xt7x959c8k8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x959c8k8v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1974 1974 1974-11-13 2020 true xt7x959c8k8v section xt7x959c8k8v Ker“ 21

Wednesday, November 13, 1974 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Ky. 40506


‘We the people, the Congress, theSenate, the press confirmed on the President
powers he never really had before because we felt more secure.’


Kernel Staff Writer

Pulitzer Prize winning
journalist David Halberstam
said Tuesday night America‘s
cold war mentality was a
major reason for the
Watergate scandal.

Speaking to a packed house
in the Classroom Building. on
the subject “How We Got to
Where We Are tVietnam and
Watergate)“ Halberstam said
Americans envisioned the
president as an adversary
person to deal with
totalitarian leaders.

"A WHOLE generation of
policy makers and national
security managers left World
War II with the idea that
Democratic states were
vulnerable to
totalitarianism." Halberstam

"Out of this we began to
create a mystique and a
president not so much a model
of ourselves but a model based
on our adversaries." he said.
“We had to have a president


that could stand up to a

a Stalin,


Kruschev. or a


Halberstam said the fault of
this mystique is not in the
president who usurped the
power. but on the people who
invested the power in him.

“We the people. the
Congress, the Senate. the
press confirmed on the
president powers he never
really had before because we
felt more secure.“
Halberstam said. “We felt
that we could stand up in a
modern age to this terrible
adversary if we had a
president that was on the
model of them."

THE i’l’BlJt‘ then.
accordingto Halberstam. took
on a model of the president not
based on characteristics of the
American people but of their

"Gradually we began to get
the kind of security managers
who really in a way felt
frustrated with the
democratic process. said
Halberstam.. “And on their
way to saving democracy
enveyed their opponent and


Halberstam cites ‘mentality'
as reason for political scandal

felt democracy was some sort
of luxury. They couldn't trust
the people. They had to make
the decisions for them. The
wisdom of the people could not
be trusted.“

“THE SOVIETS had a cult
around the personality of a
leader." Halberstam said. “so
we began a mystique around
the president. A mystique of
presidential omniciense. The
president knew things. We
must trust him.“

Impatience wasa keynote of
this system. Halberstam said.
Nuclear weapons hung over
the heads of the public and the
president does not have
enough time to consult the
public before entering into a

"By doing this you
effectively emasculate the
war-making powers of the
Senate.“ said Halberstam.
“You don't have enough time
to debate or deliberate. They
became impatient with

Halberstam used the
KoreanWar as an example. A
declaration of war never

Continued on page 6




Kernel Staff Writer

Student’s rights to see and
protect their records soon will be
outlined in a new federal law
effective Nov. 19.

The Educational Amendments
of 1974, introduced by Sen. James
Buckley, R.-N.Y.. and backed by
the American Civil Liberties
Union. assures students in
secondary and post secondary
schools the right to inspect and
review any and all “official
records, files. and data related to
the student.“

THESE RECORDS include the
student‘s cumulative folder.
scores of standardized intelli-
gence tests, health data. verified
reports of serious behavior. and
teacher or counselor rating and
observations. Institutions must
provide these records within 45
days after a student's request,
according to the law.

Dr. Elbert ()ckerman, dean of
admissions and registrar, said
this bill will have little effect on




Takes effect Nov. 19
Law outlines record protection rights

the past procedure in his office.
Records of grades and academic
work completed have always
been available to students.

BL'T NOW according to John
Darsie, UK’s legal counsel.
parents of children under 21
cannot view their child’s records
without student consent.

Medical records and counsel-
ing notes which were previously
confidential may now be seen by
students. This may in some cases
be detrimental to that student.
and present problems with the
law. Darsie said.

in addition to giving access to
records. the amendments also
restrict the release of records
without the written consent of the
student. This law does not apply
to other education officials who
have a legitimate educational
interest. officials of other schools
in which the student intends to
enroll. or governmentaleduca-
tional agencies in connection with

evaluation of federally supported

()(‘KERMAN SAID this will
effect mainly the external
release of information such as
that given to Social Security.

Health Education and Welfare
(HEW) will not publish guide-
lines until late December, Darsie
said. This may cause some
problems. he said.


