xt7x959c8n4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x959c8n4m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-03-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1988 1988 1988-03-21 2020 true xt7x959c8n4m section xt7x959c8n4m  




. .2”: _ .A 1., .:. We,” _. - 3,; a, ,1


Sports Monday


UK advances to sweet sixteen with win
over Maryland. SEE PAGE 3.





Mellencamp packs dancing
shoes for crowd. SEE PAGE 7.




Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy




Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI, No. 128



Western students upset by recommendations

Executive Editor

News Editor

Kentucky University subcommittee
is looking into President Kern Alex-
ander‘s recommendations for more
faculty involvement in the universi-
ty‘s award—winning student newspa-
per and yearbook.

The subcommittee was formed
last Tuesday when Alexander told
an ad hoc committee reviewing stu-
dent publications that faculty editors
should be in charge of the student
newspaper, the College Heights Her-
ald, and yearbook, the Talisman.

The subcommittee will make its
report in two weeks.

Although stopping short of saying
that the president‘s actions stem
from the paper's coverage, several
involved with the Herald think that
the paper‘s tense relationship with
the president is related to the rec-

Carla Harris. editor of the Herald,
said she “didn‘t want to second
guess the president“ and his recom-
mendations. but “our aggressive
coverage of the university has
some relation to this."

The paper, which is editorally in-
dependent, has covered Alexander‘s
pending divorce and the controversy
over establishing a community col-
lege in Glasgow.

However, Howard Bailey. dean of
student life at WKU, said implica~
tions of Alexander being biased by


“The thing that bothers me the most (is that)
President Alexander has such little knowledge
about what goes on over here now.”

coverage of his administration are

“It‘s bush league," said Bailey.
who served on the ad hoc committee
and is serving on the subcommittee.
"It’s a smut campaign.“

Alexander formed the ad hoc com-
mittee last fall to review the Office
of Student Publications —— which is
in charge of the Herald and Talis-
man - and its place in the Universi-
ty structure.

The committee recommended
minor changes to the president. in-

Carla Harris, editor

eluding renaming the publications
office, Student Publications and add-
ing more members to the publica-
tions advisory committee. But Alex-
ander had additional
recommendations that he wants to
be implemented by next semester.

Specifically, Alexander recom~
mended that more faculty and ad-
minstrators be named to the publi-
cations committee. which would be
responsible for naming faculty edi-
tors who would then select student


Battle for the ball

Brian Williams and Leron Ellis go for a rebound during yester-
day's NCAA tournament game against Maryland. Kentucky won

90-81 as the Wildcats now advance to the Southeast region
semifinals this Thursday in Birmingham. Ala, against Villanova.

MARK ZEIOF/Ksmsl scan




Ashland Oil environmental record dirty

Associated Press

ASHLAND Ashland Oil Inc‘s
record on environmental protection
is marred by more than $2 million in
fines in Kentucky. where one official
said the company is only now begin-
ning to improve its performance.

More than $1.7 million of those pe-
nalties have been levied agairst
Ashland‘s largest refinery, located
in Catlettsburg, according to a re-
port published in yesterday's edition
of The (Louisville) Courier-Journal.

The newspaper began investigat—
ing Ashland's environmental record

following the January collapse of an
Ashland tank near Pittsburgh that
sent 750,000 gallons of fuel oil into
two rivers.

The fines include the largest ever
paid to state environmental officials,
the largest fine for water-pollution
violations in the Southeast, and what
at the time was the largest fine na-
tionally for putting too much lead in

That record speaks for itself, said
Jim Wilburn, deputy director of air,
pesticides and toxic materials in the
federal Environmental Protection
Agency‘s Atlanta office.

Early part of his term
new experience for gov.

Associated Press

FRANKFORT __ A governor may
be right, a governor may be wrong.
But a governor should never be in
doubt. A crisis of confidence in a
governor leads inexorably to a crisis
of leadership, the euphemism politi-
cal scientists and pundits use to de-
scribe a politician who could no
longer get elected dog catcher.

Gov. Wallace Wilkinson has never
suffered one of those crises, but it is
becoming increasingly apparent he
is going through some on-thejob
training in government that has
upset his equilibrium just a bit.

