xt7x3f4kq38j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kq38j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1937 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1937 Vol.9 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, June 1937 Vol.9 No.1 1937 2019 true xt7x3f4kq38j section xt7x3f4kq38j Y lwl
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Published In the Interest of Community 1%! i ”12“
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Fe? Journalism - - OF, by, and For ‘ $151112"
K5; Kentucky Newspapers f H
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1 JUNE, 1937 w w
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 . ii Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS JUNE, 193} June,
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; Editors Return To Home Town Cit Kentucky Journalism ‘
.’ 5s 5 '31:i:'-:1:-‘1',-3
. . :5 ° ' versity of Kentucky department of cean Pedley, editor; second, the KPA legislative committee, 3pm, ‘
. :1. Honor FlrSt Prlnter English, brought the morning ses— News-Herald, of Owenton, H. L. giving credit to Lieut-Gov. Key
1, ft . sion to a close with an address, Bourne, editor; third, Shelby News, Johnson, editor of the Richmond \
. :4: At LeXIngton “The Newspaper — A Medium to Wade McCoy editor; honorable Daily Register, for the passage 01'
. , {it Universalize and Democratize Lit— mention, the Pineville Sun, the two legislative acts of great imper.._ jggfggzétij‘iiég;
7. Meetin erature.” Campbellsville News—Journal and tance to newspapers in Kentucky} LE:
,j 9 “Life keeps its diary in a news— the Carrollton News-Democrat. These enactments provide that F .‘itfégggigifift
’ t if; —- paper and has elected it for its Best news story—First, the Car- newspapermen cannot be made tof '
, w: Kentucky journalism which social and business secretary,” Pro- lisle Mercury for a story written by divulge the source 01" lthrmation, ,
. 3; reaches its 150th birthday anniver- fessor Farquhar told the editors. Grimes Caywood; second, the Ken— used In a news Itemv and define" tfl"
3;, sary on August 11 came back to the “Just as science is finding the tucky Standard, written by Miss pr1v11eged matter for Whtqh the It", t
z_ old home town June 24, 25 and 26 truth in the microscope and flux of Elizabeth Wathen; thh'di the Plhe' per cannot be sued for hbel' Pm" 4
1 v; to celebrate, to survey its progress, things, so the newspaper that re— Vthe Shh: for a story thtteh by to the enactment Of these, 13h Mitzi
. (w renew friendships, honor the mem— ports the instant factors making Herndon Evans. , newsmen had been placed m t h»
. ‘g ory of the state’s first editor, John life, ephemeral as they may seem, Best Editorial page f First, the ft” refusal to divulgc'sources 0f” t the
f i, Bradford, and to enjoy the work is running a record that even his- Hardin County Enterprise; second, fogmation,.and were m doubtast;
Z and play that always are a. part of tory and science no longer consider the Lyon County Herald; thhhv the W at offic1al mattei was pmflett t“
. 23:34. the anual mid—summer meetings of negligible," he declared. “The news— Somerset. Commonwealth; honora- and what. was not. t
, is, the Kentucky Press Association. paper will ultimately prove the ne— ble mention, the Shelby Sentinel, 0f Resolutions were adopted, amorg 7 height;
.51?) Approximately 200 Kentucky cessity of literature in the lives of ISIhelbyvflle, and the Carrollton Whlth 'was one expressing the at ”“4:
' n, newspaper men and women took men and women and confirm it as ews-Democrat. preciation 0f the KPA for the put 4
g 3;}: part in the three-day celebration in a progressive interpretation of life Advertismg COhteSt _ best hth lication by. The Lexmgton Hem“
' g": which Lexington civic organizations and the greatest evolutionary force page, the Springfield Shh; best half Of a compilation Of the press lat“ ‘5‘:
and businesses joined in paying playing in life,” he added. page, the Lyon County. Herald; best 0t the state. The booklet was com-1,-
. g, tribute to the state‘s press which At noon Friday the Kentucky quarter page. the Springfield sun: plled by me- Vlctor 3- Format“
in. found its beginning in the tiny honorable mention, the Somerset 0f the department 0f Journalism it o
a K t k G t ~ . Utlhtles Company was hOSt t0 the Commonwealth the UniverSity of Kentucky assntet‘. ”521:”. ii:
A en uc e azet e m Lexmgton 0h editors at a luncheon, and here the ' . b Frankl‘n Dr den a se io' ' .5331» g
August 11, 1787. Bradford relics editors were joined by G0,, A, B, Horse Farms Visited nihsm stuldent Y v n 1 J0” i- gs," j;
1;; 3161‘s) pligiegl‘on display in the Lex- “Happy” Chandler, Lieutenant Gov- Friday afternoon the editors were The final event of the morninvt fig,
. 1 "flag g n 11 10 Library, founded in ernor Keen Johnson, editor of the conducted on tours of famous horse . - , _ :: «Wt:
- s, 1792 by Bradford and others and ' h ' ‘ f ' th Bl ‘ busmess sess10n was a round table {fit
- 4“! his erso 1 fil f t ’ Rte mond Dahy Register, already arms m . e uegrass region discussion of “Job Printing” led by' hi?
