xt7x959c6472 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x959c6472/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19180610 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-06-jun10-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-06-jun10-ec. 1918 2011 true xt7x959c6472 section xt7x959c6472 

M inutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee
              of the Board of Trustees
              University of Kentucky
                    June 10, 1918

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trus-

tees of the University of Kentucky met in regular

session, at 11:00 a. m., June 10, 1918, with the

following members present: R. C. Stoll, Chairman,

R. Ps Ernst, R. G.. Gordon, P. P. Johnst-on, Jr.,

J. M. Elliston, President Frank L. McVey, and Well-

ington Patrick, Secretary.

     (1) President MoVey reported to the Committee that

in accordance with the authorization of the Board of

Trustees at its meeting on June 4, he had entered into

an agreement with the War Department for the instruc-

tion of 400 drafted men in the mechanical trades, for two

periods of eight weeks each, beginning on-July 15 and

September 15, the University to receive the sum of $1.74

a day for each man,    The President read the report of

the Business Agent, showing the cost of instruction

of the men thus far.    On motion duly made and seqonded,

it was ordered that the report be made a part of the

minutes, which was as follows:



                             June 1, 1918

Dr. Frank L. McVey,

     University of Kentucky.

Dear Sir:

     According to orders made from this office the

following expenditures for week ending June 1, 1918,

were made in the Military Technical Training.

Mechanical Department
Construction .............
Y. M. C. A. .    .......
Quartermaster .............
Kitchen Equipment .........
Feeding, including salaries
Salaries, instructors & cle
                   Total ..

. ^ ..........

Spent for week ending June 1, for feeding ...  ..... 4136.45
Inventory May 25..........................            442.6S
                                                     $1 81;. i 1

Less inventory June 1, ............................  447.
Balance................................              .1363 23.

     Therefore the average cost per day for the

week is *0194.75 for feeding.

     Summary of Expenditures, Ililitary Technical Training,
from May to June inclusive.

Niechanical Department ...............
Construction ...
Y. * '.C.A. .... ........... ,.      4. .
Athletics  *..... .....        .... .,
Lilitary................           ....
Quartermaster.   ............    .......
kitchen Equipment    ..,...
Feeding, including salaries
Rent ................................
Salaries .... ........                .
                   Total .

Cost of feeding
Less inventory

4545 9.12
  3 2 2. 2 7
  553 . 26
  242 7.05

....... ,......... 45918.52
     ...................  447.81
        Balance* . 4-47O.69

The average cost of feeding per day is therefore $218.83

$ 753 .96
  489 .0 5
$308 7.51


               tie ca pit u lat ion

Income at 25X per man per day ...........*.... :600000
Savings as per sheet No. 1 ..................   _1 _90. i
                                                 Q7 3 90 .3 4

Salary of instructors ........................    858.43
                            Balance ........... . ;1531.86

Overhead income at 10$V per man per day ...... $2400.00
Overhead expenses as per sheet No. 2 .             61o.8,
                                Balance ....... 41789.1?

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                     D. H. Peak,

                                          Business Agent.,

     (2) On motion by Mr. Ernst and seconded by lMr.
.Elliston, it was directed that the barracks for
the soldiers be located near the corner of Winslow
Street and Rose Street.

     (3) The matter of the purchase of coal [or the
coming year was taken up and discussed, and the
propositions for furnishing coal submitted by
the Kinkead Coal Company and Ryley Coal Company
were considered.    The following motion was made
by Mr. Gordon and seconded by Mr. Ernst; "It is the
sense of the Board that the contract should be awarded
to the Kinkead Coal Company.    The price of coal to
the University during the coming year should be based
on three elements.   (1) Government price; (2) Freight;
aria (3) Delivery.   The price to the University should
be modified by any variation in government price of
freight.   The President of the University is author-
ized to enter into a contract substantially along these
lines."  On vote, the motion was carried.

      (4) President MoVey then read a letter from Dr.
James K. Patterson requesting that the Patterson
residence on the campus be connected with the
Library for heating purposes.    On motion by Mr.
Ernst, seconded by Mr. Johnston, the following
resolution was passed: "Resolved that it is the
sense of the Exaciutive Committee that this connection
cannot be mad&-1,   On motion made and duly seconded,
Mr. Vhipple was directed to make an investigation and
report to the Board what arrangements otherwise can
be madec.

     (5) The building program which was presented to
the Board by tho President at the meeting on June
4, and which was referred to him and the Executive



Committee With power to act, was then taken up and
discussed at length,   A visit was made to the vari-
ous buildings to which repairs or in which changes
were to be made, and a careful inspection made of

     (6) A visit was made to the Chapel and the pro-
posed changes discussed.   President MIcVey stated
that in view of the points brought out in the
discussion he did not believe that a gallery should
be constructed in the Chapel, and withdrew his former
recommendation for a gallery.    After a careful
inspection of the entire Administration Building,
a motion was made by Mr. Gordon and seconded by Mr.
Johnston, that the President of the University be
authorized to make the necessary improvements in
the Chapel, to provide new seats, new ceiling, new
decoration, and make such other repairs as are nec-
essary, but that no gallery shall be constructed,
and the' approximate cost shall be "J2,500.  Motion
carrie d.

