xt7x696zxp26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x696zxp26/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19761022 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 22, 1976, no. 151 text The Green Bean, October 22, 1976, no. 151 1976 2014 true xt7x696zxp26 section xt7x696zxp26 nic
CM ,E$-{NQ
i 22 October ~ Seminar in Graphic Fesiqn at the Kino Librery Press.
ll GO EW» Lecture ( The typocrepHer°s art“), Cless~
i ‘ room Elec, Pm. ll°. 2:00 ?H~ Graphic Design Workshop,
A Gallery, King Library North.
i 29 October ~ Aémin. Council meeting, 7:30 RN, Ulecé t0 be &¤¤0¤¤C€@·
  ~ “Husic in the Gellery“ series: Faculty Chamber Wusic
  Fnsewble perforws "Guetour pour le Fin Gu temos“ by
  Olivier Ueesiaen. Noon, Gallery, Kino Liorarv North.
  ' Open to the public.
A Y 30 October · ”Preschoolcrs, parents ene books" ~ workshop at UX
A Stuiemt Union, D·ll:70 AU.
I .
% G November ~ Librerv Faculty reetinq ~ 8<30 AM, Gellerv.
Contributors to this nuwberz Cliff Black, David Farrell (F6itor),
‘ John Cray, Rebekah Uerleston, Faith UarHers, Patricia Henfro, Jim
Sheeffer, Ann Phort.


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‘ UK Librarians Elected at KLA:
The following were chosen as officers for l976/77: Vivian Hall,
president: Omer Hamlin, Chairman, Collece and Research Section:
Sara Leech, Chairman, Special Libraries Section¤ Mary Evelyn
winter, Secretary, Colleqe and Research Section and president~
elect of SLA, Kentucky Chapter: Rebekah Harleston, Chairman,
Government Documents Round Table.
KY Union List on fiche:
The Reference Department in Kino has a new tool for locatinc
serials. The Kentucky Union List of Serials prepared by the
University of Louisville is on microfiche at the desk. It gives
the publication history of items listed and the holdings of most
Kentucky libraries. UK branch libraries are distinguished from
Kino by different symbols. The department also has a computer
printeout from the Kentucky Union List of UK holdings. (These
lists do not include our call numbers). Needless to say the Ref~
erence staff will be happy to check the Union list for branch
libraries. _
Law Statistics:
` Accordinq to statistics recently compiled by UK law librarians,
the University of Kentucky Law Library ranks Pth in the southeast
with 139,000 volumes. First in the ranking is University of
Virqinia (232,000), followed by University of Georgia, Louisiana
State University, Duke University, University of Miami, University
of North Carolina, and University of Florida. Among other
comparable schools, Vanderbilt ranks lBth, University of Tennessee
léth, and University of Louisville 22nd.
King Library Press Board meetsz V
The Editorial Board of the Kino Library Press recently approved
the 1976/77 publication schedule. A total of six titles are due
for publication, and two additional titles were approved for
future publication. Members of this year's board include:
~ Jacqueline Bull, Robert Carden (Library Science), Bill Marshall,
and Gay Reading.
The Board also discussed two non-publishing ventures for the
coming yearz the Kinq Library Press Seminar in Graphic Design
featuring Hermann Zapf (to be hosted this week), and a Press-
sponsored hand printing competition for the southeast in the
HATS Calls:
Please ensure that all long distance calls made from Library
telephones are made by using the Kentucky Automatic Telephone
System (KATS) Network. There should he no reason to make
person~to~person or station~to—station calls. A second call using
the RATS Network is cheaper than any operatorehandled call. In
fact, HATS calls average almost 24¢ a minute less in cost than

 M! `.}`
calls places throuqh an operator. If possible it is best to place
calls early in the mornino or later in the afternoon to take
aévantage of rejuced rates. Also be prepares to account for calls
charged to your phone when Administrative Services sends arouno
the monthly statements for verification.
TECITM if   i
The American Harp Society & Lexington Chapter will present James _
?inkerton, Harpist in recital at the Church of the Gooi Shepherd
on Suneay October 24 at 3:09. Mr. Pinkerton will perform works by
Hreneck, Faure, Rota and Salzeao.
H;   * ECL
University Personnel will offer two sections of the Supervisory
Management courseweone will he Oct. 26, 27, 29 Nov. 3 & é fron
1=5: the second one will be Dec. 6e1¤ from 1»5. _
There will also be two sessions on Interviewing and Selectinc
Employees: the first one is Nov. 1*, 12, 17, l?, ?# from fell
a.m. anf the secone one is Nov. 9, 11, 16, 1?, 23 from 2e* p.m.
To enroll, call Employee Traininc ana Development 7~l95l.
DEg_fi1es; _
As a part of the evaluation process, it is necessary for each
faculty mewter to have a current Distribution of Effort Agreement
on file. Any one who feels that his/her duties have chanqed
substantially since last spring when we completes this process
should file an upoated Agreement: forms can be obtainec from
Faith Harders. ·
DWH[[QG{QqAl rwpymvvrir nnnyoryqlrypo
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Eunanities Reference Librarian. Auburn University Libraries. Posi~
tion open Jan. 1, 1977. Application ceailine Dec. 15, 1976.
Salary: $lQ,50¤~$l2,950.
Heai, Reference Department. Iniiana University Libraries; South
Pen@, Inaiana. Available Jan. 1, 1977. Ppplication deaoline Dec. 1,
1975. Salaryz $l1,500»$14,5°¤.
Au%io Librarian. Princeton University Library. Available immediaely
Application ieadline Nov. 15, 1976. Salary; In a rance havinc a
base of $l7,3¤¤.
Personnel and Ruocet Officer. Syracuse University Libraries.
Available Dec. 1, 1775. Anplication éeacline Nov. 1, 1T75.
Qalaryc $15,6¤5+.