xt7x959c8m8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x959c8m8d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1983 1983 1983-01-24 2020 true xt7x959c8m8d section xt7x959c8m8d l W ’ .IJ .. -. .. -...iv.- . wo-‘ih-‘fl‘vp ‘.'
7 h “ ~ I
Olnmtllno ,' ,
that‘s what everyone was saying in I
Nashville altar Jo“ Tumor sent his
Vondy Commodores into overtime with
Hawaiianumlovhmmw ‘M““
W___ Kenny Walker. though, it would hay.
ended up lust another loss. So. page 5.
_ _ __,,_ W. I
Vol. LXXXV, No.98 Monday, January 24, 1983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky
._W_WWWW_W___W _WWWW_._...-_,W_W. .W. . ...,_-_W_
P .de 1' believes t. be fa . I 1‘ I
' =59";- 25%.... J J
By HILLSTEIIHIN gletary did not say if the findings of land) as the people who are manag- sources But Geary said he IS still concerned J J “i. 1”“ .
Editor in-(‘hief the investigation will be presented mg that forest decide themselves “I've read every available docu- that the Robinson Forest program it
l983KentuckyKerncl at that time. Members of the com- that ithas tobedone." J meni concerning lit) Robinson‘s becomeselfsustaining. r i“
niittec. however. said yesterday that Singletary said the him" WI” rc» grant of the forest to the L'niversity, Faculty Trustee Constance Wilson. i, ' ” J .
. a report is "0‘ expected until the hi“ tlUH‘e “some cutting“ as Pit” ”l ”5 including letters he wrote on the however. said she remains opposed. '5; ’ 4’ : ‘ .. J
Board meets in March. normal management. "but i think it matter. and l believe that his fore. on principle. to any exploitation of ‘33 JJ .
President (itis Singletary prc- Singletary said he believes that. will be done as part of the program must intention was to aid the eco- the forest i ..«..-, a J 55;;
dicted Friday that an investigation when the report is presented. the lrun by the (‘ollege of Agriculture iiomic welfbeing of the people of “If it's an educational facility. it " ' 'm
‘ by the Board ot Trustees into the logging proposal Will meet the same therei.” . Eastern Kentucky.”.lones said doesn‘t make any difference about o as” . Mi 7 i A
i POSSlhlhll' 0t logging part 0t “0h!” fate as an earlier proposal to open He said he expects the primary re ‘l was surprised when everybody the money.“ she said. “The focus of '” 1, 2", .3 ff‘f'f“;
son Forest will find that "at least a the forest to coal mining. That idea sult of the investigation of the log got 5.) upset iaboul the logging pro» the forest program is educational iii-{.13.}, -. "
decade“ must pass before the trees was at least temporarily put ‘0 “‘5‘ ging question Wl“ be «'1 Phht'." ltll‘ lh“ posali.” he said. "The forest doesn't It's not to make money You cant {i Wye .
there are mature enough to allow by the Trustees in September after administration and the Trustees to belong to lust a handful 0t people. It do one without losing the other' “$9,;
profitable commercial forestry opcr an investigation showed largihscale use when answering future inqumes lx-liingg to the people of Eastern Faculty Trustee William F Wage ':
ations strip mining there probably was not about commercial timber harvesting Kentucky who are having trouble ncr. who spoke against the proposal -
~----~--*-— During an interview. Singletary permissible under the terms of Rob- intheforest. making a living I think. likewise. in December. could not be reached , -'
also said current economic condi- inson's deed. and deep mining was "I don‘t see an issue ‘lll the log \\(' shouldn't be criticized if we want for comment. But Forestry School *
t10n$ would not milkt‘ IOL‘L’IHL’. lht‘ impractical. ging proposali.” he said "I don‘t to make a practical assessment of Director Bart Theilges. whose rec- OTIS SINOLITARV
14.323-acre research and teaching "My view is that the Robinson believe it's the result of a conspirii. hi,“ the forests resources can be ommendations are the basis for Sin the ion to apprise them oi .i he
preserve in Eastern Kentucky "pro Forest issue lS pretty well settled as cy or anything else " dscd lobeneflt the people " gletary's prediCitions concerning the said i lhlnk ii Wlll turn out to he
pilltlllS ” far as mining." Singletary said But Brereton Jones of Midway a Trustee Ronald (icary and Honor logging proposal. said he hopes the far more complex than they imag-
The entire tract was logged belorc "And the forestry issue will be set- trustee who supports the proposal. ary Trustee (my .\ R “Happy” Trustees will conclude that any eX» m9 ~~ ‘ '
l'3 U “Ohm-Shh- m “"0 Whilt'ult‘ tled in a similiar manner. which is said when contacted yesterday that l‘handlcr who supported the propo- ploitation of the forest's resources to "in the meantime. Singletarv
. deeds. granted ll to the l iiivcrsity in to say. after a close look at it. I if logging proves unfcasiblc. ll “1“ \Qll when it surfaced at the Board‘s generate revenue must be compatr said. "what you can anticipate is
l 192;: and i927 would suspect there will be no log- not prevent the 'l‘rustces from c\' licccmber meeting. declined com- ble with research conductedthere that a lot of people who love big
The 'l‘rustecs' rim-cutivc l‘ommit ging in the Robinson Forest. except ploring "every avenue for general mcnt until lhc)‘ receive further in "I don‘t think they understand the gatherings and great speeches Wlll
ll“ “l“ ”100‘ WWWFMV 11”“ 5”" '" tht‘ future. 115 [“059 ”(‘95 mam"? ing revenue lrom the forest s rc formation concerning its feasibility operation out there and that we have haveagoodtime Thai sall ‘
.J ”wig: a“ W {3523? “a... g 3 J JJ '
g egis ra ion or ra an e era at
J) J J .- z __.. v._»- .JW; .3 ..- . if
T ,J ”P J." g a. . was-.5 ...—..>.«~. _I« g , 2 ‘ J,
t , it . .. i8 - . J - . - . . a;
m. it... .7: i. _ a..- - i f . .