.\F D 11.3 es 0 he Gazette, being on hand. Governor Chandler aiound Lexmgton, a. courtesy of the - - , 3%
' 3‘ together “nth other historical news- s ok briefl sett'n f0 th h' ' Lexington Board of Commerce ft Dave Grifi‘ith, superintendent 0t tttl 5E§:;:::§:;.:..I‘:ti%$iéi
' ' aper files, were bl‘ou ht out i p e y’ '1 g r 15 we“ - ’ a ' printing plant of the Kentuckl‘
12-1,,- taheir fire f g 0 on freedom of the pres; er Wthh they returned to the Lex- Kernel University of Kentucky Stll- I 13;;g;g§§g;§:{;g;g§:§g
» ,fs tucky edgfggo tvaults for the Ken— “I want to see the newspapers of ington Public Library to inspect the dent semi-weekly and it was a,’
. r; 11., . O examine, a treat the state continue to publish the Bradford exhibit of the Bradford nounced that the award for the; 1"“‘5‘3’”""3E§§§Ei
. , w_ lei is not oflered to many. news as they find it, to support Historical Society, members of best exhibit of job printing had I .'
g Hear Shop Talk whatever political candidate they which were hosts for the occasion. been Wm, by The pmevme Sun '
'1 2,; _But the convention wasn’t all wish, and to print what they want In the evening the editors were The pici
given over to history. There were about anyone, providing it is not guests 0f Lexington newspapers at Saturday afternoon was then gt» men am
‘t’, addresses and discussions on Ken- libelous,” the governor declared. the annual mid—summer banquet at on 0Y6! to the annual assomatmnt presiden
tuckyrress Laws, on Job Printing Winners Named on Radio the Lexington Country Club. The hand”? g0” toumament on It; —_
' E? Siguilmflar tshgp topics, while the During the luncheon the editors speaker was COL Samuel M‘ Wilson gglbsgrt) lit/gidfitelfangctgtgittg edit t
, cem 7‘ - ‘ ’ ” . ’ ’ “
\ various Ki): gonttlegt: 15123:; tleti t3: received news of the contest awards £721,fgggsifoghehléaiggfcgf £2213: the event, his second successive vit- t RES
. F‘ op ortunit f th ° , . ‘ by means of radio, the results hav- t k ,, A . . tory. S. V. Stiles, of Louisville, chief’
' meambers t3; cohlipare etheailis'sgifdtiirt ing been made a part Of a Weekly ”ch: yeditorilsontgh:thegdttehgngedtgrlg 0f the Kentucky Associated Pm” MID-t
. 7t; PreSident Joe Cozder, publisher assistant professor of journalism at haying attempted. tofoster an ac- chosen the Eelgctlifm bein left I? The Res
of the Campbellsvflle News-Journal, - - tive press organization 130 years ’ - - , - g ' ‘
, ,, and Secret - the Umversrty. After the program a ' - the assoc1ations executive commit to submit
‘ I; ary Curtis Alcock, pub- which originated in the Lexin ton ago, according to accounts found in t h h' t hill" ,3
t":- lisher Of the Danville Messenger, WHAS studios and was broadgcast the Kentucky Gazette. high Phgeltcato thiecgega}: ii'(i)eeting~ '7 gHERE
3'15 were on hand when the members by stations in Louisville, Paducah, Speaking of the service that the asked that the association come u? is no; K08,
0f the assoc1ation came rolling into Lexington and Ashland, Prof. Enoch state’s first editor had rendered, i that city next year There was no en'o ablce
1,,“ Lexmgton Thursday afternoon .for Grehan, head of the department of COIOhel WhSOh pointed Oht that election of officers. this being an' Legiilyigton
,1» the preliminaries of the meeting. journalism at the University made Bradford often served as a magis— event on the program of the win- ’
,g, By evening the celebration was in the presentation of the eontest trate in Fayette county, and at the ter meeting D 1‘ tWHERE
[3,, full sWing With Dr. Frank L, Mc- awards. time of his death, March 21. 1830, Donors of the contest trophies ,2“ £121,5- n
