xt7x3f4kq661 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kq661/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1986 1986 1986-01-17 2020 true xt7x3f4kq661 section xt7x3f4kq661 t
t t .
‘ N thsfilfifl“’hz 12f" ' " Established ”94 UnivonityofKontucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent since WT! Friday. January 17, 1986
UK joining nation ' ' Kreml' ] ' 't ' '
17 , , ‘ P P y _._,,
to recognize King 3 f t lk - - _-
,4 r - 01' a S OVIEtS sa ' " ~
> With films march ‘7’}. ' ’ “ ‘
t . " ~*—_ ' “tain- I, I I t- I. I
y ’ .* . - By BRIENDA WATSON —— The Sov'iet L'nion claims the plan is t " l ’. ‘ ‘1 .1
ByKARIEN MILLER —— 'w _ : “swatch PMS :JDosptto Saviot plan, no. fittinfil‘arh’l3.‘1§'33‘3;;£"d N“ m .. . . .'
StaffWriter Elm MIC! King Jl‘. f0- “1 GENEVA — The chief SOVlet he" .9." “y. Iwont m on The l'nited States Says it is com , ;

FeSttVltteS in honor Of the th'St na- "mum“; ”m. m i ‘31”; gotiator sa‘d.y°5terday that the hrSt Star Wan. 5“ "9° 4- mitted to the Strategic iicit-nse lltl ' '1 -. '.

. . *‘ order of busmess for the new round tiative and does not intend to st-m - ’ s ’ 1‘ -. .
tional observance of Martin Luther honor fodonl holiday. Soc . . . — , P 3 . . . .
Kin Jr ‘5 birthda continue on cam- M. | of arms talks 15 Idealing Wlth .a it The Reagan administration con- '. -' '. .I' . .'

usgtoday and will culminate in a ' Kremlin proposal intended to “d pelman said his team was “anxr tends that a defense systt-iii iii spun- : .-' ; 3'1: I
fjnit March on S unda — Europe ofnuclear mtSSIleSo . ious" for an accord and his Soviet would make the world more secure .f .‘- IiIffIi‘

Th); Universit algiig with some cal confidants and was instrumen- 1 \ :- After a 10-week break the U550” counterpart, Viktor P Karpov. 9" Karpov said the "direct task' of I 55‘}

‘t y. . . tal" in organizing ministers in Bir- Vlet arms negotiations resumed yes- pressed hope of a “creative search the negotiators is to deal with the - ,,-.‘
$0,?me y gohpsl' d]: sporIisopng mingham Ala after local officials terdaY~ one day after SOVlet leader forasolution." first stage of Gorbachm s proposals , I . '- .'.'. $.54.“
severa even "10" I g a BC ure tla ed'th N t‘ l .. . . FRED SHUTTLESWORTH Mikhail S. Gorbachev put forth a . The plan calls for 30 percent re » ’ it -
today by the Rev. Fred Shuttles- 0" W e a “”13 “5003““ plan for eliminating nuclear weap- Star Wars has been a major stick— ductions in nuclear , n -n' I .. . i . . ‘,_.~ . 31?". 3.; i. -
worth. He will give a talk in the M1. for the Advancement 0t COtored .‘ l f u ted b d] l. h - . mg point in the talks since this 59- . d it d \ “it", m . -‘ ' - =‘

- - - .i p l and wil be 0 out y a can e lg t 0nS “1 several stages h) the year . of reaching the other side s teriiiorv . i .: . 1-:
King Library hath” titled Reflec- eop e. Vigil. 2000. ries began last March The" rounds and elimination Within eight wars til I ‘ " - " V
tions on the CW” Rights M:vement Tonight at 8 in Memorial Hall Currently . there are about 70 orga- Washington welcomed Gorba- have produced no Sign m progress [S and Soviet medium-range mi,» A ' i‘ ‘_ '. h
Shh, the Role Of Martin Lht er K‘hg Warren Bowles will be featured in a‘ nizations consisting of UK depart- chev‘s proposals — but cautiously. 0“ the ‘SShe' sues based in Europe . . _' 'I .

rCh t G d director of th of one-man play titled "Dr. King's merits. offices. student organizations The Reagan administration express- Karpov told reporters before the This would be foilmwd it} a timid ’ I: 5 .f -‘ ‘

. es er run y. d t ff . e d Dream .. and community groups registered to ed concern because he linked arms US. delegation arrived: “The Star wide nuclear “93mm. “1...“. and h g I .. . . ,t -
he" ht minority St” 9'; a ahhsi Slat ‘ march. reduction to scrapping the Strategic Wars program is very dangerous nally, complete nuclcar dwrmd ‘ . “.I .