i ‘. _ 'J ' is ’ “1}” \ ,J J . 3“ r} a A an
I, . ..J. _J “13‘ _ J. i,“ J . ‘ =' :X »- . t ~ J .
'2. a . e, v.7. “a‘i Y: «is .. . an.) 5.“. is -v 9.4
pig 5 ' § 9.; w. s 1 its. 5' € at. s O W aid involvingany federal funds. on colleges and universnies should
. V 3.,» a of «- A. A ' t ’ ‘1 ¢ _ v; \ ‘ "Sen‘orS‘t ff “J ‘ Dinkle said the law will apply to be minimal "Probably. the respon-
~ .; o 5‘ 53 a ‘3’ W .r s“ ' f _ f ‘ a; 2.. l a n er Guaranteed Student Loans and sibility will lay with the [‘8 Depart-
" ‘ [Wm ’ .. «Mr y.“ J 1 . ”W... “N“ money provided by the Pell Grant. ment of Education."he said.
.3. i \ ‘ = i '. ' J ' t ' w v‘ ”2‘ '* ' W” ' " * *' Dinkle and Stockham said they were Dinkle speculated the Selective
X .. “‘ J fat i v. , J , ’ ..-; .- _ I; ~ , "l _ ,~ , ll , .
- A” ‘\ V)“ t: X .J . .6 g a t unsure how the law viil affect Stu Seryice Vii proyide names of nor.
1. w x . 1V“ ' ’ t {. de t f‘ ' l ‘d f th . h ‘
J J J J . .W J .. i. J . J , J J J J . n inanCia ai rom 0 er registrants to t e Department.
. fl .3 ". “J W "my. ‘," \ ‘ Q KJ.\ - ' of‘dgipgnzfremwshg;Siddsildeiepfiit sources. which will then turn the names over
1-3 x, :6 ~-.JJ K ' : ' J. . t hr ‘3‘ _ tration for m'llt r' J rvep Jg " The delay between the passage of to universny finanCial aid offices
5; a : ”1:“ ‘3 " x i _ 'v find th ml la 1" he (Lee :00." the law in September and its an- forminga double barrier to "beating
J." | . _ . ‘p. - ’. _ J _ J. , J_ J *1 g 11:1“ 'f'in "9 159.32%:‘9' ng ll m‘ nouncement Friday was standard thesystem “
:11 i ‘ ,~‘~_ . 3 ‘fi 5: ' . . > yJ Q " y a “a 3' C9585 “8 ‘ procedure. tarry VanHoose. admin- Faber and Stockham agreed on
3; J J J J,- E, . t" V 2‘54 2!- Jt, / _ The Solomon Amendment. passed istrative aSSistantJ to Rep. Larry one drawback of the law — its selec»
it? "o '3‘ f L‘ ' l/ l, h ' ' fig into law last September. requires ”Opkms‘ R-Ky.. said yesterday. The “my
g; a“ .._. I . .. i‘ we male college students 18 or older to Department of Education. he said. "(‘ertainly the laws of the land
'- " ‘ ' . " w J, i / (m register with the US. Selective probably med the interim to devise should be enforced. but should you
r ’ j N f " J ' ’ ° ‘0! jaw/i?“ SerVice System to be eligible for fed- regulations for enforcement. use academic institutions to enforce
.J I J . J J J J 49*- g J eral financial aid. Jim Dinkle. presi- '“Thls is gomg to be a very. very the law of the lahnd. you may put the
Mlcuui. lAMI/KouielSiutt dent of the Student Government AS~ difficunt. lav: gtoth enforce Dlgie (\JOUflg :9:le :3 03:53:] [[3 beds“:-
. sociatior said yesterday. sat . es una in ere are some .- en . l J par y. . a sat
Af crowd of about 500 braved a steady rain to gather at the Fayette County Courthouse. Saturday A . . 000 male students who have not reg— “If the government wants to see
, a ternoon an protest of abortion on the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court 5 legalization of the The US. Department of Education istered with the SelectiveService. who has not registered for the draft.