For example. past recommen—
dations that were given confiden-
tially are now available for
students to read. The right of
access to such material. how-
ever. is not absolutely clear and
the University will not release
this data unless more action is
taken by HEW or until each
student consults with an official.
Darsie said.


Ted Gilbert will be available
for consultation in this area.
Further no additional informa-
tion will be added to students files
under a pledge of confidentiality.

A PANEL soon will be formed
by UK President Otis Singletary
to hear students' challenges to
inaccurate or misleading re-



Board approves write-off plan

financial report for the three
months ending Sept. 30. which
reflected 31 per cent income and
26 per cent expenditure of the

A system for writing off
uncollectable accounts and the
interim financial report were
approved by the Board of
Trustee's executive committee

Two administrative officers of
the University were authorized
by the Board to charge off. as bad
debts, uncollectable accounts
receivable against the allowance
for doubtful accounts.



president for bussiness affairs.
and Dr. Peter Bosomworth. vice
president for the Medical Center.
were designated as
administrative officers in charge
of the write-offs

Accounts owed to the
University will not be written off
until all billing and collection
procedures have been
accomplished and the specific
account has been determined to
be uncollectable. Forgy said.

The Board approved

annual income estimate of

ALSO APPROVED during the
routine meeting were: several
financial reports, a report on
internal accounting controls.
audits of affiliated corporations
and the audit of the UK credit







Ediw-incnid, Linda Cornea
Man-gin. editor, Ron Mitdiett
Associate eater. Nancy Doly
Editorial p.6- editor. Don Crutchar


Features color. Larry Mood
Arts editor. Greg Hotelicn
Sports editor. Jim Mutant
Photography editor. Ea Gerald


Editorials rmrmnt the opinions of the editors. not the University



o I
How we got to where we Wish we weren t

David Halberstam, one of the finest
journalists around, gave an incisive
analysis of the forces behind the
current mistrust of government in his
speech Tuesday night. Entitled “How
we got to where we are: Vietnam and
Watergate,“ the speech traced the
effects of the Cold War and television
to their ultimate explosion:

According to Halberstam, it worked
something like this: Out of World
War 11 came the notion that
democracies were somehow “vulner-
able” to the onslaughts of totalitarian
states. To counteract our vulnerabil-
ity we gradually borrowed the
trappings and mores of totalitarian
states—the secret documents known
as “classified information," the
enhanced power conferred upon the
presidency. Add to this the crisis

potential inherent in maintaining a
nuclear arsenal. which focuses even
more attention and power on the
presidency, until we reached the point
where “democracy was a luxury."
There was no time to ask the people
(or the Congress) for approval, so the
executive branch took the ball and
ran—to Korea and later to Vietnam.
Television played a large part in
this transferring of power from the
people to the state, according to
Halberstam’s analysis. Television
became a “presidential weapon" that
enabled our executives to command
the spotlight whenever they wished.
Television, said Halberstam. not
only increased the visibility of the
President, but became a power in
itself. It upset the balance between
the branches of government until the
Congress no longer was able to stand
up to the President. That job fell to

Nicholas Von Hoffman

the media. most prominently tele-

Ultimately, television took away
the power it granted. The same
media that on several occasions
broadcast Richard Nixon‘s self-de-
fense, also broadcast the impeach-
ment proceedings of the House
Judiciary Committee. Halberstam
commented that it is strange how “on
the way to slaying the dragon, we
must first inflate him to exaggerated

Halberstam ended by evoking the
spectre of George Orwell‘s “1984" and
warning that man must learn to "curb
his technology."

The question remained hanging in
the air: How does man learn to curb
his technology?

Technology cannot be reprimand-
ed; it cannot be banished to Siberia,

and it cannot be made to disappear.
There is no obedience school for

The difficulty in finding solutions to
control technology is that technology
does not stay constant. It keeps
advancing, presenting man with
unforeseeable problems. We cannot
solve a problem until it is invented
and we cannot invent it until we know
how to.

Halberstam did an excellent job of
explaining how we got to where we
are but he did not explain how to get
out of where we are. No one could
expect that from him.

Perhaps no one should expect any
man to do any more than tell us how
we came to where we are. It is said
that we learn from the past, but it
seems that all we learn is how we
could have done better.