‘7‘.“ Vey, preSldent of the UniverSity of To George Joplin editor and pub— was sheriff of the county. He was were‘ Lexin 'ton Herald au_around a mi” atlgn
§{§SFUCky’.&nd Mrs. lVlcVey enter- lisher of the Somerset Common— one Of the founders Of the Lexing- contest' Lgxington Leader beslt the ssugreel
in? film? gonw1the acarecep t101nh at the“ wealth, went the coveted award for ton Phbhc Library, an early town fnont page contest; Prof. 'Enoch‘f Which th
bemg guests of hag“! ‘ e editors the best all~around country neWS- trustee a. member Of the Trans-Vt Grehan, best editorial contest; Lou- throughou
, , r. paper in the association. His paper vania UniverSity board 0t trustees, isville Courier—Journal best new:« BE IT I
Friday morning the members Of also won third prize in the contest and was one Of the founders Of the stor ‘ Wade McCoy the best editor- W t
._j the. assouation were welcomed to for the best editorial pages, and Fayette hospital, now Eastern State ial gage“ The Louisx’zille Paper Cour. cereeagxr-E.
1" Lexington by Mayor E- Reed Wh‘ honorable mention in the advertis— Hospital. panv best job exhibit‘ KPA 035V Who hathe
. '«,. son who declared that “Newspapers ing contests. In addition to these activities, a ard for best advertisements t sisted
are 513,111 1311';th most influential mould- Second place in the all around Bradford was prominent in the for— W s_______ t in this “1:2:
5;, ers o pu lc opinion, a appy sit- conte » V" mation of the early state 'overn— , t ‘ .
V uatiqn for Kentucky which enjoys Entering:ntprfhiitstiliingtdEizcahehh}: men," Colonel Wilson declarged. He MORE CONSUMER oo-ops SEEM hlsTbeten.
3"”. a high type of editorial leader- town; third prize to the Campbells_ was chairman of the reception com— If state legislatures continue to progra hos
. 3“" ship. J.,L. Bradley, of ProvidenCe, ville News— Journal, and honorable mittee and delivered to the state’s direct drastic action against ch93!“ quha1~n;n(
” Vice preSident of the KPA respond— mention to the Springfield Sun the first SOVETUOY the address "0f W61- stores and if Congress “stands pat" ‘ do we wis1
.f ed to the mayor’s address of wel~ Carlisle Mercury and the Carroll— come, and later published a com— on the Robinson—Patman 13“") tion I
1 come, after Whieh Harry L99 Wat- ton News—Democrat. pilation 0f the acts 0t early Keh' America is destined to witness8 T. t
erfield of the Hickman County Ga— Other contest winners were: tucky legislatures. These were of D. t rowth in eorsumer cowpgfl. 5 meist lfio:
zette spoke on “Newspaper Circula— Front page—First Hardin County vast importance in the new West, t ”.1“ ea g E This Ed VS'ldm
tion." S. H. Ourbacher, of Ashland, Enter rise‘ second i3, Sand News Colonel Wilson pointed out. ltlves. 11:1 the next 6W years. ._ ~ of 1 61
is, then gave a discussion of the work . p ” ’. ’ g . y ,’ prediction was made before a 1,9 ”Comm
_.- - . Louisa' third Campbellsvflle News- After the banquet, a dance W35 . 311v Utilitie C
0f the soc1a1 securlt board and ’. ’ . . cent convention of the Inland D . , S
y ’ Journal honorable mention, the held at the Country Chlb f01 the . . sed- ful lunche
Hal V‘ Brown, manager Of the Keh‘ Somerset Journal the Shelby News editors and their ladies. Press assoc1ation by L. 13- B16 to the u
L? tuct‘y Press advertt‘ing bureau, 6’" of Shelbyville and the Kentucky Johnson Praised love: engineepeconomist, Who has Reed, Vi
. j“ planned the work or hls agency. Standard, of Bardstown. Saturday morning was given over made an intenSive study Of the 03,, Davis, Ac
Professor IS Speaker Best editorial — First, the Lyon to a business session. Here Thomas operative movement here a to the Gm
me. E. F. Farquhar, of the Uni- County Herald of Eddyville, Gra-‘R. Underwood, chairman of the abroad.