procedure. Similar Observances were held throughout the country. announced Friday the provisions of “I think it‘s improbable the L'.S the way to do it is not through the
; . . the law. which probably will be en- Government will prosecute 600..000' institutions of higher leammg."
. forced starting this fall.hesaid. he said. “They haven't started Faber said
a I n nn v r r A d th . ., J J J checking names yet. and I‘m anx- The governments tactic of local-
ev‘efv dJngpLJhlth‘rhll.‘ JW” 'thmll‘ie ious to see how they're gomg to re— ing nonregistrants through financial
: . . ' compv v.1 e ~ .. . ... _ , J
-; , . . . - . solvethis, aid applications is semi militaris
J Pro and con forces rally, march here and across nation (in... Jdtiordmg to David JStockham. Danny Fab... president 0i 50...”. my Fab... said Students are being
i _____—_____ "lA'l US speak ll) lllt' slaughter. Illt' lllldd l’ullen. pl‘t‘Sltlt‘lll (ll lllL’lll ltl lrf‘ti‘J'OJr 9f the “fl-K8 “f finder" l‘l‘ l)’ Concerned Students. said his denled due process of lan he saldJ
Q in ('llltls \Sll destruction of our heritage." said Life of (‘entral Kentucky. said 'bc nanca A’d- group is oppposed to the law partly “because all students are suspect
g (‘opy lit-skt‘hict Robert Reynolds. president of ('om- ruling "stripped every child ol his Although his Office has not re- because it “adds a bureaucratic and innocent untilproven guilty "
t; mittec for Life. He said a lotus prl\'at'.\‘ dunng the "”10 ”It’lllh‘ 1” ceived any official information hassle to the University.“ It will be Faber also said the backers of the
‘. should not be considered "a blob of hismother's womb." about the administration of the law. an undue burden on universities to law were conservatives ”going
tissue" but "a human being with 21 Sen. Joe Prather. 1) \‘inc lirlivc. Stockham said he suspects the law track down offendershesaid. against their own ideology" of re»
About fioii toes of abortion gath- brain wave. and fingers and toes. president pro tempore of the state will affect applications for financial Dinkle said. however. the burden Seeuthpog.‘
i' ercd on the steps of the Fayette andalX‘rsonality " senate. pledged his support to a na
' (‘ounty l'ourlhoiisc Saturday at More than to million abortions tionvi'ide movement for a constitu
ternoon to pron-st llic iiitli liniiiwr have been performed since the lilTii tional amendment that would ban after weekend talks in Lebanon Egypt and
J: sary of the Supreme l ollrl s Ictztill decision. Reynolds said "3.30 abortion. including instances involy Saudi Arabia.
; lationof thcprix'cillii‘c times the number of servicemen ingincestor rape H07” "I i f 'n He met with Prime Minister Menachem Be in.
I “to observers iii.iii\ clutching killed in Vietnam " (’alllng the (ieneral Assembly the F A m . .. . . . g
‘ . . _ _ . . Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Sharon,
Jf roses. the symbol of the right to Roe vs \tade. decided by a i~2 most adamant among lcgislatuics iii _
§ life” movement. stood in fit-.ny vote. was initiated by a Texas its support of such a measure he then '°ld reporters he was returning ’0 WOSh‘
t dri/zlc as clcrgyiiicn and other in woman who. denied the chance to said critics who call the legislators . . . ington. Israel radio quoted Sharon as saying at
. tel'cslcd people compared the nuni obtain a legal abortion. said she out 0i stt’p do not concern him Radioactive “tonne fans the Cabinet session that the United States was
§ her oi illlfll‘llt:ll.\ lJiJciioriiich \lll;'t‘ tliiJ‘ could not aJllord ti;1 travel to another J"ll ”All! lX‘dtht‘JCJ‘fTJ“ l‘llifll NJ” ”1 Pressuring Lebanon to releci Israeli proposals .
‘ ”1‘ ‘ - ~.' .\ .‘ ... t - -- -; .'-a i . ‘l "tit _ . . ‘ .