More voters practicing principled abstention


WASHINGTON — The chopped
chicken liver and the cauliflower
tips set around the dish with the
dip in it were spread out on the
living room coffee table. There
were two television sets for us
guests to watch the returns on.

As the numbers began appear-
ing on the screen, several of us
confessed we hadn‘t voted, but
our admission was almost
prideful. It was without the guilt
which would have accompanied
such a statement a few years ago.

WE COULDN’T be shamed by
President Ford’s pre-election day
pleading for us to vote:
“Everyone who can get to the
polls and fails to go, who refuses
to exercise the precious right of a
free citizen to vote his or her
honest conviction, is actually
voting ‘no‘ on our system of


. pi



n$0M THE
OPLE... .

On the contrary, we had
exercised our precious right not
to vote — to express our honest
conviction that this was another,
meaningless, one-party election.
There must be a lot of us because
the vote-participation rate keeps
on sagging, even though they’ve
been adding enormously to the
number of eligible voters
throughout the century. First
women, then Southern blacks and
now most recently teenagers, but
evidently they’re not that keen on
voting either.

Maybe what the Reprocrats
or the Demopublicans should do
is lower the voting age to take in
grammar school kids. ‘The
politicians could use truant
officers to make the kiddies vote.
Failing that, making vote-buying
legal might be another possibil-
ity. Paying the citizenry to vote is
one way the politicians might be
induced to share the boodle with
the electorate.





In the course of consuming our
booze and cauliflower tips, the
only winner who seemed to evoke
enthusiasm was the Independent
elected governor in Maine.
Nobody knew the first thing about
him, but the fact he wasn’t a
Democrat or a Republican was

BY 10 O’CLOCK the screen was
mostly being ignored. Once one of
those serious-faced, white-haired
commentators appeared on it to
explain the self-evident, and
somebody said, “He’s been
saying the same thing about
every election since 1944.“ There
were a few soft groans when they
began interviewing the 1976
Presidential possibles.
McGovern was received in
silence, and after that it was
decided the interviews would be
less painful with the volume
turned off. It worked out that
Senators Mondale, Jackson. and
Bentsen are easier to get down if


; “git t mm,

. F




you can look at them without
listening to them.

Some people in the room
wouldn't buy our minority.
renegade attitude, They
advanced the lesserof-twoevils
argument. but could think of
nothing to say when we asked
who do you vote for inIthe case of
two equal evils.

The idea of principled absten-
tion is catching on. even against
the media barrage which makes
a sluggard of anyone who refuses
to vote. As more of us think that
way, the politicians grow more
anxious. Notice how the resi-
dence requirements for voting
are disappearing; and. while
they won‘t come around to pick
up your garbage or arrest the
neighborhood mugger. they'll
rush over to your house and
register you while you're eating

After all the ballot counting in
this election is done. President

I,’ A
I ,,.












Ford‘s fear that a new Congress
will have been chosen by only 21
per cent of the eligible voters
may be realized. That will be the
case, if the total vote last
Tuesday was no more than 40 per
cent of the eligibles. and it is low
turnouts like that which not only
rob the pots of any claim to a
mandate but undermine their
Jeffersonian Idea l'nrepresented
All of which is healthy. The
country needs a merger of the
Democrats and the Republicans
into one organization and the
creation of a new second party to
oppose them We've had no party
representing the .leffersonian
idea of small. decentralized
government since 1932. when the
Democrats had a plank in their
platform that read: “We
advocate an immediate and
drastic reduction of government»
a1 expenditures by abolishing
tiseless commissions and offices.
consolidating departments and
bureaus and eliminating extra

\'.‘l£1£tll('t‘, to accomplish savings
of not less than 2.3 per cent of the
cost of the Federal (iovern
iiiciit ”

'l‘lie oln‘ioiis ironies aside. this
is the platform Franklin Rouse
\clt campaigned on that year.
when he said, “‘(lm'erniiient, like
any family. can for a year spend
a little more than it earns, but
you and I know that a

continuation of that means the

WHEN HE GOT into Office.
however, he adopted Hoover's
big. centralized and expensive
government, and in the process
turned America into a single
party system. Forty-two years
later, one of the ways we can
begin to restore that two-party
system is to assume a stance of

belligerent apathy and refuse to


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features


The human race:


Americans and other people in affluent
nations were warned last week to eat less
or confront a half-billion hungry and
hostile people.