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193 June, 1937 I‘HE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I 1 1..
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Ism 1 5 Kentucky Press Opened Annual Meetlng In Lexington 1 I! h! ;
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ng had I. ~ _ ._ .1 : 1.“; '2' W ' 1 ’ 1’ ' 1 iii 23%;
ion giv- The picture above shows a section of the crowd attending the annual mid-summer meeting of the Kentucky Press Association. Newspaper- 1! 1.11 !E E ‘EI' '
001;“ij men and women from all sections of the state were in attendance. The inset pictures are from left to right: Joe D. Gozdier of Campbellsville, l ”.E’EE 1 E1 E
on tilt president; Curtis Alcock of Danville, secretary, and J. L. Bradley of Providence, vice president. —Lexington Leader Photo | E11 . IE1
;ry club. E; _—_______W#._L.- """i' "A — 7. " W‘ "i ' “ W“- " . .._. ' .. #—” E—~———————— E E 1 i. E EEE
1e wai' ~ . . .. . . !E EEE'E.‘EE
. E . of their bus on the bluegrass tour, 1consented to prepare and mail out 10—Newspaper advertising is in- . E E E -;!E 1.
1396111111 RESOLUTIONS to the School of Journalism of the in mat form. tf b expensive. Merchants have learned 1 .E '1;11 !1
v ~ ’ ' f Kentucky for their Respec ully su mitted that is covers more families for less 1:

. MID-SUMMER MEETING UnlveFSIty 0 . . ,, .E

d Prey. handlin of the tro hieS' to the do— ' - m n . - _ ! 1; .. E
8 KY. PRESS ASSOCIATION nors ofg the trophlies; 1the Schine CongmifiteIeJLKIN wagging“ any Othel fmm 0f ad . !E E .!‘ 1
E '— ‘ ' — ‘ ‘ . ‘2 :4 1: 5
)3 11" . . . theatres for the“ courtesy m ex WESLEY E. CARTER. 11—Newspaper advertising results EE 1:! .E. 1E !
left The Resolution Committee Wishes tending complimentary tickets; to A S THOMPSON may be checked IE 1‘ :3 EI. IIE
:ommllE ) to submit the following report: the Lexington Public Library; the ' ' 12 Newspap I circul t' . !‘!E|E 1 !
t0 ha“ Er WHEREAS: United States Public Service Hos- . . - I 6' . a ion is . IEI: . E. .
meeting. I The Kentucky Press Association pita]; The Bradford Club and Li— WHY NEWSPAPERS LEAD known and is comparatively unaf— E E II
come it! is now completing one of the most brary and its Board and Staff; to _i— 11 II . fected by daily change. 1 ‘.! 11 ‘
was no enjoyable sessions in its history, in Idle Hour Farm, Faraway Farms, Newspapers continue as “ms 111 13 — Newspaper advertising re- 1 1IE I E
sing Iall' Lexington, Kentucky, and Whitney Farms, Dixiana Farm, for advertismg media, and heie 15 WhyE duces selling costs because it en— 1 E1 ‘,
he Will-I WHEREAS- the City of Lexing— courtesy extended on the tour; to according to H91 Thomas F; Barn— tails no waste of ic lat" Th' 1:1
. ton has more than lived up to its Frank Jones, who so ably presided hart 0f the UDIVBI‘SIW 0f Minneso— c r u ion. ‘5 1’ E. E ‘
trophiES reputation of being the center of as toastmaster at the Friday eve— ta: helps reduce costs for the consumer. 111 EI. .
'al'oun11i' the state in Which hospitality is ning banquet; to the Lafayette and 1—Newspaper reading is a uni- “Newspaper advertising,” says Z 1i! 1
r, 1391.1 the supreme consideration and for lihoenlx Hotels for tdhetir Iliospltal- versal habit. Newspaper advertising Professor Barnhart, “builds confi- . 1 1 E E
E1100: P which the said c't ' k 15’ and courtesy; an 0 he LBX- theretofore reaches virtually all who . . . . 1
;t; LouE throughout the naticlmy is nown ington Herald and Lexington Lea d— read and buy. dence and good Will, attracts new EI .
gt news: BE IT RESOLVED THAT er for their delightfulIbanquet and 2 _ A newspaper advertisement customers, increases $3185. and sta— E 1 . 1.