The distress is understandable.
Though Wilkinson has been amund
politics for a few years, his cam-



paign for governor was the first
time he sought public office.

And his experience has been in
business, most notably the kinds of
businesses where individual initia-
tive counts for almost everything.

This business of governing, partic-
ularly in such an unruly state as
Kentucky. is something else again.

ise is just the beginning.
Much time must be spent massaging
wounded egos and making new al-

Kentucky‘s governor must also


“They‘ve had problems with prae
tically all the environmental areas
we have,“ Wilburn said of the Cat-
lettsburg refinery. ~

Ashland has a good environmental
record at some sites in its opera-
tions, which stretch from California
to Nigeria.

The company, which has annual
sales of more than $7 billion, has
complied fully with environmental
regulations at many sites. Outside
Kentucky, officials describe Ashland
as generally mindful of its responsi-
bilities and occasionally a leader in
dealing with potential pollution.

ln Kentucky, officials describe a
new commitment to prevent unnec-
essary pollution and remedy exist-
ing problems.

“We‘ve been substantially
pleased" with Ashland‘s record in
recent months, said Charles Martin,
deputy secretary of the state Natu-
ral Reswrces and Environmental
Protection Cabinet.

Ashland is the nation‘s 54th-larg-
est industrial company and the larg.
est corporation based in Kentucky.
It is the nth-largest oil company
and the largest independent refinery
- meaning that it buys. rather than
drills for, mostof its crude oil.

The company has acknowledged
past problems and Ashland officials
now say they have been working
hard to keep extremely complex fa-
cilities in step with changing envi:
ronmental rules. '

“To a certain extent, the image is
based on what has happened in the
past. We recognize that.“ said Bruce
Churton. an executive assistant for
Ashland Petroleum Co., the firm‘s
largest division. “We‘re working

very hard on solving the problems,
being in compliance, and the image
will take care of itself."

On the basis of penalties, however.
Ashland is not the nation's worst
polluter. Chevron paid $6 million in
fines for air pollution in 1985 and
$1.5 million for water pollution in
January. Mobil paid $2 million for
water pollution in 1982.

Ashland‘s Catlettsburg refinery
has been criticized recently by resi-
dents of the eastern Kentucky town
and those in neighboring Kenova,

Residents say emissions from the
plant are making them ill and have
also complained about property
damage due to dust.

The state-record $250,000 fine last
summer resolved 130 violations of
air pollution regulations over four
years at the refinery. The federal
government's $762,500 fine for water
pollution involved dozens of in-
stances in which Ashland poured as
much as 114 times the allowed
amount of a pollutant into the Big
Sandy River.

The Jan. 2 tank collapse near
Pittsburgh sent fuel oil into the Mo-
nongahela and Ohio rivers and
threatened water supplies in four
states. It displayed a remarkable se-
ries of failures and disregard for en‘
vironmental safeguards. officials
say. For example, Ashland had re~
constructed a toyear-old tank and
apparently ignored a report of de-
fective welds before cutting the tank
apart at different points and reas-
sembling it.

The publications office, under the
president‘s recommendations, would
be placed under the Office of Aca-
demic Affairs. Publications current-
ly reports to the dean of Potter Col-

In addition. Alexander recom-
mended that students receive aca-
demic credit for working on the

Alexander told the Herald last
week that his recommendations are
not an attempt to control the news-
paper. but to provide a "stronger or-

“It couldn‘t limit their indepen-
dence if we‘re getting more people
involved,“ Alexander told the Her-

The Kernel could not reach Alex-
ander for comment last night.

Those involved with the Herald in-
sist that the organization is strong
enough. and that Alexander‘s rec-
ommendations are detrimental to
the paper.

Harris said that the ad hoc com—
mittee's recommendations for minor
changes basically were telling the
president that “if it ain‘t broke don‘t

Alexander‘s recommendations
show a “definite lack of understand-
ing" of the student newspaper. Har-
ris said.