Eating less in rich nations to release
grain for the third of the world struggling
for existence surfaced as one of the major
themes of the World Food Conference
concluding in Rome this week.
Government representatives from more
than 100 nations are attending the
conference in an attempt to figure out how
the world's increasingly hungry
population will eat and stay alive.

THE UNITED Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO)
estimates that there are 400 million
malnourished people in the world today.
the majority of them women and children.
According to the FAO, 10 million people in
Africa and Asia will probably die of
stawation this year.

Eight milliion tmsofgrain from the food
exporting nations of the world must be
made available if this famine in some 20
countries is to be prevented this winter.

However, this grain must be bought
through commercial markets and its price
may exceed two billion dollars. The grain






Ansel Melts/"Grasses tn laln. Mesh,"/ann the but "Tnls is the American Earth"



opinions tram inside and outside the university community


exporting countries, including the United
States, are looking to the oil-producing
nations to donate heavily towards the
purchase of the life-saving grain. Thus far
the oil producing nations have not
indicated any willingness to help finance
the grain.

THE FOOD shortage this year is
partially the result of the disasterous
weather experienced throughout the world
in 1974.

Droughls in Africa, early frosts in the
United States’ Great Plains, failure of the
Monsoon in India, floods in Bangladesh
and both floods and droughts in the Soviet
Union and Africa have decreased the 1974
grain production greatly below the 1.265
billion tons produced in 1973.

The Arab oil boycott also hindered food
production in the developing nations. The
oil shortage created a scarcity of fertilizer
which these nations desperately need for
their crops. In addition, the lack of oil and
gasoline turned off the irrigation pumps in
green—revolution rice paddies throughout
most of Asia.

THE (‘IIRONIC food shortage which the
world faces this year is also the result of
long-term trends which yearly increase
the demand for food throughout the world.

.1/ '9 ' a»?
' v e ’ ,
.‘ ’5' , ' Just '
I .' ' 'I‘I. :

G ive me truths,

For I am weary of the surfaces,

And die of inanition. If I knew

Only the herbs and simples of the wood.

Rue, cinquefoil, gill, vervain and agrimony,
Blue-vetch and trillium, hawkweed, sassafras,
Milkweeds and murky brakes, quaint pipes and sundew,
And rare and virtuous roots, which in these woods
Draw untold juices from the common earth,
Untold, unknown, and I could surely spell

Their fragrance, and their chemistry apply

By sweet affinities to human flesh,

Driving the foe and stablishing the friend,—

0, that Were much, and I could be a part '

Of the round day, related to the sun

And planted world, and full executor

Of their imperfect functions.

But these young scholars, who invade our hills,
Bold as the engineer who felts the wood,

And travelling often in the out he makes,

Love not the flower they pluck, and know it not,
And all their botany is Latin names.

The old men studied magic in the flowers,

And human fortunes in astronomy,

And an omnipotence in chemistry,

Preferring things to names, for these were men,
Were unitarians of the united world,

And, wheresoever their clear eye-beams fell,
They caught the footsteps of the SAME. Our eyes
Are armed. but we are strangers to the stars,

Will population increase
outstrip food production?

Population growth is one of the major
forces putting a strain on the world’s food
supply. Global population is growing at the
rate of 70 million a year. By the year 2000
the world’s population will be around 6.5
billion people instead of the present 3.8

Most experts agree that the world’s food
production can keep pace with this growth
in the world’s population for the next
decade, assuming that the world
experiences no further disruptions in food
production. However, after the mid-1980’s
the world cannot be fed on the current
level of production, according to food

production, however, may not supply the
necessary food to meet the demands of the
future, food experts say. The increased
affluence in limited areas of the world has
resulted in the increased consumption of
meat, poultry and dairy products. The
switch to better diets in these parts of the
world is increasingly diverting grain to the
world‘s richer minority, experts point out.

Ina culture with a predominantly cereal
diet, the average person eats 400 pounds of
grain a year. But in a society like America,

And strangers to the mystic beast and bird,
And strangers to the plant and to the mine.
The injured elements say, "Not in us;"

And night and day, ocean and continent,

Fire, plant and mineral say, “Not in us,"
And haughtily return no stare jor stare.