J Li. lllllllt. o it Jllo oi Ill . ini \lillt to oil an t ( prouduri ind s ip in prou ( JiJ . i tut \Jl . WASHINGTON An out of control, radiom on security arrangements and mutual relations.
3 spoke :il .i llt't‘tl loi \tllilitlllt'l\ oi thus had suffered an infringcmciil of Dr Lowe lh‘k-N- d I‘M” "‘-‘""" tive Soviet spy satellite plunged to liery de»
tliclt'tniUM'lolwt'iilm‘Iliill‘t'dt'tnt‘ liri\ac\ clan and gynecologist. compared . . ,
. . Roe vs Wade to the “red Scott J‘JJH struction in Earth 5 dense atmosphere over the German leader 0 86 issiles
l ‘ a sum in 1857. which defined slaycs .is mid-Indian Ocean yesterday, the Pentagon 0" pl C s m
l properly Following the 1973 ruling. nounced. IONN, We" Gflimny _ A leading Nest
J . i "J . i ~ i l -. . J
l a hllliihlt‘x'rflll:g J_JJJ:';)J_ lillllzlrlll '12:." M“: A Pentagon spokesman 5°'d U-S- observers German conservative went against his political
. - K ( S ‘ ' ’ ‘ . .
l v cretion ~ on the 'Slahd °l Diego 6‘3"") reported seeing allies yesterday saying the West must compro-
_ Q ' h w Wayne Boblilt and Sheri ‘l‘.i_\loi ° 40-second burn '" the sky 0' 5115 EST- 5" mise with the Sowets to get them to dismantle
. , traveled from Morehead State I iii minutes before the 50'9”"93 "‘0‘" bulk any of their nuclear missiles aimed at Western
. . ,JJJJ; ,J versity toatlond the rally The} said rammed fully into the dense atmosphere. The Europe.
1 f :\ ‘(l’ tht‘." illit‘hdt‘Jd chcausc 0: ”1;“ ”I’ll" North American Aerospace Command confirmi Franz-Josef Strauss the Bavarian state 90ver»
' SI It)" 0 (I )or It)". (”It I l(‘\ l l5 . . '
? v . ". ‘1; I J ._ cussed the possibility (if starting .i ed that the main body of the Sovuet Cosmos nor said the American-backed zero option
' _ i "' * . I” prolifegroupon the MSl'campus ”02' estimated to weigh about 8000 pounds plan '5 unattainable and absurd The U S.
J; g a. For Taylor. a lournalism soplio l6“ ""0 the atmosphere 0' 532‘ P-m- 557- plan is being pushed at the Geneva arms talks
l i n moJiJc. the issue lt'I\‘tll\‘t‘.\ respccl toi Pentagon officials said the satellite s ’impaci which reconvene Thursday
., J J J (“and H the 0an ”"0 mm ”w area. was about 980 nautical miles (l,l27 Hm iemarks lomed the chorus of West Ger-
; / A ' ‘ power tolcreate life tinli (iod hJ“ statute miles) southeast of the British-owned mon voices advocating compromise on the mis.
; J - " y' the right to take it away. 'l‘aylor island of Diego Garcia. where the United we question and felt conservative Chancellor
f: . . ‘ ‘ f . w. 881d 5'0'95 maintains ° "°V°l base. They said "WY Helmut Kohl looking more isolated in his de-
l .. d // 3\_ Boblitt. a journalism graduati- stii did not know if any portion of the satellite had tense of the U.S.-proposed zero option
3" . - ,/ J dent. said he attended a protest in reached Earth‘s surface intact. A second and
l '1‘ ' “ . ~ :fl'flffif’: tleidJyears ago m ”h smaller portion of the satellite. posmbly radio‘
J , ', 1‘ “\‘J 32 Although Kentucky's congressio active, remains in orbit and is expected to fall
J \J _J 5. itJ nal delegation is unanimous iii its in mid-February.
3 t «if? " . 4 1’“ support of a pro life amendment he
,_ ‘QQ. ‘ ~' _/ - r" ’ J}, .\ ' said. ll is important to remind them
l e . vi “a J, o . .,i...,,..,,i.,..m.- ...m Sharon threatens U.S. stand
‘ a . . Following the courthouse pro
I /{!:;>’/ / J t. 5;! gram.J the crowd walked to Broad TIL AVIV. Israel — Defense Minister Ariel
JJ ) ' ‘ \J J - .‘t" ' way (hristian (hurch "’r " “WM“ Sharon warned yesterday that without on
M; -. “ i ”so 4'4" i“ "3’“ PW" -““”"“' “"’~"‘""“"-‘ A ' ti n Oh i i l‘ Id " a Cloud toda mi M ii I ii
\‘ ‘. $\_J fl" "4 " ' ‘1‘ estimated the crowd at tint. and .11.! morican (J a 99 J._ 3 a. '5 wou conSi or y Y w a O n ' . "PP.' 30'
I?!” .‘r 'Q“?J§1\ “ J . '_«‘ . candles were distributed other ways of obtaining a security agreement tolowor ‘01.