“The thing that bothers me the
most (is thati President Alexander
has such little knowledge about what
goes on over here now.“ Harris said.
Alexander is “trying to fix some-
thing that‘s not broken.“

Sec PAPER. Page l0

Married students
at UK face many
unique problems

Contributing Writer

Marriage. The mere thought of it
terrifies some, but most of us will
take the plunge sooner or later.
Most will wait until they graduate.
but for some. matrimony and col
lege life go hand in hand.

The registrar's office reports that
251 of the 22,004 students enrolled at
UK for the Fall 1987 semester are
married. 621 stated they were single
and about 21.000 did not respond to
the question.

According to Gregory Brock.
chairman of the family studies de—
partment. many differences exist
between married and unmarried

“They tend to be older, so they
may not have a lot in common with
other students. They have a lot of
things going on in their lives," said

Brock said the biggest problem for
married students is staying close be
cause college tends to change peo-
ple. their views and sometimes their

“There‘s a good likelihood they‘ll
grow apart,“ he said. "It‘s difficult
for a married couple to keep a
shared set of values." He said that
communication is the key to main-
taining a good relationship; it is
vital that a married couple spend
time together discussing things that
are important to them.

Unfortunately. time is a rare com-
modity for many married students.
Debbie Lemmon, a special educa—
tion senior, has been married for 213
years. She is a full-time UK student
and works three different jobs.

“There‘s always something else to
be done instead of homework." said
Lemmon. But rent must be paid.
and Lemmon says they have to bud-
get carefully.

Lack of money is one of those
problems that plagues both married
and single students. But married
students often feel additional pres-
sure. Often, the other couples they

assocrate with are not in school. and
may have more money This can
cause depression. said Brock

If the couple has children it pre-
sents an even bigger problem Affor-
dable daycare can be hard to find

Angela Taylor. a senior. has been
married six years and has a ‘3»)oarr
old son. Taylor's nltllIK‘l‘rlll‘IijW
watches the child while Taylor at-
tends night classes.

During the day while her husband
is at work. Taylor takes care of her
son so study time is hard to find

“He‘s 2. and trying to study dur-
ing the day is hard. I have to put
him to sleep before I can study."
she said.


“They tend to be older,
so they may not have a
lot in common with
other students. They
have a lot of things

going on in their lives."
Gregory Brock,
family studies


Between doing the laundry. gro-
cery shopping. cooking. cleaning.
entertaining and. perhaps. working
outside the home. married couples
in school may have less time to de-
vote to their relationship than cou-
ples not in school.

But not all married students find
time management a problem Julie
Wright. a senior. has been married
31-; years. Her husband. Phil. is an
engineer and she said this semester
is the first time she has not had to
work outside the home

“My husband is very supportive."
said Wright. ”He docs all the house-

Wright said she feels strange
being a married student among so
many single students. Often. when
she sits in a class for the first time.

See MARRIED, Page 6

Candidates to face off
in debates this week

Staff reports

Students will get a chance to hear
how the candidates for the Student
Government Association executive
branch stand on the issues this week
in two debates sponsored by the
Kentucky Kernel and Omicron Delta

Vice president candidates Ken
Mattingly and Leah McCain will dis-
cuss the issues at 8:30 Tuesday night
in 106 Classroom Building.

Mattingly, an English senior from
Springfield, Ky., is a senator at
large and current president pro tem
of the SGA senate. He is running
with presidential candidate Susan

McCain, a social work junior from
Owensboro. is a first-term senator
at large and is running with David

At 8:30 Wednesday night in 11!!
Classroom Building, the three presi-


dential candidates will talk about
their platforms.


Bridges. who is currently senior
vice president. is a mathematics ju-
nior from Lexington; Botkins. a two-
term senator at large, is a graduate
student from Ashland: and James
Rose. who is running alone. is a two-
term senator at large and business
senior from Shelbyville.

Each candidate will have a five-
minute opening statement. The can-
didates will then answer a series of
questiom asked by three panelists
from the Kernel. Each candidate
will be allowed a three-minute clos-
ing statement.




2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday.llercti21.1888





the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-

tucky. The lnfomation 8 published as applied by the on-campus sponsor, with ed-
itorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expresdon. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calen-
dar form must be iltled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday proceeding the

publication date.