39mm" We extend our thanks and sin— 111221.131 tolther 5011111365185 extended can always be seen by the reader. bilIizes merchandise, methods and i E.E1 1 '
100311511; cere appreciation to the following uring eEmee mg. ESOLVED 3—The newspaper advertisement, prices." - [I E' , 1!
ntsc .I ggtidhavedso ably and efficiently as- FWUIEIIEEAE; B? (ET RS 1 W‘l as part of the complete paper goes _———_‘ '1 i ‘.
E . n an co—o ‘ ‘ : u e amue i- - EEE‘ I
— E . this in t‘ pemted m makm-g - g mt" the home as a WElcomEd gueSt- NEWSPAPERS HAVE WIDE LEAD E: 3

I. . ee ing the success that it son, prominent local member of the 4_ h d t' I , .
S SEE11 7 his been: Bar and president of the Bradford if e newspapfilr .3 (£1611 lIsetmEnE __ E E I‘ :I
inue to To those who took part on the Historical Society so ably depicted can; nag: $11132: thleeraieiils £21385 William L. Austin, director of the ‘I E. E1 E
!t chain1 program, especially Prof. E. F. Far— the life and character of John an e ' _ Bureau of the Census has jut is- E I E
ids pat" guhar and Judge Samuel Wilson Bradford, now therefore, 5—The andountt‘ of text used in sued a report which shows that the 1 1 . i

. - - . ’ saeraverisemenSis e n— ~ E . ‘E.
i la“! 1 tignwe WlSh to extend our appreCia- Be it resolved that, the Kentucky :11:th 133537 upon the size of spacle)e newspaperIstere 13h? nation‘s great— 1 i 1 1 E
tneSS a 1 Press Association obtain in con— rt' . _ fl. est adVErtISing' medium during 1935. l E
1—0 art-5 To those assisting in arrange— densed form this address, and that _ 6—Newspaper adve ismg 15 ex— In that year the newspapers . 1
) pThiS ments for the meeting, including it be mailed in mat form to every 1ble. . . . handled 37.7 per cent of the total 1 .E
s. . . Ed Wilder, Secretary of the Board newspaper in the state, asking 7 — Newspaper advertismg 15 of $405,883,000 billed to clients by 4 2 ,1;
e a lIe' OfI Commerce; to the Kentucky that it be published, as near as pos— quickly controlled. , . aoencies General magazines a ri- l . E
1d Dalli’ . Utllltles Company for their delight— sible on the date, in August, of the 8*Newspaper advertismg may be (film 31' d 1' . , g

Breed- {111 luncheon and preliminaries. due 150th anniversary celebration of adjusted to different conditions. 1.11 tr papers an re igious pub- ! ’
7110 has 1%) the llntil‘ing efforts of Wash the first newspaper of the state, 9—Newspaper advertising enables 1.02120“ handled 26'5 per cent. Ra— 1 .
the co. Deed. Vice—President, and John published in August, 1787, and for manufacturers and dealers to state dlogmdudmg netWOI‘kSE Spot broad-
Ee and mag? Advertising Representative; which the Lexington Herald and Where their products may be casting and talent, accounted for I ;
‘ e Greyhound Lines for the use Lexington Leader have graciously bought. 15-6 per cent. I 1
-M. W 1 .

 , 2‘ Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1937 June, ]
. W /
' 3‘ INCREASE AD RATES operating costs and all those other /_
. ’3 TO MEET HIGH COSTS new and increased charges that will
; i , . 58 .. —-—- enter into newspaper-making in I
f .. : ’ . Moving boldly to meet increased 1937. It is worthy to not that many '
‘4 g 8?} ,i. “5:;E3 i1 g 3% costs and higher tax schedules, southern newspapers increased ad. I’—
. ' .5 { newspapers throughout the country vertising rates during the 551mg ' S
i. are increasing advertising rates. period. ;‘ UQS
j, 2 —__________—_______ Likewise many publishers are in— “Study of linage figures in the
I. 1 Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association creasing subscription rates in an light 0f rates serves to contradict "" What is
., _-; ______—_._ effort to bolster their revenue. The the contention that higher rate ' copy?