.sfa'Ji‘J Ergo-,5 L“ i» . _. ’1; Q: Supporters and opponents it .ilior with their occupied neighbor. Mostly cloudy fonlght with a low around
. ’ ~ ' t"..~t ' ' n“ I .. . tion held similar obscsytiiiccs Sharon's remarks, reported by Israel radio. ”-
m m - h I i . I
A JJ J hit H JJ ll h Id d J S J d J:““"’" Mm" mam“??? 3:3“1'Jllrzhlgrnh'fl: u“ come at the weekly Cabinet session as US. “COMM. Plflly cloudy tomorrow wlflt I
rig -o‘ i 9 r0 y e own own 0 ur av a ernoon was i -' ‘t' ‘ ‘5 ' ’4' ' "“ s ecial envo Phili C Hobib r ‘0'
. eturnod to Israel M hln thalow .
attended by observers of all ages. SNAW.page4 p Y p .
. .. ' J I ———~. I
l l l “

we be“ I
ll" “olden Andrew W John cumi- huon W. Ito-choc tlnl I. (Id-ho 1.9. tic-Moon Don ("New
II td-toi In Chuot News Editor Am Editor Sports Editor S”(IG‘PID|.('I Edna: PhntoEd-ioi Gmphtuldiioi
P E R5 As ION Juno. Hula Howl. labor. "In “It“ um. WM 1:. Mickey Don-non ICON. Mllllon Ion var-Moot (tui- Anh
Monagmgldltut tiiivtiiiutldiiui AutiioniArnEditoi Au-noniSpoits (ct-tor swialPioiun Aumanl (hiotPhoioqmphoi in, Dim-i , .4
______.__.__,_., WW
I I I .
I‘ItI-a man orces dying, I
." . N0. BACK 7'0
but the threat sti remains WEREWBEZMGI t .
a ’ .
_ . , . g \ t.
It has been 10 years since the Supreme finds it palatable or not. cannot be prohib- I _ t... , (
Court‘s decision to legalize abortion. The ad "9d ‘ . , , ’ . ‘ M
niversary was marked Saturday afternoon in furthermore. It ISWmON’ than'mere $900U- / . j 7, u l r’
Lexington. as about 500 people gathered on lation to argue that. ifabortion is prohibited, 1, . , ”W 4/ ,, it i
the steps of the Fayette County Courthouse the only difference W1“ be that abortion '3 ' ' I I / ., , //// //’/’/ gal i
in yetanother rallvagainstabortion. illegal. It is unreasonable and unrealistic to n , , ,m’ , ‘7 3,. " it," . 2
expect the taboos that existed before 1973 to ”ytll' m ‘ ‘ .5 , . W \W‘ #23. / i
) I . a 'i ‘ ' t‘ ‘ J» -9 I l I ‘ .lt /‘/ ”i, '
But all the preaching in the world does not ”Lem.‘ rgt full strength. At least legalized ‘ will“ "7.. ,.i’;./W \$//://-; 4 I ”it; t / l
change the basic rightness of Justice Harry abortion guarantees that the procedure. so ‘ “it“; ’ ' my} ‘ ‘4‘}? ' ‘l‘ l'. to} t
. .. . ' . .. . x . . l I ~ I I ; - , fl ".2" i‘Ii
Blackmun 5 opinion. In Roe vs, Wade. the ff” ‘3“ tntorteable. “‘1‘ be performed b) pro 5.1 #3; - .- . ‘ “fit-r...- ‘* . 5
Court decided by a 7_2 vote that a Texas lessionals in sanitary conditions. {rat/y ' , _- ; 1 . ,..»«\.~: f. gin/Mt. I
. . .' - ‘ .‘ . . . . . b "x t «£7: . initiate“ '
woman who wasdenied the chance to obtain The evidence against the umpabortmmsm _ 0.37,: _ A ‘3: .A ., .-:' lilig!'.:’eitiiim\\wgw..6 aoé/Y , | l
a legal abortion 1“ her home Stilt“ and could then. is simply too strong to sustain their ar- y \‘c,. ' ‘ ,“‘ . I 3"" \\\\\\ “9.. I
not afford to travel elsewhereto have the guments. Although laws must take emotions 737/; _. . i. (x ”-5,”, \k\\\\ «I ll
procedure performed had Stlttt’rt‘d it“ lh’ into account. they cannot be based upon ,. .' ":/' N ,3 "'91., \ttQ‘l t.-'-" Q3?