IRelioous: Free Mediation Grow; Free. Newman Center. 6 pm.
‘- Coit 266-4918
,1 'Reiluous.WorshbServicewarchmuolgatheringtlmeofslng-
1 ing. prayers. 8 messages; Free; 508 Colunbla Ave., 89:30 pm. Call
1 .Religious: Monday Evening Fellowship — mm, groin dis-
] cusslon. parties. 6 pot luck dinner; Free; K-llouse/4l2 Rose St; 6 pm.
Cell 254-1661
-Rell¢ous: Creattve Prayer Group — Time to relax. share. 6 relate
with students; Free: Newman Center. 8 pm; Call 255-8566
IReiigious: Shident Meeting - dscusslon oi incoming events — all
students lnvttedl: Free; Newman Center: 9 pm. Call 255-6566
0W”: '"Comerstone Mule Practice - enthusiasm is the only
requrementl. Free; 508 Columbia Ave.; 6:30-6 p.m., Call 254-3714
~Sborts: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-House/412 Rose St. 330 pm:
Call 277-5190
- Sports: Alkido: Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free: Alum-
ni Gym Loi‘t: 6:30 pm; Cell 266-0102
oSports: mo Club - Beginners welcome, Wrestling experience
valuable. Free, Alumni Gym Loft: 5630 pm. Cal 8-4156
0 Seminars: Learning Skills Program - Organizing Exam Review.
STD/semester. S25/semesier. 301 Frazee Hall; ”-11:50 pm. Call 7-
oSernlnars: Learning Skills Program — Study Skills tor Foreign Lan-
guage; STD/semester or s251semester. 301 Frazee tlali; 1-150 pm.
Call 78673



-Sporis: ix Fencing Ciib; Free; Aunnl Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Cd

rSports. Japan Karate Ciib - SiOTOKAN; Free Buel Armory; 7:30-
9:30 pm.

lcs from their careers 6 lives: 32.00. 508 Couribla Ave.; 7:30 pm;
Cal 254-3714

More”; Free; 429 Counbla Ave.; 7:30 pm; Cd 7-3989

“it CU“. 2‘5; 7:30 91".; Cd 749.9

- Seminars: Learrihg Skis Program — Obtecttve Test Tdring; SiO/se-
mester or s25/semester: 301 Frazee Hail. l-i:45 p.m.; Cd 7-6673


liC W071; Ff“; W Center; 7:30-9:15 p.m.; Cd 2%

. Sports: Aerobics; Free. Newman Center; 5:50-7 pm; cut 255

Newman Center; 7 p.m.; Cdi 2558566

- Sports: UK Cycling Club Meeting; Free. 213 Seaton Center; 8 pm;
Call 6-2350

. lntramurals. Softbal; Free; Seaton Center ; Cd! 7-3928

'ther: Penect Attendance Luicheon - What! Mae Devel-
opment; Free; Student Certter Balroom; 11 a.m.-2 pm; Cdl 7-1851

~Conoerts: John Rommel. Trunpei l Janette Fishetl. Organ; Free;
SCFA - Concert Hall; 12:30 pm; Call 7-4900

rConcerts: David Restart/Senior Bass trombone Recital; Free; SCFA
- Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900




- Sports Alkido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free, Alum-
ni Gym Lott. 8 30 pm, Call 266-0102

~Rellgious- Dinner Casual dimer 6 good company, $3.00: 508
Columbia Ave . 5—6 p.m.;C011254-3714

rReliglous Bible Discussion Groin — Great Commission Students:
Free. Student Center 231. 7:30 p.m.. Call 254-3997

~Sports> mo Club - Beginners welcome. Wrestling experience
valuable; Free; Alumni Gym Loft; 56:30

-Rellglous Student Faith Sharing - Upcoming Sunday‘s Gospel
read 8 discussed; Free; Newman Center, 9-10 pm; Call 255-8566

- Religious. Communion Service. Free; Newman Center, 8-8:45 pm;

oSeminars Learnings Skills Program - Designing a Study Plan:
$10:sernester or Sits-semester. 301 Frazee i-iail; 2-2-50 pm; Call 7-

