 94
Johnson county coals........       ..   ...  ..   ..  ..  ..  ..   ..  ..   . 94, 95
Kentucky natural resources.............                 ........ .... . to, if
Knox county ferruginous limestone and soils.... .  . .  . . . . . . . .   . 95 to 98
Laurel county soils ............................ . 98 to too
Laurel Furnace pig iron .......................... . 77, 78
Lawrence county black band iron ores, coals, limonite ores, &c.100. ..... . too to 103
Lead, metallic, Henry county .....   . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .   .   85
Lead ores in Chester rocks .......................... . 444
Lee county coals..0. .........................                             103 to 105
Lewis county soils.1.0.5. .  ......................                        sob to 107
Leitchfield marls.......    ..  .  . ..  . ..  . .  ..   .  70 to 75, 346, 347, 435
Limestone, ferruginous, Knox county..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 95, 96
Limestone, Lower Silurian, Henry county ................ .                   . .  86
Limestone, .olitic, at Hopkinsville ...................... . 335
Limestone, phosphatic, of Fayette county ..  .8........... . ....                 is
Limonite iron ores, Bath county..  ........... . . . . . . . .               I. is to 20
Limonite iron ores, Edmonson county . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61, 62
Limonite iron ores, Estill county ....   . .   .......... . ..... 63, 64
Limonite iron ore of Grayson county.            .    . ..                         74
Limonite iron ores, Lawrence county....                 .... to 103



Limonite iron ore, Menifee county ......
Limonite iron ores, Ohio county ...  ...
Limestone ore of Red River region......
Limestone (South Carrollton) No. it .....
Lincoln county clay and Crab Orchard salts . .
Lithographic limestone, Menifee county . . .
Little Black Mountain ...........
McLean county bituminous shale and coals . .
Madison county clays and coals .......
Magoffin county coals ............
Marl, Barren county ............
Marly clays of Grayson county and uses . . .
Marls or shales of the Chester Group ("s Leitchf
Marly clay, Clinton county .........
Martin county coals  s...........
Menifee county coals and iron ore ......
Menifee county, report on the geology of, by A
Menifee county soils, timber, coals, clays, &c.,
Metallie iron (meteoric), Rockcastle county
Mineral water, bored well of Mr. Trice ...
Mineral waters, chalybeate and alum, Daviess c
Mineral waters, chalybeate, near Lewis ....
Mineral water, chalybeate, Webster county
Mineral waters, chalybeate, Whitley county
Mineral water, chalybeate, Pulaski county
Mineral water, chalybeate, Sebree ......
Mineral water of Christian county, salt sulphur
Mineral waters, sulphur, &c., Daviess county .
Mineral water, salt sulphur, at Nicholasville, Jo
Mineral waters, Sulphur Springs, Sebre . . .
Mineral water, sulphur, Webster county . . .
Moore, P. N., report on iron ores near Cumberl

                                   L 5

.1............... ...... . 121
.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 132, 133
................. ..... . 188
.     ............. . 297
............. ...................