LIK '5 very lucky to ave S uttes- The march on Sunday which Nikki Fulks, representing the UK Defense Initiative. the US. research and we feel that banning of that pro- ment by the year 2000 I ~ ._ .
worth speak on campus. Grund encouraged‘ everyone who Counseling and Testing Center in the project on space-based defense com- gram is very impOrtant for reducmg Both sides said at the t S NH ict ‘. ~ ~ A ' , ' ‘

. We feel reallyb‘fetértunatfi to have believgs in “freedom social ‘ustice march. said the center elected to monlycalled“Star Wars." arms.firstofallnucleararms " summit in Noywnym- that mm - 5 ~ -. .
h'mIO" campus . ause t? was a and ace“ to attend‘will be ‘1“ at 3 participate because it felt strongly The opening session at the Soviet "Blame the L'nited States. not agreed in prinCiple on cutting nucié. . . . i '
very close assoc1ate of thg- mpfn front of Memorial C(giliseum about the cause. Mission began on an optimistic note. me." for the superpower dis- ar forces m half . ‘ ‘ ' '
Shuttlesworth was one of his politi- P- - see KIN(;.Page4 Chief U.S. negotiator Max M. Kam- agreement on Star Wars. he said “hm” h tan. II . . ‘ . .’ I‘

--—— Appalachian s h l ' '” i “
“to ‘1. ‘ I'; . ,.
into "5,, . f ByDAYlD NAYLUR of the center and current president ‘ .
a - 7. it Contributing Writer of Berea College. one of the desig- ’
’ .:, ? nated Appalachian colleges. began . - ‘. ‘ '
. l _ . 5» Mathematics and science profes- the process of obtaining the Peu . ' - '
, . l i ; Li; sors in Appalachian colleges. re- grant. "
\. . l r.” .. stricted by limited research facili- - . . ,
~~é‘ - ' "I "w ‘_ ties will receive help from a .. . : . '
\1. ‘ It h . . 5 t . '
t ‘ fi. 57 i ~ . gig?) grant to UKS Appalachian met1nvi'iltllirctheOfF'legt:t4 T211“ :32??? .
F ‘1: . . , ‘ ' 1"" .. I Alice Brown. director of the Appa- 22:; things went from there, BMW“ . . ' .
*7 _ ’3 lachian College Program. said the ' .'
. ” ”~ ‘ ’ i «c ... Mable Pew Myrin Trust will award d t f .1 . t . t 3 _
‘ ‘ (I Marti: ,' ”at? m5 ‘ 12-month. $25,000 fellowships to 81.133310: :55th Lndnigzurhzgoald {0:3 ‘ .
‘ 9" . I I" ' . no: I If math and “tench professors from UniverSity Club a year ago. imiting , ‘ '
a.“ .< 91"" , "t’t‘w‘ “" among 27 colleges ‘h the Kentucky, the deans of the various depart . - ‘
W ~. ‘ 2/ "3m“ " It" North Carolma. Tennessee. Virginia ments in mathematics and the SCI- - _
gee“ ’ ‘ ~_ " w" and West Virginia region. They will ences at 13K. “l was greatly pleased ,
.a 1’ “‘ » - . study atLK. . . . at the turnout." she said "All set en , . ,.
““ " I . *‘ " ' “The grant ‘5 5mm” to the_‘“‘“' deans attended. and they became . - . I
.. . R ' ... ' \I - drew Mellon grant we have received verv enthusiastic over the pmspecb , _ .'
~ .1 . r : (y. » for professors in the humanities. ex- of the program." . '

’ _ I} 4.. .’-' ,3 "‘ cept that instead of being on campus ‘ ; ' '.

. .723, ' I " » i ‘* Ligasfihgmwfiiltigmflhgtg: fifmifu‘: Brown said the deans then devel- ' 4 t . .

, .e‘ ~‘ '- ' .. . . _ .. , oped policies and procedures for the -. I I ‘ I .