- Serhinars Biochem — Two distinct subpopularlons ol Fndosornes;
Free. MN 463. 4 pm, Call 3-5549

~Sports- Campus Aerobics, Free; K-tiouseml2 Rose Street: 330
D m. Call 277-5190

oSporis Wildcat Golf Southeastern invitational; Montgomery AL.
Call 7-3838

-Sports: Squash tournament - All UK Students, Faculty and Statf.
Free; Seaton Center Courts, 4 pm. Call 7-3928

- Meetings Cosmopolitan Club Meeting, Free: Student Center 245,
7 pm . Call 7-1655

- Movies- Prince 01 Darkness. $1 95, Worsham Theatre 8 p m, Cali 7-

oMovies Strange Brew, $195, Worsham Theatre, 10 pm. Call 7-



~Lectures: George Ranail ‘Studles in Form and Material'; Free; 117
P0000 Hall; 6:30 pm; Call 742“

oMovles; Prince of Darkness; 5195; Worsham Theatre. 8 pm; Call 7-

0Movtes: Strange Brew; 51.95; Worm Theatre. 10 p.m.; Cal 7-

-Semlnars: Learning Sidlls Proaam - Tbs for Crittcd Rearing;
Sic/semester or $25/semester; 301 Fmee Hal; "-11:50 a.m.; Cat 7-

- Religious: "Cornerstone" Drama Practice — enthusiasm Is ttte only
requirement; Free; 508 Cokimbla Ave.; 6:30-8 prn.; Cdi 254-3714

oRellglous: D B L Grlii (Devotion B Lunch); 51.00. 429 Columbia
Ave. 12:15 pm; Call 7-3989

- Religious: Fellowship of Christian Athletes — FCA; Free; 502 Colum-
bia Ave. 9 p.m.; Call 233-0315

- Sports: Japan Karate Club; Free. Aturnrii Gym Balcony; 5:30-6:30
pm; Call 74632

tSports: UK Fencing Clib; Free; Aiu‘hni Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Cdi

- Sports: Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN; Free; Aktmnl Gym Balco-
ny, 5:30-7:30 pm,

rSports: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton Center Squash Court;
7.30-10 0.171,; Call 6-8161

oReilgious: Thursday Bible Study; Free; 502 Columbia Ave.; 7 pm;
Call 233-0313

- Religious: Spiritual Reading Grasp - Uscusslon of Vaiou Spiritual
Writers; Free; Newman Center; 1030-Noon; Cali 2556566

'WS: ACTObiCI; Free; W CM”; 5:50—7 91“.; Cd‘ 255-

oRellglous: large Grasp Gathering - lntervarety Christian
Fellowship; Free; Student Center 205; 6 pm; Call 276-2482

- Concerts: Brass Dept. Recital; Free SCFA - Recital Hall; 12:30 pm;
Call 7-4900

sconcerts: Doug Gaddis. Senior Tenor Recital; Free SCFA — Recital
Hall. 8 pm. Call 7-4900



ville, FL. Coil 7-3835

-Concerts Lexington Philharmonic, Free with UKiD: Center tor the
Arts. 8 pm ,Call 7-3145

~Concerts Merit Day; SCFA Recital Hall; 630 Bi 8 pm. Call 7.

-Lectures 'irish Music Concert‘ - Dr Ron Penn. School of Music.
Free. King Ubrary North; Noon; Cali 7-5695

- Lectures Hark Hawkins 'Current 8 Past Work'. Free. 117 Pence Hall.
7 pm . Cali 7-1244

-Meeilngs Women Writers Conterence Book Discussion iCE AND
FlRF Free; Student Center 231; Noon. Call 7-3295

- Movies Prince of Darkness; 51 95, Worsham Theatre: 8 pm Call 7-

0Movies Strange Brew 5195; Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-

-Sports: Campus Aerobics. Free; “louse/412 Rose Street, 330
p m . Call 277-5190

-Concerts Compositions at Mark Francis. Free, SCFA Recital Hall,
Noon. Call 7-4900