For we invade them impiously for gain;

We devastate them unreligiously,

And coldly ask their pottage, not their love.
Therefore they sh'ove us from them, yield to us
Only what to our griping toil is due;

But the sweet affluence of love and song,

The rich results of the divine consents

Of man and earth, of world beloved and lover,
The nectar and ambrosia, are withheld;

And in the midst of spoils and slaves. we thieves
And pirates of the universe, shut out

Daily to a more thin and outward rind,

Turn pale and starve. Therefore, to our sick eyes,
The stunted trees look sick, the summer short,
Clouds shade the sun, which will not tan our hay,
And nothing thrives to reach its natural term;
And life, shorn of its venerable length.

Even at its greatest space is a defeat,

And dies in anger that it was a dupe;

And, in its highest noon and wantonness,

ls early frugal, like a beggar’s child;

Even in the hot pursuit of the best aims

And prizes of ambition, checks its hand,

Like Alpine cataracts frozen as they leaped,
Chilled with a miserly comparison

of the toy's purchase with the length of life.




with its emphasis on meat-eating, an
individual will use over a ton of grain a

As affluence increases the buying power
of the people of Japan, Western Europe
and the Soviet Union, these countries will
consume more of the world's grain supply.
The poorer food-importing countries will
undoubtedly suffer in the competitive
scramble for grain, food economists

MOST GRAIN exporting nations
maintain that if future famines are to be
prevented, the developing countries must
increase their own food production. The
grain exporting countries warn that
developing nations cannot in the future
continue to depend on them for surplus
shipments of grain.

The United States, the major grain
exporter in the world, plans to provide 200
million dollars next year to assist
developing nations in growing food.
However, the Ford administration
believes that some priorities in developing
countries must be changed if they are to
increase their food production.

The United States feels that developing
nations contribute far too many resources
to industrial development, the tourist
business and the military, and far too few
to agricultural development.

ACCORDING TO this country, India is
high on the list of offenders. India has
made dramatic gains in the production of
grain in the 1960’s. However, this country
feels that India could have done better in
the last 12 years if it were not for her
nuclear weapons program and the two
major wars she taught with Pakistan.

Many experts attending the World Food
Conference are stressing that there may
not be a choice between developing nations
producing more grain and affluent nations
using less.

The food and population experts hope
that the long—run accomplishment of the
meeting will be the realization by all
governments that a combination of the two
solutionsis necessary if mass starvation is
to be avoided in the future.


John Bowman is a graduate student in
the Patterson School of Diplomacy. This
comment is the third in a series of four
comments which appear every other
Wednesday in the Kernel.






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news briefs

UMW strike shuts down
most coal production

(‘iIAltLl-IS'I‘ON. W. Va. (AP) -. Striking United Mine Workers
members shut down nearly three-fourths of the nation‘s
coal production Tuesday, and some pickets closed non-UMW mines
which attempted to work.

There was a shooting incident on a picket line in Virginia, but no
one was injured.

Coal-hauling railroads and barge lines began laying off men and
steel mills began banking furnaces.

The strike began at midnight Monday with the expiration of the
UMW‘s three-year contract. There was no walkout in the usual
sense of the word because Monday was a holiday and there was
little picketing of UMW mines.

”What do you mean, picketing‘l” asked Bil‘ Joe Floyd, president
of UMW District 19 at Middlesboro, Ky. "Everybody knows if
there‘s no contract. there‘s no work."

(‘oiitract talks continued in Washington between the UMW and
the mine operators with no indication of when a tentative
agreement might be reached.

Rockefeller to testify
about Goldberg book

WASHINGTON (AP! ~ With a fresh pledge of support from
President Ford. Vice President designate Nelson A. Rockefeller
goes before a Senate panel Wednesday to explain his family's role
in publication of a book critical of a campaign opponent. Arthur

In opening a nationally broadcast second series of hearings on
the nomination. the Senate Rules t‘ommittee also plans to ask for a
full explanation from Rockefeller on his nearly $2 million in gifts
and 3507.656 in loans to friends and associates over the past 17

New York tightens security
awaiting arrival of Arafat

NEW YORK (AP) . Police maintained the lightest security net
in the city‘s history Tuesday awaiting the arrival of guerrilla
leader Yasir Arafat. openly marked for death by a Jewish group

Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization. left (‘airo
in a special plane for the opening of the l'nited Nations Palestine
debate. His travel plans to New York were not disclosed because ol
the security precautions.