3.:9’ ‘ "1' . for a full year. Brown ha‘d' We program. Their group became an ,- .' g . .-

. 3 I, ‘ feel that these professors need more advisory committee _ . . , . '

., ,v ‘ s. "35 ". time for research. given their cho~ ' 3 . ' , 'I ’

' “A " " I " \' “it ' sehéleldsi. t t _ l d . $ 'l Those professors who wish to re A »' ‘I

P r i k 552.22: Salaam; $2.31.; . . ‘ = *‘ ~ ‘ '

ane' ll W0l' . ~ .I . a proposal outlining their research .. .' '
hhllliigels’ei: :hnfifipiljfhgii] 325$; interests, Included in the proposal ' . ‘

Bill Phillips of the Physical Plant Division paint shop replaces behind the Hunt Morgan Biological Sciences Building yesterday. cause education was seen as the if: ihgmlfgsgi‘h 1:2? {girfihgfi both T 5 ’. ,.- ' ?

broken panes on the top of one of the University's greenhouses He said hail had broken most of the panes. most important concern."she said. leges. ‘ ‘ ‘ t , T . i . f . .

John Stephenson. former director set-mu“. View 7 .~. 5

t . "I ‘5'" 'I 4 :3 3. ’w e
University Extension taping project design d t ' l 1 't' n f t t 't ' ' "
hySlaAh.’ ANDERSON dent Study Program of the Umverst- The first volume of eight record- include the works of Wendell Berry. wealth where it is able to appreciate Kentucky writers as he was so he ' ' I' 3‘1 " ‘ -' :- r. V ;- i 3
Staff Writer ty IExtenSion has been preparlng a ings has been partially completed Harriette Arnow. Robert Penn War- local artists," he said. “In the last conceived of a project to promote . , ~" .‘ "(
series 0t PIECOt'dthS 0t Kentucky au- and will be distributed next week. ren and Gay] Jones. a Lexington 15 years we‘ve seena renaissance in the state‘s literary accomplish- 1 ,i ‘ .. ’.

Ask someone to name some Ken- thors reading from their mm works Pfanstiel said. writer. Kentucky literature. There must be ments. " ,~ ‘ l. .t‘ .3
tucky writers and most. even the to distribute t0 libraries across the JoAnn Smith. director of program Norman is enthusiastic about the 100 outstanding writers in the state. Pfanstiel said the purpose of the ' : ' 3' ’
most well-read. will drawablank. state. said EIarl Pfanstiel Jr.. direc development and marketing for Uni- series He said there has been an ap- I hope it tthe writers seriest will in- project is predominantly public rela- ' -. U L;

Many might think of Jesse Stuart tor of the independent study prO- versity Extension. said additional preciation for Kentucky writers at clude many more than just a dozen tions for the ['niversuy. However he . ' ‘ - -, . —
and cant go on. Of course some gram. cassettes will be distributed as they the college level for many years and or so " said he also wanted to do something ' . .
may remember Damel hm” "We want to encourage people to are available. most state colleges offer courses in , of “real educational value “ There ' _ I ~ : 5 .'
handcarved message about killing a find out about Kentucky authors and , Kentuckv literature. He said there is The proyect began more than a Will be no charge for the recordings ‘ i. ‘ ‘ . '.
“bar" 0" a tree bUt that doesn‘t the l'lCh literary heritage here." he The four recordings completed a flourishing "criticism and analysis year ago whenIPfanstiel attended a and once in the hands of the high ~ - '
count. Kentucky writers are gener- said. ‘30“5‘“ I‘" readmg“ h" ”me? 5“” of Kentucky writing at the college {399mm ‘0'", hentUCR-V Poet 9am“ schools they will he .ihie in use the . .‘ '
ally unknown. especially among The series of cassettes will be Thomas Merton. (JurrIiey hNolrman level." and this interest is now pen~ Still at the l h Appalachiantenter. readings anyway-they wish , . . _ .
Kentuckians. . given to high SChOOl libraries in Ken- and JamIes Bali“ Hal.'.T e [agar etrating into the state's secondary He was impressed by Shhs “'9“ Pfanstiel hopes they will be cape I W ‘ '

The UK University Extension is tucky and to public libraries in con two teac crea ive writing a . ‘ schools. and. as a former high SChOOl EhghSh cially useful to high school literature
trying to change that with the Ken- tral Kentucky. The readings will Smith 53th the next four reeordings. . . . and history teacher. was surprised teachers and students. ,
tucky WritersSeries. also be available at the MI King which will complete the first vol- “At last Kentucky is reaching a at not having heard of sun before. The tapes are collected in a blue _ .