. Seminars Dimensions 01 Drug Use Among Elderty Residents, Free,

- Seminars ‘Careglvrng tor Alzheimer's Disease Patients The Role of
Time' Free 112 Sanderslrown. Noon. Call 36040







olntromurals (through 3/27): Tennis Doubles; Free. Seaton Center;
Call 7-3928

- Movies: Prince 01 Darkness; $1.95; Worsham Theatre, 8 pm; Call 7-

oMovies: Strange Brew; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Cut 7-

. Religious: The Hub Colleehoue - Christian Bands. Drama grows.
fellowship at tun; Free; K-iioue/4i2 Cohthbla; 7:30 p.m.; Cd 277-

IReligious: Catholic Celebration of the Mas; Free; Newman Cen-
ter; 6 pm; Call 255-6566

UKID; Shively Field; Call 7-3838

-5poris Kentucky Gymnastics SEC Championship. Alabama; Cali

oSports. UK Women's Tennis vs. Ole Mss; Free virith tut-time UKID.
Home.CalI 7-3838

- Sports: Lacrosse vs. Marietta; Free; Seaton Center; 1 pm; Call 7-









'Concerts; Joseph FratianniSolo Classical Guitar, Free. SCFA — Re-
cital Hall, 8 pm , Call 7-4900
-Sports (through 3126) UK Outdoor Track Florida Relays, Gaines-
0Concerts Kentucky Wind Wntet with Alan Hersh. Free. CFA Recl-
lal Natl 3 pm ,Catl 7-3145

0Conceris David C Cooper PlanolGraduate DMA Lecture Recital,
I Free-SCFARecltaiitatprrnCaln-Noo
' oMovies PrinceotDartrness. $195:WOrshamTheatre.7pm.,Cafl 7-
I o Other Palm Sunday


”Pelicans: Celebration of Worship; Free 502 Coiumbla Ave. 7
pm . Cal 233-0313

rRellgous Cathosc Celebration of the Mass, Free; Newman Cen-
ter. 6. 10, 11:30 am. 5. 9 30pm. Cal 255-8566

-Soorts 1K Basebalvs Alabama. Freewtthfuil-tlme UKlD; Shively
Field, Cat 7-3838

OSports- Attrido: manese Martial Art Beginner Classes, Free. Alum-
ni Gym Lott. 1 pm. Cd 266-0102

-Sports man Karate CID - DtOTOKAN. Free, melt Armory: 35
p m











rAcodemlc- 1987 Nut Mn. Chembtry W; Free.
Chem-Phys Bisldrig;9-4p.m..Ccl7-7060


oMavies: Stephen th‘s Shier m: 31.95; Worm Theatre. I

~Relluou: Free Mediation Grain. Free; Newman Center; 6 pm;

trig, prayers. Brriessages:Free. 508CouriblaAve4 6-930 pm;Cd

uneven: Monday Mtg m - W. m &
cussion. parties. epoi tuck dnner, Free. K-llouse/412ltoseSt; 6pm.;



W1: Free. 306 Cokntbio Ave.; 630-6 armed 2663714

deans Corru- Aerebics; Free. “seine/412 Rose 9.- 330 pm.-


-3ports: you one - burner-s eercerne m eoertmoe

~3emlnrn M m W - w bran Drier»;
Sta/semester. 3287M; 301 Fruee ltd; "-1150 arm 0d 7-









oMovies — 3/23: Prince of Darkness; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

cMorvles - 3/23: Strange Brew; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre. 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovles — 3/24: Prince of Darkness; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

0Mavies - 3/24: Strange Brew; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

0Movies - 3/25: Prince of Darkness; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre. 8 pm; Call 78867

cMovles — 3/25: Strange Brew; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovies - 3/26: Prince of Darkness; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

°Movles — 3/26: Strange Brew; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

~Mavies - 3/27: Prince oi Darkness; $1.95.
Worsham Theatre; 7 pm; Call 7-8867

cMovles - 3/28: Stephen King's Silver Bullet; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

~Concerts - 3/22: John Rommel. Trumpet Bi Jan-
ette Fisheli. Organ; Free; SCFA - Concert Hall; 12:30
pm; Call 7-4900