     (7) The President then brought up the matter of
the Farm- Boys, Encam;pment, and asked that some action
be taken.   On motion by Mir. Ernst, seconded by Mir.
Gordon, the report of the President was adopted, namely
that I;$6OO.OO should be appropriated for the purpose
this year, .;300.00 next year, and that after that time
appropriations from the University shall cease,

     (8) On motion by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. John-
ston, the President was authorized to execute a bond in
favor of the Quartermaster General of' the Army in the
sum of 10,250, for ordnance stores now held by the

     (9) On motion duly made and seconded, the fol-
lowing resolution was passed:   "Be it resolved by the
Executive Committee that the Chairman of t-le Exec-
utive Committee and the Business Agent of the Univer-
sity be and are hereby authorized to borrow for the
University the sum of 440,000, at any time, and from
time to time, and to execute the note or notes there-
for, and to renew said notes from time to time."

     (10) The financial statement of the Business Agent
was then read and ordered to be spread on the minutes
of the meeting.   The report waa as followJs:



President Frank L. IhcVey,
Board of Trustees,
     University of Kentucky.


     I am submitting financial report for 1ray.     As

the actual receipts will probably be in excess of the

estimated income the balance available will not be

correctly shown by comparing the estimated income with

receipts to date.    In the General Fund the approximate

collections for June will be

     Student fees ec sundries .    ..... # ........ c.400
     Half-cent Tax    .      .                 24000
     Vocational Education .    ...............  6000

     The approximate expenditure for June
     will be....... *.     .           e       18000
                           Balance .......... ;l2400.

     Overdraft as shown by statement ....... Q59884.83

     Estimated overdraft June 30, 1918 .,      447484.83

This will be reduced by whatever amount may be collected

on li cent tax.   I have not estinated in this any

expenditure on construction of Mulligan Property.

     Expenditures for month of June will probably be in

excess of collections in Experiment Station Fund, and

consequently the balance as shown by the stater.-t will

be reduced.



        The same is true as to the Trust Fund.   of this

   balance $2903.50 belongs to Patterson Hall.   After

   the payment of the bills due Junel, operating expenses

   for June and other expense, the Patterson Hall balance

   will be largely reduced.

         The report does not show expenditures and opera-

   tions of the Military Technical Training Department.

                     Financial Statement
                     University of Kentucky
                         May 31, 1918

 _______________________________________________________-____-...-  ___
               : Sched-.: Re-        Ex-        Balance:     Balanze
   Fund        :   ule : ceipts      penses    : on hand    :A vaiilab3.e

  Detail -1-       :

  General Fund     1     197094.57: 188954-97   (59884.83) :(12090.0O)

  Experiment St:   2      254142.18: 198555.58    55586.60    57955,Ac9

  Extension td:    3    : 91865.49:   89319.17    8546.32   :1219592

  Trust Fund       4    : 28073.01:   28591.93 : (518.92)         0.

  Total                  577175.25: 573446.08: 3729.17      : 58061-35
 --- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _- - - -

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                               D. H. Peak,

                                                    Business Agent @



     (11) The report of the Board of Control of

Patterson Hall was read, and ordered spread on the

minutes of the meeting.

The report was as follows:

President trcank L. VCvey and
     ,oord of Trustees,
          University o4- Kentucky.


     The Board of Control of Patterson Hall submits
the following report for the present year:    There has
been an everage of 113 students in the Hall during the
year.   At the first of the year, there were 27 students
living outside in accredited houses, most of whom had
meals at the Hall.   Most of these have been received into
the Hall as vacancies accourred during the year.

     Liss Crane, the- House Director, whose work in
the past year has been efficient and satisfactory, will
continue in her position next year.    Niss Pickett, the
dietitian, has resigned in order to resume her studies
at the University.   A new dietitian is being sought
now, and the Board, through the House Director, is in
correspondence with several of the leading universirLiesr

     The financial report fdr the year follows:


        Collected from the State .#    ......... 2,000.00
        Board            .         .17,04-G.8"
        r,1eals.................    ,   ..      266.:30
        Rooms       .............                73.30
        Telephone                ...,   ......   86.91
        Room deposits ......,                   556.25
        Key deposits .....- 55-00
        Collections 1917 .....                   51.98
        Balance, 1916-17       ...............2,124.33
        Summer School  .      ..............    799.57
        Sundires ....*.............i.     *     3 .95.1 5
                                             '23, 450.11


Supervision      .....
Help          .....*..................
Food and Ice .................
Meat       ..........       ...
Milk, etc   .      ..........,
Bread, Flour and Meal      .
Telephone               ........
Light, Heat, Mater, Gas ..........
Office and Janitor's supplies ....