fringement of privacy. (,mmums . i 1‘ ”90 _ \\ --. ‘\\:3‘7‘- 1 .
fl ' '\ ‘ \tliqu .1 7‘. ,..; V- l\\\‘\\" - I. " 4/0 ;
. . . , i o, g ". ' . I,"
That is the key word: privacy Just as no But although their base is eroding — the M \ g 1: ‘ t . - K-‘ N _ t“ ./ _ ’ In“ 1/; .
law can be made regulating the length ot radwatright faction of Congress in which . , '2‘" 2 IF)?“ "‘ I ‘_ // I, i
one‘s hair or the place one chooses to live. the pro-liters placed their hopes. along with i. ‘2, fl 1' .' S x / _/
delineating what a woman can or cannot do its pundit. Sen, Jesse Helms. R~N.C.. has w , l\ ,i // f v _ ('2 \\\<§..:‘
. . . . _ 4 l * ‘ .- , ’ - f‘ ' ' .\\\ .v
With her body is an infringement on her pri~ little hope for re-election w the threat re- 'L'yr , . _ v. 9' . 4—: ' ,2 7-: ‘19.; i -
vacy — her constitutional right to live her mains. - 2g CY? ’ “riff ..“
life as she pleases. . , 1" Mfiwg‘ IV » jam ’ ,/,'-~..
. CL ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . ' '- 14 > s“ I "1‘ w
ll Ronald Reagan wins yet another term. ‘. ’ 25%;» £7; . 1/) , 7 .—;/‘
And it the argument against abortion is he is likely to replace a substantial number ' gar/l, :gwii‘g. ,1/ / fla—bq- fl“
based purely on religion. the line of separa- oi justices. tive of whom are now well over ’ --jv- _ a a» f " .
tion between church and state ceases to To. Abortion probably will be one of the cen— - r. 2“" “" —~ . . ___ -
eXist. t onstitutionally. abortion. whether one tral questions of next year s campaign.
PAC bbl W h' t t' b ' t I It I ' fl ’
Big busmess is running things how to raise it and use it." Drew tiCians. That reply by Mobil seems com~ the PAC to candidates who are sup» against it. 242 had received money
again in Washington It was in writes “Increasingly. the question In theory there‘s nothing wrong plete and conclusive. Actually. I portiveofthosecommoninterests." from thecardealers. '
charge in the old days before the of who gets funds is a deCiSion made with that; it just separates the polit- think.it's silly. Just 50. Let Elizabeth Drew pick Corruption? No; few disputes in
stock market crash in l929. and within Washington. by people who ical parties from the legislators who Yes. agrees the Time article. a up thestory. Washington are settled on lofty
then. for half a century or so. the po- have an eye on some piece of the na- do the voting donor is legally limited to $5.000 tin Acquisition of campaign funds has moral grounds. but this is an ong-
litical parties Stepped back in and tional agenda “ "There is a growing sense that the both a candidate‘s primary and gen- become "an obsession on the part of oing process. and more and more
took over system is getting out of hand." says eral election campaigns. for a total nearly every candidate for federal the interest groups are intervening
Now the parties are losmg influ- Missouri Democrat Richard Ge- of $10.000r. But PACs tend to run in office.“ she says. The obsession It has led to the institutionalization
ence again. and power is being phardt. packs and where one helps a friend. leads the candidates to solicit and of the Washington fundraiser
taken over by the new tool. the polit< But let‘s let Mobil have its say Its others do. too: “A candidate may accept money from those most able Congress finally voted to pay for .-
ical action committee, comment can be found. among other raise half his war chest from these to provide it . . . There are ostensi— presidential campaigns. but not for
Mobil says this isn‘t so. or at any places. in a fuleage advertisement speCial-interest groups." ble limits on how much can be con congressional campaigns. These are
rate. if it is so. it is a good thing In in The Economist. Mobil says the As to the cozy Mobil theory that tributed to the candidates for the being increasingly centralized in
a recent advertisement it calls PACs complaint against big business and it‘s not the corporations putting up House and the Senate. but these lim- Washington by the technicians and
“the mice of the real people" It big money using PACs "is patently the funds. but “employees." I would its are essentially meaningless. The money men. Democracy is taking a j
says thatcritics of PACs are elitists spurious: it ignores two simple like to quote a letter I got the other only limits are thoseoningenuity." strange turn ,
But as Mark Green recently point- facts " :1» "Corporations are not by day from Dale Van Winkle. treasur- Here‘s a case in point. The Feder- 3
ed out in The New Republic. and as In its Oct 25 cover story. Time law permitted to fund PACs — em— er of L‘nited Technologies. who al Trade Commission issued a re- TRB is the pen name of Richard .
