xt7x69700d0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x69700d0k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1976 1976 1976-10-11 2020 true xt7x69700d0k section xt7x69700d0k Vol. LXVIII, Number 42
Monday. October 11, 1976'



an independent student newspaper

UK employe union strengthened

through affiliation with AFL-CIO

Editor‘s note- This is the first in a
three-part series on the unionization
efforts of non-academic employes at

Assistant Manager I'lditor

Although they admit efforts are
still in the early stages, local
organizers of a nonaitademic em
ployes union at UK rrraintain they
have gained new strength through
affiliation with a national AFL-CIO

The union rs the American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal employes IAFSCME).
The fastest growing labor union in
the United States, AFSCME is
presently conducting a nationwide
effort to organize public and non-
profit employes. comprising 15 to 20
per cent of the labor force.

In Kentucky, AFSCIVIE'S efforts
have included the formation of seven
local unions. all of which serve
county or municipal employes.

Locally. AFSCME has just
opened an office at I402 ‘3 North
Broadway and is actively involved
in aiding leaders of the UK
movement rinancraily

Margaret Roach, active as a
leader in the UK efforts for several
years, said she thinks AFSCME has
been helpful but that there are still

The face of Marc Norman reflects the weight on the
other end of the rope. Norman, electrical engineering
freshman. is a member of Alpha Tau Omega frater-

“AFSCME is financing the entire
organizing effort," said Roach.
“The problem is that their staff is
really thin. They " we no full-time
organizer, which makes it even
nrore critical that we get employe

Roach said that a membership
card drive is currently underway to

enlist non-academic employes for _

AFSCME, but because of various
problems, only about 500 persons
have been contacted.

“We’ve tried catching people as
they come to and from work, but
obviously we are limited by time,"
Roach said. “The best success we’ve
had is people talking to their co-
workers, but this isn‘t that effective
when you don’t have a lot of people."

In addition, Roach said the group
has been unable to obtain a list of
non-academic employes from the
University personnel division.

Roach said she sent a letter to
Bruce Miller, personnel division
director, requesting a list of all
classified employes at UK. Roach
said Miller refused, saying no such
list was available and that he could
not release such a list anyway.

Miller said he had indeed refused
to release the list, but that it was a
matter of University policy.

“Iler letter did not really say what
she intended to use the list for,”
Miller said. “She requested names

the overall title.

nity. ATt) won this particular heat of the Tug of War in

and home addresses. We don't
release names for any reason,
students or em ployes, because of the
danger of outside solicitation.”

Vice president for Business Af-
fairs Jack Blanton said the policy
had been inferred from the
University’s interpretation of the
open—records law passed in the last
session of the Kentucky General
Assembly in 1976.

“We decided we would not give out
names for solicitation from outside
groups. This is what we inferred
from the legislation," he said.

In addition to the card drive,
Roach said the group met recently
and heard a spokesman from the
University of Cincinnati, where
AFSCME efforts led to a strike and
subsequent pay raises in 1975.

“We also had a booth set up at the
Lion’s Club fair this summer to try
and enlist more people,” she said.

Although Roach admitted she is
encouraged by the progress to' date,
she said she realizes that even when
and if the employes are organized,
collective bargaining with the
University may be a problem.

“We feel our demands are
legitimate. Obviously we are going
to need a large number of people in
order to convince the University that
they should listen to us,” she said.
“In Kentucky, they are under no
legal obligation to do so.”

«Sieve Schuler

the Delta Zeta Frat Man‘s Classic competition Sun-
day, but finished second in the finals. ATO also won

John Clem finds leveling a house an easy job with the
aid of his bulldozer and a couple of dunrp trucks. Clem

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

was hired by the University to demolish the old rental
units in the area of Memorial Coliseum.

Mistakes, Mississippi State spoil

Kentucky’s conference debut 14-7

Sports Editor

JACKSON, Miss.—Stealing a
chapter from last year’s book, the
UK football team was beaten by
Mississippi State 14-7 Saturday in an
important SEC game.

Hold it. Kentucky wasn't beaten
by State. Kentucky beat itself.

Sophomore defensive end David
Stephens knows it. He was involved
in a play that could have given UK a
4-1 overall record. instead of 3-2.