2, 118.46
4, 666.64
2 ,379.49
1,444 * 73
2, 301 .73



     Furnishings .     ............. 967.13
     Repairs      .............. 1388.06
     Sundries                          403.04
     Room Refunds                      139.00
     Key Refunds .2.75
     Estimrrated M.Eay bills          1850.00O

                 Balance ...................   $1,133.3-92

                               Respectfully submitted,

                                    Elizabeth King Smith,

                                    Sec. Board of Control.

     (12) An inspection of the University Commons was
made and after discussion a motion was made by M;;r.
Gordon and seconded by Mr. Ernst, that "the Commons
be repaired in accordance with the recommendation of
the Prdsident at an approximate cost of $,4,000."
Motion carried.   (The recommendation of the President
on this item appears in his report to the Board on June
4, 1918.)

     (13) In making an inspection of the new dormi-
tory, tr. Stoll stated to the Committee that the Pres-
ident had informed him that the University had been
called upon to name some one to head the health work
at the University, wrho should be acceptable to the
Board of Health.   He further stated that President
McVey had informed him that he intended to place
Professor La Bach in charge of the laboratories ane
that he intended to ask him for a recommendation 3r
the matter.   On motion by M.r. Ernst, seconded by r.,
Gordon, the suggestion was adopted.

     (14) After completing the inspection of the
Administration Building, the Old Dormitory, the Com-
mons, and the New Dormitory, the following motions were
made, duly seconded, and carried by vote, as a summary
of the sense of the Executive Committee on the B3uild-
ing program:  Be it Resolved by the Executive Committee
of the University of Kentucky:

     (a) That the President be authorized to construct
new offices for himself, his Secretary, the Superin-
tendent of Luildings and Grounds, and other administra-
tive officers of the University, in the Administration
Building; that new floors be put in all the rooms; that
the walls be redecorated; that new seats be secured; that
the Chapel be remodeled, provided that there shall be no



balcony therein; that concrete floors be put in the
basement; that suitable toilets be installed; and that
the President be further authorized to do such things
as are necessary to make the building. comfortable.

      (b) That the interior of the Old Dormitory be taker.
out and that it be rebuilt and rearranged for recitation
ro oms.

      (c) That the New Dormitory be converted into labora-
tories for public health work; and that Mr. Chas. Cool-
edge, the advisory architect, be called upon to- suggest
changes on the front of the bud.ding which might add to
its appearance.

     (d) That the President of the University be requested
to consult with I..r. Cooledge regarding plans for student
dormitories at the University, and that if necessary,
fr. Cooledge be asked to come to Lexington in order
that he may look the situation and plans over carefully.

     (e) That the Commons building he repaired at a
cost of approximately 94,000 in accordance with the
recommendations of the President.

     (f) That the President of the University be
authorized to make permanent construction for shops
to take care of the soldiers at the University, the
shops to be as large as may be necessary at the pres-
ent time.

     (g) That a stock judging pavilion to cost ap-
proximately 47,500 be erected on the University grounds
to be paid for out of Experiment Station funds.

     (15) The question of payment for instructors who
are working during the summer in connection with the
drafted men wvas presented by the President, and on
motion by IMr. Gordon, seconded by hr. Johnston it
was ordered -hat this year's pay be taken as a basis
for payment for instruction fo this work.

     (16) A motion was made and second d that the bill
of the Combs Lumber Company for Q13,000 on the Pres-
ident's House be paid, if after audit by the business
Agent, it is found correct.   Motion carried.


     President IicVey stated to the Executive .Com-
mittee that according to the Faculty minutes o-f June
6, 1900, Mr. R. B. Walsh came before the Faculty with
the request that he be allowed to graduate with the
class of 1900, the diploma being withheld until work
in Latin ha,) been completed.  Subsequent reports from
the head of the Department of Latin and. Gi;eek show that
the work in Latin had been completed, and on recommenda-
tion. ctf the President, the Executive Committee author-
ized the Registrar to enter the following notation on
the minutes of the Faculty for June 6, 1900:. "Mr. R. B.
Walsh completed his work for a degree.    See minutes of
the Executive Committee of June 10, 1918."

     On recommendation of the President, the Executive
Committee authorized the following appointments:
J. R. M.1itchell, Chemist, Fertilizer Department, Experi-
ment Station, at a salary of ,115.00 a month, effective
June 8, 1918.   L. J. Horlacher, Assistant in Animal
Husbandry, Experiment Station, at a salary of $1,500
a year, effective June 11, 1918.   Harry Allen, Shipping
Clerk, Feed Department, Experiment Station, at a salary
of $50.00 a month, effective June 11, 1918, to continue
during vacation.   Dr. Label Roe, Assistant Plant Path-
ologist, Experiment Station, at 01,500 a year, on a
twelve months' basis, effective July 1, 1918.    iiark
Havenhill, Professor of Farm Mechanics, at $2,000 a
year, effective August 1, 1918, to continue through the
year ending June 30,' 1919.

     On motion, duly seconded, the Executive Committee
adjourned to meet the third Wednesday in July.

                               Wellington Patrick,

Secretary of the Board.