xt7x696zxp74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x696zxp74/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19880930 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 30, 1988, no. 536 text The Green Bean, September 30, 1988, no. 536 1988 2014 true xt7x696zxp74 section xt7x696zxp74 1 X
Number 536 September 30, 1988
There will be a fire alarm test on Tuesday, October 4, 1988, in both King
North and South between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.
The University Senate has announced the members of the Senate Library
Committee for the 1988-1989 academic year. Committee members are Joyce E.
Bowlyow, Community Health, Chair; Leo Demski, Biological Sciences; Manuel
Tipgos, Accounting; Steve Skinner, Marketing; K. R. Subbaswamy, Physics;
William Chambliss, History; Linda Worley, German; Dennis M. TeKrony, Agronomy,
and Roger Anderson, Russian and Eastern Studies. The student member is
Timothy Cansler; ex officio members are T. Earle Bowen, Jr., Ben W. Carr,
Donald E. Sands, and Paul Willis.
The Nominating Committee of the Kentucky Solinet Users Group is now accepting
nominations for the offices of chair—elect and secretary—treasurer. Anyone
who is personally interested or who would like to nominate someone else
should get in touch with Kate Seago in Cataloging (7-8391). Since ballots
will be mailed to KSUG members at the end of October, nominations need to be
in to Kate as soon as possible. (Submitted by Kate Seago.)
• O
'IE. Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Libraries

 G A I.- L E R Y S E R I E S
F A L L 1 9 8 8
October 7: "Street Performers in Europe:
Clowning and Confrontation on the
Sidewalks and Plazas": Charlie °
Oates, Theatre Department.
October 14: "Women and Poverty in Kentucky":
Carol Straus, Center for Business and
Economic Research.
October 21: "Investigating the Supernatural":
Joe Nickell, Georgetown College.
OCtOb€I 28: "Eliza Obenchain: Kentucky's
Forgotten Regional Writer": Bonnie
Jean Cox, University Libraries.
NOV€mb81' 4: "Tribal Pieces: History and Politics
in the Works of David Hare":
Patricia Troxell, Department of
M November ll: "New Age Music": Sam Holland, School
of Music.
November 18: "The Fabulous Fiddle": Ron Pen and
Friends, School of Music.
w December 2: "Music of the Baroque": Collegium
A Musicum, Jonathan Glixon, Director,
School of Music.
December 9: "Appalachian Writers Read from Their
Fiction": Anne Shelby and Belinda
p 2

` The career of Metropolitan Opera star Roberta Peters is the subject of a
display in the Adelle G. Dailey Music Library (116 Fine Arts Building). The
display is in connection with the College of Fine Arts second gala benefit
November 2 at the Singletary Center which will feature Miss Peters.
Highlighted are articles tracing her career from a Cinderella debut at the Met
as a last—minute replacement in 1950 to the present. Also included are
articles written by Miss Peters and those of her recordings available in the
Listening Center. (Submitted by Lew Bowling.)
The first event of LSO's fall calendar will be a Nature Walk and scavenger
hunt October 21 from 1:00 — 3:00 p.m. at the Lexington Cemetery. Mary Geyer
in the Acquisitions Department (7-8395) is coordinating the event. In
addition to coordinating, Mary will also be in charge of planning
transportation. When you let Mary know that you plan to attend, please also
let her know if you need a ride, are able to be a driver, how many passengers
you can take, or if you already have a ride arranged.
Other events on LSO's calendar include a pre—Christmas craft and bake sale on
November 18 and the annual Library Christmas party on December 16. (Submitted A
by Mary MacLaren.)
Have you ever needed really big copies -— something for temporary signs,
engineering drawings, floor plans, maps -— and ended up copying it section by
section and sticking the whole thing together with tape? The Copy Service in
the lobby of King South now has a copier that will make copies 36 inches wide °
by any reasonable length. The paper is roll—fed. Cut sheets approximately 25
by 36 inches are also available.
The cost per copy is $1 per foot. The service is available during any of the
hours that Copy Service is open. If you have questions about the copier or
any other services offered by Copy Service, please call Peggy Martin at
7-1446. (Submitted by Marilyn Szczygielski.)

The Promotion and Tenure Com ittee hold a meeting for the nontenured faculty
on Friday, October 28, at 8:30 a.m. in the Gallery in King North. Members of
the com ittee will explain the contract renewal, promotion and tenure process
STAFF ACTIVITIES Special Collections and Technical
Services in King North. (Submitted
by Gail Kennedy.)
Three Library staff members have
agreed to coordinate the library's
participation in the campus blood
drive this year. Karen Jefferson STAFF TRANSFERS l
will be responsible for the branch
libraries, Agriculture and Law; Mike
Lach will cover King South and P/N/M, Gracie Hale Agriculture
and Betty Matulionis will coordinate
The University of Kentucky's Human Resources Development Office announces the
second annual Principles of Leadership course to be held November 9-22, 1988
at Carnahan House on Newtown Pike. The course is designed for University
supervisors and managers who have three or more direct subordinates. Topics ·
to be covered include management practices inventor, situational leadership,
managing for excellence, communicating about performance, appraising employee
performance, interviewing and selection, handling discipline problems,
delegation, planning for maximum productivity, and management by objectives.
Faculty for the course include Dr. Jack Blanton, Vice-Chancellor, Lexington
Campus; Harold Scharlatt, president, Training and Development Associates; Dr.
Margaret Verble, instructional consultant, Verble, Worth and Verble,
Consultants; Marsha Collins, manager, Human Resource Development, and Linda
Porter, a training specialist with HRD. Cost of the course is $200 per
person. Successful participants will receive 5 CEU credits. To reserve space
or for more information, call 7-1851.
Information on the Council on Library Resources Fellows Program 1 now
available. The Fellows Program offers financial support to individuals who
wish to undertake research or conduct analytical studies pertinent to library