With 1:03 left in the game, Ken-
tucky linebacker Jim Kovach
blocked Gerald Vaught’s punt. It
was the break Wildcat coach Fran
Curci had been waiting for. Eight
UK players. including the 6-4
Stephens, converged on the ball.

With a clear path to the end zone,
Stephens tried to pick up the football
and run at the the same time. Un-
fortunately, Stephens is not as
gracdul as a shortstop and he
slipped. Instead of getting six points
and an opportunity to go ahead, UK
had to settle for possession on the
Bulldog Zi-yard line.

“It was my touchdown. I blew it,"
said Stephens.

Still, Kentucky had a chance. A
face mask penalty by State put UK
on the 13 with 47 seconds left. There
the rally died, however, as quar-
terback Derrick Ramsey was twice
thrown for losses totaling 15 yards
and he overthrew his receivers three
other times in the end zone.

“I don‘t know what the hell hap-
pened there." Ramsey said after the
game, his voice barely audible.

Just two minutes earlier. Ken-

tucky had mounted a threat, but it,
too, fizzled. With a third and two at
the Bulldog 36, Curci called for the
end reverse to receiver Randy
Burke. For a moment, Burke ap-
peared to be in the clear, then
WHAM, State strong side linebacker
Ray Costict crunched him.

“We called it (the reverse) from
the sidelines,“ Curci said. “That
was a very big play. But they were
there. It was a gamble play and they
were ready for it."

Ramsey said UK executed well
throughout the game, but he couldn’t
have been referring to the first half.
Kentucky managed to cross mid-
field only once. It was preoccupied
with coughing up the ball to State.

“We played very uptight,” said
Curci. “But thatwasa natural thing
to do after our big win over Penn
State last week. We didn't play well
at all.

“We played good enough to win,
though." he added. “The difference
of the whole game was the kicking
game. It seemed like everytime we
would get the ball on a punt, we
would be called for holding or
something. It was just unbelievable.

“But I don‘t want to take away
anything from Mississippi State,"
(‘urci said. “They‘re a hard—hitting
team, a good defensive team."

That's an understatement. State
held Kentucky rushers to I55 yards
in 55 rushes (a three yard-per carry
average). Chris Hill (eight rushes,
23 yards) and Greg Woods (9-19) in
particular found few holes Saturday.
Kentucky had 222 yards in total
offense, its lowest output this

UK‘s defense shut off All-SEC
runner Walter Packer (7-20), but
quarterback Bruce Threadgill broke
loose for 105 yards. He had 79 yards
in his first three games.

“We Were overpursuirrg in the first
half and that's why he (Threadgill)
was able to cut back a lot," said
Kovach. “But we shut him off pretty
well, later in the game."

Bulldog fullback Dennis Johnson
led all rushers with “)9 yards in 23
attempts, including a 29-yard touch-
down run which left the UK
secondary flatfooted.

Several Kentucky players said the
loss was the team’s worst effort this

“We beat ourselves,” said
Kovach. “Instead of attacking them,
they were attacking us. We broke
down and forgot our assignments."

ls Kentucky a differentteam away
from home?

“N000," snapped linebacker
Dave Fadrowski. “We didn‘t lose
because of that. Just one of those
things that goes wrong, but we‘ll be

And despite his obvious disap-
pointment, Curci said he thinks the
team will battle back.

“We're just a fighting team.
We‘ve got a good ball club," he said.


Not as nippy

Generally clear with a slight
warming trend. lligh today in
the mid 60's. low tonight in
the mid 40’s. lligh tomorrow in
the mid 70’s.



Fraternity Life newspaper helps inform expanded pledge classes

Kernel Reporter

This year. in order to provide
incoming freshmen with some in-
formation about fraternity rush, the
Interfraternity Council (IF‘C)
published Fraternity Life
newspaper. The paper, which was
circulated during fall rush, listed the
advantages of fraternity living and
encouraged rush. The paper also
provided brief information on each
of UK’s fraternities.

The 21 UK fraternities received a
net total of 410 pledges during fall

rush. According to Michael Palm,
assistant dean of students in charge
of fraternities, this total is up about
too over last fall’s figures.

Palm said the national
seems to be moving toward
fraternity life. “Fraternities are
attracting those who are interested
in small-group living," he said.
“Universities are getting larger and
fraternities offer solutions to many
of the problems of being involved
with a large group.“

According to Palm, rush will
continue to be run in basically the


same way. with one exception: those
wishing to rush will be required to
register with the lFC. (This fall.
those interested in rushing were
asked to register, but it was not
mandatory. Consequently, many
neglected to register.)