~ = VICTOR R. PORTMANN.................Edi.t01‘ trend is mUCh more pronounced in levels operate to destroy volume. I This que
- ___.__—____________ the daily than weekly newspaper Examination of the report will di- time again
.. . Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, field. vulge that frequently those news- ,' down his p
.1: University Of Kentucky, Lexington The Pennsylvania Newspaper pub- papers with rate levels among the . an ad fOr
; ___—._—_——___—.———__—— lishers association recently com— highest in thell‘ respective groups I been answe
. I, PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS pleted a. comparative analysis of ellJOY linage equal to and frequently many dlfie
' , _. Jodie P. Gozder _ President News—Journal, Campbellsville advertising rate structures of Pen- above those selling (iOmpfil‘able 011“ vertlslng
. i J. L M B d1 _ V' -P 'd t ......._......_._ E t ' ,P 'de ce - ' f , -

. ,, Cfi,,;lg,,g:,ys,,,,pg,,,, nsyivama newspapers. The PNrA 61115;th velurrle <1” ties gong . writes the;
.‘ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE commented: “It would seem that in f I; oweér 21m“ a 10“ brtac e 5‘15 l paper, 5 ‘
j Y . ' ~ . - - ' oun grea es variance e ween 0- whether a

1 Th R. U (1 d, L ' gto H raid, Chairman; Gracean M. Pedley, Herald, some InStances rate rewsron might . . .
I, :5 Edgy/aisle; Variicirg‘ilinenti‘fiiit, CIouriSer-Journal, Louisville; Dolph Creal, Herald— well be considered as one avenue ca}: and national Iratss’ 3'. varliflCe iayOUt- It
. '; News, Hodgenville; Vernon Richardson, Advocate, Danville; J. Gilmore Nunn, to that increased revenue that is to W ich progressive y imlniS‘ es " with puncr
.' .. H 1d,L't;J ctil,D t,c th‘ ;Rth.K‘ 'd,Nv, ‘ , A. l .
~ . ' Meidfilesboei‘fitnfiatizries Te Ngiris,01nd:riil:rid:nt, l?n1£§3?vm‘ioirn Porltlirciziin. Ige‘ris- be necessary to meet higher taxes, through the larger cnculation clients, or
I tucky Press, Lexington; Martin Dyche, Echo, London; Joe Richardson, Times, —_____—_— groups.” another ch
: 1 Glasgow; Robert L. Elkin, Lancaster, Honorary. A lead article in recent issue of Her are
I LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE SIGNIFICANT TRENDS Editor and Publisher stated: . _ consideering
. \' Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington, Chairman; Warren Fisher, Mercury, ————— “Increased revenues from adver j tising copy
'5' C l' 1 ; L W. Hager, Messenger, Owensboro; George A. Joplin Jri, Com— '
1 ‘ ES mixiiigeiflth?wsr:riigiset; Francis M. Burke, Mountain Eagle, Whitesburg. A carenfl Study Of the neWSpapers tising and circulation coupled with
. : that carried ofi the prizes in the . . ’ 1' IS T
. , ADVERTISING COMMITTEE t A C t _ h sharp control of expenditures is the INSTITUT
Robert L. Kincaid, News. Middlesboro, Chairman; Thomas T. Wilson, Log Cabin, recen . yer up ypograp y 00.1“ answer to most newspaper manage- .3 d ‘t
j: Cynthiana; Shelton Saufley, Register, Richmond; w. L. Dawson, Oldham Era, La tests Wlll reveal some very definite . , 095 1 app
'. Grange; A. S. Wathen, Kentucky Standard, Bardstown. __ - _ ~ ments to the Pr9551ng problem 0f ‘ at which 1
_ ,_ and very important trends in . . .
. 5, NEWSPAPER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE the field of news how to "19317 the rapidly Increasmg represent 1
, paper makeup. . .
I a" Victor R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexington, Chairman; S. B. Goodman, Cen- While the contest was open to 005135 0f the Indusmy‘ COStS have I tion of the
1‘; tral Record, Lancaster; Flem Smith, News, Georgetown. . . , "‘ been rising for many months, chief- . 2 IS I’]
" 3‘“ dailies only, It offers some good ly in increased wages to mechanical - ‘ t 9
i - - . ring rue.