0Concerts - 3/22: David Rosion/Senlor Bass Trom—
bone Recital; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call

oConcerts — 3/23: Joseph Fratlannl/Solo Classical
Guitar; Free; SCFA - Recital Hdl; 8 pm; Call 7-

- Concerts - 3/24: Brass Dept. Recital; Free SCFA —
Recital Hall; 12:30 pm; Call 7-4900

0Concerts - 3/24: Doug Gaddis. Senior Tenor Re-
cital; Free SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

0Concerts - 3/25: Lexington Philharmonic; Free
with UKiD. Center for the Arts; 8 pm; Call 7-3145

OConcerts - 3/25: Merit Day; SCFA Recital iidl:
6:30 8: 8 pm; Call 7-4900

-Concerts - 3/25: Compositiors or Mark Francis;
Free; SCFA Recital Hall; Noon; Coll 7-49OO

0Concerts - 3/27: Kentucky Wind Quintet with
Alan Hersh; Free; CFA Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-

oConcerts — 3/27: David C. Cooper. Piano/Gra-
duate DMA Lecture Recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall;
8 pm: Call 74900














oMeetlngs - 3/23: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free. Student Center 245; 7 pm; Call 7-1655

OMeetings - 3/25: Women Writers Conference
Book Discussion: iCE AND FIRE; Free; Student Center
231; Noon; Call 7-3295

oLectures — 3/24: George Ranalii ‘Studies in Form
and Material'; Free; 117 Pence Hall; 6:30 pm; Call

oLectures - 3/25: 'lrlsh Music Concert' - Dr. Ron
Penn. School of Music; Free; King Library North;
Noon; Call 75895

cLeciures - 3/25: Hark Hawkins ‘Current 81 Past
Work'; Free; 117 Pence Hall; 7 pm; Call 7-1244

oSemlnars - 3/21: Learning Skills Program — Orga-
nizing Exam Review; SIC/semester. $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hall; ”-11:50 am; Cali 7-8673

- Seminars - 3/21: Learning Skills Program — Study
Skills for Foreign Language: SIG/semester or $25/se-
mester; 301 Frazee Hall; 14:50 pm; Call 7-8673

oSemlnars — 3/22: Learning Skills Program - Ob-
jective Test Taklno: STD/semester or $25/semester;
301 Frazee Hall; 1-1:45 pm; Call 7-8673

- Seminars - 3/22: Blochem - 18A; Free; MN 463; 4

OSeminars - 3/23: Learnings Skills Program - De-
signing a Study Plan; SIC/semester or s25/semester;
301 Frazee Hail; 2-2:50 pm; Call 7-8673

~Semlnars - 3/23: Blochem - Two distinct subpo-
putations ol Endosomes; Free; MN 463; 4 pm; Call

OSeminars - 3/24: Learning Skills Program - Tips
for Critical Reading: SIG/semester or s25/semester;
301 France Hall; "-11:50 am; Call 7-8673

OSemlnars-3/25: Dimensionsof DrugUseAmong
ElderlyResldents; Free; 502A68H$LC; 1-2 pm.

0Seminars - 3/25: 'Caregivlng tor Alzheimer's Dis-
ease Patients: The Roie of 11me';Free: 112 Sanders-
8rown;Noon;Cali 3-6040

oSerrinars — 3/28: Study Reading Tects'iiques -
Organizing Exam Review; Sic/semester. $25/semes-
ter; 301 Frazee Hall; "-11:50 pm; Call 7-8673