Registration will be required in
hopes of eliminating many of the
freeloaders who attend rush merely
for the parties. with no intentions of
pledging. "People." Palm said,
“will be less likely to sign up and
attend rush if they are not really
interested in joining."

Fraternity rush, according to
Fraternity Life. is "a mutual
selection process in which you get to
check out each fraternity as they
check you out."

Each fraternity operates its rush
differently. depending upon what the
chapter‘s rush chairman has in
mind. Generally, fraternities have
various kinds of parties. ranging
from dances and disco parties to
specialized events like Kappa
Alpha's Monte Carlo party or Phi
Gamma Delta's Pinball Tour-

These parties are held each night
for a week or it) days and are open to
anyone who wants to attend.
Prospective pledges may come. talk
to the members and get to know
what each fraternity is like.

During this time, fraternity
members approach newcomers in
whom they are interested and who
are interested in them, and invite
them to pledge.

Rush is held during the first part
of the fall semester, the first of the
spring semester and for a short time
during the summer.

Fall rush traditionally brings in
the largest number of pledges, since
fall is when freshmen initially arrive
at the University and get a chance to
look at fraternities for the first time.
Spring rush is justa smaller version
of fall rush.

Summer rush, which has just
recently been initiated at UK,
consists of a few days during the
summer in which one can come and
stay at a fraternity house and meet
the brothers. Prospective pledges
are notified of summer rush by
letters from the chapter.










editorials 6: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Editor-belie! Arline-t Ion-(II; ”on M m
Ginny Edward: ‘ like Homer Jon Kelly
Dick Gabriel unable. Ian-u
nan-nu um: Arte m ‘1“ W
Walter IILV "on Copy more like Show
Susanne Durham Induction longer
nun-gin. cam Dick bouncy elm "mun w“ M."
John Win- lliller Steve m Stewart Int-AI
Letters and comments should be addressed to the Merl-l “In. lee— in. Journalism IIMIg. ‘l'ley nut be typed. triplr
we? and signed with name, address and ‘ ' J ‘ . Lotter- ‘ 350 words and mute on restrlctol to 750
W“ .





McCarthy’s candidacy

deserves recognition

While President Ford stumbles over the differ-
ence between East and West in Europe, and
Jimmy Carter admits he looks at women with
lust, one other candidate goes about his business
in relative calm.

Independent candidate Eugene McCarthy is i

doing his best to campaign these days, but it
hasn’t been easy. McCarthy does most of his
campaigning in court—trying to convince judges
to simply allow his name on state ballots.

So far, the former Minnesota Democrat has
succeeded in 31 states. In many of these,
including Kentucky, he has conducted massive
petition drives to secure names of those who
want him on the ballot.

McCarthy also is fighting the Federal Com-
munications Commission for equal debate time
with Carter and Ford. And he continually blasts
the biased political system that denies him
federal matching funds.

It‘s not fair. Eugene McCarthy is being

The supposed liberal news media virtually
have ignored the candidacy of this former
senator who had the foresight and the courage to
lash out against the Vietnam War well before it



became vogue. McCarthy was always a free-
thinking senator, way ahead of most of his
colleagues in understanding the issues and their

McCarthy deserves equal consideration with
Ford and Carter. He has more political
experience that Carter, and, it could be argued,
more than Ford. In addition, McCarthy’s
record is above reproach, thus “Clean Gene”

In actuality, there are some 90 presidential
candidates. But, other than the two major party
candidates, McCarthy is the only one that
deserves full recognition.

Unlike the other candidates, McCarthy has a
long and distinguished career of public service
that manifests his dignity and makes him a bona
fide candidate.

McCarthy should be on the ballot in all 50
states. And the media must reverse a discrimin-
atory and patently unfair policy of ignoring
McCarthy’s campaign. With the two major
parties declining in efficiency and the electorate
becoming increasingly bored, to keep an
experienced and sincere candidate out of the
running just doesn ’t make sense.

Press censorship opened door

for Connally’s blast at Carter

A group of Republicans convened for a
$100-a-plate dinner in Louisville Saturday night
to hear former Texas Gov. John Connally use the
news media.