Kerner to return to Lexington
after Chicago court hearing

LEXINGTON (AP) - Former Illinois Gov. ()tto Kerner was
scheduled to return to the Federal (‘orrectioiial Institution here
Tuesday night. after appearing in I'S. District (‘ourt in (‘hicago

He was attending a hearing on a $70,000 charitable deduction he
claimed in filing his l969 income taxes The Internal Revenue
Service had disallowed the deduction,

Kerner, a former federal judge. is serving a three-year sentence
for bribery. conspiracy. tax evasion and perjury He had a parole
hearing last month, the results of which have not been announced.

Kerner was granted a 30-hour furlough to attend the hearing.

Networks ask for permission
to broadcast Watergate tapes

NEW YORK (AP) , The four television networks , ABC. CBS.
NBC and PBS 4~asked U. S District Judge John Sirica Tuesday for
permission to broadcast President Nixon's tapes which have been
introduced in evidence at the Watergate trial.

An NBC spokesman said an answer is expected Wednesday. Ile
said the chief use the networks would make of the tapes would be to
broadcast them during regular newscasts, but that they might be
pieced together into a special later.

The spokesman said probably few deletions would be made of
language normally considered objectionable for broadcast.

THE NETWORKS were joined in their request by the Radio and
Television News Directors‘ Association.



The Kentucky Kernel. lit Journalism Building, University at Kentucky.
Lexington, Kentucky, 40506. is mailed tive times weekly during the school year
exctp‘ during holidays and exam periods. and twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, 405i l.

Published by the Kernel Press. inc. founded in ”7|. Begun as the Cadet in to"
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ltls.

Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy Any talse or
misleading advertisang should be reported to the editors.

Kernel Telephones
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K inherits rich oil wells

Kernel Staff Writer

The University has been willed property which
could be worth “a few million dollars,"
according to Cynthiana attorney G. L. Tucker.

Tucker represents the estate of Violette
Renaker, who willed the money “about 1“; years
ago to educate general practitioners, preferably
from rural areas," said Tucker.

one-half interest in 330 acres of oil producing
land in southern Oklahoma. Larry Forgy, vice
president for business affairs and University
treasurer, said all drillings on the property have
produced oil. He estimated the wells could
produce $10,000 a month in oil. “I believe this is
the largest single gift to the University other
than construction," Forgy said.

Because of the closing of Renaker‘s estate and
necessary tax approval, the property is not in the
University's name. Tucker said he expected the
transaction to be complete within a year.

The exact value of the property cannot be
determined as it is not known how long the wells
will produce. However, Tucker said ”they are
sand river wells which usually have a long life."
Porgy said UK has hired a petroleum engineer to
work with George Hardy, UK's law school dean,

Ads gain little support

who has worked with mineral laws for 13 years.
He will attempt to assess the property’s value.

HARDY SAID Bill Hise, a professor at
Louisiana State University, will study product-
ion records and pressure curves of the wells to
determine their value.

Forgy said the University will decide whether
to keep the land in its present state or sell it after
the assessments have been made. He said a UK
representative will probably visit the area.

Renaker left stocks, bonds and cash totaling
about $200,000 which UK will get reasonably
soon, Tucker said. She also willed the University
three-fourths interest in an orange grove of 500
acres near Riverside, Calif. Tucker said the land
is worth about $120,000.

..RENAKER FURTHER willed the University
six houses in Ft. Worth, Texas which Tucker said
aren‘t worth much.

Renaker did not attend UK although several of
her relatives did. Tucker said Renaker willed the
University the property for the use of educating
medical students because she noticed a need for
doctors in the Kentucky mountains where she
was reared.

The donation will be known as the Andrew
Jackson Beale Fund in memory of Renaker’s
grandfather, an early doctor of Harrison County,

GPSA may merge with 56

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday. November 13. 1974—5

UK Chapter Now Forming!

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