. lntramurals - 3/22: Softball; Free; Seaton Center ;
-Cail7-a928- ,, - ‘
olntramurals — 3/26-3/27: Tennis Doubles; Free;
Seaton Center; Call 7-3928
cSports - 3/21: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/4i2 Rose 51.; 3:30 pm; Call 277-5190
oSports - 3/22: UK Fencing Club; Free. Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013
oSports - 3/22: Aerobics; Free, Newman Center;
550-7 pm; Call 255-8566
o$ports - 3/22: UK q/cllng Club Meeting; Free,
213 Seaton Center; 8 pm; Call 8-2350
oSports — 3/23: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/4l2 Rose Street; 3:30 pm; Call 277-5190
~Sports — 3/23: Wildcat Golf Southeastern invita-
tional; Montgomery AL; Call 7-3838
oSports — 3/23: Squash Tournament - All UK Stu-
dents, Faculty and Staff; Free; Seaton Center Courts;
4 pm; Call 7-3928
-Sports - 3/24: UK Fencing Club; Free. Alumni
9W“; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013
oSports — 3/24: UK Ping Pong Club; Free. Seaton
Center Squash Court; 7:30-10 pm.; Call 8-8161
oSports - 3/24: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50-7 pm; Call 255-8566
- Sports - 3/25-3/26: UK Outdoor Track Florida Re
lays; Gainesvllle. FL: Call 7-3838
oSports - 3/25: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose Street; 3:30 pm; Call 277-5190
. Sports - 3/26: UK Baseball vs. Alabama. double-
hltter; Free with lull-time UKlD. Shivety Field; Call 7-
-Sports — 3/26: Kentucky Gymnastics SEC
Championship; Alabama; Coil 7-3838
oSports - 3/26: UK Women's Tennis vs. Ole Miss;
Free with full-time UKlD. Home; Call 7-3838
- Sports - 3/26: Lacrosse vs. Marietta; Free. Seaton
Center; 1 pm; Call 7-3928
oSports - 3127: UK Baseball vs. Alabama; Free
with full-time UKID. Shively Field; Call 7-3838
oSports - 3/28: Campus Aerobics: Free; K-
House/412 Rose St; 3:30 pm; Call 277-5190











special events


oAcademic - 3/28: 1987 Natl Symposium. Chern-
lstry Department; Free. Chem-Phys. Busing. 9-4

oGreek-3/28:GreekWeek;Cail 7-3151

tkiman Resource Development; Free. Student Cen
terBdroorn;11a.m-2pm;Cal 7-1651




3/29 - Academics: WW Professor Lec-


3/29 - Semlrtan: tearing Sills Frown - Essay
Test Turing; “OMAR/semester; 301 Frasee
Hd:11-11:600m;0d 7-6673

3/30 - Sernlnan- Learsng arls hogan - lderili-
ty your Leorring Style. SiO/serriester. 328m;
301Frmeetld. 33.wa 7-8673

3/30 - ”one Wldcat Gal ill .tots'irry Olsen;


looking ahead




Kentucky Kernel, MondayJAarch 21,1066 - 3









can drive
you mad

I‘m saturated!

In the period of one week I’ve
watched 13 live basketball games
— nine college and four high

And who knows how many
games I have seen on TV.

It‘s what they call March Mad-
ness. A basketball junkie‘s

It's tournament time.

First there‘s the conference
races and the league tourna-
ments. Then, for the lucky not so
few, it's on to the national tourna-

Basketball fans have as many
games to watch as the Pope has
bishops; the president has con-
gressmen; and John “Wad"
Holmes had . . . well maybe not
that many.

There have already been over a
hundred opening tip—offs; as
many final buzzers; and too
many TV time-outs to count.

There's the NIT, the NAIA, the
NCAA and the NCBWPA (the No-
body Cares But We'll Play it Any-

There have been hundreds of
slam dunks, thousands of jump-
ers and millions of fast breaks -
and that's only counting Loyola

CBS is televising the late
games live if your roundball pal-
ate hasn’t been satisfied by the
afternoon games.

And if you can't stay awake,
ESPN begins with the tape-de-
layed showing of the previous
night‘s games around 8 am.
Then the live coverage begins
around noon.

In 1974, only 23 hours of the
NCAA tournament were tele-
vised. But no longer is there this
cruelty to hoops fans.

Now you can see close to 23
hours in one day. No chance of
starving from lack of hoops.

There have already been the
great matchups and the great up—
sets. And there's more to come.
Much more.

Richmond knocked off Indiana
Murray State knocked off North
Carolina State. Rhode Island
knocked of f Syracuse.

Georgetown squeaked past LSU
then was dropped by Temple.

And as the tea