Connally, you will remember. fell out of favor
with the Democratic Party and switched
allegiance to join the Nixon GOP in 1971. Nixon
reportedly even preferred Connally to replace
deposed criminal and premier big mouth Spiro
Agnew. but relented to advisers and chose
Gerald Ford.

In Louisville last night, Connally said Jimmy
Carter‘s reference to “screwing" in Playboy
magazine was ”far more offensive and repre-
hensible" than former Agriculture Secretary
Earl Butz‘ racist statement. Butz resigned under
pressure last week for saying “coloreds” wanted
only “a tight pussy. loose shoes . . . and a warm
flaceto shit."

Butz‘ statements were far more disagreeable
than Carter‘s honest. but politically stupid.
remarks to Playboy, Unfortunately, the general

piblic wasn't provided the information neces-
sary to make a rational decision.

An incredible majority of American news-
papers used blanks or softened Carter’s and
Butz‘ statements with substitute words. While
this was done to avoid alienating readers with
“objectionable" language, it also served to
mislead the public.

Because the media censored statements from
two high ranking politicians, John Connally can
traverse the country, defending Earl Butz and

badmouthing Jimmy Carter.
It would be a wiser news policy to include

warnings at the top of articles stating some
material may be offensive to readers. Then news
organizations could reveal the true quotes
without jeopardizing their professional stan-

It makes no sense to print potentially
objectionable language for no reason. But in the
case of Butz‘ and Carter‘s recent statements, to
censor is to mislead the public—and write the
lies for John Connally's speeches.





Jim Harralson



8 on».

Liberals disrupt free enterprise


Acca‘ding to the various media,
about 50 per cent of the eligible
electorate will vote this November.
It’s a sobering thought that our next
President could be chosen by a
relatively small percentage of the
US. population.

That same small percentage will
dictate many facets of our lives.
Regards of which man is elected, the
majority of the country will get, and
pay extravagantly for, programs it
did not vote for, and in many cases,
did not want.




This points out the inherent
deficiency in using the political
process for decision-making instead
of the free market process. The most
obvious defects in the political
proces are its coercive conformity
and its neglect of minorities. If 51
per cent of the votes are for
something, the other 49 per cent get
it also. Or, if 51 per cent vote not to
have something, 100 per cent will do
without. Everyone conforms.

In addition, having one vote in the
political process is like having a
pebble in a rock quarry. To be ef-
fective, we must have pressure
groups, organized, etc.

Contrast this with the free market
mechanism. If 51 per cent want cars
and com chips and cabbage and
coats, and 49 per cent want
motorcycles and melons and meat
and matches, no one will be
dissatisfied. The market will
provide each or any combination we
want. Our request, even if in the
minority, is important and will be
rewarded. Each person, within the
limits of his income, can vote for and
get what he wants in the market.
There is consensus without con-

Now consider the other major
defect in the political mechanism: it
concentrates power in the hands of a
readily identifiable person or group
of persons.

This visibility of power con-
tributes greatly to discontent and

violence. When the political process
claims part of the market‘s function,
people are forced to deal with the
govemment—rather than the very
diffuse market. When things go
badly, people blame‘ misfortune,
sometimes rightfully, on those with
political power rather than on cir-

Put more simply, aren’t we

always more dissatisfied with our
government than we are with the
services we buy privately? The
result of that dissatisfaction is social
* The most ? mid and tragic example
of this point the Kennedy family.
Joseph P. Kennedy was a very
powerful man in economic terms,
but his power never caused him to be
victimized by assassins. His two
sons, both of whom possessed
considerable political power, died by
gunmen‘s bullets.

History is essentially unchanged
by the elder Kennedy’s fortune.
Perhaps his sons would have had
trouble funding their campaigns.
But that hardly compares with the
impact the deaths of JFK and RFK
have on our daily lives.

The point is this: economic power
is much more diffuse than political
power, and where possible (where
products and services are
separable), it is better to use the
market mechanism.

Obviously, where products are not
separable, the political process is
both unavoidable and desirable. We
need the process and a government
to provide national security, police
protection, and a system of courts.
On these imaes, we can discuss and
CUS and vote. But having voted, we
must conform.