 operations and services or to pursue other professional projects of
importance. The program is open to professional staff members of academic,
_ research, and public libraries. Work undertaken by fellows is expected to be
of quality comparable to academic work in other disciplines.
CRL Fellowships are granted for periods of four to twelve months. Support may
include limited salary support, when necessary and matched by institutional
support; required travel; direct costs of a research project, and, in some
exceptional cases, course work. Possible project areas include library
operations, bibliographic systems, user requirements, historical subjects, and
information systems and the future library. Applications are considered three
times a year, on March 1, October 1, and December 1.
The University of Oklahoma will sponsor its 12th Annual Seminar on "English
Libraries and Librarianship" at Oxford University, England, May 21—June 3,
1988. The two—week seminar is led by the staff of Oxford's Bodleian Library.
Special attention is focused on cross—cultural comparisons and relationships
of libraries to a national system. Further information is available from the
CLS-Library, 1700 Asp, Suite 226, Norman, OK 73037.
The Council on Library/Media Technicians Central Regional Conference, "Shaping
the Careers of Library Support Personnel," will take place November 4, 1988.
For more information, get in touch with COLT, c/o Elva Battle, 12306 Marston,
Cleveland, OH 44105.
Infomation on these and other professional development opportunities is
available in the Green Bean office, 204 King South.
Library Technician IV, Grade 8. Map Librarian. University of
Cataloging. [2 positions]. If you Arizona, Tucson. Salary: $20,000
are interested in these positions, minimum. Deadline; November 30,
call Ann Howell at 7-3801. 1988. A

Ethnic Studies Librarian. University Science Reference Librarian.
of California, Davis. Salary: University of Kansas, Lawrence.
$25,380—$44,686. Deadline: November Salary: $20,000—$25,000. Deadline:
4, 1988. September 30, 1988.
Director, Technical Services Social Sciences and Humanities
· Division. Center for Research Reference Librarian. University of
Libraries, Chicago. Salary: Maine, Orono. Salary: $19,000
$30,7000—$46,000. Deadline: October minimum. Deadline: October 17,
31, 1988. 1988.
Assistant Social Studies Librarian. `
Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale. Salary: $20,000 MARYLAND
minimum. Deadline: October 17, 1988.
Science/Engineering Reference
Librarian. Johns Hopkins University,
INDIANA Baltimore. Salary: none listed.
Deadline: October 31, 1988.
Visiting Affiliate or Assistant
Librarian, Music Cataloger.[Grant
position.] Indiana University, NEW JERSEY
Bloomington. Salary: $20,000
miniinum. Deadline: No earlier than . .
November 4, 1988. Assistant Order Librarian. Princeton
Assistant or Associate Librarian, minimum. Deadline: October 15,
Reference Department. Indiana 1988.
University, Bloomington. Salary: Cataloger, Modern Greek and Romance
$21,500 minimum. Deadline: No Languages. Princeton University.
earlier than October 15, 1988. Salary: $20,500 minimum. Deadline:
IOWA October 15, 1988.
Assistant University Librarian for Associate University Librarian for
Collection Management. University of Collection Development and
Iowa , Iowa City . Salary: Management. Rutgers University, New
$40,000-$50,000. Deadline: October Brunswick. Salary: $60,000
15, 1988. minimum. Deadline: November 1, 1988.

NEW MEXICO $18,500 minimum. Deadline: November
15, 1988.
i Reference Librarian. University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque. Salary:
$20,000 minimum. Deadline: October VIRGINIA
28, 1988.
Science/Engineering Librarian.
University of New Mexico, Head, Record Production/Consistency
Albuquerque. Salary: $20,000 (REPROCON) Unit, Bibliographic
minimum. Deadline: November 18, Records Services. University of
1988. Virginia, Charlottesville. Salary:
$25,000 minimum. Deadline: November
7, 1988.
Instructional Services Librarian.
NORTHDAKOTA University of Virginia,
Charlottesville. Salary: $20,000
minimum. Deadline: October 10,
Cataloger. State Historical Society
of North Dakota [North Dakota A
Newspaper Project.] Salary: $19,524
minimum. Deadline: Octcber 14, WASHINGTON
Head, Information Services Section,
Health Sciences Library and
PENNSYLVANIA Information Center. University of
Washington, Seattle. Salary:
$28,000 minimum. Deadline: November
Reference Librarian. Temple 30, 1988.
University, Philadelphia. Salary:
_ Next G8: Friday, October 14, 1988. ~
Deadline: Friday, October 7, 1988.
Bonnie Jean Cox: editor, typist.
Cecil Madison: printer.