During the past year the Indepen- Libraryt ume. will be finished soon and Will stage of maturity as a common- He said many were as unaware of SccVOICI'lS, pas“, '
‘Dial a Menu ’ message Visiting van to house Air Force film ‘


ives una etizin f

g p p g are “'1" WI? ION 50‘ C°"mb““"‘ Wht" “The service people organized this visit to
roc m sic a t . . . .
_ , Food service em ,0 ees didn-t " "" °‘ W" Students may notice a temporary inform as many people as pOSSible. We hope .
B) JAY BLAth h p y For 0 took Ct 30m. 0‘ 'M, addition to camp‘s Monday.
Staff Writer Epomwowmflf aggfisaseugstgn ,.. "sums, pug. 3, The Air Force will park a special for a good turnout from the student body.
ca e . . .

w . . service, but test night's dinner mes. van between Ammo" H8" and the Whether they’re interested or not I think that it

.e. are haw“ dog 8h“ Md none 58 e of baked chicken tato sou ‘I‘ho mitts Doom JohrhahS'h thd‘hg- The van. to be - - n
of its any good. It all sucks. The g . ‘ 99 p used as a recruiting tool will house Wlll be WCll worth the time.
food is red” 8 it at r t n . . and lima beans meant things were mats Auburn tomorrow. . . ,
nasty' y po 2 o te and it 8 back to normal F p tow m a mini-theater andalounge. Capt. Gardner C, Hodge Jr,,

. . ‘ , or 0 rev .300 . Bet . I . I . ,

Even the mm is“ student would Allan Elma". director of food ween-9 am and. 3 p m ism assistant professor of aerospace studies
. 8" serwca d be thought lo Page 8. dents are inVited to View an eight-
fmd yesterday's lunch “Dial a '3‘“ . a'.‘ ”hp y' minute multi-image program titled
Menu" message less than appetiz- ee was responSIble for putting in the “Sha i' the Future .. —
ing false message. He said the manager p ng ‘ .

Whether this message was an ac. of the Commons or some of the em- WEATHER The film focuses primarily on the Hodge Jr.. an Iasmstant professor of to show students the lucrative bene-
curate description of the ham steak ployeos are responsible h.” placing Air Force's advancements in high aerospace studios fitspgsreggymthe 3:123:20 students
or baked chicken lunch is an argu- WW” tapeinthemachine. . Today will ho cloudy and technology and the" “Pp"cfit‘m to “We hope for a Good turnout “'9'“ with the rtunifies to achieve
ment that ultimately must be settled Cindy Williamson. an accounting mild with a ‘0 W military preparedness. An Air Force the student body." Gardner said. their own 09mm] academic goals
onthecafeteria floors. junior. who called shortly before recruiter will give insight into the “Whether they're interested or MN m , ”the tr .n. to

B . "°°"v 3““ She was surmised but "0‘ ‘t‘m' °t ‘t‘wm' 7'“ "t'h prov-ms and mommies offend think that it will be well worth the a "m” . ”'99" 8'. ."h ..

ut that 3 what some students offended at the phone message when will to In N Iowa! a 1.. by theservice . ., become an officer in the military.
. - : time. -
heard Wednesday night a- early yes- shecalled. will b. M M Hodge said.
terday when they COIN the MON- “It was just kinda funnyI 1 called ' tho '0' h fit. “The service people organized this Hodge did not know whether the For more information, contact the
ed manage that mullly gives the my brother and then he called most with ' m visit to inform II many We ll van will make an annual visit. but Air Force ROTC office in Barker
mmutorflteCmuplexCommm. SumePm, at possible.“ said Capt. om C. be aid .imim event. are planned Hall.