Elizabeth Drew confirms in a two showed how the PACs work- ”Today ployees do. voluntarily . . t2v ”No thanked me politely for my “contri‘ quirement that usedcar dealers list Strout. a Pulitzer Prize Wlnnlng rt’
part article in The New Yorker. the power of PACs threatens to un- PAC —- company or otherwise — bution" of $5 to the ETC Political known major defects of an auto porter who has been with the Wash .
PACs are indeed taking over dermine America's system of rep- may by federal law contribute more Action (‘ommittee of the company. mobile. Dealers didn‘t like it. and ington bureau or The Christian sci .
"Increasmgly. the shape and na- resentative democracy.”itwarned than $5000 to any one congressional of whichlamastockholder they were important: They had once Monitor since 1921 Stout has ’
ture of our politics is being detere Increasmgly. big corporations or candidate in a Single election. That‘s “All of us have important inter» spent 3675.000 in the 1980 campaign been writing the TRB column in thc '
mined by the interests that have the smaller interest groups band togeth- hardly enough in these days of cost- ests in common." he said. “We can —they had bought “access." New Republicfor over 35 y-cors !
money to contribute and the [echnl‘ er to raise campaign funds. which 1y campaigns to ‘buy' 30 seconds on be most effective as a group by The House voted to kill the iegula<
cians who instruct the candidates in they hand out to sympathetic poli- TV. Ietalone an election.“ channeling. our resources through tion; of the 286 members who voted 'Whr‘t“ “*i'uh'" ‘
All d ' h
you nee IS 1 e Fab Four ,
Beatle I a b I. t I I ste d3
The Doors were good. The Sthhes t“ “Wk 5" here L" it la.“man s as I wanted to find out more about greatest with the musical element." can‘t you just tell me whether you were around. 1 “'35 0th "‘h" With“
are better But the Beatles were sessmenl ot rock n roll today com the Beatles and their music. so I \‘onCriticdomsaid think the Beatles were the greatest oldwhen they broke UP .
GREAT' pared “llht’ W‘allt‘eltl yesteryear called a professor in the College of "No. Doc. I think what I mean is rock group?” I impatiently de- l “'35 '9“ t0 Em“ Up listening '0
Last Saturday night I took a stroll Hock lust is not the same In other Fine Arts I was hoping this guy something more akin to a goodness manded' such wonderful tunes sung during
down memory lane and saw the words. rock is not worthanything would give me some new inSight to of beat and well. uh. the funness of “L'mmm. well. ehhh. mmmm. I the disco era Ah. yes. my genera .
Beatles film A Hard Day's Night. my claim their songs Don‘t you think that the guess. mmmm. I would say yes and “0" can '00k b3€k and 533' “'9 “St”!- l
It was qu1te a treat to Sit back and . ' 2 . “Dr Vincent VonCriticdom. this is Beatles were the best when it came no." \‘onCriticdom said. “1 ‘0 SUCh Witndt'rful EWUPS and I
watch the Fab Four Singing their ‘ ’/ SCott WilhOit over at the Kernel. to Just having a great time while lis- "Thanks a lot. Doc. you are a real Singers as the ISK‘(MS. Barry Ma ' ‘
all-too-familiartunes' Scott Yes. I‘m fine. Mmm. Doctor. what I teningtotheirtunes"” I asked. help.” lsaid as I hung up the phone nilowandthe\’illage People l
Admittedly. the film “'35 50"." .. ' WILHOIT W85 calling about is the'state of rock "The Beatles. best exemplified the So. here I am left again. I know Barf! g
The script was ml and the acting nroll in the 1980‘s."lsaid. "one-two three-tour" beat." he said. the Beatles were the greatest and l l
was PTEtt)’ poor BUt W‘th ‘Uhh " "Why. .VE‘S. that is a very CONFO- ”They were often able to enerate really didn't need some rofessor to Scott Wilhoit is o Kernel senior staff '3
. . g . p
songs as "I Should Have Known Bet versial topic and one which I have an acute sensation of euphoria while tell me so. writer and columnist. He is also ii i
ter." and “Can't Buy Me Lou- the ‘I mean Just look at the latest great and profound knowledge. Now, never entering the realm of ennui." I guess. though. my only “15h was flHU'nGllsm and tclecomniimvcotions .3 1!