. 53 __________.____.___,—______. . hints for weekly publisheis. T00 and other employs, but the am I ___
l: ..—____._.__— —__._—.____ often weekly newspapermen neglect . . ' —
. o: . . . nouncement of the major newsprint —
is: T Cl 1 d C l'f . (1 this phase of their busmess, con— companies that they seek a $50 ,
- ‘2 MEMBER ,mfi exas, eve an , 2“ ornia, an tent with outmoded forms of make- ic 'f r 1938 br 01 ht th sub’ect ‘
- 1?» filial) New York City are crying for your up. or course the cost often pro- pr 9 ° . .‘g e i ‘
-. . _: W _ . . . of mounting operation costs forcrbly
‘4 space. Institutes galore dump mats, hlblts all the improvements many t th tt t' f bli h . and
‘1: . - - - 1d like to make in their a ers o e a en ion 0 pu S eis
K V TUCKY PRES plates and literature in the malls. W0“ p p - business managers.”
4 ASSOCIATION MUCh of their publicity is cleverly AA sun/:37 tor thC‘h\lV..1Illll31‘lsl in the A 1.ecent issue Of California Pub- I
H i concealed. but nevertheless it’s tosiiarcilogags agénfioé‘zlfecgsee IESEd lishers’ association bulletin carried 7
. I ORGANIZED JANUARY, 1559 there. But, what are YOU going t d , 1. fl 5‘ this item: “Costs Go Up—The Paci- .
3g __._______.__.___ owar more Simpified ush heads, fi C t E1 t otr and slew I
’ -! Ito do about it? There is only one and the use of larger body types c oas .60 r ”ml-s ' L l
, EDITOR 0N VACATION I ‘ _ ' E' ht . . ' typers assoc1ation has sent out the ,
j. _— way to stop free publiClty. THE 1g 0f the “me Wlnners,“5e cap following: ‘Our industry is con-
, .j: As I am taking a combination va— NEWSPAPERS MUST SIMPLY :25n10x32dcfigrhjgdg’glut? haze fronted with a substantial increase
3 cation and study trip at the Uni— QUIT USING IT. Writing irritat- anwa‘; head Tie :71: I; an e in wages and this additional manu-
I versity of Minnesota, I leave this ing letters to an institute or pub— 8- int t ’ 9 .n t uses an facturing expenSe plus rising costs ;
z . . licity man will not get the job done. , p0 ype on a. -p01n body for of raw materials: taxes and the v
"a issue of the Press in the capable . . its textype something unthought of ’ ’
. The remedy is in concerted refusal . .’ ‘ Social Security Act. has created a ;
v." hands of Prof. Niel Plummer my in the daily field a few years back . . . 7
I 11 t th Un' rsit It is 0f your news columns. More and more dcilies ar d t' I Situation much can only be solved
, Ce eague a e 1V6 Y- f I Several states have found an ef— lar bod , 7 ‘1 Th e a op {Hg for the members of this industry by
,7 Wlth regret that summer plans did I fective control for this widespread nefer h y b‘ipesih 13f weekhes an upward revision of prices.’ Pub-
. not permit me to be in attendance I free advertising. It is called a pub- th' 6 av: “:3”? ll e O elnders on lishers of newspapers can well af- ,
, at the Lexington meeting. I know I IiCity control bureau. Under this befn‘coggmoigt W]: 501:1 lesOhaive ford to give serious consideration to
i; the delegates were in good hands I plan, each publisher enters into an bod ’ t e for‘ 5' d .1? p pu ar increased production costs.” ,-
. .. individual contract with his state y yp “.105 a1 ies a few The Inland Daily Press associa-
». and that they carried away Wllh . . years ago used in a desperate ef— ‘
i them a happier knowledge of Lex— assocration, whereby he agrees to fort to cohser tion conducted a survey on the sub- “V
a} _ th 1 G‘ f ‘ use no free publicity from outside V8 news space. ject of local advertising rates. Of ’
,1 ington and e Bue lass arms. his home town, unless he has re- The first place “11111191" The L05 the pUblishers answering a ques- »
Because of my absence, the Press ceived the approval of the associa— Angeles “Times which popularized tionnaire, 95% reported that they
'3 W111 11015 be published durlllg July tion, which mails the copy direct. the new streamhned” makeup, uses eithe