 . t ’
2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL My, my 17, 1“
Officials upset over chosen waste Sites
‘ _____——-—_.-=-——_______———
B) (il‘i‘DARST each in Maine, North Carolina and gone conclusion" that a second site dereround acres and 400 surface __________________.
Associated Press Virginia and one each in New actually willbedecided upon. octets actually _used. Some of the 12 ———'——_————-————————————
Hampshire, Georgia and Wisconsin. if a second site is chosen. the deci- finalists and eight backups are far .
WASHINGTON — The Energy De- sion would come in 19% for me in larger. but Rusche said “we‘didn’t
partment yesterday selected seven An additional eight sites _ five in about 2006. The first repository is have the. data" ‘0 I)“:k Whleh 39
states as possibilities for a second Minnesota and one each in Georgia, supposed to open in 19%, square mlles In each place would be
vault to store highly radioactive nu~ Wisconsin and New Hampshire - thebest.
clear “'aSle for 10.000 years. The 59‘ were chosen as backu in case an Some a rent] suitable rock for- . .
. lections set off immediate cries of of the front-runnerspshas to b: mations 3:; ruled out even before “aqzzodlfilgdaminggdfotlri‘tzu::e;o
' "510' "l my back yard!" from gover- dropped, n e t Rusch ‘ 'd the 235 andidates were icked. . . . . '
nors andotherofficials. unlikely. a ven e 5“ was c p mgrigsalidmmhal,mag0bs Whfle
"If it‘s not a good site, it‘s to the Other reasons for excluding candi- ‘ re 1 . a per ps . many as
33:68 Tit/3:389 Rand hOUI‘Sthdflfu: Only one site actually has been au- dates were the waence of a com- I‘LWWNIG under CODSU'MUOD.
3 cu. .. n _usc 9. ea 0 thorized b' Congress. which would munit of 2.500 le or 1,000 - ‘
DOE's _Civilian radioactive waste of have to aphrove a second. DOE ear- ple my any squargeggle. proximitgego In the final stages. a state may
lice, said of thecrlllClSm. lier chose a salt formation in Texas, other centers of population. pro- formally obJect to selection, and it
' (ong'ess "1 1982 mm“ "‘9 de‘ a basalt formation in Washington tected federal lands such as national “fl" ‘3'“? 3 We,“ “"81”“S ‘0 0V9”-
Partment to Plan for. two _under- state and a tuff formation in Nevada parks and forests, similar protected "dc that relectlon- To hear affected
ground rePOS‘tonfit usms different as finalists for the first repository. lands of states and Indian tribes, states yesterday, they were ready to
geologies if possmle, to isolate an with a presidential decision sched- habitat for threatened and endan- castavetonow. F COI I EGIA'T E
‘ " expected 140900 metnc tons _,_ uled for 1991 on which one touse. gel-ed Species. mines or quarries . .
. . . . 154.000 us. tons — of spent reactor greater than 328 feet deep and unsui- Minnesota Gov. Rudy Perplch.
j . - ‘ fuel. weapons waste and other high- L'ntil Congress decides on a 5490 table geology and hydrology. backed up by a letter to Energy Sec-
. . .' 1y radioactive material. 0nd site. the first is limited to 70,000 retary John S. Herrington Signed by U RNA
‘ The 12 sites chosen yesterday are metric tons. although Rusche said A repository would require 39 his state's congressional delegation, J L
‘ ‘ granite or other crystalline rock for- either could hold all expected square miles on the surface as a said Minnesota objected because of
‘ " . matlons # three in Minnesota. two material. He said it was “not a fore- buffer zone to protect the 2,000 un- “ourwealth of fresh water.
' 6' NASA cancels flight to observe Halley’s comet ————————-——————
ii ' ‘ ‘ _ _ B) P.\l’L RECER Space Administration officials said The wave-off yesterday was the Officials said if Columbia is forced GO ahead, PU' yourself °" edge.
‘ Associated Press the Florida weather forecast was eighth operational delay for Colum- to land in California, it will take The Kentucky Kernel is always looking for good writers,
’ - .‘j ' ‘ uncertain and it was expected to be bia‘s flight. Launch 0f_ the "“5510“ about six days to return the space- photographers and artists. Interested? We may have a deadline for
, . SPACI: CENTER. H0u5l0ll ~ even worse tomorrow. was postponed seven times over 25 craft to Kennedy. This would not on
.’ ‘ . . , Rain and fog in Florida kept luck- days before it lifted off last Sunday. leave enough time to prepare Co- y ' . . t , b th K I
. ' less Columbia from landing yester- Officials said if the prospects ap- The delays put NASA into a tight lumbia for its the March 6 launch Experienceis not'necessary. Jus s op y e erne newsroom,
.. - day. and NASA said failure to bring peared dim for Columbia being able schedule bind to meet the agency‘s date, As a result, the Halley‘s comet 113 Journalism Building, any weekday between 10 am. and 4 pm.
the shuttle back to its home port to land in Florida today 01' tomor- goal this year Of launching 15 shuttle observation flight would be Artists and photographers are enc0uraged to bring samples of their
., ' today would force cancellation of a row. it would be diverted to Ed- flights, including the comet study canceled.NASAsaid. work.0r callus of 257.1915.
‘ March flight devoted to Halley's wards Air Force Base in California. mission. Paid staff ositions are available
. . comet landing there at 8:39 am. EST Fri- p. . . '
' The astronauts. who endured'a re< day, Rep. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., is flying The only thing stopping you IS . . .you.
. - '. cord seven delays _ before finally _ | . Columbia is scheduled to be on Columbia as a congressional ob-
. , . launching their “115510“ Sunday. Columbia 5 planned landing yes- launched again on March 6, carry- server. Others on the crew are fl
_ were instructed to aim toward a 7:12 terday was canceled Just 19 minutes ing into orbit an an array of instru- Charles Bolden, Steve Hawley.
' . . ,. am. EST landing today at the Ken— before "“590” commander R01)?” ments focused on Halley's comet. George Nelson. RCA engineer Rob- #
. nedy Space Center. Gibson was to trigger rocket engine The launch date was selected to co- ert Cenker and astronaut Franklin
.. » fumes that would drOP the Winged incide with the comet fly-by of Sovi— Chang-Diaz, the first Hispanic-
- , But National Aeronautics and craft out of orbit. et and European satellites American to fly in space.
. 1.25
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 l f l ‘
KENTUCKYKERNEL My, “.7 17, 1~-3
, ’7‘ i :A 1" » . T“ . i tnl ~
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O) l)- _=._— ‘ - V : §ET—'=:l‘ ,.: - A"sl1'
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,. :ur- 27.5%? ; 7 Elllnmc—f :6“ ~ Lyn Cantata
V-ll . V "2A ’ “'E‘ I Bla?§. '— ' Ass siur - A 13' 1'
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"lilil ' ' / F' d b t d' t t d ' w h‘ hl' ht d 1985’ k ' -