slwticket was wellworth the price I-leetwood Mac Album Pugh‘ Scott. what is it you would like to "No. for gods sake. professor. to have been a bit older while they junior '
As I was watching the film I ig Ur look at the new groups like know"“thenrofessorasked. ——____—_____'—.__
nored the pitiful technical mistakes Men at Work In the song from
and Just relaxedtoenjoythe songs ”Down I'nder.‘ they refer to a my "Well. Doc. l was wondering. do
It was not until after the movie amitp sandwich What do lhesy you think the Beatles were the
that I realized the sorry state of guyseat in Australiaanyvay" KN‘HN‘SI rock band'?"Iasked
rock musm today and the greatness ..
of the Lads from Lnfrpml But. seriously. I wtsh we could res llmm. do you mean the greatest
I know what I am saying 15 noth- tumto more meaningful lyrics financially. muSically. aesthetically
ing new ' What eyer happened to ”10 "did or niaterially"“heasked ——‘—~——-———————-——-—-———-—
”5t year when the Stones came dlydlddhmmw’tingst ”M ”5m "Yes. that's it." I said. “Don‘t you conservation and insulation which Center movie theater For more in
to 10W“. muSIC CWICS W9"? halting booms'Sh“ mom‘s think that songs like ‘Eleanor SOIor conference can be moved. solar hot water sys» formation on the conference. contact
the tour 35 the "eht Of the decade Really. I think the Beatles said it Bigby. ‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand' ‘h u _ ‘ tems. solar/conservation mix and Giles Hertz. Students Energy and
At the same t‘me- most Of these best with. 'She low, you. yeah. and "Hey Jude are clear master- 1 'Shdturdat th" Fourth Annual passive solar design tools. wili be I'InvironmentalClinicat‘54 5283
same CHUCS were Pmdalmlhg the yeah. yeah ' pieces of rock music'.’“Iasked. 50"” ( onference “l” h" held at UK held in the afternoon
end of rock m the 80's ~ . The conference. sponsored by the The cost for the alldav conference .,
First. let me say I am not a musw What more do you need in a song “Well. Scott. I think we had better Kentucky Solar Coalition and the is $5.00 for students. mm valid (iiles Hertz
critic The only type of critimsm I than a few "nah-nahs‘ and a little first examine the inner dymanics campus-based Students Energy and I.D.‘s. Registration will begin at R Politicalscmnce senior
do is an occasmnal history book for bit of ‘beep-beep-mmm beepheep. and social complexities of the 1960's Envtronmental Clinic. will run from am. in the hall outSide the Student l’resident..\‘l‘ll‘)t'
the Kernel But. I do enjoy listening yeah"‘for spice” genre before attempting to relate 9 a m until .3 pm in the Student
Center 1
Actwtties during the davlong con-
.Lm“ COUNTY by Berke ”flatbed ferenco include an appearance by .
former state re resentative Bill L P I
mm m » rev we T00 We..." WM: .3, a u... etters o my
WU? WE’V€ M J( Who‘d 'itL um wflp/ WE / MR WK (‘3 ‘ R ‘ F C II‘
wwew Wm m mot/56 5 . . MEDICAL TEAM DON ”,5 1910 Special solar Energy AdVisory
10W. IT, we our ,iM .~ filiw,‘ ' l v BMCE .5 M 5,7ka tangy 54K Committee. speaking about the Ken- , ‘ y '
, 9m , f Manet ”r I} FOR ’m 'hé W REFURTS tucky Solar Legislation. its past we Readers of the Kentucky kernel exceed .300 words and opinions
‘ . .flV'“ N . 5/. Y PMSTER’ / HUNY cesses and future needs are welcome to express their opin- should not exceed :60 words.
\ W A \ RV lgfiv‘rg / ' ,':\\WMA({ A morning panel will discuss new Ions on the editorial page. Letters Writers must also include their .
“'5a‘ A :31- ; ‘\ ‘ t 7 ‘3 00” , ‘ ' construction. with three solar homes should he sent to the editorial edi- names. addresses. telephone nuiii-
‘\ q /' \ _' I ‘ a 4‘: K 11% , . ~ I ,. an architectdesigned house. a tor at I” Journalism Building -- hers. along with their majors. l
‘ DJP—e ' if 1:, It: .. W", ‘ v) {a ”Q “a speebtnlt house and an owner-built l'K. Lexington. Ky. 40506o01HL’. classifications or connectitms with
v. y"! "K ,. ' ' ' l . P if ‘ R. f house —- available for study. In the . . "'9 “"“vrS'tA‘V Th9 "tt‘ht'tt 0‘
. ‘4 v ., I», 3. __ . t""" afternoon. a retrofit panel m" high- To be constdered for publica- writers who send letters by mail l
g a ,--.;: f 3‘ F "3 5 ,' -‘ light three examples of what can be tion. letters must be typed and will be checked and