xt7x3f4kqb67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kqb67/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1953-01-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 12, 1953 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 12, 1953 1953 1953-01-12 2020 true xt7x3f4kqb67 section xt7x3f4kqb67  







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Minutes 9; the University Faculty, DeCember g: 1952 995

The Faculty voted approval of the recommendations submitted by the Committee.

President Donovan stated that he had asked Dean Stahr to make a statement

to the Faculty on the present status of Social Security for the University Staff.

In his report Dean Stahr outlined the events which lead up to the University's

making an appeal against the ruling of the Federal Security Administration that

the University Staff was not eligible to participate in Social Security. He
stated that the Appeals Board had heard witnesses for the University and that
a decision probably would be rendered in the near future. The decision will
hinge upon whether the University's present change-of-work policy does or
does not constitute a retirement plan.

Vice Presi ent Chamberlain reviewed the history of the University's
changemofuwork and explained its provisions together with amendments that
have been made since the first plan was adopted.

President Donovan announced that he had received a letter from Mr. Ivan
Jett, Director of the Kentucky Chain Store Council, indicating that he and
Mr, W. E. Mortimer, Manager of the Kresge store in Lexington, were arranging
a dinner in honor of the teaching and research staff of the University. He
stated that invitations were to be issued for the evening of February 17 at
the Lafayette Hotel.

The FaCulty adjourned.

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R. L. Tuthill

Minutes g§_the Universitpraculty, January lg, 1353


The UniVersity Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. Monday.
January 12. 1983. at 4:00 p.m. Vice President Chamberlain presided. Those
absent were C. A. Anderson, George K. Brady. James 3. Calvin‘. Martha G. Carr.
H. L, Donovan‘, G. P. Faust‘, w. P. Garrigus, J. P. Hammond, Fred Harris,

L. C. Pendley. Roy E. Sigafus. A. E. Slesser. Earl P. Slone. R. L. Tuthill'
and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of December 8, 1952 were read and apprOVed.
Associate Dean Horlacher presented for the College of Agriculture and

Home Economics the following recommendations conCerning dropped and added
courses and changes in courses and credits which were approved.

Courses to be drapped

Home Economics 107. ”orkshop in Nutrition. 4 credits
Horticulture 104, Pomology: Stone Fruits. 3 credits

Courses 3-19. added

Agronomy 101. Pasture Production and Management (3 credits)
The selection of pasture crops and their establishment.
fertilization and management for temporary or permanent
pastures. Lecture and recitation, three hours. Prereq:
Agron. l I

’Absence explained



























































996 Minutes 9£_the University Faculty, January lg” 1983

Home Economics 107, Vorkshop ig_Annlied Nutrition (2 credits)
The application of scientific knowledge of nutrition to

the promotion of pesitive health. Emphasis is given to
communications techniques and their use in field work.

Farm Engineering lgé, Advanced Farm flgchinery. (3 credits)
Selection, Operation and maintenance of farm machinery
With emphasis on poweradrivenmachines. Analysis of the
machinery needs of farms. adjustments and servicing of
machines. Lecture, one hour: laboratory four hours.

Changes in_Courses

Change ip_Descrintion
Home Economics 1019 Principles 3; Nutrition. (3 credits)
Fundamental facts of nutrition presented as basis for
planning adequate diets for peeple of different ages.
activities and needs and at different income levels.
Practical aspects are emphasized.
cussion, three hours.

Lecture and diSe
Not Open to home economics

Change 13_Name and Description
Horticulture 103, Pomology: Pome Fruits - to be changed to
Egggjculture 1939 Pomology: Deciduous Tree Fruits: (3 credits)
A course dealing with the theory and practice of com—
mercial tree fruit production, with major emphasis on

apple growing. Lectures, two hours: lab. two hours.
Prereqz Hort. 1

Changes in_Credit

Home Economics 115, Food for Special Occasions (2 credits) a
change to Home Economics llBaob. 2 credits each°

Home Economics 130, Interior Decoration Projects (2 credits) a
change to Home Economics 130aab, 2 credits each.

Dean Terrell presented the following new course for the College of
Engineering which was approved by the University Faculty.


Course tg_pg_added and become effective February. 1353:

Civil Engineering 115, En ineerin Interpretation 2:
Aeri§l_Photographs. (3 sem. hrs.§

Fundamentals of aerial photography as applied to
modern engineering surVeys. Analysis and reports
on soil pattern. geologic formations. and land use
studies using photographs. Lecture and recitation,

two hours; Laboratory, three hours. Prerequisite:
Consent of instructor.

Dean Spivey press

nted for the Graduate Council the following courses for
which request for grad

uate credit was granted by the Faculty.

Commerce 177a. College Business Management. (2)
Elements of management. organization,

procedure, financial accounting,

techniques and property management as applied
in the business administration of colleges.





————_‘l‘ “,1,

 Minutes 9£,the University_Faculty, January lg: 1953

Commerce l77b. College Business Management. (2)
Elements of personnel management, public re-
lations. investments and finance as related to
college business management.

Economics 285. Government Finance Administration. (3)
Government budget. accounting. debt. purchasing.
treasury. revenue. and auditing administration
are examined; illustrations are drawn from fed-
eral, state. and local experience. Each student
makes a special report on financeomanagement
or experience.

Dr. Chamberlain stated that President Donovan had requested that the
following members of the University Faculty prepare resolutions for pres-
entation to the University Faculty at its next meeting and for presentation
to the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee, whichever meets first,
on the death of President Emeritus Frank L. McVey:

Dean Elvis J. Stahr, Chairman Ezra L. Gillis
Thomas D. Clark D. V. Terrell
J. w. Martin E. S. Good

M. E. Ligon

At the suggestion of the Faculty Committee on Planning and Policy.
the Committee on Medical Education, recently appointed by President Donovan.
attended the meeting for the purpose of reviewing before the Faculty the
problem of medical education in Kentucky, and particularly as it affects
the University. Dr. Chamberlain, Chairman of the Committee. outlined in
some detail the conditions in Kentucky and the sequence of events which
led to the adoption by the last General Assembly of a resolution calling
for the Legislative Research Commission. in cooperation with the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, to make a study of the desirability of establishing a
state supported medical school at the University and of the steps necessary
to accomplish this. Following Dr. Chamberlain's statement there was dis-
cussion of the subject. participated in by members of the Faculty.

Dr. Chamberlain read a letter which had been received by President
Donovan from the Director of the Kentucky Chain Stores Council. Mr. Ivan
Jett. in which 285 members of the Faculty were invited to attend a dinner
on February 17. Mr. Jett stated that the remainder of the Faculty would
be invited to attend a later dinner.

The Vice President stated that while this dinner invitation was not
compulsory. it was hOped that there would be a good representation of
the faculty in order to express the appreciation of the University for
this fine gesture offriendship.

The Faculty adjourned. ’7 W

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R. L. Tuthill