,. .. . me e 11 S , IS 01' 6 VIC S 1g 1g 6 S I'OC mUSlC ' «

- It By GARY PIERCE Billy Joel, Barbra Streisand. the '
‘ Arts Editor Rolling Stones and the Supremes. ' ' .

AIM“ 0W “'00" ~— 2350 WWW" Shoppinii CONN» Tonto“ Ond 10m“- The view from here on the past Best Heavy Metal Yes, rock fans. 4 l 1’ ~ . ' . '. I.
row, country rockers Southern Spice.9p.m. tol a.m. S2cover. year in rock music: there is such a thing as good metal. ' , .~ . .
Tho Iar — 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. Top 40/disco music on o The Headpins' Head Over Heels ‘ .. . '. ,I ,
sound system, 4 p.m. to i a.m.: after hours on Saturday from 1 to 3:30 a.m. Most undeservedly overlooked LP (WA) proved Canada can produce '. I - , I .' .

’ S3c0v0r- The Blasters‘ Hard Line (Slash/ something besides great beer. Lead ‘ ’ l 'I . _. , I'
Iottom UM — 36' W- Short 5'- 70059“ 00d 'WI’OW- "'0 Mighty Klique Warner Bros). in which roots-rock‘s screamer Darby Mills. who started . . , . is “ T,”
(reggae).9:30 p.m.tolo.m.C0voris 532$5f°f cowl” both nigh'S- hardest-hitting band served up their out singing country, sounds as if i l . ', ' '. -.I,’ ".3,‘
IN“ A “'00" — 2909 ”€th "006- Tonight Md ”Morrow. APO! (TOP ‘0 leanest. cleanest batch of Ameri- she‘d just as soon be biting the ' ' i * ~. .. . II jII . I i‘; if, II
rockli9p-m. '01 O-M-flcovtrdiefsp-m- Happy “00" "0"‘4'039-"1 cana to date. complete with a little heads off rabid dogs even on this . I E ‘ '1 .' f I.,"
mm!" - 509 W- M03" 5'- “"59“ °"d '°"‘°"°W- "‘9 Wild" 3mm." help from famous farm boy John band's infrequent slow numbers. ‘ i; ; ‘ { ,1 . . - ":j‘PfiI'iI
(bluegrass at its ever-pickin' best) will open for The Bunch (Top 40 rock). 8 Cougar Mellencamp himself. For And rarest of rarities in the metal I ‘3 ‘T I',_",' .V‘L' in”.
P-m-'°l°‘""52¢°v°'- . . God knows what reason, radio con- field. the Headpins even know a , ii I ~ .. » . ;,I‘I .31.}
Cafe LMNO' ~— 337 E. Main St. Tonight, The Graphics (original rock). Tomor- tinues to ignore these guys. ospecial- good hook when they borrow one i . I , . . v - ..v I... ‘7, IiIII III-I .IIIiI Iv’fij .II ..
row, LS. (original rock). Both bonds play from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. S2 cover both ly around here where you'd think and set fire to it. \ \ . . I L‘,’ I.\. . II iIiIgILI.