Government often performs
poorly in these areas because it
intervenes in areas where it should
leave the market alone. Government
has implement the Social Security
ripoff, tax laws which require a
greater percentage of income than
the medieval kings demanded of
their serfs, “urban renewal,” which
would be more aptly named “black
removal," a Food and Drug Ad-
ministration which kills many more

people than it saves, minimum wage
laws which deny employment to the
young and unskilled, and a cen-
sorship board called the Federal
Communications Commission.

People of all political persuasions
could add to my very incomplete
list. Personalities as diverse as
Nader, Reagan, Galbraith, and
Buckley have asserted and proved
that government programs have not
and are not working.

But we refuse to learn from our
mistakes. Within a few short years,
we may have such follies as national
health insurance and a consumer
protection agency thrust upon us by
those who label themselves
“liberal" and “progressive." It
appears that the modern American
liberal could be correctly defined as
a person who admits that govem-
ment programs have and are failing,
but who believes that his proposed
government programs will work.
They will create harmony, give
strength, right wrongs, cure ills,
restore morality, and bring joy to

Such “progressives" deserve a *
suit for false labeling and
misleading advertising, brought
against them by their own Federal
Trade Commission.

Why, then, do we continue to elect
these do-gooders? We elect them
because it's difficult to convince
people that, when something is
wrong, trying to make it better will
make it worse, that given a free
market it will right itself. It’s easier
to convince people to elect do-
gooders with noble intentions and let
the government do it.

It’s long past the time for the
American government and the
American people to realize that
mare government is not the solutiion
to our problems. Rather, it is the
problem. We must return to the
policy which made America great:
Maximum noninterference with the
people it governs.


Jim llarralson. Student Govern-
ment president last year. is
currently a UK law student. His
column appears every other Mon~


By ROSE MAR Y l.l'Bl-3l.l".\'

and policies and procedures af-




Nearly all UK students take ad- tecting student health; and serving

vantage of one campus service at
one time or another during their
academic careerkthe Student
Health Service, And one unique
group represents all these students:
the Student Health Advisory
(‘ommittee (SHACi.




SHAC members are appointed by
President Otis A. Singletary to
represent students as health care
corsumers. Their functions include:
voicing student opinion on health
needs. available health services,

as liaison between the students and

the University: forwarding student
suggestions and problems to ap-
propriate offices and working
cooperatively for satisfactory

Sl-MC provides a great opportunity
for student input into the Health
Service. As members of the com-
mittee. “e review the Health Ser-
vice budget to evaluate the health
fee program and the student group
insurance plan.

The committee is a source of
recommendations for change in
either program. We assist in

recruitment. interviewing and
selection of key administrative and
profssional personnel in the Health

SHAC is also promoting an in-
dependent study project that allows
students to use the Health Service as
a source for actual problem-solving
experience. For example. an ac-
counting senior analy'zed the Student
Health Service budget last year and
made forecasts of the financial
status of the department for the next
three fiscal years.

And a journalism senior created a
slide show about the Health Service,
the health fee, and the health in-
surance plan that was presented at

all summer advising conference
sessions for incoming students. This
yearwe will be available to conduct
question-answer forums around
campus that include the use of this
slide show presentation.

SHAC is concerned about student
opinion of the Health Service. Our
prima ry purpose is to represent you,
the studenta nd consumer, but this is
extremely difficult when we have no
concrete feedback from the student

' We are looking for specific
complaints, suggestions or corn-
pliments. Our campus mailbox is
tin Box 436, University Station. In
addition. there isa black suggestion
box next to the elevator on the third

floor of the Health Service (collected
every week). Each complaint is
reviewed by a SHAC member,
generally by myself, and ap-
propriate action is taken. Those who
include their name and address are
answered personally.

Any interested person in the
University community may attend
regularly scheduled SHAC
meetings. On Oct. 11 we will meet in
room 119 of the Student Center at
7 : 30 pm. Your criticism and general
feedback are needed to insure
quality health care for the
University community,


Rosemary Lubclcy ls SHAC‘




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news briefs



Teachers to demonstrate

against Board of Education

Jefferson County Teachers
Association voted
unanimously yesterday to
stage a mass demonstration
at the board of education
meeting today, according to
Tom Belew, JCTA executive

“We’re hoping to have a
good, strong show of teach-
ers," Belew said of the
planned demonstration.
“We‘ve got an idea," of how
many teachers may partici-
pate in the demonstration.
Belew said, “but we won't
know exactly until they get

Belew said that of the
county’s 5,800 teachers, ap-
proximatley 4,500 are JCTA


The board meeting is sche-
duled to begin at 1:30 pm,
Belew said, “and we re-
quested the board to change
the time of its meeting so
teachers could be there after
school hours, but since they
didn't do it, teachers will be
coming after they get out of
school. We believe they will
still be meeting after school,"
he added.