v . . i " . ' -' l» i i' .7
"igh's- . , . these gospel-blessed. blues-fed, rock- / ‘. 1 it .73, I’L. y-j j .~
Crystal's — Hyatt Regency Hotel. Formerly Pims Pub, the lounge is now re- abillied gems would play best. (irossest misinterpretation Some . . I ’. I..IIiI."I' .tIIbiII
modeled and features Top 40 dance music on a sound system. in addition to how Bruce Springsteen‘s Born in the ’7- .‘ : Uni". f...* ~. .
Y°‘" l°V°m° Vid°°s °" ° “"5” “we" TV- 09“" "”7 "‘9'" "m" ' °‘"" N° Best major label debuts It was a U.S.A. album (CBS) continues to be «a. . g . :3; 33“er
“V9“ I . good year for little-known bands held in high regard by Reaganites . . “ " ’ ii I.-II i, :I‘I’h'y-Ifi
6"" Scott: W “ 68‘ 5' B‘°°dw°y' T°"'9h" 'h" B°"'°I°l "w “ms who finally got a shot at the big who‘ve never listened to the lyrics. . . . .. ~ ‘ 1 ' . ~'-,.‘ .‘
features five heavy metal groups in competition for a $250 prize. Da-Nang, leagues. The Replacements‘ Tim /\i-. . ‘ I; ‘. IiII-. II .iII .II I :II
Ransom. Riff Raff. Toot Uncommon and Vice will play from 6 p.Im. to I a.m. $3 (Sire/Warner Bro.) brought some of Best reissues Windham Hill pia- .~ 1’ ~ \I\ i I. r I I . II/III . II .IIItIiI r
cover. Tomorrow, Mayhem (heavy metal) opens for the two winners from the America‘s best garage-band rock 'n‘ nist George Winston put some mix- I/ J .. i I, . ' . . r I I .-
previOus nights who will compete for the grand prize. 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. $3 roll into the left-most reaches Of the ing-bOard polish to an LP'S worth of I 4 J _. . It , N. . . .' I ..II'I‘ I.
“V“ I . mainstream. Meanwhile the Long tunes by Professor Longhair [aka a ' .-, I? I‘ i , I. - t‘ -
Joffanon Dayle Inn —— 102 W. High St. Tonight and tomorrow, Lush Pyle Ryders packed enough high‘toned Henry Roeland Byrd). the late I ”I i ‘ ~ i‘» '.r , .I I; III
(°"9'"°"°d‘I)' qp'mjm ‘ °'"" ”CW“ b°m "'gh's' . , . cowpunk onto State of Our Union rhythm and blues master who could mowmumm omuvouoiw moms ' l .. .‘~ , ‘ ' ‘.‘ ' ‘
'1; All onm‘h— :zl'dwi "mg: ”I: °":IN:W'°‘:" Pig's” M'TieIx°:;5p'"s (Island) to make their lyrical mix of have taught Ray Charles himself a 7 : ’.
'° "5' 7°"i9 " "°"‘ 9“ e' ”9 ‘9 " “ °'° ”Vs ° ° ry°° nostal ia and ulist ' litics sound thin or two about the iuno. His , - . , . ‘, ' . ' . -. i
can drink from 10 p.m. i0 1 am, andIyOu keep the glass mug. No (oven almostgintelliggi): P0 Roci 'n‘ Roll Gumbo (Dagcing (‘ati John Cougar Mellencamp scored big with his Scarecrow album w . . a: ., I, _‘
Library -_ 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, Paradox (Top 40 rock), The Damned continued their Windham Hill) is a house party all . . . ., .I _ .". .I-i
9 p.m. to 1 am. Tonight, happy hour from S to 8 p.m. with a $3.50 cover after smooth shift away from punk with by itself. packed with barrelhouse best and the worst of the remixed Pi Scarecrow /.luIliii I i mug.” . , I, . l...
BPm- T°"‘°"°IW- h091W“0|"('0'1'17'It’9pfli. wflhoS3.50c0veratierI9p.m. the ethereal Phantasmagoria blues and Creole‘styled piano magic. ClasSics and prexiousl} unreleased ,\lt*ll(’nl"dlll}I) Rim 1 ultiii'iiizi \. .' ' . . . I . ‘. .
Splrlts — Radisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, Johnny White and the (MCA) an album that sounds _ and material . both studio and it“. who cares if the fungal-s? s tum-1"“: = . . , I
Elite Bond(Motown),9Ip.m.tola.m.No cover. . . . I this is a" compliment _ as if it could For something completely differ- are often juxtaposed to drive home son cashed in Ijll>l .i iziiiv «11‘; I ‘ . iI- ‘ ‘sI,
Two Kaye — 333 S. Limestone St. Tonight and tomorrow. Velvet Elws (angina have been mixed in a graveyard. ent. PolyGram Records re-released the pomt that. even the gleat ones Springsteen 5 “fit. white imh ti“. K . I ~. _ I
rock). 9p.m. to l a.m. S3cover. New Order‘s Low-Life (Quest/Warn- the first three Velvet Underground have their lousy moments. The sum and blue vision ill the so”, pctilltllt. , . .’ 1 .
er Bros) proved that these long- albums from the late ’60s Culled total is stunning. and well worth the ic underdog’ Johnny (iiuiiiir hm r. - I‘ .I . _
time masters of gloom and doom from some razor—sharp Japanese llieekerlliqt (ll so it takes to get nally come of age. and :1 ll(- l1Li> uiij.I . . '. -. ’ II
could use their synthesizers to find a masters 0f the original recordings. roug l a ‘ more Vei"”"~‘ “If“. mh ”m. >111. . ‘ -.
I little light at the end of the tunnel Lou Reed's ViCimIis guitar now B :t (1 ma. /. l/t‘ II b I smokin in his brain. he cuuld It-wii . . . -.
while beating OMD at their own clashes more beautifully than ever esh IanceIiIiscoIiiiuI shirt - ch: gne the Bo» a good run lUl l1i~ _ . .
e . . . game. w.iiIh JiihiiIICahgs legendary distorted Erica“ Lai::1\:;idl EIIItaJeiI tIIIiIsIIIwIeIiIII hard-earned monc} I. .
' Vioasas in s. ' ‘ " “” - ‘ ‘.- ‘ '
' g Force (0le managed to survive a . ’ I ~I
. ‘ . . This morbidly compelling music ridiculous. although sort of charm \ . , , , .. ‘>
' Most aus ic'ious debut LP The suc- ~ , . . . .4 LIH' .il llit' ll.” Ion: Mill-P"
. < IN I cess of Whiptney Houston‘s shimmer- was punk before anybody eveIr com- ing. group name and horrible album t‘luh/sam ("Ike ilit‘ \I lmi vii-r; . _ . . I . .
ing self-titled first effort (Aristal ed a term for It‘ When you ve ex- graphics and delnered the “if” b0”) Who thought ilit‘ m" \‘H'ii
was the year‘s most enjoyable re- hausted yourself on these records A hottest dance floor smash. "1 lion; ”mi“, “in just mini, gm Alli. I .
. a: if [h i w r -.-‘1 .. th der if 1 Take You Home. ' alim with _ . i , ‘ .. . - .
The Adventures or Mark Twaln _ The movie ad reads that this is the first minder that her brand of adult c0n~ Sim W3 a if Uli’OZ‘r'e’ilIIeoin 53;: a recordiui (If 5""th soul :Junds crooned sweet littlt tllnIt> ill‘it till I .
full-length film to feature claymation, so that should add interest to this story temporary balladry IS rapidly be- leased songs: from the mysterious that pav homage to their roots with 58nd “6 dud Ion!) 59km“ ‘hL‘ I '
ohm" 0 MP '° Honey’s come" Raled 6' (Foyene M°": “30' 3’30' 590‘ “5° coming one Of the strongest genres t'nderground recording sessions that out needlessly worshiping them. pusmulmu? rele‘l5_e .Uf ( ml.“ ”1 “(m : ' .
Northpark: 1:50, 3:30,5:15,7:20, 9:20, Friday and Soturdayat11215.) around. . . ‘ ‘I .. . , . - . I , . cert “1“ come as a shock .‘\llli . . I I _ .
somehow neier led to that great \our mothei might eien like some verv welcome shock ll’ltlet‘il l" 'le .
lack To The Future —- Cruisin' along for its 29th straight week, this red-hot . . , . i I i .. . - . . . ~ . ~ ‘ ' “" ~ '
One ironic note: Houston was lost \cliet tinderground album. of this stuff if you dont pla\ her the has a sin er sounded mhm Iriil\ ~ . . . _
summer smash is as funny the 10th time as it was the first. Stars, of cou