“I think the demonstration
today will show them that our
organization represents
teachers by the fact the
teachers are out there saying,
‘we want to be heard and we
want the right to negotiate.“‘

“I'm going to speak to the
fact that we do represent the

teachers of Jefferson County
and we do want to go back to
the table to negotiate other
things than money," said
June Lee, JCTA president.

Lee said the board of
education “made the decision
not to sit down at the negotia-
ting table again without even
consulting us.“

“We managed to get $2
million from the state be-
cause we found they did have
to give that to teachers,“ Lee
said. “and they" were simply
asking us to write them a
recommendation on how we
wanted that spread out rather
than going back to the table to
negotiate how we wanted the
money used in the teacher-
salary schedule.“

Belfast peace movement leaders

escape from club-swinging mob

BELFAST, Northern
Ireland (AP) — The two top
leaders of the women‘s peace
movement narrowly escaped
injury late yesterday from a
clubswinging mob that
wrecked the cars they had
been riding in.

Betty Williams, 32-year-old
founder of the movement, and
Mairead (‘orrigan, 23-year-
old co-leader, were rushed by
the mob when they arrived
for a meeting at a community
center in a Roman Catholic
district of western Belfast.

Several hundred persons,
some brandishing clubs and

sticks, were waiting outside
the hall when the women
drove up in two cars. They
were accompanied by Mrs.
Williams‘ husband, a
seaman, and Ciaran
McKeown, a former Dublin
editor now devoting his time
to organizing the peace

The four managed to get
safely inside. A taxi driver
who was at the meeting and
had his cab at the back of the
hall later drove them home

The mob had earlier at-
tacked a British patrol in the

Harlan County officials find

more dynamite on dam

MARIAN [AP] -— Fourteen
sticks of dynamite were re—
moved from the Crank's
Creek Dam in Harlan County
early yesterday by members
of the Army‘s 43rd Disposal
Ordinance Detachment and
local civil defense authori-
ties, state police said.

The explosive was discov-
ered shortly after officials
Saturday found that two dy‘
namite explosions had occur-



Oriental Foods


357 Southlond Dr.

Lexington, Ky.


The Warsaw Quintet

Harold E. Wetzel
320 Sycamore Rd.
Lexington. Ky. 40502

red at the dam either late
Friday or early Saturday,
police said.

Larry Lewis, a state police
dispatcher in Harlan, said no
leaks were discovered in the
dam and that the two explo-
sions apparently caused no




through Saturdays, and
Columbus Day, Monday
October 11.
1:30pm. lexington

district, seeking to avenge the
death of a 13-year-old boy
whose skull was fractured by
an army plastic bullet last

Miller denies


nited Mine Workers (UMWl
President Arnold Miller said
yesterday that charges that
his dismissal of two aides was
politically motivated are “ab
surd and totally without t’oun-

The dismissal was “based
on my assessment of their job
performance.“ Miller said in

Bernard Eronson, UMW
director of publications and
public information, and Ed—
ward Burke, an executive
assistant, were fired Wednes-
day. union sources said.

The sources said Miller
wanted a new staff for his
1977 re-election campaign.

Miller said such charges
are without merit.


Post Time




(in affiliation with the University of Kentucky)

1976-77 SERIES

The Melos Quartet Stuttgart
Michel Debost (flute) and C. Ivaldi (piano)

The Frieburg Baroque Soloists
All concerts at 8: 15 p.m. in Memorial Hall


Plense send me

_..._.- Patron memberships 530
(guest privileges)

Name ......... ....... ooeooooe

Address. ....... . ......... . .....
Make checks payable to the Chamber Music Society of Central Kv.. Inc.


individual SI‘HC‘S

------------- ooooooeeooo



Sunday, Oct. 17
Sunday, Nov. 21

Sunday, Feb. 6
Sunday, April 17





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’I‘llIC KENTI'CKY KERNEL Monday. October ll. 1976—3





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